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1 a Abdalla (2007) Abdalla MF. The Contribution of Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Irish Agriculture To Global Warming. University of Dublin. 2007. Abdalla MF The Contribution of Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Irish Agriculture To Global Warming 2007 University of Dublin Thesis NR N/A Ireland 52.84 -6.93 N 29 641120 5858013 Cfb Ch3.1 Sandy loam NR NR The soil is classified as a free draining sandy loam derived from fluvial glacial gravels, with a low soil moisture holding capacity, a pH o f 7 and a mean organic carbon and nitrogen content at 15 cm o f 22.4 and 2.3 g kg"' dry soil respectively No NR September 2003 August 2004 12 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser 4 conventional tillage where inversion ploughing to a depth o f 22 cm was carried out in March five weeks prior to planting, and reduced tillage to a depth of 15 cm which was carried out in September of the year before. The treatments were were fertilized conventional plot, unfertilized conventional plots, fertilized reduced tillage plots, and unfertilized reduced tillage plot. Fertilizer was calcium ammonium nitrate (140 kg N ha-1 vs 0 kg N ha-1). CI Split/strip plot 2 Yes Static chamber NR Opaque In each plot three N 2 O chambers were established along the diagonal as illustrated in Figure 3.1, one chamber in each plot being designated as a control (unfertilized). Chambers consisted o f two parts: a 52 x 52 x 15 cm high square collar inserted permanently in the soil over which a 50 x 50 x 30 cm high lid with a plastic septum could be sealed in place for gas sample collection (Figure 2.2). Lids were placed on the collars and left for Ih before gas sampling, with an initial gas sample taken immediately after sealing of the lids. Samples were taken using a 60 ml gas-tight syringe after flushing o f the syringe to ensure adequate mixing of air within the chamber. All 60 ml of the sample was then injected into a 3ml gas-tight vial with a vent needle inserted into the top, and stored until analysis. Gas samples were measured within one month of collection at the Ris0 Research Centre in Denmark using a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC 14B, Kyoto, Japan) with electron capture detection. Sampling equipment description and quanitification method was taken from Chapter 2 of thesis, as this study was Chapter 3. Start and end dates for interventions are unclear "conventional tillage where inversion ploughing to a depth o f 22 cm was carried out in March five weeks prior to planting, and reduced tillage to a depth o f 15 cm which was carried out in September o f the year before." has exact dates for N2O measurements but not intervention. JR 1,5
1 b Abdalla (2007) Abdalla MF. The Contribution of Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Irish Agriculture To Global Warming. University of Dublin. 2007. Abdalla MF The Contribution of Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Irish Agriculture To Global Warming 2007 University of Dublin Thesis NR N/A Ireland 52.84 -6.93 N 29 641120 5858013 Cfb Ch3.2 Sandy loam NR NR The soil is classified as a free draining sandy loam derived from fluvial glacial gravels, with a low soil moisture holding capacity, a pH o f 7 and a mean organic carbon and nitrogen content at 15 cm o f 22.4 and 2.3 g kg"' dry soil respectively No NR September 2004 July 2005 11 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser 4 conventional tillage where inversion ploughing to a depth o f 22 cm was carried out in March five weeks prior to planting, and reduced tillage to a depth of 15 cm which was carried out in September of the year before. The treatments were were fertilized conventional plot, unfertilized conventional plots, fertilized reduced tillage plots, and unfertilized reduced tillage plot. Fertilizer was calcium ammonium nitrate (140 kg N ha-1 vs 0 kg N ha-1). CI Split/strip plot 2 Yes Static chamber NR Opaque In each plot three N 2 O chambers were established along the diagonal as illustrated in Figure 3.1, one chamber in each plot being designated as a control (unfertilized). Chambers consisted o f two parts: a 52 x 52 x 15 cm high square collar inserted permanently in the soil over which a 50 x 50 x 30 cm high lid with a plastic septum could be sealed in place for gas sample collection (Figure 2.2). Lids were placed on the collars and left for Ih before gas sampling, with an initial gas sample taken immediately after sealing of the lids. Samples were taken using a 60 ml gas-tight syringe after flushing o f the syringe to ensure adequate mixing of air within the chamber. All 60 ml of the sample was then injected into a 3ml gas-tight vial with a vent needle inserted into the top, and stored until analysis. Gas samples were measured within one month of collection at the Ris0 Research Centre in Denmark using a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC 14B, Kyoto, Japan) with electron capture detection. Sampling equipment description and quanitification method was taken from Chapter 2 of thesis, as this study was Chapter 3. Start and end dates for interventions are unclear "conventional tillage where inversion ploughing to a depth o f 22 cm was carried out in March five weeks prior to planting, and reduced tillage to a depth o f 15 cm which was carried out in September o f the year before." has exact dates for N2O measurements but not intervention. JR 2,5
1 c Abdalla (2007) Abdalla MF. The Contribution of Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Irish Agriculture To Global Warming. University of Dublin. 2007. Abdalla MF The Contribution of Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Irish Agriculture To Global Warming 2007 University of Dublin Thesis NR N/A Ireland 52.84 -6.93 N 29 641120 5858013 Cfb Ch4.1 Sandy loam NR NR The soil is classified as a sandy loam to loamy soil w ith a pH o f 7 and a mean organic carbon and nitrogen content at 15 cm o f 19.4 and 1.9 g kg'' dry soil respectively. No NR April 2004 August 2004 5 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser 6 The experimental area was divided in to two blocks containing six randomized main plots, three conventional (C) and three reduced (L) tillage. Each m ain plot was divided into two subplots containing different fertilizer treatments (Ni = high N, N 2 = medium N and N3 = 0 N). In 2004, three rates o f N-fertilization (Ni = 140, N 2 = 70 and N 3 = 0 kg N ha"') were applied once on 27^'’ o f April 2004, whereas in 2005, two fertilizer applications took place on 12^'’ o f April 2005 (Ni = 106, N 2 = 53 and N 3 = 0 kg N h a '') and on the 10^ of May 2005 (Ni = 53, N 2 = 26 and N 3 = 0 kg N ha"'). The total am ount o f N-fertilization rates applied in 2005 were therefore Ni = 159, N 2 = 79 and N 3 = 0 kg N h a''. Fertilizer was applied in the form o f CAN. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR Opaque Nitrous oxide fluxes were measured from 24 chambers as described in Chapter 2. Samples were taken using a 60 ml gas-tight syringe after flushing o f the syringe to ensure adequate mixing of air within the chamber. All 60 ml of the sample was then injected into a 3ml gas-tight vial with a vent needle inserted into the top, and stored until analysis. Gas samples were measured within one month of collection at the Ris0 Research Centre in Denmark using a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC 14B, Kyoto, Japan) with electron capture detection. JR 3,5
1 d Abdalla (2007) Abdalla MF. The Contribution of Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Irish Agriculture To Global Warming. University of Dublin. 2007. Abdalla MF The Contribution of Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Irish Agriculture To Global Warming 2007 University of Dublin Thesis NR N/A Ireland 52.84 -6.93 N 29 641120 5858013 Cfb Ch4.2 Sandy loam NR NR The soil is classified as a sandy loam to loamy soil w ith a pH o f 7 and a mean organic carbon and nitrogen content at 15 cm o f 19.4 and 1.9 g kg'' dry soil respectively. No NR April 2005 August 2005 5 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser 6 The experimental area was divided in to two blocks containing six randomized main plots, three conventional (C) and three reduced (L) tillage. Each m ain plot was divided into two subplots containing different fertilizer treatments (Ni = high N, N 2 = medium N and N3 = 0 N). In 2004, three rates o f N-fertilization (Ni = 140, N 2 = 70 and N 3 = 0 kg N ha"') were applied once on 27^'’ o f April 2004, whereas in 2005, two fertilizer applications took place on 12^'’ o f April 2005 (Ni = 106, N 2 = 53 and N 3 = 0 kg N h a '') and on the 10^ of May 2005 (Ni = 53, N 2 = 26 and N 3 = 0 kg N ha"'). The total am ount o f N-fertilization rates applied in 2005 were therefore Ni = 159, N 2 = 79 and N 3 = 0 kg N h a''. Fertilizer was applied in the form o f CAN. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR Opaque Nitrous oxide fluxes were measured from 24 chambers as described in Chapter 2. Samples were taken using a 60 ml gas-tight syringe after flushing o f the syringe to ensure adequate mixing of air within the chamber. All 60 ml of the sample was then injected into a 3ml gas-tight vial with a vent needle inserted into the top, and stored until analysis. Gas samples were measured within one month of collection at the Ris0 Research Centre in Denmark using a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC 14B, Kyoto, Japan) with electron capture detection. JR 4,5
2 Abdalla (2012) Abdalla M, Rueangritsarakul K, Jones M, Osborne B, Helmy M, Roth B, Burke J, Nolan P, Smith P, Williams M. How Effective is Reduced Tillage–Cover Crop Management in Reducing N2O Fluxes from Arable Crop Soils? Water Air Soil Pollution. 2012: 223; 5155-5174 Abdalla M, Rueangritsarakul K, Jones M, Osborne B, Helmy M, Roth B, Burke J, Nolan P, Smith P, Williams M. How Effective is Reduced Tillage–Cover Crop Management in Reducing N2O Fluxes from Arable Crop Soils? 2012 Water Air Soil Pollution Article N/A Ireland 52.86 -6.91 N 29 334389 5859532 Cfb N/A Sandy loam NR NR sandy loam with a pH of 7, bulk density of 1.2 g cm−3 and organic C and N content at 10 cm depth of 16 and 1.95 g kg−1, respectively. Yes The field trial was originally set up in 2003 to investigate the efficacy of reduced tillage and reduced N application on reducing N2O emissions from the soil (Abdalla et al. 2010a). In 2005, a mustard cover crop was sown on the reduced tillage treatments. Before, the implementation of reduced tillage in 2003 the field had been under spring barley cultivation for three consecutive years. From 1990 to 2000, it was under a rotation of sugar beet, spring barley and oil seed rape NR 2003 Oct 2008 70 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser 6 tillage regimes; conventional tillage (CT), which involved inverting the soil to a depth of 22 cm using a moldboard plough, was carried out in March 5 weeks prior to planting, and a reduced tillage/mustard cover crop combination (RT–CC), where a chisel plough was used to disrupt the soil to a depth of approximately 10–15 cm each September following the barley harvest. The treatments included two management regimes: conventional and reduced tillage with a mustard cover crop and three N fertiliser application rates: 140, 70 and 0 kg N ha−1, applied in two equal applications (mid-April and early-May). N fertiliser was applied in the form of calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) (15.5 % ammoniacal nitrogen, 11.1 % nitric nitrogen, 5 % sulphur). CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR NR Gas samples were analysed for N2O using a gas chromatograph (PerkinElmer Clarus 500 Gas Chromatograph) fitted with an electron capture detector. A full description of chamber design and N2O gas collection can be found in Abdalla et al. (2009). gas chromatography; (PerkinElmer Clarus 500 Gas Chromatograph) CRA 5,5
3 Abdalla (2014) Abdalla M, Hastings A, Helmy M, Prescher A, Osborne B, Lanigan G, Forristal D, Killi D, Maratha P, Williams M, Rueangritsarakul K, Smith P, Nolan P, Jones MB. Assessing the combined use of reduced tillage and cover crops for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from arable ecosystem. Geoderma. 2014: 9(20); 223-225 Abdalla M, Hastings A, Helmy M, Prescher A, Osborne B, Lanigan G, Forristal D, Killi D, Maratha P, Williams M, Rueangritsarakul K, Smith P, Nolan P, Jones MB. Assessing the combined use of reduced tillage and cover crops for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from arable ecosystem 2014 Geoderma Article N/A Ireland 52.86 -6.91 N 29 334389 5859532 Cfb N/A Sandy loam NR NR free draining sandy loam eutric cambisol derived from fluvial glacial gravels with low soil moisture holding capacity (40%),with a pH of 7.3 and amean organic carbon and nitrogen content at 15 cm of 19.4 and 1.9 g kg−1 dry soil, respectively. Yes Prior to the implementation of the experiment in 2007, the site was under spring barley cultivation for six consecutive years. From 1990 to 2000 it was under a rotation that included sugar beet, spring barley and oil seed rape NR 2007 Sept 2010 45 Tillage Tillage 2 two different tillage regimes; conventional tillage (CT) and reduced tillage/mustard cover crop (RT–CC). With CT, the residue (≈3 tonnes ha−1) from the previous season's crop was left undisturbed over the autumn and winter period. Herbicide (glyphosate 3 l ha−1 of a 360 g product) was applied in January or early February to control over-wintering weeds and volunteer barley seedlings. The soil was inverted by ploughing to a depth of approximately 220 mm, generally in February or early March (depending on weather and soil conditions) from one to five weeks prior to sowing the crop (Table 1). The RT–CC management system began with a shallow (approx. 75 mm) non-inversion cultivation involving one passwith a tined stubble cultivator (Horsch Terrano FX) from mid to late August followed by rolling to encourage moisture conservation and volunteer growth (Table 1). Following a period of two to three weeks, the area was sprayed with glyphosate (1.08 kg ha−1) and the mustard cover crop (cv. ‘Rivona’ in 2008 and 2009; ‘Sunshine’ in 2010) was sown two days later using a cultivator drill (Vaderstad Rapide) at a seeding rate of 13 kg ha−1. The cover crop was sprayed with glyphosate herbicide in January to early February to ensure the vegetation had sufficient time to decay before sowing the spring barley crop. Both CT and RT–CC plots were sown with spring barley in March with a cultivator drill (Vaderstad Rapide) — the exact date depending on weather conditions and soil moisture content. The CT plots were rolled prior to sowing and all plots were rolled after sowing (Table 1). Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers were applied in accordance with recommendations based on soil nutrient status (Coulter and Lalor, 2008). Fertilizer N was applied at a rate of 63 kg N ha−1 at growth stage 12 (GS: Zadoks decimal scale), and subsequently another 72 kg N ha−1 was applied at GS 21–30, to give a total of 135 kg N ha−1 (Table 1). A fungal disease control programme consisting of two applications of a triazole broad-spectrum fungicide was applied each season when the crop was at growth stages 31 and 39. A weed control programme including broad leaf and grass-weed selective herbicides (mecoprop and iodosulfuron–methyl–sodium) was necessary because of grass growth in the RT–CC plots. Crops were harvested in August of each year when the grain moisture content was approximately 200 g kg−1 CI Paired design 1 No NR NR NR Measurements of soil-based CO2 emissions were carried out using an infra-red gas analyser (EGM 3) attached to a SRC-1 soil respiration chamber (both PP Systems, UK). Nitrous oxide and methane fluxes were measured following the methodology of Smith et al. (1995) using static steel chambers 14 cm high and 10 cmin diameter (1.4 l). Nitrous oxide and CH4 concentrations were measured using a gas chromatograph (Varian CP-3800; Varian, Mulgrave, Australia) with both an electron capture detector (ECD) and a Flame Ionisation Detector (FID) system (column and detector temperatures were 60 and 300 °C, respectively). The daily flux rate for each chamber and the average daily flux rate (all chambers) were calculated using the closed flux chamber equation (Baggs et al., 2003). CO2: infra-red gas analyser (EGM 3), CH4 and N2O: gas chromatograph (Varian CP-3800; Varian, Mulgrave, Australia) CRA 6,5
4 Afreh (2018) Afreh D, Zhang J, Guan D, Liu K, Song Z, Zheng C, Deng A, Feng X, Zhang X, Wu Y, Huang Q, Zhang W. Long-term fertilization on nitrogen use efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions in a double maize cropping system in subtropical China. Soil & Tillage Research. 2018: 180; 259-267. Afreh D, Zhang J, Guan D, Liu K, Song Z, Zheng C, Deng A, Feng X, Zhang X, Wu Y, Huang Q, Zhang W Long-term fertilization on nitrogen use efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions in a double maize cropping system in subtropical China 2018 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A China 28.62 116.43 N 50 444604 3165648 Cfa N/A NR NR NR soil was mainly formed by quaternary clay and had the following initial chemical properties in 1986: pH 6.0, organic C 9.39 g kg−1, total N 0.98 g kg−1, total P 0.42 g kg−1, total K 1.07 g kg−1, hydrolyzable N 60.3 mg kg−1, available P 12.9 mg kg−1, and available K 102 mg kg−1 No NR May 2015 October 2016 18 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 5 5 treatments; 1) no fertilizer (CK), 2) organic manure (OM), 3) Nitrogen (N), 4) Nitrogen, Phospohorus, and Potassium (NPK), and 5) NPK plus OM (NPKM)), CI Split/strip plot 3 No Static chamber Closed NR The N2O and CH4 gases were measured using the static closed chamber method (Hutchinson and Livingston, 1993). A rectangular chamber base made from Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) (30 cm long; 15 cm wide; 10 cm high) was fitted, in between the rows of maize and at the center of each plot, into the soil at a depth of 10 cm. The base troughs were filled with water to prevent air exchange between the gas chamber and the environment. The sampling chamber had an height of 30 cm with an internal battery operated fan for air mixing. The chamber was covered with a reflective film to minimize solar heating and reduce the fluctuation of chamber temperature. gas chromatography (Agilent 7890 A, U.S.A.) equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD) to detect N2O and a flame ionization detector (FID) for CH4. CRA 7,5
5 a Aita (2014) Aita C, Gonzatto R, Miola ECC, dos Santos DB, Rochette P, Angers DA, Chantigny MH, Pujol SB, Giacomini DA, Giacomini SJ. Injection of Dicyandiamide-Treated Pig Slurry Reduced Ammonia Volatilization without Enhancing Soil Nitrous Oxide Emissions from No-Till Corn in Southern Brazil. Journal of Environmental Quality. 2014: 43; 789-800 Aita C, Gonzatto R, Miola ECC, dos Santos DB, Rochette P, Angers DA, Chantigny MH, Pujol SB, Giacomini DA, Giacomini SJ. Injection of Dicyandiamide-Treated Pig Slurry Reduced Ammonia Volatilization without Enhancing Soil Nitrous Oxide Emissions from No-Till Corn in Southern Brazil. 2014 Journal of Environmental Quality Article N/A Brazil -29.72 -53.71 S 22 238304 6709145 Cfa Site 1 NR NR NR Typic Paleudult with 103 g kg-1 clay and 687 g kg-1 sand in the top 10 cm. Yes Before the experiment, the site had been under a NT winter/ summer (oat/corn) crop rotation for 12 yr August 2011 NR 2013 29 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 6 The addition of the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD) to PS just before its incorporation or injection into the soil has shown potential for reducing N2O emissions, which was tested using the following treatments; (i) control, (ii) surface broadcast of pig slurry (PSs), (iii) PSs + DCD, (iv) injected PS (PSi), (v) PSi + DCD, and (vi) surface application of urea (urea). At Site 1, Agrotain Plus, containing DCD (81.0%) and the urease inhibitor N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (12.5%), was applied at 10 kg ha-1 because a product containing DCD alone was not available in Brazil in 2011; therefore, a rate of 8.1 kg DCD ha-1 (6.5–7.2% of applied NH4–N) was applied with pig slurry at Site 1. It was assumed that the urease inhibitor would not interfere with the results because all of the urea in PS was hydrolyzed at the time of application. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR NR Opaque insulated, fan-mixed, non–flow-through, non–steady-state chambers (40 cm length, 35 cm width, and 20 cm height). One galvanized steel base per plot was placed adjacent to a maize row and inserted into the soil (5 cm). With PS injection (PSi and PSi + DCD), the bases were centered on the injection furrow and included the same amounts of PS as the broadcast treatment. The bases were left in place for the duration of the measurement period. Air samples were analyzed for N2O concentration within 32 h of sampling on a gas chromatograph (GC-2014, Shimadzu Corp.) equipped with an electron capture detector. gas chromatograph (GC-2014, Shimadzu Corp.) No soil class; Sampling date after harvest but unclear CRA 8,5
5 b Aita (2014) Aita C, Gonzatto R, Miola ECC, dos Santos DB, Rochette P, Angers DA, Chantigny MH, Pujol SB, Giacomini DA, Giacomini SJ. Injection of Dicyandiamide-Treated Pig Slurry Reduced Ammonia Volatilization without Enhancing Soil Nitrous Oxide Emissions from No-Till Corn in Southern Brazil. Journal of Environmental Quality. 2014: 43; 789-800 Aita C, Gonzatto R, Miola ECC, dos Santos DB, Rochette P, Angers DA, Chantigny MH, Pujol SB, Giacomini DA, Giacomini SJ. Injection of Dicyandiamide-Treated Pig Slurry Reduced Ammonia Volatilization without Enhancing Soil Nitrous Oxide Emissions from No-Till Corn in Southern Brazil. 2014 Journal of Environmental Quality Article N/A Brazil -29.73 -53.72 S 22 236440 6708362 Cfa Site 2 NR NR NR Typic Paleudult with 192 g kg-1 clay and 443 g kg-1 sand in the top 10 cm. Yes For 5 yr before the experiment, the soil had been left uncultivated and under natural vegetation, which was dominated by South African lovegrass (Eragrostis plana Nees). December 2011 NR 2013 25 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 6 The addition of the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD) to PS just before its incorporation or injection into the soil has shown potential for reducing N2O emissions, which was tested using the following treatments; (i) control, (ii) surface broadcast of pig slurry (PSs), (iii) PSs + DCD, (iv) injected PS (PSi), (v) PSi + DCD, and (vi) surface application of urea (urea). At Site 2, DCD alone was applied with PS at 10 kg ha-1 (~8.4% of applied NH4–N). CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR NR Opaque insulated, fan-mixed, non–flow-through, non–steady-state chambers (40 cm length, 35 cm width, and 20 cm height). One galvanized steel base per plot was placed adjacent to a maize row and inserted into the soil (5 cm). With PS injection (PSi and PSi + DCD), the bases were centered on the injection furrow and included the same amounts of PS as the broadcast treatment. The bases were left in place for the duration of the measurement period. Air samples were analyzed for N2O concentration within 32 h of sampling on a gas chromatograph (GC-2014, Shimadzu Corp.) equipped with an electron capture detector. gas chromatograph (GC-2014, Shimadzu Corp.) No soil class; Sampling date after harvest but unclear CRA 9,5
6 Aita (2015) Aita C, Schirmann J, Pujol B, Giacomini SJ, Rochette P, Angers DA, Chantigny MH, Gonzatto R, Giacomini DA, Doneda A. Reducing nitrous oxide emissions from a maize-wheat sequence by decreasing soil nitrate concentration: effects of split application of pig slurry and dicyandiamide. European Journal of Soil Science. 2015: 66; 359-368. Aita C, Schirmann J, Pujol B, Giacomini SJ, Rochette P, Angers DA, Chantigny MH, Gonzatto R, Giacomini DA, Doneda A. Reducing nitrous oxide emissions from a maize-wheat sequence by decreasing soil nitrate concentration: effects of split application of pig slurry and dicyandiamide. 2015 European Journal of Soil Science Article N/A Brazil -29.72 -53.71 S 22 238304 6709145 Cfa N/A Loam NR Acrisols Haplic Acrisol (Alumic, Rhodic) with 19.2% clay and 44.3% sand in the top 10 cm. Yes For 5 years prior to the experiment, the soil had been left uncultivated and under natural vegetation, which was dominated by African grass (Eragrostis plana L.). November 2010 November 2011 13 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 6 Treatments were applied to the same plots for both maize (12 November 2010) and wheat (1 June 2011) phases and included: (i) a no-N control; (ii) Pig slurry (PS) as a single pre-plant application (PSsi); (iii) PS as a single pre-plant application+ nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD) (PSsi+DCD); (iv) PS split into two applications (one third at pre-planting and two thirds surface-broadcast at the four- to six-leaf (maize) and tillering (wheat) stages (PSsp); (v) PS split as described above+DCD (PSsp+DCD); and (vi) urea split into two applications as described for PSsp (Usp) CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR NR NR using insulated, fan-mixed, non-flow-through non-steady-state chambers (40 cm length, 35 cm width and 20 cm height). Prior to treatment application, one galvanized steel base (40 × 35 cm2) per plot was placed adjacent to a maize row and inserted into the soil (5 cm). chromatograph (GC-2014, Shimadzu Corp., Kyoto, Japan) equipped with an electron capture detector. CRA 10,5
7 Aita (2018) Aita C, Tonetto F, Gonzatto R, Pujol SB, Schirmann J, Depoi JdS, Mezzalira AP, Hochscheid M, Zirbes E, Giacomini SJ. Nitrous Oxide Emissions in a Wheat/Corn Succession Combining Dairy Slurry and Urea as Nitrogen Sources. Revista Brasileira de Ciencia do Solo. 2018: 42; e0170138 Aita C, Tonetto F, Gonzatto R, Pujol SB, Schirmann J, Depoi JdS, Mezzalira AP, Hochscheid M, Zirbes E, Giacomini SJ. Nitrous Oxide Emissions in a Wheat/Corn Succession Combining Dairy Slurry and Urea as Nitrogen Sources. 2018 Revista Brasileira de Ciencia do Solo Article N/A Brazil -29.71 -53.71 S 22 238126 6709850 Cfa N/A NR NR Arenosols Argissolo Vermelho Distrófico arênico - Hapludalf (Santos et al., 2013; Soil Survey Staff, 1999). Yes The area was left fallow for one year prior to the start of the experiment, and in the two years before the fallow period, cultivated with no-tillage soybean [Glicine max (L.) Merr.] in summer and ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) in winter June 2015 May 2016 12 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 6 Fertilization treatments applied at sowing consisted of: T1 = no fertilization (Control); T2 = surface-broadcast urea-N (Urea-N); T3 = surface-broadcast DS (DSs); T4 = surface-broadcast DS with DCD (DSs + DCD); T5 = shallow-injected DS (DSi); and T6 = shallow-injected DS with DCD (DSi + DCD). All DS treatments were accompanied by posterior urea side-dressing, to complement the crop N demand. The treatments were evaluated in one growing season, applied to wheat (winter 2015) and reapplied to the same plots with corn (summer 2016). CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR Opaque Nitrous oxide emissions were evaluated using static chambers, as described by Aita et al. (2014): "insulated, fan-mixed, non–flow-through, non–steady-state chambers (40 cm length, 35 cm width, and 20 cm height). One galvanized steel base per plot was placed adjacent to a maize row and inserted into the soil (5 cm). With PS injection (PSi and PSi + DCD), the bases were centered on the injection furrow and included the same amounts of PS as the broadcast treatment. The bases were left in place for the duration of the measurement period. Air samples were analyzed for N2O concentration within 32 h of sampling on a gas chromatograph (GC-2014, Shimadzu Corp.) equipped with an electron capture detector." gas chromatograph (GC-2014, Shimadzu Corp.) Stripped definition of sampling equipment from Aita (2014) CRA 11,5
8 Akbolat (2009) Akbolat D, Evrendilek F, Coskan A, Ekinci K. Quantifying soil respiration in response to short-term tillage practices: a case study in southern Turkey. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. 2009: 59(1); 50-56. Akbolat D, Evrendilek F, Coskan A, Ekinci K. Quantifying soil respiration in response to short-term tillage practices: a case study in southern Turkey. 2009 Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Article N/A Turkey 37.75 30.55 N 36 284152 4180904 Csa N/A Loam NR NR The main soil properties of the experimental site for the depth of 030 cm were as follows: 33.9% sand, 22.3% clay, 1.7% soil organic matter No NR October 2006 November 2006 2 Tillage Tillage 5 Four tillage treatments of moldboard plow (PT), rotary tiller (RT), chisel plow (CT), and heavy disk harrow (DT) were applied and compared in terms of their soil CO2 effluxes with one another and no-tillage (NT) practice as the control treatment in the field experiment CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR NR NR soil respiration was measured using a CFX-2 soil CO2 flux system (PP Systems, Hitchin, UK) consisting of integral CO2 analyser and H2O sensor, soil respiration chamber, and soil temperature probe (Blanke, 1996; Sainju et al., 2006). A soil CO2 flux chamber of 21 cm in diameter and 12 cm in height was installed 1.5 cm deep. CO2 flux chamber CRA 12,5
9 Akbolat (2012) Akbolat D, Senyigit U. Short-Term Effect of Different Irrigation Water Levels on Soil Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emission. Fresnius Environmental Bulletin. 2012: 21(12a); 3869-3873. Akbolat D, Senyigit U. Short-Term Effect of Different Irrigation Water Levels on Soil Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emission 2012 Fresnius Environmental Bulletin Article, OR; both are listed N/A Turkey 37.84 30.53 N 36 282995 4190898 Csa N/A Clay loam NR NR The soils within the research area are clayloam soils having a stable infiltration rate of 12 mm/h, no salinity and ground water problem, and a low and midalkaline character No NR NR 2010 NR 2010 12 Irrigation Irrigation 3 The study includes irrigation treatments with the three different water levels (S1, S2 and S3). Irrigation was performed using the drip irrigation method twice a week. Accordingly, irrigation water was applied in a way that the daily open water surface evaporation values measured in Class A evaporation pan at irrigation interval cumulatively provide 25% (S1), 50% (S2), and 100% (S3). The total amount of applied irrigation water to the treatments was calculated by equations 1, 2 and 3. S xE xP p 1= 0,25 (1) S xE xP p 2 = 0,50 (2) S xE xP p 3 =1,00 (3) In the equation, EP refers to the cumulative evaporation amount from the Class A pan (mm), and P stands for the percentage of wetted area. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR NR NR The system has a CO2 measurement range of 0-2000 ppm, an accuracy of 1%, a temperature range of 0-45 °C, and the number of stored records of the system is 1000. The system operates on the basis of differences between CO2 values in the chamber and normal atmosphere. Soil carbon dioxide (CO2) emission was measured using (Model No EGM-4 PP SYSTEM, Haverhill UK) “soil CO2 efflux measurement system" (control interface module with integral analyzer, equipped with humidity (H2O) sensor, CFX-2 soil respiration chamber and soil/air temperature probe) Definition of sampling equipment could be stripped from Akbolat above CRA 13,5
10 Akbolat (2014) Akbolat D, Kucukalbay M. Influence of Seed Bed Preparation Methods in Chickpea Cultivation on Soil Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 2014: 23(4); 1101-1106 Akbolat D, Kucukalbay M Influence of Seed Bed Preparation Methods in Chickpea Cultivation on Soil Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions 2014 Polish Journal of Environmental Studies Article N/A Turkey 38.4 29.38 N 35 708122 4252887 Csa N/A Clay NR NR Soil texture of the study area is of clay (C) class consisting of 42.28% clay, 28.06% silt, and 29.66% sand, with an organic matter content of 2.12%. No NR April 2013 June 2013 3 Tillage Tillage 3 Conventional tillage is descibed as deep tillage with moldboard plow in autumn followed by a secondary seedbed preparation with cultivators in the spring before planting. Reduced tillage is defined as chisel plowing in spring followed by secondary tillage with cultivator and seeding. The direct seeding method was applied with a seeder mounted on a rigid tine cultivator in this study. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR NR NR In-situ soil respiration was measured using a CFX-2 soil CO2 flux system (PP Systems, Hitchin, UK) consisting of integral CO2 analyzer and H2O sensor, soil respiration chamber, and soil temperature probe. CO2 flux system (PP Systems, Hitchin, UK) CRA 14,5
11 Akbolat (2016) Akbolat D, Barut ZB, Turgut MM, Çelik I. Soil CO2 emissions under conventional and conservational tillage methods in soybean cultivation in Cukurova plain of Turkey. Scientific Papers Series A. Agronomy. 2016: 59; 15-20. Akbolat D, Barut ZB, Turgut MM, Çelik I. Soil CO2 emissions under conventional and conservational tillage methods in soybean cultivation in Cukurova plain of Turkey 2016 Scientific Papers Series A Agronomy Article N/A Turkey 37.06 35.34 N 36 707752 4104421 Csa N/A Clay NR NR The soil texture of the study area is clay (C) class consisting of 50% clay, 33 % silt and 17% sand with an organic matter content of 0.9% (Barut et al., 2012). No NR June 2010 Unclear Unclear Unclear Tillage Tillage 4 Chisel tillage = Stubble burning, Chisel tillage one pass (tillage depth 35 cm), disc harrow two pass (depth of 15 cm) followed by scraper two pass (depth of 5 cm), plus Single single-seed pneumatic planter (seeding depth of 5 cm). Disc Tillage = Stubble chopping, Heavy disc harrow, two pass (tillage depth of 18 cm, tillage width of 200 cm) followed by scrapper, two pass (tillage depth of 5 cm, tillage width of 200 cm) plus single-seed pneumatic planter (seeding dept of 5 cm). Rotary Tillage = Stubble chopping, Rototiller, one pass (tillage depth of 15 cm, tillage width of 200 cm, followed by scrapper, two pass (tillage depth of 5 cm, tillage width of 200 cm), plus single-seed pneumatic planter (seeding dept of 5 cm). Direct seeding = Direct seeder, (working width of 200 cm, seeding depth of 5 cm) CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR NR NR In-situ soil respiration was measured using a CFX-2 soil CO2 flux system (PP Systems, Hitchin, UK) consisting of an integral CO2 analyzer and H2O sensor, soil respiration chamber, and soil temperature probe (Akbolat et al., 2009). A soil CO2 emission chamber was installed 1.5 cm deep into the randomly selected locations for the plots, and thus was isolated from the outer atmosphere. Measurements of soil net CO2 emissions in g m-2 h-1 are based on concentration differences between air entering and leaving the chamber and the flow rate under normal soil atmosphere exchanges, with an accuracy better than 1% and 2% for CO2 and H2O concentrations, respectively. The measurements were taken 0, 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 13, 19, 22, 30, 37, and 55 days after tillage. First the measurements of soil CO2 emissions were taken five minutes after tillage. Nine records were taken on the same randomly selected points from every plot for each measurement.The trial was completed when CO2 emission reached contant level. In addition, evaporation (H2O emissions) and soil temperature were concomitantly measured. End date for this experiment is unclear, as they have two potential start dates (June 3 and July 26th 2010) though it reads as 1 overall experiment. End dates could possibly be July or September following the 55 day period in which they took measurements. JR 15,5
12 a Akiyama (2002) Akiyama H, Tsuruta H. Effect of Chemical Fertilizer form on N2O, NO, and NO2 Fluxes from Andisol Fields. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2002: 63(2-3); 219-230. Akiyama H, Tsuruta H. Effect of Chemical Fertilizer form on N2O, NO, and NO2 Fluxes from Andisol Fields 2002 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A Japan 36 140.1 N 54 418884 3984323 Cfa First Cultivation NR Andisol NR soil type was Andisol, which is formed by the weathering of volcanic ash under well-drained conditions No NR June 1997 September 1997 4 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 4 1) A controlled-release fertilizer made from Urea coated with polyolefin resin, 2) A controlled-release fertilizer made from calcium nitrate coated in polyolefin resin, 3) Calcium nitrate, and 4) No nitrogen. CI Randomized Complete Block 2 No NR NR NR fluxes were measured using an automated flux monitoring system (Akiyama et al., 2000) gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD) (GC-14B; Shimadzu Corp., Japan) at 345 ◦C, controlled by Chromatpac (CR-7A; Shimadzu Corp., Japan) and a program controller (PRG 12A; Shimadzu Corp., Japan). CRA 16,5
12 b Akiyama (2002) Akiyama H, Tsuruta H. Effect of Chemical Fertilizer form on N2O, NO, and NO2 Fluxes from Andisol Fields. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2002: 63(2-3); 219-230. Akiyama H, Tsuruta H. Effect of Chemical Fertilizer form on N2O, NO, and NO2 Fluxes from Andisol Fields 2002 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A Japan 36 140.1 N 54 418884 3984323 Cfa Second Cultivation NR Andisol NR soil type was Andisol, which is formed by the weathering of volcanic ash under well-drained conditions No NR September 1997 November 1997 3 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 3 1) A controlled-release fertilizer made from Urea coated with polyolefin resin, 1) A controlled-release fertilizer made from calcium nitrate coated in polyolefin resin, and 3) Calcium nitrate. CI Randomized Complete Block 2 No NR NR NR fluxes were measured using an automated flux monitoring system (Akiyama et al., 2000) gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD) (GC-14B; Shimadzu Corp., Japan) at 345 ◦C, controlled by Chromatpac (CR-7A; Shimadzu Corp., Japan) and a program controller (PRG 12A; Shimadzu Corp., Japan). CRA 17,5
12 c Akiyama (2002) Akiyama H, Tsuruta H. Effect of Chemical Fertilizer form on N2O, NO, and NO2 Fluxes from Andisol Fields. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2002: 63(2-3); 219-230. Akiyama H, Tsuruta H. Effect of Chemical Fertilizer form on N2O, NO, and NO2 Fluxes from Andisol Fields 2002 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A Japan 36 140.1 N 54 418884 3984323 Cfa Third Cultivation NR Andisol NR soil type was Andisol, which is formed by the weathering of volcanic ash under well-drained conditions No NR November 1997 April 1998 6 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 1 Ammonium phosphate CI Split/strip plot 6 No NR NR NR fluxes were measured using an automated flux monitoring system (Akiyama et al., 2000) gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD) (GC-14B; Shimadzu Corp., Japan) at 345 ◦C, controlled by Chromatpac (CR-7A; Shimadzu Corp., Japan) and a program controller (PRG 12A; Shimadzu Corp., Japan). Number of replications infered from other studies. CRA 18,5
13 a Akiyama (2003) Akiyama H, Tsuruta H. Effect of Organic Matter Application on N2O, NO, and NO2 Fluxes from an Andisol Field. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 2003: 17(4). Akiyama H, Tsuruta H. Effect of Organic Matter Application on N2O, NO, and NO2 Fluxes from an Andisol Field. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 2003 Global Biogeochemical Cycles Article N/A Japan 36.08 139.95 N 54 405464 3993702 Cfa Experiment 1 NR Andisol NR soil type was Andisol, which is formed by the weathering of volcanic ash under well-drained conditions, No NR May 1999 May 2000 12 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 3 Oilcake (the machine-dried residue of rape seed from which the oil had been squeezed), Cattle manure, and Urea CI Randomized Complete Block 2 No NR Closed NR automated flux monitoring system [Akiyama et al., 2000]. The system used six closed polycarbonate chambers, each with a cross-sectional area of 8100 cm2 and a height of 45 cm. For the flux measurement, the lid of each chamber was closed automatically for 30 min, and the air inside was drawn to the analysis room through a 10-m-long Teflon tube. gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with an electron capture detector (GC-14B; Shimadzu Corp., Kyoto, Japan). CRA 19,5
13 b Akiyama (2003) Akiyama H, Tsuruta H. Effect of Organic Matter Application on N2O, NO, and NO2 Fluxes from an Andisol Field. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 2003: 17(4). Akiyama H, Tsuruta H. Effect of Organic Matter Application on N2O, NO, and NO2 Fluxes from an Andisol Field. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 2003 Global Biogeochemical Cycles Article N/A Japan 36.08 139.95 N 54 405464 3993702 Cfa Experiment 2 NR Andisol NR soil type was Andisol, which is formed by the weathering of volcanic ash under well-drained conditions, No NR May 2000 September 2000 5 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 3 Fishmeal (powdered and machine dried), dried cattle excreta (collected from a shed housing young cattle), and urea CI Randomized Complete Block 2 No NR Closed NR automated flux monitoring system [Akiyama et al., 2000]. The system used six closed polycarbonate chambers, each with a cross-sectional area of 8100 cm2 and a height of 45 cm. For the flux measurement, the lid of each chamber was closed automatically for 30 min, and the air inside was drawn to the analysis room through a 10-m-long Teflon tube. gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with an electron capture detector (GC-14B; Shimadzu Corp., Kyoto, Japan). CRA 20,5
14 Akiyama (2003) Akiyama H, Tsuruta H. Nitrous Oxide, Nitric Oxide, and Nitrogen Dioxide Fluxes from Soils after Manure and Urea Application. Journal of Environmental Quality. 2003: 32(2); 423-431. Akiyama H, Tsuruta H Nitrous Oxide, Nitric Oxide, and Nitrogen Dioxide Fluxes from Soils after Manure and Urea Application 2003 Journal of Environmental Quality Article N/A Japan 36.08 139.95 N 54 405464 3993702 Cfa N/A NR Andisol NR soil type was Andisol, which is formed by the weathering of volcanic ash under well-drained conditions No NR June 1998 May 1999 12 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 3 1) Poultry manure, 2) swine manure, and 3) urea CI Randomized Complete Block 2 No NR Closed NR automated flux monitoring system [Akiyama et al., 2000]. The system used six closed polycarbonate chambers, each with a cross-sectional area of 8100 cm2 and a height of 45 cm gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with an electron capture detector (GC-14B; Shimadzu Corp., Kyoto, Japan). CRA 21,5
15 Akiyama (2013) Akiyama H, Morimoto S, Hayatsu M, Hayakawa A, Sudo S, Yagi K. Nitrification, ammonia-oxidizing communities, and N2O and CH4 fluxes in an imperfectly drained agricultural field fertilized with coated urea with and without dicyandiamide. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 2013: 49(2); 213-223. Akiyama H, Morimoto S, Hayatsu M, Hayakawa A, Sudo S, Yagi K Nitrification, ammonia-oxidizing communities, and N2O and CH4 fluxes in an imperfectly drained agricultural field fertilized with coated urea with and without dicyandiamide 2013 Biology and Fertility of Soils Article N/A Japan 36.02 140.12 N 54 420403 3986158 Cfa N/A Sandy clay loam NR NR The soil type of the experimental field was grey lowland soil (Fluvisols in FAO/UNESCO soil classification system).The particle size distribution was as follows: sand, 50.2 %; silt, 23.2 %; and clay, 26.6 % (sandy clay loam in the USDA classification system). Yes The field had been converted from a rice paddy to an upland field and used for the cultivation of upland crops (e.g., soybean) for 6 years; it was left fallow for a year before the experiment. June 2008 March 2009 10 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, nitrification inhibitor 4 1) Control, 2) Urea, 3) Urea coated with polyolefin, 4) Urea coated with nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide and polyolefin. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR NR NR The plots that received N were monitored using an automated gas sampling system (Akiyama et al. 2009), whereas the control plots were monitored manually. The systemcomprised six polycarbonate chambers connected to gas sampling units. Each chamber had a cross-sectional area of 8,100 cm2 (90×90 cm) and a height of 45 cm. Gas flux from the control plots was manually sampled using cylindrical closed chambers (diameter, 25 cm; height, 10 cm) gas chromatograph; The concentrations of N2O and CH4 were analyzed using a GC-2014 gas chromatograph (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) with a HS-2B headspace autosampler (Shimadzu). Control plots measured emissions using distinct methods CRA 22,5
16 a Akiyama (2015) Akiyama H, Uchida Y, Tago K, Hoshino YT, Shimomura Y, Wang Y, Hayatsu M. Effect of dicyandiamide and polymer coated urea applications on N2O, NO and CH4 fluxes from Andosol and Fluvisol fields. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2015: 61; 541-551. Akiyama H, Uchida Y, Tago K, Hoshino YT, Shimomura Y, Wang Y, Hayatsu M ffect of dicyandiamide and polymer coated urea applications on N2O, NO and CH4 fluxes from Andosol and Fluvisol fields 2015 Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Article N/A Japan 36.02 140.12 N 54 420403 3986158 Cfa Experiment 1 Loam NR NR The fields were filled with one of two soil types: an Andosol (a volcanic ash soil) and a Fluvisol (a gray lowland soil). Andosol pH = 5.9, CEC = 27.7, AEC# = 0.10, Total C = 33.1, Total N = 3.2, Sand % = 37, Silt % = 45, Clay % = 18, Dry bulk density = 0.61, Saturated hydraulic conductivity = 3.2 × 10–5. Fluvisol = pH = 5.7, CEC = 21.6, AEC# = 0.13, Total C = 17.7, Total N = 1.5, Sand % = 34, Silt % = 30, Clay % = 36, Dry bulk density = 0.85, Saturated hydraulic conductivity = 2.0 × 10–6 No NR May 2011 September 2011 5 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 2 (1) Urea with nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD). DCD concentration was equal to 10% of total N. (2) Urea. A chemical N fertilizer was used for comparison. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR N2O, NO and CH4 fluxes were measured every 4 h (six times a day) with an automated flux monitoring system (Akiyama et al. 2000). The system used six closed polycarbonate chambers, each with a cross-sectional area of 8100 cm2 and a height of 45 cm. For the flux measurement, the lid of each chamber was automatically closed for 30 min, and the air inside was drawn to the analysis room through a 10-m-long Teflon tube. Four air samples were taken every 8.5 min during the time the chamber was closed. The gas sample was immediately analyzed after sampling. The concentration of N2O was determined with a gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with an electron capture detector (GC-14B; Shimadzu Corp., Kyoto, Japan). The concentration of CH4 was determined using a gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with a flame ionization detector (GC-14B; Shimadzu Corp.). JR 23,5
16 b Akiyama (2015) Akiyama H, Uchida Y, Tago K, Hoshino YT, Shimomura Y, Wang Y, Hayatsu M. Effect of dicyandiamide and polymer coated urea applications on N2O, NO and CH4 fluxes from Andosol and Fluvisol fields. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2015: 61; 541-551. Akiyama H, Uchida Y, Tago K, Hoshino YT, Shimomura Y, Wang Y, Hayatsu M ffect of dicyandiamide and polymer coated urea applications on N2O, NO and CH4 fluxes from Andosol and Fluvisol fields 2015 Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Article N/A Japan 36.02 140.12 N 54 420403 3986158 Cfa Experiment 2 Clay loam NR NR The fields were filled with one of two soil types: an Andosol (a volcanic ash soil) and a Fluvisol (a gray lowland soil). Andosol pH = 5.9, CEC = 27.7, AEC# = 0.10, Total C = 33.1, Total N = 3.2, Sand % = 37, Silt % = 45, Clay % = 18, Dry bulk density = 0.61, Saturated hydraulic conductivity = 3.2 × 10–5. Fluvisol = pH = 5.7, CEC = 21.6, AEC# = 0.13, Total C = 17.7, Total N = 1.5, Sand % = 34, Silt % = 30, Clay % = 36, Dry bulk density = 0.85, Saturated hydraulic conductivity = 2.0 × 10–6 No NR September 2011 March 2012 7 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 2 (1) Polymer-coated urea (CU). The urea used in this treatment was 30-d type polymer-coated urea (urea coated with polyolefin) that releases 80% of its N within 30 d. (2) Urea. A chemical N fertilizer was used for comparison, as in experiment 1. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR N2O, NO and CH4 fluxes were measured every 4 h (six times a day) with an automated flux monitoring system (Akiyama et al. 2000). The system used six closed polycarbonate chambers, each with a cross-sectional area of 8100 cm2 and a height of 45 cm. For the flux measurement, the lid of each chamber was automatically closed for 30 min, and the air inside was drawn to the analysis room through a 10-m-long Teflon tube. Four air samples were taken every 8.5 min during the time the chamber was closed. The gas sample was immediately analyzed after sampling. The concentration of N2O was determined with a gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with an electron capture detector (GC-14B; Shimadzu Corp., Kyoto, Japan). The concentration of CH4 was determined using a gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with a flame ionization detector (GC-14B; Shimadzu Corp.). JR 24,5
17 a Alluvione (2010) Alluvione F, Bertora C, Zavattaro L, Grigani C. Nitrous Oxide and Carbon Dioxide Emissions Following Green Manure and Compost Fertilization in Corn. Alluvione F, Bertora C, Zavattaro L, Grigani C Nitrous Oxide and Carbon Dioxide Emissions Following Green Manure and Compost Fertilization in Corn 2010 Soil Science Society of America Journal Article N/A Italy 44.88 7.69 N 32 396236 4970861 Cfa Year 1 (2007) Silt loam NR NR silt loam alluvial soil that is scarcely weathered (a Typic Udifl uvent). No NR June 2007 August 2007 3 Multiple-intervention Cover crops, Organic fertiliser 4 1) compost from a mixture of park, garden, and urban waste, 2) a winter leguminous green manure, and 3) urea CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR non-steady-state closed chamber technique (Livingston and Hutchinson, 1995) to measure emissions. In each plot, three stainless steel anchors, inserted 5 cm into the soil, were set in the interrow of three nonadjacent rows a week before prefertilization measurements started. Th ey were removed for tillage and reinserted immediately aft er seeding, where they remained until the growing season ended. Every sampling day, a cylindrical polyvinyl chloride chamber (240-mm i.d., 110-mm height, 6.2-mm wall thickness) was sealed to each anchor with a rubber O-ring. Internal chamber gas concentrations were measured using an Innova 412 photo-acoustic infrared gas analyzer (LumaSense Technologies A/S, Ballerup, Denmark) recirculating the gas sample through two Tefl on tubes (each 12.5 m long) attached to two sampling ports installed atop the chamber. Consistent with the fi ndings of Flechard et al. (2005), we found the instrument to overestimate N2O concentrations due to high CO2 and water vapor concentrations during chamber deployment (data not shown). To solve this problem, N2O and CO2 were measured separately and N2O was measured by forcing the gas sample pumped from the chamber to the instrument through a soda lime fi lter to eliminate almost all CO2 (concentration <40 μL L−1). To equilibrate the water vapor concentration identically across all N2O samples, they were then bubbled in 400 mL of deionized water maintained at 18°C. Nitrous oxide dissolution in the water did not infl uence the fl ux estimations since we calculated the N2O dissolved to be in the range of six orders of magnitude lower than that in the chamber headspace. infrared gas analyzer; Internal chamber gas concentrations were measured using an Innova 412 photo-acoustic infrared gas analyzer (LumaSense Technologies A/S, Ballerup, Denmark) recirculating the gas sample through two Tefl on tubes (each 12.5 m long) attached to two sampling ports installed atop the chamber. Years divided into separate sub extractions CRA 25,5
17 b Alluvione (2010) Alluvione F, Bertora C, Zavattaro L, Grigani C. Nitrous Oxide and Carbon Dioxide Emissions Following Green Manure and Compost Fertilization in Corn. Alluvione F, Bertora C, Zavattaro L, Grigani C Nitrous Oxide and Carbon Dioxide Emissions Following Green Manure and Compost Fertilization in Corn 2010 Soil Science Society of America Journal Article N/A Italy 44.88 7.69 N 32 396236 4970861 Cfa Year 2 (2008) Silt loam NR NR silt loam alluvial soil that is scarcely weathered (a Typic Udifl uvent). No NR May 2008 July 2008 3 Multiple-intervention Cover crops, Organic fertiliser 4 1) compost from a mixture of park, garden, and urban waste, 2) a winter leguminous green manure, and 3) urea CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR non-steady-state closed chamber technique (Livingston and Hutchinson, 1995) to measure emissions. In each plot, three stainless steel anchors, inserted 5 cm into the soil, were set in the interrow of three nonadjacent rows a week before prefertilization measurements started. Th ey were removed for tillage and reinserted immediately aft er seeding, where they remained until the growing season ended. Every sampling day, a cylindrical polyvinyl chloride chamber (240-mm i.d., 110-mm height, 6.2-mm wall thickness) was sealed to each anchor with a rubber O-ring. Internal chamber gas concentrations were measured using an Innova 412 photo-acoustic infrared gas analyzer (LumaSense Technologies A/S, Ballerup, Denmark) recirculating the gas sample through two Tefl on tubes (each 12.5 m long) attached to two sampling ports installed atop the chamber. Consistent with the fi ndings of Flechard et al. (2005), we found the instrument to overestimate N2O concentrations due to high CO2 and water vapor concentrations during chamber deployment (data not shown). To solve this problem, N2O and CO2 were measured separately and N2O was measured by forcing the gas sample pumped from the chamber to the instrument through a soda lime fi lter to eliminate almost all CO2 (concentration <40 μL L−1). To equilibrate the water vapor concentration identically across all N2O samples, they were then bubbled in 400 mL of deionized water maintained at 18°C. Nitrous oxide dissolution in the water did not infl uence the fl ux estimations since we calculated the N2O dissolved to be in the range of six orders of magnitude lower than that in the chamber headspace. infrared gas analyzer; Internal chamber gas concentrations were measured using an Innova 412 photo-acoustic infrared gas analyzer (LumaSense Technologies A/S, Ballerup, Denmark) recirculating the gas sample through two Tefl on tubes (each 12.5 m long) attached to two sampling ports installed atop the chamber. CRA 26,5
18 Alvarez (1995) Alvarez R, Santanatoglia OJ, Daniel PE, Garcia R. Respiration and Specific Activity of Soil Mircobial Biomass Under Conventional and Reduced Tillage. Área de Informação da Sede-Artigo em periódico indexado (ALICE). 1995 Alvarez R, Santanatoglia OJ, Daniel PE, Garcia R Respiration and Specific Activity of Soil Mircobial Biomass Under Conventional and Reduced Tillage 1995 Área de Informação da Sede-Artigo em periódico indexado Article NR N/A Argentina -34.13 -60.58 S 20 722849 6220422 Cfa N/A Silt loam NR NR Typic Argiudoll, Pergamino series. Main characteristics in the 0-15cm layer were: sand 14%. Silt 66%, clay 20%, organic carbon 2.11%, pH 6.0. Yes The parcel had been under agricultural use for 10 years. July 1989 June 1990 12 Tillage Tillage 2 1) Reduced tillage 2) Conventional tillage CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR NR NR Inverted box method; Steel cylinders (15cm height, and 8 cm diameter) were buried at 5 cm depth and inverted box method;covered with polyethylene and an aluminum foil. Cylinders were set up in the soil 3 days during each determination. Disposed into respirometers and titrated against HCl and phenolphthalein. CRA 27,5
19 Alvarez (1996) Alvarez R, Santanatoglia OJ, García R. Plant and microbial contribution to soil respiration under zero and disk tillage. European Journal of Soil Biology. 1996: 32; 173-177. Alvarez R, Santanatoglia OJ, García R. Plant and microbial contribution to soil respiration under zero and disk tillage 1996 European Journal of Soil Biology Article NR N/A Argentina -33.93 -60.57 S 20 724914 6242569 Cfa N/A Silty clay NR NR The experiment was perfomed at the Pergamino Experimental Station-INTA on an eroded phase of a Typic Argiudoll Pergamino series, which is frequent in the area. The soil was a silty clay in the upper 15 cm with 41% of clay, 40% of silt, 1.27% of organic carbon, 191 ug C g-1 soil microbial biomass (fumigation-incubation) and pH in water (1:2.5) 6. Yes The plot had been cropped under corn, wheat and soybean during the last 15 years using a harrow disk for tilling. The A horizon had lost about 15 cm due to erosion and the soil organic carbon concentration was depleted to 60% of its initial level. Soybean was the previous crop (harvested in May 1992). July 1992 June 1993 12 Tillage Tillage 2 Zero tillage and disk tillage. In the disk tillage treatment, soil was tilled with a harrow disk to a depth of 8-10 cm, twice. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR NR NR Respirometers were steel cylinders of 8 cm in diameter and 15 cm height that were pushed 5 cm into the soil and left 2 days in the field during each determination. These respirometers trapped C-CO2 evolved from plant roots, decomposition of crops residues and mineralization of organic matter. In July and January after tilling, another 8 cylinders of 8 cm in diameter and 40 cm in height were installed to 30 cm depth in each plot and left in the soil during 6 months. All cylinders were sealed with thick polyethylene and aluminum foil as insulator to avoid the greenhouse gas effect. The C-CO2 evolved from the soil was trapped in 5-15 ml NaOH N contained in vials of 12 cm2 of basal area inside the respirometers. The difference in the quantities of C-CO2 trapped between short and long respirometers was considered as roots C-CO2 production. JR 28,5
20 a Álvaro-Fuentes (2007) Álvaro-Fuentes J, Cantero-Martínez C, López MV, Arrúe JL. Soil carbon dioxide fluxes following tillage in semiarid Mediterranean agroecosystems. Soil & Tillage Research. 2007: 96; 331-341. Álvaro-Fuentes J, Cantero-Martínez C, López MV, Arrúe JL Soil carbon dioxide fluxes following tillage in semiarid Mediterranean agroecosystems 2007 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A Spain 41.83 -1.28 N 30 642543 4632696 Cfb Selvanera Loam NR NR Soil classification = Fluventic Xerocrept, sand = 36.5%, silt = 46.4%, clay = 17.1% Yes The Selvanera and Agramunt experimental sites, established in 1987 and 1990, respectively, were located in the Lleida province at dryland farms managed by the Agronomy Group of the University of Lleida. July 2003 March 2005 21 Tillage Tillage 3 The CT treatment consisted of a deep subsoil tillage to a depth of 40 cm. The ST consisted of subsoil tillage to a depth of 25 cm. The subsoiler consisted of three 4 cm wide shanks spaced 35 cm apart. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Dynamic chambers NR NR Soil CO2 flux was measured using a dynamic chamber system (model CFX-1, PPSystems, Hertfordshire, London) connected to an infrared gas analyzer (model EGM-4, PPSystems). The chamber had a cylindrical diameter of 21 cm, covering a soil surface of 346 cm2. Flow rate was adjusted to 900 mL min1. Each plot was divided into two regions and a measurement per region was taken each time. The chamber was inserted 3 cm into the soil to prevent CO2 leakage to the atmosphere.The chamber had a cylindrical diameter of 21 cm, covering a soil surface of 346 cm2. Flow rate was adjusted to 900 mL min1. Each plot was divided into two regions and a measurement per region was taken each time. The chamber was inserted 3 cm into the soil to prevent CO2 leakage to the atmosphere. Soil CO2 flux was measured using a dynamic chamber system (model CFX-1, PPSystems, Hertfordshire, London) connected to an infrared gas analyzer (model EGM-4, PPSystems) JR 29,5
20 b Álvaro-Fuentes (2007) Álvaro-Fuentes J, Cantero-Martínez C, López MV, Arrúe JL. Soil carbon dioxide fluxes following tillage in semiarid Mediterranean agroecosystems. Soil & Tillage Research. 2007: 96; 331-341. Álvaro-Fuentes J, Cantero-Martínez C, López MV, Arrúe JL Soil carbon dioxide fluxes following tillage in semiarid Mediterranean agroecosystems 2007 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A Spain 41.8 -1.12 N 30 656464 4629285 Cfb Agramunt Silt loam NR NR Soil classification = Typic Xerofluvent, sand = 30.1%, silt = 51.9%, clay = 17.9% Yes The Selvanera and Agramunt experimental sites, established in 1987 and 1990, respectively, were located in the Lleida province at dryland farms managed by the Agronomy Group of the University of Lleida. November 2003 March 2005 17 Tillage Tillage 4 In Agramunt (AG), four tillage treatments were compared: conventional tillage (CT), subsoil tillage (ST), reduced tillage (RT) and no-tillage (NT). The CT treatment consisted of a mouldboard ploughing operation to a depth of 25–30 cm. The mouldboard plough consisted of three bottoms of 0.50 m width. The ST treatment consisted of a subsoiler pass to a depth of 25 cm. The subsoiler had the same characteristics as that used in the SV site. The RT treatment consisted of a cultivator pass to a depth of 15 cm CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Dynamic chambers NR NR Soil CO2 flux was measured using a dynamic chamber system (model CFX-1, PPSystems, Hertfordshire, London) connected to an infrared gas analyzer (model EGM-4, PPSystems). The chamber had a cylindrical diameter of 21 cm, covering a soil surface of 346 cm2. Flow rate was adjusted to 900 mL min1. Each plot was divided into two regions and a measurement per region was taken each time. The chamber was inserted 3 cm into the soil to prevent CO2 leakage to the atmosphere.The chamber had a cylindrical diameter of 21 cm, covering a soil surface of 346 cm2. Flow rate was adjusted to 900 mL min1. Each plot was divided into two regions and a measurement per region was taken each time. The chamber was inserted 3 cm into the soil to prevent CO2 leakage to the atmosphere. Soil CO2 flux was measured using a dynamic chamber system (model CFX-1, PPSystems, Hertfordshire, London) connected to an infrared gas analyzer (model EGM-4, PPSystems) JR 30,5
20 c Álvaro-Fuentes (2007) Álvaro-Fuentes J, Cantero-Martínez C, López MV, Arrúe JL. Soil carbon dioxide fluxes following tillage in semiarid Mediterranean agroecosystems. Soil & Tillage Research. 2007: 96; 331-341. Álvaro-Fuentes J, Cantero-Martínez C, López MV, Arrúe JL Soil carbon dioxide fluxes following tillage in semiarid Mediterranean agroecosystems 2007 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A Spain 41.73 -0.77 N 30 685735 4622579 Cfb Peñaflor (PN-CC) Loam NR NR Soil classification = Xerollic Calciorthid, sand = 32.4%, silt = 45.5%, clay = 22.2% Yes The third experimental site, Pen˜aflor, was established in 1989 at the dryland research farm of the Estacio´n Experimental Aula Dei (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientı´ficas) in the Zaragoza province November 2003 March 2005 17 Tillage Tillage 3 In Peñaflor (PN), three tillage treatments (CT, RT and NT) were comparedunder both the traditional cereal–fallow rotation (PNCF) and under continuous cropping (PN-CC) with barley. In the CC system, the CT treatment consisted of mouldboard ploughing to a depth of 30–40 cm inNovember as primary tillage. The mouldboard plough had the same characteristics as that used at AG. The RT treatment was implemented also in November by chisel ploughing to a depth of 25–30 cm. The chisel plough consisted of 5 rigid shanks spaced 20 cm apart and with a shank width of 5 cm. In the NT treatment sowing was with a disc drill at SVand AG sites and with a hoe type planter at the PN site. In NT plots, soil was kept free of weeds by spraying glyphosate CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Dynamic chambers NR NR Soil CO2 flux was measured using a dynamic chamber system (model CFX-1, PPSystems, Hertfordshire, London) connected to an infrared gas analyzer (model EGM-4, PPSystems). The chamber had a cylindrical diameter of 21 cm, covering a soil surface of 346 cm2. Flow rate was adjusted to 900 mL min1. Each plot was divided into two regions and a measurement per region was taken each time. The chamber was inserted 3 cm into the soil to prevent CO2 leakage to the atmosphere.The chamber had a cylindrical diameter of 21 cm, covering a soil surface of 346 cm2. Flow rate was adjusted to 900 mL min1. Each plot was divided into two regions and a measurement per region was taken each time. The chamber was inserted 3 cm into the soil to prevent CO2 leakage to the atmosphere. Soil CO2 flux was measured using a dynamic chamber system (model CFX-1, PPSystems, Hertfordshire, London) connected to an infrared gas analyzer (model EGM-4, PPSystems) JR 31,5
20 d Álvaro-Fuentes (2007) Álvaro-Fuentes J, Cantero-Martínez C, López MV, Arrúe JL. Soil carbon dioxide fluxes following tillage in semiarid Mediterranean agroecosystems. Soil & Tillage Research. 2007: 96; 331-341. Álvaro-Fuentes J, Cantero-Martínez C, López MV, Arrúe JL Soil carbon dioxide fluxes following tillage in semiarid Mediterranean agroecosystems 2007 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A Spain 41.73 -0.77 N 30 685735 4622579 Cfb Peñaflor (PN-CF) Loam NR NR Soil classification = Xerollic Calciorthid, sand = 32.4%, silt = 45.5%, clay = 22.2% Yes The third experimental site, Pen˜aflor, was established in 1989 at the dryland research farm of the Estacio´n Experimental Aula Dei (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientı´ficas) in the Zaragoza province March 2003 March 2005 26 Tillage Tillage 3 In Peñaflor (PN), three tillage treatments (CT, RT and NT) were comparedunder both the traditional cereal–fallow rotation (PNCF) CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Dynamic chambers NR NR Soil CO2 flux was measured using a dynamic chamber system (model CFX-1, PPSystems, Hertfordshire, London) connected to an infrared gas analyzer (model EGM-4, PPSystems). The chamber had a cylindrical diameter of 21 cm, covering a soil surface of 346 cm2. Flow rate was adjusted to 900 mL min1. Each plot was divided into two regions and a measurement per region was taken each time. The chamber was inserted 3 cm into the soil to prevent CO2 leakage to the atmosphere.The chamber had a cylindrical diameter of 21 cm, covering a soil surface of 346 cm2. Flow rate was adjusted to 900 mL min1. Each plot was divided into two regions and a measurement per region was taken each time. The chamber was inserted 3 cm into the soil to prevent CO2 leakage to the atmosphere. Soil CO2 flux was measured using a dynamic chamber system (model CFX-1, PPSystems, Hertfordshire, London) connected to an infrared gas analyzer (model EGM-4, PPSystems) JR 32,5
21 a Alvaro-Fuentes (2016) Alvaro-Fuentes J, Arrue JL, Cantero-Martinez C, Isla R, Plaza-Bonilla D, Quilez D. Fertilization Scenarios in Sprinkler-Irrigated Corn under Mediterranean Conditions: Effects on Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 2016: 80(3); 662-671. Alvaro-Fuentes J, Arrue JL, Cantero-Martinez C, Isla R, Plaza-Bonilla D, Quilez D Fertilization Scenarios in Sprinkler-Irrigated Corn under Mediterranean Conditions: Effects on Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2016 Soil Science Society of America Journal Article N/A Spain 42.03 -0.59 N 30 699573 4655888 Cfb Exp 1 Silty clay loam NR NR Typic Xerofluvent; lower clay content Yes The field had been cropped with corn during the 4 yr previous to this study April 2011 October 2011 7 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 4 Combination of two soil mineral N levels at planting; low and high, and two fertilizer rates; unfertilized and fertilized with 300 kg N ha^-1 CI Split/strip plot 4 No NR NR NR 315-mm-diameter polyvinyl chloride collar was inserted 5 cm into the soil. 20-cm-tall vented closed chambers attached to the collars similar to those described by Holland et al. (1999). The time elapsed between the insertion of the collars and the first sampling was at least 1 wk to avoid any alteration in soil gas emissions. At each sampling date, 17 mL of gas was removed from inside each chamber using a polypropylene syringe at 0, 20, and 40 min after closing the chamber and injected into 12-mL Exetainer borosilicate glass vials (Model 038W, Labco). gas chromatography; Agilent 7890A gas chromatography system equipped with electron-capture (ECD) and flame-ionization (FID) + methanizer detectors CRA 33,5
21 b Alvaro-Fuentes (2016) Alvaro-Fuentes J, Arrue JL, Cantero-Martinez C, Isla R, Plaza-Bonilla D, Quilez D. Fertilization Scenarios in Sprinkler-Irrigated Corn under Mediterranean Conditions: Effects on Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 2016: 80(3); 662-671. Alvaro-Fuentes J, Arrue JL, Cantero-Martinez C, Isla R, Plaza-Bonilla D, Quilez D Fertilization Scenarios in Sprinkler-Irrigated Corn under Mediterranean Conditions: Effects on Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2016 Soil Science Society of America Journal Article N/A Spain 42.03 -0.59 N 30 699573 4655888 Cfb Exp 2 Silt loam NR NR Typic Xerofluvent; higher clay content Yes The field had been cropped with corn during the 4 yr previous to this study April 2012 October 2012 7 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 4 Combination of two soil mineral N levels at planting; low and high, and two fertilizer rates; unfertilized and fertilized with 300 kg N ha^-1 CI Split/strip plot 4 No NR NR NR 315-mm-diameter polyvinyl chloride collar was inserted 5 cm into the soil. 20-cm-tall vented closed chambers attached to the collars similar to those described by Holland et al. (1999). The time elapsed between the insertion of the collars and the first sampling was at least 1 wk to avoid any alteration in soil gas emissions. At each sampling date, 17 mL of gas was removed from inside each chamber using a polypropylene syringe at 0, 20, and 40 min after closing the chamber and injected into 12-mL Exetainer borosilicate glass vials (Model 038W, Labco). gas chromatography; Agilent 7890A gas chromatography system equipped with electron-capture (ECD) and flame-ionization (FID) + methanizer detectors CRA 34,5
22 a Alvaro-Fuentes (2018) Alvaro-Fuentes J, Plaza-Bonilla D, Arrue JL, Cantero-Martinez C. Pig slurry incorporation with tillage does not reduce short-term soil CO2 fluxes. Soil Tillage & Research. 2018: 179; 82-85. Alvaro-Fuentes J, Plaza-Bonilla D, Arrue JL, Cantero-Martinez C Pig slurry incorporation with tillage does not reduce short-term soil CO2 fluxes 2018 Soil Tillage & Research Article N/A Spain 41.9 -0.5 N 30 707019 4642056 Cfb 2012 NR NR NR Typic Calcixerept No NR November 2012 November 2012 1 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 10 two different tillage systems, conventional tillage (CT, consisting in two passes of chisel ploughing to 20 cm depth) and no-tillage (NT), together with different nitrogen fertilization strategies: three N fertilization doses (0, 75 and 150 kg N ha−1) and two types of fertilizer products (MF, mineral N, and, PS, organic N with pig slurry). CI Split/strip plot 3 No NR Open NR The chamber had a cylindrical diameter of 21 cm, covering a soil surface of 346 cm2, and it was directly inserted 2 cm deep in the soil to prevent gas leak to the atmosphere. The air flow rate of the chamber was adjusted to 900 mL min−1. infrared gas analyzer; Soil CO2 flux was measured with an open chamber system (model CFX-1, PPSystems, Hertfordshire, London) connected to an infrared gas analyser (model EGM-4, PPSystems, Hertfordshire, London). Same study but in two separate years CRA 35,5
22 b Alvaro-Fuentes (2018) Alvaro-Fuentes J, Plaza-Bonilla D, Arrue JL, Cantero-Martinez C. Pig slurry incorporation with tillage does not reduce short-term soil CO2 fluxes. Soil Tillage & Research. 2018: 179; 82-85. Alvaro-Fuentes J, Plaza-Bonilla D, Arrue JL, Cantero-Martinez C Pig slurry incorporation with tillage does not reduce short-term soil CO2 fluxes 2018 Soil Tillage & Research Article N/A Spain 41.9 -0.5 N 30 707019 4642056 Cfb 2013 NR NR NR Typic Calcixerept No NR November 2013 November 2013 1 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 10 two different tillage systems, conventional tillage (CT, consisting in two passes of chisel ploughing to 20 cm depth) and no-tillage (NT), together with different nitrogen fertilization strategies: three N fertilization doses (0, 75 and 150 kg N ha−1) and two types of fertilizer products (MF, mineral N, and, PS, organic N with pig slurry). CI Split/strip plot 3 No NR Open NR The chamber had a cylindrical diameter of 21 cm, covering a soil surface of 346 cm2, and it was directly inserted 2 cm deep in the soil to prevent gas leak to the atmosphere. The air flow rate of the chamber was adjusted to 900 mL min−1. infrared gas analyzer; Soil CO2 flux was measured with an open chamber system (model CFX-1, PPSystems, Hertfordshire, London) connected to an infrared gas analyser (model EGM-4, PPSystems, Hertfordshire, London). CRA 36,5
23 a Alvaro-Fuentes et al. (2008) Alvaro-Fuentes J, Lopez MV, Arrue JL, Cantero-Martinez C. Management Effects on Soil Carbon Dioxide Fluxes under Semiarid Mediterranean Conditions. Soil Water Manage Conserv. 2008; 72:194-200 Alvaro-Fuentes J, Lopez MV, Arrue JL, Cantero-Martinez C Management Effects on Soil Carbon Dioxide Fluxes under Semiarid Mediterranean Conditions 2008 Soil and Water Management and Conservation Article N/A Spain 41.83 1.28 N 31 357457 4632696 Cfb Selvanara NR NR NR Fluventic Xerocept No NR November 2002 June 2005 32 Tillage Tillage 4 Conventional tillage (CT), subsoil tillage (ST), reduced tillage (RT), and no-till (NT). The CT treatment consisted of deep subsoil tillage to a depth of 40 cm in August followed by a pass with a field cultivator to a depth of 15 cm in October before sowing. The ST treatment consisted of subsoil tillage to a depth of 25 cm in August followed by a pass with a field cultivator to a depth of 15 cm in October before sowing. The subsoiler consisted of three 4-cm-wide shanks spaced 35 cm apart and the cultivator consisted of 11 flexible shanks spaced 19.5 cm apart. Unlike at the other experimental sites, moldboard plowing was not used at this site. The RT treatment was implemented in October with only one pass of the cultivator to a depth of 15 cm. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Open NR Three measurements per plot were taken using an open-chamber system (Model CFX-1, PP Systems, Hitchin, UK) connected to an infrared gas analyzer (Model EGM-4, PP Systems). This system was based on the chamber designed by Rayment and Jarvis (1997), which was developed to ensure that atmospheric pressure fluctuations were transferred through to the soil surface. Infrared gas analyzer (Model EGM-4, PP Systems) 3 different sites JJT 37,5
23 b Alvaro-Fuentes et al. (2008) Alvaro-Fuentes J, Lopez MV, Arrue JL, Cantero-Martinez C. Management Effects on Soil Carbon Dioxide Fluxes under Semiarid Mediterranean Conditions. Soil Water Manage Conserv. 2008; 72:194-200 Alvaro-Fuentes J, Lopez MV, Arrue JL, Cantero-Martinez C Management Effects on Soil Carbon Dioxide Fluxes under Semiarid Mediterranean Conditions 2008 Soil and Water Management and Conservation Article N/A Spain 41.8 1.12 N 31 343536 4629285 Cfb Agramunt NR NR NR Typic Xerofluvent No NR November 2002 June 2005 32 Tillage Tillage 3 The CT treatment consisted of a moldboard plowing operation to a depth of 25 to 30 cm in October followed by a pass with a field cultivator to a depth of 15 cm. The moldboard plow consisted of three bottoms of 0.50-m width. The ST treatment con- sisted of subsoil tillage to a depth of 25 cm in October followed by a field cultivator to 15-cm depth. The RT treatment was implemented with one or two passes of a cultivator to 15-cm depth in October. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber Open NR Three measurements per plot were taken using an open-chamber system (Model CFX-1, PP Systems, Hitchin, UK) connected to an infrared gas analyzer (Model EGM-4, PP Systems). This system was based on the chamber designed by Rayment and Jarvis (1997), which was developed to ensure that atmospheric pressure fluctuations were transferred through to the soil surface. Infrared gas analyzer (Model EGM-4, PP Systems) 3 different sites JJT 38,5
23 c Alvaro-Fuentes et al. (2008) Alvaro-Fuentes J, Lopez MV, Arrue JL, Cantero-Martinez C. Management Effects on Soil Carbon Dioxide Fluxes under Semiarid Mediterranean Conditions. Soil Water Manage Conserv. 2008; 72:194-200 Alvaro-Fuentes J, Lopez MV, Arrue JL, Cantero-Martinez C Management Effects on Soil Carbon Dioxide Fluxes under Semiarid Mediterranean Conditions 2008 Soil and Water Management and Conservation Article N/A Spain 41.73 -0.77 N 30 685735 4622579 Cfb Penaflor (PN-CC) NR NR NR Xerollic Calciorthid No NR November 2002 June 2005 32 Tillage Tillage 3 CT treatment consisted of moldboard plowing to a depth of 30 to 40 cm in November as primary tillage. The moldboard plow had the same characteristics as that used at the AG site. The RT treatment was implemented also in November by chisel plowing to a depth of 25 to 30 cm. The chisel plow consisted of five rigid shanks spaced 20 cm apart and a shank width of 5 cm. In the CT and RT plots, primary tillage was implemented every year in October, followed by a pass of a sweep cul- tivator to a depth of 10 to 15 cm as secondary tillage. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Open NR Three measurements per plot were taken using an open-chamber system (Model CFX-1, PP Systems, Hitchin, UK) connected to an infrared gas analyzer (Model EGM-4, PP Systems). This system was based on the chamber designed by Rayment and Jarvis (1997), which was developed to ensure that atmospheric pressure fluctuations were transferred through to the soil surface. Infrared gas analyzer (Model EGM-4, PP Systems) 3 different sites JJT 39,5
23 d Alvaro-Fuentes et al. (2008) Alvaro-Fuentes J, Lopez MV, Arrue JL, Cantero-Martinez C. Management Effects on Soil Carbon Dioxide Fluxes under Semiarid Mediterranean Conditions. Soil Water Manage Conserv. 2008; 72:194-200 Alvaro-Fuentes J, Lopez MV, Arrue JL, Cantero-Martinez C Management Effects on Soil Carbon Dioxide Fluxes under Semiarid Mediterranean Conditions 2008 Soil and Water Management and Conservation Article N/A Spain 41.73 -0.77 N 30 685735 4622579 Cfb Penaflor (PN-CF1) NR NR NR Xerollic Calciorthid No NR November 2002 June 2005 32 Tillage Tillage 3 In the PN-CF rotation, however, primary tillage was implemented in March every other year during the fallow phase of the rotation and secondary till- age in May with a cultivator pass to a depth of 15 to 20 cm. In both PN-CC and PN-CF, moldboard plowing in the CT plots was fol- lowed by a pass with a tractor-mounted scrubber consisting of a metal beam passed through the soil surface to break down large clods. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Open NR Three measurements per plot were taken using an open-chamber system (Model CFX-1, PP Systems, Hitchin, UK) connected to an infrared gas analyzer (Model EGM-4, PP Systems). This system was based on the chamber designed by Rayment and Jarvis (1997), which was developed to ensure that atmospheric pressure fluctuations were transferred through to the soil surface. Infrared gas analyzer (Model EGM-4, PP Systems) 3 different sites JJT 40,5
23 e Alvaro-Fuentes et al. (2008) Alvaro-Fuentes J, Lopez MV, Arrue JL, Cantero-Martinez C. Management Effects on Soil Carbon Dioxide Fluxes under Semiarid Mediterranean Conditions. Soil Water Manage Conserv. 2008; 72:194-200 Alvaro-Fuentes J, Lopez MV, Arrue JL, Cantero-Martinez C Management Effects on Soil Carbon Dioxide Fluxes under Semiarid Mediterranean Conditions 2008 Soil and Water Management and Conservation Article N/A Spain 41.73 -0.77 N 30 685735 4622579 Cfb Penaflor (PN-CF2) NR NR NR Xerollic Calciorthid No NR November 2002 June 2005 32 Tillage Tillage 3 In the PN-CF rotation, however, primary tillage was implemented in March every other year during the fallow phase of the rotation and secondary till- age in May with a cultivator pass to a depth of 15 to 20 cm. In both PN-CC and PN-CF, moldboard plowing in the CT plots was fol- lowed by a pass with a tractor-mounted scrubber consisting of a metal beam passed through the soil surface to break down large clods. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Open NR Three measurements per plot were taken using an open-chamber system (Model CFX-1, PP Systems, Hitchin, UK) connected to an infrared gas analyzer (Model EGM-4, PP Systems). This system was based on the chamber designed by Rayment and Jarvis (1997), which was developed to ensure that atmospheric pressure fluctuations were transferred through to the soil surface. Infrared gas analyzer (Model EGM-4, PP Systems) 3 different sites JJT 41,5
24 Ambus (2001) Ambus P, Jensen JM, Priemé A, Pilegaard K, Kjøller A. Assessment of CH4 and N2O fluxes in a Danish beech (Fagus sylvatica) forest and an adjacent N-fertilised barley (Hordeum vulgare) field: effects of sewage sludge amendments. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2001: 60; 15-21. Ambus P, Jensen JM, Priemé A, Pilegaard K, Kjøller A Assessment of CH4 and N2O fluxes in a Danish beech (Fagus sylvatica) forest and an adjacent N-fertilised barley (Hordeum vulgare) field: effects of sewage sludge amendments 2001 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A Denmark 55.49 11.69 N 32 669650 6152622 Cfb N/A Sandy loam NR NR The characteristics of the top 0-15 cm soil had a bulk density of 1.39 g cc-1, 2.36% total C, 0.23% total N and a pH of 7.90. Yes We examined an agricultural field managed by conventional agriculture. The field had been sown to winter oilseed rape in the previous autumn, and this oilseed rape was ploughed under and the soil fertilised with 6 g slurrry-N m−2+4.5 g NH4NO3-N m−2 seven days prior to the sewage treatment and sowing. April 1998 March 1999 12 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 2 280 g sewage sludge dry matter m-1 containing 20.8% total C, 2.9% total N and 3.0% total P. Four unamended plots served as controls (sno sludge). CI Paired design 4 No Dynamic chambers NR NR Soil CO2 and NO emissions were measured by means of dynamic chambers. The chambers were made of Teflon, covered an area of 28 cm × 28 cm, had a volume of 12 l, and was placed on stainless steel frames previously inserted into the soil to a depth of 5 cm. Four frames were placed in each of a sludge and a control plot. The two chambers in each plot were moved between the frames to give a better spatial representation. Carbon dioxide concentrations were measured with an ADC- 7000 (Analytical Development Corporation) analyser and NO concentrationswith an AC31M nitrogen oxide analyser (Environment S.A.) JR 42,5
25 Angst (2014) Angst TE, Six J, Reay DS, Sohi SP. Impact of pine chip biochar on trace greenhouse gas emissions and soil nutrient dynamics in an annual ryegrass system in California. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2014: 191; 17-26. Angst TE, Six J, Reay DS, Sohi SP Impact of pine chip biochar on trace greenhouse gas emissions and soil nutrient dynamics in an annual ryegrass system in California 2014 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A USA 38.27 -122.8 N 10 517496 4235422 Csb N/A Sandy loam NR NR USDA NRCS classification Blucher series fine sandy loam soil(thermic Fluvaquentic Haploxerolls) No NR July 2011 May 2012 11 Multiple-intervention Biochar, Organic fertiliser 3 The field site included three treatments (n = 4): the controlwhich received only manure (as described above), the low appli-cation biochar (LB) plots which received manure and 5.7 t ha−1biochar (thoroughly mixed into the manure as it was applied tothe field) in late July, and the high application biochar (HB) plotswhich received manure and 18.8 t ha−1biochar in early July, imme-diately following second harvest and field aeration and 17 daysprior to manure application. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed Opaque Gas samples were collected from vented-closed-flux cham-bers modeled after Hutchinson and Mosier (1981). Collars wereconstructed of 20.3 cm diameter polyvinylchloride (PVC) rings witha height of 15 cm which were inserted into the ground to a depthof ca. 9–12 cm. Heights of the collars above the surface of the soilwere measured immediately after collar placement and periodi-cally thereafter to account for changes in headspace volume dueto soil settling. Collars remained in the same position throughoutand between sampling events and were only temporarily removedwhen required for machine operations (harvest or disking). Cham-ber lids were constructed of PVC irrigation caps and covered withaluminum to reflect sunlight and mitigate temperature increaseswithin the chamber during sampling events. gas chromatography; Gas analysis was performed using a Shimadzu GC-2014 GasChromatograph (Nakagyo-ku, Japan) equipped with an electroncapture device (ECD) and a flame ionization detector (FID) withmethanizer. CRA 43,5
26 a Antille (2017) Antille DL. Effect of fertigation on crop and soil established to cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) under furrow and overhead irrigation. 2017. Antille DL. Effect of fertigation on crop and soil established to cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) under furrow and overhead irrigation. 2017 N/A Conference Proceeding N/A Australia -27.48 151.62 S 56 363889 6959653 Cfa Furrow Clay Vertisol Vertisols The soil at the sites is described in Isbell (2002) as a Black Vertisol. 9.6 +/- 0.58 % sand, 18.7 +/- 1.15 % silt, 71.7 +/- 1.53 % clay. Field capacity = 40.4 +/- 3.11. Soil bulk density = 1040 +/- 85. Soil pH = 8.4 +/- 0.01. Electrical conductivity = 0.22 +/- 0.001. Soil organic carbon = 1.57 +/- 0.020. Total N in soil = 0.11 +/- 0.040. Soil extractable P = 61.5 +/- 19.09. No NR February 2014 March 2016 27 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 2 The fertilizer used for fertigation was urea ammonium nitrate (UAN, 30% N, solution) applied in crop at a rate of 135 L ha 1 (≈40 kg ha 1 N) at both sites. Fertigation was applied on 6 February 2014 (first season), 25 January (second season), and 18 February (third season), respectively. These strips were separated by a buffer strip of equal dimensions, which prevented cross contamination of the non fertigated crop used as a control CI Split/strip plot 2 No Static chamber NR Opaque Four cylindrical chambers (dimensions: 200 mm headspace, 120 mm radius) were placed at the centerline of the interrow in both the fertigated and non-fertigated crops of the furrow and overhead systems, respectively (Figure 1). Gas samples were taken the day before and the day of irrigation or fertigation, and subsequently, at days 1 through to 5, and 7, 15, 21 and 30 following irrigation or fertigation, respectively Chambers were closed for periods of 60 minutes and 20 mL gas samples taken at 20 minute intervals after enclosure, and subsequently analyzed by gas chromatography. Flux rate calculations were estimated from the linear increase in gas concentration for the 60 minute enclosure time. Emissions are reported as daily and sum of fluxes over the measuring 30 day period. JR 44,5
26 b Antille (2017) Antille DL. Effect of fertigation on crop and soil established to cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) under furrow and overhead irrigation. Antille DL. Effect of fertigation on crop and soil established to cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) under furrow and overhead irrigation. 2017 N/A Conference Proceeding N/A Australia -27.46 151.59 S 56 360723 6961485 Cfa Overhead Clay Vertisol Vertisols The soil at the sites is described in Isbell (2002) as a Black Vertisol. 11 +/- 0.70 % sand, 22 +/- 2 % silt, 67 +/- 2.08 % clay. Field capacity = 38.7 +/- 1.53. Soil bulk density = 1020 +/- 8. Soil pH = 8.2 +/- 0.07. Electrical conductivity = 0.34 +/- 0.008. Soil organic carbon = 2.07 +/- 0.08. Total N in soil = 0.18 +/- 0.010. Soil extractable P = 21 +/- 8.79. No NR January 2014 February 2015 14 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 2 The fertilizer used for fertigation was urea ammonium nitrate (UAN, 30% N, solution) applied in crop at a rate of 135 L ha 1 (≈40 kg ha 1 N) at both sites. Fertigation was applied on 6 February 2014 (first season), 25 January (second season), and 18 February (third season), respectively. These strips were separated by a buffer strip of equal dimensions, which prevented cross contamination of the non fertigated crop used as a control CI Split/strip plot 2 No Static chamber NR Opaque Four cylindrical chambers (dimensions: 200 mm headspace, 120 mm radius) were placed at the centerline of the interrow in both the fertigated and non-fertigated crops of the furrow and overhead systems, respectively (Figure 1). Gas samples were taken the day before and the day of irrigation or fertigation, and subsequently, at days 1 through to 5, and 7, 15, 21 and 30 following irrigation or fertigation, respectively Chambers were closed for periods of 60 minutes and 20 mL gas samples taken at 20 minute intervals after enclosure, and subsequently analyzed by gas chromatography. Flux rate calculations were estimated from the linear increase in gas concentration for the 60 minute enclosure time. Emissions are reported as daily and sum of fluxes over the measuring 30 day period. JR 45,5
27 a Arah (1991) JRM Arah, Smith KA, Crichton IJ, Li HS. Nitrous oxide production and denitrification in Scottish arable soils. Journal of Soil Science. 1991: 42; 351-367. JRM Arah, Smith KA, Crichton IJ, Li HS Nitrous oxide production and denitrification in Scottish arable soils 1991 Journal of Soil Science Article NR N/A United Kingdom 55.86 -3.21 N 30 487099 6190579 Cfb Bush House Sandy loam NR NR Soil series is Darvel. 66.5% sand, 23.7% silt, and 9.8% clay. Organic matter = 3.3% and pH is 5.9. No NR NR 1986 November 1986 Unclear Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Other 4 This experimental plot was divided into eight sub-plots, half of which were compacted by tractor wheels after sowing to investigate the effect on aeration and denitrification. Fertilizer was applied as ammonium nitrate at two rates (100 kg N ha-' and 160 kg N ha-'). CI Unclear Unclear No NR Closed NR Sixteen chambers, 70 cm square, were constructed in two parts: a sheet steel frame 15 cm deep permanently installed to a depth of about 5 cm, and a lid which could be clamped onto the frame to form an airtight seal. Flanged extension sections (‘chimneys’) some 30 cm high could be inserted between the lid and the frame to accommodate the crop as it grew. Each lid was equipped with a sampling port and a flexible plastic window to transmit atmospheric pressure fluctuations to the soil Samples for gas chromatographic analysis were extracted at regular intervals (usually 0, 30, 60 and 120 min) after closure of the lid. N,O flux was calculated from the initial rate at which the concentration in the chamber increased Dates and experimental design (replications, type of design) vague JR 46,5
27 b Arah (1991) JRM Arah, Smith KA, Crichton IJ, Li HS. Nitrous oxide production and denitrification in Scottish arable soils. Journal of Soil Science. 1991: 42; 351-367. JRM Arah, Smith KA, Crichton IJ, Li HS Nitrous oxide production and denitrification in Scottish arable soils 1991 Journal of Soil Science Article NR N/A United Kingdom 55.86 -3.21 N 30 487099 6190579 Cfb Croft Field Sandy loam NR NR Soil series is Alluvium (unclassified alluvial deposit). 59.9% sand, 28.1% silt, and 12% clay. Organic matter = 4.6% and pH is 6.0. Yes Equipment was installed on an area of bare unfertilized soil adjacent to a potato crop NR 1988 November 1988 Unclear Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 2 Fertilizer was later applied as calcium nitrate at 0 kg N ha-' and 100 kg N ha-'. CI Unclear Unclear No NR Closed NR Sixteen chambers, 70 cm square, were constructed in two parts: a sheet steel frame 15 cm deep permanently installed to a depth of about 5 cm, and a lid which could be clamped onto the frame to form an airtight seal. Flanged extension sections (‘chimneys’) some 30 cm high could be inserted between the lid and the frame to accommodate the crop as it grew. Each lid was equipped with a sampling port and a flexible plastic window to transmit atmospheric pressure fluctuations to the soil Samples for gas chromatographic analysis were extracted at regular intervals (usually 0, 30, 60 and 120 min) after closure of the lid. N,O flux was calculated from the initial rate at which the concentration in the chamber increased Dates and experimental design (replications, type of design) vague JR 47,5
27 c Arah (1991) JRM Arah, Smith KA, Crichton IJ, Li HS. Nitrous oxide production and denitrification in Scottish arable soils. Journal of Soil Science. 1991: 42; 351-367. JRM Arah, Smith KA, Crichton IJ, Li HS Nitrous oxide production and denitrification in Scottish arable soils 1991 Journal of Soil Science Article NR N/A United Kingdom 55.86 -3.21 N 30 487099 6190579 Cfb Glencorse Mains Loam NR NR Soil series is Winton. 43% sand, 33% silt, and 24% clay. Organic matter = 4.8-6.0% and pH is 6.2-6.7. No NR NR 1987 December 1987 Unclear Multiple-intervention Cover crops, Chemical fertiliser 4 Fertilizer was applied as ammonium nitrate to duplicate plots at rates of 0, 75 and 150 kg N ha-', and there was an additional treatment involving incorporation of 300 kg N ha-' as organic N from a leguminous green manure (forage peas) in September 1987 CI Unclear Unclear No NR Closed NR Sixteen chambers, 70 cm square, were constructed in two parts: a sheet steel frame 15 cm deep permanently installed to a depth of about 5 cm, and a lid which could be clamped onto the frame to form an airtight seal. Flanged extension sections (‘chimneys’) some 30 cm high could be inserted between the lid and the frame to accommodate the crop as it grew. Each lid was equipped with a sampling port and a flexible plastic window to transmit atmospheric pressure fluctuations to the soil Samples for gas chromatographic analysis were extracted at regular intervals (usually 0, 30, 60 and 120 min) after closure of the lid. N,O flux was calculated from the initial rate at which the concentration in the chamber increased Dates and experimental design (replications, type of design) vague JR 48,5
27 d Arah (1991) JRM Arah, Smith KA, Crichton IJ, Li HS. Nitrous oxide production and denitrification in Scottish arable soils. Journal of Soil Science. 1991: 42; 351-367. JRM Arah, Smith KA, Crichton IJ, Li HS Nitrous oxide production and denitrification in Scottish arable soils 1991 Journal of Soil Science Article NR N/A United Kingdom 55.86 -3.21 N 30 487099 6190579 Cfb South Road 1 Loam NR NR Soil series is Macmerry. 49.5% sand, 35.2% silt, and 15.2% clay. Organic matter = 4.4% and pH is 6.6. Yes This is the site of a long-term tillage experiment with two main blocks (Pidgeon, 1980; Smith et al., 1984, 1988; Ball ef a[., 1988, 1989). One block is located predominantly on the Macmerry soil series, the other is a Winton/Macmerry complex. Investigations on the latter block were located on areas of Winton soil. During the period of this study the crop was winter barley. October 1985 August 1986 11 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser 4 Most of the work reported here took place on plots under two tillage treatments (long-term direct drilling and conventional ploughing) and two spring N-application rates, which we termed Low N and High N. All plots received 60 kg N ha-’ at the end of October and 50 kg N ha-’ in mid-March; in early April the Low N plots received an additional 100 kg N ha-’ and the High N plots received 175 kg N ha-’. Fertilizer was applied as ammonium nitrate. CI Unclear Unclear No NR Closed NR Sixteen chambers, 70 cm square, were constructed in two parts: a sheet steel frame 15 cm deep permanently installed to a depth of about 5 cm, and a lid which could be clamped onto the frame to form an airtight seal. Flanged extension sections (‘chimneys’) some 30 cm high could be inserted between the lid and the frame to accommodate the crop as it grew. Each lid was equipped with a sampling port and a flexible plastic window to transmit atmospheric pressure fluctuations to the soil Samples for gas chromatographic analysis were extracted at regular intervals (usually 0, 30, 60 and 120 min) after closure of the lid. N,O flux was calculated from the initial rate at which the concentration in the chamber increased Dates and experimental design (replications, type of design) vague JR 49,5
27 e Arah (1991) JRM Arah, Smith KA, Crichton IJ, Li HS. Nitrous oxide production and denitrification in Scottish arable soils. Journal of Soil Science. 1991: 42; 351-367. JRM Arah, Smith KA, Crichton IJ, Li HS Nitrous oxide production and denitrification in Scottish arable soils 1991 Journal of Soil Science Article NR N/A United Kingdom 55.86 -3.21 N 30 487099 6190579 Cfb South Road 2 Loam NR NR Soil series is Winton. 47.5% sand, 35.3% silt, and 17.4% clay. Organic matter = 3.3% and pH is 6.5. Yes This is the site of a long-term tillage experiment with two main blocks (Pidgeon, 1980; Smith et al., 1984, 1988; Ball ef a[., 1988, 1989). One block is located predominantly on the Macmerry soil series, the other is a Winton/Macmerry complex. Investigations on the latter block were located on areas of Winton soil. During the period of this study the crop was winter barley. October 1985 August 1986 11 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser 4 Most of the work reported here took place on plots under two tillage treatments (long-term direct drilling and conventional ploughing) and two spring N-application rates, which we termed Low N and High N. All plots received 60 kg N ha-’ at the end of October and 50 kg N ha-’ in mid-March; in early April the Low N plots received an additional 100 kg N ha-’ and the High N plots received 175 kg N ha-’. Fertilizer was applied as ammonium nitrate. CI Unclear Unclear No NR Closed NR Sixteen chambers, 70 cm square, were constructed in two parts: a sheet steel frame 15 cm deep permanently installed to a depth of about 5 cm, and a lid which could be clamped onto the frame to form an airtight seal. Flanged extension sections (‘chimneys’) some 30 cm high could be inserted between the lid and the frame to accommodate the crop as it grew. Each lid was equipped with a sampling port and a flexible plastic window to transmit atmospheric pressure fluctuations to the soil Samples for gas chromatographic analysis were extracted at regular intervals (usually 0, 30, 60 and 120 min) after closure of the lid. N,O flux was calculated from the initial rate at which the concentration in the chamber increased Dates and experimental design (replications, type of design) vague JR 50,5
28 Arcara (1999) Arcara PG, Gamba C, Bidini D, Marchetti R. The effect of urea and pig slurry fertilization on denitrification, direct nitrous oxide emission, volatile fatty acids, water-soluble carbon and anthrone-reactive carbon in maize-cropped soil from the Po plain (Modena, Italy). Biology & Fertility of Soils. 1999: 29; 270-276. Arcara PG, Gamba C, Bidini D, Marchetti R The effect of urea and pig slurry fertilization on denitrification, direct nitrous oxide emission, volatile fatty acids, water-soluble carbon and anthrone-reactive carbon in maize-cropped soil from the Po plain (Modena, Italy) 1999 Biology and Fertility of Soils Article N/A Italy 44.79 11.02 N 32 660057 4961384 Cfa N/A Silty clay NR NR maize-cropped silty clay soil, classified as Vertic Ustochrept. The main characteristics of the soil are: pH 7.6, organic matter 2.37%, total N 0.165%, bulk density 1.33 mg m2 –3. No NR May 1994 May 1995 13 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 4 no fertilization (NF); fertilization with 225 kg N ha2 –1 pig slurry (Ps); fertilization with 225 kg N ha2 –1 pig slurry and 225 kg N ha2 –1 as urea (PsU); fertilization with 225 kg N ha2 –1 as urea (U). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR NR NR carried out by inserting steel cylinders (40 cm diameter) into the top 10 cm of the soil and covering them for 2 h with a Plexiglas top containing a perforable septum for gas sampling. N2O was analysed with an electron-capture detector corrected to a Poropak Q column (177–149 mm mesh size) and CO2 with a thermal conductivity detector attached to the same column. CRA 51,5
29 Aslam (2000) Aslam T, Choudhary MA, Saggar S. Influence of land-use management on CO2 emissions from a silt loam soil in New Zealand. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2000: 77; 257-262. Aslam T, Choudhary MA, Saggar S Influence of land-use management on CO2 emissions from a silt loam soil in New Zealand 2000 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A New Zealand -44.38 169.63 S 59 391136 5084642 Cfb N/A Silt loam NR Luvisols Ohakea silt loam soil (Typic andoaqualf) classified as Gleyic luvisol (FAO), where permanent pasture land was converted to a double-crop rotation using plow and no-tillage. No NR November 1996 October 1997 12 Tillage Tillage 3 permanent pasture (PP), plow tillage (PT) and no-tillage (NT). The PT involved mouldboard ploughing at 20 cm depth followed by rolling, and two passes of a power harrow for seedbed preparation. In the NT, there was no cultivation and weeds were controlled by using 4 l ha−1 of glyphosate herbicide spray. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR NR static chambers (110mm dia. 135mm high) in each plot, with one blank as control, after cutting above-ground vegetation to 10mm height. Vials containing 20 ml 1M NaOH were placed within the chambers and sealed with air-tight screw cap lids. After 24 h, the vials of NaOH were removed. titration; The total CO2 absorbed was measured by titration of aliquots (2 ml) of alkali against 0.1M HCl to determine the residual alkali, after first precipitating carbonates by the addition of 10 ml 10% BaCl2; phenolphthalein was used as an indicator (Anderson, 1982). Additional experiment; To examine the impact of tillage on CO2 emissions within hours after the tillage operation, another experiment was conducted at the same site and treatments. At the time of land preparation for planting the fodder maize on 28th October, 1997, static chambers to trap CO2 were installed in all of the plots CRA 52,5
30 Badagliacca (2018) Badagliacca G, Benitez E, Amato G, Badalucco L, Giambalvo D, Laudicina VA, Ruisi P. Long-term effects of contrasting tillage on soil organic carbon, nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions in a Mediterranean Vertisol under different crop sequences. Science of the Total Environment. 2018: 619-620; 19-27. Badagliacca G, Benitez E, Amato G, Badalucco L, Giambalvo D, Laudicina VA, Ruisi P Long-term effects of contrasting tillage on soil organic carbon, nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions in a Mediterranean Vertisol under different crop sequences 2018 Science of the Total Environment Article N/A Italy 37.5 13.52 N 33 368884 4151375 Csa N/A NR Vertisol NR Chromic Haploxerert (Vertisol) Yes The experiment was set up in fall 1991 as a strip-plot design with two replications, where three soil tillage systems (conventional, reduced, and no tillage) acted as vertical treatments and three crop sequences (wheat–wheat, wheat–faba bean, and wheat–berseem clover) as horizontal ones December 2013 June 2015 19 Tillage Tillage 2 The experimental factors tested here were tillage system (conventional tillage, CT, and no tillage, NT) and crop sequence (continuous wheat, WW, and wheat after faba bean, FW). Conventional tillage consisted of one moldboard plowing to a depth of 30 cm in the summer, followed by one or two shallow harrowing (0–15 cm) operations before planting. No tillage consisted of sowing by direct drilling. CI Split/strip plot 2 No NR Closed Opaque closed chamber technique (Hutchinson and Mosier, 1981; Baker et al., 2003). Three polyvinyl chloride opaque chambers, with a diameter of 31.5 cm and height of 30.0 cm, were placed in each plot. The chambers were fitted in a polyvinyl chloride frame inserted into the soil to a depth of 5 cm in order to minimize the later diffusion of gases and avoid the soil disturbance. N2O in the gas samples were determined by GC-ECD (TRACE-GC, Thermo Scientific, Milan, Italy) as described below for the denitrifying enzyme activity (detection limit b 50 ppb). CRA 53,5
31 Badagliacca (2018) Badagliacca G, Benítez E, Amato G, Badalucco L, Giambalvo D, Laudicina VA, Ruisi P. Long-term no-tillage application increases soil organic carbon, nitrous oxide emissions and faba bean (Vicia faba L.) yields under rain-fed Mediterranean conditions. Science of the Total Environment. 2018. 639:350-359. Badagliacca G, Benítez E, Amato G, Badalucco L, Giambalvo D, Laudicina VA, Ruisi P. Long-term no-tillage application increases soil organic carbon, nitrous oxide emissions and faba bean (Vicia faba L.) yields under rain-fed Mediterranean conditions. 2018 Science of the Total Environment Article N/A Italy 37.5 13.52 N 33 368884 4151375 Csa N/A NR Vertisol NR Chromic Haploxerert (Vertisol) No NR December 2013 April 2015 17 Tillage Tillage 3 The experimental factor tested was tillage system: CT vs NT. CI Split/strip plot 2 No NR Closed Opaque closed chamber technique (Hutchinson and Mosier, 1981; Baker et al., 2003). Three polyvinyl chloride opaque chambers, with a diameter of 31.5 cm and height of 30.0 cm, were placed in each plot. The chambers were fitted in a polyvinyl chloride frame inserted into the soil to a depth of 5 cm in order to minimize the later diffusion of gases and avoid the soil disturbance. N2O in the gas samples were determined by GC-ECD (TRACE-GC, Thermo Scientific, Milan, Italy) as described below for the denitrifying enzyme activity (detection limit b 50 ppb). JJT 54,5
32 a Baggs (1997) Baggs EM. Nitrous oxide from incorporated crop residues and green manures. University of Edinburgh. 2017 Baggs EM Nitrous oxide from incorporated crop residues and green manures 1997 University of Edinburgh Thesis NR Baggs (2000) & Vinten, A.J.A., Davies, R., Castle, K. and Baggs, E.M. 1996. Control of nitrate leaching from a nitrate vulnerable zone. Transactions o f the 9th Nitrogen Workshop, pp 365-368. United Kingdom 56.18 -3.15 N 30 490689 6226495 Cfb Mackies field Loamy sand NR Cambisols The soils at both trials were freely drained loamy sands, of the Hexpath series. No NR October 1994 December 1994 3 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Cover crops, Organic fertiliser 12 presence and absence of crop residues, presence and absence of paper mill waste, and three different cultivation treatments; deep mouldboard ploughing (350 mm depth), conventional mouldboard ploughing (150 mm depth) and rotary tillage with a power harrow (incorporation to a maximum depth of 50 mm). CI Split/strip plot 3 No NR Closed NR Gas samples for N2O analysis were taken from manual closed flux chambers (0.2m height×0.4m diameter) Gas samples were analysed for N2O in a Hewlett Packard 5890 gas chromatograph (GC) fitted with an electron capture detector. CRA 55,5
32 b Baggs (1997) Baggs EM. Nitrous oxide from incorporated crop residues and green manures. University of Edinburgh. 2017 Baggs EM Nitrous oxide from incorporated crop residues and green manures 1997 University of Edinburgh Thesis NR Baggs (2000) & Vinten, A.J.A., Davies, R., Castle, K. and Baggs, E.M. 1996. Control of nitrate leaching from a nitrate vulnerable zone. Transactions o f the 9th Nitrogen Workshop, pp 365-368. United Kingdom 56.18 -3.15 N 30 490689 6226495 Cfb Dipper field Loamy sand NR Cambisols The soils at both trials were freely drained loamy sands, of the Hexpath series. No NR December 1994 January 1995 2 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Cover crops, Organic fertiliser 12 presence and absence of crop residues, presence and absence of paper mill waste, three different cultivation treatments; deep mouldboard ploughing (350 mm depth), conventional mouldboard ploughing (150 mm depth) and rotary tillage with a power harrow (incorporation to a maximum depth of 50 mm). CI Split/strip plot 3 No NR Closed NR Gas samples for N2O analysis were taken from manual closed flux chambers (0.2m height×0.4m diameter) Gas samples were analysed for N2O in a Hewlett Packard 5890 gas chromatograph (GC) fitted with an electron capture detector. CRA 56,5
33 a Baggs (2000) Baggs EM, Watson CA, Rees RM. The fate of nitrogen from incorporated cover crop and green manure residues. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2000: 56; 153-163. Baggs EM, Watson CA, Rees RM. The fate of nitrogen from incorporated cover crop and green manure residues 2000 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A United Kingdom 57.65 -3.37 N 30 477898 6389465 Cfb Woodside1 Sandy loam NR NR The soil is a sandy loam/loamy sand of the Boyndie Series and Association, with a loss on ignition of 6% and total N content of 0.14%. Yes This Unit has been organically farmed since 1990. The 6 year crop rotation at the site consists of a 3 year grass and white clover ley, spring cereal, potatoes and an undersown spring cereal. Further details of the farming system are given in Watson and Atkinson (1995). A winter cover crops trial was established at this site in August 1992, following harvest of the first spring cereal after ley. A green manures trial was established in April 1993, following the arable phase of the rotation. August 1992 September 1993 14 Cover crops Cover crops 10 Crops of grazing rye (Secale cereale cv. Humbolt at 250 kg ha􀀀1), forage rape (Brassica napus var. oleifera cv. Emerald at 8 kg ha􀀀1), winter peas (Pisum sativum cv. Froidure at 250 kg ha􀀀1), Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum cv. Atalja at 35 kg ha􀀀1), winter barley (Hordeum sativum, cv. Manitou at 250 kg ha􀀀1), winter wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Mercia at 250 kg ha􀀀1), white mustard (Sinapis alba cv. Albatross at 15 kg ha􀀀1), and fodder radish (Raphanus sativus var. campestris cv. Siletta Nova at 13 kg ha􀀀1) were sown in August 1992. Fallow (natural vegetation allowed to regenerate, predominantly volunteer oats, common chickweed, corn spurrey and annual meadowgrass) and bare ground (seedlings removed with a propane gas burner) treatments were also established. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR NR NR Emissions of N2O were measured by a chamber method (Smith et al., 1995) in the bare ground, grazing rye, forage rape, winter peas, winter barley, winter wheat and mustard treatments following incorporation of these cover crops and sowing of the oats in April 1993 Duplicate gas samples (5 ml) were obtained from the chambers using gastight glass syringes. These gas samples were analysed for their N2O content in a Hewlett Packard 5890 gas chromatograph, fitted with an electron capture detector JR 57,5
33 b Baggs (2000) Baggs EM, Watson CA, Rees RM. The fate of nitrogen from incorporated cover crop and green manure residues. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2000: 56; 153-163. Baggs EM, Watson CA, Rees RM. The fate of nitrogen from incorporated cover crop and green manure residues 2000 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A United Kingdom 57.65 -3.37 N 30 477898 6389465 Cfb Woodside2 Sandy loam NR NR The soil is a sandy loam/loamy sand of the Boyndie Series and Association, with a loss on ignition of 6% and total N content of 0.14%. Yes This Unit has been organically farmed since 1990. The 6 year crop rotation at the site consists of a 3 year grass and white clover ley, spring cereal, potatoes and an undersown spring cereal. Further details of the farming system are given in Watson and Atkinson (1995). A winter cover crops trial was established at this site in August 1992, following harvest of the first spring cereal after ley. A green manures trial was established in April 1993, following the arable phase of the rotation. April 1993 September 1994 18 Cover crops Cover crops 10 The following crops were sown in April 1993 in a replicated four block design; red clover (Trifolium pratense cv. Essex Broad Red at 15 kg ha􀀀1); white clover (Trifolium repens cv. Kent Wild White at 5 kg ha􀀀1); birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus at 75 kg ha􀀀1); black medick (Medicago lupulina at 75 kg ha􀀀1); forage peas (Pisum sativum cv. Magnus at 250 kg ha􀀀1); oats (Avena sativa, cv. Dula at 250 kg ha􀀀1); white clover at 2 kg ha􀀀1 with wild flower mix at 30 kg ha􀀀1 and white mustard (Sinapis alba cv. at 15 kg ha􀀀1). Fallow (natural vegetation allowed to regenerate, predominantly volunteer oats, common chickweed, corn spurrey and annual meadowgrass) and bare ground (seedlings removed with a propane gas burner) treatments were also established. The oats treatment was harvested for grain in September 1993 and straw was left on the soil surface. The green manure crops were incorporated in April 1994 and all treatments sown to spring oats (Avena sativa, cv.Dula at 300 kg ha􀀀1) on the following day CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR NR NR Emissions of N2O were measured by a chamber method (Smith et al., 1995) in the bare ground, grazing rye, forage rape, winter peas, winter barley, winter wheat and mustard treatments following incorporation of these cover crops and sowing of the oats in April 1993 Duplicate gas samples (5 ml) were obtained from the chambers using gastight glass syringes. These gas samples were analysed for their N2O content in a Hewlett Packard 5890 gas chromatograph, fitted with an electron capture detector JR 58,5
34 a Baggs (2002) Baggs EM, Rees RM, Castle K, Scott A, Smith KA, Vinten AJA. Nitrous oxide release from soils receiving N-rich crop residues ans paper mill sludge in eastern Scotland. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2002: 90; 109-123. Baggs EM, Rees RM, Castle K, Scott A, Smith KA, Vinten AJA Nitrous oxide release from soils receiving N-rich crop residues ans paper mill sludge in eastern Scotland 2002 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article Vinten et al., 1998 United Kingdom 56.22 -3.08 N 30 494832 6230198 Cfb Mackie's Field NR NR Cambisols The soils were of the Hexpath series (sandy loam or loamy sand) classified as a Cambisol (FAO classification) Yes previously been double cropped with iceberg lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. saladin); a long history of intensive vegetable cropping, and had been cropped with leafy vegetable crops in six of the previous 10 seasons October 1994 December 1994 3 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Cover crops, Organic fertiliser 12 12 treatments (2 residue treatments x 2 paper mill sludge applications rates x 3 tillage types); Paper mill sludge (PMS) was applied, using a manure spreader, at two rates (0 and 44.4tDMha−1; W0 and W2 treatments, respectively, following the notation used in Vinten et al., 1998) x deep mouldboard ploughing (35cm depth; DP), conventional mouldboard ploughing (15cm depth; CP) and light rotary tillage with a power harrow (surface incorporation to a maximum depth of 5cm; RT) x Above ground residues were cleared from half sub-plots, and left in the other half. CI Split/strip plot 3 No NR Closed NR Emissions of N2O were measured in the field using closed flux chambers (cover boxes) installed on each plot. These chambers were 0.2 m lengths of polypropylene piping (0.4 m diameter) fitted with a 45 mm wide outward-facing polyvinylchloride flange at one end (Smith K.A. et al, 1995). Gas samples were analysed for N2O in a Hewlett Packard 5890 gas chromatograph (GC) fitted with an electron capture detector. CRA 59,5
34 b Baggs (2002) Baggs EM, Rees RM, Castle K, Scott A, Smith KA, Vinten AJA. Nitrous oxide release from soils receiving N-rich crop residues ans paper mill sludge in eastern Scotland. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2002: 90; 109-123. Baggs EM, Rees RM, Castle K, Scott A, Smith KA, Vinten AJA Nitrous oxide release from soils receiving N-rich crop residues ans paper mill sludge in eastern Scotland 2002 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article Vinten et al., 1998 United Kingdom 56.22 -3.08 N 30 494832 6230198 Cfb Dipper Field NR NR Cambisols The soils were of the Hexpath series (sandy loam or loamy sand) classified as a Cambisol (FAO classification) Yes had been cropped with calabrese (Brassica oleracea italica var. cymosa); a long history of intensive vegetable cropping, and had been cropped with leafy vegetable crops in six of the previous 10 seasons December 1994 January 1995 2 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Cover crops, Organic fertiliser 12 12 treatments (2 residue treatments x 2 paper mill sludge applications rates x 3 tillage types); Paper mill sludge (PMS) was applied, using a manure spreader, at two rates (0 and 44.4tDMha−1; W0 and W2 treatments, respectively, following the notation used in Vinten et al., 1998) x deep mouldboard ploughing (35cm depth; DP), conventional mouldboard ploughing (15cm depth; CP) and light rotary tillage with a power harrow (surface incorporation to a maximum depth of 5cm; RT) x Above ground residues were cleared from half sub-plots, and left in the other half. CI Split/strip plot 3 No NR Closed NR Emissions of N2O were measured in the field using closed flux chambers (cover boxes) installed on each plot. These chambers were 0.2 m lengths of polypropylene piping (0.4 m diameter) fitted with a 45 mm wide outward-facing polyvinylchloride flange at one end (Smith K.A. et al, 1995). Gas samples were analysed for N2O in a Hewlett Packard 5890 gas chromatograph (GC) fitted with an electron capture detector. CRA 60,5
35 a Baggs et al. (2003) Baggs EM, Stevenson M, Pihlatie M, Regar A, Cook H, Cadisch G. Nitrous oxide emissions following application of residues and fertiliser under zero and conventional tillage. Plant and Soil. 2003, 1;254(2):361-70. Baggs EM, Stevenson M, Pihlatie M, Regar A, Cook H, Cadisch G Nitrous oxide emissions following application of residues and fertiliser under zero and conventional tillage 2003 Plant and Soil Article N/A United Kingdom 51.5 -0.17 N 30 696084 5709077 Cfb Experiment 1 Silt loam NR NR silt loam soil (sand 17%, silt 68%, clay 15%, organic C 1.9%, pH 5.8, bulk density 1.23 g cm−3), of the Coombe series classified as a Cambisol (FAO classification) Yes The site had previously been under cereal cultivation for 8 years. May 1999 August 1999 4 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Cover crops, Chemical fertiliser 4 Two main plots that were conventionally (CT) and zero tilled (ZT), and each of these was further divided into four sub- plots, to which NH4NO3 was applied at two rates to two subplots each. This resulted in four treatments (Table 1), each replicated eight times. Plots were 6 × 15 m in size. Four uncultivated control plots (two zero-tillage (ZTcontrol) and two conventional tillage (CT control)) were established adjacent to each side of the main experimental blocks. These plots were estab- lished to enable ‘background’ N2O emissions and soil N dynamics to be determined from unamended and uncropped soil. All treatments, except controls, received 6 t ha−1 of wheat straw (Triticum aestivum) from the previous crop on 26 May 1999. This straw was incorporated to 25 cm depth in the CT treatments and surface mulched in the ZT treatments. CI Split/strip plot 8 No Static chamber Closed NR Gas samples for N2O analysis were taken from closed flux chambers (0.2 m height by 0.3 m diameter), using gas-tight syringes, as described by Smith et al. (1995). Two chambers per subplot were inserted to a soil depth of 50 mm and remained in situ following cultivation of the experiment. Pye Unicam gas chromatograph fitted with an electron capture detector JJT 61,5
35 b Baggs et al. (2003) Baggs EM, Stevenson M, Pihlatie M, Regar A, Cook H, Cadisch G. Nitrous oxide emissions following application of residues and fertiliser under zero and conventional tillage. Plant and Soil. 2003, 1;254(2):361-70. Baggs EM, Stevenson M, Pihlatie M, Regar A, Cook H, Cadisch G Nitrous oxide emissions following application of residues and fertiliser under zero and conventional tillage 2003 Plant and Soil Article N/A United Kingdom 51.5 -0.17 N 30 696084 5709077 Cfb Experiment 2 Silt loam NR NR silt loam soil (sand 17%, silt 68%, clay 15%, organic C 1.9%, pH 5.8, bulk density 1.23 g cm−3), of the Coombe series classified as a Cambisol (FAO classification) Yes The site had previously been under cereal cultivation for 8 years. May 2000 August 2000 4 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Cover crops, Chemical fertiliser 8 In October 1999, over wintering green manures of field bean (Vicia faba) or rye (Secale cereale) were sown on the same experiment. Treatments applied are shown in Table 1. The beans (5.3 t ha−1total above- ground biomass) or rye (3.9 t ha−1total above-ground biomass) were cut on 15 May 2000 and were incor- porated in the CT treatments and surface mulched in the ZT treatments on 22 May, as in 1999. All plots, except controls, were sown to maize (Zea mays) on 23 May and broadcast fertilised with NH4NO3 atratesof0and200kgNha−1 on28May. Microplots, 1 × 0.75 m, were established within each fertilised plot and fertilised with 200 kg N ha−1 as 15NH415NO3 (1.4 atom%). CI Split/strip plot 4 No Static chamber Closed NR Gas samples for N2O analysis were taken from closed flux chambers (0.2 m height by 0.3 m diameter), using gas-tight syringes, as described by Smith et al. (1995). Two chambers per subplot were inserted to a soil depth of 50 mm and remained in situ following cultivation of the experiment. N2O: Pye Unicam gas chromatograph fitted with an electron cap-ture detector; CO2: Infra Red Gas Analyser (ADC 225-MK3). JJT 62,5
36 a Ball (1999) Ball BC, Parker JP, Scott A. Soil and residue management effects on cropping conditions and nitrous oxide fuxes under controlled trafic in Scotland 2. Nitrous oxide, soil N status and weather. Soil Tillage & Research. 1999: 53; 191-201. Ball BC, Parker JP, Scott A Soil and residue management effects on cropping conditions and nitrous oxide ¯uxes under controlled trafic in Scotland 2. Nitrous oxide, soil N status and weather 1999 Soil Tillage & Research Article Ball BC, Ritchie RM. Soil and residue management effects on cropping conditions and nitrous oxide fluxes under controlled traffic in Scotland. 1. Soil and crop responses. Soil Tillage & Research. 1999: 52(3-4); 177-189 United Kingdom 55.85 -3.6 N 30 462435 6189548 Cfb Boghall Sandy loam NR Cambisols Macmerry series (Cambisol in FAS Classifiction) imperfectly drained brown forest soils Yes The first site at Boghall, 10 km south of Edinburgh, contained spring and winter barley from spring 1995 to summer 1996. April 1995 May 1996 13 Tillage Tillage 5 treatments were applied to soil which had been mouldboard ploughed the previous day, incorporating the chopped residues of the previous cereal crop. Treatments were (1) zero compaction, (2) light compaction (target depth of 10 cm) using a heavy roller, (3) heavy compaction (target depth of 25 cm) using a ladenmtractor and (4) heavy compaction with the soil subsequently loosened to 10 cm depth with a rotary cultivator. An additional treatment of no-tillage was also applied CI Randomized Complete Block 1 No NR Closed NR One manually closed chamber was installed on every plot shortly after sowing and on some plots after ®nal harvest. These chambers (Clayton et al., 1994) were 0.2 m tall polypropylene cylinders of diameter 0.4 m and were pushed into the soil to a depth of 5 cm to provide a head space of 0.02 m3 on enclosure with an aluminium lid. Automatic chambers were also used to provide more regular measurements. The automatic chambers (0.7 m  0.7 m) are similar to those described by Scott et al. (1999) and have an actuator-driven, lidclosing system. Nitrous oxide was measured using a Pye Unicam 4500 gas chromatograph ®tted with a 63Ni electron capture detector at 3608C. CRA 63 +nitrous+oxide+uxes+under+controlled+trafic+in+Scotland +2+Nitrous+oxide+soil+N+status+and+weather&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5
36 b Ball (1999) Ball BC, Parker JP, Scott A. Soil and residue management effects on cropping conditions and nitrous oxide fuxes under controlled trafic in Scotland 2. Nitrous oxide, soil N status and weather. Soil Tillage & Research. 1999: 53; 191-201. Ball BC, Parker JP, Scott A Soil and residue management effects on cropping conditions and nitrous oxide ¯uxes under controlled trafic in Scotland 2. Nitrous oxide, soil N status and weather 1999 Soil Tillage & Research Article Ball BC, Ritchie RM. Soil and residue management effects on cropping conditions and nitrous oxide fluxes under controlled traffic in Scotland. 1. Soil and crop responses. Soil Tillage & Research. 1999: 52(3-4); 177-189 & Ball BC, Scott A, Parker JP. Field N2O, CO2 and CH4 fuxes in relation to tillage, compaction and soil quality in Scotland. Soil Tillage & Research. 1999: 53(3-4); 29-39 United Kingdom 56.03 -2.7 N 30 518694 6209830 Cfb North Berwick Loam NR Cambisols Kilmarnock series (Gleyic Cambisol) imperfectly drained brown forest soils Yes The second site, located 3 km south of North Berwick, contained winter oil-seed rape (Brassica spp. L.) from late summer 1996 to harvest 1997. August 1996 September 1997 13 Tillage Tillage 4 treatments were applied to soil which had been mouldboard ploughed the previous day, incorporating the chopped residues of the previous cereal crop. Treatments were (1) zero compaction, (2) light compaction (target depth of 10 cm) using a heavy roller, (3) heavy compaction (target depth of 25 cm) using a ladenmtractor and (4) heavy compaction with the soil subsequently loosened to 10 cm depth with a rotary cultivator. CI Randomized Complete Block 1 No NR Closed NR One manually closed chamber was installed on every plot shortly after sowing and on some plots after ®nal harvest. These chambers (Clayton et al., 1994) were 0.2 m tall polypropylene cylinders of diameter 0.4 m and were pushed into the soil to a depth of 5 cm to provide a head space of 0.02 m3 on enclosure with an aluminium lid. Automatic chambers were also used to provide more regular measurements. The automatic chambers (0.7 m  0.7 m) are similar to those described by Scott et al. (1999) and have an actuator-driven, lidclosing system. Nitrous oxide was measured using a Pye Unicam 4500 gas chromatograph ®tted with a 63Ni electron capture detector at 3608C. CRA 64 +nitrous+oxide+uxes+under+controlled+trafic+in+Scotland +2+Nitrous+oxide+soil+N+status+and+weather&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5
37 a Ball (1999) Ball BC, Scott A, Parker JP. Field N2O, CO2 and CH4 fluxes in relation to tillage, compaction and soil quality in Scotland. Soil Tillage & Research. 1999: 53; 29-39. Ball BC, Scott A, Parker JP Field N2O, CO2 and CH4 fluxes in relation to tillage, compaction and soil quality in Scotland 1999 Soil Tillage & Research Article Tel.: ‡44-131-535-4392; fax: ‡44-131667-2601 Ball BC, Ritchie RM. Soil and residue management effects on cropping conditions and nitrous oxide fluxes under controlled traffic in Scotland. 1. Soil and crop responses. Soil Tillage & Research. 1999: 52(3-4); 177-189 United Kingdom 55.9 -2.9 N 30 506253 6194954 Cfb MacMerry Loam NR Cambisols imperfectly drained loam of Macmerry series (Cambisol) in 1995 No NR April 1995 May 1996 16 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Cover crops 4 Treatments were (1) zero compaction, (2) light compaction (target depth of 100 mm) using a heavy roller (up to 1 Mg mÿ1), (3) heavy compaction (target depth of 250 mm) using a laden tractor (up to 4.2 Mg) and (4) heavy compaction and the soil subsequently loosened down to 100 mm depthwith a rotary cultivator CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed NR The manual chambers (Clayton et al., 1994) were 0.2 m-tall polypropylene cylinders of diameter 0.4 m, pushed into the soil to a depth of 50 mm giving a head space of 16 dm3 on enclosure with an aluminium lid Nitrous oxide was measured using a Pye Unicam 4500 gas chromatograph ®tted with a 63Ni electron capture detector at 360oC, using Pureshield Argon (BOC, Manchester) as carrier gas (35 ml minÿ1). Separation was carried out on a 1 m column (55oC) packed with HayeSep Q, 60±80 mesh (Haye Separations, Bandera, TX). Carbon dioxide was measured using a Hewlett Packard 5890 (Avondale, PA) gas chromatograph ®tted with a thermal conductivity detector at 60oC. Separation in this instance was performed on a 1.5 m column (80oC) packed with Porapak Q, 50±80 mesh (Millipore, Millford, MA) using Grade A Helium (BOC) as carrier gas (40 ml minÿ1). Analysis of both gases was complete within 4 min of injection Other: compaction CRA 65,5
37 b Ball (1999) Ball BC, Scott A, Parker JP. Field N2O, CO2 and CH4 fluxes in relation to tillage, compaction and soil quality in Scotland. Soil Tillage & Research. 1999: 53; 29-39. Ball BC, Scott A, Parker JP Field N2O, CO2 and CH4 fluxes in relation to tillage, compaction and soil quality in Scotland 1999 Soil Tillage & Research Article Tel.: ‡44-131-535-4392; fax: ‡44-131667-2601 Ball BC, Ritchie RM. Soil and residue management effects on cropping conditions and nitrous oxide fluxes under controlled traffic in Scotland. 1. Soil and crop responses. Soil Tillage & Research. 1999: 52(3-4); 177-189 United Kingdom 55.9 -2.9 N 30 506253 6194954 Cfb Winton Clay loam NR Gleysols imperfectly drained clay loam of Winton series (Eutric Gleysol) Yes tillage treatments were applied to a former 12 year-old grass sward and were either conventional mouldboard ploughing to 200 mm, deep mouldboard ploughing to 300 mm or no-tillage April 1996 June 1996 3 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Other 12 tillage experiment was split-plot with prior sward composition (either grass or grass with clover) as the main blocks. The sub-treatments included timing of cultivation (either autumn or spring) and tillage. The split-plots were 12 m10 m. The tillage treatments were applied to a former 12 year-old grass sward and were either conventional mouldboard ploughing to 200 mm, deep mouldboard ploughing to 300 mm or no-tillage. Notillage involved spraying the sward with paraquat and drilling with a single-disc drill which created seeding slits about 5 cm deep CI Split/strip plot 1 No NR Closed NR The manual chambers (Clayton et al., 1994) were 0.2 m-tall polypropylene cylinders of diameter 0.4 m, pushed into the soil to a depth of 50 mm giving a head space of 16 dm3 on enclosure with an aluminium lid, In order to assess the effects of no till, drill slits on N2O ¯ux, small manual chambers (steel cylinders of diameter 73 mm) were pushed into the soil to a depth of 30 mm so as to either enclose a section of drill slit or the area between drill slits. These chambers were enclosed by close-®tting plastic caps, containing an injection port Nitrous oxide was measured using a Pye Unicam 4500 gas chromatograph fitted with a 63Ni electron capture detector at 360oC, using Pureshield Argon (BOC, Manchester) as carrier gas (35 ml minÿ1). Separation was carried out on a 1 m column (55oC) packed with HayeSep Q, 60±80 mesh (Haye Separations, Bandera, TX). Carbon dioxide was measured using a Hewlett Packard 5890 (Avondale, PA) gas chromatograph ®tted with a thermal conductivity detector at 60oC. Separation in this instance was performed on a 1.5 m column (80oC) packed with Porapak Q, 50±80 mesh (Millipore, Millford, MA) using Grade A Helium (BOC) as carrier gas (40 ml minÿ1). Analysis of both gases was complete within 4 min of injection CRA 66,5
38 a Ball (2014) Ball BC, Griffiths BS, Topp CFE, Wheatley R, Walker RL, Rees RM, Watson CA, Gordon H, Hallett PD, McKenzies BM, Nevison IM. Seasonal nitrous oxide emissions from field soils under reduced tillage, compost application or organic farming. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2014: 189; 171-180. Ball BC, Griffiths BS, Topp CFE, Wheatley R, Walker RL, Rees RM, Watson CA, Gordon H, Hallett PD, McKenzies BM, Nevison IM Seasonal nitrous oxide emissions from field soils under reduced tillage, compost application or organic farming 2014 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A United Kingdom 56.45 -3 N 30 500000 6256165 Cfb Mid Pilmore Sandy loam NR Cambisols Dystric-Fluvic Cambisol with a sandy loam texture and free drainage No NR April 2008 April 2010 25 Tillage Tillage 5 5 main plot treatments; no tillage, minimum tillage, normal plough, normal plough and compaction, deep plough. CI Split/strip plot 3 No Static chamber Closed NR manual closed static chamber techniques, each covered 0.126 m^2 of soil and were closed for 1 hr prior to sampling. gas chromatography (Agilent 7890A) using an electron capture detetector CRA 67,5
38 b Ball (2014) Ball BC, Griffiths BS, Topp CFE, Wheatley R, Walker RL, Rees RM, Watson CA, Gordon H, Hallett PD, McKenzies BM, Nevison IM. Seasonal nitrous oxide emissions from field soils under reduced tillage, compost application or organic farming. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2014: 189; 171-180. Ball BC, Griffiths BS, Topp CFE, Wheatley R, Walker RL, Rees RM, Watson CA, Gordon H, Hallett PD, McKenzies BM, Nevison IM Seasonal nitrous oxide emissions from field soils under reduced tillage, compost application or organic farming 2014 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A United Kingdom 56.45 -3 N 30 500000 6256165 Cfb Low Pilmore Sandy loam NR Cambisols Dystric-Fluvic Cambisol with a sandy loam texture and free drainage No NR January 2007 December 2008 24 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 6 6 main plot treatments; Nitrogen and Potassium fertilizer at regular rates (control), 20 t/ha slurry, 40 t/ha slurry, 35 t/ha compost, 100 t/ha compost, 200 t/ha compost. CI Split/strip plot NR No Static chamber Closed NR manual closed static chamber techniques, each covered 0.126 m^2 of soil and were closed for 1 hr prior to sampling. gas chromatography (Agilent 7890A) using an electron capture detetector CRA 68,5
39 Bamminger (2017) Bamminger C, Poll C, Marhan S. Offsetting global warming-induced elevated greenhouse gas emissions from an arable soil by biochar application. Global Change Biology. 2017: 24; e318-e334. Bamminger C, Poll C, Marhan S Offsetting global warming-induced elevated greenhouse gas emissions from an arable soil by biochar application 2017 Global Change Biology Article N/A Germany 48.71 8.81 N 32 486065 5395761 Cfb N/A Silt loam NR Luvisols The arable soil is a loess-derived stagnic Luvisol with silty loam-texture (9% sand, 69% silt, and 22% clay), total C content of 11.4 g C/kg soil dry weight and pH 6.8. Yes The Biochar Hohenheim Climate Change experiment (BC-HoCC) was established in August 2013 (Bamminger et al., 2016) as part of an existing climate change experiment in a temperate agroecosystem (HoCC), where soil has been warmed since 2008 (Poll et al., 2013). August 2013 November 2015 29 Biochar Biochar 2 In August 2013, biochar from Miscanthus 9 giganteus feedstock (slow-pyrolysis for 30 min at 850°C) was added to soil (BCTa: soil with biochar at ambient soil temperature, BCTe: soil with biochar at elevated soil temperature) at a rate of 30 t/ha and manually incorporated into 0– 20 cm soil depth together with spring barley litter from the previous growing season. Control plots (CtrlTa: control soil at ambient soil temperature, CtrlTe: control soil at elevated soil temperature) were not amended with biochar, but litter was incorporated in the same way CI Split/strip plot 4 No NR Closed NR During the 2-year experimental period, greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, N2O and CH4) were measured weekly using closed chambers (Hutchinson & Livingston, 2002). Closed chambers were located between the crop rows, and had an inner volume of 4,850 cm³ covering an area of 270 cm² as described in Poll et al. (2013). The concentrations of CO2, N2O and CH4 in the headspace samples were determined on an Agilent 7890 gas chromatograph (Agilent Technologies Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA) equipped with a methanizer and FID for CO2 and CH4 and an ECD for N2O measurements JR 69,5
40 Barton (2008) Barton L, Kiese R, Gatter D, Butterbach-Bahl K, Buck R, Hinz C, Murphy DV. Nitrous oxide emissions from a cropped soil in a semi-arid climate. Global Change Biology. 2008: 14; 177-192. Barton L, Kiese R, Gatter D, Butterbach-Bahl K, Buck R, Hinz C, Murphy DV Nitrous oxide emissions from a cropped soil in a semi-arid climate 2008 Global Change Biology Article N/A Australia -31.6 117.22 S 50 520554 6503880 Csa N/A NR NR NR Natric Haploxeralf Yes The site was cleared of nativevegetation (e.g.Eucalyptus salmonophloia, E. loxophleba,E. wandoo, E. salubris) between 1912 and 1930, and is located on flat to gently undulating land. Since clearing, the site has been planted to a variety of crops in rotation. The cropping history (and grain yield) of the site for the 5 years before this study was: 2000, lupin ( Lupinus angustifolius); 2001, wheat (Triticum aestivum); 2002, canola (Brassica napus); 2003, barley (Hordeum vulgar); 2004, lupin. To avoid deposition of N from animal urine and dung, animals were excluded from the site 6 months before starting the experiment, as well as throughout the study; this was to ensure that only the effect of N applied by fertilizer was investigated. Crop residue (829 kg DM ha-1) from the previous lupin crop was still present at the time of planting and it contained the equivalent of 9.4 Kg N ha-1 and 278 kg C ha-1 June 2005 May 2006 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 2 Urea, and no fertilizer CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR NR NR Chambers (500mm 500mm) were placed on metal bases inserted into the ground (100mm), and fitted with a top that could be automatically opened and closed Gas chromatography; (SRI Instruments, SRI 8610C, Torrance, CA, USA) fitted with a 63Ni electron capture detector for N2O analysis, an infra-red analyses (Licor, LI 820, St Joseph, MI, USA) for CO2 analyses, an automated sampling unit for collecting and distributing gas samples, and six chambers (one per treatment plot). CRA 70,5
41 Barton (2010) Barton L, Murphy DV, Kiese R, Butterbach-Bahl K. Soil nitrous oxide and methane fluxes are low from a bioenergy crop (canola) grown in a semi-arid climate. Global Change Biology Bioenergy. 2010: 2; 1-15. Barton L, Murphy DV, Kiese R, Butterbach-Bahl K Soil nitrous oxide and methane fluxes are low from a bioenergy crop (canola) grown in a semi-arid climate. 2010 Global Change Biology Bioenergy Article N/A Australia -31.6 117.22 S 50 520554 6503880 Csa N/A Sand NR NR free-draining sand (0–120mm) overlying a poorly draining clay (Natric Haploxeralf and Typic Natrixeralf; USDA, 1992). Yes The site has been planted to a variety of cereal and grain-legume crops in rotation since the 1930s when the land was cleared for agricultural production, and in the 2 years before the present study was used to measure soil N2O fluxes from wheat (Barton et al., 2008). Livestock had been excluded from the site since December 2004 so as to avoid N from animal urine and dung. Crop residue from the previous wheat crop was still present at the time of planting. May 2007 May 2008 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 2 Urea or no fertilizer; Plots received either 75kgNha1yr1 as granular urea (‘1N’), or no N fertilizer (‘0N’ CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR NR NR Chambers (500mm500 mm; clear perspex) were placed on metal bases inserted into the ground (100mm), and fitted with a top that could be automatically opened and closed Gas chromatography; (SRI Instruments, SRI 8610C, Torrance, CA, USA) fitted with a 63Ni electron capture detector for N2O analyses, flame ionization detector for CH4 analyses, an infra-red analyser (Li-Cor, LI820, Lincoln, NE, USA) for CO2 analyses, an automated sampling unit for collecting and distributing gas samples, and six chambers (one per treatment plot CRA 71,5
42 Barton (2013) Barton L, Murphy DV, Butterbach-Bahl K. Influence of crop rotation and liming on greenhouse gas emissions from a semi-arid soil. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2013: 167; 23-32. Barton L, Murphy DV, Butterbach-Bahl K Influence of crop rotation and liming on greenhouse gas emissions from a semi-arid soil. 2013 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A Australia -30.85 116.72 S 50 473547 6586897 Csa N/A Sand NR NR The soil at the experimental site consisted of freedraining sand [Acidic Ferric Yellow-Orthic Tenosol using Australian soil classification (Isbell, 2002); Typic Quartzipsamment using soil taxonomy (USDA, 1992)] (Table 1), and was located on flat to gently undulating land Yes The site was cleared of native vegetation between 1925 and 1930, and since clearing, has been planted to a variety of crops in rotation. The land-use history (and grain yield where applicable) of the site for the five years prior to this study was: 2004, pasture; 2005, wheat (Triticum aestivum, 1.5 t ha−1); 2006, lupin (Lupinus angustifolius, 1.5 t ha−1); 2007, wheat (1.5 t ha−1); 2008, wheat (cut for hay). To avoid deposition of N from animal urine and dung, animals were excluded from the site three months before starting the experiment, as well as throughout the study; this was to ensure that only the effect of cropping rotation and soil liming on greenhouse gas fluxes was investigated. Crop residue (6062 kg DM ha−1) from the previous wheat crop was still present at the time of planting and contained 49 kg N ha−1. June 2009 November 2010 18 Multiple-intervention Crop rotation, Amendments 4 Two cropping rotations (lupin-wheat) and (wheat-wheat) by two liming treatments (0, 3.5 t ha−1). In 2009, plots were either planted to lupin (Lupinus angustifolius cv Mandelup) or wheat (Triticum aestivum cv Carnamah) on the 2 June. Lime sand (3.5 t ha−1, 93–95% neutralising value, common to the region was surface applied approximately 2.5 months (18 March 2009) before commencing greenhouse gas measurements, and with the aim of achieving a soil pH > 6.0. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR NR NR Fluxes were measured in each treatment plot using soil chambers (one per plot) connected to a fully automated system that enabled simultaneous determination of N2O and CH4 fluxes. Chambers (500 mm × 500 mm; clear perspex) were placed on metal bases inserted into the ground (100 mm), and fitted with a top that could be automatically opened and closed. Four bases were located in each treatment plot to enable the chambers to be moved to a new position every week so as to minimise the effect of chambers on soil properties and plant growth. The height of the chambers (not bases) was progressively increased with clear perspex extensions to accommodate crop growth, with a minimum height of 150 mm and a maximum height of 950 mm the field-based system consisted of a gas chromatograph (Texas Instruments, SRI 8610C) fitted with a 63Ni electron capture detector for N2O analyses, a flame ionisation detector for CH4 analyses, an automated sampling unit for collecting and distributing gas samples, and 12 chambers (one per treatment plot) JR 72,5
43 Bayabil (2016) Bayabil HK, Stoof CR, Mason C, Richards BK, Steenhuis TS. Nitrous oxide and methane fluxes from smallholder farms: a scoping study in the Anjeni Watershed. Climate. 2016: 4; 62. Bayabil HK, Stoof CR, Mason C, Richards BK, Steenhuis TS Nitrous oxide and methane fluxes from smallholder farms: a scoping study in the Anjeni Watershed 2016 Climate Article Bayabil 2015 Ethiopia 10.67 37.52 N 37 337759 1179512 Csb N/A NR NR NR The soils of Anjeni have developed from the basalt and volcanic ash with major soils comprising Alisols, Nitisols, and Cambisols covering more than 80% of the watershed [27]. The deep Alisols cover the bottom part of the watershed; moderately deep Nitisols cover the mid-transitional, gently sloping parts of the watershed, while the shallow Regosols and Leptosols cover the high, steepest part of the watershed No NR June 2012 September 2013 16 Biochar Biochar 3 Three treatments were applied: barley without soil amendment (control), barley with charcoal amendment, lupine without soil amendment CI Randomized Complete Block 8 No Static chamber NR Opaque During the installation of static chambers, we followed the same construction procedure for the static chambers as by [31,32]. Plastic buckets (19-L volume) were cut in half, and the top part was carefully installed wide end down (5 cm below ground) using a handheld hoe (Figure 2). A removable second plastic bucket (19-L volume) fitted with sampling and vent ports and rubber bottle septum (easily penetrable by sampling syringes) was used as a top cover during the extraction of gas samples. To ensure an airtight seal between the chamber installed in the soil and the top cover, a rubber band was put around the outside part of the static chamber, on which the cover was put at the top. Similar to the one used by [32], a second septum with an aluminum pipe (5 cm length) was used to maintain air pressure equilibrium inside the chambers. Gas samples were then shipped to the USA for laboratory analysis and were analyzed in the soil and water lab at Cornell University. Concentrations of N2O and CH4 in the samples were determined using Agilent Technologies (Santa Clara, CA, USA) 6890N gas chromatograph fitted with an ECD detector, and operated using a 44-slot Agilent headspace sampler JR 73,5
44 Bayer (2013) Bayer C, Gomes J, Vieira FCB, Zanatta JA, Piccolo MC, Dieckow J. Soil methane oxidation in a long-term no-tillage system in Southern Brazil. Semina: Ciências Agrárias. 2013: 34(4); 1695-1706. Bayer C, Gomes J, Vieira FCB, Zanatta JA, Piccolo MC, Dieckow J Soil methane oxidation in a long-term no-tillage system in Southern Brazi 2013 Semina: Scienca Agrerias Article; ZANATTA, J. A.; BAYER, C.; DIECKOW, J.; VIEIRA, F. C. B.; MIELNICZUK, J. Soil organic carbon accumulation and carbon costs related to tillage, cropping systems and nitrogen fertilization in a subtropical Acrisol. Soil & Tillage Research, Amsterdam, v. 94, n. 2, p. 510519, 200 Brazil -30.1 -51.68 S 22 434159 6669937 Cfa N/A Sandy clay loam NR Acrisols The soil was a sandy clay loam Acrisol (IUSS, 2006), containing 220 g kg-1 of clay, and was derived from granit Yes The study was performed within the framework of a long-term experiment (19 years) at the Agronomic Experimental Station of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS; 30° 06’ S, 51° 41’ W; 45 m altitude above sea level) in Southern Brazil. In addition, this soil was physically degraded when the experiment was initiated in 1985. In 1969, the original grassland was converted into an annual cropland. This system was based on CT, which caused heavy erosion of the land because of the use of intense ploughing until the start of the experiment April 2003 October 2004 18 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Crop Rotation 4 NT and CT were evaluated in combination with two cropping systems under no N fertilization. The two cropping systems comprised (1) black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb.) as the winter cover-crop and maize (Zea mays L.) as the summer crop [O/M] and (2) vetch (Vigna sativa L.) as the winter cover-crop and maize as the summer crop [V/M CI Split/strip plot 3 No NR Closed NR Air samples were obtained from PVC closed flux chambers (diameter, 0.25 m; height, 0.20 m), which were mounted on the aluminum bases (GOMES et al., 2009). The chamber and aluminum base were sealed with water gas chromatography (GC-Shimadzu 14A CRA 74,5
45 a Bayer (2015) Bayer C, Gomes J, Zanatta JA, Vieira FCB, Piccolo MC, Dieckow J, Six J. Soil nitrous oxide emissions as affected by long-term tillage, cropping systems and nitrogen fertilization in Southern Brazil. Soil Tillage & Research. 2015: 146; 213-222. Bayer C, Gomes J, Zanatta JA, Vieira FCB, Piccolo MC, Dieckow J, Six J. Soil nitrous oxide emissions as affected by long-term tillage, cropping systems and nitrogen fertilization in Southern Brazil. 2015 Soil Tillage & Research Article N/A Brazil -30.1 -51.68 S 22 434159 6669937 Cfa 1 year trial NR NR Acrisols FAO: Alumic Acrisol, USDA: Typic Paleudult. Yes The study was carried out in a long-term field experiment at the agronomic experimental station of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul near Eldorado do Sul Rio Grande do Sul State, Southern Brazil (30060 S; 51 40 W, about 45 m altitude). Study was established in 1995 October 2003 October 2004 12 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Crop Rotation, Tillage 4 two tillage systems (conventional or no-tillage) and two cropping systems (black oat and maize or vetch and maize) CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Closed NR Closed flux chamber (0.25-m diameter x 0.20-m height) composed of a PVC-cylinder that was hermetically closed in the top. Each chamber was fitted with an aluminum-base (0.0346 m^2), which was previously inserted up to 5 cm into thesoil and was only removed for sowing and harvest. gas chromatography; (GC-Shimadzu 14A) Cannot removed the treatment groups from the crop rotation types in the long term and especially not in the short term. CRA 75,5
45 b Bayer (2015) Bayer C, Gomes J, Zanatta JA, Vieira FCB, Piccolo MC, Dieckow J, Six J. Soil nitrous oxide emissions as affected by long-term tillage, cropping systems and nitrogen fertilization in Southern Brazil. Soil Tillage & Research. 2015: 146; 213-222. Bayer C, Gomes J, Zanatta JA, Vieira FCB, Piccolo MC, Dieckow J, Six J. Soil nitrous oxide emissions as affected by long-term tillage, cropping systems and nitrogen fertilization in Southern Brazil. 2015 Soil Tillage & Research Article N/A Brazil -30.1 -51.68 S 22 434159 6669937 Cfa short-term trial NR NR Acrisols FAO: Alumic Acrisol, USDA: Typic Paleudult. Yes The study was carried out in a long-term field experiment at the agronomic experimental station of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul near Eldorado do Sul Rio Grande do Sul State, Southern Brazil (30060 S; 51 40 W, about 45 m altitude). Study was established in 1995 October 2004 November 2004 2 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Crop Rotation, Tillage 3 control (oat/maize without addition of any fertilizer), urea-N (applied to oat/maize), and legume-residue-N with vetch biomass (applied to the vetch/maize before sowing). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Closed NR Closed flux chamber (0.25-m diameter x 0.20-m height) composed of a PVC-cylinder that was hermetically closed in the top. Each chamber was fitted with an aluminum-base (0.0346 m^2), which was previously inserted up to 5 cm into thesoil and was only removed for sowing and harvest. gas chromatography; (GC-Shimadzu 14A) CRA 76,5
46 Beheydt (2008) Beheydt D, Boeckx P, Ahmed HP, Cleemput OV. N2O emission from conventional and minimum-tilled soils. Biology & Fertility of Soils. 2008: 44(6); 863-873. Beheydt D, Boeckx P, Ahmed HP, Cleemput OV N2O emission from conventional and minimum-tilled soils 2008 Biology and Fertility of Soils Article N/A Belgium 50.6 3.53 N 31 537745 5605481 Cfb N/A NR NR NR 3 separate fields. Yes No major soil disruption (ploughing, disking, etc.) had occurred at the MT sites since 1992. After 10 years of fallow, the soils were reused since 2002 as cropland. The drained CT soil was ploughed and disked in spring. The two MT sites were part of a fallow-grain-maize rotation since 2002. The CT field was cropped with sugar beets in 2002 and maize in 2003. NR 2002 November 2004 35 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Crop rotation 3 Minimum tillage in oat field, Minimum tillage in maize fields, conventional tillage in maize fields. CI Paired design 1 No NR Closed NR closed boxes (rayon 7.5 cm; 11 cm height), boxes were pushed 5 cm into the soil. infrared gas analyser (Multi-Gas Monitor Type 1302, Brüel & Kjær, Denmark), equipped with optical filters for N2O, CO2, CH 4 and water vapour analysis and connected to a CBISS Intelligent 6-channel sampler (CBISS, England) CRA 77,5
47 a Bell (2015) Bell MJ, Hinton N, Cloy JM, Topp CFE, Rees RM, Cardenas L, Scott T, Webster C, Ashton RW, Whitmore AP, Williams JR, Balshaw H, Paine F, Goulding KWT, Chadwick DR. Nitrous oxide emissions from fertilised UK arable soils: Fluxes, emission factors and mitigation. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2015: 212(20); 134-147. Bell MJ, Hinton N, Cloy JM, Topp CFE, Rees RM, Cardenas L, Scott T, Webster C, Ashton RW, Whitmore AP, Williams JR, Balshaw H, Paine F, Goulding KWT, Chadwick DR Nitrous oxide emissions from fertilised UK arable soils: Fluxes, emission factors and mitigation 2015 Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment Article N/A United Kingdom 52.03 -2.72 N 30 519437 5764784 Cfb Rosemaund Clay loam NR NR NR Yes Cropping history (1 year before experiment) Winter oats Cropping history (2 years before experiment) Winter wheat October 2010 March 2012 18 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, nitrification inhibitor 10 Five levels of ammonium nitrate fertilization, Ammonium nitrate fertilizer applied in more frequent smaller doses, ammonium nitrate with nitrification inhibitor, Urea, and Urea with a nitrification inhibitor. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Closed Opaque Square opaque polypropylene chambers (400 mm x 400mm x 400 mm, soil surface area coverage of 0.16 m^2) Gas chromatography; Agilent 7890A Gas Chromatograph fitted with an electron capture detector. CRA 78,5
47 b Bell (2015) Bell MJ, Hinton N, Cloy JM, Topp CFE, Rees RM, Cardenas L, Scott T, Webster C, Ashton RW, Whitmore AP, Williams JR, Balshaw H, Paine F, Goulding KWT, Chadwick DR. Nitrous oxide emissions from fertilised UK arable soils: Fluxes, emission factors and mitigation. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2015: 212(20); 134-147. Bell MJ, Hinton N, Cloy JM, Topp CFE, Rees RM, Cardenas L, Scott T, Webster C, Ashton RW, Whitmore AP, Williams JR, Balshaw H, Paine F, Goulding KWT, Chadwick DR Nitrous oxide emissions from fertilised UK arable soils: Fluxes, emission factors and mitigation 2015 Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment Article N/A United Kingdom 52.03 -0.52 N 30 670343 5767657 Cfb Woburn Loamy sand NR NR NR Yes Cropping history (1 year before experiment) Winter beans Cropping history (2 years before experiment) Winter wheat October 2010 March 2012 18 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, nitrification inhibitor 10 Five levels of ammonium nitrate fertilization, Ammonium nitrate fertilizer applied in more frequent smaller doses, ammonium nitrate with nitrification inhibitor, Urea, and Urea with a nitrification inhibitor. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Closed Opaque Square opaque polypropylene chambers (400 mm x 400mm x 400 mm, soil surface area coverage of 0.16 m^2) Gas chromatography; Agilent 7890A Gas Chromatograph fitted with an electron capture detector. CRA 79,5
47 c Bell (2015) Bell MJ, Hinton N, Cloy JM, Topp CFE, Rees RM, Cardenas L, Scott T, Webster C, Ashton RW, Whitmore AP, Williams JR, Balshaw H, Paine F, Goulding KWT, Chadwick DR. Nitrous oxide emissions from fertilised UK arable soils: Fluxes, emission factors and mitigation. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2015: 212(20); 134-147. Bell MJ, Hinton N, Cloy JM, Topp CFE, Rees RM, Cardenas L, Scott T, Webster C, Ashton RW, Whitmore AP, Williams JR, Balshaw H, Paine F, Goulding KWT, Chadwick DR Nitrous oxide emissions from fertilised UK arable soils: Fluxes, emission factors and mitigation 2015 Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment Article N/A United Kingdom 55.92 -2.77 N 30 514584 6196829 Cfb Gilchriston Sandy clay loam NR NR NR Yes Cropping history (1 year before experiment) Spring barley Cropping history (2 years before experiment) Winter wheat March 2011 April 2012 13 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, nitrification inhibitor 10 Five levels of ammonium nitrate fertilization, Ammonium nitrate fertilizer applied in more frequent smaller doses, ammonium nitrate with nitrification inhibitor, Urea, and Urea with a nitrification inhibitor. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Closed Opaque Circular opaque polypropylene chambers with aluminum lids (400 mm diameter, 300 mm height, soil surface area coverage of approximately 0.126 m^2) Gas chromatography; Agilent 7890A Gas Chromatograph fitted with an electron capture detector. CRA 80,5
48 a Bell (2016) Bell MJ, Hinton NJ, Cloy JM, Topp CFE, Rees RM, Williams JR, Misselbrook TH, Chadwick DR. How do emission rates and emission factors for nitrous oxide and ammonia vary with manure type and time of application in a Scottish farmland? Geoderma. 2016: 264; 81-93. Bell MJ, Hinton NJ, Cloy JM, Topp CFE, Rees RM, Williams JR, Misselbrook TH, Chadwick DR How do emission rates and emission factors for nitrous oxide and ammonia vary with manure type and time of application in a Scottish farmland? 2016 Geoderma Article N/A United Kingdom 56.25 -2.72 N 30 517557 6233941 Cfb First (Fall application) Sandy loam NR NR NR Yes Spring barley (Hordeum vulgare) had been grown in the field for the previous four years October 2012 October 2013 12 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 6 Cattle farmyard manure, Broiler litter, Layer manure, Cattle slurry by trailing hose application, Cattle slurry by surface broadcast application, and a Control CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR Opaque Square opaque polypropylene chambers (400 mm x 400mm x 400 mm, soil surface area coverage of 0.16 m^2) inserted 5 cm into the soil. Gas chromatography; Agilent 7890A Gas Chromatograph fitted with an electron capture detector. CRA 81,5
48 b Bell (2016) Bell MJ, Hinton NJ, Cloy JM, Topp CFE, Rees RM, Williams JR, Misselbrook TH, Chadwick DR. How do emission rates and emission factors for nitrous oxide and ammonia vary with manure type and time of application in a Scottish farmland? Geoderma. 2016: 264; 81-93. Bell MJ, Hinton NJ, Cloy JM, Topp CFE, Rees RM, Williams JR, Misselbrook TH, Chadwick DR How do emission rates and emission factors for nitrous oxide and ammonia vary with manure type and time of application in a Scottish farmland? 2016 Geoderma Article N/A United Kingdom 56.25 -2.72 N 30 517557 6233941 Cfb Second (Spring application) Sandy loam NR NR NR Yes Spring barley (Hordeum vulgare) had been grown in the field for the previous four years April 2013 April 2013 12 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 5 Broiler litter, Layer manure, Cattle slurry by trailing hose application, Cattle slurry by surface broadcast application, and a Control CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR Opaque Square opaque polypropylene chambers (400 mm x 400mm x 400 mm, soil surface area coverage of 0.16 m^2) inserted 5 cm into the soil. Gas chromatography; Agilent 7890A Gas Chromatograph fitted with an electron capture detector. CRA 82,5
49 Benckiser (1996) Benckiser G, Eilts R, Linn A, Lorch HJ, Sümer E, Weiske A, Wenzhöfer F. N2O emissions from different cropping systems and from aerated, nitrifying and denitrifying tanks of a municipal waste water treatment plant. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 1996: 23; 257-265. Benckiser G, Eilts R, Linn A, Lorch HJ, Sümer E, Weiske A, Wenzhöfer F. N2O emissions from different cropping systems and from aerated, nitrifying and denitrifying tanks of a municipal waste water treatment plant 1996 Biology and Fertility of Soils Article NR N/A Germany 50.57 8.66 N 32 476259 5602588 Cfb N/A Clay loam NR NR The topsoil (0-35 cm) was a clayey loam (clay 31%, silt 60% and sand 5%) with a pH (H20) of 6.2. Total organic C was 1.41% and total organic N 0.15%. The soil was classified as an allochtone brown earth derived from river sediments. Yes Before starting with the N20-flux measurements in October 1991, the experimental site was ploughed (25 cm deep), levelled by rotary harrow and sown with winter rye (20 September 1991). October 1991 May 1992 8 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 4 Further treatments were achieved by different fertilizer applications (1-4). Treatments A-M1 received no fertilizer. Treatments A-M24 received 37 kg P and 100 kg K ha -1 year 1 and different rates of N as follows: Treatments A-M2 received no nitrogen, treatments A-M3 80 kg N ha -1 year -1 and the treatments A-M4 120 kg N ha q year -~ as ammonium nitrate split into three applications (40, 20, 20 or 60, 30, 30). During the growth of Vicia faba or Zea mays no nitrogen or 180 kg N ha 1 year-1 was applied, respectively. CI Latin square 4 No NR Open NR Briefly, open chambers (50 cmxl0 crnxl5 cm, four in parallel) equipped with a sharpened steel base and a removeable lid were inserted about 5 cm deep into the soil between the plant rows. The plants under the boxes were removed. Before each N20-sampling period of 4 h day -1 the lid was made air tight and the open chambers continuously flushed with an air stream (20 1 h 1) using a vacuum pump (Vacubrand M2, Germany) and flow meters (Platon, Germany). After each N20 measurement the lids were removed to avoid the development of a different microclimate under the cover boxes. The N~O released into the air stream was collected on three 0.5-nm molecular sieve traps (19 cm in length, 2.5 cm in diameter; ca. 35-g 2-ram pellets; Merck, Germany) The N20 released from the different cropping systems as well as from the different units of the waste water treatment plant, absorbed on the molecular sieve, was desorbed in evacuated Erlenmeyer flasks ca. 1 1 in volume containing 150 ml water (Benckiser et al. 1995). Gas portions of the atmosphere of the Eflenmeyer flasks either used to desorb N20 from the molecular sieve or to release N20 from the soil solution were analysed gas chromatographically. A gas chromatograph equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD; Sigma 300, Perkin Elmer, Germany; Porapak Q column 2 m, 120 mesh; N2 carrier gas; detector 300~ injector 150~ column 50~ flow 30 ml rain <) was employed to quantify the N20 JR 83,5
50 Bender (2001) Bender MR. Agroecosystem management effects on nitrous oxide and methane emissions. Alabama Agriculture and Mechanical University. 2001. Bender MR Agroecosystem management effects on nitrous oxide and methane emissions. 2001 Alabama Agriculture and Mechanical University Thesis NR N/A USA 32.59 -85.5 N 16 641220 3607212 Cfa N/A Loamy sand NR NR A field study was conducted from November 1998 to November 1999 at Auburn University (32°36'N, 85°36'W) on a Marvyn loamy sand (loamy, koaolinitic, thermic Typic Kandiudults). It is a Coastal Plain soil. Yes Conducted on a no-till cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) - com (Zea mays L.) - rye (Secale cereale L.) rotation. November 1998 November 1999 13 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 3 Treatments were no N with winter legume, no N without winter legume, and complete fertilization without winter legume (Complete fertilization = 112 kg P ha'1 and 303 kg K. ha*1 per three year rotation, and 100 kg N ha'1 on cotton, 135 kg N ha'1 on com, and 67 kg N ha*1 on rye). The winter legume used was crimson clover (Trifolium incarmtum L.). CI Randomized 4 No NR Closed NR Surface emission rates of N20 -N and CH4-C were measured biweekly using a closed chamber technique. Chambers were constructed from PVC pipe (20 cm diameter x 16 cm headspace). Chambers were fitted at the top with a vent (5 mm diameter x 25 cm length), and a sampling port. Chambers were colored white to minimize temperature variation of air within the chambers. Four chambers were randomly placed 3 cm into the soil within each plot Using a syringe, gas samples were collected from the chamber headspace at 0,30,60 minute intervals, and stored in 3 ml vials. Vials were then stored at 4°C until analysis. Gas samples were analyzed using a Varian star cx gas chromatograph (Varian, Walnut Creek, CA). Nitrous oxide concentrations were determined using a 4 m Haysep R column, and a 63Ni electron capture detector (ECD). Methane concentration was determined using a 3 m Porapak N column, and a flame ionizing detector (FID). JR 84,5
51 Bessou (2010) Bessou C, Mary B, Leonard J, Roussel M, Grehan E, Gabrielle B. Modelling soil compaction impacts on nitrous oxide emissions in arable fields. European Journal of Soil Science. 2010: 61; 348-363. Bessou C, Mary B, Leonard J, Roussel M, Grehan E, Gabrielle B Modelling soil compaction impacts on nitrous oxide emissions in arable fields 2010 European Journal of Soil Science Article cbessou@grignon.inra.f N/A France 49.88 3.01 N 31 500788 5525513 Cfb N/A Silt loam NR Luvisols The soil is an Orthic Luvisol (FAO et al., 1998) containing 19% clay, 74% silt, 5% sand and 9.8 g kg−1 organic carbon, with a pH of 7.8 Yes The preceding crops were winter wheat (F1, 2006) and winter barley (F2, 2007) March 2007 November 2008 20 Tillage Tillage 2 two treatments were considered: ‘uncompacted’ (conventional tillage) and ‘compacted CI Paired design 1 No NR NR NR N2O and CO 2 fluxes were continuously measured in automatic chambers (0.49 m2, 0.25 m high, depth of insertion=0.08− 0.12 m) CO 2 analyser (LiCor 820: LiCor Biosciences, Lincoln, NE USA) and an N2O analyser (Thermo 46C: Thermo Electron, Saint Aubon, France) with sensitivity levels of approximately 0.5 p.p.m. and 2 p.p.b., respectively CRA 85,5
52 a Bhandral (2009) Bhandral R, Bittman S, Kowalenko G, Buckley K, Chantigny MH, Hunt DE, Bounaix F, Friesen A. Enhancing Soil Infi ltration Reduces Gaseous Emissions and Improves N Uptake from Applied Dairy Slurry. Journal of Environmental Quality. 2009: 38(4);1371-1382. Bhandral R, Bittman S, Kowalenko G, Buckley K, Chantigny MH, Hunt DE, Bounaix F, Friesen A Enhancing Soil Infi ltration Reduces Gaseous Emissions and Improves N Uptake from Applied Dairy Slurry 2009 Journal of Environmental Quality Article N/A Canada 49.18 -121.75 N 10 591091 5448588 Cfb N/A Sandy loam NR NR The soil at the experimental site is silty to sandy loam belonging to the Monroe series, described as Typic Dystrudept of moderately good drainage derived from medium texture stone-free Fraser river deposits (Luttmerding, 1981) Yes The land was fallow with no crop cover on it May 2005 February 2006 10 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 5 The four manure treatments were: decanted surface, decanted mechanically assisted infiltration (MAI), whole surface, and whole MAI. A control (no manure) treatment was also used. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR NR NR Nitrous oxide was measured using one square vented aluminum chamber (0.60 by 0.60 m) per plot. Th e chamber collar (height 12 cm) remained installed in the soil throughout the trial period at approximate depth of 5 to 6 cm. Gas chromatography; The gas samples collected in the vials were analyzed using a Varian CP-3800 gas chromatograph equipped with a 63Ni-electron capture detector (Lemke et al., 1998 CRA 86,5
52 b Bhandral (2009) Bhandral R, Bittman S, Kowalenko G, Buckley K, Chantigny MH, Hunt DE, Bounaix F, Friesen A. Enhancing Soil Infi ltration Reduces Gaseous Emissions and Improves N Uptake from Applied Dairy Slurry. Journal of Environmental Quality. 2009: 38(4);1371-1382. Bhandral R, Bittman S, Kowalenko G, Buckley K, Chantigny MH, Hunt DE, Bounaix F, Friesen A Enhancing Soil Infi ltration Reduces Gaseous Emissions and Improves N Uptake from Applied Dairy Slurry 2009 Journal of Environmental Quality Article N/A Canada 49.18 -121.75 N 10 591091 5448588 Cfb N/A Sandy loam NR NR The soil at the experimental site is silty to sandy loam belonging to the Monroe series, described as Typic Dystrudept of moderately good drainage derived from medium texture stone-free Fraser river deposits (Luttmerding, 1981) Yes The land was fallow with no crop cover on it May 2006 March 2007 11 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 5 The four manure treatments were: decanted surface, decanted mechanically assisted infiltration (MAI), whole surface, and whole MAI. A control (no manure) treatment was also used. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR NR NR Nitrous oxide was measured using one square vented aluminum chamber (0.60 by 0.60 m) per plot. Th e chamber collar (height 12 cm) remained installed in the soil throughout the trial period at approximate depth of 5 to 6 cm. Gas chromatography; The gas samples collected in the vials were analyzed using a Varian CP-3800 gas chromatograph equipped with a 63Ni-electron capture detector (Lemke et al., 1998 CRA 87,5
52 c Bhandral (2009) Bhandral R, Bittman S, Kowalenko G, Buckley K, Chantigny MH, Hunt DE, Bounaix F, Friesen A. Enhancing Soil Infi ltration Reduces Gaseous Emissions and Improves N Uptake from Applied Dairy Slurry. Journal of Environmental Quality. 2009: 38(4);1371-1382. Bhandral R, Bittman S, Kowalenko G, Buckley K, Chantigny MH, Hunt DE, Bounaix F, Friesen A Enhancing Soil Infi ltration Reduces Gaseous Emissions and Improves N Uptake from Applied Dairy Slurry 2009 Journal of Environmental Quality Article N/A Canada 49.18 -121.75 N 10 591091 5448588 Cfb N/A Sandy loam NR NR The soil at the experimental site is silty to sandy loam belonging to the Monroe series, described as Typic Dystrudept of moderately good drainage derived from medium texture stone-free Fraser river deposits (Luttmerding, 1981) Yes The land was fallow with no crop cover on it July 2005 February 2006 8 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 5 The four manure treatments were: decanted surface, decanted mechanically assisted infiltration (MAI), whole surface, and whole MAI. A control (no manure) treatment was also used. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR NR NR Nitrous oxide was measured using one square vented aluminum chamber (0.60 by 0.60 m) per plot. Th e chamber collar (height 12 cm) remained installed in the soil throughout the trial period at approximate depth of 5 to 6 cm. Gas chromatography; The gas samples collected in the vials were analyzed using a Varian CP-3800 gas chromatograph equipped with a 63Ni-electron capture detector (Lemke et al., 1998 CRA 88,5
52 d Bhandral (2009) Bhandral R, Bittman S, Kowalenko G, Buckley K, Chantigny MH, Hunt DE, Bounaix F, Friesen A. Enhancing Soil Infi ltration Reduces Gaseous Emissions and Improves N Uptake from Applied Dairy Slurry. Journal of Environmental Quality. 2009: 38(4);1371-1382. Bhandral R, Bittman S, Kowalenko G, Buckley K, Chantigny MH, Hunt DE, Bounaix F, Friesen A Enhancing Soil Infi ltration Reduces Gaseous Emissions and Improves N Uptake from Applied Dairy Slurry 2009 Journal of Environmental Quality Article N/A Canada 49.18 -121.75 N 10 591091 5448588 Cfb N/A Sandy loam NR NR The soil at the experimental site is silty to sandy loam belonging to the Monroe series, described as Typic Dystrudept of moderately good drainage derived from medium texture stone-free Fraser river deposits (Luttmerding, 1981) Yes The land was fallow with no crop cover on it July 2006 March 2007 9 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 5 The four manure treatments were: decanted surface, decanted mechanically assisted infiltration (MAI), whole surface, and whole MAI. A control (no manure) treatment was also used. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR NR NR Nitrous oxide was measured using one square vented aluminum chamber (0.60 by 0.60 m) per plot. Th e chamber collar (height 12 cm) remained installed in the soil throughout the trial period at approximate depth of 5 to 6 cm. Gas chromatography; The gas samples collected in the vials were analyzed using a Varian CP-3800 gas chromatograph equipped with a 63Ni-electron capture detector (Lemke et al., 1998 CRA 89,5
52 e Bhandral (2009) Bhandral R, Bittman S, Kowalenko G, Buckley K, Chantigny MH, Hunt DE, Bounaix F, Friesen A. Enhancing Soil Infi ltration Reduces Gaseous Emissions and Improves N Uptake from Applied Dairy Slurry. Journal of Environmental Quality. 2009: 38(4);1371-1382. Bhandral R, Bittman S, Kowalenko G, Buckley K, Chantigny MH, Hunt DE, Bounaix F, Friesen A Enhancing Soil Infi ltration Reduces Gaseous Emissions and Improves N Uptake from Applied Dairy Slurry 2009 Journal of Environmental Quality Article N/A Canada 49.18 -121.75 N 10 591091 5448588 Cfb N/A Sandy loam NR NR The soil at the experimental site is silty to sandy loam belonging to the Monroe series, described as Typic Dystrudept of moderately good drainage derived from medium texture stone-free Fraser river deposits (Luttmerding, 1981) Yes The land was fallow with no crop cover on it October 2005 March 2006 6 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 5 The four manure treatments were: decanted surface, decanted mechanically assisted infiltration (MAI), whole surface, and whole MAI. A control (no manure) treatment was also used. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR NR NR Nitrous oxide was measured using one square vented aluminum chamber (0.60 by 0.60 m) per plot. Th e chamber collar (height 12 cm) remained installed in the soil throughout the trial period at approximate depth of 5 to 6 cm. Gas chromatography; The gas samples collected in the vials were analyzed using a Varian CP-3800 gas chromatograph equipped with a 63Ni-electron capture detector (Lemke et al., 1998 CRA 90,5
52 f Bhandral (2009) Bhandral R, Bittman S, Kowalenko G, Buckley K, Chantigny MH, Hunt DE, Bounaix F, Friesen A. Enhancing Soil Infi ltration Reduces Gaseous Emissions and Improves N Uptake from Applied Dairy Slurry. Journal of Environmental Quality. 2009: 38(4);1371-1382. Bhandral R, Bittman S, Kowalenko G, Buckley K, Chantigny MH, Hunt DE, Bounaix F, Friesen A Enhancing Soil Infi ltration Reduces Gaseous Emissions and Improves N Uptake from Applied Dairy Slurry 2009 Journal of Environmental Quality Article N/A Canada 49.18 -121.75 N 10 591091 5448588 Cfb N/A Sandy loam NR NR The soil at the experimental site is silty to sandy loam belonging to the Monroe series, described as Typic Dystrudept of moderately good drainage derived from medium texture stone-free Fraser river deposits (Luttmerding, 1981) Yes The land was fallow with no crop cover on it October 2006 June 2007 9 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 5 The four manure treatments were: decanted surface, decanted mechanically assisted infiltration (MAI), whole surface, and whole MAI. A control (no manure) treatment was also used. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR NR NR Nitrous oxide was measured using one square vented aluminum chamber (0.60 by 0.60 m) per plot. Th e chamber collar (height 12 cm) remained installed in the soil throughout the trial period at approximate depth of 5 to 6 cm. Gas chromatography; The gas samples collected in the vials were analyzed using a Varian CP-3800 gas chromatograph equipped with a 63Ni-electron capture detector (Lemke et al., 1998 CRA 91,5
53 Biau (2012) Biau A, Santiveri F, Mijangos I, Lloveras J. The impact of organic and mineral fertilizers on soil quality parameters and the productivity of irrigated maize crops in semiarid regions. European Journal of Soil Biology. 2012: 53; 56-61. Biau A, Santiveri F, Mijangos I, Lloveras J The impact of organic and mineral fertilizers on soil quality parameters and the productivity of irrigated maize crops in semiarid regions. 2012 European Journal of Soil Biology Article N/A Spain 41.66 0.39 N 31 282631 4614888 Cfb N/A Loam NR NR The field site is characterized by well-drained Petrocalcic Calcixerept soil with no significant salinity [26]. Yes The study was carried out under sprinkler irrigation system providing approximately 700 mm of water over the maize growing season, combined with conventional tillage with moldboard ploughing to a depth of 25e30 cm. April 2002 October 2011 123 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 3 Fertilizer treatments comprised a single application of PS (pig slurry) before planting (composition summarized in Table 2) and a mineral N fertilization (33.5% ammonium nitrate) applied twice in V3eV4 and V5eV6 developing stages [28]. A zero N rate was included as a control (N0). Pig slurry was applied at a dose of 45m3 ha1 (PS45), which is equivalent to approximately 315 kg ha1 year1 of N. The mineral fertilizer was applied using a small, droptype hand-driven spreader at a dose equivalent to 300 kg N ha1 year1 (N300), which is within the normal range for the Ebro Valley and it is sufficient to achieve average maize grain yields in the region [30]. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR NR NR Soil CO2 emissions (CO2 Flux) were determined in situ at three sampling areas in the middle of each plot using a PP-Systems EGM- 4 IRGA linked to a cylindrical soil respiration chamber SRC-1 (diameter 10 cm, height 15 cm). Soil CO2 emissions (CO2 Flux) were determined in situ at three sampling areas in the middle of each plot using a PP-Systems EGM- 4 IRGA linked to a cylindrical soil respiration chamber SRC-1 (diameter 10 cm, height 15 cm). JR 92,5
54 Boeckx (2011) Boeckx P, Nieuland KV, Cleemput OV. Short-term effect of tillage intensity on N2O and CO2 emissions. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 2011: 31(3); 453-461 Boeckx P, Nieuland KV, Cleemput OV Short-term effect of tillage intensity on N2O and CO2 emissions 2011 Agronomy for Sustainble Development Article N/A Belgium 50.62 3.57 N 31 540089 5607351 Cfb N/A Silt loam NR Luvisols The soil contains 17.6% sand, 16.1% clay, and 66.3% silt (Table 2) and is classified as a Luvisol (WRB,, consulted February 2010) Yes The field site has been underarable management for more than 100 years and wasconverted from CT to RT in 1995 September 2006 December 2008 28 Tillage Tillage 3 one third of the field was restored to CT (moldboard plowing to a depth of 30 cm and harrowing the top 10 cm), another third of the field was converted to NT using direct seeding, and the final third continued to be managed by RT (harrowing the top 10 cm). CI Split/strip plot 1 No NR Closed NR closed chambers (six per treatment, diameter 15 cm, height 11 cm) Boxes were pushed 5 cm into the soil, left open for about half an hour, and then closed; they were placed between plant row. photo-acoustic infrared gas analyzer (Multi-Gas Monitor Type 1302, Brüel & Kjær, Denmark) equipped with optical filters for N2O, CO2, CH 4, and water vapor analysis and connected to a CBISS Intelligent six-channel sampler (CBISS Ltd., England CRA 93,5
55 Bogunovic (2017) Bogunovic I, Bilandzija D, Andabaka Z, Stupic D, Comino JR, Cacic M, Brezinscak L, Maletic E, Pereira P. Soil compaction under different management practices in a Croatian vineyard. Arabian Journal of Geoscience. 2017: 10(15); 240. Bogunovic I, Bilandzija D, Andabaka Z, Stupic D, Comino JR, Cacic M, Brezinscak L, Maletic E, Pereira P Soil compaction under different management practices in a Croatian vineyard 2017 Arabian Journal of Geoscience Article N/A Croatia 45.85 16 N 33 577641 5077868 Cfa N/A Silty clay loam NR NR Soil at the experimental site is classified as Anthrosols created fromStagnosols (IUSS,WorkingGroupWorldreferencebase for soil resources, 2014). Soil texture is silty clay loam. Yes The research was carried out in a 21-year old vineyard May 2016 October 2016 6 Tillage Tillage 4 Conventional tillage, Continuous no-tillage, Inversed treatment-tilled, and inversed treatment-grass-covered. The soil managements (inter-rows) studied were as follows: conventional tillage (CT)—consists of an annual ripping (≈30 cm) and rotation digging (≈25 cm) in spring, followed by a harrowing (≈10 cm) during growing season between two and three times; continuous no-tillage (NT)— consists by a grassed inter-row. This treatment was tilled during May 2016 in order to sow a cover crop of Trifolium subterraneum (40%), Festuca rubra (30%), and Lolium perenne (30%); inversed treatment-tilled (INV-T)—this treatment was tilled during May 2016 (ripping to a 30 cm + rotation digging to 25 cm). During the season, natural vegetation coversthistreatmentandmulchingisperformedwithresidues remained on surface; inversed treatment-grass-covered (INVGC)—this treatment was not tilled during 2016, and natural vegetation was mulched. Next year INV-GC will represent INV-T. Last two treatments were and will be inversed each year. In all rows, between vines, the soil was cultivated to a depth of 10 cm and weeds were suppressed with herbicides. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 Yes Static chamber Closed NR Soil CO2 fluxes were measured in situ in a closed static chamber, during 30 min of incubation. Measurements were conducted on bare soil, and when necessary, vegetation was removed by cutting from inside the chambers, previous to the measurements portable infrared carbon dioxide detector (GasAlertMicro5 IR, BW Technologies CRA 94,5
56 Bono (2008) Bono A, Alvarez R, Buschiazzo DE, Cantet RJC. Tillage effect on soil carbon balance in a semiarid ecosystem. Soil Science Society of America. 2008: 72(4); 1140-1149. Bono A, Alvarez R, Buschiazzo DE, Cantet RJC Tillage effect on soil carbon balance in a semiarid ecosystem 2008 Soil Science Society of America Article N/A Argentina -36.5 -63.82 S 20 426862 5960282 Cfa N/A NR NR NR The soil is an Entic Haplustoll with a surface A horizon of 18 cm and a petrocalcic horizon present at 100- to 120-cm depth. The upper 25 cm of the profi le is carbonate free and has a loamy texture with 530 g kg−1 sand, 94 g kg−1 clay, 20.5 g kg−1 organic matter, 1.06 g kg−1 organic N, 14.9 mg kg−1 extractable P (Bray 1), and pH (soil/water) 6.1 No NR NR 1998 August 2003 68 Tillage Tillage 2 The tillage experiment was installed with two treatments: no-till, where weeds were controlled using glyphosate [N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine], and disk tillage, where the soil was tilled to 15- to 18-cm depth with a disk plow 3 mo before sowing and the seedbed refi ned using a harrow disk CI Split/strip plot 1 No Static chamber NR Opaque Cylindrical polyvinyl chloride chambers, 11-cm diameter by 15-cm height, were pushed 5 cm into the soil, six chambers per subplot, during periods when the soil was bare Vials containing 5 mL of 1 mol L−1 NaOH solution captured the CO2–C emitted by the soil during 48-h periods. The surface area of the vials was 25% of the chamber area. The NaOH solution was titrated against HCl using phenolphthalein (Alvarez et al., 1995b). Chambers sealed in the base were used for blank determinations and CO2–C captured in these chambers was subtracted from soil respiration CRA 95,5
57 Bosco (2015) Bosco S, Volpi I, Nasso NND, Triana F, Roncucci N, Tozzini C, Villani R, Laville P, Neri S, Mattei F, Virgill G, Nuvolli S, Fabbrini L, Bonari E. LIFE+IPNOA mobile prototype for the monitoring of soil N2O emissions from arable crops: first-year results on durum wheat. Italian Journal of Agronomy. 2015: 10; 669. Bosco S, Volpi I, Nasso NND, Triana F, Roncucci N, Tozzini C, Villani R, Laville P, Neri S, Mattei F, Virgill G, Nuvolli S, Fabbrini L, Bonari E LIFE+IPNOA mobile prototype for the monitoring of soil N2O emissions from arable crops: first-year results on durum wheat. 2015 Italian Journal of Agronomy Article N/A Italy 43.7 10.4 N 32 612808 4839506 Csa N/A Silty clay loam NR NR NR No NR November 2013 July 2014 9 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser 6 main plot was assigned to the tillage intensity factor, which consisted in conventional tillage (CT) (ploughing, 30 cm depth) and minimum tillage (MT) (10 cm depth). The sub-plot was assigned to the N fertilisation factor, which consisted in three N fertilisation rates: no fertilisation (N0), 110 kg N ha–1 (N1) and 170 kg N ha–1 (N2) CI Split/strip plot 4 No NR NR NR The instrument was connected to a chamber through a 20 m long tube of 4 mm diameter. The chamber (flow-through non-steady state steel chamber) had a height of 10 cm and a diameter of 30 cm; the headspace volume was 6868 cm3 (West Systems S.r.l.) The prototype was equipped with an LRG N2O/CO detector for N2O and with an LGR ultraportable greenhouse gas analyser (CH4, CO2, H2O) [Los Gatos Research (LRG), Inc., Mountain View, CA, USA] CRA 96,5
58 Bowles (2016) Bowles TM, Barrios-Masias FH, Carlisle EA, Cavagnaro TR, Jackson LE. Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizae on tomato yield, nutrient uptake, water relations, and soil carbon dynamics under deficit irrigation in field conditions. Science of the Total Environment. 2016: 566-577; 1223-1234. Bowles TM, Barrios-Masias FH, Carlisle EA, Cavagnaro TR, Jackson LE Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizae on tomato yield, nutrient uptake, water relations, and soil carbon dynamics under deficit irrigation in field conditions 2016 Science of the Total Environment Article N/A USA 38.54 -121.77 N 10 607461 4266622 Csa N/A Sandy loam NR NR The soil series was mapped as a Reiff very fine sandy loam, a finesilty, mixed, nonacid, thermic Typic Xerorthents (Soil Survey Staff, Natural Resources Conservation Service, 2011). Available P (Olsen) was 12.1 μg P g−1 and would be considered low for conventional tomato production in California Yes The experiment was conducted in a field under certified organic management at the University of California Davis Student Farm in Davis, California, USA (38°32′29.49″N, 121°46′0.94″W) during the 2014 growing season. During thewinter fallowprior to the experiment, weeds (2.4 ±0.6Mg ha−1 just before spring tillage), were mainly henbit (Lamium amplexicuale) and groundsel (Senecio vulgaris), both of which are AM hosts (Ishii et al., 1998). Preparation of the 0.1 ha field (18.3 m × 55 m) included disking and bed formation (1.52 m wide from furrow to furrow) followed by incorporation of 40 kg N ha−1 as feather meal (12−0−0) on 15 April 2014. April 2014 August 2014 5 Irrigation Irrigation 2 Control and 50% deficit - The deficit irrigation treatment began 29 DAP (Fig. 1a) and was achieved by providing 50% of the water as the control at each irrigation event CI Split/strip plot 3 No NR NR NR Soil CO2 fluxes were measured during the same 5-d runs as for leaf gas exchange using a LI-COR 8100 soil respiration system (LI-COR, Lincoln, NE, USA). Measurements were made between 1000 and 1200 h froma PVC collar, 20 cm in dia. × 10 cmdeep, inserted between two plants 15 cmfromplant row. NR JR 97,5
59 a Brye (2006) Brye KR, Longer DE, Gbur EE. Impact of tillage and residue burning on carbon dioxide flux in a wheat-soybean production system. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 2006: 70; 1145-1154. Brye KR, Longer DE, Gbur EE Impact of tillage and residue burning on carbon dioxide flux in a wheat-soybean production system 2006 Soil Science Society of America Journal Article N/A USA 36 -94 N 15 409871 3984411 Cfa Pine Tree Branch (PTBS) Silt loam NR Planosols Calhoun silt loam (fine-silty, mixed, active, thermic, Typic Glossaqualf) Yes Grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) and soybean had been grown for several years under CT at PTBS and CBES, respectively, before conversion to the wheat–soybean rotation in Fall 2001 June 2002 September 2003 16 Multiple-intervention Cover crops, Tillage 8 eight wheat residue treatment combinations. Wheat residue management practices evaluated included NTand CT before planting soybean into high and low wheat residue levels with and without burning CI Split/strip plot 6 No NR NR Opaque one thin-walled (3.2 mm), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) ring (i.e., collar;10-cmi.d. 35cmtall)wasinsertedapproximately2cm intothesoilatarandomlocationineachplot.Thecollarswere constructed such that the soil respiration chamber would fit snuglyontoeachcollar.OnceplacedontopofthePVCcollar, the CO2 in the head space of the chamber was scrubbed to approximately 25 mg L21 below the target concentration by passing the gas sample through a cylinder of soda lime pellets CO2 flux was measured with a LI-6400 portable CO2 infraredgasanalyzer(Li-CorInc.,Lincoln,NE)equipped with a 10-cm diam. soil respiration chamber (LI-6400–09 CRA 98,5
59 b Brye (2006) Brye KR, Longer DE, Gbur EE. Impact of tillage and residue burning on carbon dioxide flux in a wheat-soybean production system. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 2006: 70; 1145-1154. Brye KR, Longer DE, Gbur EE Impact of tillage and residue burning on carbon dioxide flux in a wheat-soybean production system 2006 Soil Science Society of America Journal Article N/A USA 36 -94 N 15 409871 3984411 Cfa Cotton Branch Experiment (CBES) Silt loam NR Planosols Calloway silt loam (fine-silty, mixed, active, thermic, Aquic Fraglossudalf) Yes Grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) and soybean had been grown for several years under CT at PTBS and CBES, respectively, before conversion to the wheat–soybean rotation in Fall 2001 June 2002 September 2003 16 Multiple-intervention Cover crops, Tillage 8 eight wheat residue treatment combinations. Wheat residue management practices evaluated included NTand CT before planting soybean into high and low wheat residue levels with and without burning CI Split/strip plot 6 No NR NR Opaque one thin-walled (3.2 mm), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) ring (i.e., collar;10-cmi.d. 35cmtall)wasinsertedapproximately2cm intothesoilatarandomlocationineachplot.Thecollarswere constructed such that the soil respiration chamber would fit snuglyontoeachcollar.OnceplacedontopofthePVCcollar, the CO2 in the head space of the chamber was scrubbed to approximately 25 mg L21 below the target concentration by passing the gas sample through a cylinder of soda lime pellets CO2 flux was measured with a LI-6400 portable CO2 infraredgasanalyzer(Li-CorInc.,Lincoln,NE)equipped with a 10-cm diam. soil respiration chamber (LI-6400–09 CRA 99,5
60 Calderon (2002) Calderon F, Jackson LE. Rototillage, Disking, and Subsequent Irrigation: Effects on Soil Nitrogen Dynamics, Microbial Biomass, and Carbon Dioxide Efflux. Journal of Environmental Quality. 2002: 31; 752-758. Calderon F, Jackson LE Rototillage, Disking, and Subsequent Irrigation: Effects on Soil Nitrogen Dynamics, Microbial Biomass, and Carbon Dioxide Efflux 2002 Journal of Environmental Quality Article fjcgztsp@yahoo. com N/A USA 38.52 -121.75 N 10 608974 4263883 Csa N/A Silt loam NR NR NR Yes The soil was a Yolo are the mean (standard error), n 3. silt loam left fallow from the fall of 1998 until the start of the Mean experiment in May 1999. May 1999 May 1999 1 Tillage Tillage 3 rototilled,disk, and a nontilled control CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Closed NR Two rings made of thin-walled polyvinyl chloride (13.2 cm in diameter, 10 c high) were placed close to the center of each treatment–block subplot. Each ring was pushed approximately 5 cm into the soil immediately after the tillage and left in place for the duration of the experiment infrared gas analyzer (Horiba PIR-200) CRA 100,5
61 Calleja-Cervantes (2015) Calleja-Cervantes ME, Fernández-González AJ, Irigoyen I, Fernández-López M, Aparaicio-Tejo PM, Menéndez S. Thirteen years of continued application of composted organic wastes in a vineyard modify soil quality characteristics. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2015: 90; 241-254. Calleja-Cervantes ME, Fernández-González AJ, Irigoyen I, Fernández-López M, Aparaicio-Tejo PM, Menéndez S Thirteen years of continued application of composted organic wastes in a vineyard modify soil quality characteristics 2015 Soil Biology & Biochemistry Article N/A Spain 42.56 -2.31 N 30 556500 4712340 Cfb N/A Clay loam NR NR Soil texture in this area is loamy-clay and it is classified as a typical Calcixerept No NR February 1998 July 2011 187 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 5 This study involved the application of three different composted organic residues, or ‘organic amendments’, along with a mineral fertilizer and an unfertilized control. The fertilizers were: PEL, a pelletized organic compost made from plant, animal and sewage sludge residues; OF-MSW, a compost made from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (separate collection); SMC, a compost made of sheep manure weathered for at least 1 year; and the mineral fertilizer NPK 5-10-15 (NPK). The mean annual doses applied from 1998 onwards were 3700 kg ha1 FW of PEL, 4075 kg ha1 FW of OF-MSW, 4630 kg ha1 FW of SMC and 340 kg ha1 of NPK. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR On days 1, 3, 7, 10, 15, 21, 42, 74, 115 after applying the treatment (over a period of 115 days) N2O, CO2 and CH4 were measured. Gaseous emissions were determined using the closed chamber technique (Chadwick et al., 2014) and with a methodology in accordance with Global Research Alliance guidelines (De Kleine and Harvey, 2012). Ten ambient air samples (20 ml) were collected in pre-evacuated vials of 12 ml prior to closing the chambers for 45 min. After this time a 20 ml sample of gas was then extracted from the chamber using a syringe and stored in pre-evacuated 20 ml glass vial so that it was under pressure. N2O was analysed using gas chromatography. Does not specify anything about gas chromatography used JR 101,5
62 Campos (2011) Campos B, Amado T, Tornquist C, Nicoloso R, Fiorin J. Long-term C-CO2 emissions and carbon crop residue mineralization in an Oxisol under different tillage and crop rotation systems. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo. 2011: 35; 819-832. Campos B, Amado T, Tornquist C, Nicoloso R, Fiorin J. Long-term C-CO2 emissions and carbon crop residue mineralization in an Oxisol under different tillage and crop rotation systems 2011 Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo Article N/A Brazil NR NR NR NR NR NR NR N/A NR NR NR NR No NR November 1998 June 2001 33 Multiple-intervention Crop rotation, Tillage, Cover crops 10 Crop residues for the decomposition study were collected after the harvest of the grain crops or the management of the cover crops (wheat, black oat, black oat + vetch, soybean, maize). These crop residues were chopped in 0.05 m pieces and dried at 65 oC to constant weight. The mesh-bags (0.10 x 0.20 m) were made of a 50 μm screen to allow access of soil mesoand macro-fauna (Amado et al., 2003; Padovan et al., 2006). In the first evaluation period (1998/1999), the mesh-bags were filled with an equal amount of crop residues for all treatments. In the second period (1999 and 1999/2000), the amount of crop residues placed in the mesh-bags was proportional to the amount of dry biomass produced in each plot. Six mesh-bags were placed per plot on the soil surface in NT (no tillage) and at a depth of 0.10 m in the CT (conventional tillage). All applied to three cropping systems (R0: soybean/wheat; R1: soybean/wheat/soybean/black oat; R2: soybean/black oat/soybean/black oat+ common vetch/maize/oilseed radish/ wheat) CI Unclear NR No Static chamber NR NR Soil C-CO2 efflux was assessed by the method of CCO2 trapping in a sodium hydroxide solution with static chambers described by Anderson (1982), with modifications proposed by Franzluebbers et al. (1995). Five cylindrical PVC chambers (height 0.3 m, ∅ 0.15 m) were randomly placed on the experimental plots and pushed into the soil to a depth of approximately 0.04 m between the crop rows. Laboratory flasks (height 0.15 m, ∅ 0.10 m) containing 20 mL of NaOH 1 mol L-1 solution were placed in the chambers on a supporting wire-mesh structure about 0.03 m above the soil surface. Three control chambers with closed bottom were also placed in the field as blanks. After the evaluation period, the flasks with the alkaline solution were removed and hermetically closed, until the titration with HCl 0.5 N solution in BaCl2 excess (Stotzky, 1956). The C-CO2 efflux per unit area was calculated as follows: C–CO2 = ((B - V) x M x E) / (A x T) (1) where C-CO2 = C efflux as CO2 (mg m-2 h-1); B = volume of HCl solution used for the titration of treatment samples (mL); V = volume of HCl solution used for the titration of blank samples (mL); M = molarity (mol L-1) of the HCl solution; E = carbon gram-equivalent (6 g); A = exposed soil surface area (m2); T =sampling time (h). Soil characteristics and location not described in this paper and supplementary paper couldn't be located. JR 102,5
63 Cantu (2017) Cantu RR, Aita C, Doneda A, Giacomini DA, Dessbesell A, Arenhardt M, Bastiani GGD, Pujol SB, Rochette P, Chantigny MH, Giacomini SJ. Alternatives to regular urea for abating N losses in lettuce production under sub-tropical climate. Biology & Fertility of Soils. 2017: 53; 589-599. Cantu RR, Aita C, Doneda A, Giacomini DA, Dessbesell A, Arenhardt M, Bastiani GGD, Pujol SB, Rochette P, Chantigny MH, Giacomini SJ Alternatives to regular urea for abating N losses in lettuce production under sub-tropical climate 2017 Biology and Fertility of Soils Article N/A Brazil -29.68 -53.8 S 22 229038 6713023 Cfa N/A NR NR NR The soil was a well-drained Haplic Acrisol (Alumic, Rhodic) with 223 g clay kg −1 and 398 g sand kg −1 in the top 0.15 m Yes In 2011, the experimental plots were under a no-till wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)/corn (Zea mays L.) succession. Two weeks before the experiment, the crop residues were removed from the soil surface before plowing to a depth of 0.30 m and disking twice May 2012 October 2012 6 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 5 They included applications of non-acidified pig slurry compost (PSC), acidified pig slurry compost (APSC), urea (U), and urea combined with urease (NBPT) and nitrification (DCD) inhibitors (UIs), and an unfertilized control (C) CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR NR NR cylindrical chambers (0.25 m in diameter and 0.30 m high; one per plot) made ofpolyvinylchloride(PVC).Chamberdesignanddeployment protocol, air sampling, and flux calculation were as proposed by Rochette and Bertrand (2008 gas chromatography (model GC-2014, Shimadzu Corp.) CRA 103,5
65 Case (2014) Case SDC, McNamara NP, Reay DS, Whitaker J. Can biochar reduce soil greenhouse gas emissions from a Miscanthus bioenergy crop. Global Change Biology Bioenergy. 2014: 6; 76-89. Case SDC, McNamara NP, Reay DS, Whitaker J Can biochar reduce soil greenhouse gas emissions from a Miscanthus bioenergy crop 2014 Global Change Biology Bioenergy Article N/A United Kingdom 53.23 -0.54 N 30 664194 5900726 Cfb N/A Sandy loam NR NR The soil was a dense, compacted sandy loam with 53% sand, 32% silt and 15% clay, a BD of 1.51  0.02 g cm3 Yes Prior to Miscanthus planting in 2006, the field had followed a rotation of 1 year oilseed rape, 3 years wheat. The crop received no N fertilizer before or during the field experiment May 2010 May 2012 25 Biochar Biochar 3 In each block, one plot was an un-mixed ‘control’ plot. Litter was removed from the remaining ten plots and the soil was mixed to 10 cm depth using hand tools. Biochar was applied to the second plot at a rate of 49 t ha1 and mixed into the top 0– 10 cm using hand tools (amended), while the remaining plot was also mixed to 10 cm but had no biochar applied (unamended). Litter was then evenly re-applied CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR NR PVC chamber collars were permanently installed in the centre of each plot and pushed into the soil to a depth of 2 cm. The chambers had an average height of 16 cm from the soil surface, an internal diameter of 39 cm and a headspace volume of 19 l. At the start of gas measurements, the chambers were covered with a metal lid and connected to the chamber with metal bulldog clips. The lid contained a central septum for gas collection and a plastic tube connected to a partially filled, open Tedlar bag (DuPont, Wilmington, DE, USA) to equilibrate the chamber atmosphere with air pressure changes outside of the chamber (Nakano et al., 2004). Headspace atmospheric samples (10 ml, 0.05% of the total chamber headspace volume) were taken at 0, 10, 20 and 30 min following enclosure and injected into 3 ml gas-tight sample vials (Labco, Lampeter, UK) using the static chamber method (Livingston & Hutchinson, 1995) Two different gas chromatograph (GC) systems were used to analyse headspace GHG concentrations. For the first year of the field experiment, CO2 and CH4 concentrations were analysed on a PerkinElmer Autosystem GC (PerkinElmer, Waltham, MA, USA) fitted with two flame ionization detectors (FID) operating at 130 (FID alone) and 300 °C (FID with methanizer) respectively. Nitrous oxide concentrations were analysed on a PerkinElmer Autosystem XL GC using an electron capture detector (ECD) operating at 360 °C. Both GCs contained a stainless steel Porapak Q 50–80 mesh column (length 2 m, outer diameter 3.17 mm), maintained at 100 °C and 60 °C for the CO2/CH4 and N2O GCs respectively. For the second year of the field experiment and the laboratory experiment, concentrations of N2O, CO2 and CH4 were analysed on a PerkinElmer Autosystem XL GC. The GC was fitted with an FID with methanizer operating at 300 °C and an ECD operating at 360 °C. The same column was used for this GC as described above, maintained at 60 °C CRA 104,5
66 Castro (2017) Castro J, Calijuri ML, Assemany PP, Cecon PR, Assis IR, Ribeiro VJ. Microalgae biofilm in soil: Greenhouse gas emissions, ammonia volatilization and plant growth. Science of the Total Environment. 2017: 574; 1640-1648. Castro J, Calijuri ML, Assemany PP, Cecon PR, Assis IR, Ribeiro VJ Microalgae biofilm in soil: Greenhouse gas emissions, ammonia volatilization and plant growth 2017 Science of the Total Environment Article N/A Brazil -20.77 -42.86 S 23 722937 7701981 Cfa N/A NR NR NR Dystrophic Red-Yellow Latosol is the predominant soil type. Chemical and physical analyses of the soil samples, conducted according to EMBRAPA (2009), Almeida et al. (2012) and Almeida and Sanches (2012), yielded the following values: pH (in H2O) = 6.48; P = 111.5 mg dm−3; K = 186.00 mg dm−3; Ca = 3.99 cmolc dm−3; Mg = 0.73 cmolc dm−3; N = 0.078 dag kg−1; OM = 2.50 dag kg−1; Al3+ = 0.00 cmolc dm−3; H + Al=1.50 cmolc dm−3; base Sum = 5.20 cmolc dm−3; potential CEC=6.70 cmolc dm−3; base saturation= 77.60%; sand= 396 g kg−1; silt = 145 g kg−1; and clay= 459 g kg−1. No NR NR NR NR NR Unclear Multiple-intervention Cover crops, Chemical fertiliser 3 Thetreatmentswere as follows: (i)120kgha−1 of Nprovided by the algal biomass; (ii) 120 kg ha−1 of N provided by conventional urea, chemical fertilizer most used in Brazil (IPNI, 2015); and (iii) a control lacking supplementwith any fertilizer type. CI Randomized 5 No NR Closed NR The closed chamber method was used to measure the emissions of CH4, CO2, and N2O. Chambers made of PVC material (10 cm diameter and 20 cmheight)were inserted at 5 cmsoil depth; on the side opposite the soil, the tubes contained lidswith a hole ontowhich a rubber lidwas placed that allowed gas sampling without gas loss. The chambers were arranged in completely randomized design (CRD), with 5 chambers within each plot treated as replicates. The gas sampleswere collected using 60mL syringes at 0, 20, 40, and 60 min intervals after the chamberswere closed andwere transferred to 10-mL evacuated tubes (without anticoagulant) with butyl rubber septa. The CH4, CO2, and N2O concentrations in the collected air samples were measured using gas chromatography (Shimadzu GCMS-QP2010 SE) marshaled with a flame ionization detector (FID) and an electron capture detector (ECD). Unclear start and end dates - we know experiment was conducted for 60 days in the winter season, but not months or years are given. Soil texture not reported in a format we can classify. Measurements were made for 48 days after treatment but since we don't know start date can't calculate 48 days after. JR 105,5
67 Chaplot (2019) Chaplot V, Darboux F, Alexis M, Cottenot L, Gaillard H, Quenea K, Mutema M. Soil tillage impact on the relative contribution of dissolved, particulate and gaseous (CO2) carbon losses during rainstorms. Chaplot V, Darboux F, Alexis M, Cottenot L, Gaillard H, Quenea K, Mutema M Soil tillage impact on the relative contribution of dissolved, particulate and gaseous (CO2) carbon losses during rainstorms 2019 Soil Tillage & Research Article N/A France 48.43 1.48 N 31 387816 5365576 Cfb N/A NR NR Luvisols NR Yes One field was tilled annually with mould board to a depth of 20–25 cm, while the other was under direct-seedling for more 23 years with no tillage operation September 2014 September 2013 1 Tillage Tillage 2 The siteconsistedoftwoadjacentagriculturalfieldswithaslopeof2%.One field was tilled annually with mould board to a depth of 20–25cm, while the other was under direct-seedling for more 23 years with no tillageoperation CI Paired design 1 No NR NR NR connected to a portable gas chamber (1×1m²) LI-COR LI-820 CO2 gas analyzer Study design is within a 2 x 3 that measures runoff from simulated rainfall on two types of fields. CRA 106,5
68 Chavez (2009) Chavez LF, Amado TJC, Bayer C, La Scala NJ, Escobar LF, Fiorin JE, Costa de Campos B. Carbon dioxide efflux in a rhodic hapludox as affected by tillage systems in southern Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo. 2009: 33; 325-334. Chavez LF, Amado TJC, Bayer C, La Scala NJ, Escobar LF, Fiorin JE, Costa de Campos B. Carbon dioxide efflux in a rhodic hapludox as affected by tillage systems in southern Brazil. 2009 Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo Article N/A Brazil -28.6 -53.67 S 22 239222 6833423 Cfa N/A Clay Oxisol NR The soil was classified as clay Rhodic Hapludox according to the soil taxonomy (USDA, 1999) and “Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico” (LVd) by the Brazilian soil classification (Embrapa, 2005), and is cited in this paper as Oxisol. The soil analysis at the beginning of the experiment (0–0.20 m layer) determined contents of: 570 g kg-1 clay, 120 g kg-1 silt, 310 g kg-1 sand, 32 g kg-1 soil organic matter, pH (H2O) = 4.5, P = 19 mg dm-3, K = 0.21 cmolc dm-3, Al3+ = 0.12 cmolc dm-3 and Ca2+ + Mg2+ = 0.42 cmolc dm-3 (Campos, 2006). The Fe content determined by ditionite-citrate-bicarbonete was 63.5 g kg-1; hematite was predominant over goethite (Inda Jr. et al., 2004). Yes Experiment was carried out on a long term experiment field (22 yrs) May 2009 May 2009 1 Tillage Tillage 2 The coventional tillage (CT) treatment consisted of tilling in a plow operation with four disk plow. The CT treatment consisted of soil tilling in a plow operation with four disk plow. The plow tillage was done at a depth of 0.20 m followed by a harrow disk operation with 36 disks at 0.15 m. Soil disturbance in the no-tillage (NT) treatment was minimal; the soil was only mobilized along the rows, while the interrow soil surface was maintained under a cover of crop residues. In both tillage systems a planter with double disk system was used (SEMEATO SHM mid land 15/17). CI Split/strip plot NR No Both static and dynamic Closed NR The static chamber consisted of a PVC cylinder (diameter 0.3 m, height 0.3 m) that was inserted into the soil to a depth of 0.05 m. The top of the chamber was covered with rubber aiming to seal it completely, and a Zn cover over it fixed with four screws distributed symmetrically on the circumference. On the inside, 0.05 m above the soil, an x-format table was built to support the plastic cup with alkaline 1 mol L-1 NaOH solution to capture CO2-C emitted during the 24 h period (Campos, 2006). Four chambers were installed in the soil three days before tillage, to determine baseline values of emission. In the CT plot, all chambers were removed during soil tillage and replaced immediately after. The dynamic chamber consisted of a closed system inserted over 0.10 m diameter PVC collars that were displayed in soil at 0.01 m depth two days before the beginning of CO2-C evaluation (Healy et al., 1996). The chamber had an internal volume of 991 cm3, with an exposed area to soil of 71.6 cm2, and was coupled to a portable infrared gas analyzer (IRGA), which determined the changes in CO2 concentration inside the chamber by means of optical absorption spectroscopy. In the static chamber a CO2-capturing method was applied in an alkaline solution for 24 h in a closed chamber (Anderson, 1982), while the method in the dynamic chamber was based on direct measurements of CO2 concentration changes within a closed chamber by using infrared absorption spectroscopy (Soil CO2 Flux Chamber 6400-09, Licor, NE, USA), during a few minutes. JR 107,5
69 a Chen (2009) Chen S, Huang Y. Soil respiration and N2O emission in croplands under different ploughing practices: a case study in south-east China. Australian Journal of Soil Research. 2009: 47; 198-205. Chen S, Huang Y. Soil respiration and N2O emission in croplands under different ploughing practices: a case study in south-east China. 2009 Australian Journal of Soil Research Article N/A China 32 118.8 N 50 670032 3541851 Cfa 1 NR NR NR The soil collected from the experimental field is classified as hydromorphic, consisting of sand 290.7 g/kg, silt 160.0 g/kg, and clay 549.3 g/kg, with an initial pH(H2O) of 6.1. Total organic C and N contents before the study were 9.7 and 1.1 g/kg, respectively. The bulk density of the soil is 1.3 g/m3. No NR November 2003 June 2004 8 Tillage Tillage 2 No-till (0mm ploughing) and shallow ploughing (120mm ploughing) treatments were coded as NT and CT, respectively. CI Randomized 4 No NR Closed NR Base frames made of steel for the gas collection chambers were installed in each plot.The equipment used for measuring gas emission over the wheat-growing season was different fromthat over maize-growing season. The quadrat base frames (500mm by 500mm) and cubic chambers (500mm by 500mmby500mmor500mmby500mmby1000mm)wereused for soil–wheat system N2O emission measurement (Fig. 1a). In the 2004 maize-growing season, quadrate base frames instead of circular frames and cubic chambers were used to measure CO2 and N2O emissions. Gas samples were analysed by a modified gas chromatograph (Agilent 4890D) equipped with flame ionisation detector (FID) and electron capture detector (ECD) (Wang and Wang 2003). Carbon dioxide was reduced by hydrogen to CH4 in a nickel catalytic converter at 3758C, and further detected by FID. Soil texture not reported in % JR 108,5
69 b Chen (2009) Chen S, Huang Y. Soil respiration and N2O emission in croplands under different ploughing practices: a case study in south-east China. Australian Journal of Soil Research. 2009: 47; 198-205. Chen S, Huang Y. Soil respiration and N2O emission in croplands under different ploughing practices: a case study in south-east China. 2010 Australian Journal of Soil Research Article N/A China 32 118.8 N 50 670032 3541851 Cfa 2 NR NR NR The soil collected from the experimental field is classified as hydromorphic, consisting of sand 290.7 g/kg, silt 160.0 g/kg, and clay 549.3 g/kg, with an initial pH(H2O) of 6.1. Total organic C and N contents before the study were 9.7 and 1.1 g/kg, respectively. The bulk density of the soil is 1.3 g/m3. No NR June 2004 October 2004 5 Tillage Tillage 2 No-till (0mm ploughing) and shallow ploughing (120mm ploughing) treatments were coded as NT and CT, respectively. CI Randomized 4 No NR Closed NR Base frames made of steel for the gas collection chambers were installed in each plot.The equipment used for measuring gas emission over the wheat-growing season was different fromthat over maize-growing season. The quadrat base frames (500mm by 500mm) and cubic chambers (500mm by 500mmby500mmor500mmby500mmby1000mm)wereused for soil–wheat system N2O emission measurement (Fig. 1a). In the 2004 maize-growing season, quadrate base frames instead of circular frames and cubic chambers were used to measure CO2 and N2O emissions. Gas samples were analysed by a modified gas chromatograph (Agilent 4890D) equipped with flame ionisation detector (FID) and electron capture detector (ECD) (Wang and Wang 2003). Carbon dioxide was reduced by hydrogen to CH4 in a nickel catalytic converter at 3758C, and further detected by FID. Soil texture not reported in % JR 109,5
69 c Chen (2009) Chen S, Huang Y. Soil respiration and N2O emission in croplands under different ploughing practices: a case study in south-east China. Australian Journal of Soil Research. 2009: 47; 198-205. Chen S, Huang Y. Soil respiration and N2O emission in croplands under different ploughing practices: a case study in south-east China. 2011 Australian Journal of Soil Research Article N/A China 32 118.8 N 50 670032 3541851 Cfa 3 NR NR NR The soil collected from the experimental field is classified as hydromorphic, consisting of sand 290.7 g/kg, silt 160.0 g/kg, and clay 549.3 g/kg, with an initial pH(H2O) of 6.1. Total organic C and N contents before the study were 9.7 and 1.1 g/kg, respectively. The bulk density of the soil is 1.3 g/m3. No NR November 2004 June 2005 8 Tillage Tillage 5 No-till (0mm ploughing) and shallow ploughing (120mm ploughing) treatments were coded as NT and CT, respectively. The 250-mm ploughing treatment was coded as DP. CI Randomized 4 No NR Closed NR Base frames made of steel for the gas collection chambers were installed in each plot.The equipment used for measuring gas emission over the wheat-growing season was different fromthat over maize-growing season. The quadrat base frames (500mm by 500mm) and cubic chambers (500mm by 500mmby500mmor500mmby500mmby1000mm)wereused for soil–wheat system N2O emission measurement (Fig. 1a). In the 2004 maize-growing season, quadrate base frames instead of circular frames and cubic chambers were used to measure CO2 and N2O emissions. Gas samples were analysed by a modified gas chromatograph (Agilent 4890D) equipped with flame ionisation detector (FID) and electron capture detector (ECD) (Wang and Wang 2003). Carbon dioxide was reduced by hydrogen to CH4 in a nickel catalytic converter at 3758C, and further detected by FID. Soil texture not reported in % JR 110,5
70 Chen (2011) Chen R, Senbayram M, Lin X, Dittert K. Origin of positive δ13C of emitted CO2 from soils after application of biogas residues. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2011: 43; 2194-2199. Chen R, Senbayram M, Lin X, Dittert K. Origin of positive δ13C of emitted CO2 from soils after application of biogas residues 2011 Soil Biology & Biochemistry Article N/A Germany 54.32 9.97 N 32 563117 6019158 Cfb N/A Sand NR Podzols The soil is classified as gleyic Podzol with a sandy texture (Senbayram et al., 2009). C (%) = 3.90, d13C (%PDB) = -28.4, N (%) = 0.23, pH = 5.5 No NR April 2008 April 2008 1 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 2 The field experiment was conducted on bare soil with and without BGR (biogas residues) application. BGR were applied to plots (12m 12 m) at a rate of 150 kg N ha1. CI Paired design 3 No NR Closed NR Using an adapted closed chamber method (Hutchinson and Mosier, 1981). In the tested plots, basal polyvinyl chloride rings (60 cm in diameter and 10 cm in height) were pressed into the soil to 5 cm depth. The chambers (60 cm in diameter and 25 cm in height) were then fitted onto the basal rings and sealed with 4-cm rubber bands. Zero, 36 min and 72 min after chamber closure, gas samples were collected from each chamber by gas-tight syringes. CO2 concentration of each sample was analyzed by ECD gas chromatography (Varian Star, 3400 CX). d13C of CO2was analyzed by GCIRMS using a pre-concentration unit (Thermo Finnigan Delta Cþand Precon, Thermo Finnigan, Bremen, Germany). JR 111δ13C+of+emitted+CO2+from+soils+after+application+of+biogas+residues&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5
71 Chen (2018) Chen G, Kolb L, Cavigelli MA, Weil RR, Hooks CRR. Can conservation tillage reduce N2O emissions on cropland transitioning to organic vegetable production? Science of the Total Environment. 2018: 618; 927-940. Chen G, Kolb L, Cavigelli MA, Weil RR, Hooks CRR Can conservation tillage reduce N2O emissions on cropland transitioning to organic vegetable production? 2018 Science of the Total Environment Article N/A USA 38.86 -76.78 N 18 345672 4302664 Cfa N/A Sandy loam NR NR The soils were Annapolis series (fine-loamy, glauconitic, mesic Typic Hapludults) with 2–5% slope. sandy loam soil textural class with 79.6% sand, 11.1% silt and 9.3% clay; pHH2O 6.2; cation exchange capacity 9.5 meq 100 g−1; and 0.78% soil organic carbon and 0.06% total N. Yes In order to meet the land area required for the study, two contiguous fieldswith different cropping historieswere used. Soybean [Glycine max (L.)Merr.] and corn (Zea mays L.) were grown in Field 1 and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) and pumpkin (Cucurbitamaxima Duchesne) in Field 2 in the summers of 2009 and 2010, respectively. Rye (Secale cereal L.) cover crop was grown in the off season (late fall 2010 to spring 2011), followed by soybean in summer 2011 in both fields. Prior to establishing the experiment, soybean plants were flail-mowed in August 2011. September 2011 April 2015 40 Tillage Tillage 4 The four treatments were conventional tillage without surface mulch [Bare Ground (CT-BG)], conventional tillage with black plastic mulch (CTBP), Strip-Till (ST), and No-Till (NT) CI Randomized Complete Block 4 Yes Static chamber NR NR In-situ soil surface N2O-N fluxes were determined using the vented, static flux chamber methodology standards set forth by the USDA-ARS GRACEnet Project (Parkin and Venterea, 2010). Rectangular aluminum chambers (internal dimensions of base: 45 cm long, 35 cm wide, and 20 cm tall) were custom-built with a trough welded to the outside edge of the base of the chamber. The lidswere built using the samematerialwith internal dimensions of 47 cm × 37 cm× 4 cmto allowthe lid to fit into the trough, which was filled with water at the time of sampling to form a gas-tight seal. A vent tube (0.35 cm i.d. and 12 cm long) and a septum-lined sampling port were built into the top of each lid. The outer surface of the lid was covered with reflective insulation material to reflect sunlight andminimize temperature increases inside the chamber. Chamberswere installed to a depth of 10 cm to insure a gas-tight seal between the chamber walls and the soil. Two chambers were installed in each plot. gas chromatography; Varian 450-GC gas chromatograph equipped with a Combi-PAL automatic sampling system and an electron capture detector (Varian BV, Middelburg, the Netherlands). CRA 112,5
72 Cheng (2002) Cheng W, Nakajima Y, Sudo S, Akiyama H, Tsuruta H. N2O and NO emissions from a field of Chinese cabbage as influenced by band application of urea or controlled-release urea fertilizers. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2002: 63; 231-238. Cheng W, Nakajima Y, Sudo S, Akiyama H, Tsuruta H N2O and NO emissions from a field of Chinese cabbage as influenced by band application of urea or controlled-release urea fertilizers 2002 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A Japan 36.02 140.12 N 54 420403 3986158 Cfa N/A NR NR Andosols The soil is a typical Japanese upland Andosol containing organic carbon of 46.0 g kg−1 and total N of 3.8 g kg−1, with a pH of 5.6. No NR September 2000 December 2000 4 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 6 N fertilizer (CK); 2.broadcast of urea at 250 kg N ha−1 (BC); application of urea at 250 kg N ha−1 (B); application of urea at 200 kg N ha−1 (i.e. 20% reductioncomparedto treatment B, BL); application of controlled-release urea at 250 kg N ha−1 (CB); application of controlled-release urea at 200 kg N ha−1 (i.e. 20% reduction compared to treatment CB, CBL). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR Opaque static chamber method, using rectangular chambers made of nontransparentwhitePVCwithdimensionsof60×40×35 cm (length×width×height). The base for each chamber was a plastic frame also made of white PVC, and it was fixed into the soil down to a depth of about 3 cm in the center of the plot, enclosing only one plant after transplanting, and remained fixed throughouttheperiodoftheexperiment gas chromatography; N2O concentration was analyzed by a Shimadzu 8A gas chromatograph equipped with an electron capture detector CRA 113,5
73 Cheng (2006) Cheng W, Sudo S, Tsuruta H, Yagi K, Hartley A. Temporal and spatial variation in N2O emissions from a Chinese cabbage field as a function of type of fertilizer and application. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2006: 74; 147-155. Cheng W, Sudo S, Tsuruta H, Yagi K, Hartley A Temporal and spatial variation in N2O emissions from a Chinese cabbage field as a function of type of fertilizer and application 2006 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A Japan 36.02 140.12 N 54 420403 3986158 Cfa N/A NR NR Andosols The soil is a typical Japanese upland Andosol containing 46.0 g kg1 organic carbon and 3.8 g kg1 total N, with a pH of 5.6 No NR September 2000 December 2000 4 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 4 (1) no N fertilizer (CONT); (2) broadcast urea at 250 kg N ha1 (BR-U); (3) band application of urea at 250 kg N ha1 (B-U); (4) band application of controlled-release urea at 250 kg N ha1 (B-CU) CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR NR static chamber method, using rectangular chambers made of nontransparent white PVC with dimensions of 60·40·35 cm3 (length·width·height). The base for each chamber was a plastic frame made of white PVC, and it was fixed into the soil down to a depth of about 3 cm in the center of the plot, enclosing only one plant after transplanting, and remained fixed throughout the period of the experiment gas chromatography; collected gas samples were transported from the field to the laboratory and were analyzed to determine their N2O concentration on the day of sampling, by a Shimadzu 8A gas chromatograph equipped with an electron-capture detector at 340 C CRA 114,5
74 Cheng (2017) Cheng Y, Xie W, Huang R, Yan XY, Wang SQ. Extremely high N2O but expectedly low NO emissions from a highly organic and chemical fertilized peach orchard system in China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2017: 246; 202-209. Cheng Y, Xie W, Huang R, Yan XY, Wang SQ Extremely high N2O but expectedly low NO emissions from a highly organic and chemical fertilized peach orchard system in China 2017 Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment Article N/A China 31.47 119.98 N 50 783469 3485177 Cfa N/A NR NR NR The soil, which originates from lacustrine deposit parent material, is classified as Gleyi–Stagnic Anthrosols. Prior to the experiment, the soil contained 20.6 g kg−1 organic C and 2.5 g kg−1 N. The pH (in a 1:2.5 soil to water ratio) of the soil (0–20 cm) was 4.73. Yes The peach orchard, which was dominated by juicy peach trees, was converted from a rice-wheat rotation field approximately six years prior. January 2014 October 2015 22 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 4 four treatments: organic manure alone (OM), chemical fertilizers alone (CF), organic manure plus chemical fertilizers (OF+ CF), and no fertilizer as a control (CK). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR NR Opaque An opaque PVC rectangular chamber base (70 ×50 × 10 cm) was inserted into the soil to a depth of 10 cm in each plot. To collect gas samples, an opaque PVC rectangular chamber (70 × 50× 30 cm) was placed onto the chamber base by inserting the flange of the chamber into a water trough at the upper end of the chamber base. Nitrous oxide concentrations were determined with a gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890, Santa Clara, CA, USA) equipped with a 63Ni electron capture detector while Carbon Dioxide concentrations were determined with a gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890, Santa Clara, CA, USA) equipped with a thermal conductivity detector using a column packed with Porapak Q (80/100 mesh). CRA 115,5
75 Choudhary (2002) Choudhary MA, Akramkhanov A, Saggar S. Nitrous oxide emissions from a New Zealand cropped soil: tillage effects, spatial and seasonal variability. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2002: 93; 33-43. Choudhary MA, Akramkhanov A, Saggar S Nitrous oxide emissions from a New Zealand cropped soil: tillage effects, spatial and seasonal variability 2002 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A New Zealand -40.35 175.65 S 60 385353 5532520 Cfb N/A Silt loam NR Luvisols Ohakea silt loam soil (Typic andoaqualf) classified as Gleyic luvisol (FAO) Yes The treatments included CT, NT and rotationally sheep grazed PP used as a control (established since 1995). NR 1995 September 1999 55 Tillage Tillage 3 The treatments included CT, NT and rotationally sheep grazed PP used as a control (established since 1995). The CT included one mouldboard ploughing (to about 25 cm depth) followed by rolling with a heavy roller, and two power harrowings (to about 15 cm depth) at suitable intervals to prepare the seedbed. The NT used spraying with 4 l of glyphosate per ha and drilling with a NT seed drill. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR NR NR The chambers were modified PVC ‘Sewer-hatch’ (250mm diameter and 300mm high) attached to 200mm deep and 250mm diameter sections of PVC pipe. The PVC rim had an internal half-turn locking system and a greased rubber ‘O’-ring, to form an airtight chamber. gas chromatographic method (Mosier and Mack, 1980). Argon-methane carrier gas consisting of 10 ± 3% methane, <10 ppm oxygen and <5 ppm water in argon was used in the columns. Gas samples from syringes were introduced into a 5 cm3 gas sampling loop. Each analysis took approximately 6 min. Peaks were integrated with a Hewett-Packard 3385A integrator. Ambient air at t0, collected at the time of chamber installation, was used as a reference for calculating N2O gas fluxes. CRA 116,5
76 Chu (2004) Chu H, Hosen Y, Yagi K. Nitrogen oxide emissions and soil microbial activities in a Japanese andisol as affected by N-fertilizer management. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2004: 50(2); 287-292. Chu H, Hosen Y, Yagi K Nitrogen oxide emissions and soil microbial activities in a Japanese andisol as affected by N-fertilizer management 2004 Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Article N/A Japan 36.05 140.08 N 54 417434 3989883 Cfa N/A NR Andisol NR The soil, referred to as a volcanic ash soil, was classified as an Andisol (Hydric Hapludand) with a texture of CL-LiC and an average pH (H20) value of 6.1. Yes Maize and barley were successively planted two years prior to the experiment. June 2001 September 2001 4 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 4 three nitrogen amendment treatments: CD (controlled release coated urea, deep application), UD (conventional urea, deep application), US (conventional urea, surface application), and a Control were included in this experiment. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed NR A closed chamber method was used to determine the fluxes of NO and N 20 as described by Yan et al. (2001). N 20 fluxes were determined as described by Yan et al. (2001). CRA 117,5
77 Chu (2007) Chu H, Hosen Y, Yagi K. NO, N2O, CH4, and CO2 fluxes in winter barley field of Japanese Andisol as affected by N fertilizer management. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2007: 39(1); 330-339. Chu H, Hosen Y, Yagi K NO, N2O, CH4, and CO2 fluxes in winter barley field of Japanese Andisol as affected by N fertilizer management 2007 Soil Biology and Biochemistry Article N/A Japan 36.05 140.08 N 54 417434 3989883 Cfa N/A Clay loam Andisol NR The soil, referred to as a volcanic ash soil, was classified as an Andisol (Hydric Hapludand). No NR November 2002 June 2003 8 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 4 The controlled release urea MEISTER UREA 10 (Chisso Co. Ltd., Japan) is a polyolefin-coated urea, which releases urea linearly in water and with about 80% of the nutrient content being released in 100 days at 20 1C (Fujita and Shoji, 1999). The properties of MEISTER UREA 10 are explained in detail in Fujita and Shoji (1999). Basal and supplementary fertilizers were applied on November 6, 2002 and March 18, 2003, respectively. In the CD treatment, MEISTER UREA 10 was applied at a depth of 8 cm and a rate of 90 kg N ha1 as basal fertilizer beside the barley rows. In the UD treatment, conventional urea was applied at a depth of 8 cm and a rate of 70 kg N ha1 as basal fertilizer beside the barley rows, and another 20 kg N ha1 was applied at a depth of 8 cm as a supplementary fertilizer between the barley rows, which complied with the standard cultivation of the region (Ibaraki Agricultural Center, 1994). In the US treatment, the application rate and method of urea was the same as in the UD treatment except that the fertilizer was applied directly on the surface of the soil CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed NR A closed chamber method was used to determine the fluxes of NO, N2O, CH4 and CO2 from the barley field. A chamber base was inserted into the soil immediately after the barley sowing. The chamber was made of PVC with a reflecting surface covering the top and each side. The chamber had a length of 0.81m, width of 0.26m and height of 0.1m. The inner dimensions of the chamber were 0.75m in length, 0.2m in breadth and 0.095m in height. The exact height from the soil surface to the top of the chamber was measured for each plot. A rubber bar and a PVC bar were attached to the inside of the bottom of the chamber to secure it to the base and to prevent gas leakage. gas chromatography; N2O, CH4 and CO2 were analyzed by gas chromatographs (Shimadzu GC-14B) equipped with an electron capture detector for the N2O analysis, equipped with a flame ionization detector for the CH4 analysis, and equipped with a thermal conductivity detector for the CO2 analysis. CRA 118,5
78 Ciampitti (2008) Ciampitti IA, Ciarlo EA, Conti ME. Nitrous oxide emissions from soil during soybean [(Glycine max (L.) Merrill] crop phenological stages and stubbles decomposition period. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 2008: 44(4); 581-588. Ciampitti IA, Ciarlo EA, Conti ME Nitrous oxide emissions from soil during soybean [(Glycine max (L.) Merrill] crop phenological stages and stubbles decomposition period 2008 Biology and Fertility of Soils Article N/A Argentina -34.67 -58.37 S 21 374782 6163072 Cfa N/A Silty clay loam NR NR The soil is a silty clay loam (34% clay, 58% silt, and 8% sand) and was classified as a typic Argiudoll. No NR December 2004 July 2004 8 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Other 9 Inoculation treatments were (1) plots sown with soybean inoculated with B. japonicum (Pi), (2) plots sown with soybean without inoculation (Pni), and (3) without crop (P0). The fertilization treatments were: without fertilization (N0), and fertilization with 15 (N1) and 30 (N2) kg N ha−1; the N fertilizer was urea, the most used N fertilizer in Argentina. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber Closed NR closed static chamber method with PVC cylinders, 15 cm in length and 11 cm as internal diameter, according to Khera et al. (1999). The superior part of the cylinder was hermetically closed with a rubber septum cover through which the gaseous samples of the internal atmosphere were taken with a syringe. The cylinders were buried 8 cm into the soil and sealed carefully to prevent gaseous losses. chromatograph ®tted with a thermal conductivity detector at 60oC. Separation in this instance was performed on a 1.5 m column (80oC) packed with Porapak Q, 50±80 mesh (Millipore, Millford, MA) using Grade A Helium (BOC) as carrier gas (40 ml minÿ1). Analysis of both gases was complete within 4 min of injection CRA 119,5
79 Clemens (1997) Clemens J, Vandre R, Kaupenjohann M, Goldbach H. Ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions after landspreading of lsurry as influenced by application technique and dry matter-reduction. II. Short term nitrous oxide emissions. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 1997: 160; 491-496. Clemens J, Vandre R, Kaupenjohann M, Goldbach H Ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions after landspreading of lsurry as influenced by application technique and dry matter-reduction. II. Short term nitrous oxide emissions 1997 Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science Article NR N/A Germany NR NR N NR NR NR NR N/A Silt loam NR NR silty-loamy soil (Oxyaquic Haplumbrept) No NR April 1995 May 1995 2 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 8 8 treatments; 3 different application techniques (injected, banded, and broadcast) for both dry matter reduced dairy cattle slurry and standard dairy cattle slurry for 6 treatments. In addition one mineral fertilizer, and a control (no treatment) were also measured. CI Randomized Complete Block 1 No NR Closed NR Nitrous oxide emissions were determined by the closed chamber method (Hutchinson & Mosier, 1981) using chambers covering 1 m2 of soil. gas chromatography with electron capture detector Plots were replicated temporally in intervals of weeks not years (n=4) CRA 120,5
80 Cocco (2018) Cocco E, Bertora C, Squartini A, Vedove GD, Berti A, Grignani C, Lazzaro B, Morari F. How shallow water table conditions affect N2O emissions and associated microbial abundances under different nitrogen fertilisations. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2018: 261; 1-11. Cocco E, Bertora C, Squartini A, Vedove GD, Berti A, Grignani C, Lazzaro B, Morari F How shallow water table conditions affect N2O emissions and associated microbial abundances under different nitrogen fertilisations 2018 Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment Article N/A Italy 45.32 11.52 N 32 697256 5021210 Cfa N/A Loam NR Cambisols Each lysimeter was filled in 1984 with soil excavated from the adjacent experimental farm, in a way that preserved the original soil horizons. To facilitate water drainage and prevent soil washout, a 15 cm-thick layer of gravel (30–50mm diameter) covers the bottom of each lysimeter. The soil is Fluvi-Calcaric Cambisol (CMcf) (Table 1), which represents ca. 50% of the lower Venetian plain. Yes The study site was originally set up in 1984 and consisted of twenty 1 m × 1 m × 1.5 m (length × width × depth) drainable lysimeters. During 30 years of operation, the soil was managed with ordinary fertilisation techniques (i.e., farmyard manure or slurry integrated with mineral fertiliser), and cropped with maize (Zea mays L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). June 2011 November 2014 42 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Other 6 Our study used maize, where we tested six treatments generated from the combination of three groundwater conditions (free drainage (FD) and two shallow water table levels of −120cm (WT120) and −60cm (WT60)) with two levels of N input (250 and 368kgNha−1y−1 CI Randomized Complete Block 2 No NR Closed NR An automated closed-chamber system (Delle Vedove et al., 2007) was used to monitor soil N2O emissions. Each chamber was made up of a steel cylindrical base (20cm diameter, 8cm height) and a motorised steel lid with a neoprene cover over its inner surface and rubber ring around the top perimeter of its base to guarantee a tight seal. Each chamber was closed and steadied on a collar (20cm diameter, 10cm height) to prevent any lateral diffusion of gas. Collars were anchored 7cm into the soil between two maize plants in the centre row of each lysimeter gas chromatograph equipped with an electron capture detector (Agilent 7890A CRA 121,5
81 Colbourn (1987) Colbourn P, Harper IW. Denitrification in drained and undrained arable clay soil. Journal of Soil Science. 1987: 38; 531-539. Colbourn P, Harper IW Denitrification in drained and undrained arable clay soil 1987 Journal of Soil Science Article NR N/A United Kingdom 51.63 -1.63 N 30 594585 5721142 Cfb N/A Clay NR NR The soil was a Denchworth series clay (typic Haplaquept) developed on Oxford clay (Jarvis, Yes The recent cropping history, which was identical for the two plots, was winter barley in 1977-78 followed by two crops of winter wheat in 1978-80. October 1980 June 1981 9 Other Other 4 different methods of tillage and drainage in terms of drain performance, soil physical conditions, crop yield and nutrient losses (Cannell et a/., 1984). One of the plots was drained by mole drains spaced 2 m apart at 60 cm depth, which had been drawn in 1978. Both plots were direct-drilled with winter wheat on 1 October 1980. The recent cropping history, which was identical for the two plots, was winter barley in 1977-78 followed by two crops of winter wheat in 1978-80. No nitrogen fertilizer was applied in the seed-bed. A top dressing of ammonium nitrate of 53 kgN ha-' was given on 1 April 1981. The drained soil received ammonium nitrate at 96 kgN ha-' on 21 April 1981. On each plot there were two blocks of six flux chambers 4 m apart. One block of six was reserved for the acetylene treatment, the other for measurements of nitrous oxide in the absence of acetylene. CI Paired design 1 No NR NR NR The nitrous oxide flux from the soil surface was measured using permanently installed flux chambers of 30 cm diameter and 5 1 capacity gas chromatography (Hall & Dowdell, 1981). CRA 122,5
82 a Cui (2011) Cui M, Sun X, Hu C, Di HJ, Tan Q, Zhao C. Effective mitigation of nitrate leaching and nitrous oxide emissions in intensive vegetable production systems using a nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2011: 11; 722-730. Cui M, Sun X, Hu C, Di HJ, Tan Q, Zhao C Effective mitigation of nitrate leaching and nitrous oxide emissions in intensive vegetable production systems using a nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide 2011 Journal of Soils and Sediments Article N/A China 30.47 114.35 N 50 245574 3373482 Cfa Huazhong Silt loam NR NR Huangzongrang soils No NR April 2009 January 2010 9 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 3 three treatments in each soil: control, N fertilizer (N) and N fertilizer + DCD (N + DCD). CI Randomized 4 No NR Closed NR N2O emissions were determined using a closed chamber method (Hutchinson and Mosier 1981; Zheng et al. 2003; Fang and Mu 2006). The enclosure chamber (the height is 30 cm, and the volume is 0.088 m3) was fitted inside a rubber ring on top of the lysimeter casing. N2O was analyzed using a modified Varian (3800, Varian, Inc., USA) gas chromatograph equipped with 63Ni electron capture detector CRA 123,5
82 b Cui (2011) Cui M, Sun X, Hu C, Di HJ, Tan Q, Zhao C. Effective mitigation of nitrate leaching and nitrous oxide emissions in intensive vegetable production systems using a nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2011: 11; 722-730. Cui M, Sun X, Hu C, Di HJ, Tan Q, Zhao C Effective mitigation of nitrate leaching and nitrous oxide emissions in intensive vegetable production systems using a nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide 2011 Journal of Soils and Sediments Article NR N/A China 30.82 114.85 N 50 294333 3411262 Cfa Xinzhou Silty clay loam NR NR Chaotu soils No NR April 2009 January 2010 9 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 3 three treatments in each soil: control, N fertilizer (N) and N fertilizer + DCD (N + DCD). CI Randomized 4 No NR Closed NR N2O emissions were determined using a closed chamber method (Hutchinson and Mosier 1981; Zheng et al. 2003; Fang and Mu 2006). The enclosure chamber (the height is 30 cm, and the volume is 0.088 m3) was fitted inside a rubber ring on top of the lysimeter casing. N2O was analyzed using a modified Varian (3800, Varian, Inc., USA) gas chromatograph equipped with 63Ni electron capture detector CRA 124,5
83 Dalal (2010) Dalal RC, Gibson I, Allen DE, Menzies NW. Green waste compost reduces nitrous oxide emissions from feddlot manure applied to soil. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2010: 136; 273-281. Dalal RC, Gibson I, Allen DE, Menzies NW Green waste compost reduces nitrous oxide emissions from feddlot manure applied to soil 2010 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article, N/A Australia -27.57 152.33 S 56 433449 6950741 Cfa N/A Clay Vertisol NR Soil at the field site is classified as a Vertisol (Udic Haplustert, USDA, 1975). The soil contains a high proportion of smectite clay (50–59%). Plant available water capacity of the soil is estimated to be 250 mm (Field Capacity–Wilting Point), with effective rooting depth of 1.2 m. Yes Prior to this study, mostly sorghum crops were grown at the field site, generally fertiliser N applied at 100–150 kg N ha1 and with 1–3 irrigations during the growing season, followed by 6 months of weed-free fallow. December 2006 December 2007 13 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 6 The treatments were: (1) control, (2) 10 t/ha feedlot manure (FLM10), (3) 20 t/ha feedlot manure (FLM20), (4) 10 t/ha green waste compost (GWC10), (5) 10 t/ha of feedlot manure and 10 t/ha green waste compost (FLM10 + GWC10), and (6) 150 kg N/ha as urea (Urea150). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Closed NR Nitrous oxide gas samples were collected from static closed chambers (n = 2 per plot; 6 treatments, 3 replications, 36 chambers total) positioned 4–5 m apart (10 m between plots). Chamber design has been described in Weier (1999) and calculation of gas flux was done according to the procedure of Saggar et al. (2004). In brief, 250 mmdiameter and 200 mmhigh PVC chamber bases were inserted approximated 50–100 mm into the soil to act as ‘collars’ Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection by gas chromatography (3800, Varian, Netherlands) as described by Allen et al. (2007), using commercial standards (BOC Gases, Australia) with 1% or better calibration accuracy to calculate sample gas concentrations. Standards were injected every 10 samples to monitor instrument precision. CRA 125,5
84 a Dambreville (2008) Dambreville C, Morvan T, Germon JC. N2O emission in maize-crops fertilized with pig slurry, matured pig manure or ammonium nitrate in Brittany. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2008: 123; 201-210. Dambreville C, Morvan T, Germon JC N2O emission in maize-crops fertilized with pig slurry, matured pig manure or ammonium nitrate in Brittany 2008 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A France 48.17 -1.66 N 30 599331 5335950 Cfb Champ Noel Silt loam NR Luvisols silt loam soils referenced as Luvisol Redoxisol. Yes Measurements on the Champ Noe¨l site, managed by the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, were obtained from two 150 m2 plots that had been continuously maize-cropped (Zea mays) and fertilized with ammonium nitrate (AN: 110 kg N-NH4NO3 year1) or pig slurry (PS: 35 m3 ha1 year1 on average) since 1993. May 2003 September 2003 5 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 3 110 kg N/ha as ammonium nitrate , 180 kg N/ha pig slurry, or nothing CI Paired design 1 No Static chamber Closed NR N2O fluxes were measured using the static closed chamber technique (Hutchinson and Livingston, 1993) as described in previous studies (Henault et al., 1998). Cylindrical steel frames (20 cm high and 50 cm diameter) were inserted into the soil to a depth of 8 cm. N2O concentrations were determined using a Varian1 3400 Cx gas chromatograph (Varian, Walnut Creek, USA) fitted with an 63Ni electron capture detector and an automated sample headspace sampler (HSS 8250 SRA Instruments, Monza, Italy). Experimental design not explicitly stated CRA 126,5
84 b Dambreville (2008) Dambreville C, Morvan T, Germon JC. N2O emission in maize-crops fertilized with pig slurry, matured pig manure or ammonium nitrate in Brittany. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2008: 123; 201-210. Dambreville C, Morvan T, Germon JC N2O emission in maize-crops fertilized with pig slurry, matured pig manure or ammonium nitrate in Brittany 2008 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A France 48.17 -1.66 N 30 599331 5335950 Cfb Le Rheu Silt loam NR Luvisols silt loam soils referenced as Luvisol Redoxisol. Yes The Le Rheu site, managed by Arvalis-Institut du Ve´ge´tal, had also been cropped continuously with maize (Zea mays) and fertilized with either organic or mineral fertilizers or left unfertilized (control plot) since 1996. April 2004 February 2005 11 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 3 treatments included 1) matured pig manure (MPM: 20t/ha/year) and starter fertilizer (18 kg N/ha/year and 46 kg P/ha/year) or 2) ammonium nitrate (AN: 162 kg N/ha/year and starter fertilizer (18 kg N/ha/year and 46 kg P/ha/year) or 3) a control plot receiving starter fertilizer only. CI Paired design 1 No Static chamber Closed NR N2O fluxes were measured using the static closed chamber technique (Hutchinson and Livingston, 1993) as described in previous studies (Henault et al., 1998). Cylindrical steel frames (20 cm high and 50 cm diameter) were inserted into the soil to a depth of 8 cm. N2O concentrations were determined using a Varian1 3400 Cx gas chromatograph (Varian, Walnut Creek, USA) fitted with an 63Ni electron capture detector and an automated sample headspace sampler (HSS 8250 SRA Instruments, Monza, Italy). Experimental design not explicitly stated CRA 127,5
85 Davis (2010) Davis PA, Brown JC, Saunders M, Lanigan G, Wright E, Fortune T, Burke J, Connolly J, Jones MB, Osborne B. Assessing the effects of agricultural management practices on carbon fluxes: Spatial variation and the need for replicated estimates of Net Ecosystem Exchange. Agriculture and Forest Meteorology. 2010: 150; 564-574. Davis PA, Brown JC, Saunders M, Lanigan G, Wright E, Fortune T, Burke J, Connolly J, Jones MB, Osborne B Assessing the effects of agricultural management practices on carbon fluxes: Spatial variation and the need for replicated estimates of Net Ecosystem Exchange 2010 Agriculture and Forest Meteorology Article N/A Ireland 52.86 -6.92 N 29 640241 5858507 Cfb N/A Sandy loam NR NR The soils at the site have been characterised as a gravely coarse sandy loam, part of the Athy complex (Conry and Ryan, 1967). Yes Prior to the implementation of the experiment in 2003 the site had been under spring barley cultivation for three consecutive years. From 1990 to 2000 it was under a rotation that included sugar beet, spring barley and oil seed rape. March 2003 August 2005 31 Tillage Tillage 4 The site consisted of four plots, each 2.5 ha in size (210 m  120 m), arranged in a two-by-two block (Fig. 1). Spring Barley (Hordeum vulgare var. Tavern) was grown on each plot. The two conventionally tilled plots, CON1 and CON2, were ploughed (20-25 cm deep) on 3 March 2003, 26 March 2004 and 2 March 2005 and the two non-inversion tilled plots, NIT1 and NIT2, were harrowed (10–15 cm deep) on 9 September 2003, 3 September 2004 and 10 August 2005. CI Paired design 1 No NR NR NR Eddy covariance (EC) measurements of CO2 fluxes were made using two ‘EdiSol’ eddy covariance systems built to the same specifications as those described in Moncrieff et al. (1997). The sonic anemometers (Solent R3, Gill Instruments Ltd., Lymington, England) and gas sampling intakes were situated at a height of between 1.5 and 1.9 m. closed path infra-red gas analyser (Li-7000, Li- Cor Inc., Lincoln, NE) CRA 128,5
86 a Davis (2019) Davis BW, Mirsky SB, Needelman BA, Cavigelli MA, Yarwood SA. Nitrous oxide emissions increase exponentially with organic N rate from cover crops and applied poultry litter. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2019: 272; 165-174. Davis BW, Mirsky SB, Needelman BA, Cavigelli MA, Yarwood SA. Nitrous oxide emissions increase exponentially with organic N rate from cover crops and applied poultry litter. 2019 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A USA 39.02 -76.94 N 18 331788 4320570 Cfa 2011 Silt loam NR NR The soils at the site had a silt loam surface texture and were mapped as fine-loamy, mixed, mesic Typic Dystrudepts (Codorus series) (NRCS, 2013), which are naturally moderately well-drained. Bulk density was 1.2–1.3 g cm−3, and soil organic matter was 1.0–2.6%; soil organic matter varied considerably among the three fields used for the experiment due to prior management Yes All field sites had a history of agricultural management, with at least 20 years of cover cropping and manure applications. Due to this site history, soil P was high at 67–77 ppm by Mehlich-3; additional P fertilizer was not applied. Potassium was applied prior to cover crop planting at 67.3 kg-K ha-1 as K2SO4 prior to seedbed preparation. October 2011 November 2012 14 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Cover crops, Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 10 The cover crop treatment levels consisted of cereal rye (Secale cereal L., ‘Aroostook’) and hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth., ‘Groff’) planted in replacement proportions of 100:0, 60:40, and 0:100, based on percentages of total recommended seeding rates. Additionally, was a bare ground control treatment maintained weed-free using glyphosate. We tested six fertility factor levels across each cover crop treatment (Table 2) for a total of 24 treatments. The fertility treatment levels included three rates of SSB PL (subsurface banded polutry litter; low, moderate, high), a PL broadcast tillage treatment, and both no-fertilizer and mineral. The mineral fertilizer application was urea ammonium nitrate (UAN). The tilled-broadcast treatment represented typical management of PL in tillage-based crop production. CI Split/strip plot 3 Yes NR NR Opaque To measure N2O fluxes, a non-flow-through, non-steady-state chamber system was installed using established guidelines for optimum design (Parkin and Venterea, 2010; Rochette, 2011). Each chamber consisted of semi-permanently installed aluminum anchor and a removable stainless steel lid. The anchors were 72 by 41 cm in size and, with the lid on, captured a sampling volume of 28.4 ± 4.1 l (s.d). In a sampling event, samples were taken from each chamber 0, 7, 14, and 21 min after lids were placed on anchors. Anchors were removed and re-installed within one day of any equipment operations that disturbed the soil, including planting, sidedress, and post-harvest tillage. Samples were analyzed on a Varian GC450 gas chromatograph (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA) using an electron capture detector (ECD), with peaks calculated for N2O and O2. JR 129,5
86 b Davis (2019) Davis BW, Mirsky SB, Needelman BA, Cavigelli MA, Yarwood SA. Nitrous oxide emissions increase exponentially with organic N rate from cover crops and applied poultry litter. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2019: 272; 165-174. Davis BW, Mirsky SB, Needelman BA, Cavigelli MA, Yarwood SA. Nitrous oxide emissions increase exponentially with organic N rate from cover crops and applied poultry litter. 2019 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A USA 39.02 -76.94 N 18 331788 4320570 Cfa 2012 Silt loam NR NR The soils at the site had a silt loam surface texture and were mapped as fine-loamy, mixed, mesic Typic Dystrudepts (Codorus series) (NRCS, 2013), which are naturally moderately well-drained. Bulk density was 1.2–1.3 g cm−3, and soil organic matter was 1.0–2.6%; soil organic matter varied considerably among the three fields used for the experiment due to prior management Yes All field sites had a history of agricultural management, with at least 20 years of cover cropping and manure applications. Due to this site history, soil P was high at 67–77 ppm by Mehlich-3; additional P fertilizer was not applied. Potassium was applied prior to cover crop planting at 67.3 kg-K ha-1 as K2SO4 prior to seedbed preparation. October 2012 December 2013 14 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Cover crops, Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 10 The cover crop treatment levels consisted of cereal rye (Secale cereal L., ‘Aroostook’) and hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth., ‘Groff’) planted in replacement proportions of 100:0, 60:40, and 0:100, based on percentages of total recommended seeding rates. Additionally, was a bare ground control treatment maintained weed-free using glyphosate. We tested six fertility factor levels across each cover crop treatment (Table 2) for a total of 24 treatments. The fertility treatment levels included three rates of SSB PL (subsurface banded polutry litter; low, moderate, high), a PL broadcast tillage treatment, and both no-fertilizer and mineral. The mineral fertilizer application was urea ammonium nitrate (UAN). The tilled-broadcast treatment represented typical management of PL in tillage-based crop production. CI Split/strip plot 3 Yes NR NR Opaque To measure N2O fluxes, a non-flow-through, non-steady-state chamber system was installed using established guidelines for optimum design (Parkin and Venterea, 2010; Rochette, 2011). Each chamber consisted of semi-permanently installed aluminum anchor and a removable stainless steel lid. The anchors were 72 by 41 cm in size and, with the lid on, captured a sampling volume of 28.4 ± 4.1 l (s.d). In a sampling event, samples were taken from each chamber 0, 7, 14, and 21 min after lids were placed on anchors. Anchors were removed and re-installed within one day of any equipment operations that disturbed the soil, including planting, sidedress, and post-harvest tillage. Samples were analyzed on a Varian GC450 gas chromatograph (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA) using an electron capture detector (ECD), with peaks calculated for N2O and O2. JR 130,5
86 c Davis (2019) Davis BW, Mirsky SB, Needelman BA, Cavigelli MA, Yarwood SA. Nitrous oxide emissions increase exponentially with organic N rate from cover crops and applied poultry litter. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2019: 272; 165-174. Davis BW, Mirsky SB, Needelman BA, Cavigelli MA, Yarwood SA. Nitrous oxide emissions increase exponentially with organic N rate from cover crops and applied poultry litter. 2019 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A USA 39.02 -76.94 N 18 331788 4320570 Cfa 2013 Silt loam NR NR The soils at the site had a silt loam surface texture and were mapped as fine-loamy, mixed, mesic Typic Dystrudepts (Codorus series) (NRCS, 2013), which are naturally moderately well-drained. Bulk density was 1.2–1.3 g cm−3, and soil organic matter was 1.0–2.6%; soil organic matter varied considerably among the three fields used for the experiment due to prior management Yes All field sites had a history of agricultural management, with at least 20 years of cover cropping and manure applications. Due to this site history, soil P was high at 67–77 ppm by Mehlich-3; additional P fertilizer was not applied. Potassium was applied prior to cover crop planting at 67.3 kg-K ha-1 as K2SO4 prior to seedbed preparation. October 2013 January 2014 14 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Cover crops, Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 10 The cover crop treatment levels consisted of cereal rye (Secale cereal L., ‘Aroostook’) and hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth., ‘Groff’) planted in replacement proportions of 100:0, 60:40, and 0:100, based on percentages of total recommended seeding rates. Additionally, was a bare ground control treatment maintained weed-free using glyphosate. We tested six fertility factor levels across each cover crop treatment (Table 2) for a total of 24 treatments. The fertility treatment levels included three rates of SSB PL (subsurface banded polutry litter; low, moderate, high), a PL broadcast tillage treatment, and both no-fertilizer and mineral. The mineral fertilizer application was urea ammonium nitrate (UAN). The tilled-broadcast treatment represented typical management of PL in tillage-based crop production. CI Split/strip plot 3 Yes NR NR Opaque To measure N2O fluxes, a non-flow-through, non-steady-state chamber system was installed using established guidelines for optimum design (Parkin and Venterea, 2010; Rochette, 2011). Each chamber consisted of semi-permanently installed aluminum anchor and a removable stainless steel lid. The anchors were 72 by 41 cm in size and, with the lid on, captured a sampling volume of 28.4 ± 4.1 l (s.d). In a sampling event, samples were taken from each chamber 0, 7, 14, and 21 min after lids were placed on anchors. Anchors were removed and re-installed within one day of any equipment operations that disturbed the soil, including planting, sidedress, and post-harvest tillage. Samples were analyzed on a Varian GC450 gas chromatograph (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA) using an electron capture detector (ECD), with peaks calculated for N2O and O2. JR 131,5
87 De Antoni Migliorati (2014) De Antoni Migliorati M, Scheer C, Grace PR, Rowlings DW, Bell M, McGree J. Influence of different nitrogen rate and DMPP nitrification inhibitor on annual N2O emissions from a subtropical wheat-maize cropping system. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment. 2014: 186; 33-43. De Antoni Migliorati M, Scheer C, Grace PR, Rowlings DW, Bell M, McGree J Influence of different nitrogen rate and DMPP nitrification inhibitor on annual N2O emissions from a subtropical wheat-maize cropping system 2014 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A Australia -26.59 151.83 S 56 383233 7058843 Cfa N/A Clay NR NR soil is classified as a BrownFerrosol (Australian Soil Classification, Isbell (2002)), is slowly per-meable, with a high clay content (50–65% clay) in 1.4 m of effectiverooting zone and a water holding capacity of 100 mm. No NR July 2011 June 2012 12 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 4 4 treatments; 1) Control test (CNT): no N fertiliser applied to wheat, urea (prills)applied at rate of 40 kg N ha−1to maize to guarantee a minimumcrop establishment. 2) Conventional N fertiliser rate adjusted according to estimatedresidual soil N (CONV-ADJ): urea (prills) applied at rates of 20and 100 kg N ha−1to wheat and maize, 4espectively. Seasonalrates were defined to avoid the build-up of high levels of soilN following fertilisation events and to obtain average crop yields.The annual fertiliser rate was reduced to half of the conventionaltreatment. 3) Conventional fertiliser rate (CONV): urea (prills) applied at ratesof 80 and 160 kg N ha−1to wheat and maize, respectively. Rateswere similar to local farmer practice and designed to achievemaximum yield potential. 4) Conventional fertiliser rate using urea coated with DMPP nitri-fication inhibitor (CONV-DMPP): urea applied at rates of 80 and160 kg N ha−1to wheat and maize, respectively. In each seasonDMPP urea was only applied at top dressing (60 kg N ha−1towheat and 120 kg N ha−1to maize), when higher amounts ofseasonal N were applied to the crop. DMPP urea, commerciallyavailable as Entec®(Incitec Pivot fertiliser, Australia) was appliedas prills. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR NR NR Each chamber measured 50 cm × 50 cm × 15 cm and was clippedvia a rubber seal to stainless steel frames inserted 10 cm into theground. The chambers were equipped with lids operated by pneu-matic pistons and connected to a fully automated system composedof a sampling unit and a gas chromatograph. gas chromatograph(Model 8610C, SRI Instruments, USA) equipped with a63Ni electroncapture detector (ECD) for N2O analysis. CRA 132,5
88 a De Antoni Migliorati (2016) De Antoni Migliorati M, Bell M, Lester D, Rowlings DW, Scheer C, de Rosa D, Grace PR. Comparison of grain yields and N2O emissions on Oxisol and Vertisol soils in response to fertiliser N applied as urea or urea coated with nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate. Soil Research. 2016: 54; 552-564. De Antoni Migliorati M, Bell M, Lester D, Rowlings DW, Scheer C, de Rosa D, Grace PR Comparison of grain yields and N2O emissions on Oxisol and Vertisol soils in response to fertiliser N applied as urea or urea coated with nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate 2016 Soil Research Article N/A Australia -27.52 151.78 S 56 379840 6955748 Cfa Kingsthorpe Clay Vertisol NR The soil at the site is classified as a self-mulching, torrert Vertisol in USDA Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff 1998) or as a haplic, black Vertosol in the Australian Soil Classification (Isbell 2002). It has a heavy clay texture (67% clay) in the 1.5-m root zone profile, with a distinct change in soil colour from brownish black (10YR22) in the top 90 cm to dark brown (7.5YR33) deeper in the profile. The soil was formed in an alluvial fan of basalt rock origin with a surface slope of ~0.5%, is slowly permeable and has a plant available water holding capacity (PAWC) of 210–230mm for wheat. No NR December 2013 June 2014 7 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 4 4 treatments; 1) Control (CNT), no N fertiliser applied 2) Urea (UREA) 160 kg N/ha 3) DMPP urea (DMPP) 160 kg N/ha and 4) Urea (UREA-R) at a reduced rate (80 kgN/ha) CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed NR Briefly, chambers were closed airtight with lids made of transparent acrylic panels operated by pneumatic actuators. Chambers measured 50 cm50 cm15 cm and were attached via a rubber seal to stainless steel frames inserted 10 cm into the ground. gas chromatograph (SRI GC 8610C) equipped with a 63Ni electron capture detector for N2O concentration analysis. CRA 133,5
88 b De Antoni Migliorati (2016) De Antoni Migliorati M, Bell M, Lester D, Rowlings DW, Scheer C, de Rosa D, Grace PR. Comparison of grain yields and N2O emissions on Oxisol and Vertisol soils in response to fertiliser N applied as urea or urea coated with nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate. Soil Research. 2016: 54; 552-564. De Antoni Migliorati M, Bell M, Lester D, Rowlings DW, Scheer C, de Rosa D, Grace PR Comparison of grain yields and N2O emissions on Oxisol and Vertisol soils in response to fertiliser N applied as urea or urea coated with nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate 2016 Soil Research Article N/A Australia -26.58 151.83 S 56 383357 7059355 Cfa Kingaroy Clay Oxisol NR The soil is classified as a Tropeptic Eutrustox Oxisol in USDA Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff 1998) or as a Brown Ferrosol in the Australian Soil Classification (Isbell 2002), is moderately permeable, with a high clay content (50–65% clay) in 1.2m of effective rooting zone and a PAWC of 100–110mm in maize–peanut rotations. No NR December 2013 June 2014 7 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 4 4 treatments; 1) Control (CNT), no N fertiliser applied 2) Urea (UREA) 120 kg N/ha 3) DMPP urea (DMPP) 120 kg N/ha and 4) Urea (UREA-R) at a reduced rate (80 kgN/ha) CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR Briefly, chambers were closed airtight with lids made of transparent acrylic panels operated by pneumatic actuators. Chambers measured 50 cm50 cm15 cm and were attached via a rubber seal to stainless steel frames inserted 10 cm into the ground. gas chromatograph (SRI GC 8610C) equipped with a 63Ni electron capture detector for N2O concentration analysis. CRA 134,5
89 a de Klein (2014) de Klein CAM, Luo J, Woodward KB, Styles T, Wise B, Lindsey S, Cox N. The effect of nitrogen concentration in synthetic cattle urine on nitrous oxide emissions. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2014: 188; 85-92. de Klein CAM, Luo J, Woodward KB, Styles T, Wise B, Lindsey S, Cox N he effect of nitrogen concentration in synthetic cattle urine on nitrous oxide emissions 2014 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A New Zealand -37.46 175.19 S 60 340199 5852699 Cfb Waikato 1 NR NR NR At the Waikato site, the study was conducted on a porous-textured free draining Horotiu soil (Typic Orthic Allophanic; Hewitt, 1998) Yes Before measurements began,the plots were fenced offto exclude stock for atleast a month to reduce the risk of variability caused by previously deposited urine patches June 2010 September 2010 4 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 7 The synthetic urine (Clough et al., 1996) contained KHCO3 (13.8 g L−1), KSO4 (1.36 g L−1), KCl (4 g L−1), and CO(NH2)2 (urea) and C2H5NO2 (glycine) at varying N concentrations depending on treatment (ranging from 2 to 12 or 14 g N L−1). A ‘Control’ treatment, receiving no urine or water, was also included at each site. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No NR Closed NR A non-vented closed chamber technique was used to measure N2O emissions (de Klein et al., 2003), with PVC chambers at the Waikato site and stainless steel chambers at the Otago site. Although the configuration of the chambers and the deployment protocols were slightly different at each site, they both conformed to criteria set out in recent guidelines for N2O chamber methodologies (de Klein and Harvey, 2013). A week before the measurements commenced, stainless steel base rings were inserted into the soil at both sites, to approximately 10 cm depth. At the soil surface, the rings were fitted with a 2 cm-tall ‘water-trough’ flange. Otago site: On each sampling day, the stainless steel chambers were inserted into the ‘water-trough’ flange (25 cm diameter) which was filled with water to provide an airtight seal around the chamber. The chambers (270 mm in diameter and 100 mm in height) were insulated with polystyrene foam and covered with self-adhesive aluminium foil to minimise temperature and pressure fluctuations in the enclosed gases. The chambers were also fitted with suba-seal sampling ports that were removed at the time of chamber placement into the water trough. Waikato site: The PVC chambers (240 mm in diameter and 200 mm in height) were modified sewer hatches with removable lids fitted with a sampling valve. The “sewer-hatch” rim had an internal half-turn locking system and a greased rubber O-ring, which formed a gastight seal. These chambers were also placed in a ‘water-trough’ base (23 cm diameter) throughout each individual measurement period. After depressurisation, the samples were analysed for N2O concentration by gas chromatography, using a SRI 8610 automated gas chromatograph fitted with a Ni Electron Capture Detector (310 ◦C), a Hayesep D column (40 ◦C) and N2 as carrier gas. Coordinates are estimated as given coordinates in article didn’t work JR 135,5
89 b de Klein (2014) de Klein CAM, Luo J, Woodward KB, Styles T, Wise B, Lindsey S, Cox N. The effect of nitrogen concentration in synthetic cattle urine on nitrous oxide emissions. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2014: 188; 85-92. de Klein CAM, Luo J, Woodward KB, Styles T, Wise B, Lindsey S, Cox N he effect of nitrogen concentration in synthetic cattle urine on nitrous oxide emissions 2014 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A New Zealand -45.48 170.16 S 59 434073 4963756 Cfb Otago NR NR NR The soil of the Otago site (170◦ 23 45◦ 50 ) was a well-structured free draining Wingatui soil (weathered fluvial recent soil). Yes Before measurements began,the plots were fenced offto exclude stock for atleast a month to reduce the risk of variability caused by previously deposited urine patches June 2010 September 2010 4 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 7 The synthetic urine (Clough et al., 1996) contained KHCO3 (13.8 g L−1), KSO4 (1.36 g L−1), KCl (4 g L−1), and CO(NH2)2 (urea) and C2H5NO2 (glycine) at varying N concentrations depending on treatment (ranging from 2 to 12 or 14 g N L−1). A ‘Control’ treatment, receiving no urine or water, was also included at each site. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No NR Closed NR A non-vented closed chamber technique was used to measure N2O emissions (de Klein et al., 2003), with PVC chambers at the Waikato site and stainless steel chambers at the Otago site. Although the configuration of the chambers and the deployment protocols were slightly different at each site, they both conformed to criteria set out in recent guidelines for N2O chamber methodologies (de Klein and Harvey, 2013). A week before the measurements commenced, stainless steel base rings were inserted into the soil at both sites, to approximately 10 cm depth. At the soil surface, the rings were fitted with a 2 cm-tall ‘water-trough’ flange. Otago site: On each sampling day, the stainless steel chambers were inserted into the ‘water-trough’ flange (25 cm diameter) which was filled with water to provide an airtight seal around the chamber. The chambers (270 mm in diameter and 100 mm in height) were insulated with polystyrene foam and covered with self-adhesive aluminium foil to minimise temperature and pressure fluctuations in the enclosed gases. The chambers were also fitted with suba-seal sampling ports that were removed at the time of chamber placement into the water trough. Waikato site: The PVC chambers (240 mm in diameter and 200 mm in height) were modified sewer hatches with removable lids fitted with a sampling valve. The “sewer-hatch” rim had an internal half-turn locking system and a greased rubber O-ring, which formed a gastight seal. These chambers were also placed in a ‘water-trough’ base (23 cm diameter) throughout each individual measurement period. After depressurisation, the samples were analysed for N2O concentration by gas chromatography, using a SRI 8610 automated gas chromatograph fitted with a Ni Electron Capture Detector (310 ◦C), a Hayesep D column (40 ◦C) and N2 as carrier gas. Coordinates are estimated as given coordinates in article didn’t work JR 136,5
89 c de Klein (2014) de Klein CAM, Luo J, Woodward KB, Styles T, Wise B, Lindsey S, Cox N. The effect of nitrogen concentration in synthetic cattle urine on nitrous oxide emissions. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2014: 188; 85-92. de Klein CAM, Luo J, Woodward KB, Styles T, Wise B, Lindsey S, Cox N he effect of nitrogen concentration in synthetic cattle urine on nitrous oxide emissions 2014 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A New Zealand -37.46 175.19 S 60 340199 5852699 Cfb Waikato 2 NR NR NR a heavy-textured poorly draining Te Kowhai soil (Typic Ochraqualf) Yes Before measurements began,the plots were fenced offto exclude stock for atleast a month to reduce the risk of variability caused by previously deposited urine patches May 2011 October 2011 6 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 8 The synthetic urine (Clough et al., 1996) contained KHCO3 (13.8 g L−1), KSO4 (1.36 g L−1), KCl (4 g L−1), and CO(NH2)2 (urea) and C2H5NO2 (glycine) at varying N concentrations depending on treatment (ranging from 2 to 12 or 14 g N L−1). A ‘Control’ treatment, receiving no urine or water, was also included at each site. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No NR Closed NR A non-vented closed chamber technique was used to measure N2O emissions (de Klein et al., 2003), with PVC chambers at the Waikato site and stainless steel chambers at the Otago site. Although the configuration of the chambers and the deployment protocols were slightly different at each site, they both conformed to criteria set out in recent guidelines for N2O chamber methodologies (de Klein and Harvey, 2013). A week before the measurements commenced, stainless steel base rings were inserted into the soil at both sites, to approximately 10 cm depth. At the soil surface, the rings were fitted with a 2 cm-tall ‘water-trough’ flange. Otago site: On each sampling day, the stainless steel chambers were inserted into the ‘water-trough’ flange (25 cm diameter) which was filled with water to provide an airtight seal around the chamber. The chambers (270 mm in diameter and 100 mm in height) were insulated with polystyrene foam and covered with self-adhesive aluminium foil to minimise temperature and pressure fluctuations in the enclosed gases. The chambers were also fitted with suba-seal sampling ports that were removed at the time of chamber placement into the water trough. Waikato site: The PVC chambers (240 mm in diameter and 200 mm in height) were modified sewer hatches with removable lids fitted with a sampling valve. The “sewer-hatch” rim had an internal half-turn locking system and a greased rubber O-ring, which formed a gastight seal. These chambers were also placed in a ‘water-trough’ base (23 cm diameter) throughout each individual measurement period. After depressurisation, the samples were analysed for N2O concentration by gas chromatography, using a SRI 8610 automated gas chromatograph fitted with a Ni Electron Capture Detector (310 ◦C), a Hayesep D column (40 ◦C) and N2 as carrier gas. Coordinates are estimated as given coordinates in article didn’t work JR 137,5
90 De Rosa (2016) De Rosa D, Rowlings DW, Biala J, Scheer C, Basso B, McGree J, Grace PR. Effect of organic and mineral fertilizers on N2O emissions from an intensive vegetable rotation. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 2016: 52; 895-908. De Rosa D, Rowlings DW, Biala J, Scheer C, Basso B, McGree J, Grace PR Effect of organic and mineral fertilizers on N2O emissions from an intensive vegetable rotation. Biology and Fertility of Soils 2018 Biology and Fertility of Soils Article N/A Australia -27.53 152.32 S 56 432525 6954305 Cfa N/A Clay NR Vertisols The soil (0–10 cm) contained 1.5 % organic C, 0.12% total N, had a pH (H2O) of 7.8, and a CEC of 43.9 (meq/100 g) and was comprised of 60 % clay, 22 % silt, and 18 % sand. Yes A barley cover crop was grown to maximum biomass prior to the commencement of the experiment, cut, and burnt to remove any mineralized NH4 + and NO3 − from the soil profile. September 2013 September 2014 13 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 6 6 treatments; conventional urea application rate (CONV) was compared to raw (Ma) and composted (Co) chicken manure at a conventional (Ma + CONV, Co + CONV) and reduced urea rate (Ma + Rd, Co + Rd), and a control which received no fertilizer. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR NR Briefly, transparent acrylic static chamber s (50 × 50 × 15 cm) were placed in three plots per treatment between crop rows. The chambers were equipped with pneumatically operated lids and fixed on stainless steel bases inserted 10 cm into the soil. gas chromatograph (SRI GC 8610C). CRA 138,5
91 De Rosa (2018) De Rosa D, Rowlings DW, Biala J, Scheer C, Basso B, Grace PR. N2O and CO2 emissions following repeated application of organic and mineral fertiliser from a vegetable crop rotation. Science of the Total Environment. 2018: 637-638; 813-824. De Rosa D, Rowlings DW, Biala J, Scheer C, Basso B, Grace PR N2O and CO2 emissions following repeated application of organic and mineral fertiliser from a vegetable crop rotation 2018 Science of the Total Environment Article N/A Australia -27.53 152.32 S 56 432525 6954305 Cfa N/A Clay NR Vertisols The alluvial soil of the study area is classified as a Black Vertisol (FAO, 1998) Yes A barley (Hordeum vulgare) cover crop grown prior to the experiment was cut and removed to minimise any residual N from the cultivation of previous crops. September 2013 February 2016 30 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 6 6 treatments; 1) A conventional N-fertiliser rate applied as urea (CONV, 770 kg of N-fertiliser ha−1 for the entire rotation) based on local farm management; 2) Zero N input treatment (0N) was used to account for background soil GHG emissions. 3) Composted chicken manure plus conventional N-fertiliser rate (Co+CONV) for the first crop cycle, and composted chickenmanure only in the second and third crop cycle (Co); 4) Composted chicken manure plus reduced N-fertiliser rate (Co + Rd); 5) Raw chicken manure plus conventional N-fertiliser rate (Ma + CONV) for the first year, and raw chicken manure only in the second and third year (Ma); 6) Raw chicken manure plus reduced N-fertiliser rate (Ma + Rd). CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR NR Transparent The automated chamber sampling system consists of transparent acrylic static chambers (50 × 50 × 15 cm) fixed on stainless steel bases inserted 10 cminto the soil and equippedwith pneumatically operated lids. gas chromatograph (SRI GC 8610C) equipped with 63Ni Electron Capture Detector (ECD) for N2O while a infra-red gas analyser (LI-COR, LI-820) for CO2. CRA 139,5
92 Deng (2015) Deng Q, Hui D, Wang J, Iwuozo S, Yu C, Jima T, Smart D, Reddy C, Dennis S. Corn yield and soi nitrous oxide emission under different fertilizer and soil management: a three-year field experiment in middle tennessee. PLoS One. 2015: 10(4); e0125406. Deng Q, Hui D, Wang J, Iwuozo S, Yu C, Jima T, Smart D, Reddy C, Dennis S Corn yield and soi nitrous oxide emission under different fertilizer and soil management: a three-year field experiment in middle tennessee 2015 PLoS One Article N/A USA 36.12 -86.39 N 16 554895 3997431 Cfa N/A Silty clay loam NR NR Talbott silt clay loam soil (Fine, mixed, semiactive, thermic Typic Hapludalfs; 25% sand, 55% silt, 20% clay) with a bulk density of 1.45 g cm-3, slightly acidic (pH = 5.97), low in both carbon (2.37 g kg-1) and nitrogen (0.14 g kg-1) in the upper 0–30 cm soil layer. No NR April 2012 NR 2014 33 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser, Tillage, Biochar, Nitrification inhibitor 6 6 treatments; 1) treatment with conventional tillage + regular applications of aqueous urea ammonium nitrate (URAN-32-0-0 liquid N, 100%) as the control (CT-URAN). 2) no-tillage + regular applications of URAN (URAN-32-0-0 liquid N, 100%) (NT-URAN). 3) no-tillage + regular applications of URAN (URAN-32-0-0 liquid N, 90%) + dicyandiamide (DCD) nitrification inhibitor with 67% N content (N, 10%) (NT-inhibitor). 4) no-tillage + regular applications of URAN (URAN- 32-0-0 liquid N, 100%) + woodchips biochar with density of 1.5–1.7 g cm-3 and with an application rate of 2.5 kg m-2 (NT-biochar). 5) no-tillage + 20% applications of URAN (URAN-32-0-0 liquid N, 20%) + chicken litter with 4% N, 3% P and 4% K contents (N, 80%) (NT-litter) 6) no-tillage + split applications of URAN (URAN-32-0-0 liquid N, 100%) (NT-split). CI Randomized Complete Block 4 Yes Static chamber NR NR The static chamber was made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material and consisted of two parts: a soil ring without a top and bottom of 20 cm in diameter and 30 cm in height, and a removable cover of 20 cm in diameter and 6 cm in height. The ring was inserted directly into the soil about 25 cm below the soil surface leaving 5 cm above the soil surface, and the cover was placed on top during sampling and removed afterwards. A fan of 10 cm in diameter was installed on the top wall of each cover to create gentle turbulent mixing when the chamber was closed. gas chromatograph (Model GC-2014, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD) equipped with a 63Ni electron capture detector for quantifying N2O. 4 replications in the final year of study used as the value for spatial replication. 6 replicates per treatment were used in 2012 and 2013. CRA 140,5
93 a Deng (2017) Deng M, Hou M, Ohkama-Ohtsu N, Yokoyama T, Tanaka H, Nakajima K, Omata R, Bellingrath-Kimura S. Nitrous oxide emission from organic fertilizer and controlled release fertilizer in tea fields. Agriculture. 2017: 7; 2-12. Deng M, Hou M, Ohkama-Ohtsu N, Yokoyama T, Tanaka H, Nakajima K, Omata R, Bellingrath-Kimura S. Nitrous oxide emission from organic fertilizer and controlled release fertilizer in tea fields 2017 Agriculture Article N/A Japan 35.8 139.34 N 54 350005 3963037 Cfa Row NR NR Andosols The soil was a Silandic Andosol. pH = 3.63, NH4+-N = 1.24, NO3-N = 6.20, Total C = 117.6, Total N = 11.0, Bulk density = 0.46 No NR March 2014 September 2015 19 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 3 The treatments consisted of no fertilizer as control (denoted as CONT), controlled-released chemical fertilizer (CRF), and organic fertilizer (ORG) treatments. The controlled-released fertilizer in this experiment was sulfur-coated urea (Meister 180-days type, Jcamagri Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan), phosphorus (P2O5) (Nitto FC Co., Ltd., Nagoya, Japan) and sulfur-coated potash (K2O) (Meister SOP, Jcam Agri. Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). Organic fertilizers were oil cake (Daiwa Co., Ltd., Hyogo, Japan), and fermented chicken manure (Corporation Omiya Green Service, Omiya, Japan). CI Randomized Complete Block 6 No NR Closed NR The gas sample was conducted by the chamber method. The chambers used in this study comprised a polyvinyl non-transparent circle cylinder with a diameter and height of 20 cm [21]. The bases of the chambers were inserted into the soil between the rows and under the canopies of the tea plants to a depth of 5cm. The N2O concentration in the air samples were analyzed using a gas chromatograph (GC-2014, Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD) held constant at 350 C. JR 141,5
93 b Deng (2017) Deng M, Hou M, Ohkama-Ohtsu N, Yokoyama T, Tanaka H, Nakajima K, Omata R, Bellingrath-Kimura S. Nitrous oxide emission from organic fertilizer and controlled release fertilizer in tea fields. Agriculture. 2017: 7; 2-12. Deng M, Hou M, Ohkama-Ohtsu N, Yokoyama T, Tanaka H, Nakajima K, Omata R, Bellingrath-Kimura S. Nitrous oxide emission from organic fertilizer and controlled release fertilizer in tea fields 2017 Agriculture Article N/A Japan 35.8 139.34 N 54 350005 3963037 Cfa Canopy NR NR Andosols The soil was a Silandic Andosol. pH = 3.81, NH4+-N = 1.74, NO3-N = 7.92, Total C = 104.7, Total N = 10.5, Bulk density = 0.41 No NR March 2014 September 2015 19 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 3 The treatments consisted of no fertilizer as control (denoted as CONT), controlled-released chemical fertilizer (CRF), and organic fertilizer (ORG) treatments. The controlled-released fertilizer in this experiment was sulfur-coated urea (Meister 180-days type, Jcamagri Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan), phosphorus (P2O5) (Nitto FC Co., Ltd., Nagoya, Japan) and sulfur-coated potash (K2O) (Meister SOP, Jcam Agri. Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). Organic fertilizers were oil cake (Daiwa Co., Ltd., Hyogo, Japan), and fermented chicken manure (Corporation Omiya Green Service, Omiya, Japan). CI Randomized Complete Block 6 No NR Closed NR The gas sample was conducted by the chamber method. The chambers used in this study comprised a polyvinyl non-transparent circle cylinder with a diameter and height of 20 cm [21]. The bases of the chambers were inserted into the soil between the rows and under the canopies of the tea plants to a depth of 5cm. The N2O concentration in the air samples were analyzed using a gas chromatograph (GC-2014, Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD) held constant at 350 C. JR 142,5
94 a di Gioia (2017) Di Gioia F, Ozores-Hampton M, Zhao X, Thomas J, Wilson P, Li Z, Hong J, Albano J, Swisher M, Rosskopf E. Anaerobic soil disinfestation impact on soil nutrients dynamics and nitrous oxide emissions in fresh-market tomato. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environmen.t 2017: 240; 194-205. Di Gioia F, Ozores-Hampton M, Zhao X, Thomas J, Wilson P, Li Z, Hong J, Albano J, Swisher M, Rosskopf E Anaerobic soil disinfestation impact on soil nutrients dynamics and nitrous oxide emissions in fresh-market tomato 2017 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A USA 26.46 -81.44 N 17 456533 2926862 Cfa Immokalee Sand Spodosol NR In Immokalee, the soil was a Spodosol classified as Immokalee fine sand (sandy, siliceous, hyperthermic Arenic Haplaquods) No NR February 2015 February 2015 1 Other Other 3 Conventional CSF was compared with two ASD treatments, which consisted of amending the soil with 22 Mg ha1 of CPL and two rates of molasses [13.9 (ASD1) and 27.7 m3 ha1 (ASD2)] as the C source. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR NR Emissions were collected using custom made static chambers made from 4.7 L stainless steel bowls. The bowls were placed on top of the polyethylene mulched bed in randomly selected positions and were sealed with grease. Each stainless steel bowl had a hole at the top of the head space on which was mounted a 9.5 mm silicone/PTFE septum (Alltech Microsep F-174N) by means of a stainless steel bulkhead union sealed with epoxy cement. Gas samples were collected at intervals of 15 min for 60 min at each monitoring time. Through the silicon septum of each static chamber, 10 mL of surface air were withdrawn using a gas tight plastic syringe attached to a 10-cm long metal needle by means of a 3–4 cm Masterflex silicone rubber tube. Air samples collected were trapped in non-coated 10 mL Vacutainer1 sampling tubes (BD Diagnostics, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA). Nitrous oxide concentrations in the samples were measured by gas chromatography (GC) using a Perkin-Elmer Clarus 400 GC equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD) and a 80/100 Porapak Q stainless steel column measuring 1.8 m (length)  3.18 mm (OD)  2.1 mm (ID) (Supelco catalog # 12437) JR 143,5
94 b di Gioia (2017) Di Gioia F, Ozores-Hampton M, Zhao X, Thomas J, Wilson P, Li Z, Hong J, Albano J, Swisher M, Rosskopf E. Anaerobic soil disinfestation impact on soil nutrients dynamics and nitrous oxide emissions in fresh-market tomato. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environmen.t 2017: 240; 194-205. Di Gioia F, Ozores-Hampton M, Zhao X, Thomas J, Wilson P, Li Z, Hong J, Albano J, Swisher M, Rosskopf E Anaerobic soil disinfestation impact on soil nutrients dynamics and nitrous oxide emissions in fresh-market tomato 2017 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A USA 29.41 -82.17 N 17 386380 3253902 Cfa Citra Loamy sand NR NR in Citra the soil was a Gainesville loamy sand (hyperthermic, coated typic quartzipsamments). No NR March 2015 April 2015 2 Other Other 3 Conventional CSF was compared with two ASD treatments, which consisted of amending the soil with 22 Mg ha1 of CPL and two rates of molasses [13.9 (ASD1) and 27.7 m3 ha1 (ASD2)] as the C source. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR NR Emissions were collected using custom made static chambers made from 4.7 L stainless steel bowls. The bowls were placed on top of the polyethylene mulched bed in randomly selected positions and were sealed with grease. Each stainless steel bowl had a hole at the top of the head space on which was mounted a 9.5 mm silicone/PTFE septum (Alltech Microsep F-174N) by means of a stainless steel bulkhead union sealed with epoxy cement. Gas samples were collected at intervals of 15 min for 60 min at each monitoring time. Through the silicon septum of each static chamber, 10 mL of surface air were withdrawn using a gas tight plastic syringe attached to a 10-cm long metal needle by means of a 3–4 cm Masterflex silicone rubber tube. Air samples collected were trapped in non-coated 10 mL Vacutainer1 sampling tubes (BD Diagnostics, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA). Nitrous oxide concentrations in the samples were measured by gas chromatography (GC) using a Perkin-Elmer Clarus 400 GC equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD) and a 80/100 Porapak Q stainless steel column measuring 1.8 m (length)  3.18 mm (OD)  2.1 mm (ID) (Supelco catalog # 12437) JR 144,5
95 Dicke (2015) Dicke C, Andert J, Ammon C, Kern J, Meyer-Aurich A, Kaupenjohann M. Effects of different biochars and digestate on N2O fluxes under field conditions. Science of the Total Environment. 2015: 524-525; 310-318. Dicke C, Andert J, Ammon C, Kern J, Meyer-Aurich A, Kaupenjohann M Effects of different biochars and digestate on N2O fluxes under field conditions 2015 Science of the Total Environment Article N/A Germany 52.53 7.38 N 32 390219 5820722 Cfb N/A Sandy loam NR Cambisols The soil is classified as a haplic Cambisol. The A horizon has a bulk density of 1.53 g cm^−3 and contained 71.2% sand, 22.2% silt and 6.6% clay. No NR October 2012 September 2013 12 Multiple-intervention Biochar, Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 8 8 treatments; 1) No biochar added 2) 40.1 t/ha of maize silage produced through anearobic digestion (digestate) 3) 10.9 t/ha of maize sillage produced through pyrolysis 4) 65.7 t/ha of maize sillage produced through pyrolysis treated with digestate 5) 26.6 t/ha of maize silage biochar produced through hydrothermal carbonization 6) 69.1 t/ha of maize silage biochar produced through hydrothermal carbonization treated with digestate 7) 18.8 t/ha Residue of wood chip production biochar produced through pyrolysis 8) 18.8 t/ha Residue of wood chip production biochar produced through pyrolysis treated with digestate CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed NR nitrous oxide (N2O) was collected, using closed cylindrical chambers with a volume of 0.064 m3 (lower diameter 0.51 m, upper diameter 0.39 m, height 0.4 m) placed on a collar with a water sealing. gas chromatograph; GC-injection system (GC: Shimadzu GC 14G). Nitrous oxide was analysed by using an electron capture detector (ECD), CRA 145,5
96 a Dondini (2016) Dondini M, Richards MIA, Pogson M, McCalmont J, Drewer J, Marshall R, Morrison R, Yamulki S, Harris ZM, Alberti G, Siebicke L, Taylor G, Perks M, Finch J, McNamara NP, Smith JU, Smith P. Simulation of greenhouse gases following land-use change to bioenergy crops using the ECOSSE model: a comparison between site measurements and model predictions. Global Change Biology Bioenergy. 2016: 8; 925-940. Dondini M, Richards MIA, Pogson M, McCalmont J, Drewer J, Marshall R, Morrison R, Yamulki S, Harris ZM, Alberti G, Siebicke L, Taylor G, Perks M, Finch J, McNamara NP, Smith JU, Smith P Simulation of greenhouse gases following land-use change to bioenergy crops using the ECOSSE model: a comparison between site measurements and model predictions 2016 Global Change Biology Bioenergy Article N/A United Kingdom 53.32 -0.58 N 30 661356 5910079 Cfb Lincolnshire NR NR NR The soil association is Beccles 1, fine loam over clay and the bedrock is Charnmouth mudstone formation. The soil pH was 7.13 ± 0.02 (standard deviation (SD) of 3 replicates) in the Miscanthus. Carbon % = 1.30%, Nitrogen % = 0.13%, Bulk density = 1.53 g/cm3 Yes Directly prior to conversion, both bioenergy crop fields had 3 years of wheat cultivation. NR 2006 December 2013 Unclear Other Other Unclear Two transitions of conventional crops on arable fields to bioenergy Miscanthus crop BA Paired design Unclear No Eddy flux covariance tower NR At each bioenergy and reference field, the NEE data were obtained from continuous EC measurements (McMillen, 1988; Aubinet et al., 2012) using open path IRGAs (LI-7500) and sonic anemometers. Soil GHG fluxes were measured on a monthly basis at eight points randomly distributed within each field. Soil CO2 fluxes were measured using an IRGA connected to an SRC-1 soil respiration chamber (PP Systems, Amesbury, MA, USA). Measurements of soil CH4 and N2O fluxes were made using a static chamber method (approx. 30 l) with the addition of a vent to compensate for pressure changes within the chamber during times of sampling. Gas samples were analysed by gas chromatograph. Soil information from Bradley et al (2005) JR 146,5
96 b Dondini (2016) Dondini M, Richards MIA, Pogson M, McCalmont J, Drewer J, Marshall R, Morrison R, Yamulki S, Harris ZM, Alberti G, Siebicke L, Taylor G, Perks M, Finch J, McNamara NP, Smith JU, Smith P. Simulation of greenhouse gases following land-use change to bioenergy crops using the ECOSSE model: a comparison between site measurements and model predictions. Global Change Biology Bioenergy. 2016: 8; 925-940. Dondini M, Richards MIA, Pogson M, McCalmont J, Drewer J, Marshall R, Morrison R, Yamulki S, Harris ZM, Alberti G, Siebicke L, Taylor G, Perks M, Finch J, McNamara NP, Smith JU, Smith P Simulation of greenhouse gases following land-use change to bioenergy crops using the ECOSSE model: a comparison between site measurements and model predictions 2016 Global Change Biology Bioenergy Article N/A United Kingdom 53.32 -0.58 N 30 661356 5910079 Cfb Aberystwyth NR NR NR Carbon % = 0.98%, Nitrogen % = 0.25%, Bulk density = 1.21 g/cm3 No NR NR 2012 December 2013 Unclear Other Other Unclear Two transitions of conventional crops on arable fields to bioenergy Miscanthus crop BA Paired design Unclear No Eddy flux covariance tower NR At each bioenergy and reference field, the NEE data were obtained from continuous EC measurements (McMillen, 1988; Aubinet et al., 2012) using open path IRGAs (LI-7500) and sonic anemometers. Soil GHG fluxes were measured on a monthly basis at eight points randomly distributed within each field. Soil CO2 fluxes were measured using an IRGA connected to an SRC-1 soil respiration chamber (PP Systems, Amesbury, MA, USA). Measurements of soil CH4 and N2O fluxes were made using a static chamber method (approx. 30 l) with the addition of a vent to compensate for pressure changes within the chamber during times of sampling. Gas samples were analysed by gas chromatograph. JR 147,5
97 Escanhoela et al (2019) Escanhoela ASB, Pitombo LM, Brandani CB, Navarrete AA, Bento CB, do Carmo JB. Organic management increases soil nitrogen but not carbon content in a T tropical citrus orchard with pronounced N2O emissions. J. Env. Manage. 2019; 234: 326-335 Escanhoelaa ASB, Pitombob LM, Brandania CB, Navarretea AA, Bentoa CB, do Carmo JB Organic management increases soil nitrogen but not carbon content in a T tropical citrus orchard with pronounced N2O emissions 2019 Journal of Environmental Management Article N/A Brazil -23.58 -47.52 S 23 243170 7390392 Cfa N/A NR NR NR Udox - The soil had dominantly clayey texture from 0 to 100 cm depth in all opened pits (403–512 g kg−1 clay; 188–260 g kg−1 silt; and 286–372 g kg−1 sand) according to EMBRAPA (1997) Yes The conversion from forest to citrus orchard was performed 42 years before the experiment was installed, and since the conversion, the orchards have been replanted approximately every 10 years. Both orchards had the same history and soil management until the conversion from conventional to organic management. NA 2006 March 2013 75 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 2 On annual basis, the conventional management system received 856.8 kg ha−1 of NPK (15-10-15). This dose was split in three appli- cations as follows: 55.1 kg ha−1 of N as NH4NO3, 36.7 kg ha−1 of P2O5 as triple superphosphate and 55.1 kg ha−1 of K2O as KCl in the first application; and in the second and third applications, 36.7 kg ha−1 of N as NH4NO3, 24.5 kg ha−1 of P2O5 as triple superphosphate and 36.7 kg ha−1 of K2O as KCl. Following the same fertilizer doses, chambers allocated at fertilized areas (canopy projection) received manually on the first fertilizer application 0.78 g of N-NH4NO3, 0.52 g of P2O5 and 0.78g of K2O. On the second application, the same chambers received 0.52 g of N-NH4NO3, 0.35 g of P2O5 and 0.52 of K2O. Organic managed orchards received 12 Mg ha− 1 year− 1 of fertilizer containing 78.8% poultry litter, 19.7% clay peat and 1.5% ulexite. This fertilizer amount was split in three doses of 4 Mg ha−1 each. Organic fertilizer contained 3.84% N and 28.5% C, which led to an annual input of 376 kg N ha−1 and 2742 kg C ha−1. According to the fertilizer sup- plier and literature (Tyson and Cabrera, 1993), the organic fertilizer has a short-term N availability equivalent to about 30%. Therefore, the supply of N for the crop was assumed to be similar in the organic and the conventional management systems. Chambers at the canopy pro- jection received 56.5 g of organic fertilizer on both the first and second applications of fertilizer. CI Paired design 1 No Static chamber NR NR C-CO2, C-CH4 and N-N2O emissions from soil were measured using the chamber-based method (Varner et al., 2003) between September 2012 and March 2013. We used an intensive monitoring approach, resulting in 65 and 70 sampling events in the organic and conventional managements, respectively. Two fertilizer applications were covered during this period, following the farm management routine. In each site, 4 cylindrical PVC bases (30 cm in diameter, 22 cm in height) were installed under the canopy of trees, which is the fertilized area of the orchard; additionally, two other chambers were installed at the mid- row position. Emissions from chambers at unfertilized positions were used to calculate the direct N-N2O emissions from chambers with fer- tilizers. All samplings were performed between 7:00 and 12:00 a.m. After closing the chambers, 60-mL samples were collected at 1, 10, 20 and 30 min using syringes and stored under pressure in 20-mL evacuated penicillin flasks sealed with gas-impermeable butyl-rubber septa. Nitrous oxide concentrations were determined by gas chromatography with an electron capture detector (GC 2014 Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan), whereas CO2 and CH4 were detected by flame ioniza- tion. The system was equipped with a HayeSepTM N packed column (1.5m, 80–100 mesh) for N2O separation. Helium was used as the carrier gas. JJT 148,5
98 Escobar (2010) Escobar LF, Amado TLC, Bayer C, Chavez LF, Zanatta JA, Fiorin JE. Postharvest nitrous oxide emissions from a subtropical oxisol as influenced by summer crop residues and their management. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo. 2010: 34; 507-516. Escobar LF, Amado TLC, Bayer C, Chavez LF, Zanatta JA, Fiorin JE Postharvest nitrous oxide emissions from a subtropical oxisol as influenced by summer crop residues and their management 2010 Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo Article N/A Brazil -28.6 -53.67 S 22 239222 6833423 Cfa N/A Clay NR NR The soil is classified as typic dystrophic Red Latosol by the Brazilian Soil Taxonomy System (Embrapa, 2005), and as Rhodic Hapludox by the USDA Soil Taxonomy (USDA, 1999). Yes The study was carried out in a 22-year experiment conducted at the Fundação Centro de Experimentação e Pesquisa Fecotrigo (FUNDACEP), Cruz Alta, state Maize was harvested on February 28, 2007, and radish oil was planted immediately after the harvest, while soybean was harvested on April 18, 2007. The cover crop used after soybean harvest was black oat + common vetch, sown with a seed drill SHM 1517. of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil. May 2007 May 2007 1 Tillage Tillage 2 two tillage treatments; (CT: conventional tillage with plowing + disking operations and NT: no-till with minimum soil disturbance) Conventional tillage (CT) consisted of plowing to a depth of 0.20 m, followed by harrow disking to a depth of 0.15 m, within an interval of two days between plowing and harrow disking. In the NT System, the winter cover crop was sown on the maize and soybean residues and soil tilling was restricted to the crop rows. CI Paired design 1 No Static chamber NR NR Air samples for N2O analysis were taken using polyvinyl chloride (PVC) static chambers (height 0.20 m, diameter 0.25 m). The chambers were placed on an aluminum base which was inserted 0.05 m deep into the soil and maintained in the experimental plot during the entire evaluation period. gas chromatograph Shimadzu GC 2014 Greenhouse model, equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD), and a Porapack Q column at 70 °C, using N2 as the carrier gas at a flow of 26 mL min^-1, injector temperature of 250 °C and detector temperature of 325 °C. CRA 149,5
99 Fabrizio (2009) Fabrizio A, Tambone F, Genevini P. Effect of compost application rate on carbon degradation and retention in soils. Waste Management. 2009: 29; 174-179. Fabrizio A, Tambone F, Genevini P Effect of compost application rate on carbon degradation and retention in soils 2009 Waste Management Article N/A Italy 45.58 9.27 N 32 520803 5047789 Cfa N/A Silty clay NR Cambisols silty-clay, Fluvic-eutric Cambisol Yes It was regularly cultivated with maize May 2005 October 2005 6 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 3 3 treatments; soil without compost (control), soil with 50 Mg/ha, and soil with 85 Mg/ha. CI Randomized Complete Block 2 No NR NR Opaque steel funnel (5-1 volume) two thermometric probes, a CO2 glass electrode, and a data logger. The steel funnel was positioned on the soil with the border at a soil depth of 5 cm. CO2 analyzer (COMBI-CO2, COSTHEC) CRA 150,5
100 Fang (2016) Fang B, Lee X, Zhang J, Li Y, Zhang L, Cheng J, Wang B, Cheng H. Impacts of straw biochar on agricultural soil quality and greenhouse gas fluxes in karst area, Southwest China. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2016: 62(5-6); 526-533. Fang B, Lee X, Zhang J, Li Y, Zhang L, Cheng J, Wang B, Cheng H Impacts of straw biochar on agricultural soil quality and greenhouse gas fluxes in karst area, Southwest China 2016 Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Article N/A China 27 107.03 N 48 701763 2988061 Cfa N/A NR NR NR The soil is classified as calcareous soil No NR June 2010 March 2012 22 Biochar Biochar 4 Four treatments were compared for the experiment: the biochar was mixed with soil at rates of 0, 2, 5 and 10% [C0, C2, C5 and C10, respectively; weight/weight (w/w)]. Those concentrations corresponded to applications of 0, 26, 64 and 128 t ha−1. Soil in the C0 treatment was tilled and mixed in a similar fashion to the other treatments to maintain consistency CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Closed Opaque Stainless steel flux collars (0.3 m × 0.3 m) were installed between rows per plot 1 week before gas measurement without covering the vegetable plants. The top edge of the collar had a U-shape groove filled with water to seal the rim of a chamber that was attached to the collar during gas collection. A static enclosed chamber (chamber height 0.5 m) with opaque aluminum foil wrapped around i gas chromatography (Agilent7890A) equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID) CRA 151,5
101 Fangueiro (2015) Fangueiro D, Surgy S, Fraga I, Cabral F, Coutinho J. Band application of treated cattle clurry as an alternative to slurry injection: Implications for gaseous emissions, soil quality, and plant growth. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2015: 211; 102-111. Fangueiro D, Surgy S, Fraga I, Cabral F, Coutinho J Band application of treated cattle slurry as an alternative to slurry injection: Implications for gaseous emissions, soil quality, and plant growth 2015 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A Portugal 38.57 -8.82 N 29 515680 4269076 Csa N/A Sand NR Arenosols The soil has a sandy texture and was classified as Haplic Arenosol (IUSS, 2006). Yes The soil had not received any fertilization in the preceding 10 years. NR NR NR NR 5 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Other 6 6 treatments; band application of acidified cattle slurry (Band-ARS), the liquid fraction (Band-LF), or acidified LF (Band-ALF) relative to raw cattle slurry injection (RSI). Two control treatments were also considered: the traditional broadcast application of raw slurry, immediately followed by soil incorporation (Broad-RS), and an unfertilized plot (CTR). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR The chambers (23 cm width x 24 cm height) were inserted into the soil to a depth of 8 cm immediately after slurry or LF application and remained there until the end of the experiment. NR CRA 152,5
102 Fangueiro (2018) Fangueiro D, Pereira JLS, Fraga I, Surgy S, Vasconcelos E, Coutinho J. Band application of acidified slurry as an alternative to slurry injection in a Mediterranean double cropping system: Agronomic effect of gaseous emissions. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2018: 267; 87-99. Fangueiro D, Pereira JLS, Fraga I, Surgy S, Vasconcelos E, Coutinho J Band application of acidified slurry as an alternative to slurry injection in a Mediterranean double cropping system: Agronomic effect of gaseous emissions 2018 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article Fangueiro et al. (2015c, 2017) Portugal 38.7 -9.18 N 29 484058 4283502 Csa N/A Sandy loam NR Cambisols Haplic Cambisol with a sandyloam texture (27% coarse sand, 56% fine sand, 7% silt, 10% clay) (WRB,2015) Yes The soils had not received any fertilization in the preceding five years and the 0–20m mm soil layer of each lysimeter was mechanically homogenized before the beginning of the experiment. October 2012 August 2015 35 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Other 5 1 Non-amended soil (Control); 2 Injection of raw cattle slurry (100mm depth) (IS); 3 Band application of raw cattle slurry followed by soil incorporation (20mm depth) (SS); 4 Band application of acidified (pH=5.5) cattle slurry followed by soil incorporation (20mm depth) (AS); 5 Band application of acidified (pH=5.5) cattle-slurry without soil incorporation (ASS). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR closed chamber technique during the whole growing period (from slurry application till harvest) (Harrison et al., 1995). A detailed description of the methods used to assess gas fluxes can be found in Fangueiro et al. (2015c, 2017) NR CRA 153,5
103 Ferrara (2017) Ferrara RM, Mazza G, Muschitiello C, Castellini M, Stellacci AM, Navarro A, Lagomarsino A, Vitti C, Rossi R, Rana G. Short-term effects of conversion to no-tillage on respiration and chemical-physical properties of the soil: a case study in wheat cropping system in semi-dry environment. Italian Journal of Agrometeorology. 2017: 1; 47-58. Ferrara RM, Mazza G, Muschitiello C, Castellini M, Stellacci AM, Navarro A, Lagomarsino A, Vitti C, Rossi R, Rana G Short-term effects of conversion to no-tillage on respiration and chemical-physical properties of the soil: a case study in wheat cropping system in semi-dry environment 2017 Italian Journal of Agrometeorology Article N/A Italy 40.64 16.61 N 33 636345 4500465 Cfa N/A Silty clay NR NR The soil was classifi ed as silty clay (42% clay, 44% silt and 14% sand) according to the USDA classifi cation and the terrain was slightly in slope Yes The field converted to NT four years before the beginning of the experiment can be considered in the so-called transition period. The cropping system during this phase consisted in a short rotation of durum wheat followed by a forage legume-cereal intercropping. In this study the preceding crop was a vetch-barley winter herbage April 2015 June 2015 3 Tillage Tillage 2 The two treatments, CT (ploughing depth = 0.25 m) and NT, were replicated two times and arranged in four plots (CT1, CT2, NT1, NT2 CI Paired design 2 No Static chamber NR NR The chamber consists of a PVC pot containing an air stirrer fan and pressure equalisation vent in order to mix the air and avoid pressure differences, which could affect the evolution of CO2 from the soil surface. The 11 stainless steel collars were positioned in the plots few days before the starting of the CO2 flux measurements The measurements were performed with a portable ADC LCPro+ analyser (Bioscientific Ltd, UK) coupled to a soil hood which is a chamber incorporating an enclosed volume (995 cm3) Coordinates given by paper itself are off CRA 154,5
104 Forte (2017) Forte A, Fagnano M, Fierro A. Potential role of compost and green manure amendment to mitigate soil GHGs emissions in Mediterranean drip irrigated maize production systems. Journal of Environmental Management. 2017: 197; 68-78. Forte A, Fagnano M, Fierro A Potential role of compost and green manure amendment to mitigate soil GHGs emissions in Mediterranean drip irrigated maize production systems 2017 Journal of Environmental Management Article N/A Italy 40.62 14.97 N 33 497180 4496205 Csa N/A Sandy clay loam NR Vertisols Vertic Haploxeralf with a sandy-clay-loam texture Yes previously cropped with durum wheat was converted to maize cultivation in fall 2006 October 2007 October 2008 13 Tillage Tillage 5 5 treatments all of which were plowed using a mouldboard during the fall; urea fertilization at maize sowing (CONV), 130 kg N /Ha of composet at maize sowing (COM1), 260 kg N/Ha of compost at maize sowing (COM2), vetch chopping and incorporation as green manure during maize sowing (GMAN), and a control (CONT) CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber Closed Opaque Stainless steel chambers (30 cm x 10 cm) equipped with white teflon lids Photoacoustic Field Gas Monitor (Innova) CRA 155,5
105 Forte (2017) Forte A, Fiorentino N, Fagnano M, Fierro A. Mitigation impact of minimum tillage on CO2 and N2O emissions from a Mediterranean maize cropped soil under low-water input management. Soil & Tillage Research. 2017: 166; 167-178. Forte A, Fiorentino N, Fagnano M, Fierro A Mitigation impact of minimum tillage on CO2 and N2O emissions from a Mediterranean maize cropped soil under low-water input management 2017 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A Italy 40.62 14.97 N 33 497180 4496205 Csa N/A Sandy clay loam Vertisol NR The soil is a typical Vertic Haploxeralf (USDA soil taxonomy; Soil Survey Staff, 2014), with a sandy-clay-loam texture. Yes an agricultural field previously cropped with durum wheat after mouldboard ploughing, October 2006 September 2008 24 Tillage Tillage 2 2 treatments; conventional mouldboard ploughing (CT, 30 cm depth) and minimum tillage (MT, by rotary harrow) CI Randomized Complete Block 4 Yes Static chamber Closed NR Measurements of daily bi-hourly CO2 and N2O emissions from soil (10–12 measurements per day) were performed through automated closed static chambers (Ø = 30 cm, h = 10 cm), which were coupled to a 1412- Photoacoustic Field Gas Monitor (Innova) by means of a multipoint autosampler. The stainless steel chambers were fixed on frames permanently inserted into the soil (5 cm deep) and were equipped with: (i) lids automatically opening 180 to avoid shading on the monitored soil, (ii) a vent valve to avoid pressure variations inside Photoacoustic Field Gas Monitor (Innova 1412) CRA 156,5
106 Franchini (2007) Franchini JC, Crispino CC, Souza RA, Torres E, Hungria M. Microbiological parameters as indicators of soil quality under various soil management and crop rotation systems in souther Brazil. Soil Tillage & Research. 2007: 92; 18-29. Franchini JC, Crispino CC, Souza RA, Torres E, Hungria M Microbiological parameters as indicators of soil quality under various soil management and crop rotation systems in souther Brazil 2007 Soil Tillage and Research Article N/A Brazil -23.18 -51.18 S 22 481237 7436173 Cfa N/A NR Oxisol NR oxisol, Rhodic Eutrudox No NR NR 1997 November 2001 58 Tillage Tillage 2 two soil management systems (NT, only a narrow channel is opened in the sowing row and CT, soil is ploughed and disked/harrowed), CI Randomized Complete Block 4 Yes NR NR NR CO2 was assayed only in crop rotations 2 and 3, with a static chamber (PVC pipes, 10 cm  20 cm, diameter  length) and the soda lime trap method, modified from Anderson (1982). A plastic receptacle containing 10 mL of 1N NaOH was attached inside each chamber, to trap the evolved CO2; the chambers were buried at approximately 5-cm depth, six per replicate plot. If plant residues were present on the soil surface, they were kept inside the chambers. For each sampling time, three out of the six chambers were closed with a PVC cap and sealed with a rubber ring to prevent CO2 losses. The plastic receptacles containing NaOH were replaced every Monday and Friday. The CO2 captured was indirectly determined after the addition of saturated BaCl2 to the NaOH solution, followed by the titration of the non-consumed NaOH with HCl, and values were expressed as g of CO2–C m2 day1. CRA 157,5
107 a Franzluebbers (1995) Franzluebbers AJ, Hons FM, Zuberer DA. Tillage and crop effects on seasonal dynamics of soil CO2 evolution, water content, temperature, and bulk density. Applied Soil Ecology. 1995: 2; 95-109. Franzluebbers AJ, Hons FM, Zuberer DA Tillage and crop effects on seasonal dynamics of soil CO2 evolution, water content, temperature, and bulk density 1995 Applied Soil Ecology Article NR N/A USA 30.53 -94.43 N 15 362497 3378759 Cfa N/A Clay loam NR NR Weswood silty clay loam (fine, mixed, thermic Fluventic Ustochrept) No NR NR 1982 June 1993 126 Tillage Tillage 2 conventional and no tillage. Conventional tillage was disking (100±150 mm depth) and bedding in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] and disking only in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) CI Paired design 4 No Static chamber NR NR In situ soil CO2 evolution was determined 57 times using a static chamber (0.018 m2) with alkali absorption during the nighttime only Alkali absorption CRA 158,5
107 b Franzluebbers (1995) Franzluebbers AJ, Hons FM, Zuberer DA. Tillage and crop effects on seasonal dynamics of soil CO2 evolution, water content, temperature, and bulk density. Applied Soil Ecology. 1995: 2; 95-109. Franzluebbers AJ, Hons FM, Zuberer DA Tillage and crop effects on seasonal dynamics of soil CO2 evolution, water content, temperature, and bulk density 1995 Applied Soil Ecology Article NR N/A USA 30.53 -94.43 N 15 362497 3378759 Cfa N/A Clay loam NR NR Weswood silty clay loam (fine, mixed, thermic Fluventic Ustochrept) No NR NR 1982 June 1993 126 Tillage Tillage 2 conventional and no tillage. Conventional tillage was disking (100±150 mm depth) and bedding in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] and disking only in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) CI Paired design 4 No Static chamber NR NR In situ soil CO2 evolution was determined 57 times using a static chamber (0.018 m2) with alkali absorption during the nighttime only Alkali absorption CRA 159,5
108 Fu (2012) Fu XQ, Li Y, Su WJ, Shen JL, Xiao RL, Tong CL, Wu J. Annual dynamics of N2O emissions from a tea field in southern subtropical China. Plant, Soil and Environment. 2012: 58(8); 373-378. Fu XQ, Li Y, Su WJ, Shen JL, Xiao RL, Tong CL, Wu J Annual dynamics of N2O emissions from a tea field in southern subtropical China 2012 Plant, Soil and Environment Article N/A China 28.58 113.33 N 49 728206 3164048 Cfa N/A Sandy loam Alfisol NR The soil in the tea field is a Haplic Alfisol, developed from highly-weathered granite parent material, and has a sandy loam texture (clay content of ~25%) and a pH of 4.5. The contents of soil organic carbon (SOC), total soil N, total soil phosphorous, and total soil potassium of the topsoil (0–20 cm) are 11.1, 0.86, 0.37 and 19.67 g/kg soil, respectively. No NR March 2010 December 2010 10 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 3 three management practices: non-fertilised (CK, no fertiliser or rice straw application); conventional (CON, fertiliser applied at a rate of 450 kg N/ha/year as two additions: one of 300 kg N/ha as urea on April 15, and one of 150 kg N/ha of oilseed residues, banded 10–15 cm under the soil surface at the fertilisation point; and rice straw mulching (SM, rice straw at a rate of 4200 kg/ha/year was placed on the soil surface, and the fertiliser application was the same as for CON). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Closed NR The N2O emissions were measured using a static closed chamber – gas chromatography (GC) method. The chamber (0.8 m long × 0.8 m wide × 1.2 m high). gas chromatography; Gas samples were analysed on a GC fitted with a 63Ni-electron capture detector (Agilent 7890A, Agilent, CA, USA). CRA 160,5
109 a Gacengo (2009) Gacengo CN, Wood CW, Shaw JN, Raper RL, Balkcom KS. Agroecosystem management effects on greenhouse gas emissions across a coastal plain catena. Soil Science. 2009: 174(4); 229-237. Gacengo CN, Wood CW, Shaw JN, Raper RL, Balkcom KS. Agroecosystem management effects on greenhouse gas emissions across a coastal plain catena 2009 Soil Science Article; N/A USA 32.42 -85.9 N 16 603685 3587834 Cfa Summit Sandy loam NR NR soils are Typic, Oxyaquic, and Aquic Paleudults. Surface soil chemical characteristics before experiment establishment (2000) at the site have been described by Terra et al. (2006) No NR April 2004 January 2006 22 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Organic fertiliser 4 Soil management treatments implemented in Fall 2000 included: (i) conventional tillage (CT) involving disking, chisel plowing (to a depth of 40 cm), and field cultivation; (ii) conventional tillage + dairy manure (CTM) applied once each fall at a rate of approximately 10 Mg haj1 (fresh weight basis); (iii) conservation tillage (CsT) consisting of noninversion in-row subsoiling and winter cover crops of white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) and crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) before corn and rye (Secale cereale L.)/black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb.) mixture before cotton; and (iv) conservation tillage + dairy manure (CsTM) applied in the fall at a rate of approximately 10 Mg haj1. Experiment treatments were reported by Terra et al. (2006) CI Randomized Complete Block 6 No Static chamber Closed Opaque Chambers were constructed from 20-cm-diameter polyvinyl chloride pipes and were 16 cm in height. They were composed of a lower base and an upper detachable cap with top surface lined with reflective foil to maintain ambient air temperature in the chamber headspace. The bottom edge was sharpened to facilitate chamber installation and minimize or prevent soil compaction. The cap was fitted with a 5-mm diameter vent and a removable gray butyl rubber septum sampling port. A day before gas sample collection, the chamber base was pushed into the soil to a depth of 3 cm, leaving the rest of the chamber above the soil surface and open to the atmosphere. Chambers were placed on the middle nontrafficked parts of the plot in between corn or cotton rows depending on season. At the start of the gas sample collection, chamber caps were placed on each base and held in place with a latex elastic band gas chromatography; Gas samples were analyzed using a Varian Star cx gas chromatograph (Varian, Walnut Creek, CA). Nitrous oxide and CO2 were determined in turns (from one vial) using a 4-m Haysep R column and a 63Ni electron capture detector. The detector temperature was 350-C, and the carrier gas was N2 (17 mL minj1 flow rate). Methane concentrations were determined using a 3-m Porapak N column and a flame-ionizing detector. The detector temperature was 350-C, and the carrier gas was N2 at a flow rate of 30 mL minj CRA/JR 161,5
109 b Gacengo (2009) Gacengo CN, Wood CW, Shaw JN, Raper RL, Balkcom KS. Agroecosystem management effects on greenhouse gas emissions across a coastal plain catena. Soil Science. 2009: 174(4); 229-237. Gacengo CN, Wood CW, Shaw JN, Raper RL, Balkcom KS. Agroecosystem management effects on greenhouse gas emissions across a coastal plain catena 2009 Soil Science Article; N/A USA 32.42 -85.9 N 16 603685 3587834 Cfa Sideslope Sandy clay loam NR NR soils are Typic, Oxyaquic, and Aquic Paleudults. Surface soil chemical characteristics before experiment establishment (2000) at the site have been described by Terra et al. (2006) No NR April 2004 January 2006 22 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Organic fertiliser 4 Soil management treatments implemented in Fall 2000 included: (i) conventional tillage (CT) involving disking, chisel plowing (to a depth of 40 cm), and field cultivation; (ii) conventional tillage + dairy manure (CTM) applied once each fall at a rate of approximately 10 Mg haj1 (fresh weight basis); (iii) conservation tillage (CsT) consisting of noninversion in-row subsoiling and winter cover crops of white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) and crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) before corn and rye (Secale cereale L.)/black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb.) mixture before cotton; and (iv) conservation tillage + dairy manure (CsTM) applied in the fall at a rate of approximately 10 Mg haj1. Experiment treatments were reported by Terra et al. (2006) CI Randomized Complete Block 6 No Static chamber Closed Opaque Chambers were constructed from 20-cm-diameter polyvinyl chloride pipes and were 16 cm in height. They were composed of a lower base and an upper detachable cap with top surface lined with reflective foil to maintain ambient air temperature in the chamber headspace. The bottom edge was sharpened to facilitate chamber installation and minimize or prevent soil compaction. The cap was fitted with a 5-mm diameter vent and a removable gray butyl rubber septum sampling port. A day before gas sample collection, the chamber base was pushed into the soil to a depth of 3 cm, leaving the rest of the chamber above the soil surface and open to the atmosphere. Chambers were placed on the middle nontrafficked parts of the plot in between corn or cotton rows depending on season. At the start of the gas sample collection, chamber caps were placed on each base and held in place with a latex elastic band gas chromatography; Gas samples were analyzed using a Varian Star cx gas chromatograph (Varian, Walnut Creek, CA). Nitrous oxide and CO2 were determined in turns (from one vial) using a 4-m Haysep R column and a 63Ni electron capture detector. The detector temperature was 350-C, and the carrier gas was N2 (17 mL minj1 flow rate). Methane concentrations were determined using a 3-m Porapak N column and a flame-ionizing detector. The detector temperature was 350-C, and the carrier gas was N2 at a flow rate of 30 mL minj CRA/JR 162,5
109 c Gacengo (2009) Gacengo CN, Wood CW, Shaw JN, Raper RL, Balkcom KS. Agroecosystem management effects on greenhouse gas emissions across a coastal plain catena. Soil Science. 2009: 174(4); 229-237. Gacengo CN, Wood CW, Shaw JN, Raper RL, Balkcom KS. Agroecosystem management effects on greenhouse gas emissions across a coastal plain catena 2009 Soil Science Article; N/A USA 32.42 -85.9 N 16 603685 3587834 Cfa Drainageway Sandy loam NR NR soils are Typic, Oxyaquic, and Aquic Paleudults. Surface soil chemical characteristics before experiment establishment (2000) at the site have been described by Terra et al. (2006) No NR April 2004 January 2006 22 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Organic fertiliser 4 Soil management treatments implemented in Fall 2000 included: (i) conventional tillage (CT) involving disking, chisel plowing (to a depth of 40 cm), and field cultivation; (ii) conventional tillage + dairy manure (CTM) applied once each fall at a rate of approximately 10 Mg haj1 (fresh weight basis); (iii) conservation tillage (CsT) consisting of noninversion in-row subsoiling and winter cover crops of white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) and crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) before corn and rye (Secale cereale L.)/black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb.) mixture before cotton; and (iv) conservation tillage + dairy manure (CsTM) applied in the fall at a rate of approximately 10 Mg haj1. Experiment treatments were reported by Terra et al. (2006) CI Randomized Complete Block 6 No Static chamber Closed Opaque Chambers were constructed from 20-cm-diameter polyvinyl chloride pipes and were 16 cm in height. They were composed of a lower base and an upper detachable cap with top surface lined with reflective foil to maintain ambient air temperature in the chamber headspace. The bottom edge was sharpened to facilitate chamber installation and minimize or prevent soil compaction. The cap was fitted with a 5-mm diameter vent and a removable gray butyl rubber septum sampling port. A day before gas sample collection, the chamber base was pushed into the soil to a depth of 3 cm, leaving the rest of the chamber above the soil surface and open to the atmosphere. Chambers were placed on the middle nontrafficked parts of the plot in between corn or cotton rows depending on season. At the start of the gas sample collection, chamber caps were placed on each base and held in place with a latex elastic band gas chromatography; Gas samples were analyzed using a Varian Star cx gas chromatograph (Varian, Walnut Creek, CA). Nitrous oxide and CO2 were determined in turns (from one vial) using a 4-m Haysep R column and a 63Ni electron capture detector. The detector temperature was 350-C, and the carrier gas was N2 (17 mL minj1 flow rate). Methane concentrations were determined using a 3-m Porapak N column and a flame-ionizing detector. The detector temperature was 350-C, and the carrier gas was N2 at a flow rate of 30 mL minj CRA/JR 163,5
110 a Gao (2018) Gao X, Deng O, Ling J, Zeng M, Lan T. Effects of controlled-release fertilizer on nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions during wheat-growing season: field and pot experiments. Paddy and Water Environments. 2018: 16; 99-108. Gao X, Deng O, Ling J, Zeng M, Lan T Effects of controlled-release fertilizer on nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions during wheat-growing season: field and pot experiments 2018 Paddy and Water Environment Article N/A China 31.12 119.52 N 50 739999 3445257 Cfa Yixing Silt loam NR NR developed from alluvial deposits and lacustrine sediment and classified as Hydragric Anthrosol No NR November 2011 June 2012 8 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 3 (1) conventional N fertilization (CF, urea, and compound fertilizer (traditional fertilizer type in China), 300 kg N ha−1); (2) CRF (210 kg N ha−1, which is 70% of the N applied in the CF treatment, equal amounts of N, P, and K fertilizers); and (3) CK (zero N fertilization with equal amounts of P and K fertilizers) CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR NR A PVC frame was permanently fixed at a random site for each plot over the wheat-growing season. Gas samples were collected using 50 cm × 50 cm × 50 cm (or at a height of 110 cm adapted to the wheat plant) static chambers. A circulating fan was fixed on top of each chamber to ensure complete gas mixing during the gas sampling period. gas chromatography; Agilent 7890 gas chromatograph (Agilent, USA) CRA 164,5
110 b Gao (2018) Gao X, Deng O, Ling J, Zeng M, Lan T. Effects of controlled-release fertilizer on nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions during wheat-growing season: field and pot experiments. Paddy and Water Environments. 2018: 16; 99-108. Gao X, Deng O, Ling J, Zeng M, Lan T Effects of controlled-release fertilizer on nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions during wheat-growing season: field and pot experiments 2018 Paddy and Water Environment Article N/A China 32.72 118.2 N 50 612459 3620514 Cfa Huai'an Silty clay NR Cambisols developed from alluvial deposits and lacustrine sediment and classified as Anthraquic Cambisol No NR November 2011 June 2012 8 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 3 (1) conventional N fertilization (CF, urea, and compound fertilizer (traditional fertilizer type in China), 300 kg N ha−1); (2) CRF (210 kg N ha−1, which is 70% of the N applied in the CF treatment, equal amounts of N, P, and K fertilizers); and (3) CK (zero N fertilization with equal amounts of P and K fertilizers) CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR NR A PVC frame was permanently fixed at a random site for each plot over the wheat-growing season. Gas samples were collected using 50 cm × 50 cm × 50 cm (or at a height of 110 cm adapted to the wheat plant) static chambers. A circulating fan was fixed on top of each chamber to ensure complete gas mixing during the gas sampling period. gas chromatography; Agilent 7890 gas chromatograph (Agilent, USA) CRA 165,5
111 Garland (2011) Garland G, Suddick E, Burger M, Horwath WR, Six J. Direct N2O emissions following transition from conventional till to a no-till in a cover cropped Mediterranean vineyard (Vitis vinifera). Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. (2011): 144; 423-428. Garland G, Suddick E, Burger M, Horwath WR, Six J Direct N2O emissions following transition from conventional till to a no-till in a cover cropped Mediterranean vineyard (Vitis vinifera) 2011 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A USA 39.05 -121.97 N 10 589416 4322833 Csa N/A Silty clay NR NR The soil was a Willows silty clay with a bulk density of 1.3 g cm^−3, pH of 7.2 and C:N ratio of 11.2. Yes The vineyard was established in 1989 and a leguminous cover crop mix was planted in the tractor rows beginning in 1991, which was incorporated into the soil via conventional tillage each spring. September 2008 September 2009 13 Tillage Tillage 2 no-till and conventional till, with each measurement row further divided into two functional locations: the vines and the tractor rows, with four pseudo-replications of each location and treatment CI Split/strip plot 4 No NR Closed NR vented closed- flux chamber method (Hutchinson and Mosier, 1981). electron capture gas chromatography (GC-2014 Shimdazu Gas Chromatograph). CRA 166,5
112 Gattinger (2007) Gattinger A, Hofle MG, Schloter M, Embacher A, Bohme F, Munch JC, Labrenz M. Traditional cattle manure application determines abundance, diversity and activity of methanogenic Archaea in arable European soil. Environmental Microbiology. 2007: 9(3); 612-624. Gattinger A, Hofle MG, Schloter M, Embacher A, Bohme F, Munch JC, Labrenz M Traditional cattle manure application determines abundance, diversity and activity of methanogenic Archaea in arable European soil 2007 Environmental Microbiology Article N/A Germany 51.4 11.88 N 32 700559 5698253 Cfb N/A Silt loam NR Chernozems soil type is a Haplic Chernozem (FAO) with 6% sand, 73% silt, 21% clay No NR NR 1978 April 2002 300 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 3 i) ‘L-l’, without mineral and organic fertilization, = low fertilization intensity. (ii) ‘L-n’, receiving only NPK fertilization, = normal fertilization intensity. The annually applied mineral nutrients were 140 kg N ha-1, 60 kg P ha-1, 230 kg K ha-1. (iii) ‘L-h’, receiving NPK fertilizer and organic fertilization, by using cattle manure at an application rate of 20 t ha-1 a-1, = high fertilization intensity. The applied mineral nutrients were 120 kg N ha-1, 12 kg P ha-1, 50 kg K ha-1. (iv) ‘L-10h’, receiving only organic fertilization, by using CI Randomized Complete Block 1 No NR Closed NR The quantification of the methane fluxes was performed on basis of the closed chamber method using the Automatic Trace gas Chamber (ATC) system as described elsewhere (Russow et al., 2000). Briefly, the ATC system consists of a movable plastic chamber, a gas sampling unit and a programmable control unit. gas chromatography; Methane concentrations of each sample were analysed using a Shimadzu GC-14BPFE with a flame ionization detector (FID). CRA 167,5
113 Giacomini (2010) Giacomini SJ, Machet JM, Boizard H, Recous S. Dynamics and recovery of fertilizer 15N in soil and water wheat crop under minimum versus conventional tillage. Soil & Tillage Research. 2010: 108; 51-58. Giacomini SJ, Machet JM, Boizard H, Recous S Dynamics and recovery of fertilizer 15N in soil and water wheat crop under minimum versus conventional tillage 2010 Soil Tillage and Research Article N/A France 50 3 N 31 500000 5538631 Cfb N/A Silt loam NR Luvisols The soil was a silt loam (Orthic Luvisol, FAO Classification), No NR NR 1999 NR 2004 72 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Crop rotation 2 2 tillage methods; With the conventional tillage (CT), each plot underwent mouldboard ploughing every year to a depth of 30 cm. Minimum tillage (MT) was a tillage to a depth of 5–8 cm. Treatments consisted of two rotations and two tillage systems. One rotation was sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.)–winter wheat– maize–winter wheat, the other rotation was seed flax (Linum usitatissimum L.)–winter wheat–pea–winter wheat. Two tillage treatments (see below) were applied to each crop rotation on subplots of 48 m 160 m. For this study we selected two crop sequences: pea–wheat (P–W) and maize–wheat (M–W). The pea crop was harvested on 15 July 2003 and the maize crop on 22 September 2003 CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR NR NR CO2 was measured with automatic chambers (0.49 m2 area, 22.5 cm high) connected to an infrared analyzer. infrared gas analyzer CRA 168,5
114 Giacomo (2014) Giacomo G, Angelo F, Fabio B, Stefano B, Riccardo M. Measurements of soil carbon dioxide emissions from two maize agroecosystems at harvest under different tillage conditions. The Scientific World Journal. 2014: 2014; 1-12. Giacomo G, Angelo F, Fabio B, Stefano B, Riccardo M Measurements of soil carbon dioxide emissions from two maize agroecosystems at harvest under different tillage conditions 2014 The Scientific World Journal Article N/A Italy 45.27 9.53 N 32 541839 5012713 Cfa N/A NR NR Hapli-Cutanic Luvisols (IUSS-WRB, 2007) The soils of the two fields were both Hapli-Cutanic Luvisols (IUSS-WRB, 2007) with a coarse texture, a clay contentof10–14%,andapHof5.5–5.9 Yes At the NT site, as was the case for the previous ten years of management, a no-tillage agriculture practice was employed. May 2012 October 2012 6 Tillage Tillage 2 No tillage, and conventional tillage (30 cm depth ploughing followed by a harrow clods reduction before the sowing. CI Paired design 1 No Static chamber NR Transparent were made of a box shaped lid of transparent Plexiglas (dimensions 40 × 40 × 10cm) which is mounted on a steel frame (collar) that is inserted into the soil at a depth of 8cm, delimiting a measuring soil surface of 35 × 35cm2. The total air volume trapped by each chamber was 16.5 litres taking into account thethicknessoftheseals. infrared gas analyzer (IRGA) CRA 169,5
115 Gosse (1999) Gosse G, Cellier P, Denoroy P, Gabrielle B, Laville P, Leviel B, Justes E, Nicolardot B, Mary B, Recous S, Germon JC, Henault C, Leech PK. Water, carbon and nitrogen cycling in a rendzina soil cropped with winter oilseed rape: the Chalons Oilseed Rape Database. Agronomie. 1999: 19; 119-124. Gosse G, Cellier P, Denoroy P, Gabrielle B, Laville P, Leviel B, Justes E, Nicolardot B, Mary B, Recous S, Germon JC, Henault C, Leech PK Water, carbon and nitrogen cycling in a rendzina soil cropped with winter oilseed rape: the Chalons Oilseed Rape Database 1999 Agronomie Article N/A France 48.97 4.34 N 31 597871 5425511 Cfb N/A NR NR NR The soil was a grey rendzina, consisting of a 30-cm deep loamytextured calcareous topsoil overlying a 60-cm thick zone of cryoturbed chalk, lying in turn over a bedrock made of layered horizontal chalk plaques. No NR September 1994 July 1995 11 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 4 The N treatments were: no fertilizer (N0), split spring application of 135 kg N ha -1 (N1), and spring and autumn application of 270 kg N ha -1 (N2), along with a bare control soil CI Split/strip plot 3 No Static chamber NR NR 0.2 m^2 static chambers gas chromatography; (Varian 3400Cx) CRA 170,5
116 Grave (2015) Grave RA, Nicoloso RdS, Cassol PC, Aita C, Correa JC, Costa MD, Fritz DD. Short-term carbon dioxide emissions under contrasting soil disturbance levels and organic amendments. Soil Tillage & Research. 2015: 146; 184-192. Grave RA, Nicoloso RdS, Cassol PC, Aita C, Correa JC, Costa MD, Fritz DD Short-term carbon dioxide emissions under contrasting soil disturbance levels and organic amendments 2015 Soil Tillage & Research Article N/A Brazil -27.3 -51.98 S 22 402696 6979953 Cfa N/A Loam NR Nitisols a Rhodic Nitisol (FAO, 1998) Yes The site had been cultivated with maize and wheat crops under no-tillage. January 2013 March 2013 3 Multiple-intervention Other, Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 10 10 treatments total from 2 soil treatment x 5 fertilizer treatments were: undisturbed (US) and disturbed soil (DS) plots with subplot fertilization treatments established by manual surface application of 140 kg total-N/ha as either urea (UR), raw swine slurry (RS), anaerobically digested swine slurry (ADS), orcomposted swine slurry (CS); control treatment (CTR) received no fertilizer.In the DS treatment, the wheat straw was incorporated in the 0–0.10 m layer manually with a shovel, ensuring that no aggregates >2 cm remained intact (January 25th: day 2). In the US treatment, the wheat straw was maintained at the soil surface with no disturbance. CI Split/strip plot 4 No Static chamber NR NR Air was sampled from static chambers (0.4 m x 0.8 m x 0.3 m (L x W x H)) mounted over a base (0.09 m high) inserted 0.06 m into the soil. gas analyzer; an INNOVA 1412 gas analyser (Lumasense Technologies, Denmark) where the content of CO2 in the air samples was assessed by photoacoustic infrared spectroscopy (Yamulki and Jarvis, 1999; Nicoloso et al., 2013). CRA 171,5
117 Grave (2018) Grave RA, Nicoloso RS, Cassol PC, Silva MLB, Mezzari MP, Aita C, Wuaden CR. Determining the effects of tillage and nitrogen sources on soil N2O emissions. Soil Tillage and Research. 2018: 175; 1-12. Grave RA, Nicoloso RS, Cassol PC, Silva MLB, Mezzari MP, Aita C, Wuaden CR Determining the effects of tillage and nitrogen sources on soil N2O emissions 2018 Soil Tillage and Research Article N/A Brazil -27.3 -51.98 S 22 402696 6979953 Cfa N/A Loam NR Nitisols Rhodic Nitisol Yes The site was previously cultivated with a maize (Zea mays L.) − wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) double-crop rotation under no-tillage. January 2013 March 2013 3 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 10 The experiment followed a split-plot design consisting of two soil tillage systems as main plots and five fertilization treatments as subplots (1 m× 1 m). All treatments were conducted in four replicates. The buffer rows measured 1 m between replication blocks and 0.4 m among plots and subplots. Existing plant residues were manually removed and 4 Mg ha−1 of wheat straw (dry matter: 90%, C: 42.8 g kg−1, C/N ratio: 35.1) was placed on the soil surface of each subplot (January 23rd: day 0). Soil tillage treatments were designated as tilled soil (TS) and no-till soil (NTS). For TS treatment, wheat straw was manually incorporated in the 0–0.1 m soil depth using a shovel on day 2, ensuring that no aggregates>2 cm remained intact. The NTS treatment consisted of wheat straw maintained at the soil surface with no disturbance. On day 5, fertilization was carried out by manually applying 140 kg total-N ha−1 as either urea (UR), raw swine slurry (RS), anaerobically digested swine slurry (ADS), or composted swine slurry (CS), in addition to a control treatment without N (CTR). CI Split/strip plot 4 No NR NR NR Briefly, air was sampled from static chambers [0.4 m ×0.8 m × 0.3 m (L× W× H)] mounted over a base (0.09 m high) inserted 0.06 m into the soil. The headspace volume of the chambers averaged 105.6 L. The chambers were equipped with three internal fans to homogenize the internal atmosphere, a probe thermometer for monitoring the chamber air temperature, and a rubber septum from which air samples were taken through a plastic tube closed by a three-way “luer-lock” valve. concentration of N2O in the gas samples were determined by photoacoustic infrared spectroscopy (INNOVA 1412 gas analyzer, Lumasense Technologies, Denmark) CRA 172,5
118 Gregorutti (2017) Gregorutti VC, Caviglia OP. Nitrous Oxide Emission After the Addition of Organic Residues on Soil Surface. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2017: 246; 234-262. Gregorutti VC, Caviglia OP Nitrous Oxide Emission After the Addition of Organic Residues on Soil Surface 2017 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A Argentina -31.85 -60.54 S 20 732932 6473734 Cfa N/A NR NR NR Aquic Argiudoll Yes No-till since 1998 September 2014 January 2016 16 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Cover crops 5 The treatments included the addition of different residues on soil surface: two cover crop residues and two organic amendments. Crops residues were wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and white sweet clover (Melilotus albus Medik) from cover crops cultivated elsewhere whereas organic amendments were composted poultry litter and poultry manure. A control treatment without residue addition was also included CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR NR The chambers were designed according to the minimum established requirements for the protocol as proposed by Parkin et al. (2003). The chambers, with an area of 0.04 m2, were carefully installed until they reached 0.05 m soil depth after residue addition gas chromatography; The concentration of N2O in the air samples was determined by gas chromatography using a gas chromatograph GC 7890 A with autosampler 7697 A (Agilent Network GC System, AECD, Santa Clara, CA, USA) CRA 173,5
119 Gu (2009) Gu C. Maggi F, Riley WJ, Hornberger GM, Xu T, Oldenburg CM, Spycher N, Miller NL, Venterea RT, Steefel C. Aqueous and Gaseous Nitrogen Losses Induced by Fertilizer Application. Journal of Geophysical Research. 2009: 114; 1-15. Gu C. Maggi F, Riley WJ, Hornberger GM, Xu T, Oldenburg CM, Spycher N, Miller NL, Venterea RT, Steefel C Aqueous and Gaseous Nitrogen Losses Induced by Fertilizer Application 2009 Journal of Geophysical Research Article N/A France 47.23 4.27 N 31 595878 5231872 Cfb N/A Silt loam NR Luvisols gleyic luvisol; The inorganic fraction of the 0–20 cm layer of this soil contained 20% clay, 69% silt, and 11% sand, which falls into silt loam textural classes. The porosity of 0.46 was adapted as a typical value of silt loam for later simulatio No NR March 1997 July 1997 5 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 4 four different inorganic nitrogen fertilizers were applied in solid form: ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3); ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4); urea (CO(NH2)2), and potassium nitrate (KNO3) on 3 March (corresponding to time zero in our simulations) at a dose of 100 kg N ha1, and on 18 March at a dose of 70 kg N ha1 NR Unclear Unclear No Static chamber NR NR NR NR Experimental design not described in detail CRA 174,5
120 Hagemann (2017) Hagemann N, Harter J, Kaldamukova R, Guzman-Bustamante I, Ruser R, Graeff S, Kappler A, Behrens S. Does Soil Aging Affect the N2O Mitigation Potential of Biochar? A Combined Microcosm and Field Study. Global Change Biology Bioenergy. 2017: 9;953-964. Hagemann N, Harter J, Kaldamukova R, Guzman-Bustamante I, Ruser R, Graeff S, Kappler A, Behrens S Does Soil Aging Affect the N2O Mitigation Potential of Biochar? A Combined Microcosm and Field Study 2017 Global Change Biology Bioenergy Article N/A Germany 48.7 9.2 N 32 514716 5394126 Cfb N/A NR NR Luvisols Haplic luvisol; Yes All plots were managed identically by plowing (25 cm depth) in 2010 prior to biochar amendment. In the following years, rotary tillage (15 cm depth) was used in all plots for soil cultivation. In 2010 and 2011, the plots were cropped with corn (Zea mays L.). In 2012, the year in which this study was conducted, sunflower for biogas usage was planted on April 25 (H. annuus L., variety ‘METHAROC’; KWS Saat SE, Einbeck, Germany). Plant density was 11 plants per m² with a row distance of 45 cm and an inner row plant distance of 20 cm. Each plot consisted of 12 rows of sunflower April 2012 August 2012 5 Biochar Biochar 2 ‘biochar treatment’ received 180 kg of charcoal dust (<300 lm, equivalent to 60 Mg ha1) that was produced from beech wood (Fagus sylvatica L.) and the control CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed NR closed chamber method (Hutchinson & Livingston, 1993) once a week. We used dark round chambers with an inner diameter of 30 cm. The chambers were equipped with a vent and a gas sampling port. The cylinders had a volume of 10 L and were described in detail by Flessa et al. (1995). Base frames were inserted into the upper 10 cm of the soil between the plant rows. They were installed upon planting and were only removed once for a soil management measure. During gas sampling, four gas samples were taken from the chambers’ atmosphere periodically (total enrichment of at least 30 min) with a double-sided cannula and evacuated gas vials (<10 mbar, V = 22.4 mL) through a septum on the top of the chambers Concentrations of N2O and CO2 were quantified using a gas chromatograph (GC; 5890 Series 2; Hewlett Packard, Palo Alto, CA, USA) equipped with a 63Ni electron capture detector and an autosampler (HS40; PerkinElmer, Waltham, MA, USA) CRA 175,5
121 Haider (2017) Haider G, Steffens D, Moser G, Muller C, Kammann CI. Biochar Reduced Nitrate Leaching and Improved Soil Moisture Content Without Yield Improvements in a Four-Year Field Study. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2017: 237; 80-94. Haider G, Steffens D, Moser G, Muller C, Kammann CI Biochar Reduced Nitrate Leaching and Improved Soil Moisture Content Without Yield Improvements in a Four-Year Field Study 2017 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A Germany 49.75 8.48 N 32 462780 5510963 Cfb N/A Loamy sand NR NR The soil was formed from river (Rhine) sand deposits and it is characterized as silty sand (particle size, sand 2.0–0.5, silt 0.05–0.002 and clay <0.002 mm) having sand, silt and clay as 85.2, 9.6 and 5.2% respectively). No NR April 2012 NR 2015 45 Multiple-intervention Biochar, Irrigation 6 The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with two factors (BC, 0, 15 and 30 Mg ha1; watering regime, rainfed or irrigated) in split plot arrangement. The biochar was applied at 0, 15 and 30 Mg ha1 (on dry weight basis) and spread manually with hand spreader in the respective plots (4.5  7 m) with treatments being four-fold replicated (n = 24). The irrigated and rainfed plot areas were separated with a same sized (as experimental plot) buffer area to avoid irrigation side effects. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 Yes NR NR NR The measured CO2 effluxes represent the soil respiration (including below ground root respiration and carbon decomposition of the soil organic carbon by the microbial population) of the soil system. The CO2 effluxes were measured with a LI-8100 automated soil flux system (LI-COR, Nebraska, USA) by using the 20 cm survey chamber. The 20.3 cm (800) soil collars (about 11 cm high) of PVC pipe with sharper edges were anchored in the soil in plots between maize rows at 20th day after the first crop (maize) sowing. automated soil efflux system; LI-COR LI-8100 gas analyzer CRA 176,5
122 Han (2013) Han W, Xu J, Wei K, Shi Y, Ma L. Estimation of N2O Emissions from Tea Garden Soils, Their Adjacent Vegetable Garden and Forest Soils in Eastern China. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2013: 70; 2495-2500. Han W, Xu J, Wei K, Shi Y, Ma L Estimation of N2O Emissions from Tea Garden Soils, Their Adjacent Vegetable Garden and Forest Soils in Eastern China 2013 Environmental Earth Sciences Article N/A China 30.23 120.15 N 51 225713 3348078 Cfa N/A NR Ultisol NR Soils in all fields are developed from the same parent material of Anshan quartz-free porphyry and can be classified as an ultisol. No NR June 2009 May 2010 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 3 Three tea gardens with different levels of nitrogen fertilizer [approximately 900, 600, and 300 kg N ha-1 year-1 for high, medium and low nitrogen application (HNA, MNA and LNA), respectively, during the last decade] were selected for N2O flux measurement. The nitrogen fertilizers were mainly urea and compound fertilizers and applied with 4 split dressings in February, May, July, and October. CI Paired design 1 No Static chamber NR NR made of PVC tubes 0.196 m in diameter and 0.20 m in length were inserted into the soil between tea rows 1-day before sampling. A mini electric fan was installed inside of the chamber. After sealing the chambers with lids, which had sampling ports and air bags to equilibrate the inside pressure to atmospheric pressure, 30 ml gas samples were taken using a syringe after 0, 15, and 30 min. The gas samples were compressed into 20 ml evacuated glass vials with butyl rubber stoppers. Two replicate air samples were taken at every sampling time for each chamber. The glass vials were brought to the laboratory, and N2O concentrations were analyzed using a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC 14B, Japan) with an electron capture detector and porapak Q column. gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC 14B, Japan) with an electron capture detector and porapak Q column. CRA 177,5
123 a Harris (2016) Harris RH, Armstrong RD, Wallace AJ, Belyaeva ON. Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer Management on Soil Mineral Nitrogen, Nitrous Oxide Losses, Yield and Nitrogen Uptake of Wheat Growing in Waterlogging-Prone Soils of South-Eastern Australia. Soil Research. 2016: 54; 619-633. Harris RH, Armstrong RD, Wallace AJ, Belyaeva ON Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer Management on Soil Mineral Nitrogen, Nitrous Oxide Losses, Yield and Nitrogen Uptake of Wheat Growing in Waterlogging-Prone Soils of South-Eastern Australia. Soil Research 2016 Soil Research Article N/A Australia -37.82 142.07 S 54 593885 5813990 Cfb Hamilton NR NR NR Eutrophic Brown Chromosol soil (Isbell 2002). Soils at the Hamilton and Tarrington sites were characterised by moderate levels of clay (10–20%) in the topsoil (0–30 cm), but thereafter clay content abruptly increased and remained high (60–70%) throughout the rest of the soil profile. Yes Before the study, raised beds were formed at the Hamilton site. The site was sprayed with a tank mix of glyphosate (1080 g a. i./ha) and carfentrazone-ethyl (18 g a.i./ha) on 1 September, 5 October and 14 December 2011, to impose a chemical fallow, followed by deep-ripping on 13 January and 7 March and power-harrowing on 15 March. September 2012 March 2013 7 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 7 The treatments included: a nil N experimental control (0N); four rates of granular urea-N fertiliser topdressed at 10 (TD10N), 35 (TD35N) and 85 (TD85N) and 185 (TD185N) kg N/ha at first-node (Zadoks growth stage Z31) or mid-till (Z25) stage of wheat growth (Zadoks et al. 1974); 85 kg N/ha of urea coated with DMPP (ENTEC, Incitec Pivot Ltd, Melbourne), either topdressed at first-node (DMPP85N@Z31) or deep-banded at sowing (DMPP85N@Z00); and 85 kg N/ha of urea-N deepbanded at sowing (DB85N@Z00). CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR NR Gas was captured in vented static chambers constructed from 25-L PVC drums (internal diameter of 300 mm), with the bases cut off and fitted with one-way valves, rubber septa and battery-powered computer fans to provide continuous air circulation (Harris et al. 2013). Air samples (20 mL) were injected into 12-mL evacuated Exetainers (Labco Ltd, High Wycombe, UK) and analysed by gas chromatography. CRA 178,5
123 b Harris (2016) Harris RH, Armstrong RD, Wallace AJ, Belyaeva ON. Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer Management on Soil Mineral Nitrogen, Nitrous Oxide Losses, Yield and Nitrogen Uptake of Wheat Growing in Waterlogging-Prone Soils of South-Eastern Australia. Soil Research. 2016: 54; 619-633. Harris RH, Armstrong RD, Wallace AJ, Belyaeva ON Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer Management on Soil Mineral Nitrogen, Nitrous Oxide Losses, Yield and Nitrogen Uptake of Wheat Growing in Waterlogging-Prone Soils of South-Eastern Australia. Soil Research 2016 Soil Research Article N/A Australia -37.82 142.07 S 54 593885 5813990 Cfb Tarrington NR NR NR Eutrophic Brown Chromosol soil (Isbell 2002). Soils at the Hamilton and Tarrington sites were characterised by moderate levels of clay (10–20%) in the topsoil (0–30 cm), but thereafter clay content abruptly increased and remained high (60–70%) throughout the rest of the soil profile. Yes Before the study, raised beds were formed at the Hamilton site. The site was sprayed with a tank mix of glyphosate (1080 g a. i./ha) and carfentrazone-ethyl (18 g a.i./ha) on 1 September, 5 October and 14 December 2011, to impose a chemical fallow, followed by deep-ripping on 13 January and 7 March and power-harrowing on 15 March. August 2013 March 2014 8 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 7 The treatments included: a nil N experimental control (0N); four rates of granular urea-N fertiliser topdressed at 10 (TD10N), 35 (TD35N) and 85 (TD85N) and 185 (TD185N) kg N/ha at first-node (Zadoks growth stage Z31) or mid-till (Z25) stage of wheat growth (Zadoks et al. 1974); 85 kg N/ha of urea coated with DMPP (ENTEC, Incitec Pivot Ltd, Melbourne), either topdressed at first-node (DMPP85N@Z31) or deep-banded at sowing (DMPP85N@Z00); and 85 kg N/ha of urea-N deepbanded at sowing (DB85N@Z00). CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR NR Gas was captured in vented static chambers constructed from 25-L PVC drums (internal diameter of 300 mm), with the bases cut off and fitted with one-way valves, rubber septa and battery-powered computer fans to provide continuous air circulation (Harris et al. 2013). Air samples (20 mL) were injected into 12-mL evacuated Exetainers (Labco Ltd, High Wycombe, UK) and analysed by gas chromatography. CRA 179,5
123 c Harris (2016) Harris RH, Armstrong RD, Wallace AJ, Belyaeva ON. Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer Management on Soil Mineral Nitrogen, Nitrous Oxide Losses, Yield and Nitrogen Uptake of Wheat Growing in Waterlogging-Prone Soils of South-Eastern Australia. Soil Research. 2016: 54; 619-633. Harris RH, Armstrong RD, Wallace AJ, Belyaeva ON Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer Management on Soil Mineral Nitrogen, Nitrous Oxide Losses, Yield and Nitrogen Uptake of Wheat Growing in Waterlogging-Prone Soils of South-Eastern Australia. Soil Research 2016 Soil Research Article N/A Australia -37.82 142.07 S 54 593885 5813990 Cfb Hamilton NR NR NR Eutrophic Brown Chromosol soil (Isbell 2002). Soils at the Hamilton and Tarrington sites were characterised by moderate levels of clay (10–20%) in the topsoil (0–30 cm), but thereafter clay content abruptly increased and remained high (60–70%) throughout the rest of the soil profile. Yes Before the study, raised beds were formed at the Hamilton site. The site was sprayed with a tank mix of glyphosate (1080 g a. i./ha) and carfentrazone-ethyl (18 g a.i./ha) on 1 September, 5 October and 14 December 2011, to impose a chemical fallow, followed by deep-ripping on 13 January and 7 March and power-harrowing on 15 March. July 2014 March 2015 9 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 7 The treatments included: a nil N experimental control (0N); four rates of granular urea-N fertiliser topdressed at 10 (TD10N), 35 (TD35N) and 85 (TD85N) and 185 (TD185N) kg N/ha at first-node (Zadoks growth stage Z31) or mid-till (Z25) stage of wheat growth (Zadoks et al. 1974); 85 kg N/ha of urea coated with DMPP (ENTEC, Incitec Pivot Ltd, Melbourne), either topdressed at first-node (DMPP85N@Z31) or deep-banded at sowing (DMPP85N@Z00); and 85 kg N/ha of urea-N deepbanded at sowing (DB85N@Z00). CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR NR Gas was captured in vented static chambers constructed from 25-L PVC drums (internal diameter of 300 mm), with the bases cut off and fitted with one-way valves, rubber septa and battery-powered computer fans to provide continuous air circulation (Harris et al. 2013). Air samples (20 mL) were injected into 12-mL evacuated Exetainers (Labco Ltd, High Wycombe, UK) and analysed by gas chromatography. CRA 180,5
124 Harrison (1995) Harrison RM, Yamulki S. Effect of Fertilizer Application on NO and N2O Fluxes from Agricultural Fields. Journal of Geophysical Research. 1995: 100(12); 25,923-25,931. Harrison RM, Yamulki S Effect of Fertilizer Application on NO and N2O Fluxes from Agricultural Fields 1995 Journal of Geophysical Research Article NR N/A United Kingdom 51.8 0.47 N 31 325325 5741830 Cfb N/A NR NR NR NR No See Rothamstead experimental station, 1969 April 1991 May 1992 13 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 Four plots each of 1248m 2 fertilizedw ith0 , 48, 96,a nd1 92k g N/haa sa mixture of NH4NO 3 and CaCO3 ("Nitram"), respectivelya, nd one plot fertilized with farmyard manure (FYM) were used for the flux measurementso f NO and N2O. For conveniencet,h ese plots will be referred to as plots 0, 48, 96, 192, and FYM. The mineral fertilizer was applied on April 9, 1991, and April 10, 1992, and the FYM fertilizer was applied on October 9, 1991 and 1992 at a rate of 35 t/ha (--225 kg N/ha). CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed Opaque Chambers used in this study were constructed from a galvanized metal box of dimensions 50 x 7.5 x 20 cm, similar to that used by Ryden and Dawson [1982] and K. W. T. Goulding and C. Webster (Rothamsted Experimental Station, personal communication, 1 989). All insidew alls of the chambersw ere covered with a polytetrafluoroethene (PTFE) film "TYGAFLOR" to ensure a minimum uptake of the soil-emitted NO by the walls. All connectionsa nd tubing from the chambert o the instruments were made from PTFE. The small size of the chamber made it possible to insert it between the crop rows, whichw ere up to 1 m in height N2O samples were analyzed by a Hewlett Packard5 790A gas chromatograp(GhC ) equippewd itha n 63Nie lectronc apture detector held at 350øC. States that fertilizer application was the same since 1852 CRA 181,5
125 Hartley (1996) Hartley MJ, Reid JB, Rahman A, Springett JA. Effect of Organic Mulches and a Residual Herbicide on Soil Bioactivity in an Apple Orchard. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science. 1996: 24; 183-190. Hartley MJ, Reid JB, Rahman A, Springett JA Effect of Organic Mulches and a Residual Herbicide on Soil Bioactivity in an Apple Orchard. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 1996 New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science Article NR N/A New Zealand -39.68 176.87 S 60 488566 5607380 Cfb N/A NR NR NR NR No NR November 1992 August 1994 18 Multiple-intervention Amendments, Herbicide 6 Soil treatments consisted of a control (no mulch, no residual herbicide), a residual herbicide, terbuthylazine (Gardoprim) originally applied in August 1992 at 4 kg a.i./ha, or one of four mulches. Mulches, laid in September 1992, were untreated pine sawdust (10 cm), barley straw (10 cm), commercial compost topped with sawdust (5 cm), and wooldust (short-fibre combings containing sheep dung, 10 cm), all depths approximate. Straw on replicates 1—3 was ex-stable (lightly contaminated with horse manure) and on replicates 4-6 ex-bales laid in slabs. CI Randomized Complete Block 6 No NR NR NR CO2 was trapped using open plastic containers (42 mm diameter) containing 20 gNaOH solution (1 mo I/litre) placed on the soil (mulch removed) and enclosed by tins (83 mm diameter), pushed 10-20 mm into the soil. Four blanks were obtained by placing CO2 traps on a double layer of polythene, sealed to the tin by two rubber bands. After 24 h the CO2 traps were collected and treated with excess BaCl2, c. 0.45 g per sample. The CO2 absorbed by the NaOH was precipitated by the BaC^. The remaining NaOH was determined by back titration against a standardised HC1 solution ( 1 mo l/litre) using thymolpthaline as indicator. Soil CO2 evolution was then calculated as g CO2 emitted/ m2 soil per day. We calculated the cumulative total CO2 emission over time by integrating the graphs of these periodic readings versus time. CRA 182,5
126 Hayakawa (2009) Hayakawa A, Akiyama H, Sudo S, Yagi K. N2O and NO emissions from an Andisol field as inffluenced be pelleted poultry manure. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2009: 41; 521-529 Hayakawa A, Akiyama H, Sudo S, Yagi K N2O and NO emissions from an Andisol field as inffluenced be pelleted poultry manure 2009 Soil Biology & Biochemistry Article N/A Japan 36.02 140.12 N 54 420403 3986158 Cfa N/A NR Andisol NR The soil type was an Andisol, which was formed by the weathering of volcanic ash and characterized by low bulk density and well-drained aerobic conditions. No NR September 2006 August 2007 12 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 3 Three treatments were applied: poultry manure (PM), pelleted poultry manure (PP), and chemical fertilizer (CF), each in two lysimeters. During both cultivation periods, each fertilizer treatment was applied (total N ¼ 120 kg N ha1) by incorporating it into the soil to a depth of 15 cm using a portable rotary tiller. CI Split/strip plot 2 No NR Closed NR Nitrous oxide and NO fluxes were monitored using an automated chamber system (Akiyama et al., 2000; Nishimura et al., 2005). The system used six closed polycarbonate chambers (one per lysimeter), each with a cross-sectional area of 0.81 m2 (0.9 by 0.9 m) and a height of 0.40 m. gas chromatograph; (GC) equipped with an electron capture detector (GC-14B; Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan). CRA 183,5
127 Heitkamp (2002) Heitkamp F, Jager N, Flessa H, Raupp J, Ludwig B. Effect of Fertilizer on Respiration from Different Sources in a Sandy Soil of an Agricultural Long-Term Experiment. 2012; 58(9): 933-944 Heitkamp F, Jager N, Flessa H, Raupp J, Ludwig B. Effect of Fertilizer on Respiration from Different Sources in a Sandy Soil of an Agricultural Long-Term Experiment. 2012 Agronomy and Soil Science Article N/A Germany 49.83 8.57 N 32 468837 5520190 Cfb N/A NR NR NR The sandy soil is developed on fluviatile fine sands Yes The fertilization experiment started in 1980 after the site had been used as arable land for at least 60 years April 2008 March 2009 12 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 2 Both treatments received the same amount of total N, given at two doses in 2008 (10 þ 4 g N m72 ). One treatment received mineral fertilizer and straw of cereals (rye and wheat) was incorporated into the soil (MSI). The other treatment received rotted cattle farmyard manure (FYM) as the first and urine as the second dose CI Split/strip plot 4 No Static chamber Closed Opaque The static chamber consisted of two parts: one collar permanently installed in the soil and a mobile PVC cap, which was placed over the collar during the gas sampling. The chambers had an inner diameter of 29.5 cm and a height of 28 cm. Because the crops grew in the collars, extension rings had to be used in a way that plants fitted in the opaque chambers (height: variable from 28.5 to 78.5 cm). They were equipped with a venting and a sampling tube gas chromatography CRA 184,5
128 a Heller (2010) Heller H, Bar-Tal A, Tamir G, Bloom P, Venterea RT, Chen D, Zhang Y, Clapp CE, Fine P. Effects of manure and cultivation on carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide from a corn field under Mediterreanean conditions. Journal of Environmental Quality. 2010: 39; 427-448. Heller H, Bar-Tal A, Tamir G, Bloom P, Venterea RT, Chen D, Zhang Y, Clapp CE, Fine P Effects of manure and cultivation on carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide from a corn field under Mediterreanean conditions 2010 Journal of Environmental Quality Article N/A Isreal 31.95 34.98 N 36 687455 3536611 Csa N/A Sandy loam NR NR The soil at the site is a sandy loam (Typic rhodoxeralf). No NR December 2004 February 2008 38 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Amendments 9 9 treatments total from 3 tillage treatments (not tillage, shallow tillage, and shallow tillage with sweet corn crop) each including 3 amendments (organic waste, crop residues, or soil organic matter); Three main treatments were: no tillage (NT) and shallow tillage by disking to about 10 cm once a year immediately after residue addition (ST) with sweet corn crop or ST without a crop (ST–no crop). Each main practice was amended with CR, PCM, or NR. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed NR closed cylinder covering the soil. Polyvinyl chloride rings (15 cm diameter and 10 cm height) were inserted 8 cm into the soil in three out of six replicate plots (three blocks) of each treatment (Hutchinson and Mosier, 1981). Th e dimensions of the PVC chamber are: 7.0 cm height above ground, 15.0 cm inner diameter, and 1230 cm3 volume. gas chromatography; (GC) with a headspace autosampler (Teledyne Tekmar, Mason, OH). As previously described by Venterea et al. (2005), the GC system (HP 5890; Hewlett-Packard, Palo Alto, CA) incorporated two detectors: a thermal conductivity detector used for CO2 determination and an electron capture detector used for N2O analysis. Th e GC was calibrated using analytical-grade standards (Scott Specialty Gases, Plumsteadville, PA) (Venterea et al., 2005). CRA 185,5
128 b Heller (2010) Heller H, Bar-Tal A, Tamir G, Bloom P, Venterea RT, Chen D, Zhang Y, Clapp CE, Fine P. Effects of manure and cultivation on carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide from a corn field under Mediterreanean conditions. Journal of Environmental Quality. 2010: 39; 427-448. Heller H, Bar-Tal A, Tamir G, Bloom P, Venterea RT, Chen D, Zhang Y, Clapp CE, Fine P Effects of manure and cultivation on carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide from a corn field under Mediterreanean conditions 2010 Journal of Environmental Quality Article N/A Isreal 31.95 34.98 N 36 687455 3536611 Csa N/A Sandy loam NR NR The soil at the site is a sandy loam (Typic rhodoxeralf). No NR December 2004 February 2008 38 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Cover crops, Organic fertiliser 9 9 treatments total from 3 tillage treatments (not tillage, shallow tillage, and shallow tillage with sweet corn crop) each including 3 amendments (organic waste, crop residues, or soil organic matter); Three main treatments were: no tillage (NT) and shallow tillage by disking to about 10 cm once a year immediately after residue addition (ST) with sweet corn crop or ST without a crop (ST–no crop). Each main practice was amended with CR, PCM, or NR. CI Split/strip plot 4 No NR Closed NR closed cylinder covering the soil. Polyvinyl chloride rings (15 cm diameter and 10 cm height) were inserted 8 cm into the soil in three out of six replicate plots (three blocks) of each treatment (Hutchinson and Mosier, 1981). Th e dimensions of the PVC chamber are: 7.0 cm height above ground, 15.0 cm inner diameter, and 1230 cm3 volume. gas chromatography; (GC) with a headspace autosampler (Teledyne Tekmar, Mason, OH). As previously described by Venterea et al. (2005), the GC system (HP 5890; Hewlett-Packard, Palo Alto, CA) incorporated two detectors: a thermal conductivity detector used for CO2 determination and an electron capture detector used for N2O analysis. Th e GC was calibrated using analytical-grade standards (Scott Specialty Gases, Plumsteadville, PA) (Venterea et al., 2005). CRA 186,5
129 Henault et al (1998) Henault C, Devis X, Lucas JL, Germon JC. Influence of different agricultural practices (type of crop, form of N-fertilizer) on soil nitrous oxide emissions. Biol Fertil Soils. 1998; 27:299-306 Henault C, Devis X, Lucas JL, Germon JC. Influence of different agricultural practices (type of crop, form of N-fertilizer) on soil nitrous oxide emissions 1998 Biology and Fertility of Soils Article N/A France 47.28 5.28 N 31 672668 5239179 Cfb N/A Silt loam NR Luvisols Gleyic luvisol No NR September 1996 August 1997 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 6 The experimental plot included six treatments and a control. Four of these treatments were to inves- tigate the influence of various N fertilizer types on N2O emis- sions. These plots were seeded with rapeseed in September 1996. Fertilizers were applied in solid form as: NH4NO3 (T1), (NH4)2SO4 (T2), CO(NH2)2 (T3) and KNO3 (T4) on 3 March at a dose of 100 kg N ha–1, and on 18 March at a dose of 70 kg N ha–1. This latter fertilization application was completed with additional MgSO4 (75 kg S ha–1) in the T1, T3 and T4 treatments to equili- brate the SO42– addition of the four treatments. Two other treat- ments were plots seeded with wheat in October 1996. N fertilizers were applied as NH4NO3 with added MgSO4 (75 kg S ha–1) under the conditions of rapeseed cultivation i.e. on 3 March at a dose of 100 kg N ha–1 and 18 March at a dose of 70 kg N ha–1 (treatment: T5) and as NH4NO3 with added MgSO4 (75 kg S ha–1) under con- ditions more adapted to wheat cultivation with attention to plant development i.e. on 3 March at a dose of 80 kg N ha–1 and on 8 April at a dose of 80 kg N ha–1 (treatment: T6). The control was an unfertilized oilseed rape crop. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR NR N2O emissions were measured by the static chamber method (Hutchinson and Livingston 1993) using circular chambers, 0.5 m in diameter and 0.15 m in height, with a permanent collar inserted into the soil at a depth of 0.08 m and a lid with a tight joint that was fitted on to the collar for the measurements. Fifty chambers were installed with two chambers per subplot allowing eight repli- cates for the six treatments and two replicates for the control. The height of the chambers was extended by props for the April–July measurements (0.6 m and 1.2 m for wheat and rapeseed respec- tively) which were placed above the collars during the period of measurement to limit any damage to the plants (Hénault et al. 1998). The kinetics of N2O emissions were obtained according to the procedure described by Hénault et al. (1996); for each, four samples of gas were taken over a total period of 2.25 h, with one gas sample every 45 min. N2O analyses were carried out by GC using a Varian 3400 Cx analyser equipped with an electron-capture detector coupled to an automatic sampler (HSS 86-20, SRA Instruments) JJT 187,5
130 a Henault (1998) Henault C, Devis X, Page S, Justes E, Reau R, Germon JC. Nitrous oxide emissions under different soil and land management conditions. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 1998: 26; 199-207. Henault C, Devis X, Page S, Justes E, Reau R, Germon JC Nitrous oxide emissions under different soil and land management conditions 1998 Biology and Fertility of Soils Article N/A France 48.95 2.42 N 31 457291 5422062 Cfb Chalons en Champagne NR NR NR The soil at Chaˆlons is a rendzina developed on a cryoturbed chalk, typic rendzic leptosol No NR September 1994 August 1995 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 4 Four treatments were set up at each site: (1) soil kept bare by herbicide application; (2) seeded, unfertilized soil; (3) rapeseed crop suboptimally fertilized according to the balance sheet method; (4) a rapeseed crop overfertilized by a third application of N fertilizer in the spring. CI Split/strip plot Unclear No NR NR NR The circular chambers (0.5 m diameter, 0.15 m height) were inserted into the soil to a depth of approximately 8 cm. For the April to July measurements in oilseed rape, 1.2-m-long props were placed above the chambers to limit any damage to the plants. The gas samples were collected in 3 ml Terumo vacutainer tubes that had been thoroughly purged to eliminate any traces of contaminants that might interfere with N2O during analysis by gas chromatography (GC). The N2O analyses were carried out by GC using a Varian 3400 Cx analyser equipped with an electron capture detector coupled to an automatic sampler (HSS 86–20, SRA Instruments). Replications not reported 188,5
130 b Henault (1998) Henault C, Devis X, Page S, Justes E, Reau R, Germon JC. Nitrous oxide emissions under different soil and land management conditions. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 1998: 26; 199-207. Henault C, Devis X, Page S, Justes E, Reau R, Germon JC Nitrous oxide emissions under different soil and land management conditions 1998 Biology and Fertility of Soils Article N/A France 47.27 5.3 N 31 673983 5237364 Cfb Longchamp NR NR Luvisols The soil at Longchamp is a hydromorphic leached brown soil, typic gleyic luvisol. No NR February 1995 August 1995 7 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 4 Four treatments were set up at each site: (1) soil kept bare by herbicide application; (2) seeded, unfertilized soil; (3) rapeseed crop suboptimally fertilized according to the balance sheet method; (4) a rapeseed crop overfertilized by a third application of N fertilizer in the spring. CI Randomized Complete Block Unclear No NR NR NR The circular chambers (0.5 m diameter, 0.15 m height) were inserted into the soil to a depth of approximately 8 cm. For the April to July measurements in oilseed rape, 1.2-m-long props were placed above the chambers to limit any damage to the plants. The gas samples were collected in 3 ml Terumo vacutainer tubes that had been thoroughly purged to eliminate any traces of contaminants that might interfere with N2O during analysis by gas chromatography (GC). The N2O analyses were carried out by GC using a Varian 3400 Cx analyser equipped with an electron capture detector coupled to an automatic sampler (HSS 86–20, SRA Instruments). Replications not reported 189,5
130 c Henault (1998) Henault C, Devis X, Page S, Justes E, Reau R, Germon JC. Nitrous oxide emissions under different soil and land management conditions. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 1998: 26; 199-207. Henault C, Devis X, Page S, Justes E, Reau R, Germon JC Nitrous oxide emissions under different soil and land management conditions 1998 Biology and Fertility of Soils Article N/A France 47.46 4.95 N 31 646970 5258127 Cfb Messigny NR NR NR The soil at Messigny is a superficial soil on a calcareous plateau with a stone content of approximately 52% (w/w), typic eutric leptosol No NR February 1995 June 1995 5 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 4 Four treatments were set up at each site: (1) soil kept bare by herbicide application; (2) seeded, unfertilized soil; (3) rapeseed crop suboptimally fertilized according to the balance sheet method; (4) a rapeseed crop overfertilized by a third application of N fertilizer in the spring. CI Randomized Complete Block Unclear No NR NR NR The circular chambers (0.5 m diameter, 0.15 m height) were inserted into the soil to a depth of approximately 8 cm. For the April to July measurements in oilseed rape, 1.2-m-long props were placed above the chambers to limit any damage to the plants. The gas samples were collected in 3 ml Terumo vacutainer tubes that had been thoroughly purged to eliminate any traces of contaminants that might interfere with N2O during analysis by gas chromatography (GC). The N2O analyses were carried out by GC using a Varian 3400 Cx analyser equipped with an electron capture detector coupled to an automatic sampler (HSS 86–20, SRA Instruments). Coordinates not accurate; replications not recorded 190,5
131 a Hermann (2017) Hermann A, Kage H, Taube F, Sieling K. Effect of Digestate, Animal Manure and Mineral Fertilizer Application on Nitrogen Flows in Biogas Feedstock Production. European Journal of Agronomy. 2017: 91; 63-73. Hermann A, Kage H, Taube F, Sieling K Effect of Digestate, Animal Manure and Mineral Fertilizer Application on Nitrogen Flows in Biogas Feedstock Production 2017 European Journal of Agronomy Article N/A Germany 54.3 10 N 32 565076 6017362 Cfb Site 1 (Hohenschulen) NR NR Luvisols NR Yes winter wheat was grown the two years before the experiment started January 2006 June 2009 38 Multiple-intervention Crop rotation, Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser Unclear Treatments comprised the crop rotation (R1–R4, see Fig. 1), N fertilizer type (mineral N (calcium ammonium nitrate, CAN), digestate of co-fermented maize/pig slurry, pig slurry (only Site 1), cattle slurry (only Site 2)), and N fertilizer rate (4 levels, depending on crop, see Table 1). CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed NR NR Mixed methodology Senbayram 2014 contains details of emissions measurements CRA 191,5
131 b Hermann (2017) Hermann A, Kage H, Taube F, Sieling K. Effect of Digestate, Animal Manure and Mineral Fertilizer Application on Nitrogen Flows in Biogas Feedstock Production. European Journal of Agronomy. 2017: 91; 63-73. Hermann A, Kage H, Taube F, Sieling K Effect of Digestate, Animal Manure and Mineral Fertilizer Application on Nitrogen Flows in Biogas Feedstock Production 2017 European Journal of Agronomy Article N/A Germany NR NR N NR NR NR Cfb Site 2 (Karkendamm) NR NR Podzols NR Yes the preceding crop was a grass-clover sward January 2006 June 2009 38 Multiple-intervention Crop rotation, Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser Unclear Treatments comprised the crop rotation (R1–R4, see Fig. 1), N fertilizer type (mineral N (calcium ammonium nitrate, CAN), digestate of co-fermented maize/pig slurry, pig slurry (only Site 1), cattle slurry (only Site 2)), and N fertilizer rate (4 levels, depending on crop, see Table 1). CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed NR NR Mixed methodology Senbayram 2014 contains details of emissions measurements CRA 192,5
132 Hinton (2015) Hinton NJ, Cloy JM, Bell MJ, Chadwick DR, Topp CFE, Rees RM. Managing fertiliser nitrogen to reduce nirtous oxide emissions and emission intensities from a cultivated Cambisol in Scotland. Geoderma Regional. 2015: 4; 55-65. Hinton NJ, Cloy JM, Bell MJ, Chadwick DR, Topp CFE, Rees RM Managing fertiliser nitrogen to reduce nirtous oxide emissions and emission intensities from a cultivated Cambisol in Scotland 2015 Geoderma Regional 4 Article N/A United Kingdom 55.85 -2.83 N 30 510435 6189398 Cfb N/A Sandy loam NR Cambisols Soil texture Sandy loam, Soil series Humbie, Soil group Cambisol, Soil parent material Reddish brown clay loam till, Soil drainage class Imperfect, Soil structure Moderate medium blocky, Soil stone content Slightly stony No NR April 2011 March 2012 12 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 10 Control, Ammonium nitrate (AN) 40, AN 80, AN 120, AN 160, AN 200, AN 120 + Nitrification inhibitor (NI), Urea 120, Urea 120 + NI, AN 120 CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Closed Opaque Gas chromatography; (Agilent, 7890A) equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD) Gas chromatography; (Agilent, 7890A) CRA 193,5
133 Hirono (2014) Hirono Y, Nonaka K. Effects of application of lime nitrogen and dicyandiamide on nitrous oxide emissions from green tea fields. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2014: 60; 276-285. Hirono Y, Nonaka K. Effects of application of lime nitrogen and dicyandiamide on nitrous oxide emissions from green tea fields 2014 Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Article N/A Japan 34.8 138.13 N 54 237739 3854610 Cfa N/A Clay loam NR NR NR No NR September 2010 September 2012 25 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 3 Chemical fertiliser, lime, dicyandiamide CI Split/strip plot 3 No NR Closed NR closed-chamber method from September 4, 2010 to September 7, 2012. Cylindrical chamber sets were used for these measurements. The chamber set consisted of a stainless-steel base, 0.3 m in diameter and 0.06 m high, and a vinyl-chloride chamber, 0.3 m in diameter and 0.14 m high. At each of nine plots, the chamber base was inserted into the soil between the canopies of tea plants and under the canopy of tea plants to a depth of 0.05 m. Urethane foam was applied around the join between the vinyl-chloride chamber and the base to ensure airtightness. gas chromatograph (GC-14B, Shimadzu Corp., Kyoto, Japan) equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD) was used to measure N2O concentrations as described in detail by Hirono and Nonaka (2012) gas chromatograph (GC-14B, Shimadzu Corp., Kyoto, Japan) equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD) CRA 194,5
134 Hou (2003) Hou AX, Tsuruta H. Nitrous oxide and nitric oxide fluxes from an upland field in Japan: effect of urea type, placement, and crop residues. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2003: 65; 191-200. Hou AX, Tsuruta H Nitrous oxide and nitric oxide fluxes from an upland field in Japan: effect of urea type, placement, and crop residues. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 2003 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A Japan 36.02 140.12 N 54 420403 3986158 Cfa N/A NR Andisol NR Andosol, which is a volcanic soil and originally acidic and which covser 46.5% of the upland fields in Japan. No NR September 1999 March 2000 7 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 4 Control, Urea with broadcast mode, Urea with band mode, Coated urea with band mode CI Split/strip plot 2 No Static chamber NR Opaque The static chamber technique, adopting rectangle chambers made of white non-transparent PVC with a dimension of 60 x 40 35 cm, was used to collect gas samples for N O and NO fluxes measurements. A chamber base made of white PVC with 3-cm deep was fixed in the center of each plot. Gas chromatography; Nitrous oxide concentrations were analyzed by a Shimadzu 8A gas chromatograph (Kyoto, Japan) equipped with an electron capture detector at 340C CRA 195,5
135 Hou (2010) Hou A, Tsuruta H, McCreary MA, Hosen Y. Effect of urea placement on the time-depth profiles of NO, N2O and mineral nitrogen concentrations in an Andisol during a Chinese cabbage growing season. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2011: 56(6); 861-869. Hou A, Tsuruta H, McCreary MA, Hosen Y Effect of urea placement on the time-depth profiles of NO, N2O and mineral nitrogen concentrations in an Andisol during a Chinese cabbage growing season 2010 Soil Science & Plant Nutrition Article N/A Japan 36.02 140.12 N 54 420403 3986158 Cfa N/A NR Andisol NR The soil type is described as Andisol and contained 46 g organic matter and 3.8 g total N per kg soil with a pH(H2O) of 5.6 and a bulk density of 0. No NR September 1999 December 1999 4 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 3 Two placement methods were used for urea application: urea incorporation (U-I; uniformly spread over the soil surface and incorporated down to approximately 0.15–0.2 m using a tiller machine) and urea deep band (U-DB; placed in initially prepared 0.12-m-deep trenches cut at intervals of 0.6 m and then covered with soil after fertilization) CI Split/strip plot 2 No NR NR NR Soil gas was collected at depths of 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.3, 0.45 and 0.6 m from both N-fertilizer treatments plots via buried soil gas samplers, which were made of white polyvinylchloride (PVC) tube (5-mm diameter. Nitrous oxide concentrations were analyzed by a Shimadzu 8A gas chromatograph (Kyoto, Japan) equipped with an electron capture detector at 340C Gas chromatography; Nitrous oxide concentrations were analyzed by a Shimadzu 8A gas chromatograph (Kyoto, Japan) equipped with an electron capture detector at 340C CRA 196,5
136 Hou (2015) Hou M, Ohkama-Ohtsu N, Suzuki S, Tanaka H, Schmidhalter U, Bellingrath-Kimura SD. Nitrous oxide emission from tea soil under different fertilizer managements in Japan. Catena. 2015: 135; 304-312. Hou M, Ohkama-Ohtsu N, Suzuki S, Tanaka H, Schmidhalter U, Bellingrath-Kimura SD Nitrous oxide emission from tea soil under different fertilizer managements in Japan 2015 Catena Article N/A Japan 35.67 139.78 N 54 389882 3947660 Cfa N/A Loam NR Andosols The soil was classified as a Silandic Andosol according to the World Reference Base for Soil Resources 2006 by the IUSS Working Group WRB (2007). No NR February 2011 July 2012 18 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 4 4 treatments were implemented with different types and amounts of N fertilizers: control (CONT), conventional (CONV), chemical (CHEM), and half conventional (1/2CONV) fertilizer. No fertilizer was applied to the CONT treatment. The amounts of fertilizer were 600 kg N/ha/yr applied as (NH4)2SO4 and 300 kg N/ha/yr applied as chicken manure for CONV, 900 kg N/ha/yr applied as (NH4)2SO4 for CHEM, and 300 kg N/ha/yr applied as (NH4)2SO4 and 150 kg N/ha/yr applied as chicken manure for 1/2CONV. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed Opaque closed-chamber method. The chambers used in this study comprised a polyvinyl nontransparent circle cylinder with a diameter and height of 20 cm. The bases of the chambers were inserted into the soil between the rows and under the canopy of the tea plants to a depth of 5 cm. gas chromatograph; (GC-2014, Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD) held constant at 350 °C. CRA 197,5
137 Hu (2013) Hu Z, Cui H, Chen S, Shen S, Li H, Yang Y, Li C. Soil respiration and N2O flux response to UV-B radiation and straw incorporation in a soybean-winter wheat rotation system. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 2013: 224; 1394. Hu Z, Cui H, Chen S, Shen S, Li H, Yang Y, Li C Soil respiration and N2O flux response to UV-B radiation and straw incorporation in a soybean-winter wheat rotation system 2013 Water, Air, & Soil Pollution Article N/A China 32.05 118.85 N 50 674661 3547474 Cfa N/A NR NR NR The soil (0–20 cm) was classified as hydromorphic andcontained26.1%clay,aninitialpH(H2O)of6.22,a total organic carbon of 19.4 gkg−1, and a total nitrogen of 1.45 gkg− No NR July 2008 May 2009 11 Multiple-intervention Cover crops, Other 4 control (C, ambient UV-B radiation and no straw incorporation); cropping with the 20 % enhancement of UV-B (U); cropping with straw incorporation (S, wheat straw in the soybean-growing season and 1394, Page 2 of 12 Water Air Soil Pollut (2013) 224:1394 rice straw in the winter wheat-growing season); and cropping with the 20 % UV-B enhancement plus straw incorporation (US) CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR Opaque SR was measured using an automated soil CO2 flux measurement system (Li-8100, Li-Cor Inc., Lincoln, NE, USA) with an attached chamber. PVC soil collars, with a height of 10 cm and a diameter of 20 cm, were permanently inserted 3 cm into the soil for SR measurements. The N2O emission flux was measured using a static chamber–gas chromatograph technique (Zou et al. 2005). Circular base frames for the gas chamber were installed in the plots. Each base frame was 8 cm high and had a 2.5-cm width groove on the top edge. The sampling chamber was a 100-cm-high PVC cylinder with a diameter of 25 cm, wrapped in a layer of sponge and aluminum foil to minimize the effect of solar radiation on the internal temperatur Gas chromatography, and soil CO2 flux measurement CRA 198,5
138 Hube (2017) Hube S, Alfaro MA, Scheer C, Brunk C, Ramirez L, Rowlings D, Grace P. Effect of nitrification and urease inhibitors on nitrous oxide and methane emissions from an oat crop in a volcanic ash soil. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2017: 238; 46-54. Hube S, Alfaro MA, Scheer C, Brunk C, Ramirez L, Rowlings D, Grace P Effect of nitrification and urease inhibitors on nitrous oxide and methane emissions from an oat crop in a volcanic ash soil 2017 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article, N/A Chile -40.52 -73.05 S 18 665195 5513069 Cfb N/A Loam Andisol NR The soil at the experimental site was an Andisol from the Osorno soil series (Typic hapludans; CIREN, 2003) Yes Prior to the establishment of the experiment, the site had been under permanent pasture (Lolium perenne L., Holcus lanatus L. and Dactylis glomerata L.) for a period of 25 years. March 2012 March 2013 13 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 4 4 treatments were considered: Zero N (0 N kg N/ha), Urea (120 kg N/ha), Urea + N- (n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) as urease inhibitor (120 kg N/ha + 0.25 g NBPT kg/N), and Urea + Dicyandiamide (DCD) as nitrification inhibitor (120 kg N/ha + 10 kg DCD/ha) CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR NR Transparent the automated measuring system consists of twelve acrylic static chambers (50 cm x 50 cm x 15 cm) fixed on stainless steel bases inserted permanently into the soil (0.1 m). gas chromatograph; (SRI 8610C, Torrance/USA) equipped with a 63Ni electron capture detector (ECD) for N2O analysis and a flame ionization detector (FID) for CH4 analysis CRA 199,5
139 Huerfano (2015) Huerfano X, Fuertes-Mendizabal T, Dunabeitia MK, Gonzalez-Murua C, Estavillo JM, Menendez S. Splitting the application of 3,4-dimethylpyrazole (DMPP): Influence on greenhouse gases emissions and wheat yield and quantity under humid Mediterrenean conditions. European Journal of Agronomy. 2015: 64; 47-57. Huerfano X, Fuertes-Mendizabal T, Dunabeitia MK, Gonzalez-Murua C, Estavillo JM, Menendez S Splitting the application of 3,4-dimethylpyrazole (DMPP): Influence on greenhouse gases emissions and wheat yield and quantity under humid Mediterrenean conditions 2015 European Journal of Agronomy Article N/A Spain 42.82 -2.5 N 30 540875 4740577 Cfb N/A Clay loam NR NR clay loam soil, type Aquertic Etrudept Yes The preceding crop was rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Mechanical tillage (disk, mouldboardplow)wasusedforseedbedpreparation December 2010 November 2012 24 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 5 The total amount of applied N was 180kgNha−1, corresponding to the optimal level to obtain maximum grain yield in this location (Ortuzar-Iragorri et al., 2010). Nitrogen application was splitted in one, two or three amendments at the stages of seeding (Z00), beginningoftillering(Z21)andbeginningofstemelongation(Z30) accordingtotheZadoksscale(Zadoksetal.,1974)(Table3).Fertilizers were applied as urea, ammonium sulphate nitrate (ASN 26%) and the combination of ASN with DMPP, available in the market asENTEC® 26(registeredtrademarkofEuroChemAgroMannheim, Germany). A treatment with no fertilizer was also included as a control. The five treatments were; Control, ASN + Urea, ASN applied twice, ASN with DMPP applied once, ASN with DMPP applied twice. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed NR Emissions were measured using closed chambers (Menéndez et al., 2008). Gas samples (20mL) from the atmosphere of the chambers were stored in vials of 12mL and later analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) (Agilent, 7890A) equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD) for N2O detection and a flame ionization detector (FID) for CH4. For the determination of CO2, the GC was equipped with a methanizer to reduce CO2 up to CH4. Gas chromatography (Agilent, 7890A), electron capture detector, flame ionization detector, and methanizer CRA 200,5
140 Huerfano (2016) Heurfano X, Fuertes-Mendizabel T, Fernandez-Diez K, Estavillo JM, Gonzalez-Murua C, Menendez S. The new nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazole succinis (DMPSA) as an alternative to DMPP for reducing N2O emissions from wheat crops under humid Mediterranean conditions. European Journal of Agronomy. 2016: 80; 78-87. Heurfano X, Fuertes-Mendizabel T, Fernandez-Diez K, Estavillo JM, Gonzalez-Murua C, Menendez S The new nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazole succinis (DMPSA) as an alternative to DMPP for reducing N2O emissions from wheat crops under humid Mediterranean conditions 2016 European Journal of Agronomy Article N/A Spain 42.85 -2.62 N 30 531321 4744229 Cfb N/A Clay loam NR Kastanozems Hypercalcic Kastanozem Yes The previous crop was rapeseed and mechanical tillage was used for seedbed preparation November 2012 November 2014 25 Nitrification inhibitor Nitrification inhibitor 6 Control, Ammonium sulphate (AS), AS + DMPSA applied twice, AS + DMPSA single application at tillering, AS + DMPP applied twice, AS + DMPP single aplication at tillering CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed NR Gas chromatography; (Agilent, 7890A) equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD) for N2O detection and a flame ionization detector (FID) for CH4 detection. Gas chromatography; (Agilent, 7890A) CRA 201,5
141 Huerfano (2018) Huerfano X, Estavillo JM, Feurtes-Mendizabal T, Torralbo F, Gonzalez-Murua C, Menendez S. DMPSA and DMPP equally reduce N2O emissions from maize-ryegrass forage rotation under Atlantic climate conditions. Atmospheric Environment. 2018: 187; 255-265. Huerfano X, Estavillo JM, Feurtes-Mendizabal T, Torralbo F, Gonzalez-Murua C, Menendez S DMPSA and DMPP equally reduce N2O emissions from maize-ryegrass forage rotation under Atlantic climate conditions 2018 Atmospheric Environment Article N/A Spain 42.83 -2.6 N 30 532691 4742385 Cfb N/A Silt loam NR NR The soil (0–30cm depth) presented a silt loam texture (33% sand, 52% silt, and 15% clay) with a pH (1:2 H2O) of 7.0 No NR May 2015 September 2016 17 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 4 The fertilizer applied was ammonium sulphate (AS). It was also applied in combination with DMPP and in combination with DMPSA. Treatments were; Control, AS, AS + DMPP, AS + DMPSA. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed NR using the closed chamber (headspace of 0.005m3 in maize and 0.03m3 in ryegrass) technique as described in Chadwick et al. (2014). Gas chromatography (GC) (Agilent, 7890A) equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD) for N2O detection and a flame ionization detector (FID) for CH4 CRA 202,5
142 Hui (2018) Hui D, Yu C, Deng Q, Saini P, Collins K, de Koff J. Weak effects of biochar and nitrogen fertilization on switchgrass photosynthesis, biomass, and soil respiration. Agriculture. 2018: 8; 143. Hui D, Yu C, Deng Q, Saini P, Collins K, de Koff J. Weak effects of biochar and nitrogen fertilization on switchgrass photosynthesis, biomass, and soil respiration 2018 Agriculture Article N/A USA 36.12 -86.89 N 16 509899 3997264 Cfa N/A Silt loam NR NR Soil type at the experimental site was a Lindside silt loam soil (fine-silty, mixed, active, mesic fluvaquentic Eutrudepts, occasionally flooded), slightly acidic (pH = 5.7), and average carbon (11.1 g kg􀀀1), N (1.0 g kg􀀀1), and phosphorus (150 mg kg􀀀1). No NR NR 2014 August 2016 Unclear Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, biochar 6 There were two levels of biochar, a control without biochar application (Control), and a biochar addition (Biochar) with 9 Mg ha􀀀1 biochar added to the plots (3 m  5 m each). Four N fertilization rates included 0 kg N ha􀀀1, 17 kg N ha􀀀1, 34 kg N ha􀀀1, and 67 kg N ha􀀀1, labeled as ON, LN, MN, and HN, respectively CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR NR NR Four PVC soil collars (80 cm2 in area and 5 cm in height) were permanently installed about 3 cm deep into the soil in each of the plots of two blocks at least 24 h before the first soil respiration measurements. Soil respiration was measured using the Li-Cor 6400 infrared gas analyzer (Li-COR, Inc., Lincoln, NE, USA) connected to a Li-Cor 6400-09 soil respiration chamber (9.55 cm diameter) (Li-COR, Inc., Lincoln, NE, USA) following Deng et al. (2017) CO2 referred to as soil respiration in the paper JR 203,5
143 a Hunt (2016) Hunt DE, Bittman S, Zhang H, Bhandral R, Grant CA, Lemke R. Effect of polymer-coated urea on nitrous oxide emission in zero-till and conventionally tilled silage corn. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 2016: 96; 12-22. Hunt DE, Bittman S, Zhang H, Bhandral R, Grant CA, Lemke R. Effect of polymer-coated urea on nitrous oxide emission in zero-till and conventionally tilled silage corn 2016 Canadian Journal of Soil Science Article N/A Canada 49.24 -121.76 N 10 590259 5454876 Cfb N/A Silt loam NR NR The silty loam soil (27% sand, 59% silt, 14% clay) at the experimental site belongs to the Monroe series, which are moderately well to well-drained, medium-textured, stone-free soils, classified as Eutric Eluviated Brunisols (Luttmerding 1981). Yes The study was conducted on plots that had been growing continuous silage corn for 9 years under either CT or ZT since 1997 with a pH of 6.1 over the study years. Samples taken in spring 2006 showed that there was significantly higher total C (13%) and total N (5%) concentrations in the 0–15 cm depth in the ZT soil than the CT soil from historic tillage treatments (Table 1); soil C and N were analyzed using the Dumas combustion method (CNS analyzer, LECO Corp., USA). April 2005 April 2006 13 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 6 The main plot treatments were the CT and ZT treatments. The subplot treatments (plot size 3 m × 6.5 m) included two types of urea fertilizer, conventional and a polymer-coated “control release” urea (ESN®, Agrium Limited, Calgary, Alberta) referred to as CRU (44% N). Unfertilized (Control) treatments were included for both tillage treatments. CI Split/strip plot 4 Yes Static chamber NR Opaque Fluxes of N2O from the soil were measured using vented square (60 cm × 60 cm) aluminum chambers (one per plot). The chamber collars (12 cm high) were installed in the soil (5–6 cm depth) occupying most of the area between corn rows. Collars were removed only for field operations such as harvesting and tillage and were reinstalled in the same location. Measurements were made by gently placing the vented lid (5 cm high) on the collar (water channel seal), and drawing 20 mL gas samples from inside the chamber with 30 mL syringes, then transferring the gas sample to 12 mL evacuated vials (Soda glass flat-bottomed vials; 101 mm × 15.5 mm in size). Gas samples from each chamber were collected at 0, 15, 30, and 45 min after sealing of chamber. At the end of each sampling period the lid was removed from the base. The gas samples were analyzed using a Varian CP-3800 gas chromatograph (Varian Inc., Palo Alto, California) equipped with a 63Ni-electron capture detector JR 204,5
143 b Hunt (2016) Hunt DE, Bittman S, Zhang H, Bhandral R, Grant CA, Lemke R. Effect of polymer-coated urea on nitrous oxide emission in zero-till and conventionally tilled silage corn. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 2016: 96; 12-22. Hunt DE, Bittman S, Zhang H, Bhandral R, Grant CA, Lemke R. Effect of polymer-coated urea on nitrous oxide emission in zero-till and conventionally tilled silage corn 2016 Canadian Journal of Soil Science Article N/A Canada 49.24 -121.76 N 10 590259 5454876 Cfb N/A Silt loam NR NR The silty loam soil (27% sand, 59% silt, 14% clay) at the experimental site belongs to the Monroe series, which are moderately well to well-drained, medium-textured, stone-free soils, classified as Eutric Eluviated Brunisols (Luttmerding 1981). Yes The study was conducted on plots that had been growing continuous silage corn for 9 years under either CT or ZT since 1997 with a pH of 6.1 over the study years. Samples taken in spring 2006 showed that there was significantly higher total C (13%) and total N (5%) concentrations in the 0–15 cm depth in the ZT soil than the CT soil from historic tillage treatments (Table 1); soil C and N were analyzed using the Dumas combustion method (CNS analyzer, LECO Corp., USA). May 2006 May 2007 13 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 6 The main plot treatments were the CT (conventional tillage) and ZT (zero till) treatments. CT involved mouldboard ploughing at 25 cm depth, followed by 2–3 passes with tandem disks to a depth of 18–20 cm and light harrowing. There was little soil disturbance in the ZT plots except for the seed and fertilizer furrows made by the planter and slight compaction from the tractor tires. The subplot treatments (plot size 3 m × 6.5 m) included two types of urea fertilizer, conventional and a polymer-coated “control release” urea (ESN®, Agrium Limited, Calgary, Alberta) referred to as CRU (44% N). Unfertilized (Control) treatments were included for both tillage treatments. CI Split/strip plot 4 Yes Static chamber NR Opaque Fluxes of N2O from the soil were measured using vented square (60 cm × 60 cm) aluminum chambers (one per plot). The chamber collars (12 cm high) were installed in the soil (5–6 cm depth) occupying most of the area between corn rows. Collars were removed only for field operations such as harvesting and tillage and were reinstalled in the same location. Measurements were made by gently placing the vented lid (5 cm high) on the collar (water channel seal), and drawing 20 mL gas samples from inside the chamber with 30 mL syringes, then transferring the gas sample to 12 mL evacuated vials (Soda glass flat-bottomed vials; 101 mm × 15.5 mm in size). Gas samples from each chamber were collected at 0, 15, 30, and 45 min after sealing of chamber. At the end of each sampling period the lid was removed from the base. The gas samples were analyzed using a Varian CP-3800 gas chromatograph (Varian Inc., Palo Alto, California) equipped with a 63Ni-electron capture detector JR 205,5
144 Iwuozo (2014) Iwuozo SA. Incidence of greenhouse gas emissions from soils under different corn management practices. Tennessee State University. Iwuozo SA Incidence of greenhouse gas emissions from soils under different corn management practices 2014 Tennessee State University Thesis NR N/A USA 36.1 -86.89 N 16 509902 3995046 Cfb N/A Silty clay loam NR NR experimental site is a Talbott silt clay loam soil (Fine, mixed, semi-active, thermic Typic Hapludalfs; 25% sand, 55% silt, 20% clay), Yes Prior to planting, a non-selective herbicide (glysophate) was sprayed to kill existing weed outgrowths April 2013 April 2014 25 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor, Organic fertiliser, Biochar 4 1. No-tillage + regular applications of URAN fertilizer (URAN-32-0-0 liquid N, 100%) (NT-URAN) 2. No-tillage + regular applications of URAN fertilizer (URAN-32-0-0 liquid N, 90%) + dicyandiamide (DCD) denitrification inhibitor (N, 10%) (NTinhibitor) 3. No-tillage + regular applications of URAN fertilizer (URAN-32-0-0 liquid N, 100%) + woodchips biochar (NT-biochar) 4. No-tillage + 20% applications of URAN fertilizer (URAN-32-0-0 liquid N, 20%) chicken litter (N, 80%) (NT-litter) 5. No-tillage + split fertilizer applications of URAN fertilizer (URAN-32-0-0 liquid N, 100%) (NT-split fertilizer) 6. Conventional tillage + regular applications of URAN fertilizer (URAN-32-0-0 liquid N, 100%) (CT-URAN) CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR NR The static chamber was made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material and consisted of two parts, a soil ring without a top and bottom, of 20 cm in diameter and 30 cm in height, and a removable cover of 20 cm in diameter and 6 cm in height. The ring was inserted directly into the soil about 25 cm below the soil surface leaving 5 cm above the soil surface, and the cover was placed on top during sampling and removed afterwards. A fan of 10 cm in diameter was installed on the top wall of each chamber to create gentile turbulent mixing when chamber was closed. gas chromatography method (GC-2014, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD) equipped with TCD, FID, and ECD CRA 206,5
145 Jager (2010) Jager N. Effects of different long-term fertilization strategies on soil organic matter stocks and N2O emissions from arable soils. Gottigen Centre for Biodiversity and Ecology. Jager N Effects of different long-term fertilization strategies on soil organic matter stocks and N2O emissions from arable soils 2010 Gottigen Centre for Biodiversity and Ecology Thesis NR N/A Germany 49.83 8.57 N 32 468837 5520190 Cfb N/A Loamy sand NR Cambisols The soil was a sandy Cambisol (WRB) composed of 86% sand, 9% silt and 5% clay in the Ap horizon Yes NR NR 1985 March 2009 37 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 6 In 1985, the following long-term fertilization treatments were started: (i) MIN-140: high application rate of mineral fertilizer (150 kg N ha−1 to root crops or 100 kg N ha−1 plus 40 kg N ha−1 as second application to cereals) plus straw incorporation. (ii) MIN-100: medium application rate of mineral fertilizer (100 kg N ha−1 to root crops or 80 kg N ha−1 plus 20 kg N ha−1 as second application to cereals) plus straw incorporation. (iii) MIN-60: low application rate of mineral fertilizer (50 kg N ha−1 to root crops or 60 kg N ha−1 to cereals) plus straw incorporation. (iv) FYM-140: high application rate of rotted farmyard manure: 27 t fresh weight ha−1 as manure (≈ 150 kg Nt ha−1) to root crops or 16 t fresh weight ha−1 (≈ 100 kg Nt ha−1) plus 40 kg Nt ha−1 with urine (second application) to cereals. The total N input corresponded to the N input by mineral fertilization in treatment MIN-140. (v) FYM-100: medium application rate of rotted farmyard manure: 18 t fresh weight ha−1 as manure (≈ 100 kg Nt ha−1) to root crops or 12 t fresh weight ha−1 (≈ 80 kg Nt ha−1) plus 20 kg Nt ha−1 with urine (second application) to cereals. The total N input corresponded to the N input by mineral fertilization in treatment MIN-100. (vi) FYM-60: low application rate of rotted farmyard manure: 9 t fresh weight ha−1 as manure (≈ 50 kg Nt ha−1) to root crops or cereals. The total N input corresponded to the N input by mineral fertilization in treatment MIN-60. CI Split/strip plot 4 Yes Static chamber NR Opaque circular, dark PVC chambers (diameter: 29.5 cm, height: variable from 28.5 to 78.5 cm). For gas flux determination these closed chambers were placed on permanently installed PVC-collars with the same diameter and sealed with an elastic lid. automated gas chromatographic system with a 63Ni electron capture detector (ECD, for N2O) and a flame ionisation detector (FID, for CH4). CRA 207,5
146 Jantalia (2008) Jantalia CP, dos Santos HP, Urquiaga S, Boddey RM, Alves BJR. Fluxes of nitrous oxide from soil under different crop rotations and tillage systems in the South of Brazil. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2008: 82; 161-173. Jantalia CP, dos Santos HP, Urquiaga S, Boddey RM, Alves BJR Fluxes of nitrous oxide from soil under different crop rotations and tillage systems in the South of Brazil 2008 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A Brazil -28.25 -52.4 S 22 362660 6874309 Cfa N/A Clay NR Ferralsols The study was carried out on an experiment installed in the year 1986 on a soil classified as a Rhodic Ferrasol with a clayey texture (63% clay, 1% silt and 24% sand). Yes The study was carried out on an experiment installed in the year 1986 NR 2002 November 2004 Unclear Multiple-intervention Tillage, Crop Rotation 6 For the current study, only plots under zero tillage (ZT) and under disc plough only for the sowing of winter crops (CT) were considered for the main plots, with the succession soybean/wheat (R1) and the two year crop rotation wheat (Triticum aestivum)/soybean (Glycine max) followed by hairy vetch (Vicia villosa)/maize (Zea mays) or sorghum (Sorghum vulgare) (R2) as subplots. For the two-year rotation (R2), both years of the rotation were included in the experimental design as separate sub-plots and hence could be harvested simultaneously (Sisti et al. 2004). Hence they were identified as R2A (starting with soybean then vetch, sorghum and wheat) and R2B (starting with maize then wheat, soybean and vetch) CI Split/strip plot 3 No Static chamber Closed NR A static closed system was used, which was made of a section of PVC tubing of 25 cm height and 25 cm diameter with the upper end sealed, referred to here as the PVC chamber. At the time of the gas measurement this chamber was fitted on to a plastic frame equipped at the top with a circular channel (25 cm wide and 5 cm deep) inserted 3 cm into the soil, and the latter was only removed from the field at the time of soil preparation or harvest. To ensure a good seal between the frame and the PVC chamber, water was added to the channel in the lower plastic frame. A rubber septum was inserted into the lid of the chamber to allow gas sampling. Gas samples were analysed using a Perkin Elmer Model AutoSystem XL gas chromatograph (Perkin Elmer, Wellesley, USA) equipped with packed Porapak Q column (length 3.0 m, i.d. 0.32 cm) and an electron capture detector. CRA 208,5
147 Jensen (1996) Jensen LS. Effects of soil compaction on N mineralization and microbial C and N: field measurements and laboratory simulation. 1996. Jensen LS Effects of soil compaction on N mineralization and microbial C and N: field measurements and laboratory simulation 1996 N/A Conference Proceeding NR N/A New Zealand -40.15 175.68 S 60 387971 5555259 Cfb N/A Silty clay loam NR NR Soils were silty clay loams (clay 36 %, silt 58 %, sand 6 %) Yes Experiment from a field cropped continuously with cereals for 28 years using conventional tillage (2.1 % C) NR NR NR NR Unclear Tillage Tillage 1 Compaction treatments were carried out with five passes of a tractor (4,880 kg total weight). BA Unclear Unclear No Static chamber NR NR Basal soil C02 flux from the soil surface was measured in the field immediately after compaction in both compacted and non-compacted areas using the static chamber technique with ten replicate field respirometers (Tate et al., 1993) NR Poor level of detail - maybe more in original article not CP? JR 209,5
148 Jiang (2018) Jiang Y, Qingli L, Yungui Z, Zhihong L, Yan Z, Jingwei Z, Junxiong S, Peng W. Effect of Organic Fertilizer on N2O Emissions in Yellow Cornfield. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. 2018: 20; 215-220. Jiang Y, Qingli L, Yungui Z, Zhihong L, Yan Z, Jingwei Z, Junxiong S, Peng W Effect of Organic Fertilizer on N2O Emissions in Yellow Cornfield 2018 International Journal of Agriculture & Biology Article N/A China 26.87 107.11 N 48 709738 2974178 Cfa N/A NR NR NR yellow soils with fertility status from 0 to 20 cm making total N 1.6 g kg-1, total P 0.6 g kg-1, organic matter 39.7 g kg-1, alkali-hydrolyzable N 136.0 mg kg-1, available P 12.2 mg kg-1, readily-available K 153.1 mg kg-1 and pH7.4 Yes The experimental area was established at the corn and flue-cured tobacco wheel as locating points for experiment since 2008 May 2016 August 2016 4 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 4 four treatments, viz., no fertilizer (CK); common fertilizer (CF); chemical fertilizer + organic fertilizer (OF); chemical fertilizer + bio-organic fertilizer (BF) with specific fertilizer rate. The basic fertilizers used during experiment was compound fertilizer 75 kg hm-2 (N: 32%, P2O5 4%), calcium superphosphate 407 kg hm-2 (P2O5 14%) and potassium sulfate 118 kg hm-2 (K2O 51%). However, organic fertilizer was decomposed cow dung 7500 kg hm-2 (N 1.4%; P2O5 0.4%; K2O 2.1%) and bio-organic fertilizer 750 kg hm-2 (N 2.6%; P2O5 2.2%; K2O 2.8% CI Randomized Complete Block NR No Static chamber NR static chamber (60×50×30 cm=0.9 m3) for artificial collection of greenhouse gases under the same conditions. The inner top of the chamber was installed with micro-electric fans, temperature probes and gas collection pipes. Among them, the terminals of collection pipes exposed outside the static chamber were connected with three-way valves, which were connected to the gas collection bag and injector (50 mL), respectively. The static chamber meteorological chromatography was used to measure N2O and gas chromatography (HP 7890A) was used to measure gas content with the chromatographic column filled by Porpak Q CRA 210,5
149 Kallenbach (2010) Kallenbach CM, Rolston DE, Horwath WR. Cover cropping affects soil N2O and CO2 emissions differently depending on type of irrigation. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment. 2010: 137; 251-260. Kallenbach CM, Rolston DE, Horwath WR Cover cropping affects soil N2O and CO2 emissions differently depending on type of irrigation 2010 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A USA 38.54 -121.87 N 10 598468 4266713 Csa N/A Silt loam NR NR Soils were classified as Reiff loam, and Yolo silt loam, nonacid, thermic Mollic Xerofluvents. Yes Processing tomatoes were grown during, and 3 years prior to the experiment. April 2006 April 2007 13 Multiple-intervention Irrigation, Cover crops 4 Drip irrigation and furrow irrigation as the main plots, winter legume cover crop, and no winter legume cover crop as the subplots CI Split/strip plot 4 No NR NR NR Automated chambers was placed over a 10-cm PVC collar inserted into the soil to a depth of 4 cm. CO2 infra red gas analyzer (LI-COR model LI8100), and N2O gas chromatograph with an electron capture detector (Hewlett Packard 6890) CRA 211,5
150 Kandel (2018) Kandel TP, Gowda PH, Somenahally A, Northup BK, DuPont J, Rocateli AC. Nitrous oxide emissions as influenced by legume cover crops and nitrogen fertilization. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2018: 112; 119-131. Kandel TP, Gowda PH, Somenahally A, Northup BK, DuPont J, Rocateli AC Nitrous oxide emissions as influenced by legume cover crops and nitrogen fertilization 2018 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A USA 35.67 -98 N 14 590507 3947438 Cfa N/A Silt loam NR NR The predominant soil series was defined as Norge silt loams (fine, mixed, thermic, Udic Ustochrepts) with 3–5% slopes. The topsoil (0–0.15 m) had 37% sand, 41% silt, and 22% clay. Soil pH (1:1, soil:water) at 0–0.15 m depth was 6.5 Yes The field experiment was initiated in 2014 as a longterm study to define responses of the amount and quality of crabgrass biomass produced in response to different forms and rates of applied September 2016 July 2017 11 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Cover crops 6 These treatments included four cover crops, one inorganic N fertilizer (60 kg N ha-1) and one control (0 kg N ha-1) which did not receive any N fertilization CI Randomized Complete Block 6 No NR Closed NR A PVC collar (0.65 9 0.65 m) was inserted to 0.10 m depth in all plots (n = 24). The collars had a 0.04 m wide outer flange that remained parallel to the soil surface to support the chamber used for flux measurement. Fluxes were measured by placing a white-colored chamber (0.70 9 0.70 9 0.41 m) on the preinstalled support collars. Headspace air was mixed by a fan, which ran continuously while chambers were enclosed. The chamber was connected to a portable Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) based analyzer (DX4040; Gasmet Technology Oy, Helsinki, Finland1). Air in the headspace of chamber was circulated through 3 mm inlet and outlet tubing to the gas analyze Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) based analyzer (DX4040 CRA 212,5
151 Kang (2018) Kang S, Kim S, Park J, Seo D, Ok YS, Cho J. Effect of biochar derived from barley straw on soil physiochemical properties, crop growth, and nitrous oxide emission in an upland field in South Korea. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2018: 25; 25813-25821. Kang S, Kim S, Park J, Seo D, Ok YS, Cho J Effect of biochar derived from barley straw on soil physiochemical properties, crop growth, and nitrous oxide emission in an upland field in South Korea 2018 Environmental Science & Pollution Research Article N/A South Korea 34.94 127.56 N 52 368927 3867237 Cfa N/A Loam NR NR The soil was loam with a pH of 5.18, electrical conductivity (EC) of 0.50 dS m−1, organic matter (OM) of 17.8 g kg−1, total nitrogen (TN) of 1.61 g kg−1, and available phosphate (Avail. P2O5) of 3.42 mg kg − No NR August 2015 November 2015 4 Multiple-intervention Biochar, Inorganic fertiliser 4 barley straw biochar (BC, applied at 10 ton ha−1), inorganic fertilizer (IF, applied at N-PK=320–78–198kgha−1),andBC+IFtreatmentareaswereseparatedbyacontrol(Cn) treatmentare CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR N2O flux was carried out by using an acrylic static chamber. The chamber used in this experiment hadanareaof0.02m2 andavolumeof0.01m N2O was determined by using a gas chromatograph (GC-2014, Shimadzu) with an electron capture detector (ECD) CRA 213,5
152 Keane (2018) Keane BJ, Ineson P, Vallack HW, Blei E, Bentley M, Howarth S, McNamara NP, Rowe RL, Williams M, Toet S. Greenhouse gas emissions from the energy crop oilseed rape (Brassica napus); the role of photosynthetically active radiation in diurnal N2O flux variation. Global Change Biology Bioenergy. 2018: 10;306-319. Keane BJ, Ineson P, Vallack HW, Blei E, Bentley M, Howarth S, McNamara NP, Rowe RL, Williams M, Toet S Greenhouse gas emissions from the energy crop oilseed rape (Brassica napus); the role of photosynthetically active radiation in diurnal N2O flux variation 2018 Global Change Biology Bioenergy Article Keane (2015) United Kingdom NR NR N NR NR NR Cfb N/A Silt NR NR The soil type was the Beccles 1 association (Drewer et al., 2012) with fine silt over clay, and the field was used to produce annual rotation arable crops. Bulk density at the site was measured as 1.33  0.20 g cm3 (0–10 cm depth) and 1.49  0.14 g cm3 (10–20 cm depth Yes The field had been drilled with OSR in November 2013, and inorganic fertilizer was applied three times between 1 March and 1 April 2013. The field had been planted with barley (Hordeum vulgare) and wheat (Triticum aestivum) in rotation, and the crop immediately preceding the OSR had been spring barley. March 2014 April 2014 2 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 3 The experimental applications mimicked the NH4NO3 fertilizer (‘FER’) treatment on five replicate plots (within 40-cm-diameter collars), with additional ammoniumonly (‘NH4’) as NH4Cl and nitrate-only (‘NO3’), as NaNO3 treatments. The treatments were applied in pellet (NH4NO3) or powder form to each collar on a pro rata basis so that FER collars received the same N dose (68.9 kg-N ha1) as the rest of the field, whilst the NH4 and NO3 treatments received the equivalent dose as the respective component parts of the fertilizer (i.e. NH4: 34.6 kg-N ha1; NO CI Split/strip plot 5 No Closed NR The SkyLine2D automated chamber system was developed inhouse at the University of York. A single, cylindrical chamber was suspended from a motorized trolley, mounted on parallel horizontal ropes, 1 m apart and held above the crop by 2.5-mtall aluminium trellis arches (Fig. 1), placed 24 m apart, allowing a trolley to repeatedly traverse a preselected transect across the crop. An indexing system identified designated ‘stops’ at which the chamber automatically lowered to conduct a measurement. Each landing base (collar) for the chamber consisted of a flat, horizontal circular flange of expanded polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with an inner diameter of 38 cm (Fig. 2) with a perpendicular PVC collar which was inserted ca. 2 cm below the soil surface to achieve a seal A Licor infrared gas analyser (IRGA: LI-8100; Licor, Lincoln NE USA) was housed in the motorized trolley to measure CO2 concentrations and also to control the SkyLine2D chamber, acting in place of a Licor long-term automated chamber (LI-8100-101; Licor. In order to also measure the fluxes of N2O and CH4, the exhaust from the IRGA was intercepted through T-pieces and fed via an additional 49.8 m of Bev-A-Line tubing to separate cavity ring-down (CRD) laser analysers for N2O and CH4 flux measurements (LGR isotopic N2O analyser and LGR fast greenhouse gas analyser, Los Gatos Research, CA, USA) housed in an enclosed shed at one end of the SkyLine2D apparatus (Fig. 1 No coordinates for study site: "The study was conducted on a 7-ha field which was part of a working farm in the east of the United Kingdom." Supplementary martierla states "The study was conducted on a working farm in Lincolnshire, in the east midlands of the United Kingdom at which various research had been undertaken over the previous seven years, so its management had been well documented" CRA 214,5
153 Kennedy (2013) Kennedy T, Decock C, Six J. Assessing drivers of N2O production in California tomato cropping systems. Science of the Total Environment. 2013: 465; 36-47. Kennedy T, Decock C, Six J Assessing drivers of N2O production in California tomato cropping systems 2013 Science of the Total Environment Article N/A USA 38.57 -121.93 N 10 592926 4269230 Csb N/A Silty clay loam NR NR fine, montmorillonitic, thermic Typic Xerocrept Yes Processing tomatoes were grown on both fields during the 2011 field season April 2011 June 2011 3 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Irrigation, Other 2 Different management regimes; the conventional field was fertilized twice over the course of the study period with the bulk of the fertilizer being applied as a sidedress injection shanked into the shoulder of the seebed to a depth of 15cm, and the second fertilization taking place during an irrigation event. In the integrated field, fertilizer was applied via fertigation during three sampling campaigns. CI Paired design 1 No NR Open NR NR N2O; Shimadzu GC-2014 equipped with a an electron capture detector (ECD), CO2; thermal conductivity detector. CRA 215,5
154 Kennedy (2013) Kennedy TL, Suddick EC, Six J. Reduced nitrous oxide emissions and increased yields in California tomato cropping systems under drip irrigation and fertigation. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment. 2013: 170; 16-27. Kennedy TL, Suddick EC, Six J Reduced nitrous oxide emissions and increased yields in California tomato cropping systems under drip irrigation and fertigation 2013 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article Kennedy T, Decock C, Six J. Assessing drivers of N2O production in California tomato cropping systems. Science of the Total Environment. 2013: 465; 36-47. USA 38.57 -121.93 N 10 592926 4269230 Csb N/A Silty clay loam NR NR fine, montmorillonitic, thermic Typic Xerocrept Yes Processing tomatoes were grown on both fields during the 2011 field season April 2011 June 2011 3 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Irrigation, Other 2 Different management regimes; the conventional field was fertilized twice over the course of the study period with the bulk of the fertilizer being applied as a sidedress injection shanked into the shoulder of the seebed to a depth of 15cm, and the second fertilization taking place during an irrigation event. In the integrated field, fertilizer was applied via fertigation during three sampling campaigns. CI Paired design 1 No NR Open NR NR N2O; Shimadzu GC-2014 equipped with a an electron capture detector (ECD), CO2; thermal conductivity detector. CRA 216,5
155 a Kesenheimer et al. (2019) Kesenheimer K, Pandeya HR, Muller T, Buegger F, Ruser R. Nitrous oxide emissions after incorporation of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) residues under two different tillage treatments. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 2019; 182:48-59. Kesenheimer K, Pandeya HR, Muller T, Buegger F, Ruser R Nitrous oxide emissions after incorporation of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) residues under two different tillage treatments 2019 Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science Article N/A Germany 48.74 8.92 N 32 494405 5399050 Cfb N/A Silt loam NR Luvisols Luvisol with a high silt content No NR July 2014 June 2015 12 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Cover crops 4 The experiment was conducted by inserting into an existing tillage trial (split-plot design, four blocks). Two tillage treat- ments were applied: ploughed (CT) and reduced (RT). Ploughing was done using a mouldboard plough to a depth of 30 cm. Reduced tillage was done using a chisel plough to a depth of 15 cm. The tillage experiment was initiated in 2012. After harvest of OSR in 2014, two mini plots were placed in each plot of the tillage experiment: one plot without (–CR) and one plot with (+CR) 15N-labeled OSR residues. The size of each mini plot was 0.6 m · 0.5 m. The mini plot area was cleared and free of stubble, and roots of the OSR were removed and replaced against 15N labelled roots. CI Split/strip plot 4 No NR Closed Opaque The N2O flux measurements were conducted using the closed chamber method (Hutchinson and Mosier, 1981). Fluxes were determined weekly in the morning with additional event driven samplings after N-fertilization, strong rainfall, and during thawing of frozen soil. As shown by Flessa et al. (2002), this sampling strategy significantly reduces the error of a weekly sampling scheme with an error of approximately 10% when compared to high resolution measurements. The circular, dark vented chambers had an inner diameter of 30 cm and were described in detail by Flessa et al. (1995). During the closure period of 45 min, we periodically took four gas samples out of the chambers’ atmosphere using a syringe and transferred the gas sample into evacuated glass vials (22.5 mL). N2O and CO2 concentrations in the gas samples were meas- ured with a greenhouse gas analyzer equipped with a 63Ni electron capture detector (ECD) (Scion 450-GC, Bruker) con- nected to an autosampler (GX-281, Gilson). 15N-N2O was determined with an Isotope Ratio Mass Spec- trometer (IRMS) delta plus (Finnigan MAT, Bremen, Ger- many) coupled with a fully automated PreCon-Interface for preparing the N2O from the air sample (Brand, 1995) JJT 217,5
155 b Kesenheimer et al. (2019) Kesenheimer K, Pandeya HR, Muller T, Buegger F, Ruser R. Nitrous oxide emissions after incorporation of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) residues under two different tillage treatments. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 2019; 182:48-59. Kesenheimer K, Pandeya HR, Muller T, Buegger F, Ruser R Nitrous oxide emissions after incorporation of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) residues under two different tillage treatments 2019 Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science Article N/A Germany 48.74 8.92 N 32 494405 5399050 Cfb N/A Silt loam NR Luvisols Luvisol with a high silt content No NR July 2014 June 2015 12 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Cover crops 4 The experiment was conducted by inserting into an existing tillage trial (split-plot design, four blocks). Two tillage treat- ments were applied: ploughed (CT) and reduced (RT). Ploughing was done using a mouldboard plough to a depth of 30 cm. Reduced tillage was done using a chisel plough to a depth of 15 cm. The tillage experiment was initiated in 2012. After harvest of OSR in 2014, two mini plots were placed in each plot of the tillage experiment: one plot without (–CR) and one plot with (+CR) 15N-labeled OSR residues. The size of each mini plot was 0.6 m · 0.5 m. The mini plot area was cleared and free of stubble, and roots of the OSR were removed and replaced against 15N labelled roots. CI Split/strip plot 4 No NR Closed Opaque The N2O flux measurements were conducted using the closed chamber method (Hutchinson and Mosier, 1981). Fluxes were determined weekly in the morning with additional event driven samplings after N-fertilization, strong rainfall, and during thawing of frozen soil. As shown by Flessa et al. (2002), this sampling strategy significantly reduces the error of a weekly sampling scheme with an error of approximately 10% when compared to high resolution measurements. The circular, dark vented chambers had an inner diameter of 30 cm and were described in detail by Flessa et al. (1995). During the closure period of 45 min, we periodically took four gas samples out of the chambers’ atmosphere using a syringe and transferred the gas sample into evacuated glass vials (22.5 mL). N2O and CO2 concentrations in the gas samples were meas- ured with a greenhouse gas analyzer equipped with a 63Ni electron capture detector (ECD) (Scion 450-GC, Bruker) con- nected to an autosampler (GX-281, Gilson). 15N-N2O was determined with an Isotope Ratio Mass Spec- trometer (IRMS) delta plus (Finnigan MAT, Bremen, Ger- many) coupled with a fully automated PreCon-Interface for preparing the N2O from the air sample (Brand, 1995) CRA 218,5
156 a Komainda (2018) Komainda M, Taube F, Klub C, Herrmann A. Effects of catch crops on silage maize (Zea mays L.): yield, nitrogen uptake efficiency and losses. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2018: 110; 51-59. Komainda M, Taube F, Klub C, Herrmann A Effects of catch crops on silage maize (Zea mays L.): yield, nitrogen uptake efficiency and losses 2018 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A Germany 54.32 9.81 N 32 552402 6019054 Cfb Ostenfield NR NR NR soil is dominated by transition between Haplic Luvisol and Cambic Podzo Yes In the previous years, the site was cropped with winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize without organic fertilization for more than 10 years April 2012 October 2014 31 Multiple-intervention Crop rotation, Cover crops, Chemical fertiliser 128 The factors comprised the series (starting in 2012 and 2013), the maize crop in the series (i.e. MM, SM), the site (OF, SI), maize harvest/CC sowing date (4 levels) and CC treatment (4 levels). In addition, two controls were included (a) a treatment where stubble and soil was prepared (SP) according to LM and rye plots, but without CC sowing, and (b) by a bare fallow (BF), where stubble and soil remained undisturbed CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR a PVC collar (60 cm diameter and 15 cm height) was inserted 5 cm into the soil and white painted opaque PVC chambers (25 cm height and 0.07 m3 volume) were fitted on the collars and sealed air tight with a butyl rubber band gas chromatograph (model 7890a, Agilent technology Inc., Santa Clara, USA) equipped with electron-capture, thermal conductivity and flame ionization detectors Unsure of treatment number CRA 219,5
156 b Komainda (2018) Komainda M, Taube F, Klub C, Herrmann A. Effects of catch crops on silage maize (Zea mays L.): yield, nitrogen uptake efficiency and losses. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2018: 110; 51-59. Komainda M, Taube F, Klub C, Herrmann A Effects of catch crops on silage maize (Zea mays L.): yield, nitrogen uptake efficiency and losses 2018 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A Germany 54.52 9.44 N 32 528767 6041718 Cfb Schuby Sand NR Podzols The soil is a Carbic Podzol of sandy structure Yes The field had been cropped with forage grasses since 2002, only interrupted by Phacelia(PhaceliatanacetifoliaL.)andwhitemustard (Sinapis alba L.) catch crops in 2004 and 2008, respectively April 2012 October 2014 31 Multiple-intervention Crop rotation, Cover crops, Chemical fertiliser 128 The factors comprised the series (starting in 2012 and 2013), the maize crop in the series (i.e. MM, SM), the site (OF, SI), maize harvest/CC sowing date (4 levels) and CC treatment (4 levels). In addition, two controls were included (a) a treatment where stubble and soil was prepared (SP) according to LM and rye plots, but without CC sowing, and (b) by a bare fallow (BF), where stubble and soil remained undisturbed CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR a PVC collar (60 cm diameter and 15 cm height) was inserted 5 cm into the soil and white painted opaque PVC chambers (25 cm height and 0.07 m3 volume) were fitted on the collars and sealed air tight with a butyl rubber band gas chromatograph (model 7890a, Agilent technology Inc., Santa Clara, USA) equipped with electron-capture, thermal conductivity and flame ionization detectors Unsure of treatment number CRA 220,5
157 Kong (2007) Kong AYY, Fonte SJ, Kessel CV, Six J. Soil aggregates control N cycling efficiency in long-term conventional and alternative cropping systems. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2007: 79; 45-58. Kong AYY, Fonte SJ, Kessel CV, Six J Soil aggregates control N cycling efficiency in long-term conventional and alternative cropping systems 2007 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A USA 38.54 -121.87 N 10 598481 4266337 Csb N/A NR NR NR Yolo silt loam (fine-silty, mixed, nonacid, thermic Typic Xerothent) and (ii) Rincon silty clay loam (fine, montmorillonitic, thermic Mollic Haploxeralf) Yes field study was conducted during the 2004 maize growing season, within three 2-year, maize–tomato rotations, which differed in nutrient input level and sourc May 2004 October 2004 6 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser, Cover crops 3 Different management regimes; consisting of the following nutrient treatments: (1) conventional (synthetic N fertilizer only), (2) low-input (alternating synthetic N fertilizer and winter legume cover crop-N) and (3) organic (composted manure- and cover crop-N). Each management system is randomly distributed in the 30-ha CIFS site as three, 0.2-ha replicates, receiving furrow irrigation, and under conventional tillag CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR based on the design by Hutchinson and Mosier (1981); 20.3-cm diameter polyvinylchloride (PVC) rings (15-cm tall) were driven in between the maize rows, to a depth of 10 cm, at the northern end of each experimental plot. The closed chamber tops were constructed from PVC irrigation caps (20.3cm diameter). gas chromatograph; Hewlett Packard 6890 Series Gas Chromatograph, micro-electron capture detecto CRA 221,5
158 Kong (2009) Kong AYY, Fonte SJ, Kessel Cv, Six J. Transitioning from standard to minimum tillage: Trade-offs between soil organic matter stabilization, nitrous oxide emissions, and N availability in irrigated cropping systems. Soil & Tillage Research. 2009: 104; 256-262. Kong AYY, Fonte SJ, Kessel Cv, Six J Transitioning from standard to minimum tillage: Trade-offs between soil organic matter stabilization, nitrous oxide emissions, and N availability in irrigated cropping systems 2009 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A USA 38.53 -121.87 N 10 598780 4265601 Csa N/A NR NR NR Two soil types are found at the site: (i) Yolo silt loam (fine-silty, mixed, nonacid, thermic Typic Xerorthent) and (ii) Rincon silty clay loam (fine, montmorillonitic, thermic Mollic Haploxeralf). Yes Since 1993, all cropping systems at the Russell Ranch were under standard tillage. March 2003 September 2004 19 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser, Tillage, Cover crops 6 6 treatments total from 3 management system treatment each containing 2 tillage treatments; Three maize-tomato (Zea mays L.–L. esculentum L.) cropping systems (n = 3), which varied in nutrient inputs, were selected for this study: conventional (annual synthetic N fertilizer applications), low-input (synthetic N fertilizer applied in alternate years with cover crop-N incorporated the years without synthetic N fertilization) and organic (annual addition of composted manure- and cover crop-N). Each management system contained subplots of two tillage regimes: standard (12– 15 tractor passes) and minimum (5–10 tractor passes) tillage. CI Split/strip plot 3 No NR Closed NR The closed chamber tops were constructed from PVC irrigation caps (20.3 cm diameter) and enclosed a headspace volume of approximately 5.6 L. Gas (15 mL) was sampled from the headspace with polypropylene syringes at 0, 15, and 30 min intervals and then stored in 10 mL Exetainers (Labco, Inc.) for later analyses with a Hewlett Packard 6890 Series Gas Chromatograph (Palo Alto, CA). gas chromatograph; Hewlett Packard 6890 Series Gas Chromatograph (Palo Alto, CA). Tillage treatment started in "spring 2003" which I coded as March CRA 222,5
159 Kontopoulou (2015) Kontopoulou CK, Bilalis D, Pappa VA, Rees RM, Savvas D. Effects of organic farming practices and salinity on yield and greenhouse gas emissions from a common bean crop. Scientia Horticulturea. 2015: 183; 48-57. Kontopoulou CK, Bilalis D, Pappa VA, Rees RM, Savvas D Effects of organic farming practices and salinity on yield and greenhouse gas emissions from a common bean crop 2015 Scientia Horticulturae Article NR N/A Greece 38.59 21.43 N 34 537219 4271102 Csa N/A Clay loam NR NR clay loam with an organic content of 2.05% total N 0.082%, P 175 ppm, K 632 ppm, soil pH 7.4 (1:1 water extract) and EC of 0.63 mScm. Yes The preceeding crop was vetch and the site preparation was based on local tillage practices involving moldboard ploughing. April 2011 July 2011 4 Multiple-intervention Irrigation, Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 4 Organic or conventionalfarming systems were established as main plots with four randomlyallocated plots per system. Each plot was divided into two subplotsirrigated either with good-quality or with salt-enriched water con-taining either 0.5 or 10 mM NaCl, respectively. Thus the experiment,which was a split-plot design, included a total of 16 experimentalunits.Seeds were sown at a depth of 3 cm. Plant spacing betweenand within rows of common bean was 50 cm, giving a densityof 80,000 plants ha−1. Each subplot corresponded to a net culti-vated area of 60 m2. Beans were sown on 30 April 2011 and thecrop was harvested on 30 July 2011. Management of the organicfarming plots was based on the principle that organic croppingsystems should minimize the use of external inputs, includingN fertilizers, avoiding the use of synthetic fertilizers (Scialabbaand Hattam, 2002). A cropping system is correctly evaluated byaltering the whole system rather than individual parameters andlooking at the combined effect of this change. Accordingly, fer-tilization practices differing in both the level and the form ofthe fertilizers were applied in the organic and conventional plots.Thus, in the conventionally treated plots, a synthetic inorganicfertilizer was applied as base dressing before sowing at a rateof 120 kg ha−1N, 160 kg ha−1P2O5, and 160 kg ha−1K2O, follow-ing standard recommendations for conventional field-grown beancrops. In the organically managed plots, an organic fertilizer pro-duced by compressing composted crop residues was applied beforesowing, which provided an equivalent of 25 kg ha−1N, 175 kg ha−1P2O5, and 250 kg ha−1K2O, following common practices of localorganic growers. Synthetic pesticides were not used either in theconventionally or in the organically managed plots. The plants wereirrigated through a drip irrigation system equipped with one drip-per per plant. CI Split/strip plot 4 No Static chamber NR each chamber was 15 cm (height) x 20 cm (diameter) gas chromatography; Agilent 6890 GC fitted with a 1.8 m Porpak-N column and electron capture detector. CRA 223,5
160 Kurgat (2018) Kurgat BK, Stober S, Mwonga S, Lotze-Campen H, Rosenstock TS. Livelihood and climate trade-offs in Kenyan peri-urban vegetable production. Agricultural Systems. 2018. Kurgat BK, Stober S, Mwonga S, Lotze-Campen H, Rosenstock TS Livelihood and climate trade-offs in Kenyan peri-urban vegetable production 2018 Agricultural Systems Article Butterbach-Bahl et al. (2016). Kenya 1.22 36.7 N 37 243899 134977 Cfb N/A NR NR Nitisols The soils are broadly classified as Humic Nitisols. Average soil bulk density was 0.8 g cm−3 while the pH was 6. Total soil nitrogen (TN) in the top 20 cm soil depth was 0.3% whereas at 20–50 cm it was 0.2%. Soil organic carbon in the top 20 cm and 20–50 cm soil were 3.1% and 2.5% respectively. Total nitrogen obtained from the manure sample was 1.6%, while the total carbon content was 23% Yes The site has been under smallholder AIV cultivation for the past six years. During that period, vegetables have been grown during the two rainy seasons each year. The ‘long rains' are from mid-March to mid-June while the ‘short rains' fall from October to mid-December September 2015 July 2016 11 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 4 treatments were a no-input control and three nitrogen sources: (1) diammonium phosphate (DAP, 18:46:0) at a rate of 40 kg Nha−1, (2) manureatarateof10 tfreshcattlemanureha−1 (29.5 kg N ha−1),and (3) a mixture of DAP and manure applied at 34.7 kg N ha−1 (20 kg N from DAP and 14.7 kg N derived from 5 t of fresh cattle manure ha−1) for each season CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Open NR Gas sampling occurred one to three times per week depending on soil management and the expected flux. Samples were collected using vented static chambers (Parkin and Venterea, 2010). Each chamber comprised a lid (27 × 37.2 ×12.5 cm) and a base (27 × 37.2× 10 cm) clipped together tightly using metallic clamps to avoid gas leakage. Chamber bases were inserted 5–7 cm into the soil one week before the first sampling. The chambers remained in place throughout the season. They were fitted with 50 cm vents (2.5 cm in diameter), gas sampling ports and thermometers to measure internal temperatures, as also described in previous studies (Rosenstock et al., 2016; Tully et al., 2017 Samples were analysed at the Word Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in line with procedures outlined by Butterbach-Bahl et al. (2016). CRA 224,5
161 a Lai (2012) Lai R, Seddaiu G, Gennaro L, Roggero PP. Effects of nitrogen fertilizer sources and temperature on soil CO2 efflux in Italian ryegrass crop under Mediterranean conditions. Italian Journal of Agronomy. 2012: 7(e27); 196-201. Lai R, Seddaiu G, Gennaro L, Roggero PP Effects of nitrogen fertilizer sources and temperature on soil CO2 efflux in Italian ryegrass crop under Mediterranean conditions 2012 Italian Journal of Agronomy Article rlai@uniss.i N/A Italy 39.78 8.55 N 32 461467 4403807 Csa N/A NR NR NR The soils were classified as Psammentic Palexeralfs (USDA, 2006 No NR October 2010 May 2011 8 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 4 Mature cattle manure, cattle slurry, mineral fertilizer, control (mineral and slurry) CI Latin square 4 No NR Closed NR closed chamber, soil respiration system (EGM-4 with SRC-1, PP-Systems, Hitchin, UK) CO2 efflux measurement using, respectively, a digital thermometer HD2101.2 (Delta Ohm, Padova, Italy) and the Diviner 2000 (Sentek, Stepney, Australia), an instrument based on Frequency Domain Reflectometry CRA 225,5
161 b Lai (2012) Lai R, Seddaiu G, Gennaro L, Roggero PP. Effects of fertilizer sources and temperature on soil CO2 efflux in Italian ryegrass crop under Mediterranean conditions. Italian Journal of Agronomy. 2012: 7(e27); 196-201. Lai R, Seddaiu G, Gennaro L, Roggero PP Effects of fertilizer sources and temperature on soil CO2 efflux in Italian ryegrass crop under Mediterranean conditions 2012 Italian Journal of Agronomy Article N/A Italy 39.78 8.55 N 32 461467 4403807 Csa N/A NR NR NR Psammentic Palexeralfs (USDA, 2006). In the top 20 cm, soils had sandy texture (94% sand), bulk density 1.5 g cm–3, organic C content 1.4%, C/N ratio 10 and pH 6.3. Olsen P was 70 mg kg1 and, therefore, optimal for crop growth Yes In this area the main cropping system is a double cropping silage maize - Italian ryegrass rotation. October 2010 May 2011 8 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser, Irrigation, Other 4 Four fertilizer sources were compared at the same level of N target rate (130 kg ha-1), set on the basis of the N fertilization prescriptions for nitrate vulnerable zones and on the crop N requirements (Table 1). These were: i) manure (mature cattle manure applied before sowing with a conventional spreader and followed by rotary tillage); ii) slurry (cattle slurry applied before sowing with a conventional spreader and followed by rotary tillage); iii) mineral(mineral fertilizer (ENTEC 26®) applied at the end of tillering); iv) control (slurry+mineral, i.e.slurry as above but at a target rate of 70 kg ha-1 N and mineral fertilizer (ENTEC26®) at a rate of 60 kg ha-1 N applied at the end of ryegrass tillering). CI Latin square 4 No NR Closed NR PVC collars per plot (10 cm inner diameter and 10 cm long, with perforated walls in the first 5 cm) were inserted into the soil to a depth of 9 cm. During each CO2 efflux measurement, the SRC-1 chamber was fitted to a collar. In order to estimate heterotrophic respiration, at each plot one of the three collars was placed on a root exclusion subplot where soil was isolated with a PVC cylinder (40 cm diameter, 40 cm high) opened at both ends, following the method described by Alberti et al. (2010) soil respiration system; EGM-4 with SRC-1, PP-Systems CRA 226,5
162 a Lam (2015) Lam SK, Suter H, Davies R, Bai M, Sun J, Chen D. Measurement and mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions from a high nitrogen input vegetable system. Scientific Reports. 2015: 5; 8208. Lam SK, Suter H, Davies R, Bai M, Sun J, Chen D Measurement and mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions from a high nitrogen input vegetable system 2015 Scientific Reports Article N/A Australia -38.07 144.15 S 55 249979 5782952 Cfb N/A Sand NR NR The soil is classified as a Tenosol with 91% sand. No NR April 2013 May 2013 2 Nitrification inhibitor Nitrification inhibitor 4 control and DMPP-treated paddocks, both in the bed and furrow areas CI Paired design 5 No NR Closed NR closed chambers (25 cm diameter, 15 cm height) The chambers were inserted to a soil depth of 5 cm. & an open-path FTIR spectroscopic system (Matrix-M IRcube, Bruker Optik GmbH) was established at the centre of each paddock at 1.2 m height with a path length of 98 m. gas chromatography (Agilent 7890A) & an infrared gas analyzer; open-path Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) CRA 227,5
162 b Lam (2015) Lam SK, Suter H, Davies R, Bai M, Sun J, Chen D. Measurement and mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions from a high nitrogen input vegetable system. Scientific Reports. 2015: 5; 8208. Lam SK, Suter H, Davies R, Bai M, Sun J, Chen D Measurement and mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions from a high nitrogen input vegetable system 2015 Scientific Reports Article N/A Australia -38.4 144.9 S 55 316622 5747715 Cfb N/A Sand NR NR The soil is classified as a Tenosol with 91% sand. No NR April 2013 May 2013 2 Nitrification inhibitor Nitrification inhibitor 4 control and DMPP-treated paddocks, both in the bed and furrow areas CI Paired design 5 No NR Closed NR closed chambers (25 cm diameter, 15 cm height) The chambers were inserted to a soil depth of 5 cm. & an open-path FTIR spectroscopic system (Matrix-M IRcube, Bruker Optik GmbH) was established at the centre of each paddock at 1.2 m height with a path length of 98 m. gas chromatography (Agilent 7890A) & an infrared gas analyzer; open-path Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) CRA 228,5
163 a Lam (2018) Lam SK, Suter H, Davies R, Bai M, Mosier AR, Sun J, Chen D. Direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions from two intensive vegetable farms applied with a nitrification inhibitor. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2018: 116; 48-51. Lam SK, Suter H, Davies R, Bai M, Mosier AR, Sun J, Chen D Direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions from two intensive vegetable farms applied with a nitrification inhibitor 2018 Soil Biology and Biochemistry Article NR N/A Australia -38.07 144.15 S 55 249979 5782952 Cfb Boneo Sand NR NR The soil at the Boneo farm is a Tenosol (Isbell, 1996) with 1% clay, 8% silt and 91% sand. No NR May 2013 May 2013 1 Nitrification inhibitor Nitrification inhibitor 2 two paddocks of around 4 ha were used, one for the control and the other for the treatment with DMPP (∼15% DMP active ingredient, applied at 6.6 kg ha−1 to the paddock at Boneo) chicken manure (3.4% N) was surface broadcast at 255 kg N ha−1 to the celery growing beds on 7 May 2013 and Nitrophoska® (12% N) at 39 kg N ha−1 on 14 May. CI Paired design 1 No NR NR NR an open-path Fourier transform infrared (OPFTIR) spectroscopy (Matrix-M IRcube, Bruker Optik GmbH) was used to measure gas concentrations, and the gas fluxes were determined using a backward Lagrangian stochastic (bLS) model WindTrax 2.0 (Thunder Beach Scientific, Flesch et al., 1995). At the center of each paddock, the OP-FTIR spectroscopic system was established at 1.2 m height. Ammonia and N2O concentrations were measured at 3-min intervals. an open-path Fourier transform infrared (OPFTIR) spectroscopy (Matrix-M IRcube, Bruker Optik GmbH) was used to measure gas concentrations CRA 229,5
156 b Lam (2018) Lam SK, Suter H, Davies R, Bai M, Mosier AR, Sun J, Chen D. Direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions from two intensive vegetable farms applied with a nitrification inhibitor. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2018: 116; 48-51. Lam SK, Suter H, Davies R, Bai M, Mosier AR, Sun J, Chen D Direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions from two intensive vegetable farms applied with a nitrification inhibitor 2018 Soil Biology and Biochemistry Article NR N/A Australia -38.02 145.05 S 55 328826 5790541 Cfb Clyde Loamy sand NR NR The Clyde soil is a Chromosol (Isbell, 1996) with 14% clay, 1% silt and 85% sand. No NR March 2014 April 2014 2 Nitrification inhibitor Nitrification inhibitor 2 two paddocks of around 4 ha were used, one for the control and the other for the treatment with DMPP (∼15% DMP active ingredient, 9.1 kg ha−1 at Clyde, after manure application). At Clyde, the surface application of chicken manure (4.3% N) at 353 kg N ha−1 occurred on 28 March 2014 and Cal-Gran® (a mixture of calcium ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate, 24% N) at 38 kg N ha−1 on 1 April. CI Paired design 1 No NR NR NR a slant-path flux gradient technique (Flesch et al., 2016; Wilson and Flesch, 2016) coupled with the OP-FTIR spectroscopy was used for gas measurements. The OP-FTIR spectroscopic system was established at the center of the paddock for each treatment at 1.5 m height to measure line-averaged gas concentrations from two vertically offset slant-paths from high and low retroreflectors mounted at 1.8 and 0.8 m, respectively. a slant-path flux gradient technique (Flesch et al., 2016; Wilson CRA 230,5
164 Laudicina (2014) Laudicina VA, Novara A, Gristina L, Badalucco L. Soil carbon dynamics as affected by long-term contrasting cropping systems and tillages under semiarid Mediterranean climate. Applied Soil Ecology. 2014: 73; 140-147. Laudicina VA, Novara A, Gristina L, Badalucco L Soil carbon dynamics as affected by long-term contrasting cropping systems and tillages under semiarid Mediterranean climate 2014 Applied Soil Ecology Article Giambalvo et al 2012 Italy 37.5 13.52 N 33 368884 4151375 Csa N/A NR NR NR fine-clayey, calcareous, mixed, xeric Chromic Haploxerert Yes Since 1952 the experimental area was cropped with a durum wheat/vetch crop rotation under a deep ploughing regime April 2008 April 2009 13 Multiple-intervention Tillage, crop rotation 3 2 crop sequences, and 3 tillage methods. Wheat monoculture, and wheat/bean rotation. Conventional tillage (ploughing to a depth of 30 cm followed by one or two shallow 10-15 cm depths), Dual layer tillage (chisel ploughing to a depth of 40 cm coupled with a mouldboard ploughing to a depth of 15 cm and followed by a shallow harrowing operation, and No-tillage. CI Split/strip plot 2 Yes NR Closed NR Closed gas flow system consisting of a 0.854 cylinder with a 95 mm diameter opening, and covering a soil surface of 0.71 dm. and Flesch, 2016) coupled with the OP-FTIR spectroscopy was used for CRA 231,5
165 a Lazcano (2016) Lazcano C, Tsang A, Doane TA, Pettygrove GS, Horwath WR, Burger M. Soil nitrous oxide emissions in forage systems fertilized with liquid dairy manure and inorganic fertilizers. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2016: 225; 160-172. Lazcano C, Tsang A, Doane TA, Pettygrove GS, Horwath WR, Burger M. Soil nitrous oxide emissions in forage systems fertilized with liquid dairy manure and inorganic fertilizers. 2016 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A USA 37.98 -121.87 N 10 599429 4204570 Csb N/A Loam NR NR On Farm A, the soil, classified as coarse-loamy, mixed, active, thermic Typic Haploxeralf ( soilweb/) with a high sand content (Table 1). Sand = 77.6%, silt = 15.8%, clay = 6.6%, pH = 6.7, bulk density = 1.67, total C = 10.4, total N = 1 Yes Has been under no-till management since 2005 April 2011 October 2012 19 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser, Irrigation 3 Fertility management consisted of a 27-0-6 liquid starter (34 and 40 kg N ha1 in 2011 and 2012, respectively) applied at planting followed by liquid manure and inorganic fertilizer in the form of urea ammonium-nitrate (UAN-28) applied in flood irrigation water (approx. 7:1 freshwater:liquid manure) at almost every irrigation event once the corn reached the two leaf (V2) stage. Treatments were = no fertilizer, liquid manure, and inorganic fertilizer + liquid manure. CI Split/strip plot 4 No Static chamber NR Opaque Gas fluxes were measured using a static chamber technique (Hutchinson and Livingston,1993). Stainless steel (20 gauge) bases, 50  30 cm, 8 cm deep, with a 2 cm wide horizontal flange at the top end, were inserted into the soil so that the flange rested on the soil surface. Four pairs of chambers were installed at regular intervals in the direction of the irrigation water flow starting near the head end (water input) of the field in order to capture any potential gradients caused by the irrigation flow (Rochette et al., 2015). At each of the four sampling locations, two chamber bases were installed, one parallel and another one perpendicular to the plant rows, in order to ensure representative sampling of the inter- row areas. Gas samples were analyzed within two weeks of collection on a Shimadzu gas chromatograph (Model GC-2014) with a 63Ni electron capture detector linked to a Shimadzu auto sampler (Model AOC-5000) JR 232,5
165 b Lazcano (2016) Lazcano C, Tsang A, Doane TA, Pettygrove GS, Horwath WR, Burger M. Soil nitrous oxide emissions in forage systems fertilized with liquid dairy manure and inorganic fertilizers. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2016: 225; 160-172. Lazcano C, Tsang A, Doane TA, Pettygrove GS, Horwath WR, Burger M. Soil nitrous oxide emissions in forage systems fertilized with liquid dairy manure and inorganic fertilizers. 2016 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A USA 37.98 -121.87 N 10 599429 4204570 Csb N/A Loamy sand NR NR The soil at Farm B was classified as a mixed, thermic Typic Xeropsamment, also with a high sand content. Sand = 84%, silt = 11.5%, clay = 4.5%, pH = 6.8, bulk density = 1.37, total C = 11.8, total N = 1.1 Yes Conven- tional tillage practices were used on this farm. May 2011 October 2012 18 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser, Irrigation 3 Corral manure (not composted, 17.1 g N kg1), composted (24.8 g N kg1), and non-composted separator manure (18.1 g N kg1) were incor- porated into the soil in spring 2011 two weeks before corn planting at rates of 142, 159, and 283 kg total N ha1, respectively. No solid manure was applied in 2012. Side-dress N as UAN-32 was injected in one band per row of corn four weeks after planting at the rate of 104 and 117 kg N ha1 in 2011 and 2012, respectively. Liquid manure was applied with the irrigation water (approx. mixing rate 3:1 fresh water:liquid manure) to the corn crop 6 times both in 2011 and 2012 (Fig. 3). Irrigations took place every 15–20 days and supplied, together with solid manure and synthetic fertilizer, a total of 1002 and 441 kg N ha1 in 2011 and 2012, respectively (Table 2). CI Split/strip plot 4 No Static chamber NR Opaque Gas fluxes were measured using a static chamber technique (Hutchinson and Livingston,1993). Stainless steel (20 gauge) bases, 50  30 cm, 8 cm deep, with a 2 cm wide horizontal flange at the top end, were inserted into the soil so that the flange rested on the soil surface. Four pairs of chambers were installed at regular intervals in the direction of the irrigation water flow starting near the head end (water input) of the field in order to capture any potential gradients caused by the irrigation flow (Rochette et al., 2015). At each of the four sampling locations, two chamber bases were installed, one parallel and another one perpendicular to the plant rows, in order to ensure representative sampling of the inter- row areas. Gas samples were analyzed within two weeks of collection on a Shimadzu gas chromatograph (Model GC-2014) with a 63Ni electron capture detector linked to a Shimadzu auto sampler (Model AOC-5000) JR 233,5
165 c Lazcano (2016) Lazcano C, Tsang A, Doane TA, Pettygrove GS, Horwath WR, Burger M. Soil nitrous oxide emissions in forage systems fertilized with liquid dairy manure and inorganic fertilizers. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2016: 225; 160-172. Lazcano C, Tsang A, Doane TA, Pettygrove GS, Horwath WR, Burger M. Soil nitrous oxide emissions in forage systems fertilized with liquid dairy manure and inorganic fertilizers. 2016 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A USA 38.47 -121.35 N 10 643558 4259710 Csa N/A Clay NR NR The soil at Farm C was classified as a fine, mixed, superactive, thermic Abruptic Durixeralf and had higher clay content than farms A and B (Table 1). Sand = 30.6%, silt = 27.9%, clay = 41.5%, pH = 7.5, bulk density = 1.51, total C = 12.4, total N = 1.3 No NR June 2011 October 2012 17 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser, Irrigation 3 In both years, following a pre-irrigation two weeks before planting, anhydrous ammonia at the rate of 227 kg N ha1 was injected at a depth of 15–20 cm (spacing of bands 45 cm) one week before corn planting. Application of liquid manure through irrigation (mixing rate 1:1 freshwater: liquid manure) occurred on August 29, 2011 (194 kg total N ha1, including 100 kg NH4 +-N ha1), January 22, 2012 (528 kg total N ha1) and September 12 and 27, 2012 (403 kg total N ha1, Tables 2, 3). CI Split/strip plot 4 No Static chamber NR Opaque Gas fluxes were measured using a static chamber technique (Hutchinson and Livingston,1993). Stainless steel (20 gauge) bases, 50  30 cm, 8 cm deep, with a 2 cm wide horizontal flange at the top end, were inserted into the soil so that the flange rested on the soil surface. Four pairs of chambers were installed at regular intervals in the direction of the irrigation water flow starting near the head end (water input) of the field in order to capture any potential gradients caused by the irrigation flow (Rochette et al., 2015). At each of the four sampling locations, two chamber bases were installed, one parallel and another one perpendicular to the plant rows, in order to ensure representative sampling of the inter- row areas. Gas samples were analyzed within two weeks of collection on a Shimadzu gas chromatograph (Model GC-2014) with a 63Ni electron capture detector linked to a Shimadzu auto sampler (Model AOC-5000) JR 234,5
166 a Lebender (2014) Lebender U, Senbayram M, Lammel J, Kuhlmann H. Impact of mineral N fertilizer application rates on N2O emissions from arable soils under winter wheat. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2014; 100: 111-120. Lebender U, Senbayram M, Lammel J, Kuhlmann H Impact of mineral N fertilizer application rates on N2O emissions from arable soils under winter wheat 2014 Nutrient Cycling of Agroecosystems Article N/A Germany 52.1 8.02 N 32 432887 5772243 Cfb Steinfurt Sandy loam NR NR NR Yes Precrop was silage maize March 2011 August 2011 6 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser Unclear Treatments consisted of mineral nitrogen rates ranging from 0 to 400 kg N ha-1. The N fertilizer was in the form of calcium-ammonium-nitrate, CAN (CaCO3NH4NO3; 27 % N). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR Emissions of N2O were measured using the closedchamber method (Hutchinson and Mosier 1981). Gas chambers were constructed from PVC cylinders (60 cm diameter 9 30 or 70 cm height, adjustable in height by installing an elongation part between soil rings and chamber). Prior to the first N fertilizer application, chamber base rings (60 cm diameter 9 10 cm height) were installed permanently in each plot by pushing them about 5 cm into the soil. At each sampling date the chambers (one chamber per plot) were fitted to the soil rings and sealed with a rubber band at the outside to make them gas-tight. N2O concentrations were analysed by gas chromatography (GC, Varian Inc., now Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, California, USA) equipped with ECD (Electron Capture Detector; detector temperature 330 C) and TCD (Thermal Conductivity Detector, detector temperature = 200 C) in combination with an auto-sampler (Gilson Inc., Middleton, USA) Treatments were not a fixed number, just range between 0-400 kg of N JR 235,5
166 b Lebender (2014) Lebender U, Senbayram M, Lammel J, Kuhlmann H. Impact of mineral N fertilizer application rates on N2O emissions from arable soils under winter wheat. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2014; 100: 111-120. Lebender U, Senbayram M, Lammel J, Kuhlmann H Impact of mineral N fertilizer application rates on N2O emissions from arable soils under winter wheat 2014 Nutrient Cycling of Agroecosystems Article N/A Germany 52.31 7.6 N 32 404502 5796535 Cfb Osnabruck Sandy loam NR NR NR Yes Precrop was oilseed rape March 2011 August 2011 6 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser Unclear Treatments consisted of mineral nitrogen rates ranging from 0 to 400 kg N ha-1. The N fertilizer was in the form of calcium-ammonium-nitrate, CAN (CaCO3NH4NO3; 27 % N). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR Emissions of N2O were measured using the closedchamber method (Hutchinson and Mosier 1981). Gas chambers were constructed from PVC cylinders (60 cm diameter 9 30 or 70 cm height, adjustable in height by installing an elongation part between soil rings and chamber). Prior to the first N fertilizer application, chamber base rings (60 cm diameter 9 10 cm height) were installed permanently in each plot by pushing them about 5 cm into the soil. At each sampling date the chambers (one chamber per plot) were fitted to the soil rings and sealed with a rubber band at the outside to make them gas-tight. N2O concentrations were analysed by gas chromatography (GC, Varian Inc., now Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, California, USA) equipped with ECD (Electron Capture Detector; detector temperature 330 C) and TCD (Thermal Conductivity Detector, detector temperature = 200 C) in combination with an auto-sampler (Gilson Inc., Middleton, USA) Treatments were not a fixed number, just range between 0-400 kg of N JR 236,5
167 a Lee (2009) Lee J, Hopmans JW, van Kessel C, King AP, Evatt KJ, Louie D, Rolston DE, Six J. Tillage and seasonal emissions of CO2, N2O and NO across a seed bed and at the field scale in a Mediterranean climate. Agr. Ecosyst. Environ. 2009; 129:378-390 Lee J, Hopmans JW, van Kessel C, King AP, Evatt KJ, Louie D, Rolston DE, Six J Tillage and seasonal emissions of CO2, N2O and NO across a seed bed and at the field scale in a Mediterranean climate 2009 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A USA 38.6 -121.83 N 10 601592 4273035 Csa N/A Clay NR NR Myers clay (fine, montmorillonitic, thermic Entic Chromoxererts) No NR September 2003 July 2006 35 Tillage Tillage 2 the north side of the field represented a standard tillage (ST) field and the south side represented various degrees of minimum tillage (MT) field CI Paired design 1 No NR NR NR Two types of non- steady state portable chambers that cover the soil surface only (no plants) were used in the field. Insulated stainless steel chambers that moved from plot to plot and covered 0.012 m2 of soil surface were used from September 2003 through April 2004. In May 2004, 0.051-m2 PVC rings were installed in the field. The rings were pushed approximately 5 cm into the soil and left in place at positions in the middle of the seed bed, middle of the furrow, over the crop row between plants (when applicable), and over the side dressed band of fertilizer-N (Fig. 2). Portable PVC end caps were converted into chamber lids and were placed on top of the rings for sampling. In addition, two 0.62-m2 auto-chambers were installed in the ST field with the capability of assessing the temporal pattern of CO2 flux, and one auto-chamber was installed in the MT field. For the temporal pattern of N2O flux, 24-h flux measurements were made in August 2005. The CO2 concentration inside the chambers was measured at 0, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, and 300 s after placement of chambers over the soil surface with a Licor 6262 Infrared Gas Analyzer. Preliminary tests under field conditions showed that N2O flux remained linear for the first 20 min following deployment. Thus, we sampled N2O from the vented chambers in nylon syringes after 20 min. In 2003–2004, samples were kept in the sealed syringes and analyzed within 24 h on a Hewlett Packard 6890 series gas chromatograph (GC). In 2005–2006, samples pulled from the chambers were injected into pre-evacuated, 5.9- mL exetainers in the field and analyzed on the GC within a week. In addition, measurements of NO flux were made using a chemilu- minescent NOx (NO + NO2) analyzer (Unisearch Model LMA-3), at least monthly from April to August 2004. Concentrations of NO gas were recorded at 30 s intervals for 4–5 min after placement of the chamber top (Venterea and Rolston, 2000). CRA 237,5
167 b Lee (2009) Lee J, Hopmans JW, van Kessel C, King AP, Evatt KJ, Louie D, Rolston DE, Six J. Tillage and seasonal emissions of CO2, N2O and NO across a seed bed and at the field scale in a Mediterranean climate. Agr. Ecosyst. Environ. 2009; 129:378-390 Lee J, Hopmans JW, van Kessel C, King AP, Evatt KJ, Louie D, Rolston DE, Six J Tillage and seasonal emissions of CO2, N2O and NO across a seed bed and at the field scale in a Mediterranean climate 2009 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A USA 38.6 -121.83 N 10 601592 4273035 Csa N/A Clay NR NR Myers clay (fine, montmorillonitic, thermic Entic Chromoxererts) Yes The site was managed under ST through fall 2000 and then converted to no-till in fall 2001. Following maize (Zea mays L.) in 2002, the field was seeded to winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). September 2003 July 2006 35 Tillage Tillage 2 the north side of the field represented a standard tillage (ST) field and the south side represented various degrees of minimum tillage (MT) field CI Paired design 1 No NR NR NR Two types of non- steady state portable chambers that cover the soil surface only (no plants) were used in the field. Insulated stainless steel chambers that moved from plot to plot and covered 0.012 m2 of soil surface were used from September 2003 through April 2004. In May 2004, 0.051-m2 PVC rings were installed in the field. The rings were pushed approximately 5 cm into the soil and left in place at positions in the middle of the seed bed, middle of the furrow, over the crop row between plants (when applicable), and over the side dressed band of fertilizer-N (Fig. 2). Portable PVC end caps were converted into chamber lids and were placed on top of the rings for sampling. In addition, two 0.62-m2 auto-chambers were installed in the ST field with the capability of assessing the temporal pattern of CO2 flux, and one auto-chamber was installed in the MT field. For the temporal pattern of N2O flux, 24-h flux measurements were made in August 2005. The CO2 concentration inside the chambers was measured at 0, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, and 300 s after placement of chambers over the soil surface with a Licor 6262 Infrared Gas Analyzer. Preliminary tests under field conditions showed that N2O flux remained linear for the first 20 min following deployment. Thus, we sampled N2O from the vented chambers in nylon syringes after 20 min. In 2003–2004, samples were kept in the sealed syringes and analyzed within 24 h on a Hewlett Packard 6890 series gas chromatograph (GC). In 2005–2006, samples pulled from the chambers were injected into pre-evacuated, 5.9- mL exetainers in the field and analyzed on the GC within a week. In addition, measurements of NO flux were made using a chemilu- minescent NOx (NO + NO2) analyzer (Unisearch Model LMA-3), at least monthly from April to August 2004. Concentrations of NO gas were recorded at 30 s intervals for 4–5 min after placement of the chamber top (Venterea and Rolston, 2000). JJT 238,5
168 Li (2002) Li X, Inubushi K, Sakamoto K. Nitrous oxide concentrations in an Andisol profile and emissions to the atmosphere as influenced by the application of nitrogen fertilizers and manure. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 2002: 35; 108-113. Li X, Inubushi K, Sakamoto K Nitrous oxide concentrations in an Andisol profile and emissions to the atmosphere as influenced by the application of nitrogen fertilizers and manure 2002 Biology and Fertility of Soils Article N/A Japan 35.78 139.9 N 54 400627 3959667 Cfa N/A NR Andisol NR soil is classified as a light-coloured Andisol containing 38.7 g organic C kg–1 and 2.8 g total N kg–1 with a pH of 6.0 (Goyal et al. 2000). Yes The soil was under carrot (Daucus carota L. var. sativa DC.) and oat (Avena sativa. L.) rotation for the previous 3 years, and fertilizers were broadcast on the soil surface at first and then incorporated into surface soils in June or July and October or November each year at the time of sowing. Soil was irrigated when it was dry for the growth of the crops June 2000 September 2000 4 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 7 No fertilizer (CK); ammonium sulphate at 150 kg N ha–1 year–1 (AS-150); AS at 300 kg N ha–1 year–1 (AS-300); CRF (isobutyledene-diurea; IB) at 150 kg N ha–1 year–1 (CRF-150); CRF (IB) at 300 kg N ha–1 year–1 (CRF-300); cattle manure at 150 kg N ha–1 year–1 (CM-150); CM at 300 kg N ha–1 year–1 (CM-300) CI NR NR No Static chamber NR static vented chambers consisting of a 30-cm-internal diameter, 18-cm-tall, polyvinylchloride (PVC) ring and a plastic top with a gas-sampling port that fits over the PVC ring. gas chromatograph equipped with an electron capture detector (Shimadzu GC-7A) at 340°C, with a Poropak Q column and a carrier gas of 5% CH4 in N2 (Inubushi et al. 1996) CRA 239,5
169 Li (2008) Li Y, Chen D, Barker-Reid F, Eckard R. Simulation of N2O emissions from rain-fed wheat and the impact of climate variation in southeastern Australia. Plant and Soil. 2008: 309; 239-251. Li Y, Chen D, Barker-Reid F, Eckard R Simulation of N2O emissions from rain-fed wheat and the impact of climate variation in southeastern Australia 2008 Plant and Soil Article N/A Australia -36.17 146.85 S 55 486509 5997555 Cfb N/A Silty clay loam NR NR The soil is classified as a Stillards loam (Mottled-Sodic Eutrophic Yellow Dermosol; Imhof et al. 1996). The top 20 cm of soil has a sand, silt, and clay content of 62%, 23% and 15%, respectively; soil organic matter of 15.5 g kg−1; total N of 1.0 g kg −1; pH (1:5 H2O) of 5.4; soil cation exchange capacity of 4.3 cmol kg−1 soil; and bulk density of 1.54 g cm−3 No NR January 2004 March 2005 15 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Other 3 three treatments: conventional cultivation, stubble burned with (CC+BURN+N) or without (CC +BURN−N) N fertiliser and direct drilled, stubble retained with N fertiliser (DD+RET+N) CI Randomized Complete Block 6 No NR NR NR Gas samples were automatically collected from within the chamber, with samples collected at 3and48minafterlidclosure.Chamberlidsremained open between sample collection periods, which occurred every 4 h. Gas samples were aggregates of samples collected over 2- or 3-days, and samples were collected in separate tedlar gas-tight bags. gas chromatograph. CRA 240,5
170 Li (2015) Li B, Fan CH, Zhang H, Chen ZZ, Sun LY, Xiong ZQ. Combined effects of nitrogen fertilization and biochar on the net global warming potential, greenhouse gas intensity and net ecosystem economic budget in intensive vegetable agriculture in southeastern China. Atmospheric Environment. 2015: 100; 10-19. Li B, Fan CH, Zhang H, Chen ZZ, Sun LY, Xiong ZQ Combined effects of nitrogen fertilization and biochar on the net global warming potential, greenhouse gas intensity and net ecosystem economic budget in intensive vegetable agriculture in southeastern China 2015 Atmospheric Environment Article N/A China 32.02 118.87 N 50 676299 3543806 Cfa N/A Silty clay loam NR NR The soil was classified as a Fimi-Orthic Anthrosol (CRGCST, 2001), consisting of 64.7% silt (0.002e0.05 mm), 30.1% clay (<0.002 mm) and 5.2% sand (>0.05 mm) with a pH (H2O) of 5.1. Yes Vegetables have been cultivated intensively at this site for more than 10 years. April 2012 May 2013 14 Multiple-intervention Biochar, Chemical fertiliser 6 The soil was classified as a Fimi-Orthic 6 treatments total from a 3 biochar x 3 fertilizer factorial experiment; Biochar was applied at rates of 0, 20 and 40 t/ha (C0, C1 and C2, respectively). N fertilizer was applied at zero (N0), at the conventional application rate of 1475 kg N/ha (N1) and at 4/3 of the conventional application rate of 1967 kg N/ha (N2) considering the typically overdose of fertilization in vegetable production. CI Split/strip plot 3 No Static chamber Closed NR static closed chamber method. The cross-sectional area of the chamber was 0.25 m2 (0.5 x 0.5 m). A sampling chamber of 50 x 50 x 50 cm (length x width x height) was used for sampling gases gas chromatography; Gas samples were analyzed for N2O and CH4 concentrations with a gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A) that was equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD) and a flame ionization detector (FID), respectively. CRA 241,5
171 Li (2015) Li B, Fan CH, Xiong ZQ, Li QL, Zhang M. The combined effects of nitrification inhibitor and biochar incorporation on yield-scaled N2O emissions from an intensively managed vegetable field in southeastern China. Biogeosciences. 2015: 12; 2003-2017. Li B, Fan CH, Xiong ZQ, Li QL, Zhang M. The combined effects of nitrification inhibitor and biochar incorporation on yield-scaled N2O emissions from an intensively managed vegetable field in southeastern China 2015 Biogeoscience Article N/A China 31.98 118.85 N 50 674787 3540083 Cfa N/A Silty clay loam NR NR The studied soil was classified as Fimi-Orthic Anthrosols (RGCST, 2001), with a bulk density of 1.2 gcm􀀀3, a total porosity of 51 %, a clay (<0.002mm diameter) fraction of 30.1 %, a silt (0.002–0.02mmdiameter) fraction of 64.7% and a sand (0.02–2mm diameter) fraction of 5.2 %. The main properties of this soil are as follows: pH, 5.52; total N, 1.90 gkg􀀀1; organic carbon, 15.6 gCkg􀀀1; and CEC (cation exchange capacity), 31.2 cmolkg􀀀1. Yes The selected site had been continuously cultivated conventionally with vegetables for approximately 10 years and is a typical vegetable field April 2012 June 2014 28 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor, biochar 6 Biochar was applied at rates of 0, 20 and 40 t ha􀀀1 (C0, C1 and C2, respectively) with compound fertilizer (CF) or chlorinated pyridine; urea fertilizer mixed with nitrapyrin (CP). Treatments were CF-C0, CP-C0, CF-C1, CP-C1, CF-C2, CP-C2. CI Split/strip plot 3 No Static chamber NR Opaque A static opaque chamber method was used to collect air samples from the experimental sites from three replicates for each treatment. Each chamber was made of PVC and consisted of a chamber body (505050 cm3). The outside of the chamber was coated with sponge and aluminum foil to prevent the effects of high temperatures on the chamber. The chamber was installed on a frame. The frames were inserted 0.1m deep into the soil in each plot and filled with water to make the chamber gas-tight. samples were taken 0, 10, 20 and 30 min after chamber closure. The samples, collected in 20mL syringes, were returned to the laboratory, and the N2O was determined on the same day with a gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Agilent Ltd., Shanghai, China) equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD). JR 242,5
172 Li (2016) Li GD, Conyers MK, Schwenke GD, Hayes RC, Liu DL, Lowrie AJ, Poile GJ, Oates AA, Lowrie RJ. Tillage does not increase nitrous oxide emissions under dryland canola (Brassica napus L.) in a semiarid environment of south-eastern Australia. Soil Research. 2016: 54; 512-522. Li GD, Conyers MK, Schwenke GD, Hayes RC, Liu DL, Lowrie AJ, Poile GJ, Oates AA, Lowrie RJ Tillage does not increase nitrous oxide emissions under dryland canola (Brassica napus L.) in a semiarid environment of south-eastern Australia 2016 Soil Research Article N/A Australia -35.03 147.34 S 55 531319 6123669 Cfa N/A NR NR NR The soil was a Red Kandosol (Isbell 1996). The baseline soil chemical analysis showed that the site was slightly acidic with a pH of 5.1 in calcium chloride and available phosphorus (P) was 36.1mg/kg (Colwell P) in the surface 0–0.1m depth (Table 1) Yes Prior to the establishment of the experiment, the site was cropped for at least 5 years with the previous two crops being barley. April 2013 May 2014 14 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser 8 tillage (tilled vs no-till) as the whole plot and N application rates (0, 25, 50 and 100kgN/ha) as the subplot, replicated three times CI Split/strip plot 3 No NR NR NR The clear acrylic glass chambers (0.5m0.5m) with a height of 0.15m were secured to stainless steel bases inserted permanently into the soil to a depth of 0.1m. Each chamber covered two crop rows. The chamber height was extended to 0.65mwhencropheightexceeded0.15m gas chromatograph (GC) The system consisted of 12 pneumatically operated static chambers linked to an automated sampling system, an in situ GC (SRI GC8610, Torrance, CA, USA) and an LI-820 infrared gas analyser (LI-COR, Lincoln, NE, USA) CRA 243,5
173 Li (2017) Li B, Bi Z, Xiong Z. Dynamic responses of nitrous oxide emission and nitrogen use efficiency to nitrogen and biochar amendment in an intensified vegetable field in southeastern China. Global Change Biology Bioenergy. 2017: 9; 400-413. Li B, Bi Z, Xiong Z. Dynamic responses of nitrous oxide emission and nitrogen use efficiency to nitrogen and biochar amendment in an intensified vegetable field in southeastern China 2017 Global Change Biology Bioenergy Article N/A China 31.98 118.85 N 50 674787 3540083 Cfa N/A Silty clay loam NR NR The studied soil is classified as Fimi- Orthic Anthrosols (CRGCST, 2001), with a bulk density of 1.2 g cm 3, a total porosity of 51%, a clay (<0.002 mm diameter) fraction of 30.1%, a silt (0.002–0.02 mm diameter) fraction of 64.7% and a sand (0.02–2 mm diameter) fraction of 5.2%. The main properties of this soil are as follows: pH, 5.5; total N, 1.9 g kg 1; SOC, 15.6 g C kg 1; and cation exchange capacity (CEC), 31.2 cmol kg 1. Yes The selected site had been conventionally cultivated with vegetables for approximately 10 years and is a typical vegetable field April 2012 October 2014 32 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, biochar 9 and only one biochar application was made in this study. Biochar was applied at rates of 0 t (C0), 20 t (C1) and 40 t (C2) ha 1. N fertilizer was applied at zero (N0), at the conventional application rate of 1233 kg N ha 1 yr 1 (N1) and at 4/3 of the conventional application rate of 1644 kg N ha 1 yr 1 (N2), the typical overdose of fertilization in vegetable production. CI Split/strip plot 3 No Static chamber NR Opaque A static opaque chamber method was used to collect air samples from three replicates for each treatment. Each chamber was made of PVC and consisted of a chamber body (50 9 50 9 50 cm3). The outside of the chamber was coated with sponge and aluminum foil to prevent solar radiation heating the chamber. During each measurement of the GHGs, the chamber was placed on the prefixed frame in each plot, covered both the soil and the vegetable crops, and the frame was inserted 0.1 m into the soil. The samples, collected in 20-mL syringes, were returned to the laboratory, and N2O was determined on the same day with a gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A; Agilent Ltd, Shanghai, China) equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD). The carrier gas was argon–methane (5%) at a flow rate of 40 mL min 1. JR 244,5
174 a Li (2018) Li GD, Schwenke GD, Hayes RC, Xing H, Lowrie AJ, Lowrie RJ. Does 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate of N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide reduce nitrous oxide emissions from a rain-fed cropping system?. Soil Research. 2018: 56; 296-305. Li GD, Schwenke GD, Hayes RC, Xing H, Lowrie AJ, Lowrie RJ Does 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate of N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide reduce nitrous oxide emissions from a rain-fed cropping system? 2018 Soil Research Article N/A Australia -35.02 147.33 S 55 530411 6125058 Cfa 2012 Clay loam NR Luvisols The soil is classified as a Red Kandosol (Isbell 1996), or Chromic Luvisol by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO 2017) It is a clay loam Yes The site was cropped for at least 5 years using no-till practice before this research April 2012 April 2013 13 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 4 4 treatments from 2 tillage treatments tillage (tilled vs no-till) as whole plots and a combination of 2 N fertiliser product; urea coated with NBPT (0.045% w/w, Green Urea, Incitec Pivot Fertilisers, Australia) and urea coated with DMPP (0.16% w/w, ENTEC®, Incitec Pivot Fertilisers) at a rate of 100 kg N/ha CI Split/strip plot 3 No NR NR NR The manual chambers consisted of 0.25-m diameter PVC cylinders pushed 0.1m into the ground with 0.2m above the soil surface. gas chromatograph with an electron-capture detector for N2O measurement. CRA 245,5
174 b Li (2018) Li GD, Schwenke GD, Hayes RC, Xing H, Lowrie AJ, Lowrie RJ. Does 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate of N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide reduce nitrous oxide emissions from a rain-fed cropping system?. Soil Research. 2018: 56; 296-305. Li GD, Schwenke GD, Hayes RC, Xing H, Lowrie AJ, Lowrie RJ Does 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate of N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide reduce nitrous oxide emissions from a rain-fed cropping system? 2018 Soil Research Article N/A Australia -35.02 147.33 S 55 530411 6125058 Cfa 2013 Clay loam NR Luvisols The soil is classified as a Red Kandosol (Isbell 1996), or Chromic Luvisol by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO 2017) It is a clay loam Yes The site was cropped for at least 5 years using no-till practice before this research April 2013 April 2014 13 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 8 8 treatments from 2 tillage treatments tillage (tilled vs no-till) as whole plots and a combination of 4 rates of DMPP (0.16% w/w, ENTEC®, Incitec Pivot Fertilisers) fertilization ( 0, 25, 50, and 100 kg N/ha) CI Split/strip plot 3 No NR NR NR The manual chambers consisted of 0.25-m diameter PVC cylinders pushed 0.1m into the ground with 0.2m above the soil surface. gas chromatograph with an electron-capture detector for N2O measurement. CRA 246,5
175 Li (2019) Li B, Zhou J, Lu Y, Xiong Z. Field-aged biochar reduces the greenhouse gas balance in a degraded vegetable field treated by reductive soil disinfection. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2019: 26; 10609-10620. Li B, Zhou J, Lu Y, Xiong Z Field-aged biochar reduces the greenhouse gas balance in a degraded vegetable field treated by reductive soil disinfection 2019 Environmental Science & Pollution Research Article N/A China 31.98 118.85 N 50 674787 3540083 Cfa N/A Silty clay loam NR NR soil was classified as Fimi-Orthic Anthrosols (CRGCST 2001), with a bulk density of 1.2 g cm−3, a total porosity of 51%, a clay (<0.002-mm diameter) fraction of 30.1%, a silt (0.002–0.02-mm diameter) fraction of 64.7%, and a sand (0.02–2-mm diameter) fraction of5.2% Yes The study site had been continuously cultivated with vegetables for approximately 15 years and represented a typical intensive vegetable field. April 2012 August 2014 29 Biochar Biochar 4 Four treatments were as follows: without RSD treatment or biochar amendment (CK), conventional RSD treatment (RSD), aged biochar at 20 Mg ha−1 rate-amended RSD treatment (RSD-B1), and aged biochar at 40 Mg ha−1 rate-amended RSD treatment (RSD-B2). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Opaque Chambers with pressure equilibration tubing (0.5×0.5×0.5m3)weremadeofPVCcoveredontheoutside with sponge material and aluminum foil to prevent solar heating. During deployment, the chambers were placed on a PVC frame pre-installed to 0.1-m soil depth in each plot; the framehadawater-filledrimfittedtothechamberbasedimensionstoensureairtightsealing Gas samples were analyzed for CH4, N2O, and CO2 concentrations by a gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Shanghai, China) equipped with two detectors.N2Owasdetectedbyanelectroncapturedetector(ECD), andCH4 wasdetectedbyahydrogenflameionizationdetector (FID). CO2 was reduced with hydrogen to CH4 in a nickel catalytic converter at 375 °C and then detected by the FID CRA 247,5
176 Lin (2011) Lin S, Iqbal J, Hu R, Wu J, Zhao J, Ruan L, Malghani S. Nitrous oxide emissions from rape field as affected by nitrogen fertilizer management: A case in Central China. Atmospheric Environment. 2011: 45; 1775-1779. Lin S, Iqbal J, Hu R, Wu J, Zhao J, Ruan L, Malghani S. Nitrous oxide emissions from rape field as affected by nitrogen fertilizer management: A case in Central China 2011 Atmospheric Environment Article N/A China 29.84 114.32 N 50 241373 3303834 Cfa N/A Sandy loam Ultisol Acrisols Red soil of this area can be classified as Ultisols in the Soil Taxonomy System of the USA and Acrisols and Ferralsols in the FAO legend (FAO/UNESCO, 1974). Soil is clayey, kaolinitic thermic Typic Plinthudults with over 2 m deep profile derived from quaternary red clay, subjected to severe erosion. Yes The field has been continuously cultivated with rice-rape rotation since 1996. During the growing seasons, an annual average rate of inorganic N, P, K (270, 59, 187 kg ha1, respectively) was applied to the field. In addition to the application of N, P, and K, lime material was occasionally practiced. The field was conventionally tilled twice a year November 2006 May 2007 7 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 4 These four treatments were fertilizer PK (N0), fertilizer NPK (N1, 60 kg N ha-1), fertilizer NPK (N2, 120 kg N ha-1), fertilizer NPK (N3, 240 kg N ha-1). Each plot was 50 m2 in the field. The treatments description along with fertilizers applied is described in Table 2. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Closed Opaque The closed chamber was made from 8 mm thick stainless steel materials consisting of two parts, a square box (without a top and bottom, length  width  height ¼ 50 cm  50 cm  10 cm) and a removable cover box (without bottom, length  width  height ¼ 50 cm  50 cm  50 cm). The top edges were rubbersealed in order to prevent from leakage when the top lidwas put on it. The square box was inserted directly 5 cm into the soil, and the cover was placed on top during sampling and removed afterwards. The chambers were equipped with 2 cm vents (diameter 1 mm) for pressure equilibration. A white thermal insulation cover was added outside of the stainless steel cover to reduce the impact of direct radiative heating during sampling. N2O concentrations in the samples were analyzed in the laboratory within 24 h following sampling using a gas chromatograph (HP 6890 Series, GC System, Hewlett Packard, USA). The gas chromatograph was equipped with an electron capture detector for N2O analysis. Coordinates given in paper are incorrect so I reporteed for Xianning City, China JR 248,5
177 Linn (1984) Linn DM, Doran JW. Effect of water-filled pore space on carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide production in tilled and nontilled soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 1984: 48; 1267-1272. Linn DM, Doran JW Effect of water-filled pore space on carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide production in tilled and nontilled soils 1984 Soil Science Society of America Journal Article NR N/A USA 38.06 -84.47 N 16 721650 4215175 Cfa Lexington Silt loam NR NR Soil series was Maury silt loam (Typic Paleudalfs) Yes Previous cropping management was 50-60 yrs of bluegrass sod NR NR NR NR Unclear Tillage Tillage 2 At all locations, soils subject to no-tillage methods were compared to those with conventional tillage method (moldboard plowing). At this site, field was plowed to 200 mm CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR NR NR Carbon dioxide and N2O production were measured at two sampling depths, 0 to 75 mm, and 75 to 150 mm. Gas sampling cans, 65 mm diam, with bottoms removed, were pushed 75 mm into the soil and stoppered with a rubber serum stopper. Cans were installed at the 75- to 150-mm depth by removing the 0- to 75-mm layer of soil, sealing the cans with a rubber stopper, and recovering them with surface soil. Initiation of the incubation period for gas sampling was begun, approximately 24 h later, by flushing the headspace of cans at the second depth with air and then sealing cans for both depths with rubber stoppers. Headspace atmosphere was sampled after 24-h incubation and immediately analyzed for CO2 and N2O content. Three gas sampling cans were placed in each plot at the 0- to 75- mm depth and two at the 75- to 150-mm sampling depth at each location. At every location, the gas sampling cans were placed midway between corn rows and in a portion of the plot which appeared representative of the whole plot Nitrous oxide content was determined with a 63Ni electron capture detector at an operating temperature of 350°C with argon/methane (95:5 ratio) as the carrier gas 3/4 sites in this study were outside our KPG zones. Experiment was long-term (11 years but no specific start and end dates) JR 249,5
178 a Liu (2015) Liu S, Zhao C, Zhang Y, Hu Z, Wang C, Zong Y, Zhang L, Zou J. Annual net greenhouse gas balance in halophyte (Helianthus tuberosus) bioenergy cropping system under various soil practices in Southest China. Global Change Biology Bioenergy. 2015: 7; 690-703. Liu S, Zhao C, Zhang Y, Hu Z, Wang C, Zong Y, Zhang L, Zou J Annual net greenhouse gas balance in halophyte (Helianthus tuberosus) bioenergy cropping system under various soil practices in Southest China 2015 Global Change Biology Bioenergy Article N/A China 33.32 120.75 N 50 290547 3688653 Cfb N/A Sandy clay loam NR NR Soil (0–15 cm) of the experimental site was classified as fluvoaquic No NR April 2009 May 2010 13 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Amendments 6 The main emphasis was on soil tillage practices consisting of no-tillage (NT) and rotary tillage (RT), and the rotary tillage at the soil depth of 10 cm was practiced for the RT plots on April 26, 2009. For each tillage treatment, soil amendments including saline soil ameliorant (peat and phosphogypsum, PP) and wheat straw (WS) were applied in some fields. The plots without soil amendments were set up as the control for each tillage treatment (NT-Control and RT-Control). Wheat straw was chopped at the length of 10–15 cm, and it was mulched for the NT-WS and RT-WS plots, and saline soil ameliorant was broadcast for the NT-PP and RT-PP plots on May 22, 200 CI Split/strip plot 4 No Static chamber Closed NR Soil CO2, CH 4, and N2O fluxes were determined using the static chamber-GC method (Wang & Wang, 2003; Zheng et al., 2008a modified gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890) CRA 250,5
178 b Liu (2015) Liu S, Zhao C, Zhang Y, Hu Z, Wang C, Zong Y, Zhang L, Zou J. Annual net greenhouse gas balance in a halophyte (Helianthus tuberosus) bioenergy cropping system under various soil practices in Southeast China. Global Change Biology Bioenergy. 2015: 7; 690-703. Liu S, Zhao C, Zhang Y, Hu Z, Wang C, Zong Y, Zhang L, Zou J Annual net greenhouse gas balance in a halophyte (Helianthus tuberosus) bioenergy cropping system under various soil practices in Southeast China 2015 Global Change Biology Bioenergy Article N/A China 33.32 120.75 N 50 290547 3688653 Cfb N/A Sandy clay loam NR NR Soil (0–15 cm) of the experimental site was classified as fluvoaquic, consisting of 67% sand, 12% silt, and 21% clay. No NR April 2009 May 2010 14 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Amendments 6 The main emphasis was on soil tillage practices consisting of no-tillage (NT) and rotary tillage (RT), and the rotary tillage at the soil depth of 10 cm was practiced for the RT plots on April 26, 2009. For each tillage treatment, soil amendments including saline soil ameliorant (peat and phosphogypsum, PP) and wheat straw (WS) were applied in some fields. The plots without soil amendments were set up as the control for each tillage treatment (NT-Control and RT-Control). CI Split/strip plot 4 No Static chamber NR For each field treatment, four aluminum flux collars (0.2 m diameter 9 0.15 m height) within each parallel plot were permanently installed at intercropping rows with no crop growth enclosed to ensure reproducible placement of gas collecting chambers during successive gas flux measurements over the whole annual cycle. The top edge of the collar had a groove (5 cm in depth) for filling with water to seal the rim of the chamber with leveled surface. The collars were inserted into the plow pan horizon of the soil (20 cm in soil depth) modified gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890) equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID) and an electron capture detector (ECD) (Wang & Wang, 2003) CRA 251,5
179 a Liu (2017) Liu S, Wang JJ, Tian Z, Wang X, Harrison S. Ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from a subtropical wheat field under different nitrogen fertilization strategies. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2017: 57; 196-210. Liu S, Wang JJ, Tian Z, Wang X, Harrison S Ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from a subtropical wheat field under different nitrogen fertilization strategies 2017 Journal of Environmental Sciences Article N/A USA 30.44 -91.19 N 15 674065 3369028 Cfa N/A Silt loam NR NR Cancienne silt loam (fine-silty, mixed, superactive, nonacid, hyperthermic, Fluvaquentic Epiaquepts) Yes The field was in a conventionally-tilled winter wheat-soybean-winter wheat rotation for the past 3 years before the initiation of the trial. February 2013 May 2013 4 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 5 The field experiment consisted of five N fertilizer treatments in 2013, including the control (CK, no fertilizer applied), two one-time applications of urea (U) and polymer-coated urea (CU) at 112 kg N/ha, and two separate split applications of urea (SU) only and ammonia sulfate-urea combination (SASU) with each split at 56 kg N/ha. During SASU split application, ammonium sulfate was first applied in February and followed by urea application in March. The inhibitors, NBPT and DCD, were mixed with urea at a rate of 10% of the fertilizer (w/w), respectively, one day before fertilization to the soil (Tian et al., 2015). CI Split/strip plot 4 No Static chamber Opaque each chamber system consisted of a stainless steel base frame and a removable top chamber. The base frame was 30 cm × 30 cm ×15 cm (length × width × height) in size, and was inserted to a depth of 10–12 cm into the soil. The top chamber was 30 cm × 30 cm × 20 cm in size and had two tight fitting rubber septa on the top. The base and top chambers were clamped together when taking samples. For CO2, N2O and CH4 gases, three 15 mL headspace samples were taken using a plastic gastight syringe consecutively at 0, 30 and 60 min respectively, after the chambers were closed, and stored in evacuated vials that were sealed with buryl rubber septa. gas chromatograph (Varian Model 3800, Varian Inc., Palo Alto, CA) equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD) for N2O detection and flame ionization detector (FID) for CH4. The GC was equipped with a methanizer which catalytically reduced CO2 to CH4 for analysis of CO2 with the FID detector CRA 252,5
179 b Liu (2017) Liu S, Wang JJ, Tian Z, Wang X, Harrison S. Ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from a subtropical wheat field under different nitrogen fertilization strategies. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2017: 57; 196-210. Liu S, Wang JJ, Tian Z, Wang X, Harrison S Ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from a subtropical wheat field under different nitrogen fertilization strategies 2017 Journal of Environmental Sciences Article N/A USA 30.44 -91.19 N 15 674065 3369028 Cfa N/A Silt loam NR NR Cancienne silt loam (fine-silty, mixed, superactive, nonacid, hyperthermic, Fluvaquentic Epiaquepts) Yes The field was in a conventionally-tilled winter wheat-soybean-winter wheat rotation for the past 3 years before the initiation of the trial. February 2014 May 2014 4 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 7 The field experiment consisted of five N fertilizer treatments in 2013, including the control (CK, no fertilizer applied), two one-time applications of urea (U) and polymer-coated urea (CU) at 112 kg N/ha, and two separate split applications of urea (SU) only and ammonia sulfate-urea combination (SASU) with each split at 56 kg N/ha. During SASU split application, ammonium sulfate was first applied in February and followed by urea application in March. Two additional N fertilizer treatments with urea plus urease inhibitor NBPT (U + N) and urea plus nitrification inhibitor DCD (U + D) at 112 kg N/ha were implemented in 2014. The inhibitors, NBPT and DCD, were mixed with urea at a rate of 10% of the fertilizer (w/w), respectively, one day before fertilization to the soil (Tian et al., 2015). CI Split/strip plot 4 No Static chamber Opaque each chamber system consisted of a stainless steel base frame and a removable top chamber. The base frame was 30 cm × 30 cm ×15 cm (length × width × height) in size, and was inserted to a depth of 10–12 cm into the soil. The top chamber was 30 cm × 30 cm × 20 cm in size and had two tight fitting rubber septa on the top. The base and top chambers were clamped together when taking samples. For CO2, N2O and CH4 gases, three 15 mL headspace samples were taken using a plastic gastight syringe consecutively at 0, 30 and 60 min respectively, after the chambers were closed, and stored in evacuated vials that were sealed with buryl rubber septa. gas chromatograph (Varian Model 3800, Varian Inc., Palo Alto, CA) equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD) for N2O detection and flame ionization detector (FID) for CH4. The GC was equipped with a methanizer which catalytically reduced CO2 to CH4 for analysis of CO2 with the FID detector CRA 253,5
180 Liu (2017) Liu H, Wu X, Li Z, Wang Q, Liu D, Liu G. Responses of soil methanogens, methanotrophs, and methane fluxes to land-use conversion and fertilization in a hilly red soil region of southern China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2017: 24; 8731-8743. Liu H, Wu X, Li Z, Wang Q, Liu D, Liu G Responses of soil methanogens, methanotrophs, and methane fluxes to land-use conversion and fertilization in a hilly red soil region of southern China 2017 Environmental Science and Pollution Research Article N/A China 26.75 115.07 N 50 307871 2959773 Cfa N/A NR NR NR The soil is typically red soil found in southern China and classified as Cambosols in the Ultisols soil classification. No NR August 2013 July 2014 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 2 citrus orchard with fertilization (OF), citrus orchard without fertilization (ONF), CI Split/strip plot 4 No Static chamber Opaque The chambers were made of stainless steel materials and comprise two separate sections: a cylindrical base frame and a chamber. The base frames (a bottom area of 0.12 m2) without covering the vegetation were installed at depth of 0.05 m in all plots several days before the initial sampling and kept in the places marked. The chambers had a bottom area of 0.12 m2 and heights of 0.39 m (used for orchards) gas chromatography (Agilent 7890A, Santa Clara, California, USA). CRA 254,5
181 Lo Cascio (2017) Lo Cascio M, Morillas L, Ochoa-Hueso R, Munzi S, Roales J, Hasselquist NJ, Manrique E, Spano D, Jaoude RA, Mereu S. Contrasting effects of nitrogen addition on soil respiration in two Mediterranean ecosystems. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2017: 24; 26160-26171. Lo Cascio M, Morillas L, Ochoa-Hueso R, Munzi S, Roales J, Hasselquist NJ, Manrique E, Spano D, Jaoude RA, Mereu S Contrasting effects of nitrogen addition on soil respiration in two Mediterranean ecosystems 2017 Environmental Science and Pollution Research Article N/A Italy 40.6 8.15 N 32 428461 4495167 Csa Capo Caccia NR NR NR The soil is Lithic Xerorthent and Typic Rhodoxerarfs (Soil Survey Staff 1999) with a clayish structure. On average, vascular vegetation cover is ca. 80% and is dominated by Juniperus phoenicea L., while the remaining 20% are BS colonized by a well-developed biological soil crust (BSC) community composed by common species in Mediterranean soils (Table 3; see Morillas et al. (2017) for an accurate description of the BSC community). According to the Meteorological Synthesizing Centre–West (MSC-W) of the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP 2015) (Simpson et al. 2012), natural oxidized nitrogen (NOx) deposition from 2000 to 2013 was approximately 0.96 kg NOx ha−1 year−1, while the last EMEP report (Gauss et al. 2016) stated that in 2014, natural N deposition was between 1.7 and 3.7 kg N ha−1 year−1. No NR April 2012 October 2015 43 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 2 Starting in April 2012, four plots were treated with 30 kg N ha−1 year−1 over background N deposition, whereas the other four plots served as unfertilized controls. CI Paired design 4 Yes Static chamber NR Six permanent polyvinyl chloride (PVC) collars (inner diameter of 20 cm) were installed within each plot for soil CO2 efflux measurements, infrared gas analyzer in situ using a portable Li-8100 (LI-COR Inc., Lincoln, NE, USA) containing an infrared gas analyzer system equipped with a flow-through LI-COR 8100–103 CRA 255,5
182 Lognoul (2017) Lognoul M, Theodorakopoulos N, Hiel M, Regaert D, Broux F, Heinesch B, Bodson B, Vandenbol M, Aubinet M. Impact of tillage on greenhouse gas emissions by an agricultural crop and dynamics of N2O fluxes: Insights from automated closed chamber measurements. Soil & Tillage Research. 2017: 167; 80-89. Lognoul M, Theodorakopoulos N, Hiel M, Regaert D, Broux F, Heinesch B, Bodson B, Vandenbol M, Aubinet M Impact of tillage on greenhouse gas emissions by an agricultural crop and dynamics of N2O fluxes: Insights from automated closed chamber measurements 2017 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A Belgium 50.56 4.71 N 31 621045 5602846 Cfb N/A Silt loam NR Luvisols The soil type in this location is classified as Cutanic Luvisol (World Reference Base) with a silt loam texture (18–22% clay, 70–80% silt, and 5–10% sand) and a C:N ratio between 10 and 12 Yes The experimental field has been subjected to farming practices experiments since 2008, comparing two tillage treatments (conventional and reduced tillage) in a latin-square design; one parcel was selected in each tillage modality to conduct our experiment. Both parcels were subjected to residues restitution (harvestable straw was returned to the field, as well as stubbles and chaffs). January 2015 October 2015 10 Tillage Tillage 2 Comparing two tillage treatments (conventional and reduced tillage). On January 6, 2015, winter ploughing at 25-cm depth was performed using a moldboard plow on conventionally tilled parcels only. CI Latin square 1 No Dynamic chambers Closed NR We conducted CO2 and N2O flux measurements using an innovative system of automated dynamic closed chambers. 16 PVC collars (height: 145 mm, diameter: 192 mm) were each equipped with a motorized lid and with a dynamic vent to prevent pressure gradient related artificial fluxes (Suleau et al., 2009). An enclosed air circuit ran from each chamber to gas analyzers measuring CO2 and N2O concentrations (respectively OEM Gascard1 NG, Edimburgh, UK, and Thermo ScientificTM 46i, Waltham, USA, both calibrated prior to the measurement campaign and connected in series). JR 256,5
183 Long (2015) Long G, Jiang Y, Sun B. Seasonal and inter-annual variation of leaching of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen under long-term manure application in an acidic clay soil in subtropical China. Soil & Tillage Research. 2015: 146; 270-278. Long G, Jiang Y, Sun B Seasonal and inter-annual variation of leaching of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen under long-term manure application in an acidic clay soil in subtropical China 2015 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A China 28.26 116.92 N 50 492643 3125514 Cfa N/A Loamy sand NR Acrisols The experimental soil is an acid loamy clay derived from Quaternary red clay (Ferric Acrisols in the FAO classification system and Udic Ferralsols in Chinese Soil Taxonomy), which has 43–52% of clay, and 11.7–25.3% of ferric oxide and 26.3–34.1% of aluminum oxide in soil colloids, on a dry basis in a soil profile of depth 0–140 cm. Yes Twelve concrete lysimeters, 2 m wide 2 m long 1.5 m deep, were constructed in the field and repacked with acidic clay soil in layers corresponding to the observed field profile in 1996. After a 3- year experiment studying the nutrient leaching under peanutoilseed rotation (Sun et al., 2008), the surface layer (0–20 cm) of soil was removed in 2000. Then the surface soil collected from waste land with a vegetation of sparse pine trees was repacked into the plots of the container to achieve a bulk density of 1.11 g cm3 in the surface layer (0–20 cm). The lysimeters were under fallow for two years prior to conducting the experiment of manure application in April 2002. April 2002 November 2010 105 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 4 Four pig manure rates were compared in a contrast design with three replications: (1) no manure (CK); (2) low-rate manure with 150 kg N ha1 y1 (LM, equal to 3827 kg ha–1 y–1 of dry pig manure); (3) high-rate manure with 600 kg N ha1 y1 (HM, equal to 15,306 kg ha–1 y–1 of dry pig manure) and (4) high-rate manure with 600 kg N ha1 y1 and lime at 3000 kg Ca(OH)2 ha13 y1 (HML, lime was incorporated into 0– 15 cm depth of soil once every three years before manure application). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 Yes NR NR NR Soil CO2 flux was determined weekly at 9:00 am in situ using Li-6400 soil respiration chamber (LI-COR Inc., Lincoln, Nebraska, USA). Annual cumulative CO2 emission was calculated by summation, when the flux without measurement was replaced by the averaged value of adjacent measurements. gas analyzer; Li-6400 CRA 257,5
184 a Lopez-Garrido (2009) Lopez-Garrido R, Diaz-Espejo A, Madejon E, Murillo JM, Moreno F. Carbon losses by tillage under semi-arid Mediterranean rainfed agriculture (SW Spain). Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research. 2009: 7(3); 706-716. Lopez-Garrido R, Diaz-Espejo A, Madejon E, Murillo JM, Moreno F Carbon losses by tillage under semi-arid Mediterranean rainfed agriculture (SW Spain) 2009 Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research Article N/A Spain 37.38 -5.42 N 30 286042 4140139 Csa N/A Sandy clay loam NR NR a sandy clay loam soil (Xerofluvent, USDA, 1996) Yes A homogeneous area of about 2500 m2 was selected in 1991 to establish the experimental plots, which were cropped with wheat under rainfed conditions. After harvesting wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (June 1992), two treatments were established: i) traditional tillage, TT15, consisted of mouldboard ploughing (25-30 cm depth), after burning the straw of the preceding crop (straw burning was suppressed since 2003), and ii) conservation tillage (reduced tillage), RT15, characterized by not using mouldboard ploughing, by reduction of the number of tillage operations (only chisel at 25 cm depth), spraying the plot with pre-emergence herbicides and leaving the crop residues on the surface (for more details see Moreno et al., 1997). Wheat-sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) crop rotation was established for both treatments. In 2005 a fodder pea crop (Pisum arvense L.) was included in the rotation, when two additional tillage treatments were established: traditional tillage, TT3, as described above, and conservation tillage (no-tillage, NT3). These additional treatments were established in an adjacent area. This zone had been cultivated using traditional tillage (mouldboard ploughing) and alternating wheat, barley and cotton the last 10 years. September 2006 November 2007 15 Tillage Tillage 4 two treatments were established: i) traditional tillage, TT15, consisted of mouldboard ploughing (25-30 cm depth), after burning the straw of the preceding crop (straw burning was suppressed since 2003), and ii) conservation tillage (reduced tillage), RT15, characterized by not using mouldboard ploughing, by reduction of the number of tillage operations (only chisel at 25 cm depth), spraying the plot with pre-emergence herbicides and leaving the crop residues on the surface In 2005 a fodder pea crop (Pisum arvense L.) was included in the rotation, when two additional tillage treatments were established: traditional tillage, TT3, as described above, and conservation tillage (no-tillage, NT3). CI Split/strip plot 3 No NR NR NR Soil CO2 fluxes were measured by attaching a 6400- 09 chamber with an area of 71.6 cm2 to a 6400 LICOR gas-exchange system (LI-COR, Environmental Division, Lincoln, NE, USA). To minimise soil surface disturbances, the chamber was mounted on PVC soil collars sharpened at the bottom and inserted into the soil to about 3.8 cm. 6400 LICOR gas-exchange system CRA 258,5
184 b Lopez-Garrido (2009) Lopez-Garrido R, Diaz-Espejo A, Madejon E, Murillo JM, Moreno F. Carbon losses by tillage under semi-arid Mediterranean rainfed agriculture (SW Spain). Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research. 2009: 7(3); 706-716. Lopez-Garrido R, Diaz-Espejo A, Madejon E, Murillo JM, Moreno F Carbon losses by tillage under semi-arid Mediterranean rainfed agriculture (SW Spain) 2009 Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research Article N/A Spain 37.35 -5.98 N 30 235745 4137876 Csa Long-term Sandy clay loam NR NR sandy clay loam soil (Xerofluvent, USDA, 1996) Yes harvesting wheat June 1992 November 2007 186 Tillage Tillage 2 2 treatments were established: 1) traditional tillage, consisted of mouldboard ploughing (25-30 cm depth), after burning the straw of the preceding crop (straw burning was suppressed since 2003), and 2) conservation tillage (reduced tillage), characterized by not using mouldboard ploughing, by reduction of the number of tillage operations (only chisel at 25 cm depth), spraying the plot with pre-emergence herbicides and leaving the crop residues on the surface. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR NR NR Soil CO2 fluxes were measured by attaching a 6400- 09 chamber with an area of 71.6 cm2 to a 6400 LICOR gas-exchange system (LI-COR, Environmental Division, Lincoln, NE, USA). To minimise soil surface disturbances, the chamber was mounted on PVC soil collars sharpened at the bottom and inserted into the soil to about 3.8 cm. 6400 LICOR gas-exchange system (LI-COR, Environmental Division, Lincoln, NE, USA) CRA 259,5
184 c Lopez-Garrido (2009) Lopez-Garrido R, Diaz-Espejo A, Madejon E, Murillo JM, Moreno F. Carbon losses by tillage under semi-arid Mediterranean rainfed agriculture (SW Spain). Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research. 2009: 7(3); 706-716. Lopez-Garrido R, Diaz-Espejo A, Madejon E, Murillo JM, Moreno F Carbon losses by tillage under semi-arid Mediterranean rainfed agriculture (SW Spain) 2009 Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research Article N/A Spain 37.35 -5.98 N 30 235745 4137876 Csa Short-term Sandy clay loam NR NR sandy clay loam soil (Xerofluvent, USDA, 1996) Yes cultivated using traditional tillage (mouldboard ploughing) and alternating wheat, barley and cotton the last 10 years. NR 2005 November 2007 35 Tillage Tillage 2 2 tillage treatments; 1) traditional tillage, consisted of mouldboard ploughing (25-30 cm depth), after burning the straw of the preceding crop and 2) conservation tillage (no-tillage). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR NR NR Soil CO2 fluxes were measured by attaching a 6400- 09 chamber with an area of 71.6 cm2 to a 6400 LICOR gas-exchange system (LI-COR, Environmental Division, Lincoln, NE, USA). To minimise soil surface disturbances, the chamber was mounted on PVC soil collars sharpened at the bottom and inserted into the soil to about 3.8 cm. 6400 LICOR gas-exchange system (LI-COR, Environmental Division, Lincoln, NE, USA) CRA 260,5
185 López-Garrido (2014) López-Garrido R, Madejón E, Moreno F, Murillo JM. Conservation tillage influence on carbon dynamics under Mediterranean conditions. Pedosphere. 2014: 24; 65-75. López-Garrido R, Madejón E, Moreno F, Murillo JM Conservation tillage influence on carbon dynamics under Mediterranean conditions 2014 Pedosphere Article N/A Spain 37.17 -6.3 N 29 739724 4117145 Csa N/A Clay loam NR NR Field experiments were carried out on a sandy clay loam soil, a Typic Xerofluvent (Soil Survey Staff, 2003). Some characteristics of the soil (0–25 cm), analyzed at the beginning of the experiment, are as follows: pH 8, SOC 9.0 g kg−1, alkaline-earth carbonates 260 g kg−1, and particle-size fractions of sand 540 g kg−1, silt 210 g kg−1 and clay 250 g kg−1. Yes A homogeneous area of about 2 500 m2 was selected in 1991 to establish the experimental plots, which were cropped with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under rainfed conditions. After harvesting wheat in June 1992, the area was divided into six plots each of approximately 300 m2 (22 m × 14 m). A long-term experiment was established with two tillage treatments October 2006 July 2009 35 Tillage Tillage 4 TTL = traditional tillage in the long-term experiment (Mouldboard ploughing (25–30 cm depth); RTL = reduced tillage in the long-term experiment (characterized by not using mouldboard ploughing and reduction of the number of tillage operations); TTS = traditional tillage in the short-term experiment (Mouldboard ploughing (25–30 cm depth); NTS = no-tillage in the short-term experiment. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR NR NR Soil CO2 fluxes were measured by attaching a 6400- 09 soil CO2 flux chamber with an area of 71.6 cm2 to a 6400 LICOR gas-exchange system (LI-COR, Environmental Division, USA). To minimise the disturbances to surface soil, the chamber was mounted on PVC soil collars sharpened at the bottom and inserted about 3.8 cm into the soil. Soil CO2 fluxes were measured by attaching a 6400- 09 soil CO2 flux chamber with an area of 71.6 cm2 to a 6400 LICOR gas-exchange system (LI-COR, Environmental Division, USA). Flux chambers used but not specified as Eddy flux JR 261,5
186 Louro (2015) Louro A, Baez D, Garcia MI, Cardenas L. Nitrous oxide emissions from forage maize production on a Humic Cambisol fertilized with mineral fertilizer or slurries in Galicia, Spain. Geoderma Regional. 2015: 5; 54-63. Louro A, Baez D, Garcia MI, Cardenas L Nitrous oxide emissions from forage maize production on a Humic Cambisol fertilized with mineral fertilizer or slurries in Galicia, Spain 2015 Geoderma Regional Article N/A Spain 43.22 -8.3 N 29 557217 4785162 Csb N/A Silt loam NR Cambisols The soil in both maize crop seasons was a Humic Cambisol with a silt loam texture in the top 10 cm. No NR May 2009 September 2009 5 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 4 four treatments: control without N fertilizer (CN), mineral fertilizer as NPK (15:15:15) and urea 46% (MN), cattle slurry (CS) and pig slurry (PS). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR Chambers were cylinders of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with a volume of 0.018 m3 (height: 36 cm; diameter: 25 cm) with a lid fitted with a rubber septum as a sampling port. gas chromatograph; Thermo Finnigan Trace gas chromatograph (GC 2000) fitted with an electron capture detector (ECD) at 330 °C and HP-Plot Q column (30 mm × 0.3 mm). CRA 262,5
187 Lovanh (2008) Lovanh N, Warren JG, Sistani KR. Ammonia and greenhouse gases emission from land application of swine slurry: a comparison of three application methods. Lovanh N, Warren JG, Sistani KR Ammonia and greenhouse gases emission from land application of swine slurry: a comparison of three application methods 2008 N/A Conference Proceeding NR N/A USA 37.32 -83.98 N 17 235745 4134453 Cfa N/A Silt loam NR NR the soil was a Nicholson silt loam (Fine-silty, mixed, active, mesic Oxyaquic Fragiudalfs) Yes The farm land had been cropped in a no-till corn/soybean rotation for approximately 10 years NR 2007 NR 2007 1 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 4 4 treatments consisting of three different application methods and a control plot where no swine slurry was applied. Three swine effluent treatments were applied pre-plant at a rate of 200 kg total N per ha and included a surface application, a row injection application, and an aerway aeration application. CI Split/strip plot 1 No NR Closed NR The chambers used were made of aluminum and measured 10 cm tall. At each flux measurement time the chambers were place in a water channel on fixed anchors (38 cm wide and 102 cm long). After treatment applications one anchor was forced into the ground to a depth of 15 cm creating an effective height of about 18 cm for the chambers. The anchors were placed such that the 102 cm length was perpendicular to the corn rows and injection rows. photoacoustic gas analyzer (CAI, CA) CRA 263,5
188 Ludwig (2011) Ludwig B, Jager N, Priesack E, Flessa H. Application of DNDC model to predict N2O emissions from sandy arable soils with differing fertilization in a long-term experiment. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 2011: 174; 350-358. Ludwig B, Jager N, Priesack E, Flessa H Application of DNDC model to predict N2O emissions from sandy arable soils with differing fertilization in a long-term experiment 2011 Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science Article N/A Germany 49.83 8.57 N 32 468837 5520190 Cfb N/A NR NR Cambisols The soil is a Haplic Cambisol (WRB, 2006) which developed on alluvial fine sands of the river Neckar (Bachinger, 1996). Yes The experiment was initiated in 1980, where nine treatments (four replicates each) were arranged in a strip design, the factors being type of fertilizer and its application rate. With the exception of fertilization, all management actions were the same. The crop rotation consisted of legumes (mainly red clover, Trifolium pratense L., or lucerne, Medicago sativa L.), spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), root crops (mainly potatoes, Solanum tuberosum L.), and winter rye (Secale cereale L.). Residues of potatoes were incorporated into the soil. NR 1985 December 2007 276 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 4 1) MSIL: low application rate of mineral fertilizer (50 kg N ha–1 to root crops or 60 kg N ha–1 to cereals) plus straw incorporation. Thus, in 2007 N addition was 60 kg N ha–1 (mineral fertilizer) and 28 kg N ha–1 (N in the wheat straw). (2) MSIM: medium application rate of mineral fertilizer (100 kg N ha–1 to root crops or 80 kg N ha–1 plus 20 kg N ha–1 as second application to cereals) plus straw incorporation. Therefore, in 2007 N addition was 100 kg N ha–1 (mineral fertilizer) and 47 kg N ha–1 (N in the wheat straw). (3) FYML: low application rate of rotted farmyard manure: 9 t fresh weight ha–1 as manure to root crops or cereals. The total N input corresponded to the N input by mineral fertilizer in the treatment MSIL. Thus, in 2007 N addition was 60 kg N ha–1 as farmyard manure. (4) FYMM: medium application rate of rotted farmyard manure: 18 t fresh weight ha–1 as manure to root crops or 12 t fresh weight ha–1 plus 20 kg N ha–1 with urine (second application) to cereals. The total N input corresponded to N input by mineral fertilizer in the treatment MSIM. Thus, in 2007 N addition was 100 kg N ha–1 as farmyard manure and urine. CI Split/strip plot 4 No NR Closed NR Briefly, the circular chambers were made of dark PVC with an inner diameter of 29.5cm and an initial height of 15 cm. By using extensions of the same material, the height of the chamber could be adjusted to plant growth. For each gas measurement, these chambers were placed on permanently installed PVC soil collars with the same diameter and sealed with a lid. The method is described in detail by Ruser et al. (2001). CRA 264,5
189 Macdonald (2015) Macdonald BCT, Rochester IJ, Nadelko A. High yielding cotton produced without excessive nitrous oxide emissions. Agronomy, Soils & Environmental Quality. 2015: 107; 1673-1681. Macdonald BCT, Rochester IJ, Nadelko A High yielding cotton produced without excessive nitrous oxide emissions 2015 Agronomy, Soils & Environmental Quality Article N/A Australia -30.19 149.46 S 55 736844 6657603 Cfa N/A Clay NR NR The soil at this site is high shrinkswell medium gray clay overlying brown clay and is classified as a fine, thermic, montmorillonitic Typic Haplustert (Soil Survey Staff, 1996). It has a uniform profile of medium to heavy clay and shows seasonal cracking extending to more than 150-cm depth. In the surface 30 cm, clay content averaged 530 g kg–1 soil and 220 g kg–1 soil each of silt and sand; soil total N was 0.9 g kg–1 soil, organic C 11.0 g kg–1 soil and cation exchange capacity 45 cmolc kg–1; the surface soil pH (1:5 soil/water) was 8.3 and 8.8 at 1-m depth (Ward et al., 1999). Yes This soil has been cultivated for 40 yr; previously, the area was vegetated with native grasses and woodland September 2011 April 2012 8 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 10 Urea was applied at rates of 0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200, 240, 280, and 320 kg N ha–1 under the ridge. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Dynamic chambers NR NR Emissions from the soil and crop were measured using soil chambers connected to a fully automated system that enabled continuous determination of N2O concentration of the sampled air. The system consisted of a gas chromatograph (SRI Instruments, SRI 8610C, Torrance, CA) fitted with a 63Ni electron capture detector with a sodium hydroxide pre-column for N2O analysis, an automated control unit for chamber lid control and gas sample collection and distribution, and 12 chambers (0.5 by 0.5 m) with automatically operated lids placed on metal bases inserted into the ground (0.1 m). Two bases were located at each chamber measurement site to enable the chambers to be moved to a new position to minimize the effect of chambers on soil properties and plant growth. The height of the chambers was progressively increased to accommodate crop growth, with a maximum height of 1 m. The system consisted of a gas chromatograph (SRI Instruments, SRI 8610C, Torrance, CA) fitted with a 63Ni electron capture detector with a sodium hydroxide pre-column for N2O analysis JR 265,5
190 Marie (2015) Marie B, Josette G, Gilles B, Julien T, Eric G, Bruno M. Nitrous oxide emissions and nitrate leaching in an organic and a conventional cropping system (Seine basin, France). Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2015: 213; 131-141. Marie B, Josette G, Gilles B, Julien T, Eric G, Bruno M Nitrous oxide emissions and nitrate leaching in an organic and a conventional cropping system (Seine basin, France) 2015 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A France 48.85 3.09 N 31 506542 5410476 Cfb N/A Clay loam NR NR clay loamy soil (USDA classification) after winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) aerial biomass harvested at dough stage. No NR NR 2014 NR 2014 12 Multiple-intervention Amendments, Crop rotation, Chemical fertiliser, Other 4 four treatments: no digestate distribution (ND), digestate injection with 1 m width between two injection nozzles at 10 cm depth (10 cm), 25 cm depth (25 cm) and 35 cm depth (35 cm). CI Split/strip plot 3 No Static chamber NR static non-stationary chamber technique (Maucieri et al., 2014) using a chamber with a volume of 5 L and 10 cm square base. portable infrared instrument (Geotech G150; Geotechnical Instruments Ltd., Royal Leamington Spa, UK), detecting CO2 concentrations at levels of parts per million. CRA 266,5
191 Maris (2018) Maris SC, Lloveras J, Vallejo A, Teira-Esmatges MR. Effect of stover management and nitrogen fertilization on N2O and CO2 emissions from irrigated maize in a high nitrate mediterranean soil. Water, Air, Soil & Pollution. 2018: 229(11); 1-17. Maris SC, Lloveras J, Vallejo A, Teira-Esmatges MR Effect of stover management and nitrogen fertilization on N2O and CO2 emissions from irrigated maize in a high nitrate mediterranean soil 2018 Water, Air, Soil & Pollution Article N/A Spain 41.72 0.43 N 31 286486 4621502 Cfb N/A Clay loam NR NR The soil is well drainedwithout salinity problems and classified according to the USDA soil taxonomy system (Soil Survey Staff 1992), as a Gypsic Haploxerept. No NR November 2010 September 2012 23 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Amendments 6 6 treatments from 3 nitrogen treatments x 2 stover treatment; treatments applied were (1) N0: no N application; (2) N2O0: 200 kg N/ha/yr and (3) N300: 300 kg N/ha/yr. The crop stover of the previous year(the whole plant aboveground biomass minus the grain biomass) management treatments were as follows: (i) stover removal (−R) using commercial machinery and removing the remains manually from the field after harvest each year. If any stover was left, it was considered negligible and, (ii) stover incorporation (+R) by conventional tillage (by disk ploughing) to a depth of 25 to 30 cm. CI Split/strip plot 3 No Static chamber Closed NR The cylindrical (19 cm diameter and 22 cm high) static chambers were made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) coated with an epoxy resin. They were inserted 5 cm into the soil. The cylinder had a vented screwed lid with a three-way key. N2O and CO2 in the sampled air were quantified using the photoacoustic technique (Innova 1412 Photoacoustic Multigas Monitor) CRA 267,5
192 Marques (2018) Marques FJM, Pedroso V, Trindade H, Pereira JLS. Impact of vineyard sover cropping on carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide emsissions in Portugal. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 2018: 9; 105-11. Marques FJM, Pedroso V, Trindade H, Pereira JLS Impact of vineyard sover cropping on carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide emsissions in Portugal 2018 Atmospheric Pollution Research Article N/A Portugal 40.5 -7.85 N 29 597445 4483890 Csb N/A Loamy sand NR Cambisols The soil of the experimental field was of granite origin and classified as a Dystric Cambisol (WRB, 2015) with a loamy-sand texture No NR March 2015 September 2016 19 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Cover crops 4 4 treatments; 1. Soil tillage (100 mm depth) of the inter-row (treatment: Till); 2. Soil tillage (100 mm depth) of the inter-row and application of mineral fertiliser (50 kg N ha1) (treatment: Till þ N); 3. Cover crop (permanent resident vegetation) in the inter-row (treatment: NoTill); 4. Cover crop (permanent resident vegetation) in the inter-row and application of mineral fertiliser (50 kg N ha1) (treatment: NoTill þ N). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR The carbon dioxide (CO2) and N2O fluxes were measured by the closed chamber technique. one polyvinyl chloride chamber (L = 200 mm, H = 170 mm), fitted with one septa to allow air sampling, was inserted into the soil (H = 50 mm) of each plot. gas chromatography using a GC-2014 (Shimadzu, Japan) equipped with a thermal conductivity detector (TCD) for CO2 and an electron capture 63Ni detector (ECD) for N2O. CRA 268,5
193 Maucieri (2016) Maucieri C, Barbera AC, Borin M. Effect of injection depth of digestate liquid fraction on soil carbon dioxide emission and maize biomass production. Italian Journal of Agronomy. 2016: 11(657); 6-11. Maucieri C, Barbera AC, Borin M Effect of injection depth of digestate liquid fraction on soil carbon dioxide emission and maize biomass production 2016 Italian Journal of Agronomy Article N/A Italy 45.25 11.92 N 32 728875 5014862 Cfa N/A Clay loam NR NR clay loamy soil (USDA classification) after winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) aerial biomass harvested at dough stage Yes after winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) aerial biomass harvested at dough stage June 2014 June 2014 1 Amendments Amendments 4 four treatments: no digestate distribution (ND), digestate injection with 1 m width between two injection nozzles at 10 cm depth (10 cm), 25 cm depth (25 cm) and 35 cm depth (35 cm). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR NR NR static non-stationary chamber technique (Maucieri et al., 2014) using a chamber with a volume of 5 L and 10 cm square base. portable infrared instrument (Geotech G150; Geotechnical Instruments Ltd., Royal Leamington Spa, UK), CRA 269,5
194 Maucieri (2017) Maucieri C, Nicoletto C, Caruso C, Sambo P, Borin M. Effects of digestate solid fraction fertilisation on yield and soil carbon dioxide emission in a horticultural succession. Italian Journal of Agronomy. 2017: 12(800); 116-123. Maucieri C, Nicoletto C, Caruso C, Sambo P, Borin M Effects of digestate solid fraction fertilisation on yield and soil carbon dioxide emission in a horticultural succession 2017 Italian Journal of Agronomy Article N/A Italy 45.33 11.95 N 32 731152 5024215 Cfa N/A Loam NR Cambisols The soil was a fulvi-calcaric Cambisol with a loamy texture; No NR May 2014 June 2015 14 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 3 Three fertilisation treatments were tested using DSF to substitute mineral nitrogen (N) crop requirements: i) 50% N through DSF and 50% N through mineral fertiliser (T50); ii) 100% N through DSF (T100); iii) 100% mineral fertilisation (Tmin). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR static non-stationary chamber technique (Maucieri et al., 2016) using a chamber with a volume of 5 L and 10 cm square base. CO2 emissions were portable IR instrument (Geotech G150), detecting CO2 concentrations at levels of parts per million CRA 270,5
195 McMullen (2014) McMullen RL, Brye KR, Gbur EE. Soil respiration as affects by long-term broiler litter application to a Udult in the Ozark Highlands. Journal of Environmental Quality. 2014: 44; 115-126. McMullen RL, Brye KR, Gbur EE Soil respiration as affects by long-term broiler litter application to a Udult in the Ozark Highlands 2014 Journal of Environmental Quality Article N/A USA 36.1 -94.18 N 15 393861 3995350 Cfa N/A Silt loam NR NR Captina silt loam (fine-silty, siliceous, active, mesic Typic Fragiudult) (USDA-NRCS, 2013). Yes Each of six field plots (6-m long by 1.5-m wide) had a 5% west-to-east slope, had a history of land-applied BL before 2002, and was initially chosen based on similar soil pH (6.2 ± 0.5 [SE]) and high Mehlich-3– extractable P (210 ± 24 mg kg-1) in the top 5 cm (Pirani et al., 2006). ...Because field plots used in the current study had received organic amendments before 2002, concurrent and related studies (Brye and Pirani, 2006; Pirani et al., 2006; Pirani et al., 2007; Daigh et al., 2009; McDonald et al., 2009; Menjoulet et al., 2009; McMullen, 2014) had previously addressed pretreatment plot uniformity. May 2009 May 2012 49 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 3 A control treatment received no annual broiler litter BL or inorganic fertilizer. A low (5.6 Mg dry litter ha-1) and a high (11.2 Mg dry litter ha-1) BL rate treatment were established CI Randomized Complete Block 3 Yes Static chamber NR thin-walled polyvinyl chloride pipe (i.d., 10.1 cm; height, 5.0 cm) were inserted into the soil in each plot to a depth of 2.5 cm. The polyvinyl chloride collars were used to support the analyzer’s soil chamber during respiration measurements. Collars were moved within plots 24 h before measurements every 2 wk throughout the study. portable infrared gas analyzer (LI-6400 Portable Photosynthesis System fitted with a LI-6400–09 Soil CO2 Efflux Chamber, LI-COR Biosciences). CRA 271,5
196 a Meade (2011) Meade G, Pierce K, O'Doherty JV, Mueller C, Lanigan G, McCabe T. Ammonia and Nitrous Oxide Emissions Following Land Application of High and Low Nitrogen Pig Manures to Winter Wheat at Three Growth Stages. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment. 2011 Meade G, Pierce K, O'Doherty JV, Mueller C, Lanigan G, McCabe T. Ammonia and Nitrous Oxide Emissions Following Land Application of High and Low Nitrogen Pig Manures to Winter Wheat at Three Growth Stages 2011 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A Ireland 53.3 -6.52 N 29 665485 5908520 Cfb N/A Clay loam NR Podzols medium to heavy clay, grey-brown podzolic soil Yes Previous cropping consisted of a winter wheat—forage maize (Zea mays L.) rotation April 2008 June 2008 3 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 6 pigs were fed one of two dietary treatments and housed in a grower/finisher house with two separate manure storage tanks. Pigs on treatment one were offered a low CP diet (16%) to produce a low N manure (LN) while pigs on treatment two received a high CP diet (23%) to produce a high N manure (HN). Crude protein levels were manipulated by varying the wheat and soybean meal inclusion rates and the LN diet was supplemented with synthetic lysine, methionine and threonine to achieve the ideal protein status. These manure treatments were then spread as separate manure types, using one of three spread dates; two manure types (HN vs. LN) and three spread dates corresponding with Zadoks decimal growth stage (G.S) 25—mid-tillering, G.S 31/32—stem elongation and G.S 37–39—flag leaf emergence CI Split/strip plot 3 No Static chamber NR Opaque Chambers consisted of a stainless steel structure with three components, a base (0.41 m × 0.41 m), an extension (0.41 m × 0.41 m × 0.41 m) and a lid gas chromatography; Shimadzu Gas Chromatographer (GC-2014) which included an electron capture detector (ECD) for N2O within 24 h to prevent loss or contamination in the syringe. CRA 272,5
196 b Meade (2011) Meade G, Pierce K, O'Doherty JV, Mueller C, Lanigan G, McCabe T. Ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions following land application of high and low nitrogen pig manures to winter wheat at three growth stages. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2011: 140; 208-217. Meade G, Pierce K, O'Doherty JV, Mueller C, Lanigan G, McCabe T Ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions following land application of high and low nitrogen pig manures to winter wheat at three growth stages 2011 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A Ireland 53.3 -6.53 N 29 664820 5908992 Cfb N/A Clay NR Podzols medium to heavy clay, grey brown podzolic soil Yes Previous crop consisted of a winter-wheat forage meaize rotation. April 2008 June 2008 3 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 6 two manure types; high nitrogen and low nitrogen, at each of three spread dates which corresponded with the Zadoks decimal growth stage; 25 mid-tillering, 31/32 stem elongation, and 37-39 flag leaf emergence. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Opaque Chambers consisted of a stainless steel structure with three components, a base (0.41 x 0.41m), and extension (0.41 x 0.41 x 0.41 m) and a lid giving a total volume of 0.085 m^3 above ground level. gas chromatography; GC-2014 Shimadzu, which included an electorn capture detector CRA 273,5
197 Mei (2011) Mei B, Zheng X, Xie B, Dong H, Yao Z, Liu C, Zhou Z, Wang R, Deng J, Zhu J. Characteristics of multiple-year nitrous oxide emissions from conventional vegetable fields in southeastern China. Journal of Geophysical Research. 2011: 116; D12113. Mei B, Zheng X, Xie B, Dong H, Yao Z, Liu C, Zhou Z, Wang R, Deng J, Zhu J haracteristics of multiple-year nitrous oxide emissions from conventional vegetable fields in southeastern China 2011 Journal of Geophysical Research Article Mei et al., 2009 China 32.58 119.7 N 50 753441 3608314 Cfa N/A Sandy loam NR NR The site has a sandy-loam soil, with a bulkdensity of1.2 gcm3, a total porosityof 51%, a clay (<0.002mm) fraction of 14%, a silt (0.002–0.02 mm) fraction of 29%, a sand (0.02– 2mm) fraction of 58%, a pH (H2O) of 7.9, an organic carbon content of 15.6 g C kg1, and a total nitrogencontentof 1.58 gNkg1. Yes Before we began our experiments, the soil had been conventionally cultivated with upland vegetables for approximately 20 years. Before vegetable cultivation, the soil was a paddy (namely, a Shajiang Hapli-Stagnic Anthrosol) cultivated with rice–wheat and rice–rape cropping systems September 2004 October 2008 53 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 2 In the present study, two fertilization treatments (with and without addition of N fertilizer) were applied. Organic manure and chemical fertilizers were applied to the plots in the fertilized treatments at rates of 1,074–1,312 (with a mean of 1,195) kg N ha−1 yr−1 (Tables 2 and 3). In the fertilized plots, organic manure, compound fertilizers (a mixture of (NH4)H2PO4 and KCl, with N:P2O5:K2O = 15%:15%:15%) and/or urea were basally applied independently or in combination for all crops, while urea was additionally top‐dressed for vegetable rape and garlic. No fertilizer containing N was added in P2 through P14 to the plots treated without N addition, and only organic manure was basally applied at an amount of approximately 130 kg N ha−1 in P1 to all plots of both field treatments CI Randomized 3 No Static chamber NR Opaque At the center of each replicate plot, one miniplot was permanently defined for simultaneous measurements of N2O and NO fluxes. The N2O and NO fluxes were measured by sampling parallel air samples with an opaque static chamber. A stainless steel base collar (0.5 m × 0.5 m) with a groove on the top, which could be filled with water, was inserted 10 cm into the soil and remained there during the entire investigation period. For simultaneous measurement of N2O and NO fluxes, a portable stainless steel chamber (0.5 or 1.0 m high, depending on the height of the vegetable plants) that exactly fit the groove was mounted onto the base collar. A gas‐tight seal was ensured by filling the groove with water. the samples for N2O were analyzed with a gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with an electronic capture detector (ECD) [Wang and Wang, 2003; Zheng et al., 2008]. Coordinates and soil information taken from supplementary JR 274,5
198 a Melland (2017) Melland AR, Antille DL, Dang YP. Effects of strategic tillage on short-term erosion, nutrient loss in runoff and greenhouse gas emissions. Soil Research. 2017: 55; 201-214. Melland AR, Antille DL, Dang YP Effects of strategic tillage on short-term erosion, nutrient loss in runoff and greenhouse gas emissions 2017 Soil Research Article N/A Australia -27.83 151.74 S 56 375914 6920992 Cfa Felton Clay Vertisol NR The soils were a self-mulching uniform black clay (Black Vertosol; Isbell 2002) near Felton (2784904800S, 15184402400E), a clay loam over a sodic subsoil (Sodosol) near Billa Billa (288704800S, 15081702400E), and a clay loam over a gradational profile (Dermosol) near Moonie (2784604800S, 15081304800E) in south-east Queensland. Yes The fields that were used had 6- to 12-year histories of continuous NT and 8- to 15-year histories of CTF (Table 1). The Sodosol and Dermosol had been strategically cultivated to shallow depths (150 mm) once or twice, respectively, in the past 4 years for weed control or pupae busting after cotton cropping (Table 1). May 2015 May 2015 1 Tillage Tillage 2 The experimental ST treatments were applied on 20 May, 31 May and 4 June 2015 at the Vertosol, Sodosol and Dermosol sites, respectively, by conducting a single pass of cultivation resembling that which may be used for weed control, and this was compared with an uncultivated (NT) control. On the Vertosol, the ST treatment was cultivated to a depth of approximately 150mm using a scarifier (250-mm winged tines, 200mm spacing) and on the Sodosol and Dermosol the ST treatment was cultivated to a depth of approximately 100mm using a cultivator (300-mm winged tines, 180mm spacing) and Kelly prickle harrow. CI Paired design 4 No NR NR NR Gas was sampled from passive chambers (120mm diameter, 0.008m3 headspace volume) placed across one pair of runoff plots per treatment on the Vertosol (four chambers) and Sodosol (three chambers). Samples were taken after treatments were applied but before rainfall, within 3 h after rainfall, and then 1, 2 and 3 (Vertosol only) days after rainfall. Gas was extracted from chambers with a syringe into pre-evacuated 10-mL glass vials at 0, 25, 50 and 75 min after enclosure Nitrous oxide (N2O), CO2 and CH4 concentrations were measured using a gas chromatograph (GC-2014; Shimadzu) and fluxes at each sampling occasion were calculated according to Chadwick et al. (2014). JR 275,5
198 b Melland (2017) Melland AR, Antille DL, Dang YP. Effects of strategic tillage on short-term erosion, nutrient loss in runoff and greenhouse gas emissions. Soil Research. 2017: 55; 201-214. Melland AR, Antille DL, Dang YP Effects of strategic tillage on short-term erosion, nutrient loss in runoff and greenhouse gas emissions 2017 Soil Research Article N/A Australia -28.13 150.29 S 56 233811 6885427 Cfa Billa Billa Clay loam NR NR The soils were a self-mulching uniform black clay (Black Vertosol; Isbell 2002) near Felton (2784904800S, 15184402400E), a clay loam over a sodic subsoil (Sodosol) near Billa Billa (288704800S, 15081702400E), and a clay loam over a gradational profile (Dermosol) near Moonie (2784604800S, 15081304800E) in south-east Queensland. Yes The fields that were used had 6- to 12-year histories of continuous NT and 8- to 15-year histories of CTF (Table 1). The Sodosol and Dermosol had been strategically cultivated to shallow depths (150 mm) once or twice, respectively, in the past 4 years for weed control or pupae busting after cotton cropping (Table 1). May 2015 May 2015 1 Tillage Tillage 2 The experimental ST treatments were applied on 20 May, 31 May and 4 June 2015 at the Vertosol, Sodosol and Dermosol sites, respectively, by conducting a single pass of cultivation resembling that which may be used for weed control, and this was compared with an uncultivated (NT) control. On the Vertosol, the ST treatment was cultivated to a depth of approximately 150mm using a scarifier (250-mm winged tines, 200mm spacing) and on the Sodosol and Dermosol the ST treatment was cultivated to a depth of approximately 100mm using a cultivator (300-mm winged tines, 180mm spacing) and Kelly prickle harrow. CI Paired design 4 No NR NR NR Gas was sampled from passive chambers (120mm diameter, 0.008m3 headspace volume) placed across one pair of runoff plots per treatment on the Vertosol (four chambers) and Sodosol (three chambers). Samples were taken after treatments were applied but before rainfall, within 3 h after rainfall, and then 1, 2 and 3 (Vertosol only) days after rainfall. Gas was extracted from chambers with a syringe into pre-evacuated 10-mL glass vials at 0, 25, 50 and 75 min after enclosure Nitrous oxide (N2O), CO2 and CH4 concentrations were measured using a gas chromatograph (GC-2014; Shimadzu) and fluxes at each sampling occasion were calculated according to Chadwick et al. (2014). JR 276,5
199 a Mielenz (2016) Mielenz H, Thorburn PJ, Scheer C, Migliorati MDA, Grace PR, Bell MJ. Opportunities for mitigating nitrous oxide emissions in subtropical cereal and fiber cropping systems: A simulation study. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2016: 218; 11-27. Mielenz H, Thorburn PJ, Scheer C, Migliorati MDA, Grace PR, Bell MJ Opportunities for mitigating nitrous oxide emissions in subtropical cereal and fiber cropping systems: A simulation study 2016 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article NR N/A Australia -26.53 151.81 S 56 381772 7065189 Cfa Kingaroy NR Oxisol NR NR No NR July 2011 June 2012 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 3 Three N rates were applied to a wheat– maize rotation (2011–12). Treatments N0 (control), N1 (reduced N) and N2 (conventional N) received a total amount of N of 0, 20, and 80 kg N ha1, in wheat, and 40, 100 and 160 kg N ha1, in maize, respectively, applied as urea. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cultivar Hartog) was sown in July 2011 and harvested in November with all residues left on the field. They were slashed and mulched. In December 2011, maize (Zea mays L., cultivar 32P55) was sown and harvested in June 2012. CI Paired design 1 No NR NR NR fully automated chamber system during each cropping season gas chromatograph (SRI 8610C, Torrance/USA) equipped with a 63Ni electron capture detector for N2O analysis. CRA 277,5
199 b Mielenz (2016) Mielenz H, Thorburn PJ, Scheer C, Migliorati MDA, Grace PR, Bell MJ. Opportunities for mitigating nitrous oxide emissions in subtropical cereal and fiber cropping systems: A simulation study. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2016: 218; 11-27. Mielenz H, Thorburn PJ, Scheer C, Migliorati MDA, Grace PR, Bell MJ Opportunities for mitigating nitrous oxide emissions in subtropical cereal and fiber cropping systems: A simulation study 2016 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article NR N/A Australia -27.51 151.78 S 56 379684 6956223 Cfa Kingsthorpe NR Vertisol NR NR No NR June 2009 May 2010 12 Irrigation Irrigation 3 three different irrigation intensities (Scheer et al., 2013, 2012): high irrigation (HI), medium irrigation (MI) and low irrigation (LI) where irrigation was applied when 50, 60 and 85% of the plant available water (PAW) was depleted, respectively. CI Paired design 1 No NR NR NR fully automated chamber system during each cropping season gas chromatograph (SRI 8610C, Torrance/USA) equipped with a 63Ni electron capture detector for N2O analysis. CRA 278,5
200 a Misselbrook (2014) Misselbrook TH, Cardenas LM, Camp V, Thorman RE, Williams JR, Rollett AJ, Chambers BJ. An assessment of nitrification inhibitors to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from UK agriculture. Environmental Research Letters. 2014: 9; 115006. Misselbrook TH, Cardenas LM, Camp V, Thorman RE, Williams JR, Rollett AJ, Chambers BJ An assessment of nitrification inhibitors to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from UK agriculture 2014 Environmental Research Letters Article N/A United Kingdom NR NR N NR NR NR Cfb Gleadthorpe Fert Sandy loam NR NR NR No NR March 2010 March 2011 13 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 5 For the fertilizer application experiments, treatments included an untreated control (C), ammonium nitrate fertilizer at recommended rates and timings for the crop (AN), ammonium nitrate plus DCD (AN + DCD), urea fertilizer at recommended rates and timings for the crop (U) and urea plus DCD (U + DCD). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR NR Nitrous oxide emissions were measured using the static chamber technique (Mosier 1989), with five chambers (each covering 0.16 m2) per plot to account for spatial variability. Sampling was conducted according to Chadwick et al (2014) whereby the chambers were closed to allow headspace accumulation of N2O. After 40 min, gas samples were taken from each chamber and stored in pre-evacuated vials. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. JR 279,5
200 b Misselbrook (2014) Misselbrook TH, Cardenas LM, Camp V, Thorman RE, Williams JR, Rollett AJ, Chambers BJ. An assessment of nitrification inhibitors to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from UK agriculture. Environmental Research Letters. 2014: 9; 115006. Misselbrook TH, Cardenas LM, Camp V, Thorman RE, Williams JR, Rollett AJ, Chambers BJ An assessment of nitrification inhibitors to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from UK agriculture 2014 Environmental Research Letters Article N/A United Kingdom NR NR N NR NR NR Cfb North Wyke Clay loam NR NR NR No NR April 2010 April 2011 13 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 5 For the fertilizer application experiments, treatments included an untreated control (C), ammonium nitrate fertilizer at recommended rates and timings for the crop (AN), ammonium nitrate plus DCD (AN + DCD), urea fertilizer at recommended rates and timings for the crop (U) and urea plus DCD (U + DCD). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR NR Nitrous oxide emissions were measured using the static chamber technique (Mosier 1989), with five chambers (each covering 0.16 m2) per plot to account for spatial variability. Sampling was conducted according to Chadwick et al (2014) whereby the chambers were closed to allow headspace accumulation of N2O. After 40 min, gas samples were taken from each chamber and stored in pre-evacuated vials. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. JR 280,5
200 c Misselbrook (2014) Misselbrook TH, Cardenas LM, Camp V, Thorman RE, Williams JR, Rollett AJ, Chambers BJ. An assessment of nitrification inhibitors to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from UK agriculture. Environmental Research Letters. 2014: 9; 115006. Misselbrook TH, Cardenas LM, Camp V, Thorman RE, Williams JR, Rollett AJ, Chambers BJ An assessment of nitrification inhibitors to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from UK agriculture 2014 Environmental Research Letters Article N/A United Kingdom NR NR N NR NR NR Cfb Newark Clay loam NR NR NR No NR February 2011 February 2012 13 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 5 For the fertilizer application experiments, treatments included an untreated control (C), ammonium nitrate fertilizer at recommended rates and timings for the crop (AN), ammonium nitrate plus DCD (AN + DCD), urea fertilizer at recommended rates and timings for the crop (U) and urea plus DCD (U + DCD). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR NR Nitrous oxide emissions were measured using the static chamber technique (Mosier 1989), with five chambers (each covering 0.16 m2) per plot to account for spatial variability. Sampling was conducted according to Chadwick et al (2014) whereby the chambers were closed to allow headspace accumulation of N2O. After 40 min, gas samples were taken from each chamber and stored in pre-evacuated vials. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. JR 281,5
200 d Misselbrook (2014) Misselbrook TH, Cardenas LM, Camp V, Thorman RE, Williams JR, Rollett AJ, Chambers BJ. An assessment of nitrification inhibitors to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from UK agriculture. Environmental Research Letters. 2014: 9; 115006. Misselbrook TH, Cardenas LM, Camp V, Thorman RE, Williams JR, Rollett AJ, Chambers BJ An assessment of nitrification inhibitors to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from UK agriculture 2014 Environmental Research Letters Article N/A United Kingdom NR NR N NR NR NR Cfb Sampford Chapple Fert Sandy clay loam NR NR NR No NR April 2011 April 2012 13 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 7 For the fertilizer application experiments, treatments included an untreated control (C), ammonium nitrate fertilizer at recommended rates and timings for the crop (AN), ammonium nitrate plus DCD (AN + DCD), urea fertilizer at recommended rates and timings for the crop (U) and urea plus DCD (U + DCD). At two of the sites (Sampford Chapple and Boxworth) two additional treatments were included: ammonium sulphate nitrate fertilizer at recommended rates and timings for the crop (ASN) and ammonium sulphate nitrate plus DMPP (ASN + DMPP). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR NR Nitrous oxide emissions were measured using the static chamber technique (Mosier 1989), with five chambers (each covering 0.16 m2) per plot to account for spatial variability. Sampling was conducted according to Chadwick et al (2014) whereby the chambers were closed to allow headspace accumulation of N2O. After 40 min, gas samples were taken from each chamber and stored in pre-evacuated vials. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. JR 282,5
200 e Misselbrook (2014) Misselbrook TH, Cardenas LM, Camp V, Thorman RE, Williams JR, Rollett AJ, Chambers BJ. An assessment of nitrification inhibitors to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from UK agriculture. Environmental Research Letters. 2014: 9; 115006. Misselbrook TH, Cardenas LM, Camp V, Thorman RE, Williams JR, Rollett AJ, Chambers BJ An assessment of nitrification inhibitors to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from UK agriculture 2014 Environmental Research Letters Article N/A United Kingdom NR NR N NR NR NR Cfb Boxworth Clay NR NR NR No NR March 2012 March 2013 13 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 7 For the fertilizer application experiments, treatments included an untreated control (C), ammonium nitrate fertilizer at recommended rates and timings for the crop (AN), ammonium nitrate plus DCD (AN + DCD), urea fertilizer at recommended rates and timings for the crop (U) and urea plus DCD (U + DCD). At two of the sites (Sampford Chapple and Boxworth) two additional treatments were included: ammonium sulphate nitrate fertilizer at recommended rates and timings for the crop (ASN) and ammonium sulphate nitrate plus DMPP (ASN + DMPP). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR NR Nitrous oxide emissions were measured using the static chamber technique (Mosier 1989), with five chambers (each covering 0.16 m2) per plot to account for spatial variability. Sampling was conducted according to Chadwick et al (2014) whereby the chambers were closed to allow headspace accumulation of N2O. After 40 min, gas samples were taken from each chamber and stored in pre-evacuated vials. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. JR 283,5
200 f Misselbrook (2014) Misselbrook TH, Cardenas LM, Camp V, Thorman RE, Williams JR, Rollett AJ, Chambers BJ. An assessment of nitrification inhibitors to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from UK agriculture. Environmental Research Letters. 2014: 9; 115006. Misselbrook TH, Cardenas LM, Camp V, Thorman RE, Williams JR, Rollett AJ, Chambers BJ An assessment of nitrification inhibitors to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from UK agriculture 2014 Environmental Research Letters Article N/A United Kingdom NR NR N NR NR NR Cfb Cockle Park Clay loam NR NR NR No NR March 2012 March 2013 13 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 5 For the fertilizer application experiments, treatments included an untreated control (C), ammonium nitrate fertilizer at recommended rates and timings for the crop (AN), ammonium nitrate plus DCD (AN + DCD), urea fertilizer at recommended rates and timings for the crop (U) and urea plus DCD (U + DCD). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR NR Nitrous oxide emissions were measured using the static chamber technique (Mosier 1989), with five chambers (each covering 0.16 m2) per plot to account for spatial variability. Sampling was conducted according to Chadwick et al (2014) whereby the chambers were closed to allow headspace accumulation of N2O. After 40 min, gas samples were taken from each chamber and stored in pre-evacuated vials. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. JR 284,5
200 g Misselbrook (2014) Misselbrook TH, Cardenas LM, Camp V, Thorman RE, Williams JR, Rollett AJ, Chambers BJ. An assessment of nitrification inhibitors to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from UK agriculture. Environmental Research Letters. 2014: 9; 115006. Misselbrook TH, Cardenas LM, Camp V, Thorman RE, Williams JR, Rollett AJ, Chambers BJ An assessment of nitrification inhibitors to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from UK agriculture 2014 Environmental Research Letters Article N/A United Kingdom NR NR N NR NR NR Cfb Gleadthorpe Urine Sandy loam NR NR NR No NR June 2011 June 2012 13 Multiple-intervention Nitrification inhibitor, Organic fertiliser 4 For the cattle urine experiments, treatments included an untreated control (C), cattle urine applied at 5 L m−2, cattle urine plus DCD (Urine + DCD) and cattle urine plus an additive containing two pyrazole derivatives (Urine + PD): 1H-1,2,4-triazole and 3-methylpyrazole at inclusion rates of approximately 3.1 and 1.6%, respectively. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR NR Nitrous oxide emissions were measured using the static chamber technique (Mosier 1989), with five chambers (each covering 0.16 m2) per plot to account for spatial variability. Sampling was conducted according to Chadwick et al (2014) whereby the chambers were closed to allow headspace accumulation of N2O. After 40 min, gas samples were taken from each chamber and stored in pre-evacuated vials. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. JR 285,5
200 h Misselbrook (2014) Misselbrook TH, Cardenas LM, Camp V, Thorman RE, Williams JR, Rollett AJ, Chambers BJ. An assessment of nitrification inhibitors to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from UK agriculture. Environmental Research Letters. 2014: 9; 115006. Misselbrook TH, Cardenas LM, Camp V, Thorman RE, Williams JR, Rollett AJ, Chambers BJ An assessment of nitrification inhibitors to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from UK agriculture 2014 Environmental Research Letters Article N/A United Kingdom NR NR N NR NR NR Cfb Sampford Urine Sandy clay loam NR NR NR No NR March 2012 March 2013 13 Multiple-intervention Nitrification inhibitor, Organic fertiliser 4 For the cattle urine experiments, treatments included an untreated control (C), cattle urine applied at 5 L m−2, cattle urine plus DCD (Urine + DCD) and cattle urine plus an additive containing two pyrazole derivatives (Urine + PD): 1H-1,2,4-triazole and 3-methylpyrazole at inclusion rates of approximately 3.1 and 1.6%, respectively. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR NR Nitrous oxide emissions were measured using the static chamber technique (Mosier 1989), with five chambers (each covering 0.16 m2) per plot to account for spatial variability. Sampling was conducted according to Chadwick et al (2014) whereby the chambers were closed to allow headspace accumulation of N2O. After 40 min, gas samples were taken from each chamber and stored in pre-evacuated vials. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. JR 286,5
200 i Misselbrook (2014) Misselbrook TH, Cardenas LM, Camp V, Thorman RE, Williams JR, Rollett AJ, Chambers BJ. An assessment of nitrification inhibitors to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from UK agriculture. Environmental Research Letters. 2014: 9; 115006. Misselbrook TH, Cardenas LM, Camp V, Thorman RE, Williams JR, Rollett AJ, Chambers BJ An assessment of nitrification inhibitors to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from UK agriculture 2014 Environmental Research Letters Article N/A United Kingdom NR NR N NR NR NR Cfb Gleadthorpe Slurry Sandy loam NR NR NR No NR September 2010 September 2011 13 Multiple-intervention Nitrification inhibitor, Organic fertiliser 3 For the cattle slurry experiments, treatments included an untreated control (C), cattle slurry (CS) surface broadcast applied at 50 and 40 m3 ha−1 at Sampford Chapple and Gleadthorpe, respectively, and cattle slurry plus DCD (CS + DCD). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR NR Nitrous oxide emissions were measured using the static chamber technique (Mosier 1989), with five chambers (each covering 0.16 m2) per plot to account for spatial variability. Sampling was conducted according to Chadwick et al (2014) whereby the chambers were closed to allow headspace accumulation of N2O. After 40 min, gas samples were taken from each chamber and stored in pre-evacuated vials. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. JR 287,5
200 j Misselbrook (2014) Misselbrook TH, Cardenas LM, Camp V, Thorman RE, Williams JR, Rollett AJ, Chambers BJ. An assessment of nitrification inhibitors to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from UK agriculture. Environmental Research Letters. 2014: 9; 115006. Misselbrook TH, Cardenas LM, Camp V, Thorman RE, Williams JR, Rollett AJ, Chambers BJ An assessment of nitrification inhibitors to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from UK agriculture 2014 Environmental Research Letters Article N/A United Kingdom NR NR N NR NR NR Cfb Sampford Slurry Sandy clay loam NR NR NR No NR August 2011 August 2012 13 Multiple-intervention Nitrification inhibitor, Organic fertiliser 3 For the cattle slurry experiments, treatments included an untreated control (C), cattle slurry (CS) surface broadcast applied at 50 and 40 m3 ha−1 at Sampford Chapple and Gleadthorpe, respectively, and cattle slurry plus DCD (CS + DCD). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR NR Nitrous oxide emissions were measured using the static chamber technique (Mosier 1989), with five chambers (each covering 0.16 m2) per plot to account for spatial variability. Sampling was conducted according to Chadwick et al (2014) whereby the chambers were closed to allow headspace accumulation of N2O. After 40 min, gas samples were taken from each chamber and stored in pre-evacuated vials. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. JR 288,5
201 a Mitchell (2016) Mitchell E, Scheer C, Rowlings DW, Conant RT, Cotrufo MF, Delden LV, Grace PR. The influence of above-ground residue input and incorporation on GHG fluxes and stable SOM formation in sandy soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2016: 101; 104-113. Mitchell E, Scheer C, Rowlings DW, Conant RT, Cotrufo MF, Delden LV, Grace PR The influence of above-ground residue input and incorporation on GHG fluxes and stable SOM formation in sandy soil 2016 Soil Biology & Biochemistry Article N/A Australia -27.37 152.87 S 56 486884 6972353 Cfb N/A Sandy loam NR NR The soil is a Chromosol (70% sand, 24% silt, 6% clay) according to the Australian Soil Classification (Isbell, 2002) Yes The site was a long term grazed pasture (50+ years) but was kept fallow for the duration of the experiment. May 2013 September 2014 17 Cover crops Cover crops 4 The treatments explored the effect of altering the rate of residue input to mimic agricultural residue management strategies such as residue retention (LO-5t, MED-10t, HI-15t), and a control. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber Closed Opaque PVC collars, 10 cm in diameter, were inserted to a depth of 10 cm (with 5cm remaining above the soil surface) CO2 was measured using a portable soil CO2 flux system (LI-COR 6100), N2O and CH4 were measured using a gas chromatograph equipped with an ECD detector for N2O and an FID for CH4 Study took place at Samford Ecological Research Facility, Samford Valley, Queensland, Australia - now known as QUT Institute for Future Environments CRA 289,5
201 b Mitchell (2016) Mitchell E, Scheer C, Rowlings DW, Conant RT, Cotrufo MF, Delden LV, Grace PR. The influence of above-ground residue input and incorporation on GHG fluxes and stable SOM formation in sandy soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2016: 101; 104-113. Mitchell E, Scheer C, Rowlings DW, Conant RT, Cotrufo MF, Delden LV, Grace PR The influence of above-ground residue input and incorporation on GHG fluxes and stable SOM formation in sandy soil 2016 Soil Biology & Biochemistry Article N/A Australia -27.37 152.87 S 56 486884 6972353 Cfb N/A Sandy loam NR NR The soil is a Chromosol (70% sand, 24% silt, 6% clay) according to the Australian Soil Classification (Isbell, 2002) Yes The site was a long term grazed pasture (50+ years) but was kept fallow for the duration of the experiment. May 2013 September 2014 17 Cover crops Cover crops 2 tillage mimic (mized residue treatment where the surface 10 cm of soil was removed, mixed with the labelled residues in a plastic bag and returned to the PVC tube), and a control CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber Closed Opaque PVC collars, 10 cm in diameter, were inserted to a depth of 10 cm (with 5cm remaining above the soil surface) CO2 was measured using a portable soil CO2 flux system (LI-COR 6100), N2O and CH4 were measured using a gas chromatograph equipped with an ECD detector for N2O and an FID for CH4 Study took place at Samford Ecological Research Facility, Samford Valley, Queensland, Australia - now known as QUT Institute for Future Environments CRA 290,5
202 Mo (2010) Mo Q, Guo Z, Cai C, Zhang G. Influence of hedge pruning returning on soil CO2 flux in subtropical China. 2010. Mo Q, Guo Z, Cai C, Zhang G Influence of hedge pruning returning on soil CO2 flux in subtropical China 2010 N/A Conference Proceeding N/A China 30.02 114.35 N 50 244411 3323590 Cfa N/A Clay loam Ultisol NR The arable land was primary sloped and terraced, and the soil of the site was classified as Ultisols with loamy clay texture Yes An experimental plot was established in April 2005 with 15 subplots of 6 m by 4 m. Vetiver was planted at a space of 4 m between hedgerow rows and 0.25 m between hedges within rows by transplanting seedlings prepared from nurseries. The plots had previously been cultivated with a rotation of wheat-maize since 2005 December 2008 June 2009 7 Other Other 3 The treatments in this experiment were: (1) pruning removed from plots (AR), (2) incorporated into soil (AI), and (3) applied as mulch (AM). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Closed NR Soil CO2 fluxes were measured in static closed chambers with a portable infrared gas analyzer ZEP-5(ZFP-5, Fuji Electric systems Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) [9]. The closed chamber was made from 8 mm thick acrylic materials with a diameter of 20 cm and a height of 25 cm. The top round edges were rubber-sealed in order to prevent from leakage when the top lid was put on it. No vent was installed in the chamber. Two battery-operated fans inside the stainless steel box homogenized the air in the chamber. A white thermal insulation cover was added outside of the stainless steel cover to reduce the impact of direct radiative heating during sampling. During the experimental period, the chambers were placed on stainless steel frame that had been inserted 5 cm into the soil. After the insertion of chamber in the soil for 20 min, 500 ml gas samples were collected using a 50 ml gas-tight polypropylene syringe through a rubber tube attached to the top of the chamber and then injected into evacuated bags made of inert aluminum-coated plastic. The CO2 concentration in bags was analyzed within 24 h following sampling using the portable infrared gas analyzer ZEP-5(ZFP-5, Fuji Electric systems Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) JR 291,5
203 Moeller (2009) Moller K, Stinner W. Effects of different manuring systems with and without biogas digestion on soil mineral nitrogen content and on gaseous nitrogen losses (ammonia, nitrous oxides). European Journal of Agronomy. 2009: 30; 1-16. Moller K, Stinner W Effects of different manuring systems with and without biogas digestion on soil mineral nitrogen content and on gaseous nitrogen losses (ammonia, nitrous oxides) 2009 European Journal of Soil Agronomy Article N/A Germany 50.4 8.25 N 32 446687 5583375 Cfb N/A Silt loam NR Luvisols The soils are silty loams derived from loess with pH values of 6.6–6.9 and are classified according to the standard international FAO soil classification system as Calcic Luvisols with a field capacity of 330–370mmm−1. No 3 treatments August 2004 September 2005 14 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Crop rotation, Cover crops 3 Stockless system with the common mulching practice (wL): The plant biomass of the clover/grass-ley, cover crops and the crop residues remained on the field, evenly spread over the surface and ploughed into the soil.No mobile manurewas available. The clover/grass-ley was cut with amulching machine, which chops the plant material into small pieces. Stockless system with digestion of field residues (wL-FR): The clover/grass-ley, cover crops, and crop residues (straw of wheat and pea crops) were harvested, removed and digested. The effluents of the digester were reallocated mainly in spring within the same crop rotation as manures for the non-legume crops. Stockless system with digestion of field residues and external substrates (wL-FER): The clover/grass-ley, cover crops, and crop residues were harvested, removed and digested, as described for wL-FR. External substrates (a mixture of clover/grass and maize silage) were digested in amounts according to EC guideline for organic farming, resulting in an additional N input (40 kgNha−1 yr−1). The effluents of the digester were reallocated mainly in spring within the same crop rotation as manures for the non-legume crops. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber Transparent The principle of a static chamber system as described by Hutchinson and Mosier (1981) was employed to measure in situ fluxes of N2O and CH4. Base frames of stainless steel (40cm×40 cm) were pressed into the soil. gas chromatrograph (GC-14B, Shimadzu) equipped with an automatic sampler CRA 292,5
204 Montanaro (2012) Montanaro G, Dichio B, Bati CB, Xiloyannis C. Soil management affects carbon dynamics and yield in a Mediterranean peach orchard. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2012: 161; 46-54. Montanaro G, Dichio B, Bati CB, Xiloyannis C Soil management affects carbon dynamics and yield in a Mediterranean peach orchard 2012 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A Italy 40.38 16.7 N 33 644300 4471692 Csa N/A Sandy loam NR NR Typic Xerofluvents, WRB, sandy-loam soil (68.8% sand, 16% silt and 15.3% clay) Yes Since establishment, the orchard was managed according to local practice (Lmng). Irrigation was through drippers (two per tree) each with a discharge rate of 8 L/h and wetting a ∼1.0 m wide strip along the in-row. The orchard was irrigated weekly during the growing season (April to September) but twice weekly during summer (June to August). Mineral fertilisers were applied by fertigation at an annual rate of 137.5 (N), 31 (P), 41.5 (K) and 2.3 (Ca) kg/ha. Soil was tilled 4–5 times during the growing season using an 18- disc harrow (∼10 cm depth). Tillage included both the in-row and the inter-row. Pruning was done in winter and all residues were removed. January 2004 December 2010 84 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser, Cover crops 2 From 2004 to 2010, a 1 ha block was subjected to alternative management (Amng) in which all soil was untilled and the understorey ‘grass’ was mowed three times (usually in March, May and June) to 3–4 cm. Fertilisation was based on tree demand and on availability of essential nutrients in the soil analyses (Xiloyannis et al., 2006; Montanaro et al., 2010). In the Amng block, minerals were supplied via fertigation at a mean annual rate of 55 (N), 4.5 (P) and 2.3 (Ca) kg ha−1. Each year in January, 15 t ha−1 (fresh weight, ∼25% moisture content) of organic amendment (compost) was distributed in a ∼1 m wide band along the in-row of soil surface, it was not incorporated in the soil. The compost (∼22.2 C/N; EcoPol SpA – Italy) contained on dry matter basis, 2.02% (±0.31 SE) total N, 1.8% (±0.26) organic N, 1.86% (±0.3) K2O, and 0.9% (±0.18) P2O5 supplying each year approximately a further 230 kg N, 170 kg K and 40 kg P ha−1 CI Paired design 1 No NR NR NR PVC collars (a 6 cm long section of 10 cm ID PVC pipe). In all, 60 PVC collars were pressed into the soil to a depth of 4 cm, one collar in each location. non-dispersive infrared gas analyser (Li-6400, LI-COR, Lincoln, NE, USA) equipped with a soil respiration chamber (Model Li-6400-09) was used to measure CO2 CRA 293,5
205 Morell (2010) Morell FJ, Alvaro-Fuentes J, Lampurlanes J, Cantero-Martinez C. Soil CO2 fluxes following tillage and rainfall events in a semiarid Mediterranean agroecosystem: Effects of tillage systems and nitrogen fertilization. 2010: 139; 167-173. Morell FJ, Alvaro-Fuentes J, Lampurlanes J, Cantero-Martinez C Soil CO2 fluxes following tillage and rainfall events in a semiarid Mediterranean agroecosystem: Effects of tillage systems and nitrogen fertilization 2010 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A Spain 41.8 1.12 N 31 343536 4629285 Cfb N/A NR NR NR Xerofluvent typic; In 1996 the soil in the Ap horizon (0-28 cm) contained 465g/kg of sand, 417g/kg of silt, and 118g/kg, an organic concentration ranging from 6 - 9 g/kg and pH from 7.8 to 8.1 Yes winter-barley was cropped NR 1996 NR 2008 48 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser 9 3 x 3 factorial; Three levels of N fertilization: zero (ZN), medium (MN) –(60 kgNha−1) and high (HN) –(120 kgNha−1)–, were compared in a factorial design with three tillage systems (no-tillage, NT and minimum tillage, MT(conservation tillage systems); and conventional tillage, (CTintensive tillage system) CI Randomized Complete Block 3 Yes NR Open NR An open chamber system (model CFX-1, PPSystems) The chamber has a cylindrical diameter of 21 cm, which covers a soil surface of 346cm2. infrared gas analyzer (model EGM-4, PPSystems) CRA 294,5
206 Morell (2011) Morell FJ, Cantero-Martinez C, Lampurlanes J, Plaza-Bonilla D, Alvaro-Fuentes J. Soil Carbon Dioxide Flux and Organic Carbon Content: Effects of Tillage and Nitrogen Fertilization. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 2011: 75; 1874-1884. Morell FJ, Cantero-Martinez C, Lampurlanes J, Plaza-Bonilla D, Alvaro-Fuentes J Soil Carbon Dioxide Flux and Organic Carbon Content: Effects of Tillage and Nitrogen Fertilization. Soil Science Society of America Journal 2011 Soil Science Society of America Journal Article N/A Spain 41.8 1.12 N 31 343536 4629285 Cfb N/A Loam NR NR Xerofluvent Typic Yes The study was performed in a long-term field experiment established in 1996 in Agramunt October 2006 July 2009 41 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser 9 3 x 3 factorial; The tillage systems were two conservation tillage systems (NT and MT) and one intensive tillage system (CT). Th e three levels of N fertilization were: zero (ZN), medium (MN), 60 kg N ha–1, and high (HN), 120 kg N ha–1. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 Yes NR Open NR An open chamber system (model CFX-1, PPSystems) The chamber had a 21 cm diam. cylindrical shape, covering a soil surface of 346 cm2. Th e chamber was directly inserted 2 cm deep in the soil. infrared gas analyzer (model EGM- 4, PPSystems, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, UK) CRA 295,5
207 Morell (2012) Morell FJ, Whitmore AP, Alvaro-Fuentes J, Lampurlanes J, Cantero-Martinez C. Root respiration of barley in a semiarid Mediterranean agroecosystem: field and modelling approaches. Plant and Soil. 2012: 351; 135-147. Morell FJ, Whitmore AP, Alvaro-Fuentes J, Lampurlanes J, Cantero-Martinez C Root respiration of barley in a semiarid Mediterranean agroecosystem: field and modelling approaches 2012 Plant and Soil Article N/A Spain 41.8 1.12 N 31 343536 4629285 Cfb N/A Loam NR NR Xerofluvent Typic Yes The study was performed in a long-term field experiment established in 1996 in Agramunt NR 1996 NR 2009 36 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser 9 factorial combination of three levels of N fertilization: zero, medium (60 kg Nha−1), and high (120 kg Nha−1); and three tillage systems: two conservation tillage systems (notillage, NT and minimum tillage, MT) and one intensive tillage system (conventional or inversion tillage, CT). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Open NR open chamber system 21 cm in diameter (model CFX-1, PPSystems) covering a surface of 341 cm2 of soil and with a flow rate adjusted to 900 mL min−1. infrared gas analyzer (model EGM-4, PPSystems). CRA 296,5
208 Muñoz (2011) Muñoz C, Paulino L, Vera J, Zagal E. CO2 AND N2O emissions from an Andisol in Chile under a no-till system using non-fixed closed chambers. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research. 2011: 71; 275-282. Muñoz C, Paulino L, Vera J, Zagal E CO2 AND N2O emissions from an Andisol in Chile under a no-till system using non-fixed closed chambers 2011 Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research Article N/A Chile -36 -72 S 19 229579 6011888 Csb N/A NR Andisol NR Soil is volcanic ashderived classified as Typic Haploxerands (CIREN, 1999). Yes The study was located in a long-term (15 yr) crop rotation field experiment (Triticum aestivum L.-Avena sativa L.) under a no-till system in Chile (36º S, 72º W). January 2008 January 2009 13 Multiple-intervention Amendments, Chemical fertiliser 4 A complete randomized design (n = 3) was established to assess the effect of annual inputs of N amendments and lime: nitrate-N fertilization (T1); ammonium-N fertilization (T2); ammonium-N plus 0.5 Mg lime (CaCO3) ha-1 (T3); and ammonium-N plus 1 Mg lime ha-1 (T4) (chemical and physical soil characteristics shown in Table 1) CI Randomized 3 No NR Closed NR Stainless steel chambers built on a non-fixed closed passive system (as described by Hutchinson and Mosier, 1981) with 16 cm inner diameter and 20 cm height (4.021 L) were set on the soil surface (inserted 5 cm), gas samples were collected every 15 min (0, 15, 30, and 45 min), and initial time (0 min) was considered as the time when the chamber was inserted into the soil. Gas sampling was done from the chamber headspace as previously recommended (IAEA, 1992; Hutchinson and Livingston, 2002) and samples were obtained with a preevacuated 12 mL Exetainer® (Labco, High Wycombe, UK). Concentrations of CO2 and N2O gases were estimated simultaneously with a flame ionized detector (FID) and methanizer for CO2 analysis, whereas N2O analysis employed an electronic capture detector (ECD) (Van Cleemput and Boeckx, 2002; Hedley et al., 2006) on a gas chromatograph (Model Clarus 600, Perkin Elmer, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA) JR 297,5
209 Nakamoto (2005) Nakamoto K, Niimi H, Ohba K. Soil carbon dynamics of forage crop fields with different applications of slurry barnyard manure in a warm and rainy region of Japan. Phyton. 2005: 45; 377-384. Nakamoto K, Niimi H, Ohba K Soil carbon dynamics of forage crop fields with different applications of slurry barnyard manure in a warm and rainy region of Japan 2005 Phyton Article;; N/A Japan 32.88 130.74 N 52 663045 3639364 Cfa N/A NR Andisol NR The soil of the experimental plots consisted of Andisol. The bulk density and the porosity of the soil within the 0.15 m surface layer were 0.72 g m"3 and 70.1 %, respectively and no significant differences were found among the three experimental plots Yes These treatments have been conducted since 1985. April 2002 September 2004 31 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 3 The experimental site consisted of three plots with different slurry applications: 6, 15 and 30 kg m"2. The slurry was 92.3 % water and the total carbon content was 2.92 %, which is relatively low compared with other manure (NIIMI 2002). CI Split/strip plot 0 No NR Closed NR Soil CO2 efflux measurements were conducted once a week for one month after slurry application, then once a month, by the closed chamber method. The chamber was a plastic column that covered a soil surface area of 0.02 m2 and was 0.2 m in height.. A fan, at the top of the chamber, mixed the air inside. The bottom of the chamber was buried in the soil up to a depth of 20 mm when it was installed at the center of the plot The GMP 221 sensor of the infrared gas analyser was inserted through a hole of 20 mm diameter in the wall of the chamber and attached to a MI700 data logger (Vaisala Oyj, Helsinki, Finland). For each plot, CO2 concentration at the soil surface and at 0.1, 0.3 m depths was measured directly by solid-state infrared gas analyser GMD20 (Vaisala Oyj, Helsinki, Finland)) from September 2003 to August 2004. JR 298,5
210 Nauer (2018) Nauer PA, Fest BJ, Visser L, Arndt SK. On-farm trial on the effectiveness of the nitrification inhibitor DMPP indicates no benefits under commercial Austrlian farming practices. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2018: 253; 82-89. Nauer PA, Fest BJ, Visser L, Arndt SK On-farm trial on the effectiveness of the nitrification inhibitor DMPP indicates no benefits under commercial Austrlian farming practices 2018 Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment Article N/A Australia -36.3 147.02 S 55 501496 5982776 Cfb N/A NR NR NR Ten different sites No NR May 2014 December 2016 36 Nitrification inhibitor Nitrification inhibitor 2 The treatment plot was fertilised with urea fertiliser amended with the nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) CI Paired design 1 Yes NR Closed NR manual closed chamber method; The chambers consisted of PVC cylinders with a radius of 7.5 cm and 15 cm height, mounted on a permanently installed collar inserted ∼2–3 cm into the soil gas chromatography system equipped with an electron-capture detector (GC-ECD; SRI Instruments, Torrance, CA, USA). CRA 299,5
211 a Nicholls (2016) Nicholls ZA, Price SD. Measuring nitrous oxide emissions from conventional and controlled release fertilisers in south-east Queensland pineapple production. Acta Horticulturae. 2016: 1111(25); 169-175. Nicholls ZA, Price SD Measuring nitrous oxide emissions from conventional and controlled release fertilisers in south-east Queensland pineapple production 2016 Acta Horticulturae Article NR N/A Australia -26.88 152.95 S 56 495034 7026486 Cfa Glasshouse Silty clay loam NR NR Soil was a fine silt clay loam No NR September 2013 December 2013 4 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 2 pre-plant controlled release fertilizer, and conventional granular fertilizer CI Paired design 1 No Static chamber NR The PVC chambers used were 22.5 cm in diameter, with 10 cm inserted into the soil leaving 20 cm headspace. gas chromatography; Agilent 7890A Gas Chromatograph CRA 300,5
211 b Nicholls (2016) Nicholls ZA, Price SD. Measuring nitrous oxide emissions from conventional and controlled release fertilisers in south-east Queensland pineapple production. Acta Horticulturae. 2016: 1111(25); 169-175. Nicholls ZA, Price SD Measuring nitrous oxide emissions from conventional and controlled release fertilisers in south-east Queensland pineapple production 2016 Acta Horticulturae Article NR N/A Australia -27.02 152.92 S 56 491733 7011716 Cfa Elimbah Sandy clay loam NR NR Soil was a sandy clay loam No NR September 2013 December 2013 4 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 2 pre-plant controlled release fertilizer, and conventional granular fertilizer CI Paired design 1 No Static chamber NR The PVC chambers used were 22.5 cm in diameter, with 10 cm inserted into the soil leaving 20 cm headspace. gas chromatography; Agilent 7890A Gas Chromatograph CRA 301,5
212 a Nicholson (2017) Nicholson F, Bhogal A, Cardenas L, Chadwick D, Misselbrook T, Rollett A, Taylor M, Thorman R, Williams J. Nitrogen losses to the environment following food-based digestate and compost applications to agricultural land. Environmental Pollution. 2017: 228; 504-516. Nicholson F, Bhogal A, Cardenas L, Chadwick D, Misselbrook T, Rollett A, Taylor M, Thorman R, Williams J. Nitrogen losses to the environment following food-based digestate and compost applications to agricultural land. 2017 Environmental Pollution Article N/A United Kingdom 52.73 1.04 N 31 367661 5844378 Cfb Wensum Autumn Sandy loam NR NR clay = 11%, total N (%) = 0.2, organic C (%) = 1.3, pH - 6.7 No NR August 2011 September 2012 22 Multiple-intervention Cover crops, Organic fertiliser 5 Food-based digestate, green/food compost, pig slurry, pig solid farmyard manure, and an untreated control CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR Nitrous oxide emissions were measured using the static chamber technique (Chadwick et al., 2014), from three replicate plots per treatment, using 5 chambers per plot (giving a total of 15 replicate chambers per treatment). Each chamber had dimensions of 40 cm 40 cm square and was 25 cm tall, giving a soil surface area coverage of 0.16 m2 . The chambers were installed immediately after organic material application and positioned in a 5 cm deep slot cut in the soil. The chambers were designed to completely enclose growing arable crops and grassland, without damage, with chamber extensions fitted to enable measurements to be taken from mature cereal and grass crops. On each sampling occasion, the chambers were covered for at least 40 min before the headspace was sampled. The samples were transferred to evacuated vials prior to Gas Chromatography analysis using an Electron Capture Detector. Coordinates are estimated for Wensum River, Norfolk, UK CRA/JR 302,5
212 b Nicholson (2017) Nicholson F, Bhogal A, Cardenas L, Chadwick D, Misselbrook T, Rollett A, Taylor M, Thorman R, Williams J. Nitrogen losses to the environment following food-based digestate and compost applications to agricultural land. Environmental Pollution. 2017: 228; 504-516. Nicholson F, Bhogal A, Cardenas L, Chadwick D, Misselbrook T, Rollett A, Taylor M, Thorman R, Williams J. Nitrogen losses to the environment following food-based digestate and compost applications to agricultural land. 2017 Environmental Pollution Article N/A United Kingdom 52.73 1.04 N 31 367661 5844378 Cfb Wensum Spring Sandy loam NR NR clay = 11%, total N (%) = 0.2, organic C (%) = 1.3, pH - 6.7 No NR February 2012 February 2013 13 Multiple-intervention Cover crops, Organic fertiliser 5 Food-based digestate, green/food compost, pig slurry, pig solid farmyard manure, and an untreated control CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR Nitrous oxide emissions were measured using the static chamber technique (Chadwick et al., 2014), from three replicate plots per treatment, using 5 chambers per plot (giving a total of 15 replicate chambers per treatment). Each chamber had dimensions of 40 cm 40 cm square and was 25 cm tall, giving a soil surface area coverage of 0.16 m2 . The chambers were installed immediately after organic material application and positioned in a 5 cm deep slot cut in the soil. The chambers were designed to completely enclose growing arable crops and grassland, without damage, with chamber extensions fitted to enable measurements to be taken from mature cereal and grass crops. On each sampling occasion, the chambers were covered for at least 40 min before the headspace was sampled. The samples were transferred to evacuated vials prior to Gas Chromatography analysis using an Electron Capture Detector. Coordinates are estimated for Wensum River, Norfolk, UK CRA/JR 303,5
213 a Niehues (2015) Niehues ND. Biochar and Organic Amendments Effects on Vineyard Scale Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Nitrous Oxide Producing Pathways. University of California Davis. 2015 Niehues ND Biochar and Organic Amendments Effects on Vineyard Scale Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Nitrous Oxide Producing Pathways 2015 University of California Davis Thesis NR N/A USA 38.42 -122.4 N 10 552379 4252217 Csb N/A Loam NR NR Bale (variant) gravelly loam (fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, thermic Cumulic Ultic Haploxeroll) No NR March 2013 January 2015 23 Multiple-intervention Cover crops, Biochar 5 Floor fertilization practices (none, cover crop, and compost) were assigned as main plots, while biochar or no biochar amendments constituted sub plots CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR NR Greenhouse gas fluxes of N2O, CO2, and CH4 were measured using the static chamber technique (Parkin and Venterea 2010). Circular chambers (32.25 cm diameter 22.5cm, height) were constructed from polyvinylchloride (PVC) pipe and each equipped with a manual fan, pressure regulation vent, temperature thermocouple sensors, and rubber septa. Chambers were affixed to PVC collars of equal diameter extending approximately 10 cm from the soil surface. Chamber collars remained in the soil throughout the duration of the experiment and were only removed occasionally as required by vineyard maintenance activities such as tillage. Gas samples were processed in lab for N2O, CO2, and CH4 concentration (ppm) with a Shimadzu gas chromatograph (Model GC-2014 Palo Alto, CA USA) JJT 304,5
213 b Niehues (2015) Niehues ND. Biochar and Organic Amendments Effects on Vineyard Scale Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Nitrous Oxide Producing Pathways. University of California Davis. 2015 Niehues ND Biochar and Organic Amendments Effects on Vineyard Scale Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Nitrous Oxide Producing Pathways 2015 University of California Davis Thesis NR N/A USA 38.42 -122.4 N 10 552379 4252217 Csb N/A Loam NR NR Bale (variant) gravelly loam (fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, thermic Cumulic Ultic Haploxeroll) No NR March 2013 January 2015 23 Multiple-intervention Cover crops, Biochar 5 Floor fertilization practices (none, cover crop, and compost) were assigned as main plots, while biochar or no biochar amendments constituted sub plots CI Split/strip plot 4 No Static chamber NR Greenhouse gas fluxes of N2O, CO2, and CH4 were measured using the static chamber technique (Parkin and Venterea 2010). Circular chambers (32.25 cm diameter 22.5cm, height) were constructed from polyvinylchloride (PVC) pipe and each equipped with a manual fan, pressure regulation vent, temperature thermocouple sensors, and rubber septa. Chambers were affixed to PVC collars of equal diameter extending approximately 10 cm from the soil surface. Chamber collars remained in the soil throughout the duration of the experiment and were only removed occasionally as required by vineyard maintenance activities such as tillage. Gas samples were processed in lab for N2O, CO2, and CH4 concentration (ppm) with a Shimadzu gas chromatograph (Model GC-2014 Palo Alto, CA USA) CRA 305,5
214 Nishimura (2014) Nishimura S, Komada M, Takebe M, Takahashi S, Yonemura S, Karasawa T, Sato F, Kato N. Contribution of nitrous oxide emission from soil covered with plastic mulch film in vegetable field. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology. 2014: 70(2); 117-225. Nishimura S, Komada M, Takebe M, Takahashi S, Yonemura S, Karasawa T, Sato F, Kato N Contribution of nitrous oxide emission from soil covered with plastic mulch film in vegetable field 2014 Journal of Agricultural Meterology Article N/A Japan 36.02 140.1 N 54 418901 3986172 Cfa N/A Clay loam Andisol NR The soil type in the field was volcanic acid soil (Andisols), and the surface layer (0 to 15 cm) had a clay loam texture No NR December 2009 January 2012 26 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 2 commercial compound fertilizer, and poultry manure compost CI Paired design 1 No NR Closed NR A chamber consisting of gray polyvinyl chloride plates was placed on the ridge of the soil surface. The chamber had a basal area of 0.45 m^2 (0.6m x 0.75m) and a height that varied from 0.2 to 0.5 m. gas chromatograph CRA 306,5
215 a Nishina (2015) Nishina K, Sudo S, Yagi K, Sano T, Takata Y, Obara H, Eguchi S, Oura N, Yano S, Ohkoshi S, Fujita Y, Shiratori Y, Tsuji M, Hasukawa H, Suzue Y, Yamada Y, Mizukami H, Uezono I. Multi-site monitoring for N2O emission factors of synthetic fertilizer in various soils with different redoximorphic features across Japan. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2015: 103; 87-99. Nishina K, Sudo S, Yagi K, Sano T, Takata Y, Obara H, Eguchi S, Oura N, Yano S, Ohkoshi S, Fujita Y, Shiratori Y, Tsuji M, Hasukawa H, Suzue Y, Yamada Y, Mizukami H, Uezono I Multi-site monitoring for N2O emission factors of synthetic fertilizer in various soils with different redoximorphic features across Japan 2015 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A Japan NR NR N NR NR NR Cfa Yamagata (YG) NR NR NR NR Yes All of the experimental sites of this study had not been applied with manure or any other organic materials before the beginning of this study. August 2010 January 2013 18 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 3 For N fertilizer treatment, we established at least three treatment plots in each experimental site in each cropping period, which were no fertilization plots (for background N2O emission) used as a control, synthetic fertilizer plots, and organic material plots CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR closed chamber method using a plastic chamber. The chamber bases were inserted at least 5 cm deep into soils gas chromatograph with a 63Ni electron capture detector (GC-8A, Shimadzu, Kyoto) Rough estimates of site location based off of Figure 1; no coordinates included but reference map is CRA 307,5
215 b Nishina (2015) Nishina K, Sudo S, Yagi K, Sano T, Takata Y, Obara H, Eguchi S, Oura N, Yano S, Ohkoshi S, Fujita Y, Shiratori Y, Tsuji M, Hasukawa H, Suzue Y, Yamada Y, Mizukami H, Uezono I. Multi-site monitoring for N2O emission factors of synthetic fertilizer in various soils with different redoximorphic features across Japan. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2015: 103; 87-99. Nishina K, Sudo S, Yagi K, Sano T, Takata Y, Obara H, Eguchi S, Oura N, Yano S, Ohkoshi S, Fujita Y, Shiratori Y, Tsuji M, Hasukawa H, Suzue Y, Yamada Y, Mizukami H, Uezono I Multi-site monitoring for N2O emission factors of synthetic fertilizer in various soils with different redoximorphic features across Japan 2015 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A Japan NR NR N NR NR NR Cfa Fukushima (FK) NR NR Andosols NR Yes All of the experimental sites of this study had not been applied with manure or any other organic materials before the beginning of this study. August 2010 August 2012 25 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 3 For N fertilizer treatment, we established at least three treatment plots in each experimental site in each cropping period, which were no fertilization plots (for background N2O emission) used as a control, synthetic fertilizer plots, and organic material plots CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR closed chamber method using a plastic chamber. The chamber bases were inserted at least 5 cm deep into soils gas chromatograph with a 63Ni electron capture detector (GC-8A, Shimadzu, Kyoto) Rough estimates of site location based off of Figure 1; no coordinates included but reference map is CRA 308,5
215 c Nishina (2015) Nishina K, Sudo S, Yagi K, Sano T, Takata Y, Obara H, Eguchi S, Oura N, Yano S, Ohkoshi S, Fujita Y, Shiratori Y, Tsuji M, Hasukawa H, Suzue Y, Yamada Y, Mizukami H, Uezono I. Multi-site monitoring for N2O emission factors of synthetic fertilizer in various soils with different redoximorphic features across Japan. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2015: 103; 87-99. Nishina K, Sudo S, Yagi K, Sano T, Takata Y, Obara H, Eguchi S, Oura N, Yano S, Ohkoshi S, Fujita Y, Shiratori Y, Tsuji M, Hasukawa H, Suzue Y, Yamada Y, Mizukami H, Uezono I Multi-site monitoring for N2O emission factors of synthetic fertilizer in various soils with different redoximorphic features across Japan 2015 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A Japan NR NR N NR NR NR Cfa Ibaraki (IB) NR NR Andosols NR Yes All of the experimental sites of this study had not been applied with manure or any other organic materials before the beginning of this study. IB was the orchard site, where was 18 years old pears in the start of experiment. March 2011 December 2012 22 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 3 For N fertilizer treatment, we established at least three treatment plots in each experimental site in each cropping period, which were no fertilization plots (for background N2O emission) used as a control, synthetic fertilizer plots, and organic material plots CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR closed chamber method using a plastic chamber. The chamber bases were inserted at least 5 cm deep into soils gas chromatograph with a 63Ni electron capture detector (GC-8A, Shimadzu, Kyoto) Rough estimates of site location based off of Figure 1; no coordinates included but reference map is CRA 309,5
215 d Nishina (2015) Nishina K, Sudo S, Yagi K, Sano T, Takata Y, Obara H, Eguchi S, Oura N, Yano S, Ohkoshi S, Fujita Y, Shiratori Y, Tsuji M, Hasukawa H, Suzue Y, Yamada Y, Mizukami H, Uezono I. Multi-site monitoring for N2O emission factors of synthetic fertilizer in various soils with different redoximorphic features across Japan. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2015: 103; 87-99. Nishina K, Sudo S, Yagi K, Sano T, Takata Y, Obara H, Eguchi S, Oura N, Yano S, Ohkoshi S, Fujita Y, Shiratori Y, Tsuji M, Hasukawa H, Suzue Y, Yamada Y, Mizukami H, Uezono I Multi-site monitoring for N2O emission factors of synthetic fertilizer in various soils with different redoximorphic features across Japan 2015 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A Japan NR NR N NR NR NR Cfa Niigata (NI) NR NR Andosols NR Yes All of the experimental sites of this study had not been applied with manure or any other organic materials before the beginning of this study. August 2010 September 2012 26 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 3 For N fertilizer treatment, we established at least three treatment plots in each experimental site in each cropping period, which were no fertilization plots (for background N2O emission) used as a control, synthetic fertilizer plots, and organic material plots CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR closed chamber method using a plastic chamber. The chamber bases were inserted at least 5 cm deep into soils gas chromatograph with a 63Ni electron capture detector (GC-8A, Shimadzu, Kyoto) Rough estimates of site location based off of Figure 1; no coordinates included but reference map is CRA 310,5
215 e Nishina (2015) Nishina K, Sudo S, Yagi K, Sano T, Takata Y, Obara H, Eguchi S, Oura N, Yano S, Ohkoshi S, Fujita Y, Shiratori Y, Tsuji M, Hasukawa H, Suzue Y, Yamada Y, Mizukami H, Uezono I. Multi-site monitoring for N2O emission factors of synthetic fertilizer in various soils with different redoximorphic features across Japan. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2015: 103; 87-99. Nishina K, Sudo S, Yagi K, Sano T, Takata Y, Obara H, Eguchi S, Oura N, Yano S, Ohkoshi S, Fujita Y, Shiratori Y, Tsuji M, Hasukawa H, Suzue Y, Yamada Y, Mizukami H, Uezono I Multi-site monitoring for N2O emission factors of synthetic fertilizer in various soils with different redoximorphic features across Japan 2015 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A Japan NR NR N NR NR NR Cfa Aichi (AC) NR NR NR NR Yes All of the experimental sites of this study had not been applied with manure or any other organic materials before the beginning of this study. April 2011 January 2013 21 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 3 For N fertilizer treatment, we established at least three treatment plots in each experimental site in each cropping period, which were no fertilization plots (for background N2O emission) used as a control, synthetic fertilizer plots, and organic material plots CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR closed chamber method using a plastic chamber. The chamber bases were inserted at least 5 cm deep into soils gas chromatograph with a 63Ni electron capture detector (GC-8A, Shimadzu, Kyoto) Rough estimates of site location based off of Figure 1; no coordinates included but reference map is CRA 311,5
215 f Nishina (2015) Nishina K, Sudo S, Yagi K, Sano T, Takata Y, Obara H, Eguchi S, Oura N, Yano S, Ohkoshi S, Fujita Y, Shiratori Y, Tsuji M, Hasukawa H, Suzue Y, Yamada Y, Mizukami H, Uezono I. Multi-site monitoring for N2O emission factors of synthetic fertilizer in various soils with different redoximorphic features across Japan. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2015: 103; 87-99. Nishina K, Sudo S, Yagi K, Sano T, Takata Y, Obara H, Eguchi S, Oura N, Yano S, Ohkoshi S, Fujita Y, Shiratori Y, Tsuji M, Hasukawa H, Suzue Y, Yamada Y, Mizukami H, Uezono I Multi-site monitoring for N2O emission factors of synthetic fertilizer in various soils with different redoximorphic features across Japan 2015 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A Japan NR NR N NR NR NR Cfa Shiga (SG) NR NR NR NR Yes All of the experimental sites of this study had not been applied with manure or any other organic materials before the beginning of this study. SG reclaimed land, 50 years after being diked, respectively. SG was a paddy rice– soybean rotation site, October 2010 December 2012 27 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 3 For N fertilizer treatment, we established at least three treatment plots in each experimental site in each cropping period, which were no fertilization plots (for background N2O emission) used as a control, synthetic fertilizer plots, and organic material plots CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR closed chamber method using a plastic chamber. The chamber bases were inserted at least 5 cm deep into soils gas chromatograph with a 63Ni electron capture detector (GC-8A, Shimadzu, Kyoto) Rough estimates of site location based off of Figure 1; no coordinates included but reference map is CRA 312,5
215 g Nishina (2015) Nishina K, Sudo S, Yagi K, Sano T, Takata Y, Obara H, Eguchi S, Oura N, Yano S, Ohkoshi S, Fujita Y, Shiratori Y, Tsuji M, Hasukawa H, Suzue Y, Yamada Y, Mizukami H, Uezono I. Multi-site monitoring for N2O emission factors of synthetic fertilizer in various soils with different redoximorphic features across Japan. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2015: 103; 87-99. Nishina K, Sudo S, Yagi K, Sano T, Takata Y, Obara H, Eguchi S, Oura N, Yano S, Ohkoshi S, Fujita Y, Shiratori Y, Tsuji M, Hasukawa H, Suzue Y, Yamada Y, Mizukami H, Uezono I Multi-site monitoring for N2O emission factors of synthetic fertilizer in various soils with different redoximorphic features across Japan 2015 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A Japan NR NR N NR NR NR Cfa Tokushima (TK) NR NR NR NR Yes All of the experimental sites of this study had not been applied with manure or any other organic materials before the beginning of this study. TK was converted from paddy soil to upland cultivars. October 2010 August 2012 23 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 3 For N fertilizer treatment, we established at least three treatment plots in each experimental site in each cropping period, which were no fertilization plots (for background N2O emission) used as a control, synthetic fertilizer plots, and organic material plots CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR closed chamber method using a plastic chamber. The chamber bases were inserted at least 5 cm deep into soils gas chromatograph with a 63Ni electron capture detector (GC-8A, Shimadzu, Kyoto) Rough estimates of site location based off of Figure 1; no coordinates included but reference map is CRA 313,5
215 h Nishina (2015) Nishina K, Sudo S, Yagi K, Sano T, Takata Y, Obara H, Eguchi S, Oura N, Yano S, Ohkoshi S, Fujita Y, Shiratori Y, Tsuji M, Hasukawa H, Suzue Y, Yamada Y, Mizukami H, Uezono I. Multi-site monitoring for N2O emission factors of synthetic fertilizer in various soils with different redoximorphic features across Japan. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2015: 103; 87-99. Nishina K, Sudo S, Yagi K, Sano T, Takata Y, Obara H, Eguchi S, Oura N, Yano S, Ohkoshi S, Fujita Y, Shiratori Y, Tsuji M, Hasukawa H, Suzue Y, Yamada Y, Mizukami H, Uezono I Multi-site monitoring for N2O emission factors of synthetic fertilizer in various soils with different redoximorphic features across Japan 2015 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A Japan NR NR N NR NR NR Cfa Nagasaki (NG) NR NR NR NR Yes All of the experimental sites of this study had not been applied with manure or any other organic materials before the beginning of this study. reclaimed land 12 years after being diked. March 2011 December 2012 22 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 3 For N fertilizer treatment, we established at least three treatment plots in each experimental site in each cropping period, which were no fertilization plots (for background N2O emission) used as a control, synthetic fertilizer plots, and organic material plots CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR closed chamber method using a plastic chamber. The chamber bases were inserted at least 5 cm deep into soils gas chromatograph with a 63Ni electron capture detector (GC-8A, Shimadzu, Kyoto) Rough estimates of site location based off of Figure 1; no coordinates included but reference map is CRA 314,5
215 i Nishina (2015) Nishina K, Sudo S, Yagi K, Sano T, Takata Y, Obara H, Eguchi S, Oura N, Yano S, Ohkoshi S, Fujita Y, Shiratori Y, Tsuji M, Hasukawa H, Suzue Y, Yamada Y, Mizukami H, Uezono I. Multi-site monitoring for N2O emission factors of synthetic fertilizer in various soils with different redoximorphic features across Japan. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2015: 103; 87-99. Nishina K, Sudo S, Yagi K, Sano T, Takata Y, Obara H, Eguchi S, Oura N, Yano S, Ohkoshi S, Fujita Y, Shiratori Y, Tsuji M, Hasukawa H, Suzue Y, Yamada Y, Mizukami H, Uezono I Multi-site monitoring for N2O emission factors of synthetic fertilizer in various soils with different redoximorphic features across Japan 2015 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A Japan NR NR N NR NR NR Cfa Kumamoto (KM) NR NR Andosols NR Yes All of the experimental sites of this study had not been applied with manure or any other organic materials before the beginning of this study. October 2010 December 2012 27 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 3 For N fertilizer treatment, we established at least three treatment plots in each experimental site in each cropping period, which were no fertilization plots (for background N2O emission) used as a control, synthetic fertilizer plots, and organic material plots CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR closed chamber method using a plastic chamber. The chamber bases were inserted at least 5 cm deep into soils gas chromatograph with a 63Ni electron capture detector (GC-8A, Shimadzu, Kyoto) Rough estimates of site location based off of Figure 1; no coordinates included but reference map is CRA 315,5
215 j Nishina (2015) Nishina K, Sudo S, Yagi K, Sano T, Takata Y, Obara H, Eguchi S, Oura N, Yano S, Ohkoshi S, Fujita Y, Shiratori Y, Tsuji M, Hasukawa H, Suzue Y, Yamada Y, Mizukami H, Uezono I. Multi-site monitoring for N2O emission factors of synthetic fertilizer in various soils with different redoximorphic features across Japan. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2015: 103; 87-99. Nishina K, Sudo S, Yagi K, Sano T, Takata Y, Obara H, Eguchi S, Oura N, Yano S, Ohkoshi S, Fujita Y, Shiratori Y, Tsuji M, Hasukawa H, Suzue Y, Yamada Y, Mizukami H, Uezono I Multi-site monitoring for N2O emission factors of synthetic fertilizer in various soils with different redoximorphic features across Japan 2015 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A Japan NR NR N NR NR NR Cfa Kagoshima (KG) NR NR Andosols NR Yes All of the experimental sites of this study had not been applied with manure or any other organic materials before the beginning of this study. October 2010 November 2012 26 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 3 For N fertilizer treatment, we established at least three treatment plots in each experimental site in each cropping period, which were no fertilization plots (for background N2O emission) used as a control, synthetic fertilizer plots, and organic material plots CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR closed chamber method using a plastic chamber. The chamber bases were inserted at least 5 cm deep into soils gas chromatograph with a 63Ni electron capture detector (GC-8A, Shimadzu, Kyoto) Rough estimates of site location based off of Figure 1; no coordinates included but reference map is CRA 316,5
216 Nouchi (2005) Nouchi I, Yonemura S. CO2, NH4 and N2O fluxes from soybean and barley double-cropping in relation to tillage in Japan. Phyton. 2005: 45; 327-338. Nouchi I, Yonemura S CO2, NH4 and N2O fluxes from soybean and barley double-cropping in relation to tillage in Japan 2005 Phyton Article; N/A Japan 36.02 140.12 N 54 420403 3986158 Cfa N/A Clay NR Andosols a Typic Low-humic Andosol soil to a depth of 5 m. The soil texture and characteristics are as follows. Soil texture was light clay, and total-C amount was 2.91%, and Total-N was 0.27%. Yes These frame fields had previously been used to cultivate rice for 10 years as rice paddies, then converted to upland field and used to cultivate upland crops such as cabbage, for 5 years up to the previous year. Each of these fields was now divided into a conventional tillage cultivation plot (20 m x 10 m) and a no-tillage cultivation plot (20 m x 10 m) leaving turning areas (2 m x 10 m on the east side, 4 m x 10 m in the center and 4 m x 10 m for the west side) for a power tiller. July 2001 May 2003 24 Tillage Tillage 2 In the conventional plow tillage plot, the chopped plant material was incorporated into the soil using a rotary harrow, whereas in the no-tillage cultivation plot, the crops were left on the soil surface. The conventional plow tillage treatment disturbed the soil to a depth of approximately 20 cm. CI Split/strip plot 2 Yes NR Closed NR CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes were monitored in three replicates of each plot using the closed soil chamber method. The cylindrical chamber consisted of two parts: a foundation bottom section (diameter 21 cm; height 7 cm) made of stainless steel was inserted 3 cm into the ground over a ridge, and alid section (diameter 21 cm; height 9.5 cm), made of grey vinyl chloride plates, was attached with inlet and outlet tubes for air flow and a small hole to allow extra air to escape. In the CO2 measurement, it is single-unit by 3 pieces in foundation bottom section and 1 lid section. CH4 and N2O fluxes were determined in rectangular chambers (length 40 cm; width 40 cm; height 10 cm). The chamber also consisted of two parts: a foundation bottom section (length 40 cm, width 40 cm, height 5 cm), made of stainless steel, was inserted 3 cm into the ground over a ridge, and a lid section (length 40 cm, width 40 cm, height 10 cm), made of grey vinyl chloride plates fitted with two gas sampling ports The concentration of CO2 (soil respiration) was continuously measured by means of a ventilation-type cylindrical chamber installed with automated gas sampling and analyzing equipment. The CO2 concentrations were measured by means of an infrared CO2 analyzer (Model ZRC, Fuji Electric Co. Ltd., Japan). CH4 concentrations were determined using a gas Chromatograph (GC- 9A, Shimadzu Co., Japan) equipped with hydrogen flame ionization detectors at 100 °C using helium as the carrier gas and an integrator (Chromatopac CR-7A, Shimadzu Co., Japan). N2O concentrations were determined using a gas Chromatograph (GC-8A, Shimadzu Co., Japan) equipped with 63Ni electron capture detectors at 340 °C using argon gas containing 5% CH4 as the earner gas and the integrator. JR 317,5
217 Nyatakawa (2012) Nyatakawa EZ, Mays DA, Way TR, Watts DB, Torbert HA, Smith DR. Soil Carbon Dioxide Fluxes in Conventional and Conservation Tillage Corn Production Systems Receiving Poultry Litter and Inorganic Fertilizer. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. 2012: 36(8); 873-892. Nyatakawa EZ, Mays DA, Way TR, Watts DB, Torbert HA, Smith DR Soil Carbon Dioxide Fluxes in Conventional and Conservation Tillage Corn Production Systems Receiving Poultry Litter and Inorganic Fertilizer 2015 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A USA 34.9 -86.56 N 16 540139 3862138 Cfa N/A Silt loam NR NR Decatur silt loam (fine, kaolinitic, thermic Rhodic Paleudult) No NR Spring 2008 Fall 2009 24 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser 10 two tillage systems: conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT); two N sources: PL and AN; and three fertilizer application methods: surface application (SA), soil incorporation (SI), and subsurface band application (BA) (PL only) CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR NR Opaque custom-built static PVC chambers designed in accordance with the USDA-ARS GRACEnet Chamber-based Trace Gas Flux Measurement Protocol (2003). The chambers consisted of two parts: a chamber anchor base and a vented sampling chamber head. The chamber bases were made from white PVC pipe, 20 cm inside diameter, 6 mm thick, and 15 cm long. The chamber bases were driven 10 cm into the ground using a rectangular wooden block and a rubberized mallet, leaving a soil collar 5 cm above the ground. Varian CP-3800 gas chromatograph (Varian CRA 318,5
218 Oh (2006) Oh K, Kato T, Zhong-Pei L, Fa-Yun L. Environmental Problems From Tea Cultivation in Japan and a Control Measure Using Calcium Cyanamide. Pedosphere. 2006: 16(6); 770-777. Oh K, Kato T, Zhong-Pei L, Fa-Yun L Environmental Problems From Tea Cultivation in Japan and a Control Measure Using Calcium Cyanamide 2006 Pedosphere Article N/A Japan 34.72 138.22 N 54 245108 3845151 Cfa N/A Loam NR Andosols Soil types are mainly Humic Andosol and red-yellow soil in Japanese soil classification with an approximate texture composition of 50% sand, 27% silt, and 23% clay. Yes In this area of about 369 km2,.tea has been grown for more than 100 years and the tea fields cover more than half of the arable land. NR 1996 December 1998 36 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 five N fertilization treatments with two replications. The five fertilization treatments were application of nitrogen at rates of 0, 300, 600, 900, and 1 200 kg N/ha/year CI Split/strip plot 2 No NR Closed NR N20 emission rates were measured monthly in duplicate at the surface of inter-row soil for one year, using the closed chamber method (Hutchinson and Livingston, 1993). Nitrous oxide in the air phase of the chamber was quantified using gas chromatography CRA 319,5
219 Okuda (2007) Okuda H, Noda K, Sawamoto T, Tsuruta H, Hirabayashi T, Yonemoto JY, Yagi K. Emissions of N2O and CO2 and uptake of CH4 in soil from a satsuma mandarin orchard under mulching cultivation in Japan. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science. 2007: 76(4); 279-287. Okuda H, Noda K, Sawamoto T, Tsuruta H, Hirabayashi T, Yonemoto JY, Yagi K Emissions of N2O and CO2 and uptake of CH4 in soil from a satsuma mandarin orchard under mulching cultivation in Japan 2007 Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science Article N/A Japan 35.05 138.52 N 54 273505 3881408 Cfa N/A Loam NR Andosols Soil types are mainly Humic Andosol and red-yellow soil in Japanese soil classification with an approximate texture composition of 50% sand, 27% silt, and 23% clay. Yes In the open orchard, satsuma mandarin trees (‘Silverhill’, 31 years old in 2001) were planted on a ridge (4 m wide) 50 cm higher than furrows at a density of 50 trees per 10 a. March 2000 February 2002 20 Amendments Amendments 2 using non-mulching and mulching treatment with the first mulching performed in the autumn of 2000. CI Paired design 1 No Closed NR closed chamber technique (Hutchinson and Mosier, 1981), using a cylindrical chamber made of non-transparent PVC without a base (60 cm in diameter and 15 cm in height). The chamber was placed on a frame base which was fixed in the surface soil to a depth of 3 cm throughout the year. CH4 and CO2 was measured by a gas chromatograph equipped with FID and TCD (GC- 9A, Shimadzu Corp., Japan) and N2O was measured by another gas chromatograph equipped with ECD (GC- 14A, Shimadzu Corp.). CRA 320,5
220 Oo (2018) Oo AW, Gonai T, Sudo S, Win KT, Shibata A. Surface application of fertilizers and residue biochar on N2O emission from Japanese pear orchard soil. Plant, Soil and Environment. 2018: 64; 597-604. Oo AW, Gonai T, Sudo S, Win KT, Shibata A Surface application of fertilizers and residue biochar on N2O emission from Japanese pear orchard soil 2018 Plant, Soil & Environment Article N/A Japan 36.27 140.43 N 54 449100 4013675 Cfa N/A NR NR Andosols NR No NR March 2017 October 2017 8 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser, Biochar 4 The treatments were: (1) control (unfertilized); (2) manure 300 kg N/ha and N fertilizer 200 kg N/ha with no biochar amendment (F + BC0); (3) the same amount of manure and N fertilizer with 2 t/ha biochar (F + BC2) and (4) with 10 t/ha biochar (F + BC10). Ammonium sulfate was used as a nitrogen source. Manure used in this study was pig manure composted with rice husk. Manure was applied on fresh weight basis with the rate of 18.6 t/ha based on N content. CI Split/strip plot 3 No NR Closed NR N2O were analysed with a gas chromatograph (GC 2014, Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan) equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD) Air samples used to determine soil N2O fluxes were collected using the closed chamber method (Toma et al. 2017). Vinyl chloride chamber bases were installed throughout the experimental period under the tree canopy for each plot CRA 321,5
221 Oorts (2007) Oorts K, Merckx R, Grehan E, Labreuche J, Nicolardot B. Determinants of annual fluxes of CO2 and N2O in long-term no-tillage and conventional tillage systems in northern France. Soil & Tillage Research. 2007: 95; 133-148. Oorts K, Merckx R, Grehan E, Labreuche J, Nicolardot B Determinants of annual fluxes of CO2 and N2O in long-term no-tillage and conventional tillage systems in northern France 2007 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A France 48.55 -2.55 N 54 533210 5377531 Cfb N/A NR NR Luvisols The soil was an Haplic Luvisol Yes Two tillage systems, i.e. no-tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT), had been imposed since 1970 NR 1970 April 2004 Unclear Tillage Tillage 2 Before differentiation, the field had been mouldboard ploughed to 30 cm depth annually. Tillage was then totally suppressed in NT (no-tillage) whereas CT (conventional tillage) was mouldboard ploughed to 20 cm depth every year. CI Paired design 2 No NR NR NR CO2 was measured using automatic chambers (0.49 m2, 0.225 m high) connected to an infra-red analyzer. Four chambers for each tillage treatment were pressed 0.10 m into the soil. These gas chambers were placed on one line perpendicular to the direction of the field operations and covered the whole width of the combine harvester (4.5 m) in order to take into account the horizontal heterogeneity of both soil structure and the distribution of crop residues induced by tillage and harvest operations. N2O emissions were quantified on average every 3 weeks with non automatic chambers (0.5 m diameter and 0.15 m high) as described by He´nault et al. (2005). Eight chambers per tillage treatment were set up in each experimental plot, disposed in zigzag on two rows distant from about 12 m covering the width of the plot, assuming that soil heterogeneity was greater perpendicular, rather than parallel, to the direction of the field operations. They remained at the same place for each period and were pushed approximately 0.08 m into the soil between the rows (distance between rows 0.80 m) of maize plants for period I and into the bare soil for period II. The gas samples were analysed using a gas chromatograph equipped with a porapak Q column connected to an electron capture detector (Shimadzu GC8AIE, Kyoto, Japan). JR 322,5
222 Oyewole (2016) Oyewole MTO. Effect of organic amendment application rate on nitrous oxide, methane, and carbon dioxide emissions: field study and regional farmer survey. University of California Santa Barbara. 2016. Oyewole MTO Effect of organic amendment application rate on nitrous oxide, methane, and carbon dioxide emissions: field study and regional farmer survey 2016 University of California Santa Barbara Thesis NR N/A USA 34.42 -119.8 N 10 242658 3811912 Csb N/A Clay Mollisol NR The field study was conducted on a field of carrots (Daucus carota subsp. sativus), grown on a Mollisol soil during a single growing season. We classified the clay-rich soil as a fine, mixed, superactive, thermic, Calcic Haploxeroll (USDA NRCS, 1999). Yes The farm has been used for organic food production under the same management for approximately 30 years July 2014 October 2014 4 Cover crops Cover crops 4 Compost was applied on July 16, 2014 with a spreader tractor and disced into the soil to ca. 20 cm in a single ca. 0.25 ha field. The field was divided in half, and compost was applied at rates of 18.2 and 9.1 Mg ha-1 in the high (HC) and low (LC) compost treatments which were on either half of the field, respectively. HC is the typical rate of application at this farm, applied once at the beginning of the season for most crops. Treatments were HC bed, LC bed, HC furrow, LC furrow. CI Paired design 1 No NR Closed NR Chamber bases were constructed of aluminum with lengths and widths of 27.5 cm and heights of 15-20 cm. They were inserted into the ground to depths of ca. 7- 12 cm. Heights of chamber bases above the soil surface were measured immediately after placement and periodically thereafter to calculate headspace volume and account for changes in headspace volume due to soil settling. Chamber bases remained in the same position between most sampling events but were occasionally moved due to field machine operations. In that case, bases were replaced within 1 m of their original position, and were allowed to equilibrate for a minimum of 24 h before sampling. Chamber lids were constructed of aluminum with volumes of 4.4, 12.5, or 12.8 L. Water troughs sealing the chamber lids to chamber bases were used to isolate flux chambers from atmospheric conditions. Gas analysis was performed using a Shimadzu GC-14A gas chromatograph (Nakagyoku, Japan) equipped with a 63Ni electron capture detector (ECD), a thermal conductivity detector (TCD), and a flame ionization detector (FID) for measurement of N2O, CO2, and CH4, respectively JR 323,5
223 Perego (2016) Perego A, Wu L, Gerosa G, Finco A, Chiazzese M, Amaducci S. Field evaluation combined with modelling analysis to study fertilizer and tillage as factors affecting N2O emissions: A case study in the Po valley (Northern Italy). Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2016: 225; 72-85. Perego A, Wu L, Gerosa G, Finco A, Chiazzese M, Amaducci S Field evaluation combined with modelling analysis to study fertilizer and tillage as factors affecting N2O emissions: A case study in the Po valley (Northern Italy) 2016 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A Italy 44.96666667 9.683333333 N 32 553888 4979475 Cfa N/A Silt loam NR Luvisols The soil is a Chromic Luvisol, with a silt loamy texture (sand 12%, silt 64%, and clay 24%) in the upper-layer (0-30cm), according to soil taxonomy (FAO, 2006). The soil has a low percentage of carbonates, a subacid to neutral pH (6.9) and cation exchange capacity equal to 14.9meq/100g. No NR May 2011 September 2013 29 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 9 The main plot was tillage treatment; two levels, conventional tillage (CT) and minimum tillage (MT), and fertilizer treatment; four fertilizers, compost, digestate, liquid pig slurry, and ammonium nitrate. In addition there was an unfertilized control in the controlled tillage fields. CI Split/strip plot 3 No Static chamber NR Transparent The SASSFLUX system consisted of a central unit where a rotative gas-filtered infrared photometer (T320U N2O analyser). The lid of every chamber was a box-shaped transparent Plexiglass which automatically closed over a white-painted metal collar (35 x 35 cm^2 basal area and 7 cm height) that bounded the soil surface (inserted into the soil to a depth of 5 cm). SASSFLUX system (Static Automatic Sampler for Soil FLUX measurements) CRA 324,5
224 Pereira (2015) Pereira EI, da Cruz CCT, Solomon A, Le A, Cavigelli MA. Novel Slow-Release Nanocomposite Nitrogen Fertilizers: The Impact of Polymers on Nanocomposite Properties and Function. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2015: 54; 3717-3725. Pereira EI, da Cruz CCT, Solomon A, Le A, Cavigelli MA Novel Slow-Release Nanocomposite Nitrogen Fertilizers: The Impact of Polymers on Nanocomposite Properties and Function 2015 Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article N/A USA 39.03333333 -76.91666667 N 18 334104 4322223 Cfa N/A NR NR NR NR No NR October 2012 January 2013 4 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 7 In this experiment, only the pure urea, MMT/Ur (no polymers), and composites HG 1 and 4% and PCL 1 and 4% were used. The 2% composites were not used due to constraints on the number of plots that could be sampled in a timely fashion. An additional control treatment to which no N fertilizer was added resulted in seven fertilizer treatments. Description: Urea ((NH2)2CO, Synth), montmorillonite clay without purification (Bentonita, Drescon S/A, Produtos de Perfuração), and polycaprolactone (PCL) or polyacrylamide hydrogel (HG) were used as components of the nanocomposites. Clay material (average particle size of 230 nm) was used as received. Urea and PCL were previously ground in a hammer mill (Tecnal, TE-330) and in a cryogenic milling apparatus, respectively. The HG was synthesized in the lab, based on the methodology described in previous work.14 HG was obtained by chemical polymerization of the acrylamide monomer in aqueous solution of the MMT. For synthesis, we used a constant mass ratio of monomer (acrylamide) to clay of 1:1. After drying, the HG was ground in a ball mill (SERVITECH, CT 242) and sifted through a 45 mesh sieve (0.35 mm openings). MMT was introduced into the HG matrix to improve the mechanical properties and to increase the degree of mixing between the components during mixing with urea in final composite preparation CI Split/strip plot 4 No NR NR NR aluminum chamber anchors (internal dimension, 0.635 × 0.325 m; 0.206 m2 each) were installed in the ground to a depth of about 10 cm. Each chamber encompassed four rows of wheat 0.635 m in length. Seven frames were placed in each of four areas of the field to create four replicated plots. The fertilizer composites were applied between the crop rows inside each anchor at a rate of 100 kg N ha−1, based on total nitrogen content of each composite. A trench (2 cm deep × 10 cm wide) was dug between the two center rows of wheat. Fertilizer materials were scattered in the trench by hand, and covered with the excavated soil to minimize any potential volatilization of urea from the composites. Each anchor was fit with a gutter along its outer perimeter. At the time of sampling, gutters were filled with water, and a lid that fit inside the gutter17 was placed over each anchor. Gas samples were taken from the resulting chamber headspace through a sampling port using a syringe and needle. Headspace samples (10 mL) N2O concentration in each vial was determined using a Varian 450 gas chromatograph equipped with an electron capture detector (temperature 300 °C), a split/splitless type injector (temperature 120 °C) and a fused silica Porapak QS column CRA 325,5
225 Pereira (2016) Pereira EIP, Suddick EC, Six J. Carbon Abatement and Emissions Associated with the Gasification of Walnut Shells for Bioenergy and Biochar Production. PLoS ONE. 2016: 11(3); e0150837. Pereira EIP, Suddick EC, Six J Carbon Abatement and Emissions Associated with the Gasification of Walnut Shells for Bioenergy and Biochar Production 2016 PLoS ONE Article N/A USA 38.51666667 -121.8833333 N 10 597350 4263734 Csa N/A Silty clay loam Mollisol NR The soil is a Yolo silt clay loam (Fine-silty, mixed, nonacid,thermic family of Mollic Xerofluvents) (USDA soilclassification) Yes organically-managedwalnut (Juglansregia) orchard July 2010 September 2012 29 Multiple-intervention Biochar, Organic fertiliser 4 four treatments: Control (noamendment), biochar (10 tonsha-1 or47kgN ha-1),compost(2tons ha-1 or47kg Nha-1) and biochar +compost (5tonsof biochar ha-1 +1 tonofcompostha-1,or47kgNha-1).Compost treatmentswere included intheexperimentto evaluate potential interactive effects between biochar and themain nutrientsource inorganic orchards. Additionally, eachplotwas divided into twofunctional locations:Tree row and tractor row.Inthetractor row, measurements weretaken in thecenter of thecover cropped area andrepresent alocation of highN inputs duetothe presence of covercrops. Inthetree row, measurements were takenbetweentrees andrepresent alocationof highincidence ofirrigation water andN uptake bythewalnut trees CI Split/strip plot 3 No NR Closed NR vented-closed-flux chamber method according to Hutchinson &Mosier [28].The chambers were made outof polyvinylchloride (20.3 cm indiameter and 15cm tall) with a rubber belt sealing between the top and bottom of the chamber N2Oand CO2 concentrations were analyzed byelectron capture (ECD) andthermalconductivity(TCD) gaschromatography, respectively (GC-2014Shimadzu GasChromatograph, Kyoto, Japan CRA 326,5
226 Pes (2011) Pes LZ, Amado TJC, La Scala Jr. N, Bayer C, Fiorin JE. The primary sources of carbon loss during the crop-establishment period in a subtropical Oxisol under contrasting tillage systems. Soil & Tillage Research. 2011: 117; 163-171. Pes LZ, Amado TJC, La Scala Jr. N, Bayer C, Fiorin JE The primary sources of carbon loss during the crop-establishment period in a subtropical Oxisol under contrasting tillage systems 2011 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A Brazil -28.6 -53.67 S 22 239222 6833423 Cfa N/A Clay NR NR clay Typic Haplorthox (US Soil Taxonomy) Yes The experiment was initiated in 1985 in a wheat and soybean cropland that was previously subjected to poor soil management characterized by intensive soil disturbance, low C input, the burning of crop residues, the presence of rill erosion, soil organicmatter depletion, and evidence of soil degradation. This long-term study is one of the oldest soil management experiments in southern Brazil. The end of the 1980s was a period of the largescale adoption of NT by farmers in this region of Brazil. NR 1985 October 2007 274 Tillage Tillage 2 two tillage systems, conventional tillage (CT) and no-till (NT) CI Split/strip plot 3 Yes NR Closed NR The soil chamber consisted of a closed system with an internal volume of 991 cm3 and a soil-contact area of 71.6 cm2. During the CO2–C measurements, the chamber was positioned on a PVC collar installed in the soil. infrared gas analyzer (IRGA) system coupled to a closed-chamber system (Soil CO2 Flux systems + Chamber 6400-09, Licor, NE, USA). CRA 327,5
227 a Peyrard (2017) Peyrard C, Ferchaud F, Mary B, Gréhan E, Léonard J. Management practices of Miscanthus x giganteus strongly influence soil properties and N2O emissions over the long term. Bioenergy Research. 2017: 10; 208-24. Peyrard C, Ferchaud F, Mary B, Gréhan E, Léonard J Management practices of Miscanthus x giganteus strongly influence soil properties and N2O emissions over the long term 2017 Bioenergy Research Article N/A France 49.87 3.01 N 31 500934 5524399 Cfb N/A Silt loam NR Luvisols The soil is a deep loamy Haplic Luvisol (FAO classification), containing 18 % clay, 77 % silt and 5 % sand. Yes The field experiment was set up in 2006 to compare the production and the environmental impacts of different bioenergy crops including M. giganteus [5, 8]. In this study, we focused only on six plots (two treatments distributed in three blocks) of M. giganteus. The two treatments were early harvest (EH) with an autumn harvest in October and late harvest (LH) with a winter harvest in February. The crop (M. giganteus Greef & Deuter ex Hodkinson & Renvoize) was planted in April 2006 at the density of 1.5 rhizomes m−2. It was not harvested on the first year because of the low biomass production, the aboveground biomass being cut and left on soil surface. The harvests started in 2007, with the whole plots being harvested every year with a silage harvester. M. giganteus was fertilised each year since 2007 with a urea ammonium nitrate solution applied in late April (120 kg N ha−1 year−1). The crop was not irrigated. April 2014 August 2014 5 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, other 4 The two treatments were early harvest (EH) with an autumn harvest in October and late harvest (LH) with a winter harvest in February. A specific experiment was carried out as a 2x2 factorial design, with harvest date and fertiliser form as the two studied factors. For this purpose, subplots in EH (early harvest) and LH (late harvest) plots were fertilised either with ammonium sulphate (EHNH4 and LH-NH4) or with potassium nitrate (EH-NO3 and LH-NO3). CI Randomized Complete Block 1 No NR NR NR each experimental unit was equipped with three automatic chambers (0.70 × 0.40 m or 0.70 × 0.23 m) which allowed a quasi-continuous monitoring of N2O fluxes (four times per day). The chambers were inserted 8–10 cm into the soil and placed in the inter-row, because the limited resulting headspace height (about 20–22 cm) did not allow for the growth of M. giganteus. Every 6 h, the chambers were closed during 18 min and CO2 and N2O concentrations were measured every 10 s with two infrared gas analysers (LI-COR Biosciences Li720 and Thermo Instruments 46C, for the CO2 and N2O, respectively). Experimental design described as factorial, no further detail JR 328,5
227 b Peyrard (2017) Peyrard C, Ferchaud F, Mary B, Gréhan E, Léonard J. Management practices of Miscanthus x giganteus strongly influence soil properties and N2O emissions over the long term. Bioenergy Research. 2017: 10; 208-24. Peyrard C, Ferchaud F, Mary B, Gréhan E, Léonard J Management practices of Miscanthus x giganteus strongly influence soil properties and N2O emissions over the long term 2017 Bioenergy Research Article N/A France 49.87 3.01 N 31 500934 5524399 Cfb N/A Silt loam NR Luvisols The soil is a deep loamy Haplic Luvisol (FAO classification), containing 18 % clay, 77 % silt and 5 % sand. Yes The field experiment was set up in 2006 to compare the production and the environmental impacts of different bioenergy crops including M. giganteus [5, 8]. In this study, we focused only on six plots (two treatments distributed in three blocks) of M. giganteus. The two treatments were early harvest (EH) with an autumn harvest in October and late harvest (LH) with a winter harvest in February. The crop (M. giganteus Greef & Deuter ex Hodkinson & Renvoize) was planted in April 2006 at the density of 1.5 rhizomes m−2. It was not harvested on the first year because of the low biomass production, the aboveground biomass being cut and left on soil surface. The harvests started in 2007, with the whole plots being harvested every year with a silage harvester. M. giganteus was fertilised each year since 2007 with a urea ammonium nitrate solution applied in late April (120 kg N ha−1 year−1). The crop was not irrigated. April 2015 August 2015 5 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, other 4 The two treatments were early harvest (EH) with an autumn harvest in October and late harvest (LH) with a winter harvest in February. A specific experiment was carried out as a 2x2 factorial design, with harvest date and fertiliser form as the two studied factors. For this purpose, subplots in EH (early harvest) and LH (late harvest) plots were fertilised either with ammonium sulphate (EHNH4 and LH-NH4) or with potassium nitrate (EH-NO3 and LH-NO3). CI Randomized Complete Block 1 No NR NR NR each experimental unit was equipped with three automatic chambers (0.70 × 0.40 m or 0.70 × 0.23 m) which allowed a quasi-continuous monitoring of N2O fluxes (four times per day). The chambers were inserted 8–10 cm into the soil and placed in the inter-row, because the limited resulting headspace height (about 20–22 cm) did not allow for the growth of M. giganteus. Every 6 h, the chambers were closed during 18 min and CO2 and N2O concentrations were measured every 10 s with two infrared gas analysers (LI-COR Biosciences Li720 and Thermo Instruments 46C, for the CO2 and N2O, respectively). Experimental design described as factorial, no further detail JR 329,5
228 Pfab (2011) Pfab H, Palmer I, Buegger F, Fiedler S, Muller T, Ruser R. N2O fluxes from a Haplic Luvisol under intensive production of lettuce and cauliflower as affected by different N-fertilization strategies. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 2011: 174; 545-553. Pfab H, Palmer I, Buegger F, Fiedler S, Muller T, Ruser R Influence of a nitrification inhibitor and of placed N-fertilization on N2O fluxes from a vegetable cropped loamy soil 2011 Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science Article Pfab et al. 2011 Germany 48.72 9.18 N 32 513485 5395976 Cfb N/A Silty clay loam NR Luvisols Haplic Luvisol derived from periglacial leoss. Texture consisted of 2% sand, 68% silt, and 30% clay, the initial soil pH was 5.5 and the gravel content was <1%. No NR May 2007 April 2009 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 4 following fertilization treatments: (1) in total 528kg N ha–1 y–1, which corresponded to the amounts commonly used by farmers following good agricultural practice (GP), (2) an optimized-fertilization strategy (OPT) adopted to the plant demand using a target value of 401kg N ha–1 y–1 as recommended by Feller et al. (2001), (3) a reduced-fertilization strategy (LOW) with a further reduction by 20% to 319kg N ha–1 y–1, assuming that due to soil internal N mineralization this would not have any negative effect on yields, and (4) an unfertilizedcontrol treatment (control). CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed Opaque The circular PVC chambers had an inner diameter of 30cm and consisted of a base frame with a height of 15cm and a chamber with a height of 10.5cm (Flessa et al., 1995). The base frames were inserted in the middle of each plot at a depth of 10cm N2O in the gas samples was analyzed using a gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with a 63Ni electron-capture detector (ECD) (5890 series II, Hewlett Packard) and an autosampler (HS 40, Perkin Elmer); N2 was used as carrier gas CRA 330,5
229 Pfab (2012) Pfab H, Palmer I, Buegger F, Fiedler S, Muller T, Ruser R. Influence of a nitrification inhibitor and of placed N-fertilization on N2O fluxes from a vegetable cropped loamy soil. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2012: 150; 91-101. Pfab H, Palmer I, Buegger F, Fiedler S, Muller T, Ruser R Influence of a nitrification inhibitor and of placed N-fertilization on N2O fluxes from a vegetable cropped loamy soil 2012 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A Germany 48.72 9.18 N 32 513485 5395976 Cfb N/A Silty clay loam NR Luvisols Haplic Luvisol derived from periglacial leoss. Texture consisted of 2% sand, 68% silt, and 30% clay, the initial soil pH was 5.5 and the gravel content was <1%. No NR May 2008 April 2010 24 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 4 conventional broadcast fertilizer (ammonium sulfate nitrate), depot fertilizer wherein ammonium sulfate nitrate depots were laid out at the surface about 5 cm beside each seedling, conventional treatment (ammonium sulfate nitrate) with the addition of a nitrification inhibitor (DMPP), and a control. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed Opaque Cylindrical PVC-chambers with an inner diameter of 30cm and a height of 10.5 cm. gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with a 63Ni electron-capture detector (ECD) (5890 series II, Hewlett Packard) and an autosampler (HS 40, Perkin Elmer) CRA 331,5
230 Pillai (2016) Pillai PR. Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Biofuel Crops and Atmospheric Aerosols: Associations with Air Quality and Regional Climate. North Carolina State Univeristy. Pillai PR Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Biofuel Crops and Atmospheric Aerosols: Associations with Air Quality and Regional Climate 2016 North Carolina State University Thesis NR N/A USA 35.6 -78.83 N 17 696273 3941745 Cfa N/A Sandy loam NR NR Soils at the site are Appling sandy loam (Fine, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludults) consisting of 58% sand, 26% silt, and 16% clay in corn No NR April 2011 September 2013 30 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 3 treatments consisted of three N rates, 60, 120, and 180 kg N per ha-1 yr-1, and did not include the control treatment as zero Corn treatments consisted of three N rates, 60, 120, and 180 kg N per ha-1 yr-1, and did not include the control treatment as zero N application is not a standard practice for corn. Fertilizer was granular ammonium sulfate, (NH4)2SO4, and was broadcast applied by hand. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 Yes Static chamber NR NR vented static chambers following the GRACENet protocol (Parkin et al., 2010, Livingston and Hutchinson, 1995). Four PVC collars (surface area ~314 cm2; total volume ~3900 cm3; V/A ratio = 12) were permanently inserted randomly in the soil in each switchgrass and corn plot. The PVC collars facilitated a gas tight seal with an overlying PVC end cap (~13 cm long with a beveled edge on one end) to create the chamber. gas chromatography (GC) /electron capture detection (ECD). CRA/JR 332,5
231 Piva (2012) Piva JT, Dieckow J, Bayer C, Zanatta JA, de Moraes A, Pauletti V, Tomazi M, Pergher M. No-till reduces global warming potential in a subtropical Ferralsol. Plant and Soil. 2012: 361; 359-373. Piva JT, Dieckow J, Bayer C, Zanatta JA, de Moraes A, Pauletti V, Tomazi M, Pergher M No-till reduces global warming potential in a subtropical Ferralsol 2012 Plant and Soil Article N/A Brazil -24.78 -49.95 S 22 606144 7258635 Cfb N/A NR NR Ferralsols clayey Umbric Ferrasol (IUSS 2006) or Latossolo Bruno (Embrapa 2006) Yes The area was originally under native grassland (Campos Gerais) but around 1960 (no precise record of the date is available) it was converted to annual cropland for commercial wheat and soybean cropping under CT, this management system being continued until the establishment of the experiment in 2005 September 2018 September 2009 13 Tillage Tillage 7 seven tillage types, of which we selected conventional tillage (CT) and no-till (NT) plots in the soil use system where ryegrass was used only as winter cover crop. For the CT plots we applied one heavy disking operation (∼15 cm deep) and two leveling disking operations (∼10 cm deep) in spring to incorporate ryegrass biomass before planting maize and again in autumn before sowing ryegrass. We used a heavy disker equipped with 25 inch diameter disks that produced similar effects to ploughing (i.e., a layer cut and inversion, residue incorporation and formation of a compacted pan below the tilled layer). In southern Brazil, this CT management system based on heavy disking up to 15 cm deep represents about 70 % of the area in which soil is tilled. For the NT plots, the ryegrass cover crop was desiccated with a glyphosate-based herbicide, equivalent to adding glyphosate at the rate of 1,200 gha−1, before planting maize, the same herbicide regime being used to desiccate spontaneous weeds before sowing the ryegrass. The NT systems in this region still depend on the application of herbicide. The NT management implies no tillage operation over the years. Since treatments were based on an annual succession of oat/ maize, the cropping system and farm operations were repeated every other year for each treatment. CI Split/strip plot 4 No Static chamber NR Opaque Static PVC chambers (Mosier 1989; Parkin et al. 2003) 20 cm high and 25 cm in diameter were deployed on metal bases (collars) to collect air samples. Gas Chromatograph; Shimadzu 2014 Chromatograph, equipped with flame ionization detector (FID) and electron capture detector (ECD). CRA 333,5
232 Piva (2014) Piva JT, Dieckow J, Bayer C, Zanatta JA, de Moraes A, Tomazi M, Pauletti V, Barth G, Piccolo M. Soil gaseous N2O and CH4 emissions and carbon pool due to integrated crop-livestock in a subtropical Ferralsol. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2014: 190; 87-93. Piva JT, Dieckow J, Bayer C, Zanatta JA, de Moraes A, Tomazi M, Pauletti V, Barth G, Piccolo M Soil gaseous N2O and CH4 emissions and carbon pool due to integrated crop-livestock in a subtropical Ferralsol 2014 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article, N/A Brazil -24.8 -49.96 S 22 604952 7257014 Cfb N/A Clay NR Ferralsols Soil type was an Umbric Ferralsol (IUSS System) orLatossolo Bruno (Brazilian System), with clayey texture in 0–20-cm(439 g kg−1of clay, 177 g kg−1of silt and 384 g kg−1of sand) No NR September 2008 September 2009 13 Grazing Grazing 2 (i) Integrated crop-livestock (CL), with annual-ryegrass (Loliummultiflorum Lam.) being grazed in three to four grazing cyclesper winter by Holstein or Jersey cows (Bos taurus). Each grazing cycle started when annual-ryegrass was 20-cm high and finished two or three days later, when annual-ryegrass was 10-cm high. The standing residue left after the last grazing cycle was desiccated with glyphosate herbicide (1200 g a.i. ha−1). In summer, maize (Zea mays L.) was cropped for silage.(ii) Continuous crop (CC), with annual-ryegrass not being grazed but used as winter cover-crop, which was desiccated with glyphosate herbicide at flowering (plants about 40 cm high).Maize was also cropped for silage in summer. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR NR Air samples were collected from static PVC chambers of 20-cmheight and 25-cm diameter deployed on aluminium-bases (threebases and chambers per plot) previously installed in a delimitedmini-plot of 2.4-m × 2.4-m inside plots of CC and CL. Bases wereinserted 5 cm into the soil 48 h before the first sampling and keptcontinuously, except for sowing and silage harvesting. During thetwo or three days of each grazing, a metal cage was used to avoid the approximation of cows and urination and defecation into the mini-plots. Ryegrass plants in the mini-plots were cut to 10-cmhigh as to simulate grazing. Samples were analyzed within 24–36 hafter sampling, in a Shimadzu 2014 Chromatograph equipped with flame ionization detector (FID) and electron capture detector (ECD). JR 334,5
233 a Plaza-Bonilla (2014) Plaza-Bonilla D, Cantero-Martínez C, Bareche J, Arrúe JL, Álvaro-Fuentes J. Soil carbon dioxide and methane fluxes as affected by tillage and N fertilization in dryland conditions. Plant Soil. 2014: 381; 111-130. Plaza-Bonilla D, Cantero-Martínez C, Bareche J, Arrúe JL, Álvaro-Fuentes J Soil carbon dioxide and methane fluxes as affected by tillage and N fertilization in dryland conditions 2014 Plant Soil Article N/A Spain 41.81 1.12 N 31 343699 4630392 Cfb Longterm NR NR NR The soil was classified as Typic Xerofluvent (Soil Survey Staff, 1975). Selected soil properties at the start of the experiment in the 0–30 cm layer were as follows: pH (H2O, 1:2.5) was 8.5; electrical conductivity (1:5) was 0.15 days m−1; organic C concentration was 7.6 g kg−1; and sand (2,000– 50 μm), silt (50–2 μm) and clay (<2 μm) content were 465, 417 and 118 g kg−1, respectively. Yes The historical management of the field prior to the establishment of the experiment was based on conventional intensive tillage with moldboard plowing and winter grain cereal monoculture. September 1996 October 2012 137 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser 5 Two types of tillage (no-tillage and conventional intensive tillage with a moldboard plow) and three mineral N fertilization rates (0, 60 and 120 kg N ha−1) were compared in a randomized block design with three replications. The NT treatment consisted of a total herbicide application (1.5 L 36 % glyphosate per hectare) to control weeds before sowing. The CT treatment consisted of one pass of a moldboard plow to 25 cm depth followed by one or two passes of a cultivator to 15 cm depth, both performed in September-October. Mineral N fertilizer was applied manually and split into two applications: onethird of the dose as ammonium sulphate (21%N) before seeding and the rest of the dose as ammonium nitrate (33.5 % N) at the beginning of tillering in February CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR NR NR CO2 and CH4 emissions were measured every two or three weeks with the non-steady-state chamber methodology (Hutchinson and Mosier, 1981). At the beginning of both experiments, two polyvinyl chloride rings (31.5 cm internal diameter) per plot were inserted 5 cminto the soil of each experimental plot. The rings were only removed at the time of tillage, planting and harvesting operations, allowing a minimum lapse of 24 h following ring rearrangement at the initial location before any gas sampling to avoid the concomitant effects of soil disturbance on gas emissions. Polyvinyl chloride chambers (20 cm height) were fitted into the rings when measurements were performed. A polytetrafluoroethylene vent (10 cm long and 0.4 cm internal diameter) was installed on one side of the chambers to prevent possible changes in pressure during the deployment of chambers and gas sampling. The chambers were covered with a reflective insulation fabric (model Aislatermic, Arelux, Zaragoza, Spain) that consisted of two reflective layers of aluminum film bonded to an inner layer of polyethylene bubbles in order to diminish internal increases in temperature. A metal fitting was attached in the center of the top of the chamber and lined with two silicon-Teflon septa as a sampling port. Gas samples were analyzed with an Agilent 7890A gas chromatography systemequipped with a flame ionization detector+methanizer and two valves in order to obtain the gases of interest (i.e., CH4 and CO2) for each gas injection. JR 335,5
233 b Plaza-Bonilla (2014) Plaza-Bonilla D, Cantero-Martínez C, Bareche J, Arrúe JL, Álvaro-Fuentes J. Soil carbon dioxide and methane fluxes as affected by tillage and N fertilization in dryland conditions. Plant Soil. 2014: 381; 111-130. Plaza-Bonilla D, Cantero-Martínez C, Bareche J, Arrúe JL, Álvaro-Fuentes J Soil carbon dioxide and methane fluxes as affected by tillage and N fertilization in dryland conditions 2014 Plant Soil Article N/A Spain 41.9 -0.5 N 30 707019 4642056 Cfb Shortterm NR NR NR The soil was classified as Typic Calcixerept (Soil Survey Staff, 1975). Selected soil properties at the start of the experiment in the 0–30 cm depth were as follows: pH (H2O, 1:2.5) was 8.0; electrical conductivity (1:5) was 1.04 days m−1; organic C (g kg−1) was 15.6; organic N (g kg−1) was 1.4; and sand (2,000–50 μm), silt (50– 2 μm) and clay (<2 μm) content were 62, 633 and 305 g kg−1, respectively. Yes The cropping system before and during the experiment consisted of a barley (cv. Meseta) monoculture. During the four years prior to the set-up of the experiment, soil management consisted of NT with mineral N fertilizer additions at rates of 75– 100 kg ha−1. Before that period two passes with a subsoiler or a chisel had been used since the 1970s. September 2010 July 2013 37 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 8 Two tillage systems (CT, with two passes of chisel plowing, and NT), three N fertilization doses (0, 75 and 150 kg N ha−1) and two types of fertilizer products (mineral N and organic N with pig slurry) were compared. The NT treatment consisted of a total herbicide application (1.5 L 36 % glyphosate per hectare) to control weeds before sowing. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR NR NR CO2 and CH4 emissions were measured every two or three weeks with the non-steady-state chamber methodology (Hutchinson and Mosier, 1981). At the beginning of both experiments, two polyvinyl chloride rings (31.5 cm internal diameter) per plot were inserted 5 cminto the soil of each experimental plot. The rings were only removed at the time of tillage, planting and harvesting operations, allowing a minimum lapse of 24 h following ring rearrangement at the initial location before any gas sampling to avoid the concomitant effects of soil disturbance on gas emissions. Polyvinyl chloride chambers (20 cm height) were fitted into the rings when measurements were performed. A polytetrafluoroethylene vent (10 cm long and 0.4 cm internal diameter) was installed on one side of the chambers to prevent possible changes in pressure during the deployment of chambers and gas sampling. The chambers were covered with a reflective insulation fabric (model Aislatermic, Arelux, Zaragoza, Spain) that consisted of two reflective layers of aluminum film bonded to an inner layer of polyethylene bubbles in order to diminish internal increases in temperature. A metal fitting was attached in the center of the top of the chamber and lined with two silicon-Teflon septa as a sampling port. Gas samples were analyzed with an Agilent 7890A gas chromatography systemequipped with a flame ionization detector+methanizer and two valves in order to obtain the gases of interest (i.e., CH4 and CO2) for each gas injection. JR 336,5
234 a Plaza-Bonilla et al. (2014) Plaza-Bonilla D, Álvaro-Fuentes J, Arrúe JL, Cantero-Martínez C. Tillage and nitrogen fertilization effects on nitrous oxide yield-scaled emissions in a rainfed Mediterranean area. Agri. Ecosyst. Envrion. 2014:189: 43-52. Plaza-Bonilla D, Álvaro-Fuentes J, Arrúe JL, Cantero-Martínez C Tillage and nitrogen fertilization effects on nitrous oxide yield-scaled emissions in a rainfed Mediterranean area 2014 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A Spain 41.81 1.12 N 31 343699 4630392 Cfb Long-term NR NR NR Typic Xerofluvent Yes The historical management of the field prior to the establishment of the experiment was based on conventional intensive tillage with moldboard plowing and winter cereal monoculture. September 1996 August 2012 144 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser 6 Two types of tillage (NT, no-tillage, and CT, conventional intensive tillage) and three N fertilization rates (0, 60 and 120 kg N ha−1 ) were compared. The CT treat- ment consisted of one pass of moldboard plow to 25cm depth followed by two passes of a cultivator to 15cm depth, both in September–October. Nitrogen fertilizer was applied manually and split into two applications: one-third of the rate before seeding as ammonium sulphate (21% N) and the rest at the beginning of tillering, in February, as ammonium nitrate (33.5% N). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR NR Opaque The emission of N2O from the soil to the atmosphere was mea- sured with the non-steady-state chamber method (Hutchinson and Mosier, 1981). At the beginning of each experiment, two polyvinyl chloride rings (31.5 cm internal diameter) per plot were inserted into the soil to a depth of 5 cm. The rings were only removed at the time of tillage, planting and harvesting operations. Vented cham- bers of the same material and 20-cm height were fitted into the rings when the measurements were performed. The chambers were covered with a reflective insulation layer (model Aislatermic, Are- lux, Zaragoza, Spain). A metal fitting was attached in the center of the top of the chamber and was lined with two silicon-Teflon septa as a sampling port. To quantify the amount of N2O, gas samples were analyzed with an Agilent 7890A gas chromatography system equipped with an electrical conductiv- ity detector (ECD) and an HP-Plot Q column (30 m long, 0.32 mm of section and 20 􏰃m) with a pre-column 15 m long of the same char- acteristics. The injector and oven temperatures were set to 50 ◦ C. The temperature of the ECD detector was set to 300◦C, using a 5% methane in Argon gas mixture as a make-up gas at 30 mL min−1 . long term JJT 337,5
234 b Plaza-Bonilla et al. (2014) Plaza-Bonilla D, Álvaro-Fuentes J, Arrúe JL, Cantero-Martínez C. Tillage and nitrogen fertilization effects on nitrous oxide yield-scaled emissions in a rainfed Mediterranean area. Agri. Ecosyst. Envrion. 2014:189: 43-52. Plaza-Bonilla D, Álvaro-Fuentes J, Arrúe JL, Cantero-Martínez C Tillage and nitrogen fertilization effects on nitrous oxide yield-scaled emissions in a rainfed Mediterranean area 2014 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A Spain 41.9 -0.5 N 30 707019 4642056 Cfb Short-term Silty clay loam NR NR Typic calcixerept Yes Four years prior to the set-up of the experiment, soil management consisted of NT with mineral N fertilizer and application rates between 75 and 100 kg N ha−1. Before that period passes of subsoiler and chisel were used since the 1970s NR 2010 August 2013 32 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 10 Two tillage systems (CT with disk plow and NT), three N fertilization doses (0, 75 and 150 kg N ha−1 ) and two types of N fertilizers (mineral N with ammonium sulphate and ammonium nitrate and organic N with pig slurry) were com- pared. In 2011, the CT treatment was carried out with two passes of chisel instead of disk plow due to the dry conditions of the soil. The treatment with 150 kg mineral N ha−1 was split into two manual applications, half of the dose before tillage as ammonium sulphate (21% N) and the other half at the beginning of tillering, in February, as ammonium nitrate (33.5% N), whereas the 75 kg N ha−1 treatment was applied entirely at tillering as ammonium nitrate. Similarly, in the pig slurry treatments, the 75 kg N ha−1 rate was applied entirely at tillering and the 150 kg N ha−1 one was split into two applications, one before tillage and the other one at tiller- ing. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR NR Opaque The emission of N2O from the soil to the atmosphere was mea- sured with the non-steady-state chamber method (Hutchinson and Mosier, 1981). At the beginning of each experiment, two polyvinyl chloride rings (31.5 cm internal diameter) per plot were inserted into the soil to a depth of 5 cm. The rings were only removed at the time of tillage, planting and harvesting operations. Vented cham- bers of the same material and 20-cm height were fitted into the rings when the measurements were performed. The chambers were covered with a reflective insulation layer (model Aislatermic, Are- lux, Zaragoza, Spain). A metal fitting was attached in the center of the top of the chamber and was lined with two silicon-Teflon septa as a sampling port. To quantify the amount of N2O, gas samples were analyzed with an Agilent 7890A gas chromatography system equipped with an electrical conductiv- ity detector (ECD) and an HP-Plot Q column (30 m long, 0.32 mm of section and 20 􏰃m) with a pre-column 15 m long of the same char- acteristics. The injector and oven temperatures were set to 50 ◦ C. The temperature of the ECD detector was set to 300◦C, using a 5% methane in Argon gas mixture as a make-up gas at 30 mL min−1 . short term JJT 338,5
235 a Porter (2017) Porter I, Riches D, Scheer C. Benchmarking and mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions from manures and fertilisers used in temperate vegetable crops in Australia. Soil Research. 2017: 55; 534-546. Porter I, Riches D, Scheer C Benchmarking and mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions from manures and fertilisers used in temperate vegetable crops in Australia 2017 Soil Research Article N/A Australia -38.13 145.33 S 55 353727 5778600 Cfb Trial 1 Sand NR NR The site was a Kurosol (Isbell 2002), with a texture at 0-10 cm of 89% sand, 8% silt and 3& clay and a uniform texture (>85% sand) down to ~70 cm depth. In the 0-10 cm layer, pH (Ca[Cl.sub.2]) was -6.3, total N was 0.26% and C content was 2.2%. No NR February 2014 June 2014 5 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, nitrification inhibitor, Organic fertiliser 3 For each trial, a standard grower practice (SGP) treatment was included that used the growers' normal fertiliser program (Tables 1-3). The SGP included no NIs, whereas the GHG mitigation treatments included the use of the NI DMPP with the standard fertiliser program and reduced rate treatments (half the normal fertiliser and manure rates, with and without DMPP). The standard fertiliser program used Calgran (Incitec Pivot, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) containing 16.5% ammonium-N and 7.4% nitrate-N, and composted chicken litter (manure) applied as an incorporated pre-plant treatment (Trials 1 and 2) or as a surface-applied treatment before or during crops (Trials 1-3; Tables 1-3). Treatments = untreated, SGP, DMPP CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR NR Static chambers consisting of sections of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe (16 cm diameter, 16 cm height) with one end threaded to attach to a cap were used to measure [N.sub.2]O emissions. However, in the early part of Trials 1 and 2, GHGs were measured using an automated GHG system that measured the gas in each chamber (50 cm x 50 cm x 15 cm) eight times daily, as described in Scheer et al. (2014). This provided a 24-h emission profile during this period, which was switched to manual chambers after approximately 2.5 weeks. The automatic chambers were placed between the two celery rows that completely covered the areas treated with either manure or fertiliser to ensure representative emissions. Manual chambers were driven into the ground to a depth of 8 cm, leaving a headspace height of 8 cm. In Trials 1 and 2, one chamber was used in each experimental plot, but in Trial 3 two chambers were used, one within the treated area and one outside the treated area. A single chamber was inserted between the plant rows in an area of soil that was treated with manure or fertiliser in all trials. In Trial 3, there was an additional chamber outside the fertiliser-treated area (within the plant row) in each plot. Chambers were capped with a threaded PVC lid that had a rubber O-ring to form an airtight seal and a 13-mm rubber septum fitted into the cap for gas sampling. On each sampling occasion, three gas samples were extracted from chambers at fixed intervals (0, 20 and 40 min) after chamber closure by inserting a needle into the septum in the chamber cap and withdrawing a 20-mL gas sample with a syringe. Gas samples were subsequently analysed for N2O and CO2 concentrations by gas chromatography (GC-2014; Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) in the laboratory, and the emission fluxes were determined from the linear increase in the concentration of the gas over the closure period correcting for air temperature and atmospheric pressure (Scheer et al. 2014) JR 339,5
235 b Porter (2017) Porter I, Riches D, Scheer C. Benchmarking and mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions from manures and fertilisers used in temperate vegetable crops in Australia. Soil Research. 2017: 55; 534-546. Porter I, Riches D, Scheer C Benchmarking and mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions from manures and fertilisers used in temperate vegetable crops in Australia 2017 Soil Research Article N/A Australia -38.13 145.33 S 55 353727 5778600 Cfb Trial 2 Sand NR NR The site was a Kurosol (Isbell 2002), with a texture at 0-10 cm of 89% sand, 8% silt and 3& clay and a uniform texture (>85% sand) down to ~70 cm depth. In the 0-10 cm layer, pH (Ca[Cl.sub.2]) was -6.3, total N was 0.26% and C content was 2.2%. No NR February 2015 July 2015 6 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, nitrification inhibitor, Organic fertiliser 3 For each trial, a standard grower practice (SGP) treatment was included that used the growers' normal fertiliser program (Tables 1-3). The SGP included no NIs, whereas the GHG mitigation treatments included the use of the NI DMPP with the standard fertiliser program and reduced rate treatments (half the normal fertiliser and manure rates, with and without DMPP). The standard fertiliser program used Calgran (Incitec Pivot, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) containing 16.5% ammonium-N and 7.4% nitrate-N, and composted chicken litter (manure) applied as an incorporated pre-plant treatment (Trials 1 and 2) or as a surface-applied treatment before or during crops (Trials 1-3; Tables 1-3). Treatments = untreated, SGP, DMPP CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR NR Static chambers consisting of sections of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe (16 cm diameter, 16 cm height) with one end threaded to attach to a cap were used to measure [N.sub.2]O emissions. However, in the early part of Trials 1 and 2, GHGs were measured using an automated GHG system that measured the gas in each chamber (50 cm x 50 cm x 15 cm) eight times daily, as described in Scheer et al. (2014). This provided a 24-h emission profile during this period, which was switched to manual chambers after approximately 2.5 weeks. The automatic chambers were placed between the two celery rows that completely covered the areas treated with either manure or fertiliser to ensure representative emissions. Manual chambers were driven into the ground to a depth of 8 cm, leaving a headspace height of 8 cm. In Trials 1 and 2, one chamber was used in each experimental plot, but in Trial 3 two chambers were used, one within the treated area and one outside the treated area. A single chamber was inserted between the plant rows in an area of soil that was treated with manure or fertiliser in all trials. In Trial 3, there was an additional chamber outside the fertiliser-treated area (within the plant row) in each plot. Chambers were capped with a threaded PVC lid that had a rubber O-ring to form an airtight seal and a 13-mm rubber septum fitted into the cap for gas sampling. On each sampling occasion, three gas samples were extracted from chambers at fixed intervals (0, 20 and 40 min) after chamber closure by inserting a needle into the septum in the chamber cap and withdrawing a 20-mL gas sample with a syringe. Gas samples were subsequently analysed for N2O and CO2 concentrations by gas chromatography (GC-2014; Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) in the laboratory, and the emission fluxes were determined from the linear increase in the concentration of the gas over the closure period correcting for air temperature and atmospheric pressure (Scheer et al. 2014) JR 340,5
235 c Porter (2017) Porter I, Riches D, Scheer C. Benchmarking and mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions from manures and fertilisers used in temperate vegetable crops in Australia. Soil Research. 2017: 55; 534-546. Porter I, Riches D, Scheer C Benchmarking and mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions from manures and fertilisers used in temperate vegetable crops in Australia 2017 Soil Research Article N/A Australia -38.13 145.33 S 55 353727 5778600 Cfb Trial 3 Sand NR NR The site was a Kurosol (Isbell 2002), with a texture at 0-10 cm of 89% sand, 8% silt and 3& clay and a uniform texture (>85% sand) down to ~70 cm depth. In the 0-10 cm layer, pH (Ca[Cl.sub.2]) was -6.3, total N was 0.26% and C content was 2.2%. No NR October 2015 January 2016 4 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, nitrification inhibitor, Organic fertiliser 4 For each trial, a standard grower practice (SGP) treatment was included that used the growers' normal fertiliser program (Tables 1-3). The SGP included no NIs, whereas the GHG mitigation treatments included the use of the NI DMPP with the standard fertiliser program and reduced rate treatments (half the normal fertiliser and manure rates, with and without DMPP). The standard fertiliser program used Calgran (Incitec Pivot, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) containing 16.5% ammonium-N and 7.4% nitrate-N, and composted chicken litter (manure) applied as an incorporated pre-plant treatment (Trials 1 and 2) or as a surface-applied treatment before or during crops (Trials 1-3; Tables 1-3). Treatments = untreated, SGP, 50% of the normal fertilizer and manure rates + SGP, 50% of the normal fertilizer and manure rates + DMPP CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR NR Static chambers consisting of sections of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe (16 cm diameter, 16 cm height) with one end threaded to attach to a cap were used to measure [N.sub.2]O emissions. However, in the early part of Trials 1 and 2, GHGs were measured using an automated GHG system that measured the gas in each chamber (50 cm x 50 cm x 15 cm) eight times daily, as described in Scheer et al. (2014). This provided a 24-h emission profile during this period, which was switched to manual chambers after approximately 2.5 weeks. The automatic chambers were placed between the two celery rows that completely covered the areas treated with either manure or fertiliser to ensure representative emissions. Manual chambers were driven into the ground to a depth of 8 cm, leaving a headspace height of 8 cm. In Trials 1 and 2, one chamber was used in each experimental plot, but in Trial 3 two chambers were used, one within the treated area and one outside the treated area. A single chamber was inserted between the plant rows in an area of soil that was treated with manure or fertiliser in all trials. In Trial 3, there was an additional chamber outside the fertiliser-treated area (within the plant row) in each plot. Chambers were capped with a threaded PVC lid that had a rubber O-ring to form an airtight seal and a 13-mm rubber septum fitted into the cap for gas sampling. On each sampling occasion, three gas samples were extracted from chambers at fixed intervals (0, 20 and 40 min) after chamber closure by inserting a needle into the septum in the chamber cap and withdrawing a 20-mL gas sample with a syringe. Gas samples were subsequently analysed for N2O and CO2 concentrations by gas chromatography (GC-2014; Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) in the laboratory, and the emission fluxes were determined from the linear increase in the concentration of the gas over the closure period correcting for air temperature and atmospheric pressure (Scheer et al. 2014) JR 341,5
236 a Prior (2000) Prior SA, Reicosky DC, Reeves DW, Runion GB, Raper RL. Residue and tillage effects on planting implement-induced short-term CO2 and water loss from a loamy sand soil in Alabama. Soil Tillage & Research. 2000: 54; 197-199. Prior SA, Reicosky DC, Reeves DW, Runion GB, Raper RL Residue and tillage effects on planting implement-induced short-term CO2 and water loss from a loamy sand soil in Alabama 2000 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A USA 32.44 -85.9 N 16 603655 3589997 Cfa N/A Loamy sand NR NR NR Yes The management condition selected for study was a no-till area (8y) which was covered with a dense residue mat from a winter cover crop of crimson clover that had been killed with herbicide two weeks prior to this study NR NR NR NR Unclear Tillage Tillage 4 3 tillage treatment, and a no-till treatment. Three commercial four-row implements with 76 cm spacings were used, including two types of in-row subsoilers. Subsoiling a narrow strip over-the-row, called strip-tillage, is a common practice during planting operations on coastal plain soils in the southeastern USA. The two subsoilers were a KMCKelly1 Ripper (Kelly Manufacturing, Tifton, GA 31793) and a Brown-Harden Ro-Till1 (Brown Manufacturing Corporation, Ozark, AL 36360). Both had a rippled coulter in front of subsoiler shanks and were operated at a depth of 40 cm. The KMC had a 3.2 cm wide straight shank (408 forward angle; 4.5 cm wide point)and was equipped withpaired pneumatictires to close the subsoil channel (10 cm wide disturbed surface zone). The Ro-Till had a 3.8 cm wide parabolic shank (5 cm wide point), paired ¯uted coulters and a rolling metal basket (45 cm disturbed surface zone) to close the subsoil channel. We also tested a Kinze1 planter (Williamsburg, IA 52361) equipped with Martin1 row cleaners (Elkton, KY 42220) which uses a double-disk opener to make the seed furrow CI Randomized Complete Block 1 No NR NR NR soil gas fluxes were measured at midday immediately following implement operations using a large portable canopy chamber (areaˆ 2.71 m2) (Reicosky and Lindstrom, 1993) NR CRA 342,5
236 b Prior (2000) Prior SA, Reicosky DC, Reeves DW, Runion GB, Raper RL. Residue and tillage effects on planting implement-induced short-term CO2 and water loss from a loamy sand soil in Alabama. Soil & Tillage Research. 2000: 54; 197-199. Prior SA, Reicosky DC, Reeves DW, Runion GB, Raper RL Residue and tillage effects on planting implement-induced short-term CO2 and water loss from a loamy sand soil in Alabama 2000 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A USA 32.42 -85.89 N 16 604358 3588026 Cfa N/A Loamy sand NR Ferralsols Our objective was to measure short-term gas loss resulting from the use of different planting preparation implements on long-term residue-covered soil (no-till) on a Norfolk loamy sand (Typic Kandiudults; FAO classi®cation Luxic Ferralsols) in east-central Alabama, USA Yes The management condition selected for study was a no-till area (8y) which was covered with a dense residue mat from a winter cover crop of crimson clover that had been killed with herbicide two weeks prior to this study. NR NR NR NR Unclear Tillage Tillage 4 Subsoiling a narrow strip over-the-row, called strip-tillage, is a common practice during planting operations on coastal plain soils in the southeastern USA. The two subsoilers were a KMCKelly 1 Ripper (Kelly Manufacturing, Tifton, GA 31793) and a Brown-Harden Ro-Till1 (Brown Manufacturing Corporation, Ozark, AL 36360). Both had a rippled coulter in front of subsoiler shanks and were operated at a depth of 40 cm. The KMC had a 3.2 cm wide straight shank (408 forward angle; 4.5 cm wide point) and was equipped with paired pneumatic tires to close the subsoil channel (10 cm wide disturbed surface zone). The Ro-Till had a 3.8 cm wide parabolic shank (5 cm wide point), paired ¯uted coulters and a rolling metal basket (45 cm disturbed surface zone) to close the subsoil channel. We also tested a Kinze1 planter (Williamsburg, IA 52361) equipped with Martin 1 row cleaners (Elkton, KY 42220) which uses a double-disk opener to make the seed furrow. CI Paired design 1 No NR NR NR NR Equipment-induced soil gas ¯uxes were measured at midday immediately following implement operations using a large portable canopy chamber (area ˆ 2.71 m2) (Reicosky and Lindstrom, 1993). Three sets of measurements were made (centered over two rows) for an integrated assessment of equipment-induced gas ¯ux on all areas within 30±60 s following implement operations as well as on the control reference area. Coordinates obtained from Prior (2004) as NR here JR 343,5
237 a Prior (2004) Prior SA, Raper RL, Runion GB. Effect of implement on soil CO2 efflux: fall vs. spring tillage. Prior SA, Raper RL, Runion GB Effect of implement on soil CO2 efflux: fall vs. spring tillage 2003 2004 American Society of Engineers Conference Proceeding N/A USA 32.44 -85.89 N 16 604805 3589997 Cfa N/A Loamy sand NR Ferralsols Norfolk loamy sand (fine−loamy, siliceous themlic, Typic Kandiudults; FAO classification Luxic Ferralsols) Yes Except for one year of switch grass (Panicum virgatum) in 1993, the study area has a long−term history (over 10 years) of fallow conditions and was disked in the spring of each year for weed control. December 1998 May 1999 6 Tillage Tillage 5 The treatments were: (l) fall disk, (2) fall chisel, (3) spring disk, (4) spring chisel, and (5) undisturbed. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR NR NR Model 6000−09 soil chamber (0.75 × 10−3 m3 volume, 0.1 m diameter) Li−Cor 6200 gas exchange system (Li−Cor, Inc., Lincoln, Neb.) CRA 344,5
237 b Prior (2004) Prior SA, Raper RL, Runion GB. Effect of implement on soil CO2 efflux: fall vs spring tillage. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 2004: 47; 367-373. Prior SA, Raper RL, Runion GB Effect of implement on soil CO2 efflux: fall vs spring tillage 2004 American Society of Agricultural Engineers Article N/A USA 32.42 -85.89 N 16 604358 3588026 Cfa N/A Loamy sand NR Ferralsols The study was conducted on a Norfolk loamy sand (fine−loamy, siliceous themlic, Typic Kandiudults; FAO classification Luxic Ferralsols) Yes Except for one year of switch grass (Panicum virgatum) in 1993, the study area has a long−term history (over 10 years) of fallow conditions and was disked in the spring of each year for weed control. December 1998 May 1999 6 Tillage Tillage 5 The treatments were: (l) fall disk, (2) fall chisel, (3) spring disk, (4) spring chisel, and (5) undisturbed. Tillage intensity levels were obtained by the use of commercial implements, a John Deere 210 tandem disk harrow (double−offset; Deere & Company, Moline, Ill.) and a DMI Tiger−Mate II high−residue field cultivator (DMI, Inc., Goodfield, Ill.), both operated at a depth of approximately 8 cm and a width of 3.8 m. The tandem disk harrow had front and rear disk angle adjustments to vary aggressiveness. The front disk gangs were adjusted to the medial setting of 16.5°, and the rear gangs were adjusted to the most aggressive setting of 14.3°. The disk blades were spaced at 0.23 m and had a diameter of 0.51 m. The field cultivator had 25 sweeps of 0.18 m width, spaced approximately 0.61 m apart on five toolbars of the frame. These could be classified as disk−type and chisel−type implements and will be referred to as “disk” and “chisel” in the treatment descriptions CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR NR NR NR Equipment−induced soil gas efflux was measured at midday immediately following implement operations and periodically thereafter using a Li−Cor 6200 gas exchange system (Li−Cor, Inc., Lincoln, Neb.) equipped with a Model 6000−09 soil chamber (0.75 × 10−3 m3 volume, 0.1 m diameter) using procedures described by Prior et al. (1997). JR 345,5
238 Qiu (2010) Qiu W, Liu J, Hu C. Effects of N fertilizer application rates on N2O emissions from a vegetable field in Wuhan, China-a lysimeter study. Qiu W, Liu J, Hu C Effects of N fertilizer application rates on N2O emissions from a vegetable field in Wuhan, China-a lysimeter study. 2010 N/A Conference Proceeding N/A China 30.47 113.4 N 49 730417 3372945 Cfa N/A NR Alfisol NR The soil used was Alfisols (yellow-brown soil), one of the main upland soil types in central China. No NR April 2007 September 2008 18 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 The experimental setup was a factorial design with five levels of nitrogen fertilizer rate (N0 (0 kg ha-1 yr-1), N1 (250 kg ha-1 yr-1), N2 (500 kg ha-1 yr-1), N3 (750 kg ha-1 yr-1) and N4 (1 000 kg ha-1 yr-1)) (Table 2). The nitrogen fertilizer was urea. The N2 treatment had no vegetables planted. Each treatment had three replicates, and the treatments were allocated to the lysimeters randomly. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR NR Nitrous oxide emissions were determined using a closed static chamber technique [14]. The chamber was made of stainless steel frame with a diameter of 65cm and high of 30cm and was insulated by polystyrene foam to avoid heating of the atmosphere in the chamber during sampling. The chambers were inserted approximately 5cm into the soil before the first N2O sample collected. gas chromatography; concentrations of N2O were determined by modified Varian (3800, Varian, Inc, USA) gas chromatograph. CRA 346,5
239 Quemada (2001) Quemada M, Menacho E. Soil respiration 1 year after sewage sludge application. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 2001: 33; 344-346. Quemada M, Menacho E Soil respiration 1 year after sewage sludge application 2001 Biology and Fertility of Soils Article N/A Spain 42.58 -1.68 N 30 608042 4715386 Cfb N/A NR NR NR The soil (Calcixerollic Xerochrept) had a pH (1 g soil/ 2 ml H2O) of 8.5 No NR September 1995 September 1996 13 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 3 3 different treatments were: (1) 80 Mg/ha of sewage sludge, (2) 40 Mg/ha of sewage sludge, and (3) no sludge amendment (control). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR NR NR portable infrared analyzer that measured CO2 concentration in a small chamber (78.5 cm2, 1490 cm3) placed on the ground (Environmental Gas Monitor, PP Systems, UK). infrared gas analyzer CRA 347,5
240 Radicetti (2017) Radicetti E, Campiglia E, Marucci A, Mancinelli R. How winter cover crops and tillage intensities affect nitrogen availability in eggplant. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2017: 108; 177-194. Radicetti E, Campiglia E, Marucci A, Mancinelli R How winter cover crops and tillage intensities affect nitrogen availability in eggplant 2017 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A Italy 45.42 12.07 N 33 270492 5033425 Cfa N/A Sandy loam NR NR The soil type in the area is classified as Typic Xerofluvent (Soil Survey Staff 2009) of volcanic origin No NR September 2009 September 2011 25 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Cover crops 12 12 treatments were arranged in a splitplot experimental design (4 winter cover crops x 3 soil tillage intensities), where the CC was the main factor and the soil tillage was the split factor. CI Split/strip plot 3 No Dynamic chambers Closed NR CO2 emission was measured in each plot on a daily basis until the last eggplant harvesting, using a portable dynamic closed chamber infrared gas analyzer system (Pumpanen 2004). infrared gas analyzer instrument (EGM-4, PP Systems, Stotfold, UK) CRA 348,5
241 Redondo-Gomez (2007) Redondo-Gomez S, Mateos-Naranjo E, Cox L, Cornejo J, Figueroa E. Effect of herbicide and soil amendment on growth and photosynthetic responses in olive crops. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. 2007: 42(5); 523-528. Redondo-Gomez S, Mateos-Naranjo E, Cox L, Cornejo J, Figueroa E Effect of herbicide and soil amendment on growth and photosynthetic responses in olive crops 2007 Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B Article N/A Spain 37.28 -6.05 N 29 761533 4130385 Csa N/A Sandy loam NR NR The soil is a sandy loam (Xerochrept) with depth ranking from 0.9 to 2 m. The texture is quite homogeneus with depth, with average values from the surface to the pan of 14.8% clay, 7.0% silt, 4.7% fine sand and 73.5% coarse sand.[ No NR May 2006 July 2006 3 Multiple-intervention Amendments, Herbicide 4 The solid olive-mill organic waste (OW) used as soil amendment is a residue from the olive oil production industry. This waste was distributed around the trunk of olive trees, in a circle of 1 m radius at the rate of 1 Kg m−2. The soil around olive trees was also treated with the commercial herbicide at the rate of 3 l ha−1 (H) and with both, herbicide andOW(H+OW). In the case of herbicide treatment, herbicide was added one month after the organic amendment, in May 2006. Triplicate trees for each treatment (OW, H and H + OW) were used, and triplicates without herbicide nor organic waste were used as controls CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Open NR Gas exchange analysis was made using an open system (LI- 6400, LI-COR Inc., Lincoln, Neb., USA) after one and two months of treatment (June and July 2006). Net photosynthetic rate (A), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) and stomatal conductance to CO2 (Gs) were determined at an ambient CO2 concentration of 365 μmol mol−1, temperature of 25/28◦C, 50 ± 5% relative humidity and a photon flux density of 1000 μmol m−2 s−1. The values for A, Ci and Gs were calculated using standard formulae from Von Caemmerer and Farquhar.[9] Gas exchange analysis was made using an open system (LI- 6400, LI-COR Inc., Lincoln, Neb., USA) CRA 349,5
242 Reicosky (1999) Reicosky DC, Reeves DW, Prior SA, Runion GB, Rogers HH, Raper RL. Effects of residue management and controlled traffic on carbon dioxide and water loss. Soil & Tillage Research. 1999: 52; 153-165. Reicosky DC, Reeves DW, Prior SA, Runion GB, Rogers HH, Raper RL Effects of residue management and controlled traffic on carbon dioxide and water loss 1999 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A USA 32.58 -85.88 N 16 604805 3605647 Cfa N/A Sandy loam NR NR Norfolk loamy sand Yes This research was conducted as part of a continuing long-term study (1988±1995) described in detail by Reeves et al. (1992) and Torbert et al. (1996). In previous years (1988±1994) random traf®c patterns were applied each fall for land preparation and planting of the cover crop April 1995 April 1995 24 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Cover crops 4 with and without traf®c under conventional tillage (CT) (disk harrow twice, chisel plow, ®eld cultivator) and no tillage (NT) arranged in a split-plot design with four replicates. The treatments for this study were selected from a higher level split within the experiment. Thus, there were four combinations of traf®c and tillage in a splitplot design of four replications. Main plots were traf®c and subplots were tillage. CI Split/strip plot 4 No NR Closed NR closed chamber as described by Reicosky and Lindstrom (1993) and Wagner and Reicosky (1996). The chamber (area ˆ 2.71 m2 and volume ˆ 3.25 m3), with the mixing fans running, was placed over the soil surface 3 m from end of plot, lowered and data collected at one second intervals for a total of 60 s to determine the rate of CO2 and H2O increase NR CRA 350,5
243 a Riches (2016) Riches DA, Mattner SW, Davies R, Porter IJ. Mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions with nitrification inhibitors in temperate vegetable cropping in southern Australia. Soil Research. 2016: 54; 533-543. Riches DA, Mattner SW, Davies R, Porter IJ Mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions with nitrification inhibitors in temperate vegetable cropping in southern Australia 2016 Soil Research Article N/A Australia -37.93 144.68 S 55 296405 5799051 Cfa Broccoli Clay loam NR NR The soil is classified as a Red Sodosol (Isbell 2002) with a texture (0–10 cm) consisting of 36.5% sand, 29.4% silt, 34.1% clay and a pH of 8.4. No NR March 2011 May 2011 3 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Nitrification Inhibitor 7 The standard commercial treatment consisted of Nitrophoska Special® (NP) (Incitec Pivot, Australia) containing 6.5% NH4 +- N and 5.5% NO3 –-N applied as a base dressing at planting with a side dressing of calcium nitrate (CN) two weeks after planting (NP+CN) (Table 1). In the fertiliser treatments, NIs were compared at the same N dose (87 kgNha–1) as the commercial treatment (NP+CN), with the N applied in a single application at planting. These treatments consisted of: (1) no NI (NP 87); (2) DMPP (DMPP NP 87) as ENTEC Nitrophoska Special® (Incitec Pivot, Australia); and (3) DCD +TZ (Alzon 87) containing a 50 : 50 mixture of Alzon® 46 (SKW Piesteritz, Germany) and a low N content NPK fertiliser. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR NR Static chambers made from PVC pipe 15 cm diameter and 16 cm in height, with one end threaded to enable attachment of a cap, were used to measure N2O emissions. The chambers were driven into the ground to a depth of 8 cm, leaving a headspace height of 8 cm gas chromatography in the laboratory using the method of Rowlings et al. (2012) CRA 351,5
243 b Riches (2016) Riches DA, Mattner SW, Davies R, Porter IJ. Mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions with nitrification inhibitors in temperate vegetable cropping in southern Australia. Soil Research. 2016: 54; 533-543. Riches DA, Mattner SW, Davies R, Porter IJ Mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions with nitrification inhibitors in temperate vegetable cropping in southern Australia 2016 Soil Research Article N/A Australia -37.93 144.68 S 55 296405 5799051 Cfa Lettuce Clay loam NR NR The soil is classified as a Red Sodosol (Isbell 2002) with a texture (0–10 cm) consisting of 36.5% sand, 29.4% silt, 34.1% clay and a pH of 8.4. No NR December 2011 January 2012 2 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Nitrification Inhibitor 7 (1) no base fertiliser (Control); (2) Nitrophoska Special at 720 kg ha–1 (NP); (3) ENTEC Nitrophoska Special at 720 kg ha–1 (DMPP NP); (4) Nitrophoska Special + 2% DCD (dicyandiamide) at 720 kg ha–1 (DCD NP); (5) urea blend NPK base fertiliser (30 : 70 blend of urea and NPK base) at 403 kg ha–1 (Urea); (6) urea with DMPP (30 : 70 blend of Urea with ENTEC® (Incitec Pivot, Australia) and NPK base fertiliser) at 403 kg ha–1 (DMPP Urea); and (7) urea with DCD+TZ (30 : 70 blend of Alzon 46 and NPK base fertiliser) at 403 kg ha–1 (Alzon 46). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR NR Static chambers made from PVC pipe 15 cm diameter and 16 cm in height, with one end threaded to enable attachment of a cap, were used to measure N2O emissions. The chambers were driven into the ground to a depth of 8 cm, leaving a headspace height of 8 cm gas chromatography in the laboratory using the method of Rowlings et al. (2012) CRA 352,5
243 c Riches (2016) Riches DA, Mattner SW, Davies R, Porter IJ. Mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions with nitrification inhibitors in temperate vegetable cropping in southern Australia. Soil Research. 2016: 54; 533-543. Riches DA, Mattner SW, Davies R, Porter IJ Mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions with nitrification inhibitors in temperate vegetable cropping in southern Australia 2016 Soil Research Article N/A Australia -37.93 144.68 S 55 296405 5799051 Cfa Cauliflower Clay loam NR NR The soil is classified as a Red Sodosol (Isbell 2002) with a texture (0–10 cm) consisting of 36.5% sand, 29.4% silt, 34.1% clay and a pH of 8.4. No NR November 2013 January 2014 3 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Nitrification Inhibitor 12 The factorial consisted of three rates of NP fertiliser at 50%, 75% and 100% of the standard commercial rate and three inhibitor treatments: (1) no NI; (2) DMPP (ENTEC Nitrophoska Special); and (3) 0.054% 3MP + 0.108% TZ (w/w) Two additional treatments were included to determine the N2O emissions from Manure and Manure+NI. An additional control treatment received no fertiliser or manure. without any inorganic fertiliser. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR NR Static chambers made from PVC pipe 15 cm diameter and 16 cm in height, with one end threaded to enable attachment of a cap, were used to measure N2O emissions. The chambers were driven into the ground to a depth of 8 cm, leaving a headspace height of 8 cm gas chromatography in the laboratory using the method of Rowlings et al. (2012) CRA 353,5
244 Roberson (2008) Roberson T, Reddy KC, Reddy SS, Nyakatawa EZ, Raper RL, Reeves DW, Lemunyon J. Carbon dioxide efflux from soil with poultry litter applications in conventional and conservation tillage systems in northern Alabama. Robertson T, Reddy KC, Reddy SS, Nyakatawa EZ, Raper RL, Reeves DW, Lemunyon J Carbon dioxide efflux from soil with poultry litter applications in conventional and conservation tillage systems in northern Alabama 2008 Journal of Environmental Quality Article N/A USA 34.68 -86.87 N 16 512214 3837935 Cfa N/A Silt loam NR NR Decatur silt loam (clayey, kaolinitic thermic, Typic Paleudults) Yes treatments have been imposed since 1996 in this long-term study. Crop rotation pattern starting in 1996 has been two continuous years of cotton followed by 1 yr corn (cotton-cotton-corn). May 2003 October 2006 41 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser, Crop rotation 12 Treatments included three tillage systems (CT, MT, and NT), two cropping systems (cotton in the summer and fallow in the winter [CF] and cotton in the summer and cereal rye cover crop in winter [CR]), and two sources of nitrogen (AN at 100 kg N ha−1 and PL at 100 and 200 kg N ha−1). A control treatment with no N application was also included. A bare fallow (BF) treatment was maintained without any crop, tillage, and fertilizer application. Th e experimental design was a randomized complete block with an incomplete factorial treatment arrangement due to constraints on land availability. Out of all combinations, only 12 important treatments were selected and replicated four times. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 Yes NR NR NR Soil CO2 effl ux was measured during summers in 2003 to 2006 using a LI-COR 6400 Infrared Gas Analyzer (LI-COR, Lincoln, NE) system attached to a LI-09 soil chamber (LI-COR, Lincoln, NE) and polyvinyl chloride soil collars. Th e LI-6400, in conjunction with the LI-09 system, uses gas exchange principles to measure soil CO2 effl ux. Two polyvinyl chloride collars, 10 cm in diameter and 5 cm in length, were installed in the center of each plot to avoid border eff ects from neighboring treatments. Collars were inserted 4 cm into the soil to serve as an interface between the chamber and soil. LI-COR 6400 Infrared Gas Analyzer CRA 354,5
245 a Roche (2016) Roche L, Forrestal PJ, Lanigan GJ, Richards KG, Shaw LJ, Wall DP. Impact of fertiliser nitrogen formulation, and N stabilisers on nitrous oxide emissions in spring barley. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2016: 233; 229-237. Roche L, Forrestal PJ, Lanigan GJ, Richards KG, Shaw LJ, Wall DP Impact of fertiliser nitrogen formulation, and N stabilisers on nitrous oxide emissions in spring barley 2016 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A Ireland 52.53 -6.58 N 29 663914 5823104 Cfb N/A Loam NR NR NR Yes The site history was long term arable production for at least 20 years. April 2013 April 2015 25 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 6 an unfertilised control, and five fertiliser formulations were used: (i) CAN, (ii) urea (iii) urea + NBPT (iv) urea + DCD (v) urea + NBPT + DCD. N fertiliser formulations including urea and urea stabilised with the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD) and/or the urease inhibitor N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) and to evaluate their N2O loss abatement potential relative to calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN). The N stabilisers evaluated in this study were the urease inhibitor N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT (trade name AgrotainTM) and also referred to as n-BTPT in other studies), the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD), and the Maleic- Itaconic acid Co-polymer (MICO (trade name NutriSphere-N1)) which is a urease and nitrification inhibitor. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No NR NR NR static chamber technique (Smith et al., 1995; Chadwick et al., 2014), adhering to the methodology guidelines compiled by the Global Research Alliance (De Klein and Harvey, 2012). The N2O chamber measurement area was 0.4 m2. Collars were installed to at least 5 cm into the soil (Smith et al., 2012) and contained a neoprene filled channel in order to maintain an air-tight seal There were two different chamber sizes. A chamber with air volume 0.017 m3 (10 cm height) was used from sowing until Zadoks GS 32–33 (stem extension). Subse- quently, larger chambers with an air volume of 0.096 m3 (60 cm height) were used until harvest, after which small chambers were used again. analysed for N2O using an electron capture detector (ECD) at 300 C CRA 355,5
245 b Roche (2016) Roche L, Forrestal PJ, Lanigan GJ, Richards KG, Shaw LJ, Wall DP. Impact of fertiliser nitrogen formulation, and N stabilisers on nitrous oxide emissions in spring barley. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2016: 233; 229-237. Roche L, Forrestal PJ, Lanigan GJ, Richards KG, Shaw LJ, Wall DP Impact of fertiliser nitrogen formulation, and N stabilisers on nitrous oxide emissions in spring barley 2016 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A Ireland 52.53 -6.58 N 29 663914 5823104 Cfb N/A NR NR NR NR Yes The site history was long term arable production for at least 20 years. April 2014 April 2015 25 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 7 unfertilised control, and six fertiliser formulations were used: (i) CAN, (ii) urea (iii) urea + NBPT (iv) urea + DCD (v) urea + NBPT + DCD, and (vi) urea + MICO included in 2014 only. N fertiliser formulations including urea and urea stabilised with the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD) and/or the urease inhibitor N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) and to evaluate their N2O loss abatement potential relative to calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN). The N stabilisers evaluated in this study were the urease inhibitor N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT (trade name AgrotainTM) and also referred to as n-BTPT in other studies), the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD), and the Maleic- Itaconic acid Co-polymer (MICO (trade name NutriSphere-N1)) which is a urease and nitrification inhibitor. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No NR NR NR static chamber technique (Smith et al., 1995; Chadwick et al., 2014), adhering to the methodology guidelines compiled by the Global Research Alliance (De Klein and Harvey, 2012). The N2O chamber measurement area was 0.4 m2. Collars were installed to at least 5 cm into the soil (Smith et al., 2012) and contained a neoprene filled channel in order to maintain an air-tight seal There were two different chamber sizes. A chamber with air volume 0.017 m3 (10 cm height) was used from sowing until Zadoks GS 32–33 (stem extension). Subse- quently, larger chambers with an air volume of 0.096 m3 (60 cm height) were used until harvest, after which small chambers were used again. analysed for N2O using an electron capture detector (ECD) at 300 C CRA 356,5
246 Rochester (2015) Rochester I, Wood C, Macdonald B. Quantifying nitrous oxide emissions from foliage of cotton, maize and soybean crops. Crop & Pasture Science. 2015: 66; 689-695. Rochester I, Wood C, Macdonald B Quantifying nitrous oxide emissions from foliage of cotton, maize and soybean crops 2015 Crop & Pasture Science Article N/A Australia -30.21 149.6 S 55 749968 6655474 Cfa N/A NR NR NR NR No NR September 2012 January 2013 5 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, crop rotation 5 Emissions of N2O were measured from cotton plants growing in two of the four replicates of the field experiment described by Rochester (2011). The cotton–faba bean–fallow rotation (main plot) was chosen for study because of the relatively highNfertility of this system. Each main plot was divided into subplots previously fertilised at one of five rates of N: 0, 80, 160, 240 or 320 kg N ha–1. CI Split/strip plot 4 No NR Closed Opaque To sample the gas from within the chamber, a 20- mLsyringe was inserted into a rubber septum that had been placed in the side of the chamber. For the control treatments, air samples were also taken from an empty chamber and a chamber containing only linseed oil putty. The gas samples were transferred into evacuated 12-mL vials, which were analysed for N2O by gas chromatography at the Carbon Laboratory at The University of New England, Armidale, NSW. The gas chromatograph (Model GC450; Varian Australia Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Vic.) was equipped with an auto injector (Combi Pal; Varian Australia Pty Ltd) and a 63Ni-electron capture detector, the carrier gas was 5% methane and 95% argon, and the column temperature set at 3508C.; The N2O flux was reported as g N2O ha–1 day–1. The fluxes were adjusted according to the plant populations of the three crops: cotton, 10 plants m–1; soybeans and maize, 5 plants m-1. The flux measurements mid-morning were assumed representative of the daily fluxes. No description of soil found AIB 357,5
247 Roth (2015) Roth B, Finnan JM, Jones MB, Burke JI, Williams ML. Are the benefits of yield responses to nitrogen fertilizer application in the bioenergy crop Miscanthus x giganteus offset by increased soil emissions of nitrous oxide. Global Change Biology Bioenergy. 2015: 7; 145-152. Roth B, Finnan JM, Jones MB, Burke JI, Williams ML Are the benefits of yield responses to nitrogen fertilizer application in the bioenergy crop Miscanthus x giganteus offset by increased soil emissions of nitrous oxide 2015 Global Change Biology Bioenergy Article N/A Ireland 52.86 -6.91 N 29 640576 5858292 Cfb N/A Loamy sand NR NR The soil is classified as loamy sand with a pH of 6.8 and a C/N ratio of 12.9 (Dondini et al., 2009). Yes Miscanthus site established in 1994 on land which had previously been used to cultivate winter wheat and pea. February 2010 February 2011 13 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 3 A 0.25 ha section of the Miscanthus crop was used to establish a nitrogen fertilizer application trial in 2008 where treatments of 0, 63 and 125 kg–N ha 1 (henceforth referred to as 0N, 63N and 125N treatments) were replicated four times in a randomized complete block design. Plots measured 5 x 25 m. Inorganic nitrogen fertilizer in the form of calcium ammonium nitrate was applied annually in May 2008, May 2009, and again in June 2010. In addition, sulphur, phosphorus and potassium were applied on these occasions at rates of 20 kg-S ha-1, 30 kg-P ha-1 and 120 kg-K ha-1, respectively, to ensure that these elements were non-limiting. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR NR NR non-flow-through, non-steady-state chambers (surface area: 0.0314 m2, height: 0.194 m, volume: 5 l). Two chambers at opposite ends of each plot were attached to collars positioned permanently in the soil at a depth of 0.1 m – meaning a total of eight chambers per treatment. Gas samples (22 ml) were taken using a 60 ml syringe and stored in evacuated 22 ml glass vials with a butyl rubber/PTFE septum. Samples were analysed for N2O within 1 month of collection using a gas chromatograph fitted with an electron capture detector (Clarus 500 GC; Perkin-Elmer, Waltham, MA, USA) AIB 358,5
248 a Rover (1998) Rover M, Heinemeyer O, Kaiser EA. Microbial induced nitrous oxide emissions from an arable soil during winter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 1998: 30(14); 1859-1865. Rover M, Heinemeyer O, Kaiser EA Microbial induced nitrous oxide emissions from an arable soil during winter 1998 Soil Biology and Biochemistry Article N/A Germany 51.88 10.59 N 32 609590 5749289 Cfb Cropping period Silt loam NR Luvisols The soil, a silty loam with 1.5% sand, 79.3% silt, 19.2% clay and pH 7.1 (Schneider and Haider, 1992) overlaying Emscher-marl (Gleyic Luvisol) has been used for intensive crop production for at least 100 years. Yes Has been used for intensive crop production for at least 100 years. In 1992, a plot without N-fertilization (N 0.0) was established (1520 m), while the conventional N- fertilizer management continued on plot N 1.0. January 1992 February 1996 50 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Tillage 2 a plot without N-fertilization (N 0.0) was established (15􏰉20m), while the conventional N- fertilizer management continued on plot N 1.0. CI Paired design 1 No Static chamber Closed NR The closed soil cover box technique, which is also called the static chamber or closed chamber tech- nique, was applied to monitor the N2O ̄uxes from soil into the atmosphere (Mosier, 1989). For this study a large cylindrical soil cover box system was used covering an area of 0.72m2 (Kaiser et al., 1996b). Five plastic rings (100 cm dia) were driven into the ground to a depth of 10 cm on each plot after seeding. For ̄ux rate measurements, the rings were sealed by a cylindrical soil cover (polyethylene, 50 cm height, 100 cm dia) with a rubber stopper. As plants grew, the tube height was increased by exten- sion tubes (100 cm height). The tubes were removed before tillage, and reinstalled afterwards. Gas-chromatograph equipped with an automatic sample injector system (Heinemeyer and Kaiser, 1996). An 63^Ni-electron capture detector (ECD) was used for N2O measurements. Field site: "Harz mountains (elevation 150 m above MSL) in Lower Saxony, Germany." was estimated with Google Maps AIB 359,5
248 b Rover (1998) Rover M, Heinemeyer O, Kaiser EA. Microbial induced nitrous oxide emissions from an arable soil during winter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 1998: 30(14); 1859-1865. Rover M, Heinemeyer O, Kaiser EA Microbial induced nitrous oxide emissions from an arable soil during winter 1998 Soil Biology and Biochemistry Article N/A Germany 51.88 10.59 N 32 609590 5749289 Cfb Winter period Silt loam NR Luvisols The soil, a silty loam with 1.5% sand, 79.3% silt, 19.2% clay and pH 7.1 (Schneider and Haider, 1992) overlaying Emscher-marl (Gleyic Luvisol) has been used for intensive crop production for at least 100 years. Yes Has been used for intensive crop production for at least 100 years. In 1992, a plot without N-fertilization (N 0.0) was established (1520 m), while the conventional N- fertilizer management continued on plot N 1.0. November 1995 February 1996 4 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Tillage 2 Additionally, 10 soil cover boxes were installed on the N 1.0 plot after the incorporation of the winter wheat residues in November 1995 to investi- gate the in ̄uence of a snow cover on the N2O emis- sions. Therefore each soil cover box was equipped with a sieve (nylon, 1 mm), which covered the entire box area. These sieves were installed to remove the snow cover from the soil surface. CI Paired design 1 No Static chamber Closed NR Additionally, 10 soil cover boxes were installed on the N 1.0 plot after the incorporation of the winter wheat residues in November 1995 to investi- gate the in ̄uence of a snow cover on the N2O emis- sions. Therefore each soil cover box was equipped with a sieve (nylon, 1 mm), which covered the entire box area. These sieves were installed to remove the snow cover from the soil surface. These boxes were equipped with two gas sampling ports, one at the top of the soil cover and one below the sieve. The latter was installed to measure the N2O concen- trations under the snow cover before removing the snow sieves. These boxes were only sampled after snowing. Additionally, snow samples from the soil surface and from a polyethylene foil covering a 3 m2 soil area were taken in air-tight jars (1 l, n = 5), respectively. The N2O absorbed in this snow was released by melting the snow (24VC). Gas samples from the headspace were taken after an equilibration period of 24 h. The N2O concentration in the snow was calculated according to Moraghan and Buresh (1977). Gas-chromatograph equipped with an automatic sample injector system (Heinemeyer and Kaiser, 1996). An 63^Ni-electron capture detector (ECD) was used for N2O measurements. Field site: "Harz mountains (elevation 150 m above MSL) in Lower Saxony, Germany." was estimated with Google Maps AIB 360,5
249 Rowlings (2013) Rowlings DW, Grace PR, Scheer C, Kiese R. Influence of nitrogen fertiliser application and timing on greenhouse gas emissions from a lychee (Litchi chinensis) orchard in humid subtropical Australia. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment. 2013: 179; 168-178. Rowlings DW, Grace PR, Scheer C, Kiese R Influence of nitrogen fertiliser application and timing on greenhouse gas emissions from a lychee (Litchi chinensis) orchard in humid subtropical Australia 2013 Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment Article N/A Australia -26 153.09 S 56 508518 7124313 Cfa N/A Loam NR NR The soil in the lychee orchard was classified as a haplic, eutrophic, black dermosol using the Australian Soil Classification system (Isbell, 2002). The soil texture consisted of a loam, although high subsurface bulk density (10–20 cm:1.4 g cm−3), low relief and low infiltration rates (3.5 ± 0.5 cm h−1) resulted in prolonged waterlogging. Yes The trees were planted into the existing Setaria sphacelata dairy pasture in 1988 at a rate of 200 trees per hectare on 8 m × 8 m rows. The 20 year old trees were fully mature with a 7 m diameter canopy covering an area of 38.5 m2. Total tree canopy cover was roughly 60% of the total area. Soil under the canopy area was covered in a 50–100 mm thick litter layer and was devoid of plants while S. sphacelata pasture dominant in the inter-canopy zone. Fertiliser had been applied in the past biannually within the trees drip-line as per industry recommendations; with a split application of 1000 g N tree−1 yr−1 . The last application was applied 6 months prior to the start of the GHG measurements. March 2007 February 2009 24 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 2 Nitrogen fertiliser was added to the canopy area of each tree as a split urea application at a rate of 1300 g of N tree−1 yr−1, equivalent to 265 kg N ha−1 yr−1; and a control (no N fertiliser) CI Split/strip plot 3 No Static chamber Closed NR The pneumatically operated automated chambers (non-steady-state, non-through-flow) were connected to an 240 V powered automated gas sampling system and in situ gas chromatograph described by Rowlings et al. (2012). The clear acrylic chambers covered a surface area of 0.25 m2 (500 mm × 500 mm) with a height of 150 mm and were secured to stainless steel bases inserted permanently into the soil to a depth of 100 mm. A tipping bucket rain gauge (Davis Instruments Corp. CA, USA) connected to the system enabled automated opening of the lids during rainfall events. Manual chambers consisted of a PVC bucket (200 mm high by 200 mm diameter) with the bottom removed. These were inserted approximately 100 mm into the soil leaving an 80–100 mm headspace.These were inserted approximately 100 mm into the soil leaving an 80–100 mm headspace. A gas tight lid containing a rubber septum for a sampling port was used to achieve closure. Sampling consisted of extracting a 12 ml headspace sample into a pre-evacuated glass vial (Exetainer; Labco, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, UK) using a double ended syringe. Nitrous oxide and CH4 concentrations were determined using a gas chromatograph (SRI GC8610, Torrance, CA, USA) equipped with 63N electron capture detector and a flame ionisation detector for CH4 (SRI GC8610, Torrance, CA, USA). Carbon dioxide was measured continuously with a non dispersive infrared CO2 analyser (LI-820; LI-COR, Lincoln Nebraska, USA). AIB 361,5
250 a Ruser (2017) Ruser R, Fub R, Andres M, Hegewald H, Kesenheimer K, Kobke S, Rabiger T, Quinones TS, Augustin J, Christen O, Dittert K, Kage H, Lewandowski I, Prochnow A, Stichnothe H, Flessa H. Nitrous oxide emissions from winter oilseed rape cultivation. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment. 2017: 249; 57-69. Ruser R, Fub R, Andres M, Hegewald H, Kesenheimer K, Kobke S, Rabiger T, Quinones TS, Augustin J, Christen O, Dittert K, Kage H, Lewandowski I, Prochnow A, Stichnothe H, Flessa H Nitrous oxide emissions from winter oilseed rape cultivation 2017 Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment Article N/A Germany 48.44 8.55 N 32 466913 5365759 Cfb Ihinger Hof Silt loam NR Luvisols Soil type: Haplic Luvisol; Soil texture: clay 3.2%, silt 78.2%, 18.6% sand; pH 6.8; C org 1.68%; N t 0.20% No NR August 2012 December 2015 41 Multiple-intervention Crop rotation, Chemical fertiliser 7 At each site, a randomized split-plot experiment with four replicated blocks was established in 2012. The crop rotation was identical at all sites. All crops of the rotation, winter oilseed rape (var. ‘Visby’), winter wheat (var. ‘Julius’), and winter barley (Hordeum vulgare L., var. ‘Tenor’ in Berge and var. ‘Souleyka’ at all other sites), were cultivated as main plots in each of the four blocks. Within the WOSR main plots, at least seven different treatments were included, whereas the main plots with winter wheat and winter barley were managed according to best agricultural management practices without any further differentiation within the crop. Plot size varied slightly over the study sites due to different farming machinery; the minimum size was 3 ×9 m (27 m2). The treatments of WOSR relevant for results described hereafter, unfertilized control and treatments fertilized with 60, 120, 180, or 240 kg N ha−1 a−1 for yield determination. CI Split/strip plot 4 No NR Closed Opaque Using the closed chamber method (Hutchinson and Mosier, 1981), flux measurements were conducted at least once a week starting in January or February 2013 and ending in December 2015. Chambers were placed between the seed rows of WOSR, but included the plants for measurements in cereals. In order to place the chambers between the plant rows, the chambers’ dimensions were 71 cm length, 27 cm width and 10 cm height. Chamber material was white opaque PVC (PSplastic, Eching, Germany). They were equipped with rubber sealing, a pressure vent and a ventilator. For measurements, the chambers were anchored on their frames using elastic straps. The frame height was 13 cm and they were installed in soil to a depth of 5 to 10 cm. During flux measurements, the chambers were kept closed for one hour; gas samples were taken every 20 min using vacutainers or stopcock vials, resulting in four gas samples per flux measurement. Chamber temperature was recorded for each gas sample. Gas samples were analyzed for N2O and CO2 concentrations in the laboratories of the participating research groups by various gas chromatographs equipped with electron capture and flame ionization detectors as well as automatic samplers. Lab inter-comparability was verified by conducting blind inter-comparison measurements between the labs in the beginning of the study. Each laboratory achieved a coefficient of variance below 2% on ten repeated measurements of an ambient N2O standard gas 3 of the 5 study locations were not extracted because tthey were in Dfb KGP zones. These locations were: Berge, Germany (52 37N, 12 47E); Dedelow, Germany (53 22 N, 13 49 E); Hohenschulen, Germany (54 19 N, 9 59 E). "At all sites we measured N2O fluxes also in additional treatments such as biogas residue application or soil tillage variants. However, these will be discussed in subsequent publications." There was not enough info on biogas residue application and soil tillage variants in this study to be extracted. AIB 362,5
250 b Ruser (2017) Ruser R, Fub R, Andres M, Hegewald H, Kesenheimer K, Kobke S, Rabiger T, Quinones TS, Augustin J, Christen O, Dittert K, Kage H, Lewandowski I, Prochnow A, Stichnothe H, Flessa H. Nitrous oxide emissions from winter oilseed rape cultivation. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment. 2017: 249; 57-69. Ruser R, Fub R, Andres M, Hegewald H, Kesenheimer K, Kobke S, Rabiger T, Quinones TS, Augustin J, Christen O, Dittert K, Kage H, Lewandowski I, Prochnow A, Stichnothe H, Flessa H Nitrous oxide emissions from winter oilseed rape cultivation 2017 Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment Article N/A Germany 51.37 11.91 N 32 702648 5694528 Cfb Merbitz Silt loam NR Chernozems Soil type: Haplic Chernosem; Soil texture: clay 15.8%, silt 67.8%, sand 16.4%; pH 6.6; C org 1.18%; N t 0.11% No NR August 2012 December 2015 41 Multiple-intervention Crop rotation, Chemical fertiliser 7 At each site, a randomized split-plot experiment with four replicated blocks was established in 2012. The crop rotation was identical at all sites. All crops of the rotation, winter oilseed rape (var. ‘Visby’), winter wheat (var. ‘Julius’), and winter barley (Hordeum vulgare L., var. ‘Tenor’ in Berge and var. ‘Souleyka’ at all other sites), were cultivated as main plots in each of the four blocks. Within the WOSR main plots, at least seven different treatments were included, whereas the main plots with winter wheat and winter barley were managed according to best agricultural management practices without any further differentiation within the crop. Plot size varied slightly over the study sites due to different farming machinery; the minimum size was 3 ×9 m (27 m2). The treatments of WOSR relevant for results described hereafter, unfertilized control and treatments fertilized with 60, 120, 180, or 240 kg N ha−1 a−1 for yield determination. CI Split/strip plot 4 No NR Closed Opaque Using the closed chamber method (Hutchinson and Mosier, 1981), flux measurements were conducted at least once a week starting in January or February 2013 and ending in December 2015. Chambers were placed between the seed rows of WOSR, but included the plants for measurements in cereals. In order to place the chambers between the plant rows, the chambers’ dimensions were 71 cm length, 27 cm width and 10 cm height. Chamber material was white opaque PVC (PSplastic, Eching, Germany). They were equipped with rubber sealing, a pressure vent and a ventilator. For measurements, the chambers were anchored on their frames using elastic straps. The frame height was 13 cm and they were installed in soil to a depth of 5 to 10 cm. During flux measurements, the chambers were kept closed for one hour; gas samples were taken every 20 min using vacutainers or stopcock vials, resulting in four gas samples per flux measurement. Chamber temperature was recorded for each gas sample. Gas samples were analyzed for N2O and CO2 concentrations in the laboratories of the participating research groups by various gas chromatographs equipped with electron capture and flame ionization detectors as well as automatic samplers. Lab inter-comparability was verified by conducting blind inter-comparison measurements between the labs in the beginning of the study. Each laboratory achieved a coefficient of variance below 2% on ten repeated measurements of an ambient N2O standard gas AIB 363,5
251 Sanchez (2002) Sanchez ML, Ozores MI, Colle R, Lopez MJ, De Torre B, Garcia MA, Perez I. Soil CO2 fluxes in cereal land use of the Spanish plateau: influence of conventional and reduced tillage practices. Chemosphere: 2002: 47; 837-844. Sanchez ML, Ozores MI, Colle R, Lopez MJ, De Torre B, Garcia MA, Perez I Soil CO2 fluxes in cereal land use of the Spanish plateau: influence of conventional and reduced tillage practices 2002 Chemosphere Article N/A Spain 41.69 -4.71 N 30 358009 4617236 Csb N/A Silt loam NR NR As no measurements of soil composition and structure were conducted, we can only provide the following general information. Based on the USDA classification scheme, the soil is a Typic Xerofluent, with pH ranging from 7.8 to 8.1, organic matter content from 0.6% to 0.9%, and low soil water content having a mean value of about 16% in weight. The particle size analysis done was 30% sand, 50% silt and 20% clay, and the bulk density was between 1.3 and 1.4. The analysis data belong to Ap horizon at a depth of 0–30 cm. No NR November 1998 October 2000 24 Tillage Tillage 2 In the framework of this research, we measured soil CO2 flux in two patches, the first one managed with CT (conventional tillage) and the second one with RT (reduced tillage) CI Paired design 1 No NR NR NR Soil CO2 fluxes were measured by attaching a 6400- 09 chamber with a circular cross of 71.6 cm2 to a 6400 LICORgas exchange system. The system is provided with a thermocouple probe to measure soil temperature. Details of this equipment can be found in Healy et al. (1996) and Le Dantec et al. (1999). Soil respiration chamber connected to an infrared gas analyser Field site: "Soil CO2 flux measurements were performed at the Zamadue~nas experimental farm belonging to the Regional Government of Castile and Leon." Google Maps was used to estimate location coordinates. AIB 364,5
252 a Sarkodie (2003) Sarkodie-Addo J, Lee HC, Baggs EM. Nitrous oxide emissions after application of inorganic fertilizer and incorporation of green manure residues. Soil Use and Management. 2003: 19; 331-339. Sarkodie-Addo J, Lee HC, Baggs EM Nitrous oxide emissions after application of inorganic fertilizer and incorporation of green manure residues 2003 Soil Use and Management Article e.baggs@ N/A United Kingdom 51.5 -0.17 N 30 696091 5709054 Cfb Experiment 1: winter rye green manure Silt loam NR Cambisols silt loam (sand 17%, silt 68%, clay 15%, organic C 1.9%, pH 7.8, bulk density 1.23 g cm±3) of the Coombe series, classified as a Cambisol (FAO classification) Yes The site had previously been under cereal cultivation for 8 years. October 1997 August 1998 10 Multiple-intervention Cover crops, Chemical fertiliser 4 The experiment was established as a split plot design consisting of main plots of N application and subplots of green manure management: no green manure, or incorporated green manure. Control plots (no fertilizer, no green manure) were established within this experimental design. [4 treatments: Incorporated rye without fertilizer, Incorporated rye with fertilizer (250 kg N ha-1), No rye with fertilizer (250 kg N ha-1), Control] CI Split/strip plot 4 No NR Closed NR Gas samples for N2O analysis were taken from closed flux chambers (0.2m height by 0.3m diameter) using gas-tight syringes, as described by Smith et al. (1995), and stored in evacuated gas vials. Chambers were inserted to a soil depth of 5 cm immediately following residue incorporation in 1998 and 1 day prior to fertilization with temporary removal for residue incorporation in 1999, and then remained in situ until harvest of the maize crop. Two chambers were placed in each plot and samples were bulked prior to analysis. Samples were analysed for N2O in a Pye Unicam gas chromatograph fitted with an electron capture detector. AIB 365,5
252 b Sarkodie (2003) Sarkodie-Addo J, Lee HC, Baggs EM. Nitrous oxide emissions after application of inorganic fertilizer and incorporation of green manure residues. Soil Use and Management. 2003: 19; 331-339. Sarkodie-Addo J, Lee HC, Baggs EM Nitrous oxide emissions after application of inorganic fertilizer and incorporation of green manure residues 2003 Soil Use and Management Article e.baggs@ N/A United Kingdom 51.5 -0.17 N 30 696091 5709054 Cfb Experiment 2: winter wheat green manure Silt loam NR Cambisols silt loam (sand 17%, silt 68%, clay 15%, organic C 1.9%, pH 7.8, bulk density 1.23 g cm±3) of the Coombe series, classified as a Cambisol (FAO classification) Yes The site had previously been under cereal cultivation for 8 years. October 1998 September 1999 12 Multiple-intervention Cover crops, Chemical fertiliser 4 Main plots were fertilized with NH4NO3 at rates of 0 and 200 kg Nha±1 on 19 April 1999 (day 109). The green manure (6 t ha±1) was incorporated on 19 May (day 139) and harrowed on 21 May 1999. All plots, except controls, were sown to maize (Zea mays L. cv. Soltis) on 26 May 1999 (day 146). [4 treatments: Wheat without fertilizer, Wheat with fertilizer (200 kg Nha±1), No wheat with fertilizer (200 kg Nha±1), Conrtol] CI Split/strip plot 4 No NR Closed NR Gas samples for N2O analysis were taken from closed flux chambers (0.2m height by 0.3m diameter) using gas-tight syringes, as described by Smith et al. (1995), and stored in evacuated gas vials. Chambers were inserted to a soil depth of 5 cm immediately following residue incorporation in 1998 and 1 day prior to fertilization with temporary removal for residue incorporation in 1999, and then remained in situ until harvest of the maize crop. Two chambers were placed in each plot and samples were bulked prior to analysis. Samples were analysed for N2O in a Pye Unicam gas chromatograph fitted with an electron capture detector. AIB 366,5
253 Scheer (2012) Scheer C, Grace PR, Rowlings DW, Payero J. Nitrous oxide emissions from irrigated wheat in Australia: impact of irrigation management. Plant and Soil. 2012: 359; 351-362 Scheer C, Grace PR, Rowlings DW, Payero J Nitrous oxide emissions from irrigated wheat in Australia: impact of irrigation management 2012 Plant and Soil Article N/A Australia -27.3 151.47 S 56 348151 6978910 Cfa N/A Clay NR Vertisols The soil at the site is a haplic, selfmulching, black vertosol (Isbell 2002). It has a heavy clay texture (76 % clay) in the 1.5 m root zone profile, with a distinct change in soil color from brownish black (10YR22) in the top 90 cm to dark brown (7.5YR33) deeper in the profile. The soil is of alluvial fan and basalt rock origin, slowly permeable, with a surface slope of about 0.5 %. No NR June 2009 October 2009 5 Multiple-intervention Irrigation, Organic fertiliser 3 The irrigation treatments included: 1. High irrigation (HI). Irrigation was applied when 50 % of the plant available water capacity (PAWC) was depleted. 2. Medium Irrigation (MI). Irrigation was applied when 60 % of the PAWC was depleted. 3. Low irrigation (LI). Irrigation was applied when 85 % of the PAWC was depleted. All treatments received a total N application rate of 200 kg N ha−1 applied as urea in three applications. 100 kg N ha−1 was applied at sowing, 50 kg N ha−1 at first node, and 50 kg N ha−1 applied at flag leaf emergence. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Dynamic chambers NR Opaque Nine acrylic sampling chambers (50 cm×50 cm×15 cm) were fixed on stainless steel frames, when the crop height exceeded about 20 cm a chamber extension of 50 cm height was used. The lids of the chambers were opened and closed automatically with pneumatic pistons. During a normal measurement cycle, three chambers were closed at one time and four air samples taken from each chamber sequentially for 48 min (12 min apart) before the chambers were opened again and the next three chambers closed and sampled. It therefore took 144 min for all chambers to be sampled and up to 10 single flux rates could be determined per chamber and day. The air samples were automatically pumped from the head-space of the chamber into a gas chromatograph (SRI 8610 C, Torrance/USA) equipped with a 63Ni electron capture detector (ECD) for N2O analysis. To minimize the interference of moisture vapor and CO2 on N2O measurement, an Ascarite (sodium-hydroxide- coated silica) pre-column filled was installed upstream of the ECD and changed at fortnightly intervals. AIB 367,5
254 Scheer (2013) Scheer C, Grace PR, Rowlings DW, Payero J. Soil N2O and CO2 emissions from cotton in Australia under varying irrigation management. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2013: 95; 43-56. Scheer C, Grace PR, Rowlings DW, Payero J Soil N2O and CO2 emissions from cotton in Australia under varying irrigation management 2013 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A Australia -27.3 151.47 S 56 348151 6978910 Cfa N/A Clay NR Vertisols The soil at the site is a haplic, selfmulching, black vertisols (FAO 1998). It has a heavy clay texture (76 % clay) in the 1.5 m root zone profile, with a distinct change in soil color from brownish black (10YR22) in the top 90 cm to dark brown (7.5YR33) deeper in the profile. The soil is of alluvial fan and basalt rock origin, slowly permeable, with a surface slope of about 0.5 %. Yes Historically, the site has been planted to a variety of grain-legume cotton rotation, and in the past 3 years before the present study, was used for an irrigation trial and under cotton/wheat rotation. November 2009 May 2010 7 Multiple-intervention Irrigation, Organic fertiliser 3 The irrigation treatments included: 1. High irrigation (HI). Irrigation was applied when 50 % of the plant available water capacity (PAWC) was depleted. 2. Medium Irrigation (MI). Irrigation was applied when 60 % of the PAWC was depleted. 3. Low irrigation (LI). Irrigation was applied when 85 % of the PAWC was depleted. All treatments received a total N application rate of 200 kg N ha-1 applied as urea top dressing in three applications. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR NR Opaque The measuring chambers were installed in the space between two cotton rows, therefore measuring the gas fluxes from the soil rather than that from the crop canopy. To minimize the interference ofmoisture vapor and CO2 on N2O measurement, a pre-column filled with sodiumhydroxide- coated silica was installed upstream of the ECDand changed at fortnightly intervals.Measurements were taken from 3 subplots for each treatment within a split-plot design. Nine acrylic and stainless steel sampling chambers (50 cm 9 50 cm 9 15 cm) were fixed on stainless steel frames inserted 100 mm into the soil. The lids of the chambers were opened and closed automatically with pneumatic pistons. Gas chromatograph (SRI 8610C, Torrance/USA) equipped with a 63Ni electron capture detector (ECD) for N2O analysis and a single path infra-red gas analyser (Licor, LI 820, St Joseph, MI, USA) for CO2 analyses. AIB 368,5
255 Scheer (2014) Scheer C, Rowlings DW, Firrel M, Deuter P, Morris S, Grace PR. Impact of nitrification inhibitor (DMPP) on soil nitrous oxide emissions from an intensive broccoli production system in sub-tropical Australia. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2014: 77; 243-251. Scheer C, Rowlings DW, Firrel M, Deuter P, Morris S, Grace PR Impact of nitrification inhibitor (DMPP) on soil nitrous oxide emissions from an intensive broccoli production system in sub-tropical Australia 2014 Soil Biology & Biochemistry Article N/A Australia -27.33 152.2 S 56 420859 6976760 Cfa N/A Sandy loam NR NR The soil at the site is an Udic Argiustoll of alluvial fan and basalt rock origin with a surface slope of about 1%. Texture consisted of 60% sand, 18% silt and 19% clay, with an initial soil pH of 7.4 (0e10 cm). No NR June 2012 November 2012 6 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser, Irrigation 4 The fertiliser treatments were: 1. Zero nitrogen fertiliser (0N) e i.e. no added fertiliser. 2. Conventional (CONV) e 120 kg N1 ha1 total application. 54 kg N1 ha1 Nitrophoska® basal application at planting (25th June) and 66 kg N1 ha1 Urea in two applications as side dressing (6th and 20th August). 3. Nitrification inhibitor (DMPP) e 120 kg N1 ha1 total application; with addition of nitrification inhibitor DMPP (trade name Entec®). 54 kg N1 ha1 (as Nitrophoska Entec®) basal application at planting (25th June) and 66 kg N1 ha1 Urea (as Entec®) in two applications as side dressing (6th and 20th August). 4. Nitrification inhibitor at a 10% reduced rate (DMPP-red). 108 kg N1 ha1 total application; with addition of nitrification inhibitor DMPP (trade name Entec®). 49 kg N1 ha1 Nitrophoska Entec® basal application applied at planting (25th June) and 59 kg N1 ha1 Urea Entec® in two applications as side dressing (6th and 20th August) CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR Transparent Each experimental plot was 1.5 m wide  10 m in length, with 2 rows and 67 plants per plot. Rows were 75 cm apart and plants 30 cm apart in the row. A 1 m wide buffer zone was included between plots. Measurements were taken from every plot using a fully automated measuring system similar to the one described in Scheer et al. (2012, 2013). The system consisted of twelve acrylic static chambers (50 cm  50 cm  15 cm) that were fixed on stainless steel bases inserted permanently into the soil to a depth of 100 mm and installed in the space between the broccoli rows, directly measuring the gas fluxes from the soil. Two chamber bases were located in each plot and the measuring chambers moved between the two bases every two weeks in order to minimise the effect of the chamber on soil properties. The automated chambers were sealed air tight during sampling by two lids that opened and closed via pneumatic actuators. After chamber closure, air samples were automatically pumped from the head-space of the chamber into the sampling unit with a flow rate of 200 ml min1. A single path infra-red gas analyser (Licor, LI 820, St Joseph, MI, USA) was used to measure CO2 concentration of the sample continuously (1 Hz) over the 3 min sampling period. At the end of a 3 min sampling period a 3 ml gas sample was injected into the carrier stream of a gas chromatograph (SRI 8610C, Torrance/USA) equipped with a 63Ni electron capture detector (ECD) for N2O analysis. To minimise the interference of moisture vapour and CO2 on N2O measurement, a pre-column filled with sodium-hydroxide-coated silica was installed upstream of the ECD and changed regularly, prior to becoming saturated with moisture. Sample gas measurements were calibrated automatically by a single point calibration using certified gas standards (Air Liquide, Dallas, TX, USA) of 0.5 ppm N2O. The detection limit of the systemwas approximately 1.0 mg N2OeNm2 h1 for N2O and 1 kg CO2eC ha1 day1 for CO2 fluxes; sample dilution via leakage was considered negligible. AIB 369,5
256 Scheer (2016) Scheer C, Rowlings DW, Migliorati MDA, Lester DW, Bell MJ, Grace PR. Effect of enhanced efficiency fertilisers on nitrous oxide emissions in a sub-tropical cereal cropping system. Soil Research. 2016: 54; 544-551. Scheer C, Rowlings DW, Migliorati MDA, Lester DW, Bell MJ, Grace PR Effect of enhanced efficiency fertilisers on nitrous oxide emissions in a sub-tropical cereal cropping system 2016 Soil Research Article N/A Australia -27.3 151.47 S 56 348151 6978910 Cfa N/A Clay NR Vertisols The soil at the site is surveyed as a Craigmore (Powell et al. 1988), which classifies as a haplic, self-mulching, black Vertosol (Isbell 2002). It has a heavy clay texture (76% clay) in the 1.5m root zone profile, with a distinct change in soil colour from brownish black (10YR22) in the top 90 cm to dark brown (7.5YR33) deeper in the profile. The soil is formed in a colluvial fan of basalt rock origin, is slowly permeable, and the experimental site had a surface slope of ~0.5%. No NR November 2012 November 2013 13 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser, Irrigation 5 Four fertiliser treatments were compared with an untreated control (0N). Treatments were as follows: (1) Zero nitrogen fertiliser (0N) – i.e. no added fertiliser (2) Urea (3) Urea +DMPP – urea-coated with DMPP nitrification inhibitor, commercially available as Entec® (Incitec Pivot fertiliser, Australia) (4) PCU – polymer-coated urea prills (CoteN four month release, Haifa-group) (5) Urea + Nitrapyrin – urea with the nitrification inhibitor nitrapyrin, commercially available as eNtrench (Dow Chemical Co., Australia) injected in solution onto the urea band before closing the fertiliser trench. The product was applied at 2.5 L ha–1 in a 5% solution (i.e. 50 L solution ha–1). Fertiliser application rate was 170 kgNha–1 and the fertilisers were band applied at planting beside the crop row. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR NR Measurements were taken from every plot using a fully-automated measuring system similar to the one described in Scheer et al. (2014). Briefly, the system consisted of 12 acrylic static chambers (50 cm50 cm15 cm) that were equipped with pneumatically operated lids and fixed on stainless steel bases inserted 10 cm into the soil. The chambers were positioned next to the plant rows to account for N2O emissions from a localised source (banded fertiliser) and background emissions from residual soil N. Adapting the methodology described by De Antoni Migliorati et al. (2015), for each treatment two of the three replicate chambers were positioned over the fertiliser band and the third one in the inter-band. The 12 chambers allowed for the direct measurement of N2O fluxes in the four fertilised treatments. Cumulative N2O emissions from the unfertilised control treatment (0N) were derived from the results of the chambers positioned in the unfertilised inter-band. The chambers were linked to a fully-automated system comprised of a computerised sampling unit and an in situ gas chromatograph (SRI GC 8610C) equipped with a 63Ni electron capture detector (ECD) for N2O concentration analysis. Sample gas measurements were calibrated automatically by a singlepoint calibration using a certified gas standard of 0.5 ppm N2O. During the measuring season a multi-point calibration was performed using certified gas standards of 500, 980, 5030 ppb N2O (BOC; Munich, Germany) and the GC response over this range was determined to be linear. The detection limit of the system was ~1.0 mgN2O-Nm–2 h–1 and sample dilution via leakage was considered negligible. AIB 370,5
257 Scheer (2016) Scheer C, Deuter PL, Rowlings DW, Grace PR. Effect of nitrification inhibitor (DMPP) on soil nitrous oxide emissions and yield in a lettuce crop in Queensland, Australia. 2016: 1123(14); 101-108. Scheer C, Deuter PL, Rowlings DW, Grace PR Effect of nitrification inhibitor (DMPP) on soil nitrous oxide emissions and yield in a lettuce crop in Queensland, Australia 2016 Acta horticulturae Article N/A Australia -27.33 152.2 S 56 420859 6976760 Cfa N/A Sandy clay loam NR Vertisols The soil at the site is a Black Vertisol of alluvial fan and basalt rock origin with a surface slope of about 0.5%. Texture consisted of 20% sand, 22% silt and 58% clay, with an initial soil pH of 7.8 (0-10cm). No NR May 2013 August 2013 4 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser, Irrigation 3 The fertiliser treatments were: 1. Zero nitrogen fertiliser (0N) – i.e. no added fertiliser. 2. Conventional (CONV) - 100 kg N-1 ha-1 total application. 54 kg N-1 ha-1 Nitrophoska® basal application at planting (7th May) and 46kg N-1 ha-1 Urea in one application as a side dressing (14th June). 3. Nitrification inhibitor (DMPP) - 100 kg N-1 ha-1 total application ; with addition of nitrification inhibitor DMPP (trade name Entec®). 54 kg N-1 ha-1 (as Nitrophoska Entec®) basal application at planting (7th May) and 46kg N-1 ha-1 Urea (as Entec®) in one application as a side dressing (14th June). The fertiliser rate of 100kg-N ha-1 and application in two split doses was based on a standard rate of nitrogen application for lettuce and followed “good agricultural practice” for the Lockyer Valley (Heisswolf et al. 1997). Basal fertiliser treatments were applied by hand ensuring even application over each plot and incorporated using a rotary hoe just prior to transplanting lettuce seedlings. The plots were irrigated with bore water using a hand-shift sprinkler irrigation system. Irrigation was applied during times with low wind speeds to assure uniformity of application. Irrigation amounts were measured using a rain gauge installed at the centre of each plot and aimed at replacing evapotranspiration. Irrigation was scheduled on a weekly basis, except when sufficient rain had fallen in the previous week. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR NR Each experimental plot was 1.5 m wide x 10 m in length, with 3 rows and 86 data plants per plot. Rows were 35cm apart and plants 35cm apart in the row. The system consisted of acrylic static chambers (50 cm x 50 cm x 15 cm) that were fixed on stainless steel bases inserted permanently into the soil to a depth of 100 mm and installed in the space between the lettuce rows, directly measuring the gas fluxes from the soil. Details of the automated measuring system can be found in Scheer et al. (2013). N2O fluxes were measured with a mobile fully automated measuring system over the cropping season of lettuce from May 8 to July 17, 2013 and the following fallow phase from July 19 to August 28, 2013. From June 8-13, and July 6-7, 2013 emissions were not measured due to equipment failure. Fluxes of N2O from the automated chambers were calculated from the slope of the linear increase or decrease over the 4 concentrations measured over the closure time similar to the procedure outlined by (Scheer et al., 2014). AIB 371,5
258 Scheer (2016) Scheer C, Rowlings DW, Grace PR. Non-linear response of soil N2O emissions to nitrogen fertiliser in a cotton-fallow rotation in sub-tropical Australia. Soil Research. 2016: 54; 494-499. Scheer C, Rowlings DW, Grace PR Non-linear response of soil N2O emissions to nitrogen fertiliser in a cotton-fallow rotation in sub-tropical Australia 2016 Soil Research Article N/A Australia -27.52 151.78 S 56 379840 6955748 Cfa N/A Clay Vertisol Vertisols The soil at the site is classified as a haplic, self-mulching, black vertosol using the Australian Soil Classification (Isbell 2002). It has a heavy clay texture (76% clay) in the 1.5-m root zone profile, with a distinct change in soil colour from brownish black (10YR22) in the top 90 cm to dark brown (7.5YR33) deeper in the profile. The soil is formed in an alluvial fan of basalt rock origin, slowly permeable, with a surface slope of ~0.5%. Yes Prior to the present study, the field site was used for an irrigation study under a cotton–wheat rotation for which crop residues were removed from the plots after harvest (Scheer et al. 2012, 2013). The field site included an overhead sprinkler irrigation system and so there were no ridges or furrows. The region has a sub-tropical climate with an average annual precipitation of 630mm (1990–2010) (Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology, www. with most rainfall during October–March in the summer crop growing season. November 2010 November 2011 13 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 4 1. Zero nitrogen fertiliser (0N) – i.e. no added fertiliser; 2. 90 kgNha–1 (90N) – 90 kgNha–1 urea basal application at planting (4 November 2010); 3. 180 kgNha–1 (180N) – 90 kgNha–1 urea basal application at planting (4 November 2010) and 90 kgNha–1 urea in two side dressings (5 January and 3 March 2011); 4. 270 kgNha–1 (270N) – 90 kgNha–1 urea basal application at planting (4 November 2010) and 180 kgNha–1 urea in two side dressings (5 January and 3 March 2011). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR Fluxes were measured by collecting air samples from the chamber head space. Of headspace air, 20mL was drawn through a septum into gas-tight 20-mL polypropylene syringes at 0, 30 and 60 min after the soil was covered and inserted into evacuated vials (Exetainers®). The gas samples were then analysed for N2O using a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC-2014, Kyoto, Japan) equipped with an electron capture detector. This method uses a gas-tight chamber which encloses soil for a given interval. The chamber consists of a frame inserted a few centimetres into the soil and a lid that is fixed to the frame throughout the sampling period. Chamber enclosure is achieved by a sealed gasket at the lower edge of the lid. We used cylindrical PVCchambers with an inner diameter of 22.5 cm and a height of 20 cm that were randomly inserted between the plant rows (which were 1m apart) in each plot (i.e. the measurements did not account for potential N2O emissions directly from the cotton plants). The volume of each chamber was ~0.008m3 and the cross-sectional area was 0.04m2 JR 372,5
259 Scheer (2017) Scheer C, Rowlings D, Firrell M, Deuter P, Morris S, Riches D, Porter I, Grace P. Nitrification inhibitors can increase post-harvest nitrous oxide emissions in an intensive vegetable production system. Scientific Reports. 2017: 7(43677); 1-9. Scheer C, Rowlings D, Firrell M, Deuter P, Morris S, Riches D, Porter I, Grace P Nitrification inhibitors can increase post-harvest nitrous oxide emissions in an intensive vegetable production system 2017 Scientific Reports Article N/A Australia -27.33 152.2 S 56 420859 6976760 Cfa N/A Clay NR Vertisols The soil was formed in an alluvial fan of basalt rock and is classified as a Black Vertisol34 which is characterized by high shrink-swell potential due to its high montmorillonite clay content (> 50%). No NR September 2013 September 2014 13 Multiple-intervention Crop rotation, Irrigation, Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 4 vegetable crop rotation comprising a succession of three vegetable crops plus a catch crop; green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), broccoli (Brassica oleracea) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa). Forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) was used as a catch crop to reduce N losses during the fallow period between the green bean and broccoli crop. fertiliser treatments with three replications arranged in a randomized complete block design. Each experimental plot was 1.5 m wide × 10 m in length. Fertilized plots received a total of 310 kg-N ha−1yr−1. Vegetable crops were established using standard commercial practice. Green Beans (cv. Venice) were planted from seed, with 2 rows and 267 plants per plot. Rows were 75 cm apart and plants 7.5 cm apart in the row; Broccoli (cv. Aurora) were transplanted using container grown seedlings, with 2 rows and 67 plants per plot. Rows were 55 cm apart and plants 30 cm apart in the row; Lettuce (cv. Icehouse 2) were transplanted from container grown seedlings, with 3 rows and 86 plants per plot. Rows were 35 cm apart and plants 35 cm apart in the row. A 1 m wide buffer zone was included between plots. The plots were irrigated with bore water using a hand-shift sprinkler irrigation system. Irrigation was applied during times with low wind speeds to assure uniformity of application. Irrigation amounts were measured using a rain gauge installed at the centre of the experimental plot and were scheduled on a weekly basis, except when sufficient rain had fallen in the previous week. The fertilizer treatments were: (i) ZERO N – i.e. no added fertilizer. (ii) STANDARD GROWER PRACTICE (CONV) – i.e. Nitrophoska® and urea fertilizer application following standard grower practice. (iii) DMPP – addition of the nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethyl-pyrazole phosphate (DMPP), trade name ENTEC to Nitrophoska and urea, basal and side dressing fertilizer, respectively. (iv) 3MP + TZ – addition of the nitrification inhibitor combination of 3-methylpyrazole (3-MP) and 1,2,4-triazole (TZ), trade name PIADIN® to Nitrophoska and urea, basal and side dressing fertilizer, respectively. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Both static and dynamic NR Opaque The system consisted of 12 acrylic static chambers (50 cm × 50 cm × 15 cm) equipped with pneumatically operated lids and fixed on stainless steel bases inserted 10 cm into the soil. The chambers were linked to a fully-automated system comprised of a computerised sampling unit and an in situ gas chromatograph In situ gas chromatograph (SRI GC 8610 C) equipped with a 63Ni electron capture detector (ECD) for N2O concentration analysis. Sample gas measurements were calibrated automatically by a single-point calibration using a certified gas standard of 0.5 ppm N2O. During the measuring season a multi-point calibration was performed using certified gas standards of 500, 980, 5030 ppb N2O (BOC; Munich, Germany) and the GC response over this range was determined to be linear. The detection limit of the system was ~1.0 μ g N2O-N m–2 h–1 and sample dilution via leakage was considered negligible. AIB 373,5
260 a Schwenke (2016) Schwenke GD, Haigh BM. The interaction of seasonal rainfall and nitrogen fertiliser rate on soil N2O emission, total N loss and crop yield of dryland sorghum and sunflower grown on sub-tropical Vertosols. Soil Research. 2016: 54; 604-618. Schwenke GD, Haigh BM The interaction of seasonal rainfall and nitrogen fertiliser rate on soil N2O emission, total N loss and crop yield of dryland sorghum and sunflower grown on sub-tropical Vertosols 2016 Soil Research Article N/A Australia -31.15 150.98 S 56 307755 6552313 Cfa Experiment 1 Clay NR Vertisols Alkaline (pH1 : 5 water in the range of 8.2–8.5 in 0–0.3 m) Black Vertosols (Isbell 2002) of medium-heavy clay content. 54% clay. Soil organic carbon in 0–0.1m was 1.2%. The total plant available water capacity (PAWC) was 299 cm. Actual PAW measured at sowing was 256 mm. No NR December 2010 May 2011 5 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 5 Urea was the N fertiliser. Crop/Variety: Sorghum/MR-43 N rates (kgNha–1): 0, 40, 80, 120, 160 CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR Opaque Manual chambers of 0.25-m diameter cylindrical PVC were pushed into the soil to 0.1m in depth, leaving 0.2m above the soil surface. The chambers remained in place for the duration of the experiment. There were two chambers within each measured plot; one directly over the fertiliser band, and one directly in the plant row (between the fertiliser bands). At the time of sampling, a lid fitted with a rubber O-ring was put onto the top of the chamber. Several chambers were immediately sampled after fitting the lid to give an average ambient gas concentration which was then used for all calculations. We collected 20mL of chamber air using a hypodermic needle inserted through a rubber septum in the chamber lid. The sample was then injected into a preevacuated 12-mL glass Exetainer (Labco, Lampeter, UK) vial. Samples were collected 0.5 and 1 h after lid closure. All samples were analysed for N2O concentration using a Varian 450-GC gas chromatograph fitted with an electron capture detector. AIB 374,5
260 b Schwenke (2016) Schwenke GD, Haigh BM. The interaction of seasonal rainfall and nitrogen fertiliser rate on soil N2O emission, total N loss and crop yield of dryland sorghum and sunflower grown on sub-tropical Vertosols. Soil Research. 2016: 54; 604-618. Schwenke GD, Haigh BM The interaction of seasonal rainfall and nitrogen fertiliser rate on soil N2O emission, total N loss and crop yield of dryland sorghum and sunflower grown on sub-tropical Vertosols 2016 Soil Research Article N/A Australia -31.49 150.49 S 56 261182 6513265 Cfa Experiment 2 Clay NR Vertisols Alkaline (pH1 : 5 water in the range of 8.2–8.5 in 0–0.3 m) Black Vertosols (Isbell 2002) of medium-heavy clay content. 81% clay. Soil organic carbon in 0–0.1m was 1.0%. The total plant available water capacity (PAWC) was 277 cm. Actual PAW measured at sowing was 145 mm. No NR January 2011 May 2011 5 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 5 Urea was the N fertiliser. Crop/Variety: Sunflower/Ausigold 62 N rates (kgNha–1): 0, 40, 80, 120, 160 CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR Opaque Manual chambers of 0.25-m diameter cylindrical PVC were pushed into the soil to 0.1m in depth, leaving 0.2m above the soil surface. The chambers remained in place for the duration of the experiment. There were two chambers within each measured plot; one directly over the fertiliser band, and one directly in the plant row (between the fertiliser bands). At the time of sampling, a lid fitted with a rubber O-ring was put onto the top of the chamber. Several chambers were immediately sampled after fitting the lid to give an average ambient gas concentration which was then used for all calculations. We collected 20mL of chamber air using a hypodermic needle inserted through a rubber septum in the chamber lid. The sample was then injected into a preevacuated 12-mL glass Exetainer (Labco, Lampeter, UK) vial. Samples were collected 0.5 and 1 h after lid closure. All samples were analysed for N2O concentration using a Varian 450-GC gas chromatograph fitted with an electron capture detector. AIB 375,5
260 c Schwenke (2016) Schwenke GD, Haigh BM. The interaction of seasonal rainfall and nitrogen fertiliser rate on soil N2O emission, total N loss and crop yield of dryland sorghum and sunflower grown on sub-tropical Vertosols. Soil Research. 2016: 54; 604-618. Schwenke GD, Haigh BM The interaction of seasonal rainfall and nitrogen fertiliser rate on soil N2O emission, total N loss and crop yield of dryland sorghum and sunflower grown on sub-tropical Vertosols 2016 Soil Research Article N/A Australia -31.15 150.98 S 56 307755 6552313 Cfa Experiment 3 Clay NR Vertisols Alkaline (pH1 : 5 water in the range of 8.2–8.5 in 0–0.3 m) Black Vertosols (Isbell 2002) of medium-heavy clay content. 54% clay. Soil organic carbon in 0–0.1m was 1.2%. The total plant available water capacity (PAWC) was 299 cm. Actual PAW measured at sowing was 253 mm. No NR October 2012 May 2013 8 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 7 Urea was the N fertiliser. Crop/Variety: Sorghum/MR-Buster N rates (kgNha–1): 0, 20, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200 CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Dynamic chambers Closed NR Greenhouse gas emissions were measured using chambers (0.5mx0.5mx0.15m height) secured to bases pushed 0.1m into the soil. 12-chamber automatic gas measuring system (Scheer et al. 2011). Four automatically operated chambers (first replicate) were closed for 60 min, during which time four separate samples of air were collected at 15-min intervals and analysed immediately using a gas chromatograph (8610C, SRI Instruments, CA, USA) fitted with an electron capture detector for N2O measurement. AIB 376,5
260 d Schwenke (2016) Schwenke GD, Haigh BM. The interaction of seasonal rainfall and nitrogen fertiliser rate on soil N2O emission, total N loss and crop yield of dryland sorghum and sunflower grown on sub-tropical Vertosols. Soil Research. 2016: 54; 604-618. Schwenke GD, Haigh BM The interaction of seasonal rainfall and nitrogen fertiliser rate on soil N2O emission, total N loss and crop yield of dryland sorghum and sunflower grown on sub-tropical Vertosols 2016 Soil Research Article N/A Australia -31.51 150.6 S 56 271997 6510823 Cfa Experiment 4 Clay NR Vertisols Alkaline (pH1 : 5 water in the range of 8.2–8.5 in 0–0.3 m) Black Vertosols (Isbell 2002) of medium-heavy clay content. 81% clay. Soil organic carbon in 0–0.1m was 1.0%. The total plant available water capacity (PAWC) was 277 cm. Actual PAW measured at sowing was 9 mm. No NR December 2012 May 2013 6 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 7 Urea was the N fertiliser. Crop/Variety: Sorghum/MR-Bazley N rates (kgNha–1): 0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200, 240 CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR NR Manual chambers of 0.25-m diameter cylindrical PVC were pushed into the soil to 0.1m in depth, leaving 0.2m above the soil surface. The chambers remained in place for the duration of the experiment. One chamber per plot located directly over the fertiliser band. At the time of sampling, a lid fitted with a rubber O-ring was put onto the top of the chamber. Several chambers were immediately sampled after fitting the lid to give an average ambient gas concentration which was then used for all calculations. We collected 20mL of chamber air using a hypodermic needle inserted through a rubber septum in the chamber lid. The sample was then injected into a preevacuated 12-mL glass Exetainer (Labco, Lampeter, UK) vial. Samples were collected 0.5 and 1 h after lid closure. All samples were analysed for N2O concentration using a Varian 450-GC gas chromatograph fitted with an electron capture detector. AIB 377,5
261 a Seiler (1981) Seiler W, Conrad R. Field measurements of Natural and Fertilizer-Induced N2O Release Rates from Soils. Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association. 1981: 31(7); 767-772. Seiler W, Conrad R Field measurements of Natural and Fertilizer-Induced N2O Release Rates from Soils 1981 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association Article NR N/A Germany 49.98 8.17 N 32 440770 5537194 Cfb Station 1 NR NR NR Natural, not agriculturally used soils. The first station (Finthen) is located in an open area with a Loess Loam type soil covered by grass. No NR September 1976 October 1979 38 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 2 For determination of the N2O release due to fertilizer application, several plots were fertilized with different types of mineral fertilizers and the N2O release rate from the soil into the atmosphere was measured as function of time over time periods of several weeks. The data were then compared to those obtained on the unfertilized soil plot of the same station, and the difference was taken to calculate the fertilizer-derived N2O. CI Paired design NR No NR Closed Transparent On each station several soil plots with an area of approx. 2000 cm2 each is surrounded by a glass frame which was inserted into the soil to a depth of approximately 25 cm (Figure 1). The soil inside the glass frame was not touched by this procedure, thus remaining in its original natural state. Each soil plot was equipped with temperature probes (iron/ constantan) and soil air sampling probes (stainless steel capillaries) with air inlets reaching different soil depths (Figure 1). Air samples were taken from the glass box (V - 10 cm3) and from the soil air sampling probes (V = 1 cm3) by means of gas-tight syringes and were analyzed by gas chromatography using two different systems, a Carlo Erba Fractovap G.H. gas chromatograph with a He-ionization detector and a separation column (length = 5 m; i.d. = 6 mm) filled with Porapak Q; and with a Perkin Elmer F22 gas chromatograph equipped with a 63Ni electron capture detector.27 The lower detection limit of both systems is approximately 2 ppbv, with a standard deviation of ±10 ppbv for the He-ionization detector and ±3 ppbv for the electron capture detector at N2O mixing ratios of 300-400 ppbv. The time for one analysis is 30 and 8 min, respectively. Interferences of the N2O detection by CO2 was avoided by passing the soil air sample through Natron-asbestos which reacts with CO2 quantitatively but does not change the N2O content of the sample. Study was located near Mainz, Germany (Station 1 was in Finthen) but did not include coordinates - I included coordinaets based Google maps. Sections were marked "unclear" when authors did not specify emission results/treatment. AIB 378,5
261 b Seiler (1981) Seiler W, Conrad R. Field measurements of Natural and Fertilizer-Induced N2O Release Rates from Soils. Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association. 1981: 31(7); 767-772. Seiler W, Conrad R Field measurements of Natural and Fertilizer-Induced N2O Release Rates from Soils 1981 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association Article NR N/A Germany 49.99 8.17 N 32 440748 5538168 Cfb Station 2 NR NR NR Natural, not agriculturally used soils. The second station (Waldthausen) is located at the border of a park-like mixed forest with Eolian Sand type soil covered by small plants. No NR August 1977 November 1978 16 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 2 For determination of the N2O release due to fertilizer application, several plots were fertilized with different types of mineral fertilizers and the N2O release rate from the soil into the atmosphere was measured as function of time over time periods of several weeks. The data were then compared to those obtained on the unfertilized soil plot of the same station, and the difference was taken to calculate the fertilizer-derived N2O. CI Paired design NR No NR Closed Transparent On each station several soil plots with an area of approx. 2000 cm2 each is surrounded by a glass frame which was inserted into the soil to a depth of approximately 25 cm (Figure 1). The soil inside the glass frame was not touched by this procedure, thus remaining in its original natural state. Each soil plot was equipped with temperature probes (iron/ constantan) and soil air sampling probes (stainless steel capillaries) with air inlets reaching different soil depths (Figure 1). Air samples were taken from the glass box (V - 10 cm3) and from the soil air sampling probes (V = 1 cm3) by means of gas-tight syringes and were analyzed by gas chromatography using two different systems, a Carlo Erba Fractovap G.H. gas chromatograph with a He-ionization detector and a separation column (length = 5 m; i.d. = 6 mm) filled with Porapak Q; and with a Perkin Elmer F22 gas chromatograph equipped with a 63Ni electron capture detector.27 The lower detection limit of both systems is approximately 2 ppbv, with a standard deviation of ±10 ppbv for the He-ionization detector and ±3 ppbv for the electron capture detector at N2O mixing ratios of 300-400 ppbv. The time for one analysis is 30 and 8 min, respectively. Interferences of the N2O detection by CO2 was avoided by passing the soil air sample through Natron-asbestos which reacts with CO2 quantitatively but does not change the N2O content of the sample. Study was located near Mainz, Germany (Station 2 was in Waldthausen) but did not include coordinates - I included coordinaets based Google maps. Sections were marked "unclear" when authors did not specify emission results/treatment. AIB 379,5
261 c Seiler (1981) Seiler W, Conrad R. Field measurements of Natural and Fertilizer-Induced N2O Release Rates from Soils. Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association. 1981: 31(7); 767-772. Seiler W, Conrad R Field measurements of Natural and Fertilizer-Induced N2O Release Rates from Soils 1981 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association Article NR N/A Germany 49.99 8.23 N 32 444805 5537803 Cfb Station 3 NR NR NR Natural, not agriculturally used soils. The third station is built up on a meadow in front of our institute (Max Planck Institute for Chemistry) and has a Loess type soil. No NR NR NR October 1979 NR Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 2 For determination of the N2O release due to fertilizer application, several plots were fertilized with different types of mineral fertilizers and the N2O release rate from the soil into the atmosphere was measured as function of time over time periods of several weeks. The data were then compared to those obtained on the unfertilized soil plot of the same station, and the difference was taken to calculate the fertilizer-derived N2O. CI Paired design NR No NR Closed Transparent On each station several soil plots with an area of approx. 2000 cm2 each is surrounded by a glass frame which was inserted into the soil to a depth of approximately 25 cm (Figure 1). The soil inside the glass frame was not touched by this procedure, thus remaining in its original natural state. Each soil plot was equipped with temperature probes (iron/ constantan) and soil air sampling probes (stainless steel capillaries) with air inlets reaching different soil depths (Figure 1). Air samples were taken from the glass box (V - 10 cm3) and from the soil air sampling probes (V = 1 cm3) by means of gas-tight syringes and were analyzed by gas chromatography using two different systems, a Carlo Erba Fractovap G.H. gas chromatograph with a He-ionization detector and a separation column (length = 5 m; i.d. = 6 mm) filled with Porapak Q; and with a Perkin Elmer F22 gas chromatograph equipped with a 63Ni electron capture detector.27 The lower detection limit of both systems is approximately 2 ppbv, with a standard deviation of ±10 ppbv for the He-ionization detector and ±3 ppbv for the electron capture detector at N2O mixing ratios of 300-400 ppbv. The time for one analysis is 30 and 8 min, respectively. Interferences of the N2O detection by CO2 was avoided by passing the soil air sample through Natron-asbestos which reacts with CO2 quantitatively but does not change the N2O content of the sample. Study was located near Mainz, Germany (Station 3 infornt of Max Planck Institute for Chemistry) but did not include coordinates - I included coordinaets based Google maps. Sections were marked "unclear" when authors did not specify emission results/treatment. AIB 380,5
262 Shah (2018) Shah GA, Shah GM, Rashid MI, Groot JCJ, Traore B, Lantinga EA. Bedding additives reduce ammonia emission and improve crop N uptake after soil application of solid cattle manure. Journal of Environmental Management. 2018: 209; 195-204. Shah GA, Shah GM, Rashid MI, Groot JCJ, Traore B, Lantinga EA Bedding additives reduce ammonia emission and improve crop N uptake after soil application of solid cattle manure 2018 Journal of Environmental Management Article N/A Netherlands 51.98 5.67 N 31 683066 5762667 Cfb N/A Sand NR NR Farm topsoil. Ph- CaCl2 = 4.0, Cation exchange capacity = 2 cmol kg-1, Total N 1.2 g kg-1 DM (same units for remainding measurements), Inorganic N = 0.13, Organic Matter = 29, P2O5 = 0.4, MgO n.d. No NR NR NR NR NR NR Multiple-intervention Amendments, Organic fertiliser 5 The recommended dose 170 kg N ha1 of untreated and additive amended manures were mechanically incorporated at above 10 cm soil layer of an arable field at the same farm. Each plot had an area of 15m 4.5m. Treatments include i.e., negative control (unfertilized plot), positive control (untreated SCM - solid cattle manure), lava meal amended SCM, zeolite amended SCM and local farm sandy soil amended SCM. After one week of manure application and seedbed preparation, silage maize (cv. Lapriora) seeds at the rate of 11 plants m2 crop density were manually sown at 6 cmsoil depth. Each plot consisted of six rows and the distance between two rows was 75 cm. Manual weedingwas carried out at regular intervals and weeds were mixed in the soil to avoid nutrient loss from the field throughout the vegetative crop growth period. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR Opaque The poly vinyl chloride (PVC) flux chamber had 0.3m internal diameter with a sharp edged bottom and is also known for its very low capacity of NH3 adsorption (Shah et al., 2006). The sharp edge help us to press down the flux chamber 4e5 cm deep into the soil at each measurement event to avoid any gaseous leakage (Fig. 1b). Flux chamber (static) where gas is internally circulated in a system thatwas connected through two Teflon tubes with 3mm inner diameter to INNOVA (Fig. 1b), a photoacoustic gas monitor (1412A, Denmark). The gases concentrations were recorded for 5-10 min at two or three random locations from each plot after incorporation of manure into the soil. The instrument has certain detection limits for NH3 (200 ppb), N2O (30 ppb), CH4 (100 ppb) and CO2 (5100 ppb). The gas-monitoring instrument was calibrated twice during experimental period. This study had two experiments. The first experiment was not extracted because it was on grasslands. No dates for arable land experiment, only start/end dates were June 2010 - Novemeber 2010 for grassland experiment. Field site "The study was executed at Droevendaal organic Farm (55 99N latitude and 5 66E longitude). This is an experimental and training farm of the Wageningen University and Research Centre, located very close to the university's main campus in Wageningen, the Netherlands." was a typo, actual latitude is 51 99 N. AIB 381,5
263 a Shelton (2018) Shelton RE, Jacobsen KL, McCulley RL. Cover crops and fertilization alter nitrogen loss in organic and conventional conservation agriculture systems. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2018: 8(2260); 1-14. Shelton RE, Jacobsen KL, McCulley RL Cover crops and fertilization alter nitrogen loss in organic and conventional conservation agriculture systems 2018 Frontiers in Plant Science Article N/A USA 37.58 -84.33 N 16 735852 4162848 Cfa Organic field Silt loam NR NR The soil series is a Maury silt loam (fine, mixed, active, mesic Typic Paleudalfs). Yes The organic field has been under USDA National Organic Program certification since 2009. It was kept fallow and tilled once per year for the three years prior to plot establishment. Both field sites had been in production for the previous 35 years under conventional tillage regimes. September 2013 October 2014 14 Multiple-intervention Cover crops, Organic fertiliser 5 In the organic field, five treatments were designed to compare: (1) the effect of cover crop species on N loss and (2) the effect of fertilizer scheme on N loss within systems using a hairy vetch cover crop (Table 1, Figure S1). For the first comparison, three cover crop species were planted: hairy vetch (Vicia villosa) seeded at 33.6 kg ha−1, winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) seeded at 134.5 kg ha−1, and a mix (“bi-culture”) of hairy vetch and winter wheat seeded at 22.4 and 67.3 kg ha−1, respectively. To capture the effect of cover crop alone, each of the three cover crop treatments were compared under no fertilizer conditions. CI Randomized 3 No Static chamber Closed Opaque The chamber was connected to a photoacoustic spectroscopy gas analyzer (Innova Air Tech Instruments Model 1412, Ballerup, Denmark) via Teflon© tubing. Measurements were taken continuously for 10min on the days of sampling and NH3 and N2O concentrations (mg L−1) were recorded simultaneously. The static chamber method was employed to measure gaseous emissions (Parkin and Venterea, 2010). In each of the 24 plots (8 treatments, 3 replicates), a rectangular stainless steel anchor (16.35 × 52.70 × 15.24 cm) was inserted into the soil so that the top was nearly flush with the soil surface. To measure nitrous oxide (N2 O) and ammonia (NH3 ), a “cap” made from an identical stainless steel chamber, equipped with a vent tube and lined with Teflon© tape (Bytac©, Saint Gobain Performance Plastics, Paris, France) was attached to the anchor to create a sealed chamber AIB 382,5
263 b Shelton (2018) Shelton RE, Jacobsen KL, McCulley RL. Cover crops and fertilization alter nitrogen loss in organic and conventional conservation agriculture systems. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2018: 8(2260); 1-14. Shelton RE, Jacobsen KL, McCulley RL Cover crops and fertilization alter nitrogen loss in organic and conventional conservation agriculture systems 2018 Frontiers in Plant Science Article N/A USA 37.58 -84.32 N 16 736558 4162902 Cfa Conventional field Silt loam NR NR The soil series is a Maury silt loam (fine, mixed, active, mesic Typic Paleudalfs). Yes The conventional field was similarly managed to the organic field, but was planted with a fall strawberry crop one year prior to plot establishment. Both field sites had been in production for the previous 35 years under conventional tillage regimes. September 2013 October 2014 14 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 3 In the conventional field, three treatments were designed to compare the effect of two different fertilizers on N loss in conventional systems with a winter wheat (T. aestivum) cover crop seeded at 134.5 kg ha−1 (Table 1, Figure S1). The N treatments were 0N, 168 kg ha−1 N applied as urea 40-0-0 with a urease inhibitor (AgrotainUltra R ), and 168 kg ha−1 N applied as the same fertilizer used in the organic treatments. Animal derived N sources such asmanure are often used as an alternative to ammonium nitrate or urea, but in order to eliminate adding additional phosphorous and/or potassium a 13-0-0 packaged source of organic fertilizer was used in this study (NatureSafe 13-0-0, Griffin Industries LLC, Cold Spring, KY). CI Randomized 3 No Static chamber Closed Opaque The chamber was connected to a photoacoustic spectroscopy gas analyzer (Innova Air Tech Instruments Model 1412, Ballerup, Denmark) via Teflon© tubing. Measurements were taken continuously for 10min on the days of sampling and NH3 and N2O concentrations (mg L−1) were recorded simultaneously. The static chamber method was employed to measure gaseous emissions (Parkin and Venterea, 2010). In each of the 24 plots (8 treatments, 3 replicates), a rectangular stainless steel anchor (16.35 × 52.70 × 15.24 cm) was inserted into the soil so that the top was nearly flush with the soil surface. To measure nitrous oxide (N2 O) and ammonia (NH3 ), a “cap” made from an identical stainless steel chamber, equipped with a vent tube and lined with Teflon© tape (Bytac©, Saint Gobain Performance Plastics, Paris, France) was attached to the anchor to create a sealed chamber AIB 383,5
264 Sistani (2011) Sistani KR, Jn-Baptiste M, Lovanh N, Cook KL. Atmospheric emissions of nitrous oxide, methane, and carbon dioxide from different nitrogen fertilizers. Journal of Environmental Quality. 2011: 40; 1797-1805. Sistani KR, Jn-Baptiste M, Lovanh N, Cook KL Atmospheric emissions of nitrous oxide, methane, and carbon dioxide from different nitrogen fertilizers 2011 Journal of Environmental Quality Article N/A USA 36.99 -86.44 N 16 549512 4093939 Cfa N/A Silt loam NR NR Fine-silty, mixed, active, mesic, Typic Paleudalfs. Th e soil textural analysis was 3.1% sand, 65.3% silt, and 31.6% clay, soil organic matter 25 g kg−1, and pH 5.8. Th e average residual soil inorganic N measured in each spring before treatment applications were 8.2 mg kg−1 (NH4–N) and 4.0 mg kg−1 (NO3–N) in 2009; and 72.5 mg kg−1 (NH4–N) and 3.4 mg kg−1 (NO3–N) in 2010. No NR April 2009 September 2010 18 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor, Tillage 9 The nine treatments evaluated in this study consisted of dry granular urea (46% N), liquid UAN (28% N), ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) (34% N), ESN (44% N), SuperU (46% N), UAN + AgrotainPlus (28% N), poultry litter (3% N), poultry litter + AgrotainPlus (3% N), and a control treatment that received no chemical fertilizer or poultry litter. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Open Opaque Greenhouse gas emissions were measured during the growing seasons using static, vented chambers (Livingston and Hutchinson, 1995) and a gas chromatograph analyzer. Th e chambers used were made of aluminum and measured 10 cm tall. At each fl ux measurement time, the chambers were placed in a water channel on fi xed anchors (38 cm wide and 102 cm long). After treatment applications, one anchor was forced into the ground to a depth of 15 cm in each plot such that they were fl ush with the soil surface. Anchors were installed each year 1 to 3 d before beginning measurements and were not removed until fall. Th e anchors were placed such that the 102-cm length was parallel to the corn rows. Plants emerging inside the measurement area were removed. Duplicate fl ux measurement sites were included within each replicate of each treatment plot for a total of six gas measurements per treatment each sampling date. Air samples (40 mL) from inside the chambers were collected by syringe at 0, 15, and 30 min after the chambers were seated on the anchors. Samples were analyzed with a gas chromatograph (CP-3800, Varion, Inc., Palo Alto, CA) equipped with a thermoconductivity detector, fl ame ionization detector, and electron capture detector for quantifi cation of CO2, CH4, and N2O, respectively. Open (cell AM) implied from "Static, vented chambers" AIB 384,5
265 a Skiba (1992) Skiba U, Hargreaves KJ, Fowler D, Smith KA. Fluxes of nitric and nitrous oxides from agricultural soils in a cool temperate climate. Atmospheric Environment. 1992: 26A(14); 2477-2488. Skiba U, Hargreaves KJ, Fowler D, Smith KA Fluxes of nitric and nitrous oxides from agricultural soils in a cool temperate climate 1992 Atmospheric Environment Article N/A United Kingdom 55.59 -2.37 N 30 539706 6160629 Cfb Site 1 Sandy loam NR NR Sandy loam soils from commercial garms sown with winter wheat. 1967). The pH (CaC12) of the soil was 5.3.. No NR April 1990 May 1990 2 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 2 Three applications of N fertilizer in spring. A total of 200 kg N ha-1 (as NH4NO3) was applied. CI Paired design NR No Both static and dynamic Closed NR Nitric oxide and N2O fluxes were measured using the open chamber technique approximately 1 week after the last application of fertilizer. Nitrous oxide fluxes were also measured using the closedchamber technique. A shallow perspex chamber (height 150 mm, volume 0.19 m 3) with slightly inwardly sloping sides was used. The surface area and the method of attachment to a frame were the same as for the large chamber described above. Gas samples were taken from the sealed chamber at time intervals until a concentration difference between enclosed and ambient air could be measured (usually after 30-120 min). Glass syringes (1 ml) fitted with three-way taps were used for sampling and storage (not more than 3 h) until analysis by gas chromatography. Concentrations of NO, NO 2, N2O and 03 were measured at the air inlet and the air outlet of the chamber. For NO, NO 2 and 0 3, air was pumped through PTFE tubing at a rate of 700 mlmin-1 into a NO-NO 2 NOx chemiluminescence analyser, fitted with a molybdenum converter (Thermo Environmental Instruments, Model 42) and at a rate of 2 { min-1 into a dual channel UV photometric ozone analyser (Analysis Automation, Model 427). After 15 h equilibration the N2O concentration in the head space of the flasks was measured by gas chromatography (Pye Unicam 104 gas chromatograph fitted with a Tracor 63Ni detector). A third site, Glencorse Mains, was excluded from this extraction because it was grasslands. Exclude Population (Grassland). AIB 385,5
265 b Skiba (1992) Skiba U, Hargreaves KJ, Fowler D, Smith KA. Fluxes of nitric and nitrous oxides from agricultural soils in a cool temperate climate. Atmospheric Environment. 1992: 26A(14); 2477-2488. Skiba U, Hargreaves KJ, Fowler D, Smith KA Fluxes of nitric and nitrous oxides from agricultural soils in a cool temperate climate 1992 Atmospheric Environment Article N/A United Kingdom 55.59 -2.37 N 30 539706 6160629 Cfb Site 2 Sandy loam NR NR Sandy loam soils from commercial garms sown with winter wheat. 1967). The pH (CaC12) of the soil was 4.8. No NR April 1990 June 1990 3 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 2 Three applications of N fertilizer in spring. A total of 150 kg N ha-1 (as nitrochalk, NH4NOa+CaCO3). CI Paired design NR No Both static and dynamic Closed NR Nitric oxide and N2O fluxes were measured using the open chamber technique approximately 1 week after the last application of fertilizer. Nitrous oxide fluxes were also measured using the closedchamber technique. A shallow perspex chamber (height 150 mm, volume 0.19 m 3) with slightly inwardly sloping sides was used. The surface area and the method of attachment to a frame were the same as for the large chamber described above. Gas samples were taken from the sealed chamber at time intervals until a concentration difference between enclosed and ambient air could be measured (usually after 30-120 min). Glass syringes (1 ml) fitted with three-way taps were used for sampling and storage (not more than 3 h) until analysis by gas chromatography. Concentrations of NO, NO 2, N2O and 03 were measured at the air inlet and the air outlet of the chamber. For NO, NO 2 and 0 3, air was pumped through PTFE tubing at a rate of 700 mlmin-1 into a NO-NO 2 NOx chemiluminescence analyser, fitted with a molybdenum converter (Thermo Environmental Instruments, Model 42) and at a rate of 2 { min-1 into a dual channel UV photometric ozone analyser (Analysis Automation, Model 427). After 15 h equilibration the N2O concentration in the head space of the flasks was measured by gas chromatography (Pye Unicam 104 gas chromatograph fitted with a Tracor 63Ni detector). A third site, Glencorse Mains, was excluded from this extraction because it was grasslands. Exclude Population (Grassland). AIB 386,5
266 Skiba (2002) Skiba U, Dijk Sv, Ball BC. The influence of tillage on NO and N2O fluxes under spring and winter barley. Soil Use and Management. 2002: 18; 340-345. Skiba U, Dijk Sv, Ball BC The influence of tillage on NO and N2O fluxes under spring and winter barley 2002 Soil Use and Management Article N/A United Kingdom 55.85 -2.79 N 30 513148 6189405 Cfb N/A NR NR NR The soil is mainly of Winton series, an imperfectly drained brown earth with a clay loam topsoil (Ragg & Futty 1967). Yes 12 year old grass-clover sward (Vinten et al. 2002). April 1996 April 1997 13 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser 8 The subtreatments included timing of cultivation (either autumn or spring) and type of tillage. The tillage treatments included in this study were deep 300mm mouldboard ploughing (DP) or direct drilling (DD). Direct drilling involved spraying the sward with paraquat and drilling with a single-disc drill, which created seeding slits about 5 cm deep. Total annual application of N fertilizer to 10, 12 m subplots of spring barley were 0, 40, 80 or 120 kgNha±1 (N0, N40, N80 and N120). The N0 applications were not included in this study. The same sized subplots of winter barley received an annual N fertilizer rate of 120 or 180 kgNha±1 (N120 and N180). Of this, 60 kgNha±1 was applied on 12 March 1997. A further 60 or 120 kgNha±1 was applied on 9 April 1997 to N120 and N180 plots, respectively CI Split/strip plot NR No Static chamber Closed NR On each subplot two galvanised steel frames (0.95m2 3 0.15m high) were inserted into the ground to a depth of 8 cm and remained in situ throughout the experimental period 10 April±30 April 1997. For N2O, the frames acted as chambers and were enclosed with aluminium lids for 30 min periods. Gas samples were collected into 10mL glass syringes and were analysed on the same day by ECD gas chromatography in the laboratory (MacDonald et al. 1997). AIB 387,5
267 Slemr (1984) Slemr F, Conrad R, Seiler W. Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Fertilized and Unfertilized Soils in a Subtropical Region (Andalusia, Spain). Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry. 1984: 1; 159-169. Slemr F, Conrad R, Seiler W. Nitrous oxide emissions from fertilized and unfertilized soils in a subtropical region (Andalusia, Spain) 1984 Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry Article NR N/A Spain 37 -5.6 N 30 268637 4098038 Csa N/A Loam NR NR The soil of the field was reddish-brown and consisted of a loamy sand with a pH value of 7.4 and a size fraction of 7% for particles with ¢ < 2 lzm, 4% for particles with ¢ between 2-20/zm and 89% for particles with ~ between 20-2 000/2m. Yes Soybeans were cultivated on the field during spring and summer 1981 and were ploughed under in September of the same year. Since then, until the measurements in August 1982, the field remained unplanted and did not receive any mineral nitrogen fertilizer. The measurements on the grass-covered area were performed on the lawn of the station consisting almost exclusively of Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon). This grass lawn was fertilized in spring with ammonium nitrate fertilizer (75 kg N/ha) and irrigated using a lawn-sprinkler once every two or three days at a rate of a few millimeters per day. The regular irrigation was interrupted during the period of our experiments. During this time, the grass lawn received irregular watering on 18, 20, 23 and 25 August (see Figure 2). August 1982 October 1982 3 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 3 Nitrous oxide measurements were performed on three plots on the cultivated land and on two plots on the grass lawn. Each plot had a surface area of approximately 800 cm :. One plot in each experimental area remained unfertilized and was used as a control. The remaining two plots on the cultivated land were fertilized with urea and ammonium nitrate, respectively, both analytical grade (Merck, Darmstadt). The plot on the grass lawn received a commercial ammonium nitrate fertilizer (Hakaphos Naranja, BASF) including 15% P205 and 30% K20. The application rate was I00 kg N/ha for all cases. The fertilizers were applied as aqueous solutions. The amount of water added to the plots by this procedure was equivalent to a precipitation of 7 mm. To enable comparison of the N20 emission rates obtained from the individual experimental plots, the unfertilized plots received the same amount of water without fertilizer. Water equivalent to a precipitation of 7 mm was applied for the artificial irrigations of the individual experimental plots. CI Unclear NR No NR Closed NR The N20 emission rates were determined by using the closed-box technique applying the automatic sampling and analysis technique. The applied boxes as well as the sampling technique have already been described by Conrad et al. (1983). This technique allowed the simultaneous determination of N20 emission rates on several soil plots and provided six individual data points per plot and day on the cultivated field with a total of three plots, and eight individual data points per plot and day on the grass lawn with a total of two plots. The lower detection limit of the N20 emission rates was 0.2/ag N20-N/m2/h. The precision was 0.5% at 10 pg N20-N/m2/h. AIB 388,5
268 Smith (2012) Smith K, Watts D, Way T, Torbert H, Prior S. Impact of tillage and fertilizer application method on gas emissions in a corn cropping system. Pedosphere. 2012; 22(5) 604-615. Smith K, Watts D, Way T, Torbert H, Prior S Impact of tillage and fertilizer application method on gas emissions in a corn cropping system 2012 Pedosphere Article N/A USA 34.29 -85.97 N 16 594931 3794510 Cfa N/A Sandy loam NR NR Hartsells fine sandy loam (fine-loamy, siliceous, subactive, thermic Typic Hapludults). This soil type consists of moderately deep, well drained moderately permeable soil that was formed from acid sandstone. The surface soil (0–15 cm) at the initiation of the study was characterized as 11.9% clay, 28.6% silt, and 59.6% sand with an average bulk density of 1.5 g cm−3. Yes Previous management of the study site was continuous no-tillage management for at least four years. No-tillage corn (Zea mays L.) was grown in 2003–2004 and NT soybean (Glycine max L.) was grown in 2005–2006. April 2007 August 2007 5 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 8 The experimental design was a randomized complete block with a split plot restriction on randomization in four replicates. Plot size was 7.32 m wide and 7.62 m long, resulting in eight rows of corn. The two tillage treatments investigated consisted of conventional tillage (CT; disking 15 cm, moldboard plowing 30 cm, disking 15 cm followed by rototilling 7 cm in the spring) and no-tillage (NT; planting into crop residue with a double disk-opener planter) as the main plots. Tillage treatments were performed in the spring, occurring approximately 4–5 days before planting. Fertilization treatments (subplots) consisted of poultry litter (M) broadcast surface applied (MS) and subsurface banded (MB), UAN (one-half urea and the other half ammonium nitrate) broadcast surface applied (UANS) and subsurface banded (UANB), AN (ammonium nitrate) broadcast surface applied, and a control (nonfertilized check). CI Split/strip plot 4 No Static chamber NR NR Samples of gas emitted from the soil surface were taken with in situ custom-made vented static gas flux chambers constructed according to the GRACEnet protocol (Hutchinson and Mosier, 1981; Hutchinson and Livingston, 1993). Base rings were placed in the ground directly after fertilization and remained in the field until after harvest. Flux chambers were installed in the CT and NT systems in the inter-row areas. For the two band-applied treatments (MB and UANB), the base ring was positioned so a diameter of the ring was collinear with the centerline of the band, i.e., midway between the left and right edges of the band. Gas samples were analyzed by a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC-2014, Columbia, Maryland) equipped with three detectors: thermal conductivity detector for CO2; electron capture detector for N2O; and flame ionization detector for CH4. AIB 389,5
269 a Smith (2012) Smith KA, Dobbie KE, Thorman R, Watson CJ, Chadwick DR, Yamulki S, Ball BC. The effect of N fertilizer forms on nitrous oxide emissions from UK arable land and grassland. Nutrient Cycling and Agroecosystems. 2012: 93; 127-149. Smith KA, Dobbie KE, Thorman R, Watson CJ, Chadwick DR, Yamulki S, Ball BC The effect of N fertilizer forms on nitrous oxide emissions from UK arable land and grassland 2012 Nutrient Cycling and Agroecosystems Article N/A United Kingdom 55.51 -3.12 N 30 492421 6151553 Cfb Arable Site 1 Sandy clay loam NR NR Duncrahill series. 54% sand, 22% silt, 24% clay. Dry bulkdensity 1.26 g/cm3, pH 6.2, OC 3.3%, C/N ratio 11.1 No NR February 2003 August 2003 7 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 5 N fertilizer forms: AN (ammonium nitrate), CAN (calcium ammonium nitrate), UR (urea), UR + UI 375* (urea inhibitor nBTPT), Control *375 mg nBTPT kg-1 urea (coated) CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Closed NR All measurements were made by the closed static chamber method (e.g. Smith et al. 1995). Two chambers, 40 cm in diameter, 0.13 m2 in area, or 40 cm square-section (0.16 m2), were located on each of three replicate plots of each N treatment, and the zero N control, at each site, totalling six chambers per treatment per site. Chambers were embedded to at least 5 cm into the soil, and were gas-tight when closed so that the accumulated N2O emissions from the area of soil surface enclosed by the chamber were contained within the chamber. At the arable sites, extension sections were added to the chambers where necessary, to increase the height as the crop developed. All gas samples were transferred to evacuated gas-tight containers, and analysed in the laboratory by gas chromatography (GC), using electron-capture detectors. The GC response was calibrated using certified N2O standard gas mixtures, and with samples containing ambient air (315 ppbv N2O). This study contained 12 sites, but only 4 were on arable land. The rest were grassland and were not included in this data extraction. End months/year for last emission measurment can be views in Supplementary Material graphs. AIB 390,5
269 b Smith (2012) Smith KA, Dobbie KE, Thorman R, Watson CJ, Chadwick DR, Yamulki S, Ball BC. The effect of N fertilizer forms on nitrous oxide emissions from UK arable land and grassland. Nutrient Cycling and Agroecosystems. 2012: 93; 127-149. Smith KA, Dobbie KE, Thorman R, Watson CJ, Chadwick DR, Yamulki S, Ball BC The effect of N fertilizer forms on nitrous oxide emissions from UK arable land and grassland 2012 Nutrient Cycling and Agroecosystems Article N/A United Kingdom 55.51 -3.12 N 30 492421 6151553 Cfb Arable Site 2 Sandy clay loam NR NR Alluvial fan. 61% sand, 24% silt, 15% clay. Dry bulkdensity 1.24 g/cm3, pH 6.1, OC 2.44%, C/N ratio 10.6 No NR February 2005 August 2005 7 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 6 N fertilizer forms: AN, UR, Urea + UI 500 m [500 mg nBTPT kg-1 urea (coated)], UAN, UAN + UI 500, Control CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Closed NR All measurements were made by the closed static chamber method (e.g. Smith et al. 1995). Two chambers, 40 cm in diameter, 0.13 m2 in area, or 40 cm square-section (0.16 m2), were located on each of three replicate plots of each N treatment, and the zero N control, at each site, totalling six chambers per treatment per site. Chambers were embedded to at least 5 cm into the soil, and were gas-tight when closed so that the accumulated N2O emissions from the area of soil surface enclosed by the chamber were contained within the chamber. At the arable sites, extension sections were added to the chambers where necessary, to increase the height as the crop developed. All gas samples were transferred to evacuated gas-tight containers, and analysed in the laboratory by gas chromatography (GC), using electron-capture detectors. The GC response was calibrated using certified N2O standard gas mixtures, and with samples containing ambient air (315 ppbv N2O). This study contained 12 sites, but only 4 were on arable land. The rest were grassland and were not included in this data extraction. End months/year for last emission measurment can be views in Supplementary Material graphs. AIB 391,5
269 c Smith (2012) Smith KA, Dobbie KE, Thorman R, Watson CJ, Chadwick DR, Yamulki S, Ball BC. The effect of N fertilizer forms on nitrous oxide emissions from UK arable land and grassland. Nutrient Cycling and Agroecosystems. 2012: 93; 127-149. Smith KA, Dobbie KE, Thorman R, Watson CJ, Chadwick DR, Yamulki S, Ball BC The effect of N fertilizer forms on nitrous oxide emissions from UK arable land and grassland 2012 Nutrient Cycling and Agroecosystems Article N/A United Kingdom 52.3 -0.16 N 30 693642 5798204 Cfb Arable Site 3 Clay NR NR Calcareous clay over chalky boulder clay. 21% sand, 28% silt, 50% clay. Dry bulkdensity 1.20 g/cm3, pH 8.2, OC 2.4%, C/N ratio 8.8 No NR February 2005 October 2005 9 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 6 N fertilizer forms: AN, UR, UR + UI 500 m, UAN*, UAN + UI 500, Control *UAN = urea ammonium nitrate solution; manufactured in UK (Chafers Nuram 37 product), 37 % N (w/v), 28.7 % N (w/w), clear solution, 14.3 % urea-N, 7.2 % nitrate–N, 7.2 % ammonium-N CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Closed NR All measurements were made by the closed static chamber method (e.g. Smith et al. 1995). Two chambers, 40 cm in diameter, 0.13 m2 in area, or 40 cm square-section (0.16 m2), were located on each of three replicate plots of each N treatment, and the zero N control, at each site, totalling six chambers per treatment per site. Chambers were embedded to at least 5 cm into the soil, and were gas-tight when closed so that the accumulated N2O emissions from the area of soil surface enclosed by the chamber were contained within the chamber. At the arable sites, extension sections were added to the chambers where necessary, to increase the height as the crop developed. All gas samples were transferred to evacuated gas-tight containers, and analysed in the laboratory by gas chromatography (GC), using electron-capture detectors. The GC response was calibrated using certified N2O standard gas mixtures, and with samples containing ambient air (315 ppbv N2O). This study contained 12 sites, but only 4 were on arable land. The rest were grassland and were not included in this data extraction. End months/year for last emission measurment can be views in Supplementary Material graphs. AIB 392,5
269 d Smith (2012) Smith KA, Dobbie KE, Thorman R, Watson CJ, Chadwick DR, Yamulki S, Ball BC. The effect of N fertilizer forms on nitrous oxide emissions from UK arable land and grassland. Nutrient Cycling and Agroecosystems. 2012: 93; 127-149. Smith KA, Dobbie KE, Thorman R, Watson CJ, Chadwick DR, Yamulki S, Ball BC The effect of N fertilizer forms on nitrous oxide emissions from UK arable land and grassland 2012 Nutrient Cycling and Agroecosystems Article N/A United Kingdom 52.45 -0.17 N 30 692307 5814857 Cfb Arable Site 4 Silty clay loam NR NR Blacktoft series. 8% sand, 60% silt, 32% clay. Dry bulkdensity 1.38 g/cm3, pH 8.1, OC 1.67%, C/N ratio 8.8 No NR February 2004 February 2005 13 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 6 N fertilizer forms: AN, UR, UR + UI 1,000c [1,000 mg nBTPT kg-1 urea (coated)], UAN, UAN + UI 1000, Control CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Closed NR All measurements were made by the closed static chamber method (e.g. Smith et al. 1995). Two chambers, 40 cm in diameter, 0.13 m2 in area, or 40 cm square-section (0.16 m2), were located on each of three replicate plots of each N treatment, and the zero N control, at each site, totalling six chambers per treatment per site. Chambers were embedded to at least 5 cm into the soil, and were gas-tight when closed so that the accumulated N2O emissions from the area of soil surface enclosed by the chamber were contained within the chamber. At the arable sites, extension sections were added to the chambers where necessary, to increase the height as the crop developed. All gas samples were transferred to evacuated gas-tight containers, and analysed in the laboratory by gas chromatography (GC), using electron-capture detectors. The GC response was calibrated using certified N2O standard gas mixtures, and with samples containing ambient air (315 ppbv N2O). This study contained 12 sites, but only 4 were on arable land. The rest were grassland and were not included in this data extraction. End months/year for last emission measurment can be views in Supplementary Material graphs. AIB 393,5
270 Smith (2014) Smith SF, Brye KR. Carbon dioxide emissions as affected by alternative long-term irrigation and tillage management practices in the lower mississippi river valley. The Scientific World Journal. 2014: 626732; 1-6. Smith SF, Brye KR Carbon dioxide emissions as affected by alternative long-term irrigation and tillage management practices in the lower mississippi river valley 2014 The Scientific World Journal Article N/A USA 34.73 -90.76 N 15 704686 3845817 Cfa N/A Silt loam NR NR The study was conducted on a Calloway silt loam (fine-silty, mixed, active, thermic Aquic Fraglossudalf) No NR September 2001 October 2012 134 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Irrigation, Burning 16 Two replications of the burning treatment were arranged as a randomized complete block (RCB). Three replications of tillage were also arranged as a RCB but were stripped across the burning block. The fertility treatments were split into each burn-tillage combination.The whole field was split in half in 2005 in order to incorporate the irrigation treatment. Due to practical limitations, the irrigation treatment was necessarily placed in the experimental design with a similar blocking structure as the burning treatment. This resulted in three replications for each of the 16 possible treatment combinations. The irrigation treatment consisted of either irrigating the field on an as-needed basis (irrigated) or no irrigation applied during the soybean growing season (dryland). The tillage treatment was a strip within the irrigation treatment and consisted of CT or direct sowing of soybean after harvest with no residue incorporation (i.e., NT). A nitrogen (N) fertility treatment, used to produce differing amounts ofwheat residue intowhich the subsequent soybean crop would be planted, was established as a split plot within the tillage treatment. The study site consisted of 48 plots, each 3m wide and 6m long. CI Split/strip plot 3 No NR NR Opaque At least one day prior to measurements, 10-cm diameter PVC collars, with a beveled edge on the bottom, were placed in each plot to facilitate soil respiration measurements, similar to the procedures used in a previous study [19]. Reference 19 - K. R. Brye, D. E. Longer, and E. E. Gbur, “Impact of tillage and residue burning on carbon dioxide flux in a wheat-soybean production system,” Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 1145–1154, 2006. A portable infrared gas analyzer (LI-6400, LI-COR, Inc., Lincoln, NE) with a soil chamber attachment (LI-6400-09, LI-COR) was used as per manufacturer’s recommendations and as used previously [19]. Reference 19 - K. R. Brye, D. E. Longer, and E. E. Gbur, “Impact of tillage and residue burning on carbon dioxide flux in a wheat-soybean production system,” Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 1145–1154, 2006. September as the start month was assumed from start date of "Fall 2001" AIB 394,5
271 Smith and Brye (2014) Smith F, Brye KR, Gbur EE, Chen P, Korth K. Long-term Residue Management Effects on Soil respiration in a Wheat-Soybean Double-Crop System. Soil Science. 2014; 179(3): 118-129. Smith F, Brye KR, Gbur EE, Chen P, Korth K Long-term Residue Management Effects on Soil respiration in a Wheat-Soybean Double-Crop System 2014 Soil Science Article Smith SF, Brye KR. Carbon Dioxide Emissions as Affected by Alternative Long-Term Irrigation and Tillage Management Practices in the Lower Mississippi River Valley. Sci World J. 2014; 1-6. USA 34.73 -90.75 N 15 705999 3845777 Cfa N/A Silt loam NR NR Calloway silt loam (fine-silty, mixed, active, thermic Aquic Fraglossudalf) Yes This study represents an extension of a long-term study that was initiated in fall 2001 at the Lon Mann Cotton Research Station (N 34°, 44′, 2.26″ and W 90°, 45′, 51.56″), near Marianna, in east-central Arkansas November 2001 October 2012 132 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Burning, Cover crops 8 Two replications of the burning treatment were arranged as a randomized complete block (RCB). Three replications of tillage were also arranged as a RCB but were stripped across the burning block. The fertility treatments were split into each burn-tillage combination. The whole field was split in half in 2005 in order to incorporate the irriga- tion treatment. Due to practical limitations, the irrigation treatment was necessarily placed in the experimental design with a similar blocking structure as the burning treatment. This resulted in three replications for each of the 16 possible treatment combinations. The irrigation treatment consisted of either irrigating the field on an as-needed basis (irrigated) or no irrigation applied during the soybean growing season (dryland). The tillage treatment was a strip within the irrigation treatment and consisted of CT or direct sowing of soybean after harvest with no residue incorporation (i.e., NT). A nitrogen (N) fertility treatment, used to produce differing amounts of wheat residue into which the subsequent soybean crop would be planted, was established as a split plot within the tillage treatment. The study site consisted of 48 plots, each 3 m wide and 6 m long. ollowing the application of the tillage treatment each year, a glyphosate-resistant soybean variety of maturity group 5.3 to 5.4 was planted with a 19-cm row spacing throughout the study site in early-to-mid-June. Soybean grown within the irrigated treatment was irrigated on an as-needed basis [6], while the dryland soybean was only rain fed. Soybean harvest generally occurred between late October and the middle of November each year. Following soybean harvest, wheat was drill-seeded with 19-cm row spac- ing [19]. Since 2005, wheat grown within the high-fertility treatment was fertilized with a split application of urea (i.e., 56kgNha−1 applied in early March and 56kgNha−1 in late March), while a low-fertility treatment received no N applications. In early-to-mid-June each year, wheat was harvested and the remaining stubble was mowed with a rotary mower to create a uniform layer of residue. After mowing and prior to tillage, a residue burning treatment was imposed each year. CI Randomized Complete Block 6 No Static chamber NR NR At least one day prior to measurements, 10-cm diameter PVC collars, with a beveled edge on the bottom, were placed in each plot to facilitate soil respiration measurements, similar to the procedures used in a previous study [19]. A portable infrared gas analyzer (LI-6400, LI-COR, Inc., Lincoln, NE) with a soil chamber attachment (LI-6400-09, LI-COR) was used as per manufacturer’s recommendations and as used previously [19] CRA 395,5
272 Steenwerth (2008) Steenwerth, K., & Belina, K. M. (2008). Cover crops and cultivation: Impacts on soil N dynamics and microbiological function in a Mediterranean vineyard agroecosystem. Applied Soil Ecology, 40(2), 370-380. Steenwerth K, Belina K M. Cover crops and cultivation: Impacts on soil N dynamics and microbiological function in a Mediterranean vineyard agroecosystem 2008 Applied Soil Ecology Article N/A USA 36.32 -121.24 N 10 657685 4020963 Csb N/A Loam NR NR Soil type was the Elder loam series (Coarse-loamy, mixed, superactive, thermic Cumulic Haploxeroll; Cook, 1978). Yes Three vineyard floor treatments in the alleys between grapevine rows had been established in late 2001 as part of another study (Baumgartner et al., 2005). November 2005 November 2006 13 Cover crops Cover crops 3 These were two cover crops, Trios 102 (Triticale Triosecale) and Merced Rye (Secale cereale), and a cultivated treatment. Hereafter, these will be referred to as ‘Trios’, ‘Rye’, and ‘Cultivation’, respectively. CI Randomized Complete Block 6 No Static chamber NR NR Chambers (5.2 L) were made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and covered with reflective insulation to keep interior temperatures constant. PVC rings were placed into each plot at the beginning of the experiment and remained in place throughout sampling. The chambers were machine fitted for an air tight seal with the PVC rings (5 cm depth 20 cm diameter) in the ground. The only exception to PVC ring permanency was in ‘Cultivation’, where rings were removed when the plots were tilled and then replaced at least 24 h prior to sampling Samples were analyzed for N2O as previously described Does not provide citation or supplementary article to where gas sampling details are located CRA 396,5
273 Steenwerth (2010) Steenwerth KL, Pierce DL, Carlisle EA, Spencer RGM, Smart DR. A vineyard agroecosystem: distrubance and precipitation affect soil respiration under Mediterranean conditions. Soil Science Society Journal of America. 2010: 74(1); 231-239. Steenwerth KL, Pierce DL, Carlisle EA, Spencer RGM, Smart DR A vineyard agroecosystem: distrubance and precipitation affect soil respiration under Mediterranean conditions 2010 Soil Science Society Journal of America Article N/A USA 38.43 -122.41 N 10 551204 4253905 Csb N/A Loam NR NR The soil was classified as a Bale loam (Fine-loamy, mixed, thermic Cumulic Ultic Haploxerolls; Lambert, 1978). General soil characteristics (0–20 cm) were 33% sand, 42% silt, and 25% clay, pH 5.6 (saturated paste method), and soil bulk density of 1.22 ± 0.023 g cm−3 (n = 9, bulk density only). Yes It was planted in 1994 to Cabernet Sauvignon (Clone 8, Vitis vinifera). November 2003 December 2005 26 Multiple-intervention Cover crops, Tillage 3 The experimental design was a randomized complete block, with three blocks and one replicate of each vineyard fl oor treatment per block (n = 3), with two subsamples measured per replicate. Each vineyard floor treatment per block was therefore composed of four adjacent alleys (518 m2). The outer alleys served as guard rows while the inner alleys were used for data collection. Two of the three vineyard floor treatments consisted of a winter cover crop, short stature barley (cv. UC603, Hordeum vulgare), that was mown, leaving residues on the soil surface (CC + mow) or mown and disked to a 30-cm depth (CC + till) in spring. Before drill seeding the barley (78 kg ha−1 in 2003, 156 kg ha−1 in 2004), the soil was disked (upper 5 cm) and rolled in late fall (November 2003 and 2004). The third vineyard floor treatment was composed of resident vegetation (RV+Till), which was dominated by non-native annual grasses and forbs common to California grasslands, including Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik., Bromus hordeaceus L. ssp. hordeauceus, Vulpia myuros (L.) C.C. Gmel., Brassica nigra (L.) W.D.J. Koch, and Bromus diandrus Roth ssp. rigidus (Roth) Lainz. Th e RV + till was mown and tilled at the same time as CC + mow and CC + till (29 Mar. 2004; 1 Apr. 2005). Tilling and mowing operations spanned the width of the cover crop or resident vegetation (1.9 m wide), while bare ground remained under the vine row (0.5 m wide). Measurements for all variables were only taken in the region where the vegetation grew between the vine rows and not within the vine row. CI Randomized Complete Block 1 No Dynamic chambers NR Opaque Soil CO2 emissions were measured by fi tting the Rs chamber to polyvinyl chloride (PVC) rings (10 cm high by 10 cm in diam.), which were placed in the alley of each treatment replicate at the beginning of the experiment to a depth of 5 cm and remained in place throughout sampling (n = 3 per treatment). Th e only exception to PVC ring permanency occurred when rings were removed during mowing and tilling and then gently returned to their original positions at least 24 h before sampling. Th is allowed us to measure emissions directly following these events while minimizing, as much as possible, artifacts caused by soil disturbance during ring placement. CO2 emissions were measured in situ every 2 to 4 wk from January 2004 through December 2005 (i.e., 44 dates) using a nondispersive infrared gas analyzer with an attached Rs chamber (Model LI-6400/6400–09; LI-COR, Lincoln, NE). AIB 397,5
274 Storlien (2014) Storlien JO, Hons FM, Wight JP, Heilman JL. Carbon dioxide andnitrous oxide emissions impacted by bioenergy sorghum management. Soil Science Society Journal of America. 2014: 78; 1694-1706. Storlien JO, Hons FM, Wight JP, Heilman JL Carbon dioxide andnitrous oxide emissions impacted by bioenergy sorghum management 2014 Soil Science Society Journal of America Article N/A USA 30.54 -96.43 N 14 746857 3381165 Cfa N/A Silty clay loam NR NR The soil used was a calcareous (pH 8.2) Weswood silty clay loam (100 g sand kg−1, 560 g silt kg−1, 340 g clay kg−1 in the top 15 cm). Yes Before the start of the bioenergy sorghum study in 2008, the field was in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in 2007, and rotated annually with corn under conventional disk tillage for the previous 10 yr. Soil nutrient properties at the initiation of the study were reported by Wight et al. (2012). March 2010 March 2012 25 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, crop rotation, Cover crops 8 The larger study used a randomized complete block design with crop rotation, N fertilization rate, and biomass return rate as the three major factors. The study reported herein was limited to two levels of each of the three major factors and was replicated three times. The eight experimental treatments included every combination of crop sequence (corn–sorghum [CS] or sorghum–sorghum [SS]), N fertilization (0 kg N ha−1 [−N] or nonlimiting rate of 280/168 kg N ha−1 for sorghum–corn [+ N]), and biomass return (0% [0%R] or 50% biomass returned [50%R]). The bioenergy sorghum cultivar used, “4Ever Green,” was a photoperiod- sensitive, high-yielding hybrid forage sorghum (Walter Moss Seed Co, Waco, TX). When corn was rotated with sorghum, Dekalb DKC68-05 was the corn cultivar utilized in the CS cropping sequence. Corn was planted in the CS sequence in 2008 and all following even-numbered years, whereas sorghum was planted in all treatments in 2009 and all subsequent oddnumbered years. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Open Opaque A polyvinyl chloride (PVC) flux chamber soil-collar was installed to a depth of approximately 12 cm near the middle of each of the 24 sampled plots. The collars were placed on top of beds on level surfaces, which were equidistant from the crop and injected fertilizer. Soil CO2, N2O, and CH4 fluxes were directly measured using a static, vented chamber and a field photoacoustic gas analyzer. Specifically, the measurements were made by integrating a Li-Cor 20-cm survey chamber (model 8100-103, Li-Cor Inc., Lincoln, NE) with an INNOVA 1412 photoacoustic gas analyzer (Innova AirTech Instruments A/S, Denmark). Greenhouse gas fluxes were measured by placing the Li- Cor survey chamber atop each PVC collar for a deployment time of 20 min. The analyzer collected a measurement every 2 min and was set with a 5-s sampling integration time and autoflushing for the corresponding tube length (typically 2 m). All tubing, fittings, and connection components were made of polytetrafluoroethylene or stainless steel. AIB 398,5
275 Suddick (2013) Suddick EC, Six J. An estimation of annual nitrous oxide emissions and soil quality following the amendment of high temperature walnut shell biochar and compost to a small scale vegetable crop rotation. Science of the Total Environment. 2013: 465; 298-307. Suddick EC, Six J An estimation of annual nitrous oxide emissions and soil quality following the amendment of high temperature walnut shell biochar and compost to a small scale vegetable crop rotation 2013 Science of the Total Environment Article N/A USA 38.55 -121.74 N 10 609795 4267594 Csa N/A Silt loam NR NR Soils were classified as a Yolo silt loam with a bulk density of 1.4 g cm−3 and silt, clay and sand contents of 29, 22 and 49%, respectively. No NR September 2009 November 2010 15 Multiple-intervention Biochar, Cover crops, crop rotation 4 The soil was then amended with four treatments in a factorial randomized design with five replicates per treatment. Treatments included a control (CONT) (0 t amendment ha−1) and a bio-char (B) treatment with an initial rate of 5 t ha−1 biochar added. In order to investigate the interactions between biochar and compost two further treatments of compost only (COM) (5 t ha−1) and a compost+biochar treatment (B+C) (2.5+2.5 t ha−1)were added. All four treatments also received a second application (5 t ha−1) of biochar, biochar+compost or compost to equal 10 t ha−1. CI Split/strip plot 5 No Static chamber Closed Opaque Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) collars with a 20-cm-diameter and 8-cm height were inserted into the soil at least 24 h prior to the first measurements in order to minimize soil disturbance effects during gas flux measurements, additionally all vegetation within the collars was removed. Gas samples were manually drawn into 25 ml air-tight polypropylene syringes at 0, 30 and 60 min from a rubber septa in the top of the chamber after chamber closure, samples were then injected into pre-evacuated 12 ml vials fitted with rubber septa (Labco, U.K.). Samples were then subsequently measured by gas chromatography (GC 2014, Shimadzu Gas Chromatograph) equippedwith an electron capture detector and thermal conductivity detector (to measure carbon dioxide, CO2). CO2 was measured but the data was not included in the study. "Additionally, validation of the N2O fluxes was conducted by assessing the linearity of CO2 fluxes (data not shown), where if linearity was less than R2 0.8, data was removed fromthe data set." AIB 399,5
276 Suleiman (2016) Suleiman AKA, Gonzatto R, Aita C, Lupatini M, Jacques RJS, Kuramae EE, Antoniolli ZI, Roesch LFW. Temporal variability of soil microbial communities after applications of dicyandiamide-treated swin slurry and minetal fertilizers. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2016: 97; 71-82. Suleiman AKA, Gonzatto R, Aita C, Lupatini M, Jacques RJS, Kuramae EE, Antoniolli ZI, Roesch LFW Temporal variability of soil microbial communities after applications of dicyandiamide-treated swin slurry and minetal fertilizers 2016 Soil Biology & Biochemistry Article N/A Brazil -29.43 -53.43 S 22 264268 6741915 Cfa N/A Loam NR NR The soil in the experimental area was characterized as Typic Paleudult (USDA classification). Soil samples were collected from the 0.00e0.10 m soil layer and contained: 19.2% of clay and 44.3% of sand (pipette method, Embrapa, 1997); pH 5.9 pH (H2O) 5.9, determined in a soil:water suspension (1:1,m/ v). The exchangeable concentrations of Ca, Mg and Al were 9.8, 3.1 and 0.0 cmolc kg1, respectively (extractor KCl 1 mol L1) (Tedesco et al., 1995). The determination of the concentrations of Ca and Mg in the extracts was performed in an atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) and Al by titration (Tedesco et al., 1995). The concentration of available P was 6.7 mg kg1 and exchangeable K was 39.0 mg kg1 (extractor Mehlich 1 solution e HCl 0.05 mol L1 þ H2SO4 0.0125 mol L1) (Tedesco et al., 1995). The P was measured using a spectrophotometer and the K was measured using a flame photometer. Cation exchange capacity (CEC) was 12.9 cmolc kg1. The CEC was calculated following Summer and Miller (1996). Total C (20.5 g kg1) and N (1.6 g kg1) contents were analyzed by dry combustion with a graphite furnace (FlashEA 1112, Thermo Finnigan, Milan, Italy). No NR NR 2011 NR NR NR Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Nitrification Inhibitor 4 Four treatments were applied: (I) control (unfertilized), (II) surface application of urea (NPK), (III) surface application of swine slurry (slurry) at 50 m3 ha1, and (IV) surface application of swine slurry with dicyandiamide (slurry with DCD) at 50 m3 ha1. Rates of swine slurry were determined to provide a target total N supply of 130e140 kg total N ha1, equivalent to the application of urea in the treatment II. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR NR NR Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions were quantified on days 1, 3, 6,11, 15, 25 and 50 after start of experiment using insulated, fan-mixed, noneflow-through, nonesteady-state chambers (40 cm length, 35 cm width, and 20 cm height) manufactured at Federal University of Santa Maria. After treatment application, a galvanized steel base adjacent to a maize rowwas pressed into the soil (5 cm depth). Each metallic base had a water-filled trough that the chamber lid was placed in during sampling to prevent gas exchange to the external atmosphere. For the measurements (between 9:00 am and 11:00 am), gas samples (20 mL) were collected using propylene syringes at 0,15, 30, and 45 min and were taken using valve fitted in the top of the chamber. N2O was analyzed using a gas chromatograph (GC-2014, Shimadzu Corp., Kyoto, Japan) equipped with an electron capture detector. AIB 400,5
277 Sun (2014) Sun F, Harrison JH, Ndegwa PM, Johnson K. Effect of manure treatment on ammonia and greenhouse gases emissions following surface application. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 2014: 225; 1923. Sun F, Harrison JH, Ndegwa PM, Johnson K Effect of manure treatment on ammonia and greenhouse gases emissions following surface application 2014 Water, Air and Soil Pollution Article N/A USA 47.18 -122.3 N 10 553039 5225405 Csb N/A Silt loam NR NR The soil was Kitsap silt loam (fine-silty, isotic, and mesic Aquandic Dystroxerepts) and had little fertilizer application history. No NR June 2012 August 2012 3 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 6 Six manure treatments in 2012, anaerobically digested manure effluent with large particle solids removed (ADWOS), anaerobically digested manure effluent with large particle solids removed and MTM™ added (ADWOSM), anaerobically digested manure effluent with large particle solids (ADWS), raw liquid manure with large particle solids removed (NADWOS), raw liquid manure with large particle solids removed and MTM™ added (NADWOSM), and raw liquid manure with large particle solids (NADWS) CI Randomized Complete Block 2 No Dynamic chambers Closed Opaque The PVC chamber covered an emitting surface area of 0.0324 m2 and had a volume of 0.0071 m3. In 2012, a photoacoustic multi-gas analyzer (INNOVA model 1412, INNOVA AirTech Instruments A/S Denmark) was used for NH3 and GHG emission measurements. The INNOVAwas equipped with internal filters for particles and water, and optical filters for NH3, CO2, N2O, and CH4. The closed dynamic chamber method was used for the collection of data. This study was three-years with different treatments in each year, but GHG emissions were only measured for the 2012 experiments. Therefore, only study data from 2012 was extracted. No lat/long in the study, extracted lat/long found from searching the study site Puyallup, Washington AIB 401,5
278 a Sylvester-Bradley (2015) Sylvester-Bradley, R., Thorman, R. E., Kindred, D. R., Wynn, S. C., Smith, K. E., Rees, R. M., ... & Gilhespy, S. (2015). Minimising Nitrous Oxide Intensities of Arable Crop Products. AHDB Cereals & Oils Project Report, (548). Sylvester-Bradley R, Thorman R E, Kindred D R, Wynn S C, Smith K E, Rees R M, Topp C F E, Pappa V A, Mortimer N D, Misselbrook T H,Gilhespy S. Minimising nitrous oxide intensities of arable crop products (MIN-NO). Section 7 N Fixation and Crop Residue Experiments – WP2B 2015 N/A Report N/A United Kingdom 52.26 -0.03 N 30 702820 5794053 Cfb Boxworth Clay loam NR NR Area 1 was on chalky boulder clay soils around Boxworth in eastern England Soil type (Soil series): Hanslope Yes All sites were chosen to have a soil mineral N status of <80 kg N ha-1 to 90 cm depth in spring (Table 18); no manure had been applied to any site in the previous two years. September 2009 August 2010 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 The five fertiliser treatments were replicated (x3) and arranged in a randomised block design of 15 plots (each 6 x 24 m). The fertiliser was applied by hand at 5 different N application rates spanning the likely economic optimum (Nopt); 0 kg N ha-1 (i.e. untreated control), 40%, 80%, 120% and 160% of the recommended N rate based on guidelines in ‘The Fertiliser Recommendations Manual (RB209)’ (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) for the English sites. For spring barley, in order to ensure the crop N optima were reached, N application rates were 0 kg N ha-1, 60%, 120%, 180% and 240% of the recommended N rate. Following recommended practice (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010; Sinclair et al., 2009) and depending on the crop type, up to three separate fertiliser applications were made in order to reach the targeted application rates. So that the experiments were as commercially relevant to the UK agricultural industry as possible, the amount of N fertiliser applied at each application timing also followed recommended practice for that rate and that crop (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) such that across the four fertilised treatments, at each split, the N applied was seldom linearly proportional to the final application rates. To prevent any nutrient deficiencies, overall basal phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulphur were applied according to site requirements following soil analysis, and applications of agro-chemicals were made as required to control weeds, pests, diseases and lodging. Following crop harvest, cereal straw was chopped and returned to the soil, or baled and removed, reflecting the commercial practice in each area. Cropping practices after harvest were typical of the crop rotation in each area. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR Opaque In order to maintain an undisturbed area for crop sampling, direct N2O emissions were measured from one half (3x24 m) of each plot, reserving the other half for crop measures. Five static flux chambers (40 cm wide x 40 cm long x 25 cm high) covering a total surface area of 0.8 m2 were regularly positioned in the N2O measurement area. The chambers were of white (i.e. reflective) PVC and un-vented with a water-filled channel running around the upper rim of the chamber allowing an air-tight seal to form following chamber enclosure with a lid (Cardenas et. al., 2010; Dobbie and Smith, 2003; Jones et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2012). Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and remained in place throughout the experiment, except during N fertiliser applications, drilling and harvesting when chambers were removed, locations were marked, and chambers were re-instated to the same position as prior to removal. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. Following receipt in the laboratory, three replicates of one standard N2O gas were kept with the samples and were used to verify sample integrity during storage. The gas chromatographs were calibrated on a daily basis using certified N2O standard gas mixtures. The gas chromatographs used in this project were also involved in inter-laboratory ring tests to ensure the comparability of data reported by different labs. In order to permit sampling from a growing crop, at the time of sampling an additional chamber was stacked (using the water-filled channel) onto each permanent chamber and the chamber enclosure period extended. End date based on emission calculations being taken 12 months (i.e. one year) since fertilization. AIB 402,5
278 b Sylvester-Bradley (2015) Sylvester-Bradley, R., Thorman, R. E., Kindred, D. R., Wynn, S. C., Smith, K. E., Rees, R. M., ... & Gilhespy, S. (2015). Minimising Nitrous Oxide Intensities of Arable Crop Products. AHDB Cereals & Oils Project Report, (548). Sylvester-Bradley R, Thorman R E, Kindred D R, Wynn S C, Smith K E, Rees R M, Topp C F E, Pappa V A, Mortimer N D, Misselbrook T H,Gilhespy S. Minimising nitrous oxide intensities of arable crop products (MIN-NO). Section 7 N Fixation and Crop Residue Experiments – WP2B 2015 N/A Report N/A United Kingdom 52.26 -0.03 N 30 702820 5794053 Cfb Boxworth Clay NR NR Area 1 was on chalky boulder clay soils around Boxworth in eastern England Soil type (Soil series): Hanslope Yes All sites were chosen to have a soil mineral N status of <80 kg N ha-1 to 90 cm depth in spring (Table 18); no manure had been applied to any site in the previous two years. August 2009 July 2010 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 The five fertiliser treatments were replicated (x3) and arranged in a randomised block design of 15 plots (each 6 x 24 m). The fertiliser was applied by hand at 5 different N application rates spanning the likely economic optimum (Nopt); 0 kg N ha-1 (i.e. untreated control), 40%, 80%, 120% and 160% of the recommended N rate based on guidelines in ‘The Fertiliser Recommendations Manual (RB209)’ (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) for the English sites. For spring barley, in order to ensure the crop N optima were reached, N application rates were 0 kg N ha-1, 60%, 120%, 180% and 240% of the recommended N rate. Following recommended practice (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010; Sinclair et al., 2009) and depending on the crop type, up to three separate fertiliser applications were made in order to reach the targeted application rates. So that the experiments were as commercially relevant to the UK agricultural industry as possible, the amount of N fertiliser applied at each application timing also followed recommended practice for that rate and that crop (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) such that across the four fertilised treatments, at each split, the N applied was seldom linearly proportional to the final application rates. To prevent any nutrient deficiencies, overall basal phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulphur were applied according to site requirements following soil analysis, and applications of agro-chemicals were made as required to control weeds, pests, diseases and lodging. Following crop harvest, cereal straw was chopped and returned to the soil, or baled and removed, reflecting the commercial practice in each area. Cropping practices after harvest were typical of the crop rotation in each area. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR Opaque In order to maintain an undisturbed area for crop sampling, direct N2O emissions were measured from one half (3x24 m) of each plot, reserving the other half for crop measures. Five static flux chambers (40 cm wide x 40 cm long x 25 cm high) covering a total surface area of 0.8 m2 were regularly positioned in the N2O measurement area. The chambers were of white (i.e. reflective) PVC and un-vented with a water-filled channel running around the upper rim of the chamber allowing an air-tight seal to form following chamber enclosure with a lid (Cardenas et. al., 2010; Dobbie and Smith, 2003; Jones et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2012). Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and remained in place throughout the experiment, except during N fertiliser applications, drilling and harvesting when chambers were removed, locations were marked, and chambers were re-instated to the same position as prior to removal. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. Following receipt in the laboratory, three replicates of one standard N2O gas were kept with the samples and were used to verify sample integrity during storage. The gas chromatographs were calibrated on a daily basis using certified N2O standard gas mixtures. The gas chromatographs used in this project were also involved in inter-laboratory ring tests to ensure the comparability of data reported by different labs. In order to permit sampling from a growing crop, at the time of sampling an additional chamber was stacked (using the water-filled channel) onto each permanent chamber and the chamber enclosure period extended. End date based on emission calculations being taken 12 months (i.e. one year) since fertilization. AIB 403,5
278 c Sylvester-Bradley (2015) Sylvester-Bradley, R., Thorman, R. E., Kindred, D. R., Wynn, S. C., Smith, K. E., Rees, R. M., ... & Gilhespy, S. (2015). Minimising Nitrous Oxide Intensities of Arable Crop Products. AHDB Cereals & Oils Project Report, (548). Sylvester-Bradley R, Thorman R E, Kindred D R, Wynn S C, Smith K E, Rees R M, Topp C F E, Pappa V A, Mortimer N D, Misselbrook T H,Gilhespy S. Minimising nitrous oxide intensities of arable crop products (MIN-NO). Section 7 N Fixation and Crop Residue Experiments – WP2B 2015 N/A Report N/A United Kingdom 52.26 -0.03 N 30 702820 5794053 Cfb Boxworth Clay loam NR NR Area 1 was on chalky boulder clay soils around Boxworth in eastern England Soil type (Soil series): Hanslope Yes All sites were chosen to have a soil mineral N status of <80 kg N ha-1 to 90 cm depth in spring (Table 18); no manure had been applied to any site in the previous two years. October 2010 September 2011 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 The five fertiliser treatments were replicated (x3) and arranged in a randomised block design of 15 plots (each 6 x 24 m). The fertiliser was applied by hand at 5 different N application rates spanning the likely economic optimum (Nopt); 0 kg N ha-1 (i.e. untreated control), 40%, 80%, 120% and 160% of the recommended N rate based on guidelines in ‘The Fertiliser Recommendations Manual (RB209)’ (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) for the English sites. For spring barley, in order to ensure the crop N optima were reached, N application rates were 0 kg N ha-1, 60%, 120%, 180% and 240% of the recommended N rate. Following recommended practice (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010; Sinclair et al., 2009) and depending on the crop type, up to three separate fertiliser applications were made in order to reach the targeted application rates. So that the experiments were as commercially relevant to the UK agricultural industry as possible, the amount of N fertiliser applied at each application timing also followed recommended practice for that rate and that crop (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) such that across the four fertilised treatments, at each split, the N applied was seldom linearly proportional to the final application rates. To prevent any nutrient deficiencies, overall basal phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulphur were applied according to site requirements following soil analysis, and applications of agro-chemicals were made as required to control weeds, pests, diseases and lodging. Following crop harvest, cereal straw was chopped and returned to the soil, or baled and removed, reflecting the commercial practice in each area. Cropping practices after harvest were typical of the crop rotation in each area. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR Opaque In order to maintain an undisturbed area for crop sampling, direct N2O emissions were measured from one half (3x24 m) of each plot, reserving the other half for crop measures. Five static flux chambers (40 cm wide x 40 cm long x 25 cm high) covering a total surface area of 0.8 m2 were regularly positioned in the N2O measurement area. The chambers were of white (i.e. reflective) PVC and un-vented with a water-filled channel running around the upper rim of the chamber allowing an air-tight seal to form following chamber enclosure with a lid (Cardenas et. al., 2010; Dobbie and Smith, 2003; Jones et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2012). Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and remained in place throughout the experiment, except during N fertiliser applications, drilling and harvesting when chambers were removed, locations were marked, and chambers were re-instated to the same position as prior to removal. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. Following receipt in the laboratory, three replicates of one standard N2O gas were kept with the samples and were used to verify sample integrity during storage. The gas chromatographs were calibrated on a daily basis using certified N2O standard gas mixtures. The gas chromatographs used in this project were also involved in inter-laboratory ring tests to ensure the comparability of data reported by different labs. In order to permit sampling from a growing crop, at the time of sampling an additional chamber was stacked (using the water-filled channel) onto each permanent chamber and the chamber enclosure period extended. End date based on emission calculations being taken 12 months (i.e. one year) since fertilization. AIB 404,5
278 d Sylvester-Bradley (2015) Sylvester-Bradley, R., Thorman, R. E., Kindred, D. R., Wynn, S. C., Smith, K. E., Rees, R. M., ... & Gilhespy, S. (2015). Minimising Nitrous Oxide Intensities of Arable Crop Products. AHDB Cereals & Oils Project Report, (548). Sylvester-Bradley R, Thorman R E, Kindred D R, Wynn S C, Smith K E, Rees R M, Topp C F E, Pappa V A, Mortimer N D, Misselbrook T H,Gilhespy S. Minimising nitrous oxide intensities of arable crop products (MIN-NO). Section 7 N Fixation and Crop Residue Experiments – WP2B 2015 N/A Report N/A United Kingdom 52.26 -0.03 N 30 702820 5794053 Cfb Boxworth Clay NR NR Area 1 was on chalky boulder clay soils around Boxworth in eastern England Soil type (Soil series): Hanslope Yes All sites were chosen to have a soil mineral N status of <80 kg N ha-1 to 90 cm depth in spring (Table 18); no manure had been applied to any site in the previous two years. August 2010 July 2011 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 The five fertiliser treatments were replicated (x3) and arranged in a randomised block design of 15 plots (each 6 x 24 m). The fertiliser was applied by hand at 5 different N application rates spanning the likely economic optimum (Nopt); 0 kg N ha-1 (i.e. untreated control), 40%, 80%, 120% and 160% of the recommended N rate based on guidelines in ‘The Fertiliser Recommendations Manual (RB209)’ (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) for the English sites. For spring barley, in order to ensure the crop N optima were reached, N application rates were 0 kg N ha-1, 60%, 120%, 180% and 240% of the recommended N rate. Following recommended practice (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010; Sinclair et al., 2009) and depending on the crop type, up to three separate fertiliser applications were made in order to reach the targeted application rates. So that the experiments were as commercially relevant to the UK agricultural industry as possible, the amount of N fertiliser applied at each application timing also followed recommended practice for that rate and that crop (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) such that across the four fertilised treatments, at each split, the N applied was seldom linearly proportional to the final application rates. To prevent any nutrient deficiencies, overall basal phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulphur were applied according to site requirements following soil analysis, and applications of agro-chemicals were made as required to control weeds, pests, diseases and lodging. Following crop harvest, cereal straw was chopped and returned to the soil, or baled and removed, reflecting the commercial practice in each area. Cropping practices after harvest were typical of the crop rotation in each area. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR Opaque In order to maintain an undisturbed area for crop sampling, direct N2O emissions were measured from one half (3x24 m) of each plot, reserving the other half for crop measures. Five static flux chambers (40 cm wide x 40 cm long x 25 cm high) covering a total surface area of 0.8 m2 were regularly positioned in the N2O measurement area. The chambers were of white (i.e. reflective) PVC and un-vented with a water-filled channel running around the upper rim of the chamber allowing an air-tight seal to form following chamber enclosure with a lid (Cardenas et. al., 2010; Dobbie and Smith, 2003; Jones et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2012). Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and remained in place throughout the experiment, except during N fertiliser applications, drilling and harvesting when chambers were removed, locations were marked, and chambers were re-instated to the same position as prior to removal. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. Following receipt in the laboratory, three replicates of one standard N2O gas were kept with the samples and were used to verify sample integrity during storage. The gas chromatographs were calibrated on a daily basis using certified N2O standard gas mixtures. The gas chromatographs used in this project were also involved in inter-laboratory ring tests to ensure the comparability of data reported by different labs. In order to permit sampling from a growing crop, at the time of sampling an additional chamber was stacked (using the water-filled channel) onto each permanent chamber and the chamber enclosure period extended. End date based on emission calculations being taken 12 months (i.e. one year) since fertilization. AIB 405,5
278 e Sylvester-Bradley (2015) Sylvester-Bradley, R., Thorman, R. E., Kindred, D. R., Wynn, S. C., Smith, K. E., Rees, R. M., ... & Gilhespy, S. (2015). Minimising Nitrous Oxide Intensities of Arable Crop Products. AHDB Cereals & Oils Project Report, (548). Sylvester-Bradley R, Thorman R E, Kindred D R, Wynn S C, Smith K E, Rees R M, Topp C F E, Pappa V A, Mortimer N D, Misselbrook T H,Gilhespy S. Minimising nitrous oxide intensities of arable crop products (MIN-NO). Section 7 N Fixation and Crop Residue Experiments – WP2B 2015 N/A Report N/A United Kingdom 52.26 -0.03 N 30 702820 5794053 Cfb Boxworth Clay NR NR Area 1 was on chalky boulder clay soils around Boxworth in eastern England Soil type (Soil series): Hanslope Yes All sites were chosen to have a soil mineral N status of <80 kg N ha-1 to 90 cm depth in spring (Table 18); no manure had been applied to any site in the previous two years. September 2011 August 2012 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 The five fertiliser treatments were replicated (x3) and arranged in a randomised block design of 15 plots (each 6 x 24 m). The fertiliser was applied by hand at 5 different N application rates spanning the likely economic optimum (Nopt); 0 kg N ha-1 (i.e. untreated control), 40%, 80%, 120% and 160% of the recommended N rate based on guidelines in ‘The Fertiliser Recommendations Manual (RB209)’ (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) for the English sites. For spring barley, in order to ensure the crop N optima were reached, N application rates were 0 kg N ha-1, 60%, 120%, 180% and 240% of the recommended N rate. Following recommended practice (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010; Sinclair et al., 2009) and depending on the crop type, up to three separate fertiliser applications were made in order to reach the targeted application rates. So that the experiments were as commercially relevant to the UK agricultural industry as possible, the amount of N fertiliser applied at each application timing also followed recommended practice for that rate and that crop (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) such that across the four fertilised treatments, at each split, the N applied was seldom linearly proportional to the final application rates. To prevent any nutrient deficiencies, overall basal phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulphur were applied according to site requirements following soil analysis, and applications of agro-chemicals were made as required to control weeds, pests, diseases and lodging. Following crop harvest, cereal straw was chopped and returned to the soil, or baled and removed, reflecting the commercial practice in each area. Cropping practices after harvest were typical of the crop rotation in each area. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR Opaque In order to maintain an undisturbed area for crop sampling, direct N2O emissions were measured from one half (3x24 m) of each plot, reserving the other half for crop measures. Five static flux chambers (40 cm wide x 40 cm long x 25 cm high) covering a total surface area of 0.8 m2 were regularly positioned in the N2O measurement area. The chambers were of white (i.e. reflective) PVC and un-vented with a water-filled channel running around the upper rim of the chamber allowing an air-tight seal to form following chamber enclosure with a lid (Cardenas et. al., 2010; Dobbie and Smith, 2003; Jones et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2012). Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and remained in place throughout the experiment, except during N fertiliser applications, drilling and harvesting when chambers were removed, locations were marked, and chambers were re-instated to the same position as prior to removal. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. Following receipt in the laboratory, three replicates of one standard N2O gas were kept with the samples and were used to verify sample integrity during storage. The gas chromatographs were calibrated on a daily basis using certified N2O standard gas mixtures. The gas chromatographs used in this project were also involved in inter-laboratory ring tests to ensure the comparability of data reported by different labs. In order to permit sampling from a growing crop, at the time of sampling an additional chamber was stacked (using the water-filled channel) onto each permanent chamber and the chamber enclosure period extended. End date based on emission calculations being taken 12 months (i.e. one year) since fertilization. AIB 406,5
278 f Sylvester-Bradley (2015) Sylvester-Bradley, R., Thorman, R. E., Kindred, D. R., Wynn, S. C., Smith, K. E., Rees, R. M., ... & Gilhespy, S. (2015). Minimising Nitrous Oxide Intensities of Arable Crop Products. AHDB Cereals & Oils Project Report, (548). Sylvester-Bradley R, Thorman R E, Kindred D R, Wynn S C, Smith K E, Rees R M, Topp C F E, Pappa V A, Mortimer N D, Misselbrook T H,Gilhespy S. Minimising nitrous oxide intensities of arable crop products (MIN-NO). Section 7 N Fixation and Crop Residue Experiments – WP2B 2015 N/A Report N/A United Kingdom 53.22 -1.11 N 30 625991 5898898 Cfb Gleadthorpe Sandy loam NR NR Area 2 was on sandy soils around Gleadthorpe in central England Soil type (Soil series): Newport Yes All sites were chosen to have a soil mineral N status of <80 kg N ha-1 to 90 cm depth in spring (Table 18); no manure had been applied to any site in the previous two years. March 2010 February 2010 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 The five fertiliser treatments were replicated (x3) and arranged in a randomised block design of 15 plots (each 6 x 24 m). The fertiliser was applied by hand at 5 different N application rates spanning the likely economic optimum (Nopt); 0 kg N ha-1 (i.e. untreated control), 40%, 80%, 120% and 160% of the recommended N rate based on guidelines in ‘The Fertiliser Recommendations Manual (RB209)’ (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) for the English sites. For spring barley, in order to ensure the crop N optima were reached, N application rates were 0 kg N ha-1, 60%, 120%, 180% and 240% of the recommended N rate. Following recommended practice (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010; Sinclair et al., 2009) and depending on the crop type, up to three separate fertiliser applications were made in order to reach the targeted application rates. So that the experiments were as commercially relevant to the UK agricultural industry as possible, the amount of N fertiliser applied at each application timing also followed recommended practice for that rate and that crop (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) such that across the four fertilised treatments, at each split, the N applied was seldom linearly proportional to the final application rates. To prevent any nutrient deficiencies, overall basal phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulphur were applied according to site requirements following soil analysis, and applications of agro-chemicals were made as required to control weeds, pests, diseases and lodging. Following crop harvest, cereal straw was chopped and returned to the soil, or baled and removed, reflecting the commercial practice in each area. Cropping practices after harvest were typical of the crop rotation in each area. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR Opaque In order to maintain an undisturbed area for crop sampling, direct N2O emissions were measured from one half (3x24 m) of each plot, reserving the other half for crop measures. Five static flux chambers (40 cm wide x 40 cm long x 25 cm high) covering a total surface area of 0.8 m2 were regularly positioned in the N2O measurement area. The chambers were of white (i.e. reflective) PVC and un-vented with a water-filled channel running around the upper rim of the chamber allowing an air-tight seal to form following chamber enclosure with a lid (Cardenas et. al., 2010; Dobbie and Smith, 2003; Jones et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2012). Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and remained in place throughout the experiment, except during N fertiliser applications, drilling and harvesting when chambers were removed, locations were marked, and chambers were re-instated to the same position as prior to removal. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. Following receipt in the laboratory, three replicates of one standard N2O gas were kept with the samples and were used to verify sample integrity during storage. The gas chromatographs were calibrated on a daily basis using certified N2O standard gas mixtures. The gas chromatographs used in this project were also involved in inter-laboratory ring tests to ensure the comparability of data reported by different labs. In order to permit sampling from a growing crop, at the time of sampling an additional chamber was stacked (using the water-filled channel) onto each permanent chamber and the chamber enclosure period extended. End date based on emission calculations being taken 12 months (i.e. one year) since fertilization. AIB 407,5
278 g Sylvester-Bradley (2015) Sylvester-Bradley, R., Thorman, R. E., Kindred, D. R., Wynn, S. C., Smith, K. E., Rees, R. M., ... & Gilhespy, S. (2015). Minimising Nitrous Oxide Intensities of Arable Crop Products. AHDB Cereals & Oils Project Report, (548). Sylvester-Bradley R, Thorman R E, Kindred D R, Wynn S C, Smith K E, Rees R M, Topp C F E, Pappa V A, Mortimer N D, Misselbrook T H,Gilhespy S. Minimising nitrous oxide intensities of arable crop products (MIN-NO). Section 7 N Fixation and Crop Residue Experiments – WP2B 2015 N/A Report N/A United Kingdom 53.22 -1.11 N 30 625991 5898898 Cfb Gleadthorpe Sandy loam NR NR Area 2 was on sandy soils around Gleadthorpe in central England Soil type (Soil series): Newport Yes All sites were chosen to have a soil mineral N status of <80 kg N ha-1 to 90 cm depth in spring (Table 18); no manure had been applied to any site in the previous two years. April 2010 March 2011 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 The five fertiliser treatments were replicated (x3) and arranged in a randomised block design of 15 plots (each 6 x 24 m). The fertiliser was applied by hand at 5 different N application rates spanning the likely economic optimum (Nopt); 0 kg N ha-1 (i.e. untreated control), 40%, 80%, 120% and 160% of the recommended N rate based on guidelines in ‘The Fertiliser Recommendations Manual (RB209)’ (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) for the English sites. For spring barley, in order to ensure the crop N optima were reached, N application rates were 0 kg N ha-1, 60%, 120%, 180% and 240% of the recommended N rate. Following recommended practice (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010; Sinclair et al., 2009) and depending on the crop type, up to three separate fertiliser applications were made in order to reach the targeted application rates. So that the experiments were as commercially relevant to the UK agricultural industry as possible, the amount of N fertiliser applied at each application timing also followed recommended practice for that rate and that crop (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) such that across the four fertilised treatments, at each split, the N applied was seldom linearly proportional to the final application rates. To prevent any nutrient deficiencies, overall basal phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulphur were applied according to site requirements following soil analysis, and applications of agro-chemicals were made as required to control weeds, pests, diseases and lodging. Following crop harvest, cereal straw was chopped and returned to the soil, or baled and removed, reflecting the commercial practice in each area. Cropping practices after harvest were typical of the crop rotation in each area. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR Opaque In order to maintain an undisturbed area for crop sampling, direct N2O emissions were measured from one half (3x24 m) of each plot, reserving the other half for crop measures. Five static flux chambers (40 cm wide x 40 cm long x 25 cm high) covering a total surface area of 0.8 m2 were regularly positioned in the N2O measurement area. The chambers were of white (i.e. reflective) PVC and un-vented with a water-filled channel running around the upper rim of the chamber allowing an air-tight seal to form following chamber enclosure with a lid (Cardenas et. al., 2010; Dobbie and Smith, 2003; Jones et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2012). Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and remained in place throughout the experiment, except during N fertiliser applications, drilling and harvesting when chambers were removed, locations were marked, and chambers were re-instated to the same position as prior to removal. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. Following receipt in the laboratory, three replicates of one standard N2O gas were kept with the samples and were used to verify sample integrity during storage. The gas chromatographs were calibrated on a daily basis using certified N2O standard gas mixtures. The gas chromatographs used in this project were also involved in inter-laboratory ring tests to ensure the comparability of data reported by different labs. In order to permit sampling from a growing crop, at the time of sampling an additional chamber was stacked (using the water-filled channel) onto each permanent chamber and the chamber enclosure period extended. End date based on emission calculations being taken 12 months (i.e. one year) since fertilization. AIB 408,5
278 h Sylvester-Bradley (2015) Sylvester-Bradley, R., Thorman, R. E., Kindred, D. R., Wynn, S. C., Smith, K. E., Rees, R. M., ... & Gilhespy, S. (2015). Minimising Nitrous Oxide Intensities of Arable Crop Products. AHDB Cereals & Oils Project Report, (548). Sylvester-Bradley R, Thorman R E, Kindred D R, Wynn S C, Smith K E, Rees R M, Topp C F E, Pappa V A, Mortimer N D, Misselbrook T H,Gilhespy S. Minimising nitrous oxide intensities of arable crop products (MIN-NO). Section 7 N Fixation and Crop Residue Experiments – WP2B 2015 N/A Report N/A United Kingdom 53.22 -1.11 N 30 625991 5898898 Cfb Gleadthorpe Sandy loam NR NR Area 2 was on sandy soils around Gleadthorpe in central England Soil type (Soil series): Wick Yes All sites were chosen to have a soil mineral N status of <80 kg N ha-1 to 90 cm depth in spring (Table 18); no manure had been applied to any site in the previous two years. September 2010 August 2011 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 The five fertiliser treatments were replicated (x3) and arranged in a randomised block design of 15 plots (each 6 x 24 m). The fertiliser was applied by hand at 5 different N application rates spanning the likely economic optimum (Nopt); 0 kg N ha-1 (i.e. untreated control), 40%, 80%, 120% and 160% of the recommended N rate based on guidelines in ‘The Fertiliser Recommendations Manual (RB209)’ (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) for the English sites. For spring barley, in order to ensure the crop N optima were reached, N application rates were 0 kg N ha-1, 60%, 120%, 180% and 240% of the recommended N rate. Following recommended practice (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010; Sinclair et al., 2009) and depending on the crop type, up to three separate fertiliser applications were made in order to reach the targeted application rates. So that the experiments were as commercially relevant to the UK agricultural industry as possible, the amount of N fertiliser applied at each application timing also followed recommended practice for that rate and that crop (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) such that across the four fertilised treatments, at each split, the N applied was seldom linearly proportional to the final application rates. To prevent any nutrient deficiencies, overall basal phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulphur were applied according to site requirements following soil analysis, and applications of agro-chemicals were made as required to control weeds, pests, diseases and lodging. Following crop harvest, cereal straw was chopped and returned to the soil, or baled and removed, reflecting the commercial practice in each area. Cropping practices after harvest were typical of the crop rotation in each area. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR Opaque In order to maintain an undisturbed area for crop sampling, direct N2O emissions were measured from one half (3x24 m) of each plot, reserving the other half for crop measures. Five static flux chambers (40 cm wide x 40 cm long x 25 cm high) covering a total surface area of 0.8 m2 were regularly positioned in the N2O measurement area. The chambers were of white (i.e. reflective) PVC and un-vented with a water-filled channel running around the upper rim of the chamber allowing an air-tight seal to form following chamber enclosure with a lid (Cardenas et. al., 2010; Dobbie and Smith, 2003; Jones et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2012). Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and remained in place throughout the experiment, except during N fertiliser applications, drilling and harvesting when chambers were removed, locations were marked, and chambers were re-instated to the same position as prior to removal. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. Following receipt in the laboratory, three replicates of one standard N2O gas were kept with the samples and were used to verify sample integrity during storage. The gas chromatographs were calibrated on a daily basis using certified N2O standard gas mixtures. The gas chromatographs used in this project were also involved in inter-laboratory ring tests to ensure the comparability of data reported by different labs. In order to permit sampling from a growing crop, at the time of sampling an additional chamber was stacked (using the water-filled channel) onto each permanent chamber and the chamber enclosure period extended. End date based on emission calculations being taken 12 months (i.e. one year) since fertilization. AIB 409,5
278 i Sylvester-Bradley (2015) Sylvester-Bradley, R., Thorman, R. E., Kindred, D. R., Wynn, S. C., Smith, K. E., Rees, R. M., ... & Gilhespy, S. (2015). Minimising Nitrous Oxide Intensities of Arable Crop Products. AHDB Cereals & Oils Project Report, (548). Sylvester-Bradley R, Thorman R E, Kindred D R, Wynn S C, Smith K E, Rees R M, Topp C F E, Pappa V A, Mortimer N D, Misselbrook T H,Gilhespy S. Minimising nitrous oxide intensities of arable crop products (MIN-NO). Section 7 N Fixation and Crop Residue Experiments – WP2B 2015 N/A Report N/A United Kingdom 53.22 -1.11 N 30 625991 5898898 Cfb Gleadthorpe Sandy loam NR NR Area 2 was on sandy soils around Gleadthorpe in central England Soil type (Soil series): Wick Yes All sites were chosen to have a soil mineral N status of <80 kg N ha-1 to 90 cm depth in spring (Table 18); no manure had been applied to any site in the previous two years. November 2011 October 2012 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 The five fertiliser treatments were replicated (x3) and arranged in a randomised block design of 15 plots (each 6 x 24 m). The fertiliser was applied by hand at 5 different N application rates spanning the likely economic optimum (Nopt); 0 kg N ha-1 (i.e. untreated control), 40%, 80%, 120% and 160% of the recommended N rate based on guidelines in ‘The Fertiliser Recommendations Manual (RB209)’ (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) for the English sites. For spring barley, in order to ensure the crop N optima were reached, N application rates were 0 kg N ha-1, 60%, 120%, 180% and 240% of the recommended N rate. Following recommended practice (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010; Sinclair et al., 2009) and depending on the crop type, up to three separate fertiliser applications were made in order to reach the targeted application rates. So that the experiments were as commercially relevant to the UK agricultural industry as possible, the amount of N fertiliser applied at each application timing also followed recommended practice for that rate and that crop (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) such that across the four fertilised treatments, at each split, the N applied was seldom linearly proportional to the final application rates. To prevent any nutrient deficiencies, overall basal phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulphur were applied according to site requirements following soil analysis, and applications of agro-chemicals were made as required to control weeds, pests, diseases and lodging. Following crop harvest, cereal straw was chopped and returned to the soil, or baled and removed, reflecting the commercial practice in each area. Cropping practices after harvest were typical of the crop rotation in each area. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR Opaque In order to maintain an undisturbed area for crop sampling, direct N2O emissions were measured from one half (3x24 m) of each plot, reserving the other half for crop measures. Five static flux chambers (40 cm wide x 40 cm long x 25 cm high) covering a total surface area of 0.8 m2 were regularly positioned in the N2O measurement area. The chambers were of white (i.e. reflective) PVC and un-vented with a water-filled channel running around the upper rim of the chamber allowing an air-tight seal to form following chamber enclosure with a lid (Cardenas et. al., 2010; Dobbie and Smith, 2003; Jones et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2012). Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and remained in place throughout the experiment, except during N fertiliser applications, drilling and harvesting when chambers were removed, locations were marked, and chambers were re-instated to the same position as prior to removal. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. Following receipt in the laboratory, three replicates of one standard N2O gas were kept with the samples and were used to verify sample integrity during storage. The gas chromatographs were calibrated on a daily basis using certified N2O standard gas mixtures. The gas chromatographs used in this project were also involved in inter-laboratory ring tests to ensure the comparability of data reported by different labs. In order to permit sampling from a growing crop, at the time of sampling an additional chamber was stacked (using the water-filled channel) onto each permanent chamber and the chamber enclosure period extended. End date based on emission calculations being taken 12 months (i.e. one year) since fertilization. AIB 410,5
278 j Sylvester-Bradley (2015) Sylvester-Bradley, R., Thorman, R. E., Kindred, D. R., Wynn, S. C., Smith, K. E., Rees, R. M., ... & Gilhespy, S. (2015). Minimising Nitrous Oxide Intensities of Arable Crop Products. AHDB Cereals & Oils Project Report, (548). Sylvester-Bradley R, Thorman R E, Kindred D R, Wynn S C, Smith K E, Rees R M, Topp C F E, Pappa V A, Mortimer N D, Misselbrook T H,Gilhespy S. Minimising nitrous oxide intensities of arable crop products (MIN-NO). Section 7 N Fixation and Crop Residue Experiments – WP2B 2015 N/A Report N/A United Kingdom 53.22 -1.11 N 30 625991 5898898 Cfb Gleadthorpe Sand NR NR Area 2 was on sandy soils around Gleadthorpe in central England Soil type (Soil series): Newport Yes All sites were chosen to have a soil mineral N status of <80 kg N ha-1 to 90 cm depth in spring (Table 18); no manure had been applied to any site in the previous two years. August 2011 July 2012 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 The five fertiliser treatments were replicated (x3) and arranged in a randomised block design of 15 plots (each 6 x 24 m). The fertiliser was applied by hand at 5 different N application rates spanning the likely economic optimum (Nopt); 0 kg N ha-1 (i.e. untreated control), 40%, 80%, 120% and 160% of the recommended N rate based on guidelines in ‘The Fertiliser Recommendations Manual (RB209)’ (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) for the English sites. For spring barley, in order to ensure the crop N optima were reached, N application rates were 0 kg N ha-1, 60%, 120%, 180% and 240% of the recommended N rate. Following recommended practice (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010; Sinclair et al., 2009) and depending on the crop type, up to three separate fertiliser applications were made in order to reach the targeted application rates. So that the experiments were as commercially relevant to the UK agricultural industry as possible, the amount of N fertiliser applied at each application timing also followed recommended practice for that rate and that crop (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) such that across the four fertilised treatments, at each split, the N applied was seldom linearly proportional to the final application rates. To prevent any nutrient deficiencies, overall basal phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulphur were applied according to site requirements following soil analysis, and applications of agro-chemicals were made as required to control weeds, pests, diseases and lodging. Following crop harvest, cereal straw was chopped and returned to the soil, or baled and removed, reflecting the commercial practice in each area. Cropping practices after harvest were typical of the crop rotation in each area. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR Opaque In order to maintain an undisturbed area for crop sampling, direct N2O emissions were measured from one half (3x24 m) of each plot, reserving the other half for crop measures. Five static flux chambers (40 cm wide x 40 cm long x 25 cm high) covering a total surface area of 0.8 m2 were regularly positioned in the N2O measurement area. The chambers were of white (i.e. reflective) PVC and un-vented with a water-filled channel running around the upper rim of the chamber allowing an air-tight seal to form following chamber enclosure with a lid (Cardenas et. al., 2010; Dobbie and Smith, 2003; Jones et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2012). Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and remained in place throughout the experiment, except during N fertiliser applications, drilling and harvesting when chambers were removed, locations were marked, and chambers were re-instated to the same position as prior to removal. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. Following receipt in the laboratory, three replicates of one standard N2O gas were kept with the samples and were used to verify sample integrity during storage. The gas chromatographs were calibrated on a daily basis using certified N2O standard gas mixtures. The gas chromatographs used in this project were also involved in inter-laboratory ring tests to ensure the comparability of data reported by different labs. In order to permit sampling from a growing crop, at the time of sampling an additional chamber was stacked (using the water-filled channel) onto each permanent chamber and the chamber enclosure period extended. End date based on emission calculations being taken 12 months (i.e. one year) since fertilization. AIB 411,5
278 k Sylvester-Bradley (2015) Sylvester-Bradley, R., Thorman, R. E., Kindred, D. R., Wynn, S. C., Smith, K. E., Rees, R. M., ... & Gilhespy, S. (2015). Minimising Nitrous Oxide Intensities of Arable Crop Products. AHDB Cereals & Oils Project Report, (548). Sylvester-Bradley R, Thorman R E, Kindred D R, Wynn S C, Smith K E, Rees R M, Topp C F E, Pappa V A, Mortimer N D, Misselbrook T H,Gilhespy S. Minimising nitrous oxide intensities of arable crop products (MIN-NO). Section 7 N Fixation and Crop Residue Experiments – WP2B 2015 N/A Report N/A United Kingdom 54.13 -0.98 N 30 632258 5999639 Cfb Terrington Silty clay loam NR NR Area 3 was generally on alluvial silty clay loams around Terrington in eastern England Soil type (Soil series): Wisbech Yes All sites were chosen to have a soil mineral N status of <80 kg N ha-1 to 90 cm depth in spring (Table 18); no manure had been applied to any site in the previous two years. October 2009 September 2010 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 The five fertiliser treatments were replicated (x3) and arranged in a randomised block design of 15 plots (each 6 x 24 m). The fertiliser was applied by hand at 5 different N application rates spanning the likely economic optimum (Nopt); 0 kg N ha-1 (i.e. untreated control), 40%, 80%, 120% and 160% of the recommended N rate based on guidelines in ‘The Fertiliser Recommendations Manual (RB209)’ (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) for the English sites. For spring barley, in order to ensure the crop N optima were reached, N application rates were 0 kg N ha-1, 60%, 120%, 180% and 240% of the recommended N rate. Following recommended practice (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010; Sinclair et al., 2009) and depending on the crop type, up to three separate fertiliser applications were made in order to reach the targeted application rates. So that the experiments were as commercially relevant to the UK agricultural industry as possible, the amount of N fertiliser applied at each application timing also followed recommended practice for that rate and that crop (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) such that across the four fertilised treatments, at each split, the N applied was seldom linearly proportional to the final application rates. To prevent any nutrient deficiencies, overall basal phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulphur were applied according to site requirements following soil analysis, and applications of agro-chemicals were made as required to control weeds, pests, diseases and lodging. Following crop harvest, cereal straw was chopped and returned to the soil, or baled and removed, reflecting the commercial practice in each area. Cropping practices after harvest were typical of the crop rotation in each area. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR Opaque In order to maintain an undisturbed area for crop sampling, direct N2O emissions were measured from one half (3x24 m) of each plot, reserving the other half for crop measures. Five static flux chambers (40 cm wide x 40 cm long x 25 cm high) covering a total surface area of 0.8 m2 were regularly positioned in the N2O measurement area. The chambers were of white (i.e. reflective) PVC and un-vented with a water-filled channel running around the upper rim of the chamber allowing an air-tight seal to form following chamber enclosure with a lid (Cardenas et. al., 2010; Dobbie and Smith, 2003; Jones et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2012). Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and remained in place throughout the experiment, except during N fertiliser applications, drilling and harvesting when chambers were removed, locations were marked, and chambers were re-instated to the same position as prior to removal. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. Following receipt in the laboratory, three replicates of one standard N2O gas were kept with the samples and were used to verify sample integrity during storage. The gas chromatographs were calibrated on a daily basis using certified N2O standard gas mixtures. The gas chromatographs used in this project were also involved in inter-laboratory ring tests to ensure the comparability of data reported by different labs. In order to permit sampling from a growing crop, at the time of sampling an additional chamber was stacked (using the water-filled channel) onto each permanent chamber and the chamber enclosure period extended. End date based on emission calculations being taken 12 months (i.e. one year) since fertilization. AIB 412,5
278 l Sylvester-Bradley (2015) Sylvester-Bradley, R., Thorman, R. E., Kindred, D. R., Wynn, S. C., Smith, K. E., Rees, R. M., ... & Gilhespy, S. (2015). Minimising Nitrous Oxide Intensities of Arable Crop Products. AHDB Cereals & Oils Project Report, (548). Sylvester-Bradley R, Thorman R E, Kindred D R, Wynn S C, Smith K E, Rees R M, Topp C F E, Pappa V A, Mortimer N D, Misselbrook T H,Gilhespy S. Minimising nitrous oxide intensities of arable crop products (MIN-NO). Section 7 N Fixation and Crop Residue Experiments – WP2B 2015 N/A Report N/A United Kingdom 54.13 -0.98 N 30 632258 5999639 Cfb Terrington Sandy loam NR NR Area 3 was generally on alluvial silty clay loams around Terrington in eastern England Soil type (Soil series): Blacktoft Yes All sites were chosen to have a soil mineral N status of <80 kg N ha-1 to 90 cm depth in spring (Table 18); no manure had been applied to any site in the previous two years. October 2010 September 2011 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 The five fertiliser treatments were replicated (x3) and arranged in a randomised block design of 15 plots (each 6 x 24 m). The fertiliser was applied by hand at 5 different N application rates spanning the likely economic optimum (Nopt); 0 kg N ha-1 (i.e. untreated control), 40%, 80%, 120% and 160% of the recommended N rate based on guidelines in ‘The Fertiliser Recommendations Manual (RB209)’ (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) for the English sites. For spring barley, in order to ensure the crop N optima were reached, N application rates were 0 kg N ha-1, 60%, 120%, 180% and 240% of the recommended N rate. Following recommended practice (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010; Sinclair et al., 2009) and depending on the crop type, up to three separate fertiliser applications were made in order to reach the targeted application rates. So that the experiments were as commercially relevant to the UK agricultural industry as possible, the amount of N fertiliser applied at each application timing also followed recommended practice for that rate and that crop (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) such that across the four fertilised treatments, at each split, the N applied was seldom linearly proportional to the final application rates. To prevent any nutrient deficiencies, overall basal phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulphur were applied according to site requirements following soil analysis, and applications of agro-chemicals were made as required to control weeds, pests, diseases and lodging. Following crop harvest, cereal straw was chopped and returned to the soil, or baled and removed, reflecting the commercial practice in each area. Cropping practices after harvest were typical of the crop rotation in each area. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR Opaque In order to maintain an undisturbed area for crop sampling, direct N2O emissions were measured from one half (3x24 m) of each plot, reserving the other half for crop measures. Five static flux chambers (40 cm wide x 40 cm long x 25 cm high) covering a total surface area of 0.8 m2 were regularly positioned in the N2O measurement area. The chambers were of white (i.e. reflective) PVC and un-vented with a water-filled channel running around the upper rim of the chamber allowing an air-tight seal to form following chamber enclosure with a lid (Cardenas et. al., 2010; Dobbie and Smith, 2003; Jones et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2012). Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and remained in place throughout the experiment, except during N fertiliser applications, drilling and harvesting when chambers were removed, locations were marked, and chambers were re-instated to the same position as prior to removal. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. Following receipt in the laboratory, three replicates of one standard N2O gas were kept with the samples and were used to verify sample integrity during storage. The gas chromatographs were calibrated on a daily basis using certified N2O standard gas mixtures. The gas chromatographs used in this project were also involved in inter-laboratory ring tests to ensure the comparability of data reported by different labs. In order to permit sampling from a growing crop, at the time of sampling an additional chamber was stacked (using the water-filled channel) onto each permanent chamber and the chamber enclosure period extended. End date based on emission calculations being taken 12 months (i.e. one year) since fertilization. AIB 413,5
278 m Sylvester-Bradley (2015) Sylvester-Bradley, R., Thorman, R. E., Kindred, D. R., Wynn, S. C., Smith, K. E., Rees, R. M., ... & Gilhespy, S. (2015). Minimising Nitrous Oxide Intensities of Arable Crop Products. AHDB Cereals & Oils Project Report, (548). Sylvester-Bradley R, Thorman R E, Kindred D R, Wynn S C, Smith K E, Rees R M, Topp C F E, Pappa V A, Mortimer N D, Misselbrook T H,Gilhespy S. Minimising nitrous oxide intensities of arable crop products (MIN-NO). Section 7 N Fixation and Crop Residue Experiments – WP2B 2015 N/A Report N/A United Kingdom 54.13 -0.98 N 30 632258 5999639 Cfb Terrington Silty clay loam NR NR Area 3 was generally on alluvial silty clay loams around Terrington in eastern England Soil type (Soil series): Wisbech Yes All sites were chosen to have a soil mineral N status of <80 kg N ha-1 to 90 cm depth in spring (Table 18); no manure had been applied to any site in the previous two years. March 2011 February 2012 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 The five fertiliser treatments were replicated (x3) and arranged in a randomised block design of 15 plots (each 6 x 24 m). The fertiliser was applied by hand at 5 different N application rates spanning the likely economic optimum (Nopt); 0 kg N ha-1 (i.e. untreated control), 40%, 80%, 120% and 160% of the recommended N rate based on guidelines in ‘The Fertiliser Recommendations Manual (RB209)’ (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) for the English sites. For spring barley, in order to ensure the crop N optima were reached, N application rates were 0 kg N ha-1, 60%, 120%, 180% and 240% of the recommended N rate. Following recommended practice (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010; Sinclair et al., 2009) and depending on the crop type, up to three separate fertiliser applications were made in order to reach the targeted application rates. So that the experiments were as commercially relevant to the UK agricultural industry as possible, the amount of N fertiliser applied at each application timing also followed recommended practice for that rate and that crop (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) such that across the four fertilised treatments, at each split, the N applied was seldom linearly proportional to the final application rates. To prevent any nutrient deficiencies, overall basal phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulphur were applied according to site requirements following soil analysis, and applications of agro-chemicals were made as required to control weeds, pests, diseases and lodging. Following crop harvest, cereal straw was chopped and returned to the soil, or baled and removed, reflecting the commercial practice in each area. Cropping practices after harvest were typical of the crop rotation in each area. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR Opaque In order to maintain an undisturbed area for crop sampling, direct N2O emissions were measured from one half (3x24 m) of each plot, reserving the other half for crop measures. Five static flux chambers (40 cm wide x 40 cm long x 25 cm high) covering a total surface area of 0.8 m2 were regularly positioned in the N2O measurement area. The chambers were of white (i.e. reflective) PVC and un-vented with a water-filled channel running around the upper rim of the chamber allowing an air-tight seal to form following chamber enclosure with a lid (Cardenas et. al., 2010; Dobbie and Smith, 2003; Jones et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2012). Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and remained in place throughout the experiment, except during N fertiliser applications, drilling and harvesting when chambers were removed, locations were marked, and chambers were re-instated to the same position as prior to removal. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. Following receipt in the laboratory, three replicates of one standard N2O gas were kept with the samples and were used to verify sample integrity during storage. The gas chromatographs were calibrated on a daily basis using certified N2O standard gas mixtures. The gas chromatographs used in this project were also involved in inter-laboratory ring tests to ensure the comparability of data reported by different labs. In order to permit sampling from a growing crop, at the time of sampling an additional chamber was stacked (using the water-filled channel) onto each permanent chamber and the chamber enclosure period extended. End date based on emission calculations being taken 12 months (i.e. one year) since fertilization. AIB 414,5
278 n Sylvester-Bradley (2015) Sylvester-Bradley, R., Thorman, R. E., Kindred, D. R., Wynn, S. C., Smith, K. E., Rees, R. M., ... & Gilhespy, S. (2015). Minimising Nitrous Oxide Intensities of Arable Crop Products. AHDB Cereals & Oils Project Report, (548). Sylvester-Bradley R, Thorman R E, Kindred D R, Wynn S C, Smith K E, Rees R M, Topp C F E, Pappa V A, Mortimer N D, Misselbrook T H,Gilhespy S. Minimising nitrous oxide intensities of arable crop products (MIN-NO). Section 7 N Fixation and Crop Residue Experiments – WP2B 2015 N/A Report N/A United Kingdom 54.13 -0.98 N 30 632258 5999639 Cfb Terrington Clay loam NR NR Area 3 was generally on alluvial silty clay loams around Terrington in eastern England Soil type (Soil series): Agney Yes All sites were chosen to have a soil mineral N status of <80 kg N ha-1 to 90 cm depth in spring (Table 18); no manure had been applied to any site in the previous two years. October 2011 September 2012 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 The five fertiliser treatments were replicated (x3) and arranged in a randomised block design of 15 plots (each 6 x 24 m). The fertiliser was applied by hand at 5 different N application rates spanning the likely economic optimum (Nopt); 0 kg N ha-1 (i.e. untreated control), 40%, 80%, 120% and 160% of the recommended N rate based on guidelines in ‘The Fertiliser Recommendations Manual (RB209)’ (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) for the English sites. For spring barley, in order to ensure the crop N optima were reached, N application rates were 0 kg N ha-1, 60%, 120%, 180% and 240% of the recommended N rate. Following recommended practice (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010; Sinclair et al., 2009) and depending on the crop type, up to three separate fertiliser applications were made in order to reach the targeted application rates. So that the experiments were as commercially relevant to the UK agricultural industry as possible, the amount of N fertiliser applied at each application timing also followed recommended practice for that rate and that crop (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) such that across the four fertilised treatments, at each split, the N applied was seldom linearly proportional to the final application rates. To prevent any nutrient deficiencies, overall basal phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulphur were applied according to site requirements following soil analysis, and applications of agro-chemicals were made as required to control weeds, pests, diseases and lodging. Following crop harvest, cereal straw was chopped and returned to the soil, or baled and removed, reflecting the commercial practice in each area. Cropping practices after harvest were typical of the crop rotation in each area. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR Opaque In order to maintain an undisturbed area for crop sampling, direct N2O emissions were measured from one half (3x24 m) of each plot, reserving the other half for crop measures. Five static flux chambers (40 cm wide x 40 cm long x 25 cm high) covering a total surface area of 0.8 m2 were regularly positioned in the N2O measurement area. The chambers were of white (i.e. reflective) PVC and un-vented with a water-filled channel running around the upper rim of the chamber allowing an air-tight seal to form following chamber enclosure with a lid (Cardenas et. al., 2010; Dobbie and Smith, 2003; Jones et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2012). Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and remained in place throughout the experiment, except during N fertiliser applications, drilling and harvesting when chambers were removed, locations were marked, and chambers were re-instated to the same position as prior to removal. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. Following receipt in the laboratory, three replicates of one standard N2O gas were kept with the samples and were used to verify sample integrity during storage. The gas chromatographs were calibrated on a daily basis using certified N2O standard gas mixtures. The gas chromatographs used in this project were also involved in inter-laboratory ring tests to ensure the comparability of data reported by different labs. In order to permit sampling from a growing crop, at the time of sampling an additional chamber was stacked (using the water-filled channel) onto each permanent chamber and the chamber enclosure period extended. End date based on emission calculations being taken 12 months (i.e. one year) since fertilization. AIB 415,5
278 o Sylvester-Bradley (2015) Sylvester-Bradley, R., Thorman, R. E., Kindred, D. R., Wynn, S. C., Smith, K. E., Rees, R. M., ... & Gilhespy, S. (2015). Minimising Nitrous Oxide Intensities of Arable Crop Products. AHDB Cereals & Oils Project Report, (548). Sylvester-Bradley R, Thorman R E, Kindred D R, Wynn S C, Smith K E, Rees R M, Topp C F E, Pappa V A, Mortimer N D, Misselbrook T H,Gilhespy S. Minimising nitrous oxide intensities of arable crop products (MIN-NO). Section 7 N Fixation and Crop Residue Experiments – WP2B 2015 N/A Report N/A United Kingdom 54.13 -0.98 N 30 632258 5999639 Cfb Terrington Clay loam NR NR Area 3 was generally on alluvial silty clay loams around Terrington in eastern England Soil type (Soil series): Agney Yes All sites were chosen to have a soil mineral N status of <80 kg N ha-1 to 90 cm depth in spring (Table 18); no manure had been applied to any site in the previous two years. March 2012 February 2013 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 The five fertiliser treatments were replicated (x3) and arranged in a randomised block design of 15 plots (each 6 x 24 m). The fertiliser was applied by hand at 5 different N application rates spanning the likely economic optimum (Nopt); 0 kg N ha-1 (i.e. untreated control), 40%, 80%, 120% and 160% of the recommended N rate based on guidelines in ‘The Fertiliser Recommendations Manual (RB209)’ (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) for the English sites. For spring barley, in order to ensure the crop N optima were reached, N application rates were 0 kg N ha-1, 60%, 120%, 180% and 240% of the recommended N rate. Following recommended practice (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010; Sinclair et al., 2009) and depending on the crop type, up to three separate fertiliser applications were made in order to reach the targeted application rates. So that the experiments were as commercially relevant to the UK agricultural industry as possible, the amount of N fertiliser applied at each application timing also followed recommended practice for that rate and that crop (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) such that across the four fertilised treatments, at each split, the N applied was seldom linearly proportional to the final application rates. To prevent any nutrient deficiencies, overall basal phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulphur were applied according to site requirements following soil analysis, and applications of agro-chemicals were made as required to control weeds, pests, diseases and lodging. Following crop harvest, cereal straw was chopped and returned to the soil, or baled and removed, reflecting the commercial practice in each area. Cropping practices after harvest were typical of the crop rotation in each area. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR Opaque In order to maintain an undisturbed area for crop sampling, direct N2O emissions were measured from one half (3x24 m) of each plot, reserving the other half for crop measures. Five static flux chambers (40 cm wide x 40 cm long x 25 cm high) covering a total surface area of 0.8 m2 were regularly positioned in the N2O measurement area. The chambers were of white (i.e. reflective) PVC and un-vented with a water-filled channel running around the upper rim of the chamber allowing an air-tight seal to form following chamber enclosure with a lid (Cardenas et. al., 2010; Dobbie and Smith, 2003; Jones et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2012). Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and remained in place throughout the experiment, except during N fertiliser applications, drilling and harvesting when chambers were removed, locations were marked, and chambers were re-instated to the same position as prior to removal. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. Following receipt in the laboratory, three replicates of one standard N2O gas were kept with the samples and were used to verify sample integrity during storage. The gas chromatographs were calibrated on a daily basis using certified N2O standard gas mixtures. The gas chromatographs used in this project were also involved in inter-laboratory ring tests to ensure the comparability of data reported by different labs. In order to permit sampling from a growing crop, at the time of sampling an additional chamber was stacked (using the water-filled channel) onto each permanent chamber and the chamber enclosure period extended. End date based on emission calculations being taken 12 months (i.e. one year) since fertilization. AIB 416,5
278 p Sylvester-Bradley (2015) Sylvester-Bradley, R., Thorman, R. E., Kindred, D. R., Wynn, S. C., Smith, K. E., Rees, R. M., ... & Gilhespy, S. (2015). Minimising Nitrous Oxide Intensities of Arable Crop Products. AHDB Cereals & Oils Project Report, (548). Sylvester-Bradley R, Thorman R E, Kindred D R, Wynn S C, Smith K E, Rees R M, Topp C F E, Pappa V A, Mortimer N D, Misselbrook T H,Gilhespy S. Minimising nitrous oxide intensities of arable crop products (MIN-NO). Section 7 N Fixation and Crop Residue Experiments – WP2B 2015 N/A Report N/A United Kingdom 55.86 -3.21 N 30 487100 6190613 Cfb Bush Estate, Central Scotland Sandy clay loam NR NR The glacial till soils in Area 4 at the Bush Estate in central Scotland ranged from sandy clay loam to clay. Soil type (Soil series): Macmerry Yes All sites were chosen to have a soil mineral N status of <80 kg N ha-1 to 90 cm depth in spring (Table 18); no manure had been applied to any site in the previous two years. August 2009 July 2010 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 The five fertiliser treatments were replicated (x3) and arranged in a randomised block design of 15 plots (each 6 x 24 m). The fertiliser was applied by hand at 5 different N application rates spanning the likely economic optimum (Nopt); 0 kg N ha-1 (i.e. untreated control), 40%, 80%, 120% and 160% of the recommended N rate based on guidelines in ‘Nitrogen recommendations for cereals, OSR and potatoes’ (TN625) (Sinclair et al., 2009) for Scotland. For spring barley, in order to ensure the crop N optima were reached, N application rates were 0 kg N ha-1, 60%, 120%, 180% and 240% of the recommended N rate. Following recommended practice (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010; Sinclair et al., 2009) and depending on the crop type, up to three separate fertiliser applications were made in order to reach the targeted application rates. So that the experiments were as commercially relevant to the UK agricultural industry as possible, the amount of N fertiliser applied at each application timing also followed recommended practice for that rate and that crop (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) such that across the four fertilised treatments, at each split, the N applied was seldom linearly proportional to the final application rates. To prevent any nutrient deficiencies, overall basal phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulphur were applied according to site requirements following soil analysis, and applications of agro-chemicals were made as required to control weeds, pests, diseases and lodging. Following crop harvest, cereal straw was chopped and returned to the soil, or baled and removed, reflecting the commercial practice in each area. Cropping practices after harvest were typical of the crop rotation in each area. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR Opaque In order to maintain an undisturbed area for crop sampling, direct N2O emissions were measured from one half (3x24 m) of each plot, reserving the other half for crop measures. Five static flux chambers (40 cm wide x 40 cm long x 25 cm high) covering a total surface area of 0.8 m2 were regularly positioned in the N2O measurement area. The chambers were of white (i.e. reflective) PVC and un-vented with a water-filled channel running around the upper rim of the chamber allowing an air-tight seal to form following chamber enclosure with a lid (Cardenas et. al., 2010; Dobbie and Smith, 2003; Jones et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2012). Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and remained in place throughout the experiment, except during N fertiliser applications, drilling and harvesting when chambers were removed, locations were marked, and chambers were re-instated to the same position as prior to removal. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. Following receipt in the laboratory, three replicates of one standard N2O gas were kept with the samples and were used to verify sample integrity during storage. The gas chromatographs were calibrated on a daily basis using certified N2O standard gas mixtures. The gas chromatographs used in this project were also involved in inter-laboratory ring tests to ensure the comparability of data reported by different labs. In order to permit sampling from a growing crop, at the time of sampling an additional chamber was stacked (using the water-filled channel) onto each permanent chamber and the chamber enclosure period extended. End date based on emission calculations being taken 12 months (i.e. one year) since fertilization. AIB 417,5
278 q Sylvester-Bradley (2015) Sylvester-Bradley, R., Thorman, R. E., Kindred, D. R., Wynn, S. C., Smith, K. E., Rees, R. M., ... & Gilhespy, S. (2015). Minimising Nitrous Oxide Intensities of Arable Crop Products. AHDB Cereals & Oils Project Report, (548). Sylvester-Bradley R, Thorman R E, Kindred D R, Wynn S C, Smith K E, Rees R M, Topp C F E, Pappa V A, Mortimer N D, Misselbrook T H,Gilhespy S. Minimising nitrous oxide intensities of arable crop products (MIN-NO). Section 7 N Fixation and Crop Residue Experiments – WP2B 2015 N/A Report N/A United Kingdom 55.86 -3.21 N 30 487100 6190613 Cfb Bush Estate, Central Scotland Sandy clay loam NR NR The glacial till soils in Area 4 at the Bush Estate in central Scotland ranged from sandy clay loam to clay. Soil type (Soil series): Macmerry Yes All sites were chosen to have a soil mineral N status of <80 kg N ha-1 to 90 cm depth in spring (Table 18); no manure had been applied to any site in the previous two years. October 2009 September 2010 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 The five fertiliser treatments were replicated (x3) and arranged in a randomised block design of 15 plots (each 6 x 24 m). The fertiliser was applied by hand at 5 different N application rates spanning the likely economic optimum (Nopt); 0 kg N ha-1 (i.e. untreated control), 40%, 80%, 120% and 160% of the recommended N rate based on guidelines in ‘Nitrogen recommendations for cereals, OSR and potatoes’ (TN625) (Sinclair et al., 2009) for Scotland. For spring barley, in order to ensure the crop N optima were reached, N application rates were 0 kg N ha-1, 60%, 120%, 180% and 240% of the recommended N rate. Following recommended practice (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010; Sinclair et al., 2009) and depending on the crop type, up to three separate fertiliser applications were made in order to reach the targeted application rates. So that the experiments were as commercially relevant to the UK agricultural industry as possible, the amount of N fertiliser applied at each application timing also followed recommended practice for that rate and that crop (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) such that across the four fertilised treatments, at each split, the N applied was seldom linearly proportional to the final application rates. To prevent any nutrient deficiencies, overall basal phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulphur were applied according to site requirements following soil analysis, and applications of agro-chemicals were made as required to control weeds, pests, diseases and lodging. Following crop harvest, cereal straw was chopped and returned to the soil, or baled and removed, reflecting the commercial practice in each area. Cropping practices after harvest were typical of the crop rotation in each area. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR Opaque In order to maintain an undisturbed area for crop sampling, direct N2O emissions were measured from one half (3x24 m) of each plot, reserving the other half for crop measures. Five static flux chambers (40 cm wide x 40 cm long x 25 cm high) covering a total surface area of 0.8 m2 were regularly positioned in the N2O measurement area. The chambers were of white (i.e. reflective) PVC and un-vented with a water-filled channel running around the upper rim of the chamber allowing an air-tight seal to form following chamber enclosure with a lid (Cardenas et. al., 2010; Dobbie and Smith, 2003; Jones et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2012). Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and remained in place throughout the experiment, except during N fertiliser applications, drilling and harvesting when chambers were removed, locations were marked, and chambers were re-instated to the same position as prior to removal. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. Following receipt in the laboratory, three replicates of one standard N2O gas were kept with the samples and were used to verify sample integrity during storage. The gas chromatographs were calibrated on a daily basis using certified N2O standard gas mixtures. The gas chromatographs used in this project were also involved in inter-laboratory ring tests to ensure the comparability of data reported by different labs. In order to permit sampling from a growing crop, at the time of sampling an additional chamber was stacked (using the water-filled channel) onto each permanent chamber and the chamber enclosure period extended. End date based on emission calculations being taken 12 months (i.e. one year) since fertilization. AIB 418,5
278 r Sylvester-Bradley (2015) Sylvester-Bradley, R., Thorman, R. E., Kindred, D. R., Wynn, S. C., Smith, K. E., Rees, R. M., ... & Gilhespy, S. (2015). Minimising Nitrous Oxide Intensities of Arable Crop Products. AHDB Cereals & Oils Project Report, (548). Sylvester-Bradley R, Thorman R E, Kindred D R, Wynn S C, Smith K E, Rees R M, Topp C F E, Pappa V A, Mortimer N D, Misselbrook T H,Gilhespy S. Minimising nitrous oxide intensities of arable crop products (MIN-NO). Section 7 N Fixation and Crop Residue Experiments – WP2B 2015 N/A Report N/A United Kingdom 55.86 -3.21 N 30 487100 6190613 Cfb Bush Estate, Central Scotland Sandy clay loam NR NR The glacial till soils in Area 4 at the Bush Estate in central Scotland ranged from sandy clay loam to clay. Soil type (Soil series): Macmerry Yes All sites were chosen to have a soil mineral N status of <80 kg N ha-1 to 90 cm depth in spring (Table 18); no manure had been applied to any site in the previous two years. March 2010 February 2011 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 The five fertiliser treatments were replicated (x3) and arranged in a randomised block design of 15 plots (each 6 x 24 m). The fertiliser was applied by hand at 5 different N application rates spanning the likely economic optimum (Nopt); 0 kg N ha-1 (i.e. untreated control), 40%, 80%, 120% and 160% of the recommended N rate based on guidelines in ‘Nitrogen recommendations for cereals, OSR and potatoes’ (TN625) (Sinclair et al., 2009) for Scotland. For spring barley, in order to ensure the crop N optima were reached, N application rates were 0 kg N ha-1, 60%, 120%, 180% and 240% of the recommended N rate. Following recommended practice (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010; Sinclair et al., 2009) and depending on the crop type, up to three separate fertiliser applications were made in order to reach the targeted application rates. So that the experiments were as commercially relevant to the UK agricultural industry as possible, the amount of N fertiliser applied at each application timing also followed recommended practice for that rate and that crop (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) such that across the four fertilised treatments, at each split, the N applied was seldom linearly proportional to the final application rates. To prevent any nutrient deficiencies, overall basal phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulphur were applied according to site requirements following soil analysis, and applications of agro-chemicals were made as required to control weeds, pests, diseases and lodging. Following crop harvest, cereal straw was chopped and returned to the soil, or baled and removed, reflecting the commercial practice in each area. Cropping practices after harvest were typical of the crop rotation in each area. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR Opaque In order to maintain an undisturbed area for crop sampling, direct N2O emissions were measured from one half (3x24 m) of each plot, reserving the other half for crop measures. Five static flux chambers (40 cm wide x 40 cm long x 25 cm high) covering a total surface area of 0.8 m2 were regularly positioned in the N2O measurement area. The chambers were of white (i.e. reflective) PVC and un-vented with a water-filled channel running around the upper rim of the chamber allowing an air-tight seal to form following chamber enclosure with a lid (Cardenas et. al., 2010; Dobbie and Smith, 2003; Jones et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2012). Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and remained in place throughout the experiment, except during N fertiliser applications, drilling and harvesting when chambers were removed, locations were marked, and chambers were re-instated to the same position as prior to removal. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. Following receipt in the laboratory, three replicates of one standard N2O gas were kept with the samples and were used to verify sample integrity during storage. The gas chromatographs were calibrated on a daily basis using certified N2O standard gas mixtures. The gas chromatographs used in this project were also involved in inter-laboratory ring tests to ensure the comparability of data reported by different labs. In order to permit sampling from a growing crop, at the time of sampling an additional chamber was stacked (using the water-filled channel) onto each permanent chamber and the chamber enclosure period extended. End date based on emission calculations being taken 12 months (i.e. one year) since fertilization. AIB 419,5
278 s Sylvester-Bradley (2015) Sylvester-Bradley, R., Thorman, R. E., Kindred, D. R., Wynn, S. C., Smith, K. E., Rees, R. M., ... & Gilhespy, S. (2015). Minimising Nitrous Oxide Intensities of Arable Crop Products. AHDB Cereals & Oils Project Report, (548). Sylvester-Bradley R, Thorman R E, Kindred D R, Wynn S C, Smith K E, Rees R M, Topp C F E, Pappa V A, Mortimer N D, Misselbrook T H,Gilhespy S. Minimising nitrous oxide intensities of arable crop products (MIN-NO). Section 7 N Fixation and Crop Residue Experiments – WP2B 2015 N/A Report N/A United Kingdom 55.86 -3.21 N 30 487100 6190613 Cfb Bush Estate, Central Scotland Clay loam NR NR The glacial till soils in Area 4 at the Bush Estate in central Scotland ranged from sandy clay loam to clay. Soil type (Soil series): Macmerry Yes All sites were chosen to have a soil mineral N status of <80 kg N ha-1 to 90 cm depth in spring (Table 18); no manure had been applied to any site in the previous two years. August 2010 July 2011 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 The five fertiliser treatments were replicated (x3) and arranged in a randomised block design of 15 plots (each 6 x 24 m). The fertiliser was applied by hand at 5 different N application rates spanning the likely economic optimum (Nopt); 0 kg N ha-1 (i.e. untreated control), 40%, 80%, 120% and 160% of the recommended N rate based on guidelines in ‘Nitrogen recommendations for cereals, OSR and potatoes’ (TN625) (Sinclair et al., 2009) for Scotland. For spring barley, in order to ensure the crop N optima were reached, N application rates were 0 kg N ha-1, 60%, 120%, 180% and 240% of the recommended N rate. Following recommended practice (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010; Sinclair et al., 2009) and depending on the crop type, up to three separate fertiliser applications were made in order to reach the targeted application rates. So that the experiments were as commercially relevant to the UK agricultural industry as possible, the amount of N fertiliser applied at each application timing also followed recommended practice for that rate and that crop (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) such that across the four fertilised treatments, at each split, the N applied was seldom linearly proportional to the final application rates. To prevent any nutrient deficiencies, overall basal phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulphur were applied according to site requirements following soil analysis, and applications of agro-chemicals were made as required to control weeds, pests, diseases and lodging. Following crop harvest, cereal straw was chopped and returned to the soil, or baled and removed, reflecting the commercial practice in each area. Cropping practices after harvest were typical of the crop rotation in each area. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR Opaque In order to maintain an undisturbed area for crop sampling, direct N2O emissions were measured from one half (3x24 m) of each plot, reserving the other half for crop measures. Five static flux chambers (40 cm wide x 40 cm long x 25 cm high) covering a total surface area of 0.8 m2 were regularly positioned in the N2O measurement area. The chambers were of white (i.e. reflective) PVC and un-vented with a water-filled channel running around the upper rim of the chamber allowing an air-tight seal to form following chamber enclosure with a lid (Cardenas et. al., 2010; Dobbie and Smith, 2003; Jones et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2012). Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and remained in place throughout the experiment, except during N fertiliser applications, drilling and harvesting when chambers were removed, locations were marked, and chambers were re-instated to the same position as prior to removal. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. Following receipt in the laboratory, three replicates of one standard N2O gas were kept with the samples and were used to verify sample integrity during storage. The gas chromatographs were calibrated on a daily basis using certified N2O standard gas mixtures. The gas chromatographs used in this project were also involved in inter-laboratory ring tests to ensure the comparability of data reported by different labs. In order to permit sampling from a growing crop, at the time of sampling an additional chamber was stacked (using the water-filled channel) onto each permanent chamber and the chamber enclosure period extended. End date based on emission calculations being taken 12 months (i.e. one year) since fertilization. AIB 420,5
278 t Sylvester-Bradley (2015) Sylvester-Bradley, R., Thorman, R. E., Kindred, D. R., Wynn, S. C., Smith, K. E., Rees, R. M., ... & Gilhespy, S. (2015). Minimising Nitrous Oxide Intensities of Arable Crop Products. AHDB Cereals & Oils Project Report, (548). Sylvester-Bradley R, Thorman R E, Kindred D R, Wynn S C, Smith K E, Rees R M, Topp C F E, Pappa V A, Mortimer N D, Misselbrook T H,Gilhespy S. Minimising nitrous oxide intensities of arable crop products (MIN-NO). Section 7 N Fixation and Crop Residue Experiments – WP2B 2015 N/A Report N/A United Kingdom 55.86 -3.21 N 30 487100 6190613 Cfb Bush Estate, Central Scotland Clay loam NR NR The glacial till soils in Area 4 at the Bush Estate in central Scotland ranged from sandy clay loam to clay. Soil type (Soil series): Macmerry Yes All sites were chosen to have a soil mineral N status of <80 kg N ha-1 to 90 cm depth in spring (Table 18); no manure had been applied to any site in the previous two years. September 2010 August 2011 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 The five fertiliser treatments were replicated (x3) and arranged in a randomised block design of 15 plots (each 6 x 24 m). The fertiliser was applied by hand at 5 different N application rates spanning the likely economic optimum (Nopt); 0 kg N ha-1 (i.e. untreated control), 40%, 80%, 120% and 160% of the recommended N rate based on guidelines in ‘Nitrogen recommendations for cereals, OSR and potatoes’ (TN625) (Sinclair et al., 2009) for Scotland. For spring barley, in order to ensure the crop N optima were reached, N application rates were 0 kg N ha-1, 60%, 120%, 180% and 240% of the recommended N rate. Following recommended practice (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010; Sinclair et al., 2009) and depending on the crop type, up to three separate fertiliser applications were made in order to reach the targeted application rates. So that the experiments were as commercially relevant to the UK agricultural industry as possible, the amount of N fertiliser applied at each application timing also followed recommended practice for that rate and that crop (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) such that across the four fertilised treatments, at each split, the N applied was seldom linearly proportional to the final application rates. To prevent any nutrient deficiencies, overall basal phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulphur were applied according to site requirements following soil analysis, and applications of agro-chemicals were made as required to control weeds, pests, diseases and lodging. Following crop harvest, cereal straw was chopped and returned to the soil, or baled and removed, reflecting the commercial practice in each area. Cropping practices after harvest were typical of the crop rotation in each area. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR Opaque In order to maintain an undisturbed area for crop sampling, direct N2O emissions were measured from one half (3x24 m) of each plot, reserving the other half for crop measures. Five static flux chambers (40 cm wide x 40 cm long x 25 cm high) covering a total surface area of 0.8 m2 were regularly positioned in the N2O measurement area. The chambers were of white (i.e. reflective) PVC and un-vented with a water-filled channel running around the upper rim of the chamber allowing an air-tight seal to form following chamber enclosure with a lid (Cardenas et. al., 2010; Dobbie and Smith, 2003; Jones et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2012). Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and remained in place throughout the experiment, except during N fertiliser applications, drilling and harvesting when chambers were removed, locations were marked, and chambers were re-instated to the same position as prior to removal. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. Following receipt in the laboratory, three replicates of one standard N2O gas were kept with the samples and were used to verify sample integrity during storage. The gas chromatographs were calibrated on a daily basis using certified N2O standard gas mixtures. The gas chromatographs used in this project were also involved in inter-laboratory ring tests to ensure the comparability of data reported by different labs. In order to permit sampling from a growing crop, at the time of sampling an additional chamber was stacked (using the water-filled channel) onto each permanent chamber and the chamber enclosure period extended. End date based on emission calculations being taken 12 months (i.e. one year) since fertilization. AIB 421,5
278 u Sylvester-Bradley (2015) Sylvester-Bradley, R., Thorman, R. E., Kindred, D. R., Wynn, S. C., Smith, K. E., Rees, R. M., ... & Gilhespy, S. (2015). Minimising Nitrous Oxide Intensities of Arable Crop Products. AHDB Cereals & Oils Project Report, (548). Sylvester-Bradley R, Thorman R E, Kindred D R, Wynn S C, Smith K E, Rees R M, Topp C F E, Pappa V A, Mortimer N D, Misselbrook T H,Gilhespy S. Minimising nitrous oxide intensities of arable crop products (MIN-NO). Section 7 N Fixation and Crop Residue Experiments – WP2B 2015 N/A Report N/A United Kingdom 55.86 -3.21 N 30 487100 6190613 Cfb Bush Estate, Central Scotland Clay loam NR NR The glacial till soils in Area 4 at the Bush Estate in central Scotland ranged from sandy clay loam to clay. Soil type (Soil series): Macmerry Yes All sites were chosen to have a soil mineral N status of <80 kg N ha-1 to 90 cm depth in spring (Table 18); no manure had been applied to any site in the previous two years. March 2011 February 2012 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 The five fertiliser treatments were replicated (x3) and arranged in a randomised block design of 15 plots (each 6 x 24 m). The fertiliser was applied by hand at 5 different N application rates spanning the likely economic optimum (Nopt); 0 kg N ha-1 (i.e. untreated control), 40%, 80%, 120% and 160% of the recommended N rate based on guidelines in ‘Nitrogen recommendations for cereals, OSR and potatoes’ (TN625) (Sinclair et al., 2009) for Scotland. For spring barley, in order to ensure the crop N optima were reached, N application rates were 0 kg N ha-1, 60%, 120%, 180% and 240% of the recommended N rate. Following recommended practice (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010; Sinclair et al., 2009) and depending on the crop type, up to three separate fertiliser applications were made in order to reach the targeted application rates. So that the experiments were as commercially relevant to the UK agricultural industry as possible, the amount of N fertiliser applied at each application timing also followed recommended practice for that rate and that crop (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) such that across the four fertilised treatments, at each split, the N applied was seldom linearly proportional to the final application rates. To prevent any nutrient deficiencies, overall basal phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulphur were applied according to site requirements following soil analysis, and applications of agro-chemicals were made as required to control weeds, pests, diseases and lodging. Following crop harvest, cereal straw was chopped and returned to the soil, or baled and removed, reflecting the commercial practice in each area. Cropping practices after harvest were typical of the crop rotation in each area. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR Opaque In order to maintain an undisturbed area for crop sampling, direct N2O emissions were measured from one half (3x24 m) of each plot, reserving the other half for crop measures. Five static flux chambers (40 cm wide x 40 cm long x 25 cm high) covering a total surface area of 0.8 m2 were regularly positioned in the N2O measurement area. The chambers were of white (i.e. reflective) PVC and un-vented with a water-filled channel running around the upper rim of the chamber allowing an air-tight seal to form following chamber enclosure with a lid (Cardenas et. al., 2010; Dobbie and Smith, 2003; Jones et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2012). Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and remained in place throughout the experiment, except during N fertiliser applications, drilling and harvesting when chambers were removed, locations were marked, and chambers were re-instated to the same position as prior to removal. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. Following receipt in the laboratory, three replicates of one standard N2O gas were kept with the samples and were used to verify sample integrity during storage. The gas chromatographs were calibrated on a daily basis using certified N2O standard gas mixtures. The gas chromatographs used in this project were also involved in inter-laboratory ring tests to ensure the comparability of data reported by different labs. In order to permit sampling from a growing crop, at the time of sampling an additional chamber was stacked (using the water-filled channel) onto each permanent chamber and the chamber enclosure period extended. End date based on emission calculations being taken 12 months (i.e. one year) since fertilization. AIB 422,5
278 v Sylvester-Bradley (2015) Sylvester-Bradley, R., Thorman, R. E., Kindred, D. R., Wynn, S. C., Smith, K. E., Rees, R. M., ... & Gilhespy, S. (2015). Minimising Nitrous Oxide Intensities of Arable Crop Products. AHDB Cereals & Oils Project Report, (548). Sylvester-Bradley R, Thorman R E, Kindred D R, Wynn S C, Smith K E, Rees R M, Topp C F E, Pappa V A, Mortimer N D, Misselbrook T H,Gilhespy S. Minimising nitrous oxide intensities of arable crop products (MIN-NO). Section 7 N Fixation and Crop Residue Experiments – WP2B 2015 N/A Report N/A United Kingdom 55.86 -3.21 N 30 487100 6190613 Cfb Bush Estate, Central Scotland Clay NR NR The glacial till soils in Area 4 at the Bush Estate in central Scotland ranged from sandy clay loam to clay. Soil type (Soil series): Macmerry Yes All sites were chosen to have a soil mineral N status of <80 kg N ha-1 to 90 cm depth in spring (Table 18); no manure had been applied to any site in the previous two years. August 2011 July 2012 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 The five fertiliser treatments were replicated (x3) and arranged in a randomised block design of 15 plots (each 6 x 24 m). The fertiliser was applied by hand at 5 different N application rates spanning the likely economic optimum (Nopt); 0 kg N ha-1 (i.e. untreated control), 40%, 80%, 120% and 160% of the recommended N rate based on guidelines in ‘Nitrogen recommendations for cereals, OSR and potatoes’ (TN625) (Sinclair et al., 2009) for Scotland. For spring barley, in order to ensure the crop N optima were reached, N application rates were 0 kg N ha-1, 60%, 120%, 180% and 240% of the recommended N rate. Following recommended practice (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010; Sinclair et al., 2009) and depending on the crop type, up to three separate fertiliser applications were made in order to reach the targeted application rates. So that the experiments were as commercially relevant to the UK agricultural industry as possible, the amount of N fertiliser applied at each application timing also followed recommended practice for that rate and that crop (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) such that across the four fertilised treatments, at each split, the N applied was seldom linearly proportional to the final application rates. To prevent any nutrient deficiencies, overall basal phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulphur were applied according to site requirements following soil analysis, and applications of agro-chemicals were made as required to control weeds, pests, diseases and lodging. Following crop harvest, cereal straw was chopped and returned to the soil, or baled and removed, reflecting the commercial practice in each area. Cropping practices after harvest were typical of the crop rotation in each area. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR Opaque In order to maintain an undisturbed area for crop sampling, direct N2O emissions were measured from one half (3x24 m) of each plot, reserving the other half for crop measures. Five static flux chambers (40 cm wide x 40 cm long x 25 cm high) covering a total surface area of 0.8 m2 were regularly positioned in the N2O measurement area. The chambers were of white (i.e. reflective) PVC and un-vented with a water-filled channel running around the upper rim of the chamber allowing an air-tight seal to form following chamber enclosure with a lid (Cardenas et. al., 2010; Dobbie and Smith, 2003; Jones et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2012). Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and remained in place throughout the experiment, except during N fertiliser applications, drilling and harvesting when chambers were removed, locations were marked, and chambers were re-instated to the same position as prior to removal. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. Following receipt in the laboratory, three replicates of one standard N2O gas were kept with the samples and were used to verify sample integrity during storage. The gas chromatographs were calibrated on a daily basis using certified N2O standard gas mixtures. The gas chromatographs used in this project were also involved in inter-laboratory ring tests to ensure the comparability of data reported by different labs. In order to permit sampling from a growing crop, at the time of sampling an additional chamber was stacked (using the water-filled channel) onto each permanent chamber and the chamber enclosure period extended. End date based on emission calculations being taken 12 months (i.e. one year) since fertilization. AIB 423,5
278 w Sylvester-Bradley (2015) Sylvester-Bradley, R., Thorman, R. E., Kindred, D. R., Wynn, S. C., Smith, K. E., Rees, R. M., ... & Gilhespy, S. (2015). Minimising Nitrous Oxide Intensities of Arable Crop Products. AHDB Cereals & Oils Project Report, (548). Sylvester-Bradley R, Thorman R E, Kindred D R, Wynn S C, Smith K E, Rees R M, Topp C F E, Pappa V A, Mortimer N D, Misselbrook T H,Gilhespy S. Minimising nitrous oxide intensities of arable crop products (MIN-NO). Section 7 N Fixation and Crop Residue Experiments – WP2B 2015 N/A Report N/A United Kingdom 55.86 -3.21 N 30 487100 6190613 Cfb Bush Estate, Central Scotland Clay NR NR The glacial till soils in Area 4 at the Bush Estate in central Scotland ranged from sandy clay loam to clay. Soil type (Soil series): Macmerry Yes All sites were chosen to have a soil mineral N status of <80 kg N ha-1 to 90 cm depth in spring (Table 18); no manure had been applied to any site in the previous two years. October 2011 September 2012 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 The five fertiliser treatments were replicated (x3) and arranged in a randomised block design of 15 plots (each 6 x 24 m). The fertiliser was applied by hand at 5 different N application rates spanning the likely economic optimum (Nopt); 0 kg N ha-1 (i.e. untreated control), 40%, 80%, 120% and 160% of the recommended N rate based on guidelines in ‘Nitrogen recommendations for cereals, OSR and potatoes’ (TN625) (Sinclair et al., 2009) for Scotland. For spring barley, in order to ensure the crop N optima were reached, N application rates were 0 kg N ha-1, 60%, 120%, 180% and 240% of the recommended N rate. Following recommended practice (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010; Sinclair et al., 2009) and depending on the crop type, up to three separate fertiliser applications were made in order to reach the targeted application rates. So that the experiments were as commercially relevant to the UK agricultural industry as possible, the amount of N fertiliser applied at each application timing also followed recommended practice for that rate and that crop (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) such that across the four fertilised treatments, at each split, the N applied was seldom linearly proportional to the final application rates. To prevent any nutrient deficiencies, overall basal phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulphur were applied according to site requirements following soil analysis, and applications of agro-chemicals were made as required to control weeds, pests, diseases and lodging. Following crop harvest, cereal straw was chopped and returned to the soil, or baled and removed, reflecting the commercial practice in each area. Cropping practices after harvest were typical of the crop rotation in each area. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR Opaque In order to maintain an undisturbed area for crop sampling, direct N2O emissions were measured from one half (3x24 m) of each plot, reserving the other half for crop measures. Five static flux chambers (40 cm wide x 40 cm long x 25 cm high) covering a total surface area of 0.8 m2 were regularly positioned in the N2O measurement area. The chambers were of white (i.e. reflective) PVC and un-vented with a water-filled channel running around the upper rim of the chamber allowing an air-tight seal to form following chamber enclosure with a lid (Cardenas et. al., 2010; Dobbie and Smith, 2003; Jones et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2012). Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and remained in place throughout the experiment, except during N fertiliser applications, drilling and harvesting when chambers were removed, locations were marked, and chambers were re-instated to the same position as prior to removal. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. Following receipt in the laboratory, three replicates of one standard N2O gas were kept with the samples and were used to verify sample integrity during storage. The gas chromatographs were calibrated on a daily basis using certified N2O standard gas mixtures. The gas chromatographs used in this project were also involved in inter-laboratory ring tests to ensure the comparability of data reported by different labs. In order to permit sampling from a growing crop, at the time of sampling an additional chamber was stacked (using the water-filled channel) onto each permanent chamber and the chamber enclosure period extended. End date based on emission calculations being taken 12 months (i.e. one year) since fertilization. AIB 424,5
278 x Sylvester-Bradley (2015) Sylvester-Bradley, R., Thorman, R. E., Kindred, D. R., Wynn, S. C., Smith, K. E., Rees, R. M., ... & Gilhespy, S. (2015). Minimising Nitrous Oxide Intensities of Arable Crop Products. AHDB Cereals & Oils Project Report, (548). Sylvester-Bradley R, Thorman R E, Kindred D R, Wynn S C, Smith K E, Rees R M, Topp C F E, Pappa V A, Mortimer N D, Misselbrook T H,Gilhespy S. Minimising nitrous oxide intensities of arable crop products (MIN-NO). Section 7 N Fixation and Crop Residue Experiments – WP2B 2015 N/A Report N/A United Kingdom 55.86 -3.21 N 30 487100 6190613 Cfb Bush Estate, Central Scotland Clay NR NR The glacial till soils in Area 4 at the Bush Estate in central Scotland ranged from sandy clay loam to clay. Soil type (Soil series): Macmerry Yes All sites were chosen to have a soil mineral N status of <80 kg N ha-1 to 90 cm depth in spring (Table 18); no manure had been applied to any site in the previous two years. March 2012 February 2013 12 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 The five fertiliser treatments were replicated (x3) and arranged in a randomised block design of 15 plots (each 6 x 24 m). The fertiliser was applied by hand at 5 different N application rates spanning the likely economic optimum (Nopt); 0 kg N ha-1 (i.e. untreated control), 40%, 80%, 120% and 160% of the recommended N rate based on guidelines in ‘Nitrogen recommendations for cereals, OSR and potatoes’ (TN625) (Sinclair et al., 2009) for Scotland. For spring barley, in order to ensure the crop N optima were reached, N application rates were 0 kg N ha-1, 60%, 120%, 180% and 240% of the recommended N rate. Following recommended practice (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010; Sinclair et al., 2009) and depending on the crop type, up to three separate fertiliser applications were made in order to reach the targeted application rates. So that the experiments were as commercially relevant to the UK agricultural industry as possible, the amount of N fertiliser applied at each application timing also followed recommended practice for that rate and that crop (Anon., 2000; Anon., 2010) such that across the four fertilised treatments, at each split, the N applied was seldom linearly proportional to the final application rates. To prevent any nutrient deficiencies, overall basal phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulphur were applied according to site requirements following soil analysis, and applications of agro-chemicals were made as required to control weeds, pests, diseases and lodging. Following crop harvest, cereal straw was chopped and returned to the soil, or baled and removed, reflecting the commercial practice in each area. Cropping practices after harvest were typical of the crop rotation in each area. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR Opaque In order to maintain an undisturbed area for crop sampling, direct N2O emissions were measured from one half (3x24 m) of each plot, reserving the other half for crop measures. Five static flux chambers (40 cm wide x 40 cm long x 25 cm high) covering a total surface area of 0.8 m2 were regularly positioned in the N2O measurement area. The chambers were of white (i.e. reflective) PVC and un-vented with a water-filled channel running around the upper rim of the chamber allowing an air-tight seal to form following chamber enclosure with a lid (Cardenas et. al., 2010; Dobbie and Smith, 2003; Jones et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2012). Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and remained in place throughout the experiment, except during N fertiliser applications, drilling and harvesting when chambers were removed, locations were marked, and chambers were re-instated to the same position as prior to removal. Gas samples were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) using gas chromatographs fitted with an electron-capture detector and an automated sample injection system. Following receipt in the laboratory, three replicates of one standard N2O gas were kept with the samples and were used to verify sample integrity during storage. The gas chromatographs were calibrated on a daily basis using certified N2O standard gas mixtures. The gas chromatographs used in this project were also involved in inter-laboratory ring tests to ensure the comparability of data reported by different labs. In order to permit sampling from a growing crop, at the time of sampling an additional chamber was stacked (using the water-filled channel) onto each permanent chamber and the chamber enclosure period extended. End date based on emission calculations being taken 12 months (i.e. one year) since fertilization. AIB 425,5
279 Tang (2017) Tang Y, Yu L, Guan A, Zhou X, Wang Z, Gou Y, Wang J. Soil mineral nitrogen and yield-scaled soil N2O emissions lowered by reducing nitrogen application and intercropping with soybean for sweet maize production in southern China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2017: 16(11); 2586-2596. Tang Y, Yu L, Guan A, Zhou X, Wang Z, Gou Y, Wang J Soil mineral nitrogen and yield-scaled soil N2O emissions lowered by reducing nitrogen application and intercropping with soybean for sweet maize production in southern China 2017 Journal of Integrative Agriculture Article N/A China 23.13 113.25 N 49 730398 2560058 Cfa N/A NR NR NR The soil is classified as a latosolic red soil. At the start of the experiment, the soil in the upper 20 cm had an average of 17.48 g kg–1 organic matter, 0.77 g kg–1 total N, 71.45 mg kg−1 available N, 85.05 mg kg−1 Olsen P, 200.07 mg kg−1 exchangeable K, and a pH of 6.63. Yes The conventional N fertilizer application (360 kg N ha–1) by local farmers was applied for the previous three years to a sole sweet maize field crop. August 2013 June 2016 11 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, other 7 The experimental design was a two-factor randomized complete block. Factor A was cropping system and factor B was N fertilization rate. The cropping systems were sweet maize (SS) and soybean (SB) in monoculture, and sweet maize-soybean intercropping with crop line ratios of 2:3 (S2B3) and 2:4 (S2B4). S2B3 indicated two rows of sweet maize intercropping with three rows of soybean, and S2B4 indicated two rows of sweet maize with four rows of soybean. The N fertilizer was applied to sweet maize at a conventional rate (360 kg N ha–1, N2), and a reduced rate (300 kg N ha–1, N1). Sole soybean was grown without N fertilization. There were seven treatments (SS-N1, SS-N2, S2B3-N1, S2B3-N2, S2B4-N1, S2B4-N2, and SB) and each treatment repeated three times (n=3) and therefore generating 21 plots in total (17.76 m2 for each plot). CI Split/strip plot 3 No Static chamber Closed Opaque Soil N2O emissions were measured by using a static chamber-gas chromatography technique over the entire crop growing season as described by Dyer et al. (2012). Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) chambers (25 cm in height and 15 cm in inner diameter) were permanently inserted into the soil to a depth of 10 cm throughout the experiment. During gas collection, the chambers were sealed with PVC caps (15 cm in inner diameter). Each PVC cap had a rubber septa (2 cm in diameter) used as a sampling port for the extraction of the gases, and was vented using a 10-cm-length of tubing (6 mm in diameter). Two chambers per replicate for each plot were placed between crop rows, and between sweet maize and soybean rows in the intercrop plots. Soil N2O was collected using 60 mL plastic syringes at regular intervals of 15 min (three gas samples per flux measurement: 0, 15, 30 min after closure) between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. local time every two weeks. Concentrations of N2O were analyzed by gas chromatography on an Agilent 7890B (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, California), using high purity standards (0.5 mg L–1) for the calibration and calculation. Unclear for types of treatment. The study uses N fertilizer and urea as the N fertilizer in one crop tye (chemical and organic fertilizer used?). AIB 426,5
280 a Thorman (2007) Thorman RE, Chadwick DR, Harrison R, Boyles LO, Matthews R. The effect of N2O emissions of storage conditions and rapid incorporation of pig and cattle farmyard manure into tillage land. Biosystems Engineering. 2007: 97; 501-511. Thorman RE, Chadwick DR, Harrison R, Boyles LO, Matthews R The effect of N2O emissions of storage conditions and rapid incorporation of pig and cattle farmyard manure into tillage land 2007 Biosystems Engineering Article N/A United Kingdom 53.22 -1.11 N 30 626007 5898901 Cfb Site 1 Loamy sand NR NR loamy sand of the Cuckney series (Ragg et al., 1984) Yes The two field sites were selected on the basis of past cropping and manure application history to achieve a target soil nitrogen supply of o100 kg ha1, i.e. typical of a low-to-moderately fertile arable cropping site (Anon, 2000). March 2003 June 2003 4 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Tillage 4 Pig FYM was spread at site 1 to cereal stubble and applied at a rate of 35 t ha-1 with the aim of not exceeding the 250 kg [N] ha-1 recommended UK limit (Anon, 1998). The actual application rates were 236, 219 and 371 kg [total- N] ha1 for conventionally stored pig FYM, stored pig FYM with extra straw and fresh pig FYM, respectively. Control treatments were included where no manure was added. Plot sizes were 12x4m. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR Closed chamber (15 cm diameter, 13.5 high) placed in random positions on each plot after the incorporation treatments had been completed. Chambers were pushed into the soil to a depth of 5 cmto ensure an airtight seal. At site 1, the chamber headspace was analysed in situ by photo-acoustic infra-red. The increase in headspace concentrations was measured by taking headspace samples at T0 and T40minutes and storing in evacuated 20ml vials prior to analysis. Analysis of N2O was completed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) by gas chromatography. This study included two parts: soil manure (FYM) production and FYM application to tillage land. N2O emissions were measured in both parts but data excluded only from FYM applied to tillage land. AIB 427,5
280 b Thorman (2007) Thorman RE, Chadwick DR, Harrison R, Boyles LO, Matthews R. The effect of N2O emissions of storage conditions and rapid incorporation of pig and cattle farmyard manure into tillage land. Biosystems Engineering. 2007: 97; 501-511. Thorman RE, Chadwick DR, Harrison R, Boyles LO, Matthews R The effect of N2O emissions of storage conditions and rapid incorporation of pig and cattle farmyard manure into tillage land 2007 Biosystems Engineering Article N/A United Kingdom 50.77 -3.9 N 30 436437 5624574 Cfb Site 2 Sandy loam NR NR coarse sandy loam of the Credition series (Findlay et al., 1984) Yes The two field sites were selected on the basis of past cropping and manure application history to achieve a target soil nitrogen supply of o100 kg ha1, i.e. typical of a low-to-moderately fertile arable cropping site (Anon, 2000). July 2003 August 2003 2 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Tillage 3 Cattle FYM was spread at site 2 to bare ground and applied at a rate of 35 t ha-1 with the aim of not exceeding the 250 kg [N] ha-1 recommended UK limit (Anon, 1998). Conventionally stored cattle FYM and cattle FYM stored with extra straw were applied at 185 and 200 kg [total-N] ha1, respectively. Control treatments were included where no manure was added. Plot sizes were 6x3m CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed NR Closed chamber (2 cm diameter, 30 cm high) placed in random positions on each plot after the incorporation treatments had been completed. Chambers were pushed into the soil to a depth of 5 cmto ensure an airtight seal. At site 2, measurements of N2O were taken using a method modified from Chadwick et al. (2000). The increase in headspace concentrations was measured by taking headspace samples at T0 and T40minutes and storing in evacuated 20ml vials prior to analysis. Analysis of N2O was completed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) by gas chromatography. This study included two parts: soil manure (FYM) production and FYM application to tillage land. N2O emissions were measured in both parts but data excluded only from FYM applied to tillage land. AIB 428,5
281 Tian (2015) Tian, Z., Wang, J. J., Liu, S., Zhang, Z., Dodla, S. K., & Myers, G. (2015). Application effects of coated urea and urease and nitrification inhibitors on ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from a subtropical cotton field of the Mississippi delta region. Science of the Total Environment, 533, 329-338. Tian Z, Wang J J, Liu S, Zhang Z, Dodla S K, & Myers G. Application effects of coated urea and urease and nitrification inhibitors on ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from a subtropical cotton field of the Mississippi delta region. 2015 Science of the Total Environment Article N/A USA 30.35 -91.17 N 15 676212 3358994 Cfa N/A Loam NR NR The soil at the site was a Cancienne loam (fine-silty, mixed, superactive, nonacid, hyperthermic Fluvaquentic Epiaquepts). The soil contains 20.5% clay, 44.8% silt and 34.7% sand. It has a pH of 6.2, total N of 0.59%, and total C of 6.62%. No NR June 2013 September 2014 16 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 5 Field experiment was carried outwith a randomized complete block design and included five fertilization treatments: check (unfertilized), urea, polymer-coated urea (environmentally smart nitrogen [ESN] with methylene di-urea as conditioner, 44% N, Agrium Advanced Technologies), urea plus NBPT (AGROTAIN, Koch Fertilizer, LLC), and urea plus DCD (Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC). Each treatment was replicated four times. Each plot contains four 15.24-meter long rows with an overall plot width of 0.96 m. Treatment fertilizerswere side-dressed on the 20 days after planting at a rate 112 kg·N·ha−1. The inhibitors,NBPT and DCD,were mixedwith urea at a rate of 10% of the fertilizer (w/w), respectively, one day before fertilization to the soil. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR Opaque Fluxes of GHG and NH3weremeasured fromeach plot using passive and active closed chamber systems, respectively. Each chamber system consists of a stainless steel bottom frame (30 cm × 30 cm) and a top frame chamber (30 cm × 30 cm × 40 cm), respectively. The bottom frame was placed into the ground at a depth of 10 cm. The top chamber frame was placed on the bottom and clamped on to the bottom chamber for gaseous sample collection. Gas samples were taken using a 15- ml syringe at 0, 30 and 60 min interval and the collected gas samples were stored in vacuum vials. The gas samples in vials were measured for CO2, CH4 and N2O using a Varian CP-3800 gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with flame ionization detector (FID) and electron capture detector (ECD), respectively (VARIAN, Inc.). AIB 429,5
282 Tokuda (2004) Tokuda S, Hayatsu M. Nitrous oxide flux from a tea field amended with a large amount of nitrogen fertilizer and soil environmental factors controlling the flux. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2004: 50(3); 365-374. Tokuda S, Hayatsu M Nitrous oxide flux from a tea field amended with a large amount of nitrogen fertilizer and soil environmental factors controlling the flux 2004 Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Article N/A Japan 34.8 138.14 N 54 237981 3855066 Cfa N/A Clay loam NR NR The surface layer (0 to 100 cm in depth) of the field consisting clay loam soil (Alic Hapludand) was black and contained a large amount of organic matter. Yes The experimental tea field was established in 1962 to analyze the effects of long-term application of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium fertilizers on the yield and quality of tea leaves. Tea plants (Camellia sinensis var. sinensis (L.) 0. Kuntze) have been continuously cultivated in the field since 1962. March 1995 July 1997 29 Multiple-intervention Amendments, Chemical fertiliser 4 Treatments were Standard, 2N, 2Ca, and -Ca. N20 fluxes from four plots (Std, 2N, 2Ca and -Ca plots) in a tea field that had been subjected to different conditions of fertilizer management were measured using the closed chamber method over a period of two years, and the relationships between the N20 flux and soil environmental factors were analyzed. The amounts of nitrogen fertilizer and liming material (dolomite) applied to the Std plot were 600 kg N ha -I y-I and 1,500 kg ha -I y-I, respectively. The amount of nitrogen fertilizer applied to the 2N plot was two-times larger than that applied to the Std plot and corresponded to the conventionallevel in Japanese tea fields. The soil was acidified due to heavy nitrogen fertilization in the 2N plot. The 2Ca plot was amended with two-times the amount of liming material of the Std plot and in the -Ca plot no liming material was applied. CI Randomized Complete Block NR No Static chamber Closed Transparent An acryl chamber (140 mm in diameter and 300 mm in height) was inserted into the soil between rows of tea plants to a depth of 50 mm with minimal disturbance. A sample of air inside the chamber was taken 30 min after the installation of the chamber by using a 100-ml gastight syringe through a butyl-rubber septum fitted upside of the chamber, and the air sample was transferred to a gas sampling bag (Tedlar bag). gas chromatography using an electron capture detector (Tokuda and Hayatsu 2000). AIB 430,5
283 a Toma (2017) Toma Y, higuchi T, Nagata O, Kato Y, Izumiya T, Oomori S, Ueno H. Efflux of soil nitrous oxide from applied fertilizer containing organic materials in citrus unshiu field in southwestern Japan. Agriculture. 2017: 7(10); 2-11. Toma Y, higuchi T, Nagata O, Kato Y, Izumiya T, Oomori S, Ueno H Efflux of soil nitrous oxide from applied fertilizer containing organic materials in citrus unshiu field in southwestern Japan 2017 Agriculture Article N/A Japan 33.95 132.78 N 53 295156 3758826 Cfa Experiment 1 Sandy clay NR NR The soil type was classified as brown forest soil, and the top soil (0–7 cm) texture was sandy clay. The total C and N concentrations and C:N ratio in the surface layer were 22.2 g C kg􀀀1, 2.71 g N kg􀀀1, and 8.23, respectively. The soil bulk density and cation exchange capacity were 1.34 gcm􀀀3 and 11.8 cmolckg􀀀1, respectively. The fine soil (0–30 cm) contained a total mass C of 49.4 Mg C ha􀀀1. Yes Tree seedlings were planted in 1980, and plant density was 640 trees ha􀀀1 January 2013 January 2014 13 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 3 Three trees at the top, middle, and toe of the study site were selected for each treatment (no fertilizer, NF; combined organic and synthetic fertilizer, COS; distilled silage waste, DSW). Fertilization under the tree canopy in COS and DSW treatments was carried out in January as basal fertilization (28 January 2013, 20 January 2014) and in March as supplemental fertilization (22 March 2013, 29 March 2014). For COS, 96 kg N ha-1 of organic and synthetic fertilizer twice (total 192 kg N ha-1) as basal and supplemental applications in the form of 5 mm pellets was manually broadcasted. Carbon, N, phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) concentrations in the organic and synthetic fertilizer were 22.6%, 8.0%, 2.6%, and 5.0%, respectively. Ammonium-N comprised 50% of the N in the COS fertilizer. For the DSW fertilization, 96 kg N ha-1 (total 192 kg N ha-1 in 2013) and 122 kg N ha􀀀1 (total 244 kg N ha-1 in 2014) of DSW was applied as a basal fertilizer. Raw organic materials COS were fish meal, steamed feather meal, steamed bone meal, and rapeseed cake (Ehime-Tyuo Nigata Yuuki-Ryujyo, Daitou Hiryou, Kumamoto, Japan). Before application, the pH of the DSW was adjusted to 6.2 by using calcium hydroxide. Before application, the DSW was diluted 1:10 ration using tap water. The same amount of tap water was applied to the NF and COS treatments at fertilization. CI NR NR No NR Closed Opaque Soil N2O and CO2 fluxes were measured by the closed chamber technique described in Toma et al. [11]. Before the start of the experiment, stainless steel bases were installed under the tree canopy on the upper (East) side of the trees in each treatment. Stainless steel chambers were placed on the bases, and gas samples were collected at 0, 30, and 60 minutes for N2O and 0, 6, and 12 minutes for CO2 measurements from the time the chambers were deployed. Nitrous oxide and CO2 concentrations were measured using a gas chromatography equipped with an electron capture detector (GC-14B, Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) and CO2 controller (ZFP9GC11, Fuji Electric, Tokyo, Japan), respectively. No report on study design or indication if application of treatments where randomized/purposive AIB 431,5
283 b Toma (2017) Toma Y, higuchi T, Nagata O, Kato Y, Izumiya T, Oomori S, Ueno H. Efflux of soil nitrous oxide from applied fertilizer containing organic materials in citrus unshiu field in southwestern Japan. Agriculture. 2017: 7(10); 2-11. Toma Y, higuchi T, Nagata O, Kato Y, Izumiya T, Oomori S, Ueno H Efflux of soil nitrous oxide from applied fertilizer containing organic materials in citrus unshiu field in southwestern Japan 2017 Agriculture Article N/A Japan 33.95 132.78 N 53 295156 3758826 Cfa Experiment 2 Sandy clay NR NR The soil type was classified as brown forest soil, and the top soil (0–7 cm) texture was sandy clay. The total C and N concentrations and C:N ratio in the surface layer were 22.2 g C kg􀀀1, 2.71 g N kg􀀀1, and 8.23, respectively. The soil bulk density and cation exchange capacity were 1.34 gcm􀀀3 and 11.8 cmolckg􀀀1, respectively. The fine soil (0–30 cm) contained a total mass C of 49.4 Mg C ha􀀀1. Yes Tree seedlings were planted in 1980, and plant density was 640 trees ha􀀀1 January 2014 December 2014 12 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 3 Three trees at the top, middle, and toe of the study site were selected for each treatment (no fertilizer, NF; combined organic and synthetic fertilizer, COS; distilled silage waste, DSW). Fertilization under the tree canopy in COS and DSW treatments was carried out in January as basal fertilization (28 January 2013, 20 January 2014) and in March as supplemental fertilization (22 March 2013, 29 March 2014). For COS, 96 kg N ha-1 of organic and synthetic fertilizer twice (total 192 kg N ha-1) as basal and supplemental applications in the form of 5 mm pellets was manually broadcasted. Carbon, N, phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) concentrations in the organic and synthetic fertilizer were 22.6%, 8.0%, 2.6%, and 5.0%, respectively. Ammonium-N comprised 50% of the N in the COS fertilizer. For the DSW fertilization, 96 kg N ha-1 (total 192 kg N ha-1 in 2013) and 122 kg N ha􀀀1 (total 244 kg N ha-1 in 2014) of DSW was applied as a basal fertilizer. Raw organic materials COS were fish meal, steamed feather meal, steamed bone meal, and rapeseed cake (Ehime-Tyuo Nigata Yuuki-Ryujyo, Daitou Hiryou, Kumamoto, Japan). Because the N content of DSW was different each year, the applied N in 2014 was 1.27 times higher than that in 2013. Before application, the pH of the DSW was adjusted to 6.2 by using calcium hydroxide. Before application, the DSW was diluted 1:10 ration using tap water. The same amount of tap water was applied to the NF and COS treatments at fertilization. CI NR NR No NR Closed Opaque Soil N2O and CO2 fluxes were measured by the closed chamber technique described in Toma et al. [11]. Before the start of the experiment, stainless steel bases were installed under the tree canopy on the upper (East) side of the trees in each treatment. Stainless steel chambers were placed on the bases, and gas samples were collected at 0, 30, and 60 minutes for N2O and 0, 6, and 12 minutes for CO2 measurements from the time the chambers were deployed. Nitrous oxide and CO2 concentrations were measured using a gas chromatography equipped with an electron capture detector (GC-14B, Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) and CO2 controller (ZFP9GC11, Fuji Electric, Tokyo, Japan), respectively. No report on study design or indication if application of treatments where randomized/purposive AIB 432,5
284 a Tosti (2012) Tosti G, Benincasa P, Farneselli M, Pace R, Tei F, Guiducci M, Thorup-Kristensen K. Green manuring effect of pure and mixed barley - hairy vetch winter cover crops on maize and processing tomato N nutrition. European Journal of Agronomy. 2012: 43; 136-146. Tosti G, Benincasa P, Farneselli M, Pace R, Tei F, Guiducci M, Thorup-Kristensen K Green manuring effect of pure and mixed barley - hairy vetch winter cover crops on maize and processing tomato N nutrition 2012 European Journal of Agronomy Article N/A Italy 43.12 12.39 N 33 287374 4777067 Csa Season 1 Clay loam NR NR The soil was a clay-loam (Fluventic Haplustept) with the 0–0.5m soil layer containing 46% silt, 33% clay, 20% sand and 1.2% organic matter. The pHH2O was 7.8; the content of extractable Olesen-P was 29.5mgkg−1, and exchangeable K was 254mgkg−1. Yes In both years, the preceding crop was sunflower. After harvesting operation the residues of sunflower were cut and incorporated into the soil by a superficial (0.25m) ploughing followed by harrowing. October 2005 April 2006 7 Multiple-intervention Cover crops, Organic fertiliser 5 As cover crops, two species were used, i.e. barley (H. vulgare L., cultivar Amillis) and hairy vetch (V. villosa Roth., cultivar Capello). These species were sown as pure crops at the ordinary sowing rates (400 seeds of barley m−2, B100; 200 seeds of vetch m−2, V100) and as mixtures, with varying seed ratios according to the replacement principle (de Wit and van den Bergh, 1965; Connolly, 1986). In detail, the following three combinations were chosen: barley at 75% of its full sowing rate + vetch at 25% of its full sowing rate (300 + 50 seeds m−2; B75V25), barley 50% + vetch 50% (200 + 100 seeds m−2; B50V50) and barley 25% + vetch 75% (100 + 150 seeds m−2; B25V75). Beside the cover crops, two control plots were also added to the experiment (see later), wherein pure barleywasgrown as in B100, but the aboveground biomass was removed instead of being incorporated into the soil at the killing date. The experimental design was a completely randomized block with 8 replicates in 2005–2006 and 6 replicates in 2006–2007. The plot size was 80m2 in both years. After the killing of cover crops, grain maize (Z. mays L., cultivar Arzano FAO class 400) and processing tomato (L. esculentum Mill., cultivar PS1296) were sown/planted in 4 (2006) or 3 (2007) blocks each. Considering the aforementioned control plots (two for each block), these were used to accommodate respectively an unfertilised control (N0) and a fertilised control (N200). In such way, the pre-emptive competition effect (Thorup-Kristensen, 1993) occurred also in the N0 and N200 control treatments. N200 received 200 kgNha−1 as urea at sowing (in maize), or via fertigation (in processing tomato), while no other plots receive any mineral fertilisation input. CI Randomized Complete Block 8 No NR NR NR Aboveground biomass accumulation of the cover crops was determined by periodical samplings of plants from a surface area of 1.2m2 per each plot In order to assess the mineralisation rhythm, CO2 flux from soil (molm−2 s−1) was monitored after the incorporation of cover crops (Kuzyakov, 2006; Bardgett and Wardle, 2010), by using an ADC-LCA4gas analyser (Analytical DevelopmentCompanyLtd, UK), equipped with a soil respiration hood device. Little information about sampling equipment description AIB 433,5
284 b Tosti (2012) Tosti G, Benincasa P, Farneselli M, Pace R, Tei F, Guiducci M, Thorup-Kristensen K. Green manuring effect of pure and mixed barley - hairy vetch winter cover crops on maize and processing tomato N nutrition. European Journal of Agronomy. 2012: 43; 136-146. Tosti G, Benincasa P, Farneselli M, Pace R, Tei F, Guiducci M, Thorup-Kristensen K Green manuring effect of pure and mixed barley - hairy vetch winter cover crops on maize and processing tomato N nutrition 2012 European Journal of Agronomy Article N/A Italy 43.12 12.39 N 33 287374 4777067 Csa Season 2 Clay loam NR NR The soil was a clay-loam (Fluventic Haplustept) with the 0–0.5m soil layer containing 46% silt, 33% clay, 20% sand and 1.2% organic matter. The pHH2O was 7.8; the content of extractable Olesen-P was 29.5mgkg−1, and exchangeable K was 254mgkg−1. Yes In both years, the preceding crop was sunflower. After harvesting operation the residues of sunflower were cut and incorporated into the soil by a superficial (0.25m) ploughing followed by harrowing. October 2006 April 2007 7 Multiple-intervention Cover crops, Organic fertiliser 5 As cover crops, two species were used, i.e. barley (H. vulgare L., cultivar Amillis) and hairy vetch (V. villosa Roth., cultivar Capello). These species were sown as pure crops at the ordinary sowing rates (400 seeds of barley m−2, B100; 200 seeds of vetch m−2, V100) and as mixtures, with varying seed ratios according to the replacement principle (de Wit and van den Bergh, 1965; Connolly, 1986). In detail, the following three combinations were chosen: barley at 75% of its full sowing rate + vetch at 25% of its full sowing rate (300 + 50 seeds m−2; B75V25), barley 50% + vetch 50% (200 + 100 seeds m−2; B50V50) and barley 25% + vetch 75% (100 + 150 seeds m−2; B25V75). Beside the cover crops, two control plots were also added to the experiment (see later), wherein pure barleywasgrown as in B100, but the aboveground biomass was removed instead of being incorporated into the soil at the killing date. The experimental design was a completely randomized block with 8 replicates in 2005–2006 and 6 replicates in 2006–2007. The plot size was 80m2 in both years. After the killing of cover crops, grain maize (Z. mays L., cultivar Arzano FAO class 400) and processing tomato (L. esculentum Mill., cultivar PS1296) were sown/planted in 4 (2006) or 3 (2007) blocks each. Considering the aforementioned control plots (two for each block), these were used to accommodate respectively an unfertilised control (N0) and a fertilised control (N200). In such way, the pre-emptive competition effect (Thorup-Kristensen, 1993) occurred also in the N0 and N200 control treatments. N200 received 200 kgNha−1 as urea at sowing (in maize), or via fertigation (in processing tomato), while no other plots receive any mineral fertilisation input. CI Randomized Complete Block 6 No NR NR NR Aboveground biomass accumulation of the cover crops was determined by periodical samplings of plants from a surface area of 1.2m2 per each plot In order to assess the mineralisation rhythm, CO2 flux from soil (molm−2 s−1) was monitored after the incorporation of cover crops (Kuzyakov, 2006; Bardgett and Wardle, 2010), by using an ADC-LCA4gas analyser (Analytical DevelopmentCompanyLtd, UK), equipped with a soil respiration hood device. Little information about sampling equipment description AIB 434,5
285 Treweek (2016) Treweek G, Di HJ, Cameron KC, Podolyan A. Effectiveness of the nitrification inhibito dicyandiamide and biochar to reduce nitrous oxide emissions. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 2016: 59(2); 165-173. Treweek G, Di HJ, Cameron KC, Podolyan A Effectiveness of the nitrification inhibito dicyandiamide and biochar to reduce nitrous oxide emissions 2016 New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research Article N/A New Zealand -43.75 171.16 S 59 513171 5155418 Cfb N/A Silt loam NR NR A Balmoral stony silt loam, classified as Pallic Orthic Brown Soil (Hewitt 2010), Udic Haplustept loamy skeletal (Soil Survey Staff 2010), typical of soils used for dairy winter forage grazing in the Canterbury region, South Island of New Zealand, was used in this study. Developed from gravelly glacial outwash alluvium and loess, the Balmoral soil consists of a thin, sandy silt loam topsoil containing about 30% stones. Below the topsoil, the stone and sand content increases substantially, making this soil very free draining. Prior to collecting the lysimeters, the soil at the site had key properties as follows: pH 5.9, Olsen P 24 mg kg−1, K+0.86cmol+ c kg−1, Ca++7.77cmol+ c kg−1,Mg++0.66 cmol+ c kg−1, CEC 17cmol+ c kg−1, CEC 17cmol+ c kg−1, total C 42 g kg−1 and total N 4.1 g kg−1. Yes Lysimeters were collected during December 2010, using the method described by Cameron et al. (1992). Briefly, steel casings (50 cm diameter × 70 cm depth) were pushed into the soil in small increments, while the surrounding soil was gently scraped away, leaving an undisturbed soil column within the casing. The edges of the soil column were sealed to the casing using molten petroleumjelly, to prevent edge flow effects. The lysimeters were then installed in a lysimeter facility, level with the surrounding soil. The outside of the lysimeters were back-filled to maintain the climatic conditions of the surrounding field. The lysimeters were planted with the fodder crop kale (Brassica oleracea cv. Regal L.) in January 2011. After germination, the kale plants were thinned to a similar density to that found in a winter forage grazing system. Irrigation was supplied during the summer months at a rate of 15 mm every 3 days. At the time of sowing, a fertiliser mix containing phosphorus (5.5%), potassium (14.7%), sulphur (13.2%), calcium (12.4%), boron (0.37%) and molybdenum (0.02%) was applied to each lysimeter at a rate equivalent to 1600 kg ha−1. Lime, at a rate equivalent to 2500 kg ha−1, was also applied at the time of sowing. The kale was allowed to reach maturity and was harvested in June 2011, prior to applying the treatments to the lysimeters. June 2011 October 2011 5 Multiple-intervention Nitrification inhibitor, Organic fertiliser, Biochar 4 Four treatments were randomly allocated to the lysimeters on 29 June 2011: urine (U); urine plus DCD (UD); urine plus biochar (UB); and urine plus DCD and biochar (UDB). A control (C) was used to provide background N2O emission data. All treatments, including the control, were replicated four times. Following harvest of the kale, the soil was wetted to field capacity by adding 10 mm of simulated rainfall. The UB and UDB treatment lysimeters were amended with biochar (Pacific Pyrolysis, Table 1) at the rate of 5 t ha−1, which was incorporated into the top 5 cm of the soil using hand implements to minimise soil disturbance. The soil in all lysimeters was then trampled using cow hoof simulation equipment designed to provide approximately 200 kPa—similar to the pressure exerted by an adult cow hoof (Di et al. 2001). The surface of the soil was completely trampled twice, to simulate the heavy grazing typical under forage crops. The heavy trampling ensured the biochar was well mixed into the top 5 cm of soil, and an equal degree of soil disturbance between all treatments. DCD was dissolved in water and applied to the UD and UDB treatment lysimeters at a rate equivalent to 20 kg ha−1, a rate at which preliminary work had shown to be effective in the free-draining, urine-amended soil. Fresh urine was collected from non-lactating dairy cows that were feeding on kale, and analysed for total N concentration. The urine was standardised to 7.0 g N L−1 and applied to all lysimeters, except the controls, at a rate equivalent to 700 kg N ha−1. The controls received an equivalent volume of water. CI Split/strip plot 4 No NR Closed Transparent A closed chamber method, similar to that of Hutchison & Mosier (1981), was used to determine N2O emissions. A water-filled trough sealed to the top of each lysimeter provided a gas-tight seal for the metal and polystyrene chamber used during sampling. At each sampling time, chambers 50 cm diameter × 10 cm high were placed on top of the lysimeters for a total of 40 min, with three samples taken 20 min apart. Samples were taken through a rubber septum located in the top of each chamber using a 60 mL syringe and hypodermic needle, and placed in evacuated 6 mL glass vials. Samples for N2O analysis were taken between 1200 and 1400 h at each sampling event. Nitrous oxide concentration was analysed using gas chromatography (SRI 8610GC, gas chromatograph, SRI Instruments). Location Canterbury region, South Island of New Zealand was used to find UTM AIB 435,5
286 a Tullberg (2018) Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C. Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane. Soil & Tillage Research. 2018: 176; 18-25. Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane 2018 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A Australia -38.1 144.04 S 55 240325 5778999 Cfb Site 1 Sandy clay loam NR NR NR Yes 5 years in Controlled traffic farming (CTF) August 2014 December 2014 5 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Other 3 CTF fields always have heavily-trafficked permanent traffic lanes and non-trafficked beds, but for the purposes of this experiment an additional “random” wheeltrack was imposed on the permanent crop beds to mimic traffic impact in non-controlled (random) traffic farming. This was installed during the seeding operation, when growers were asked to make a single tractor and seeder unit pass along a 50 m length of crop bed, 0.8-1.0 m away from the permanent lanes, with all soil-engaging components lifted clear of the soil. This was carried out immediately before seeding the site normally, travelling on the permanent lanes, leaving two seeded 0.48–0.65 m wide “random” wheeltracks on the permanent beds. This layout was used on all sites with minor variations depending on grower equipment. It provided 2 sets of the 3 treatments with space for 4 replicate chambers (2 on each wheeltrack) with minimum additional traffic damage to the long-term non-trafficked cropping beds of controlled traffic farms. In all cases, the site was positioned on permanent traffic lanes that would not be required for in-crop spraying or fertiliser spreading operations, which normally use every 3rd set of permanent traffic lanes. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed NR GHG fluxes were measured using the closed chamber technique (Chadwick et al., 2014) and quality criteria as outlined by de Klein and Harvey (2012), and Parkin and Venterea (2010). This method uses a gastight chamber, which encloses a fixed surface area of soil for a given time interval. The chamber consists of a frame driven 80–100 mm into the soil and a headspace or lid that is fixed to the frame during sampling periods, but removed at other times. Chamber enclosure is achieved by a sealed gasket at the lower edge of the lid. Chambers of 2 types were used during this work: • Cylindrical chambers: these were 400 mm lengths of 220 mm diameter plastic pipe, the bottom edge of which was chamfered on the outside to facilitate insertion to a depth of 80–100 mm. Tight-fitting lids could be installed during sampling periods, and these were fitted with a 4 mm diameter pipe and on/off tap for gas sampling. • Rectangular chambers: these had a 450 × 650 mm base, 100 mm deep, fabricated from 2 mm stainless steel to fit the removable head spaces. The head spaces were 50 l rectangular white plastic crates fitted with a septum for gas sampling with a hypodermic syringe. Head spaces were located on the base by stainless steel lugs and retained by strong elastic cords to partially compress a 12 mm polyurethane foam sealing strip. The rectangular chambers normally spanned at least one crop row. Gas samples later analyzed for N2O and CH4 concentrations using a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC-2014, Kyoto, Japan). Location Inverleigh VIC, Australia was used to find UTM AIB 436,5
286 b Tullberg (2018) Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C. Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane. Soil & Tillage Research. 2018: 176; 18-25. Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane 2018 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A Australia -38.1 144.04 S 55 240325 5778999 Cfb Site 2 Sandy clay loam NR NR NR Yes 11 years in CTF August 2015 October 2015 3 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Other 3 CTF fields always have heavily-trafficked permanent traffic lanes and non-trafficked beds, but for the purposes of this experiment an additional “random” wheeltrack was imposed on the permanent crop beds to mimic traffic impact in non-controlled (random) traffic farming. This was installed during the seeding operation, when growers were asked to make a single tractor and seeder unit pass along a 50 m length of crop bed, 0.8-1.0 m away from the permanent lanes, with all soil-engaging components lifted clear of the soil. This was carried out immediately before seeding the site normally, travelling on the permanent lanes, leaving two seeded 0.48–0.65 m wide “random” wheeltracks on the permanent beds. This layout was used on all sites with minor variations depending on grower equipment. It provided 2 sets of the 3 treatments with space for 4 replicate chambers (2 on each wheeltrack) with minimum additional traffic damage to the long-term non-trafficked cropping beds of controlled traffic farms. In all cases, the site was positioned on permanent traffic lanes that would not be required for in-crop spraying or fertiliser spreading operations, which normally use every 3rd set of permanent traffic lanes. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed NR GHG fluxes were measured using the closed chamber technique (Chadwick et al., 2014) and quality criteria as outlined by de Klein and Harvey (2012), and Parkin and Venterea (2010). This method uses a gastight chamber, which encloses a fixed surface area of soil for a given time interval. The chamber consists of a frame driven 80–100 mm into the soil and a headspace or lid that is fixed to the frame during sampling periods, but removed at other times. Chamber enclosure is achieved by a sealed gasket at the lower edge of the lid. Chambers of 2 types were used during this work: • Cylindrical chambers: these were 400 mm lengths of 220 mm diameter plastic pipe, the bottom edge of which was chamfered on the outside to facilitate insertion to a depth of 80–100 mm. Tight-fitting lids could be installed during sampling periods, and these were fitted with a 4 mm diameter pipe and on/off tap for gas sampling. • Rectangular chambers: these had a 450 × 650 mm base, 100 mm deep, fabricated from 2 mm stainless steel to fit the removable head spaces. The head spaces were 50 l rectangular white plastic crates fitted with a septum for gas sampling with a hypodermic syringe. Head spaces were located on the base by stainless steel lugs and retained by strong elastic cords to partially compress a 12 mm polyurethane foam sealing strip. The rectangular chambers normally spanned at least one crop row. Gas samples later analyzed for N2O and CH4 concentrations using a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC-2014, Kyoto, Japan). Location Inverleigh VIC, Australia was used to find UTM AIB 437,5
286 c Tullberg (2018) Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C. Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane. Soil & Tillage Research. 2018: 176; 18-25. Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane 2018 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A Australia -38.1 144.04 S 55 240325 5778999 Cfb Site 3 Sandy clay loam NR NR NR Yes 12 years in CTF Unclear Unclear November 2016 Unclear Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Other 3 CTF fields always have heavily-trafficked permanent traffic lanes and non-trafficked beds, but for the purposes of this experiment an additional “random” wheeltrack was imposed on the permanent crop beds to mimic traffic impact in non-controlled (random) traffic farming. This was installed during the seeding operation, when growers were asked to make a single tractor and seeder unit pass along a 50 m length of crop bed, 0.8-1.0 m away from the permanent lanes, with all soil-engaging components lifted clear of the soil. This was carried out immediately before seeding the site normally, travelling on the permanent lanes, leaving two seeded 0.48–0.65 m wide “random” wheeltracks on the permanent beds. This layout was used on all sites with minor variations depending on grower equipment. It provided 2 sets of the 3 treatments with space for 4 replicate chambers (2 on each wheeltrack) with minimum additional traffic damage to the long-term non-trafficked cropping beds of controlled traffic farms. In all cases, the site was positioned on permanent traffic lanes that would not be required for in-crop spraying or fertiliser spreading operations, which normally use every 3rd set of permanent traffic lanes. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed NR GHG fluxes were measured using the closed chamber technique (Chadwick et al., 2014) and quality criteria as outlined by de Klein and Harvey (2012), and Parkin and Venterea (2010). This method uses a gastight chamber, which encloses a fixed surface area of soil for a given time interval. The chamber consists of a frame driven 80–100 mm into the soil and a headspace or lid that is fixed to the frame during sampling periods, but removed at other times. Chamber enclosure is achieved by a sealed gasket at the lower edge of the lid. Chambers of 2 types were used during this work: • Cylindrical chambers: these were 400 mm lengths of 220 mm diameter plastic pipe, the bottom edge of which was chamfered on the outside to facilitate insertion to a depth of 80–100 mm. Tight-fitting lids could be installed during sampling periods, and these were fitted with a 4 mm diameter pipe and on/off tap for gas sampling. • Rectangular chambers: these had a 450 × 650 mm base, 100 mm deep, fabricated from 2 mm stainless steel to fit the removable head spaces. The head spaces were 50 l rectangular white plastic crates fitted with a septum for gas sampling with a hypodermic syringe. Head spaces were located on the base by stainless steel lugs and retained by strong elastic cords to partially compress a 12 mm polyurethane foam sealing strip. The rectangular chambers normally spanned at least one crop row. Gas samples later analyzed for N2O and CH4 concentrations using a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC-2014, Kyoto, Japan). Location Inverleigh VIC, Australia was used to find UTM. Table 1 Unclear for start date AIB 438,5
286 d Tullberg (2018) Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C. Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane. Soil & Tillage Research. 2018: 176; 18-25. Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane 2018 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A Australia -36.72 148.2 S 54 606873 5935745 Cfb Site 4 Clay NR NR NR Yes 8 years in CTF July 2014 September 2014 3 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Other 3 CTF fields always have heavily-trafficked permanent traffic lanes and non-trafficked beds, but for the purposes of this experiment an additional “random” wheeltrack was imposed on the permanent crop beds to mimic traffic impact in non-controlled (random) traffic farming. This was installed during the seeding operation, when growers were asked to make a single tractor and seeder unit pass along a 50 m length of crop bed, 0.8-1.0 m away from the permanent lanes, with all soil-engaging components lifted clear of the soil. This was carried out immediately before seeding the site normally, travelling on the permanent lanes, leaving two seeded 0.48–0.65 m wide “random” wheeltracks on the permanent beds. This layout was used on all sites with minor variations depending on grower equipment. It provided 2 sets of the 3 treatments with space for 4 replicate chambers (2 on each wheeltrack) with minimum additional traffic damage to the long-term non-trafficked cropping beds of controlled traffic farms. In all cases, the site was positioned on permanent traffic lanes that would not be required for in-crop spraying or fertiliser spreading operations, which normally use every 3rd set of permanent traffic lanes. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed NR GHG fluxes were measured using the closed chamber technique (Chadwick et al., 2014) and quality criteria as outlined by de Klein and Harvey (2012), and Parkin and Venterea (2010). This method uses a gastight chamber, which encloses a fixed surface area of soil for a given time interval. The chamber consists of a frame driven 80–100 mm into the soil and a headspace or lid that is fixed to the frame during sampling periods, but removed at other times. Chamber enclosure is achieved by a sealed gasket at the lower edge of the lid. Chambers of 2 types were used during this work: • Cylindrical chambers: these were 400 mm lengths of 220 mm diameter plastic pipe, the bottom edge of which was chamfered on the outside to facilitate insertion to a depth of 80–100 mm. Tight-fitting lids could be installed during sampling periods, and these were fitted with a 4 mm diameter pipe and on/off tap for gas sampling. • Rectangular chambers: these had a 450 × 650 mm base, 100 mm deep, fabricated from 2 mm stainless steel to fit the removable head spaces. The head spaces were 50 l rectangular white plastic crates fitted with a septum for gas sampling with a hypodermic syringe. Head spaces were located on the base by stainless steel lugs and retained by strong elastic cords to partially compress a 12 mm polyurethane foam sealing strip. The rectangular chambers normally spanned at least one crop row. Gas samples later analyzed for N2O and CH4 concentrations using a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC-2014, Kyoto, Japan). Location Horsham, Australia was used to find UTM. Soil type was classified as grey clay AIB 439,5
286 e Tullberg (2018) Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C. Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane. Soil & Tillage Research. 2018: 176; 18-25. Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane 2018 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A Australia -36.72 148.2 S 54 606873 5935745 Cfb Site 5 Clay NR NR NR Yes 9 years in CTF Unclear Unclear October 2015 Unclear Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Other 3 CTF fields always have heavily-trafficked permanent traffic lanes and non-trafficked beds, but for the purposes of this experiment an additional “random” wheeltrack was imposed on the permanent crop beds to mimic traffic impact in non-controlled (random) traffic farming. This was installed during the seeding operation, when growers were asked to make a single tractor and seeder unit pass along a 50 m length of crop bed, 0.8-1.0 m away from the permanent lanes, with all soil-engaging components lifted clear of the soil. This was carried out immediately before seeding the site normally, travelling on the permanent lanes, leaving two seeded 0.48–0.65 m wide “random” wheeltracks on the permanent beds. This layout was used on all sites with minor variations depending on grower equipment. It provided 2 sets of the 3 treatments with space for 4 replicate chambers (2 on each wheeltrack) with minimum additional traffic damage to the long-term non-trafficked cropping beds of controlled traffic farms. In all cases, the site was positioned on permanent traffic lanes that would not be required for in-crop spraying or fertiliser spreading operations, which normally use every 3rd set of permanent traffic lanes. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed NR GHG fluxes were measured using the closed chamber technique (Chadwick et al., 2014) and quality criteria as outlined by de Klein and Harvey (2012), and Parkin and Venterea (2010). This method uses a gastight chamber, which encloses a fixed surface area of soil for a given time interval. The chamber consists of a frame driven 80–100 mm into the soil and a headspace or lid that is fixed to the frame during sampling periods, but removed at other times. Chamber enclosure is achieved by a sealed gasket at the lower edge of the lid. Chambers of 2 types were used during this work: • Cylindrical chambers: these were 400 mm lengths of 220 mm diameter plastic pipe, the bottom edge of which was chamfered on the outside to facilitate insertion to a depth of 80–100 mm. Tight-fitting lids could be installed during sampling periods, and these were fitted with a 4 mm diameter pipe and on/off tap for gas sampling. • Rectangular chambers: these had a 450 × 650 mm base, 100 mm deep, fabricated from 2 mm stainless steel to fit the removable head spaces. The head spaces were 50 l rectangular white plastic crates fitted with a septum for gas sampling with a hypodermic syringe. Head spaces were located on the base by stainless steel lugs and retained by strong elastic cords to partially compress a 12 mm polyurethane foam sealing strip. The rectangular chambers normally spanned at least one crop row. Gas samples later analyzed for N2O and CH4 concentrations using a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC-2014, Kyoto, Japan). Location Horsham, Australia was used to find UTM. Soil type was classified as grey clay. Table 1 Unclear for start date. AIB 440,5
286 f Tullberg (2018) Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C. Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane. Soil & Tillage Research. 2018: 176; 18-25. Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane 2018 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A Australia -36.72 148.2 S 54 606873 5935745 Cfb Site 6 Clay NR NR NR Yes 10 years in CTF August 2016 November 2016 4 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Other 3 CTF fields always have heavily-trafficked permanent traffic lanes and non-trafficked beds, but for the purposes of this experiment an additional “random” wheeltrack was imposed on the permanent crop beds to mimic traffic impact in non-controlled (random) traffic farming. This was installed during the seeding operation, when growers were asked to make a single tractor and seeder unit pass along a 50 m length of crop bed, 0.8-1.0 m away from the permanent lanes, with all soil-engaging components lifted clear of the soil. This was carried out immediately before seeding the site normally, travelling on the permanent lanes, leaving two seeded 0.48–0.65 m wide “random” wheeltracks on the permanent beds. This layout was used on all sites with minor variations depending on grower equipment. It provided 2 sets of the 3 treatments with space for 4 replicate chambers (2 on each wheeltrack) with minimum additional traffic damage to the long-term non-trafficked cropping beds of controlled traffic farms. In all cases, the site was positioned on permanent traffic lanes that would not be required for in-crop spraying or fertiliser spreading operations, which normally use every 3rd set of permanent traffic lanes. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed NR GHG fluxes were measured using the closed chamber technique (Chadwick et al., 2014) and quality criteria as outlined by de Klein and Harvey (2012), and Parkin and Venterea (2010). This method uses a gastight chamber, which encloses a fixed surface area of soil for a given time interval. The chamber consists of a frame driven 80–100 mm into the soil and a headspace or lid that is fixed to the frame during sampling periods, but removed at other times. Chamber enclosure is achieved by a sealed gasket at the lower edge of the lid. Chambers of 2 types were used during this work: • Cylindrical chambers: these were 400 mm lengths of 220 mm diameter plastic pipe, the bottom edge of which was chamfered on the outside to facilitate insertion to a depth of 80–100 mm. Tight-fitting lids could be installed during sampling periods, and these were fitted with a 4 mm diameter pipe and on/off tap for gas sampling. • Rectangular chambers: these had a 450 × 650 mm base, 100 mm deep, fabricated from 2 mm stainless steel to fit the removable head spaces. The head spaces were 50 l rectangular white plastic crates fitted with a septum for gas sampling with a hypodermic syringe. Head spaces were located on the base by stainless steel lugs and retained by strong elastic cords to partially compress a 12 mm polyurethane foam sealing strip. The rectangular chambers normally spanned at least one crop row. Gas samples later analyzed for N2O and CH4 concentrations using a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC-2014, Kyoto, Japan). Location Horsham, Australia was used to find UTM. Soil type was classified as grey clay AIB 441,5
286 g Tullberg (2018) Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C. Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane. Soil & Tillage Research. 2018: 176; 18-25. Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane 2018 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A Australia -33.86 121.89 S 51 397474 6252661 Csb Site 7 Sandy loam NR NR NR Yes 11 years in CTF July 2015 August 2015 2 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Other 3 CTF fields always have heavily-trafficked permanent traffic lanes and non-trafficked beds, but for the purposes of this experiment an additional “random” wheeltrack was imposed on the permanent crop beds to mimic traffic impact in non-controlled (random) traffic farming. This was installed during the seeding operation, when growers were asked to make a single tractor and seeder unit pass along a 50 m length of crop bed, 0.8-1.0 m away from the permanent lanes, with all soil-engaging components lifted clear of the soil. This was carried out immediately before seeding the site normally, travelling on the permanent lanes, leaving two seeded 0.48–0.65 m wide “random” wheeltracks on the permanent beds. This layout was used on all sites with minor variations depending on grower equipment. It provided 2 sets of the 3 treatments with space for 4 replicate chambers (2 on each wheeltrack) with minimum additional traffic damage to the long-term non-trafficked cropping beds of controlled traffic farms. In all cases, the site was positioned on permanent traffic lanes that would not be required for in-crop spraying or fertiliser spreading operations, which normally use every 3rd set of permanent traffic lanes. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed NR GHG fluxes were measured using the closed chamber technique (Chadwick et al., 2014) and quality criteria as outlined by de Klein and Harvey (2012), and Parkin and Venterea (2010). This method uses a gastight chamber, which encloses a fixed surface area of soil for a given time interval. The chamber consists of a frame driven 80–100 mm into the soil and a headspace or lid that is fixed to the frame during sampling periods, but removed at other times. Chamber enclosure is achieved by a sealed gasket at the lower edge of the lid. Chambers of 2 types were used during this work: • Cylindrical chambers: these were 400 mm lengths of 220 mm diameter plastic pipe, the bottom edge of which was chamfered on the outside to facilitate insertion to a depth of 80–100 mm. Tight-fitting lids could be installed during sampling periods, and these were fitted with a 4 mm diameter pipe and on/off tap for gas sampling. • Rectangular chambers: these had a 450 × 650 mm base, 100 mm deep, fabricated from 2 mm stainless steel to fit the removable head spaces. The head spaces were 50 l rectangular white plastic crates fitted with a septum for gas sampling with a hypodermic syringe. Head spaces were located on the base by stainless steel lugs and retained by strong elastic cords to partially compress a 12 mm polyurethane foam sealing strip. The rectangular chambers normally spanned at least one crop row. Gas samples later analyzed for N2O and CH4 concentrations using a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC-2014, Kyoto, Japan). Location Esperance, Australia was used to find UTM AIB 442,5
286 h Tullberg (2018) Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C. Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane. Soil & Tillage Research. 2018: 176; 18-25. Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane 2018 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A Australia -33.86 121.89 S 51 397474 6252661 Csb Site 8 Sandy loam NR NR NR Yes 11 years in CTF July 2015 September 2015 3 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Other 3 CTF fields always have heavily-trafficked permanent traffic lanes and non-trafficked beds, but for the purposes of this experiment an additional “random” wheeltrack was imposed on the permanent crop beds to mimic traffic impact in non-controlled (random) traffic farming. This was installed during the seeding operation, when growers were asked to make a single tractor and seeder unit pass along a 50 m length of crop bed, 0.8-1.0 m away from the permanent lanes, with all soil-engaging components lifted clear of the soil. This was carried out immediately before seeding the site normally, travelling on the permanent lanes, leaving two seeded 0.48–0.65 m wide “random” wheeltracks on the permanent beds. This layout was used on all sites with minor variations depending on grower equipment. It provided 2 sets of the 3 treatments with space for 4 replicate chambers (2 on each wheeltrack) with minimum additional traffic damage to the long-term non-trafficked cropping beds of controlled traffic farms. In all cases, the site was positioned on permanent traffic lanes that would not be required for in-crop spraying or fertiliser spreading operations, which normally use every 3rd set of permanent traffic lanes. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed NR GHG fluxes were measured using the closed chamber technique (Chadwick et al., 2014) and quality criteria as outlined by de Klein and Harvey (2012), and Parkin and Venterea (2010). This method uses a gastight chamber, which encloses a fixed surface area of soil for a given time interval. The chamber consists of a frame driven 80–100 mm into the soil and a headspace or lid that is fixed to the frame during sampling periods, but removed at other times. Chamber enclosure is achieved by a sealed gasket at the lower edge of the lid. Chambers of 2 types were used during this work: • Cylindrical chambers: these were 400 mm lengths of 220 mm diameter plastic pipe, the bottom edge of which was chamfered on the outside to facilitate insertion to a depth of 80–100 mm. Tight-fitting lids could be installed during sampling periods, and these were fitted with a 4 mm diameter pipe and on/off tap for gas sampling. • Rectangular chambers: these had a 450 × 650 mm base, 100 mm deep, fabricated from 2 mm stainless steel to fit the removable head spaces. The head spaces were 50 l rectangular white plastic crates fitted with a septum for gas sampling with a hypodermic syringe. Head spaces were located on the base by stainless steel lugs and retained by strong elastic cords to partially compress a 12 mm polyurethane foam sealing strip. The rectangular chambers normally spanned at least one crop row. Gas samples later analyzed for N2O and CH4 concentrations using a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC-2014, Kyoto, Japan). Location Esperance, Australia was used to find UTM AIB 443,5
286 j Tullberg (2018) Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C. Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane. Soil & Tillage Research. 2018: 176; 18-25. Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane 2018 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A Australia -27.56 151.95 S 56 396447 6950728 Cfa Site 10 Clay NR NR NR Yes 12 years in CTF September 2013 March 2014 7 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Other 3 CTF fields always have heavily-trafficked permanent traffic lanes and non-trafficked beds, but for the purposes of this experiment an additional “random” wheeltrack was imposed on the permanent crop beds to mimic traffic impact in non-controlled (random) traffic farming. This was installed during the seeding operation, when growers were asked to make a single tractor and seeder unit pass along a 50 m length of crop bed, 0.8-1.0 m away from the permanent lanes, with all soil-engaging components lifted clear of the soil. This was carried out immediately before seeding the site normally, travelling on the permanent lanes, leaving two seeded 0.48–0.65 m wide “random” wheeltracks on the permanent beds. This layout was used on all sites with minor variations depending on grower equipment. It provided 2 sets of the 3 treatments with space for 4 replicate chambers (2 on each wheeltrack) with minimum additional traffic damage to the long-term non-trafficked cropping beds of controlled traffic farms. In all cases, the site was positioned on permanent traffic lanes that would not be required for in-crop spraying or fertiliser spreading operations, which normally use every 3rd set of permanent traffic lanes. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed NR GHG fluxes were measured using the closed chamber technique (Chadwick et al., 2014) and quality criteria as outlined by de Klein and Harvey (2012), and Parkin and Venterea (2010). This method uses a gastight chamber, which encloses a fixed surface area of soil for a given time interval. The chamber consists of a frame driven 80–100 mm into the soil and a headspace or lid that is fixed to the frame during sampling periods, but removed at other times. Chamber enclosure is achieved by a sealed gasket at the lower edge of the lid. Chambers of 2 types were used during this work: • Cylindrical chambers: these were 400 mm lengths of 220 mm diameter plastic pipe, the bottom edge of which was chamfered on the outside to facilitate insertion to a depth of 80–100 mm. Tight-fitting lids could be installed during sampling periods, and these were fitted with a 4 mm diameter pipe and on/off tap for gas sampling. • Rectangular chambers: these had a 450 × 650 mm base, 100 mm deep, fabricated from 2 mm stainless steel to fit the removable head spaces. The head spaces were 50 l rectangular white plastic crates fitted with a septum for gas sampling with a hypodermic syringe. Head spaces were located on the base by stainless steel lugs and retained by strong elastic cords to partially compress a 12 mm polyurethane foam sealing strip. The rectangular chambers normally spanned at least one crop row. Gas samples later analyzed for N2O and CH4 concentrations using a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC-2014, Kyoto, Japan). Location Toowoomba, Australia was used to find UTM. Soil type cracking black clay. AIB 444,5
286 k Tullberg (2018) Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C. Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane. Soil & Tillage Research. 2018: 176; 18-25. Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane 2018 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A Australia -27.56 151.95 S 56 396447 6950728 Cfa Site 11 Clay NR NR NR Yes 13 years in CTF May 2015 November 2015 7 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Other 3 CTF fields always have heavily-trafficked permanent traffic lanes and non-trafficked beds, but for the purposes of this experiment an additional “random” wheeltrack was imposed on the permanent crop beds to mimic traffic impact in non-controlled (random) traffic farming. This was installed during the seeding operation, when growers were asked to make a single tractor and seeder unit pass along a 50 m length of crop bed, 0.8-1.0 m away from the permanent lanes, with all soil-engaging components lifted clear of the soil. This was carried out immediately before seeding the site normally, travelling on the permanent lanes, leaving two seeded 0.48–0.65 m wide “random” wheeltracks on the permanent beds. This layout was used on all sites with minor variations depending on grower equipment. It provided 2 sets of the 3 treatments with space for 4 replicate chambers (2 on each wheeltrack) with minimum additional traffic damage to the long-term non-trafficked cropping beds of controlled traffic farms. In all cases, the site was positioned on permanent traffic lanes that would not be required for in-crop spraying or fertiliser spreading operations, which normally use every 3rd set of permanent traffic lanes. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed NR GHG fluxes were measured using the closed chamber technique (Chadwick et al., 2014) and quality criteria as outlined by de Klein and Harvey (2012), and Parkin and Venterea (2010). This method uses a gastight chamber, which encloses a fixed surface area of soil for a given time interval. The chamber consists of a frame driven 80–100 mm into the soil and a headspace or lid that is fixed to the frame during sampling periods, but removed at other times. Chamber enclosure is achieved by a sealed gasket at the lower edge of the lid. Chambers of 2 types were used during this work: • Cylindrical chambers: these were 400 mm lengths of 220 mm diameter plastic pipe, the bottom edge of which was chamfered on the outside to facilitate insertion to a depth of 80–100 mm. Tight-fitting lids could be installed during sampling periods, and these were fitted with a 4 mm diameter pipe and on/off tap for gas sampling. • Rectangular chambers: these had a 450 × 650 mm base, 100 mm deep, fabricated from 2 mm stainless steel to fit the removable head spaces. The head spaces were 50 l rectangular white plastic crates fitted with a septum for gas sampling with a hypodermic syringe. Head spaces were located on the base by stainless steel lugs and retained by strong elastic cords to partially compress a 12 mm polyurethane foam sealing strip. The rectangular chambers normally spanned at least one crop row. Gas samples later analyzed for N2O and CH4 concentrations using a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC-2014, Kyoto, Japan). Location Toowoomba, Australia was used to find UTM. Soil type cracking black clay. AIB 445,5
286 l Tullberg (2018) Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C. Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane. Soil & Tillage Research. 2018: 176; 18-25. Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane 2018 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A Australia -27.56 151.95 S 56 396447 6950728 Cfa Site 12 Clay NR NR NR Yes 14 years in CTF October 2015 March 2016 6 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Other 3 CTF fields always have heavily-trafficked permanent traffic lanes and non-trafficked beds, but for the purposes of this experiment an additional “random” wheeltrack was imposed on the permanent crop beds to mimic traffic impact in non-controlled (random) traffic farming. This was installed during the seeding operation, when growers were asked to make a single tractor and seeder unit pass along a 50 m length of crop bed, 0.8-1.0 m away from the permanent lanes, with all soil-engaging components lifted clear of the soil. This was carried out immediately before seeding the site normally, travelling on the permanent lanes, leaving two seeded 0.48–0.65 m wide “random” wheeltracks on the permanent beds. This layout was used on all sites with minor variations depending on grower equipment. It provided 2 sets of the 3 treatments with space for 4 replicate chambers (2 on each wheeltrack) with minimum additional traffic damage to the long-term non-trafficked cropping beds of controlled traffic farms. In all cases, the site was positioned on permanent traffic lanes that would not be required for in-crop spraying or fertiliser spreading operations, which normally use every 3rd set of permanent traffic lanes. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed NR GHG fluxes were measured using the closed chamber technique (Chadwick et al., 2014) and quality criteria as outlined by de Klein and Harvey (2012), and Parkin and Venterea (2010). This method uses a gastight chamber, which encloses a fixed surface area of soil for a given time interval. The chamber consists of a frame driven 80–100 mm into the soil and a headspace or lid that is fixed to the frame during sampling periods, but removed at other times. Chamber enclosure is achieved by a sealed gasket at the lower edge of the lid. Chambers of 2 types were used during this work: • Cylindrical chambers: these were 400 mm lengths of 220 mm diameter plastic pipe, the bottom edge of which was chamfered on the outside to facilitate insertion to a depth of 80–100 mm. Tight-fitting lids could be installed during sampling periods, and these were fitted with a 4 mm diameter pipe and on/off tap for gas sampling. • Rectangular chambers: these had a 450 × 650 mm base, 100 mm deep, fabricated from 2 mm stainless steel to fit the removable head spaces. The head spaces were 50 l rectangular white plastic crates fitted with a septum for gas sampling with a hypodermic syringe. Head spaces were located on the base by stainless steel lugs and retained by strong elastic cords to partially compress a 12 mm polyurethane foam sealing strip. The rectangular chambers normally spanned at least one crop row. Gas samples later analyzed for N2O and CH4 concentrations using a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC-2014, Kyoto, Japan). Location Toowoomba, Australia was used to find UTM. Soil type cracking black clay. AIB 446,5
286 m Tullberg (2018) Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C. Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane. Soil & Tillage Research. 2018: 176; 18-25. Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane 2018 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A Australia -27.56 151.95 S 56 396447 6950728 Cfa Site 13 Clay NR NR NR Yes 15 years in CTF July 2016 November 2016 5 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Other 3 CTF fields always have heavily-trafficked permanent traffic lanes and non-trafficked beds, but for the purposes of this experiment an additional “random” wheeltrack was imposed on the permanent crop beds to mimic traffic impact in non-controlled (random) traffic farming. This was installed during the seeding operation, when growers were asked to make a single tractor and seeder unit pass along a 50 m length of crop bed, 0.8-1.0 m away from the permanent lanes, with all soil-engaging components lifted clear of the soil. This was carried out immediately before seeding the site normally, travelling on the permanent lanes, leaving two seeded 0.48–0.65 m wide “random” wheeltracks on the permanent beds. This layout was used on all sites with minor variations depending on grower equipment. It provided 2 sets of the 3 treatments with space for 4 replicate chambers (2 on each wheeltrack) with minimum additional traffic damage to the long-term non-trafficked cropping beds of controlled traffic farms. In all cases, the site was positioned on permanent traffic lanes that would not be required for in-crop spraying or fertiliser spreading operations, which normally use every 3rd set of permanent traffic lanes. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed NR GHG fluxes were measured using the closed chamber technique (Chadwick et al., 2014) and quality criteria as outlined by de Klein and Harvey (2012), and Parkin and Venterea (2010). This method uses a gastight chamber, which encloses a fixed surface area of soil for a given time interval. The chamber consists of a frame driven 80–100 mm into the soil and a headspace or lid that is fixed to the frame during sampling periods, but removed at other times. Chamber enclosure is achieved by a sealed gasket at the lower edge of the lid. Chambers of 2 types were used during this work: • Cylindrical chambers: these were 400 mm lengths of 220 mm diameter plastic pipe, the bottom edge of which was chamfered on the outside to facilitate insertion to a depth of 80–100 mm. Tight-fitting lids could be installed during sampling periods, and these were fitted with a 4 mm diameter pipe and on/off tap for gas sampling. • Rectangular chambers: these had a 450 × 650 mm base, 100 mm deep, fabricated from 2 mm stainless steel to fit the removable head spaces. The head spaces were 50 l rectangular white plastic crates fitted with a septum for gas sampling with a hypodermic syringe. Head spaces were located on the base by stainless steel lugs and retained by strong elastic cords to partially compress a 12 mm polyurethane foam sealing strip. The rectangular chambers normally spanned at least one crop row. Gas samples later analyzed for N2O and CH4 concentrations using a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC-2014, Kyoto, Japan). Location Toowoomba, Australia was used to find UTM. Soil type cracking black clay. AIB 447,5
286 n Tullberg (2018) Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C. Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane. Soil & Tillage Research. 2018: 176; 18-25. Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane 2018 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A Australia -27.78 151.79 S 56 380805 6927091 Cfa Site 14 Clay NR NR NR Yes 6 years in CTF June 2014 October 2014 5 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Other 3 CTF fields always have heavily-trafficked permanent traffic lanes and non-trafficked beds, but for the purposes of this experiment an additional “random” wheeltrack was imposed on the permanent crop beds to mimic traffic impact in non-controlled (random) traffic farming. This was installed during the seeding operation, when growers were asked to make a single tractor and seeder unit pass along a 50 m length of crop bed, 0.8-1.0 m away from the permanent lanes, with all soil-engaging components lifted clear of the soil. This was carried out immediately before seeding the site normally, travelling on the permanent lanes, leaving two seeded 0.48–0.65 m wide “random” wheeltracks on the permanent beds. This layout was used on all sites with minor variations depending on grower equipment. It provided 2 sets of the 3 treatments with space for 4 replicate chambers (2 on each wheeltrack) with minimum additional traffic damage to the long-term non-trafficked cropping beds of controlled traffic farms. In all cases, the site was positioned on permanent traffic lanes that would not be required for in-crop spraying or fertiliser spreading operations, which normally use every 3rd set of permanent traffic lanes. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed NR GHG fluxes were measured using the closed chamber technique (Chadwick et al., 2014) and quality criteria as outlined by de Klein and Harvey (2012), and Parkin and Venterea (2010). This method uses a gastight chamber, which encloses a fixed surface area of soil for a given time interval. The chamber consists of a frame driven 80–100 mm into the soil and a headspace or lid that is fixed to the frame during sampling periods, but removed at other times. Chamber enclosure is achieved by a sealed gasket at the lower edge of the lid. Chambers of 2 types were used during this work: • Cylindrical chambers: these were 400 mm lengths of 220 mm diameter plastic pipe, the bottom edge of which was chamfered on the outside to facilitate insertion to a depth of 80–100 mm. Tight-fitting lids could be installed during sampling periods, and these were fitted with a 4 mm diameter pipe and on/off tap for gas sampling. • Rectangular chambers: these had a 450 × 650 mm base, 100 mm deep, fabricated from 2 mm stainless steel to fit the removable head spaces. The head spaces were 50 l rectangular white plastic crates fitted with a septum for gas sampling with a hypodermic syringe. Head spaces were located on the base by stainless steel lugs and retained by strong elastic cords to partially compress a 12 mm polyurethane foam sealing strip. The rectangular chambers normally spanned at least one crop row. Gas samples later analyzed for N2O and CH4 concentrations using a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC-2014, Kyoto, Japan). Location Felton, Australia was used to find UTM. Soil type cracking black clay. AIB 448,5
286 o Tullberg (2018) Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C. Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane. Soil & Tillage Research. 2018: 176; 18-25. Tullberg J, Antille DL, Bluett C, Eberhard J, Scheer C Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane 2018 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A Australia -27.78 151.79 S 56 380805 6927091 Cfa Site 15 Clay NR NR NR Yes 7 years in CTF May 2015 October 2015 6 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Other 3 CTF fields always have heavily-trafficked permanent traffic lanes and non-trafficked beds, but for the purposes of this experiment an additional “random” wheeltrack was imposed on the permanent crop beds to mimic traffic impact in non-controlled (random) traffic farming. This was installed during the seeding operation, when growers were asked to make a single tractor and seeder unit pass along a 50 m length of crop bed, 0.8-1.0 m away from the permanent lanes, with all soil-engaging components lifted clear of the soil. This was carried out immediately before seeding the site normally, travelling on the permanent lanes, leaving two seeded 0.48–0.65 m wide “random” wheeltracks on the permanent beds. This layout was used on all sites with minor variations depending on grower equipment. It provided 2 sets of the 3 treatments with space for 4 replicate chambers (2 on each wheeltrack) with minimum additional traffic damage to the long-term non-trafficked cropping beds of controlled traffic farms. In all cases, the site was positioned on permanent traffic lanes that would not be required for in-crop spraying or fertiliser spreading operations, which normally use every 3rd set of permanent traffic lanes. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No NR Closed NR GHG fluxes were measured using the closed chamber technique (Chadwick et al., 2014) and quality criteria as outlined by de Klein and Harvey (2012), and Parkin and Venterea (2010). This method uses a gastight chamber, which encloses a fixed surface area of soil for a given time interval. The chamber consists of a frame driven 80–100 mm into the soil and a headspace or lid that is fixed to the frame during sampling periods, but removed at other times. Chamber enclosure is achieved by a sealed gasket at the lower edge of the lid. Chambers of 2 types were used during this work: • Cylindrical chambers: these were 400 mm lengths of 220 mm diameter plastic pipe, the bottom edge of which was chamfered on the outside to facilitate insertion to a depth of 80–100 mm. Tight-fitting lids could be installed during sampling periods, and these were fitted with a 4 mm diameter pipe and on/off tap for gas sampling. • Rectangular chambers: these had a 450 × 650 mm base, 100 mm deep, fabricated from 2 mm stainless steel to fit the removable head spaces. The head spaces were 50 l rectangular white plastic crates fitted with a septum for gas sampling with a hypodermic syringe. Head spaces were located on the base by stainless steel lugs and retained by strong elastic cords to partially compress a 12 mm polyurethane foam sealing strip. The rectangular chambers normally spanned at least one crop row. Gas samples later analyzed for N2O and CH4 concentrations using a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC-2014, Kyoto, Japan). Location Felton, Australia was used to find UTM. Soil type cracking black clay. AIB 449,5
287 a van Groenigen (2004) van Groenigen JW, Kasper GJ, Velthof GL, van den Pol-van Dasselaar Q, Kuikman PJ. Nitrous oxide emissions from silage maize fields under different mineral nitrogen fertilizer and slurry applications. Plant and Soil. 2004: 263; 101-111. van Groenigen JW, Kasper GJ, Velthof GL, van den Pol-van Dasselaar Q, Kuikman PJ Nitrous oxide emissions from silage maize fields under different mineral nitrogen fertilizer and slurry applications 2004 Plant and Soil Article oxide N/A Netherlands 51.98 5.68 N 31 683969 5762235 Cfb Site 1 Loamy sand NR NR sandy soil (typic endoaquoll; 2% clay, 23% silt, 75% sand and 4% organic matter in the top 25 cm) near Wageningen in the center of the Netherlands No NR May 2001 November 2001 7 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 12 At the sandy soil, plot sizes were 15 × 4.5 m. Apart from a zero-N treatment, the treatments involved four rates of fertilizer (calcium ammonium nitrate, CAN), up to 188 kg N ha−1, representing 50, 75, 100 and 125% of advised fertilizer application for silage maize in the Netherlands. Second, four rates of cattle slurry (up to 261 kg N ha−1, representing 50, 75, 100 and 125% of advised slurry N application). Third, three combinations of fertilizer and slurry, each adding up to 100% of advised N application (Tables 1 and 2). The application rates of slurry were estimated on the basis of average slurry composition from the respective farms, the real N application rates of slurry were calculated afterwards from the measured N contents of the applied slurry. Dry matter contents of the slurries were 99.0 kg−1. Although no pH measurements were taken, typical pH values for this type of slurry are known to vary around 7 (Velthof et al., 2003). Phosphorus and potassium were applied to all treatments according to fertilizer recommendations. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed Opaque The flux chambers consisted of PVC cylinders with a diameter of 20 cm and a height of 22 cm. The chambers were placed unto permanent rings that were inserted gently into the soil to a depth of approx. 2 cm, and the height of the cylinder above the surface was measured. The N2O fluxes were measured using vented closed flux chambers and a photo-acoustic infra-red gas analyzer (Velthof and Oenema, 1995; Yamulki and Jarvis, 1999). Location Wageningen, Netherlands was used to find UTM. AIB 450,5
287 b van Groenigen (2004) van Groenigen JW, Kasper GJ, Velthof GL, van den Pol-van Dasselaar Q, Kuikman PJ. Nitrous oxide emissions from silage maize fields under different mineral nitrogen fertilizer and slurry applications. Plant and Soil. 2004: 263; 101-111. van Groenigen JW, Kasper GJ, Velthof GL, van den Pol-van Dasselaar Q, Kuikman PJ Nitrous oxide emissions from silage maize fields under different mineral nitrogen fertilizer and slurry applications 2004 Plant and Soil Article oxide N/A Netherlands 53.21 5.83 N 31 688880 5899238 Cfb Site 2 Silty clay loam NR NR heavy clay (typic endoaquept; 39% clay, 53% silt, 8% sand and 6.4% organic matter in the top 25 cm) near Leeuwarden in the north of the Netherlands. No NR May 2001 November 2001 7 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 12 Plot sizes were 10 × 4.5 m. Apart from a zero-N treatment, the treatments involved four rates of fertilizer (calcium ammonium nitrate, CAN), up to 188 kg N ha−1, representing 50, 75, 100 and 125% of advised fertilizer application for silage maize in the Netherlands. Second, four rates of cattle slurry (up to 261 kg N ha−1, representing 50, 75, 100 and 125% of advised slurry N application). Third, three combinations of fertilizer and slurry, each adding up to 100% of advised N application (Tables 1 and 2). The application rates of slurry were estimated on the basis of average slurry composition from the respective farms, the real N application rates of slurry were calculated afterwards from the measured N contents of the applied slurry. The N content of the slurry used on the sandy soil was 4.5 g kg−1, of which 55% was organic N and 45% was NH4-N. For the clay soil the total N content of the slurry was 4.1 g kg−1, of which 54% was organic N and 46% NH4-N. Dry matter contents of the slurries were 91.7 g kg−1. Although no pH measurements were taken, typical pH values for this type of slurry are known to vary around 7 (Velthof et al., 2003). Phosphorus and potassium were applied to all treatments according to fertilizer recommendations. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed Opaque The flux chambers consisted of PVC cylinders with a diameter of 20 cm and a height of 22 cm. The chambers were placed unto permanent rings that were inserted gently into the soil to a depth of approx. 2 cm, and the height of the cylinder above the surface was measured. The N2O fluxes were measured using vented closed flux chambers and a photo-acoustic infra-red gas analyzer (Velthof and Oenema, 1995; Yamulki and Jarvis, 1999). Location Leeuwarden, Netherlands was used to find UTM. AIB 451,5
288 Van Zwieten (2013) Van Zwieten L, Kimber SWL, Morris SG, Singh BP, Grace PR, Scheer C, Rust J, Downie AE, Cowie AL. Pyrolysing poultry litter reduces N2O and CO2 fluxes. Science of the Totel Environment. 2013: 465; 279-287. Van Zwieten L, Kimber SWL, Morris SG, Singh BP, Grace PR, Scheer C, Rust J, Downie AE, Cowie AL Pyrolysing poultry litter reduces N2O and CO2 fluxes 2013 Science of the Totel Environment. Article N/A Australia -28.49 153.23 S 56 522511 6848494 Cfa N/A NR NR NR This field study was conducted on a highly permeable red ferrosol derived from basalt at the Wollongbar Primary Industries Institute (28.49″S, 153.23″E; elevation 140 m) Yes The field site was prepared by mowing existing pasture and removing most of the above ground biomass. The sitewas sprayedwith glyphosate and after 2 weeks, was rotary hoed to 100 mm. November 2011 January 2012 3 Multiple-intervention Biochar, Organic fertiliser 6 The sitewas surveyed and 24 plots of 10 m × 2.5 m pegged in an array 2 plots deep and 12 plots wide. Treatments standardised C input from PL and PL-biochar amendments, each to supply 4.5 Mg C/ha. A total of 6 treatments were applied according to a randomised complete block design. Treatments comprised; 1) nil amendment; 2) urea at 116 kg N/ha; 3) raw PL at 12 Mg drywt/ha; 4) PL-biochar at 10 Mg dry wt/ha; 5) PL-biochar at 10 Mg dry wt/ha plus 116 kg N/ha as urea; and 6) raw PL at 12 Mg dry wt/ha in combinationwith biochar at 10 Mgdry wt/ha. Treatment 6 supplied 9 Mg C/ha. CI Randomized Complete Block NR No Both static and dynamic NR Opaque The soil-atmosphere exchange of N2O, CH4 and CO2 was measured with a mobile fully automated measuring system. Soil atmosphere exchange measurements were taken from the twelve plots amended with either urea, PL-biochar plus urea or PL. Acrylic sampling chambers (50 cm × 50 cm × 15 cm) were fixed on stainless steel frames inserted 80 mm into the soil. The lids of the chamberswere opened and closed automaticallywith pneumatic pistons. In addition to the automated chamber analysis, manual static chamber analysis of GHG flux was completed in PL-biochar plots only (n = 4 chambers per plot). An additional static chamber was located in each plot where autochambers were located (i.e. urea, PL and PL-biochar + urea) to elucidate the source of N2O production. Following sowing, 10 atom% 15N-urea (supplied by Icon Isotopes, USA) was applied at 116 units N/ha (within the static chamber ring), a rate which matched N addition from the bulk plots. In urea amended plots, non-isotopically labelled urea was excluded from within the static chambers, replaced instead with 15N-urea at matching N rates. At weekly intervals following amendment, samples were collected from static chambers using a 60 min incubation. Measurement of N2O was performed using a gas chromatograph equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD). To avoid interference with detection of N2O, the CO2 was first scrubbed from the sample using an Ascarite® filter. Methane was analysed by FID, whilst CO2 was monitored continuously with an infrared gas analyser (LI-COR 820, LICOR, Lincoln/USA). At the beginning and the end of the study standard curves were developed for the ECD using several different standard concentrations (N2O; 0.1, 1.0 and 10 ppmv) to confirm the linearity range of the detector. During the field campaign, samples within the linearity range were calibrated automatically after every fifth sample using an ISO17025 certified gas standard (Coregas,Yennora, Australia) of 0.5 ppmv. For auxilliary measurements with manual chamber, gas samples (25 mL) were collected using a gas tight glass syringe with Teflon plunger (SGE Australia) and placed in evacuated 12 mL Exetainer® vials. Analysis of the gas sample and calculation of flux were described in Van Zwieten et al. (2010). For additional static chamber for urea study, Gas samples (25 mL) were taken using a gas tight glass syringe fitted with a Teflon plunger (SGE Australia) and placed in evacuated 12 mL Exetainer® vials. Two samples were taken from each static chamber, one for GHG analysis (method in Van Zwieten et al. (2010)), the other for analysis by Isotope Ratio MS. Vials were carefully packaged and sent to the University of California, Davis stable isotope facility for 15N·N2O-analysis by a Thermo Scientific Delta V Plus® isotope-ratio mass spectrometer using a Thermo Finnigan GasBench + PreCon trace gas concentration system(Bremen, Germany). The atom% 15N inN2O was calculated according to formulae provided by Stevens et al. (1993). Methane fluxes were negligible and not further mentioned in the study's results. "Methane flux centred around zero with either small uptake or emissions. As a result the Pearson's correlation criteria often failed. This suggests that CH4 flux was not important in this system and is not further discussed." Static and automated chambers used, no mention of dynamic chamber. Sampling equipment left blank because static was not the only chamber used. AIB 452,5
289 Vaughan (2014) Vaughan SM, Harper SM, Dalal RC, Menzies NW. To evaluate the effect of green waste compost on nitrous oxide emissions from horticulture. Acta Horticulturae. 2014: 1018; 83-92. Vaughan SM, Harper SM, Dalal RC, Menzies NW To evaluate the effect of green waste compost on nitrous oxide emissions from horticulture 2014 Acta Horticulturae Article NR N/A Australia -27.54 152.33 S 56 433965 6953116 Cfa N/A NR NR Vertisols The soil was a vertisol with a total N of 0.7%, total C of 1.7%. Before N fertiliser application the soil had a mineral N concentration of 0.3 kg NO3-N/ha and 6.3 kg NH4-N/ha. No NR June 2008 May 2009 12 Multiple-intervention Cover crops, Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 6 The trial site was cultivated and prepared into raised beds (10 cm high). The trial was a split plot design with the GWC applied to main plots (24×10 m). Compost application rates were 0, 2 and 4 t C/ha (equivalent to 0, 12, 24 t/ha). Fertiliser treatments were overlaid along the beds as subplots. Nitrogen fertiliser rates were 0 or 150 kg N/ha, comprised of 3×50 kg N/ha. The first and third application was as urea at 0 and 31 days after lettuce transplant and the second application was a combination of urea, ammonium sulfate and potassium nitrate applied at 10 days after lettuce transplant. There were four replicates of each treatment. Irrigation and fertiliser were applied via trickle tape. The six treatments included: (i) Control 0N, (ii) GWC 2 t C/ha 0N, (iii) GWC 4 t C/ha 0N, (iv) Control 150N, (v) GWC 2 t C/ha 150N, (vi) GWC 4 t C/ha 150N. The experiment ran from 12 June 2008 until 3 May 2009 and included two crops. The winter crop was lettuce (Latuca sativa ‘Pattagonia’) planted 12 June 2008. The crop was harvested after 11 weeks on 29 August 2008. The lettuce crop was followed by a fallow and then a sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench ‘MR Buster’) crop planted on 28 October 2008. The sorghum was not fertilised and was irrigated only once, at sowing, with 50 mm water. The sorghum was harvested after 18 weeks on 3 March 2009. CI Split/strip plot 4 No Static chamber Closed NR Static closed chambers (227 mm internal diameter, 200 mm height, 0.008 m3), as described in Weier (1999) were used to determine N2O and CO2 emissions. Two chambers were installed per plot – one in the centre above the buried trickle tape and one in the crop row. This was to quantify spatial variation caused by irrigation and crop effects. Chambers were inserted to 30 mm depth and remained in place, except for brief periods of removal for fertilisation and harvest events. One 30-ml gas sample was taken from the chambers headspace after they had been manually closed for 60 min. The gas sample was injected into a pre-evacuated exetainer (Labco, UK). The gas samples were analysed using gas chromatography as described by Allen (2007). AIB 453,5
290 Velthof (2011) Velthof GL, Mosquera J. The impact of slurry application technique on nitrous oxide emission from agricultural soils. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2011: 140; 298-308. Velthof GL, Mosquera J The impact of slurry application technique on nitrous oxide emission from agricultural soils 2011 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A Netherlands 51.98 5.68 N 31 683969 5762235 Cfb Maize Sand NR NR Sandy soil. N total = 1.28 g/kg, pH-KCl = 4.8, NH4+ = 3.3 mh N/kg, NO3- = 9.7 mg N/kg, soluable organic N = 6.0 mg N/kg, soluable organic C = 68 mg C/kg, C total = 18.2 g/kg, <16 um = 5.9% No NR March 2007 November 2009 33 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 12 The plots of the maize field were 20m long and 5m wide. The maize experiments consisted of six treatments: (i) no N fertilization (control), (ii) surface-applied (by broadcasting) mineral fertilizer (CAN), (iii) surface-applied (by broadcasting) cattle slurry, (iv) deep injected cattle slurry, (v) surface-applied (by broadcasting) pig slurry, and (iv) deep injected pig slurry. The maize field was cultivated to prepare a seed bed, after 2–3 days after slurry application, by which the slurry was partly incorporated. Maize was sown thereafter. In 2009, the maize experiment was extended with six additional treatments, i.e. two additional application rates for CAN, injected cattle slurry, and injected pig slurry. The aim of these additional treatments was to assess the effect of N application rate on the N2O emission factor. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed Opaque The measurements of N2O fluxes were carried out using a closed flux chamber technique, as described by Schils et al. (2008). The chambers (PVC cylinders) had a diameter of 18.6cm and height of 15cm (after inserting 3 cm into the soil). The concentration of N2O in the headspace wasmeasured just after closing and after 30 min, using a photo-acoustic infra-red gasmonitor of Innova (Innova 1312). The analyzer was directly attached to the chambers with polytetrafluorethylene tubes with an internal diameter of 0.3cm and a length of 400 cm. A trap of soda lime was attached in the air stream to the gas analyzer to reduce the CO2 concentration and to minimize possible interference of CO2 on the N2O measurement. The measured N2O concentrations in the headspace were corrected for the internal volume of analyzer and tubes. AIB 454,5
291 a Verhoeven (2014) Verhoeven E, Six J. Biochar does not mitigate field-scle N2O emissions in a Northern California vineyard: An assessment across two years. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2014: 191; 27-38. Verhoeven E, Six J Biochar does not mitigate field-scle N2O emissions in a Northern California vineyard: An assessment across two years. 2014 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A USA 38.3 -121.48 N 10 632943 4240154 Csa Row Sandy clay loam NR NR The soil was classified within the USDA soils classifica-tion system (USDA-NRCS, 2010) as Dierssen sandy clay loam (fine,mixed, superactive Haplic Durixeroll) with a particle size distri-bution of 50:27:23 (sand:silt:clay). No NR September 2010 October 2012 26 Multiple-intervention Biochar, Cover crops, Chemical fertiliser, Tillage 3 Plots were 500 m2and contained four rows of vines and three cover cropped rows;each plot was then split into two functional locations, berm and row. Each functional location within each plot received one of thefollowing three treatments; WS = walnut shell biochar, PC = pine chip biochar or control = no amendment. Immediately prior to falltillage and cover crop seeding on November 6th, 2010 biochar wasapplied manually at a rate of 10 Mg ha−1or approximately 0.5%,w/w based on 10,000 kg ha−1incorporated to depth of 15 cm witha bulk density of 1.3 for row. On the same day of biochar application, the rows were disked to 15 cm. Synthetic N was not applied in the fall of 2010, and was only appliedin the spring/summer of year one for a total of only 9.6 kg N ha−1.In contrast, following harvest in 2011 the vineyard received 19.8 kgN ha−1in addition to three smaller spring/summer applications.Prior to harvest in 2012, an additional 39.6 kg N ha−1was applied,bringing year two N application to 66.4 kg N ha−1. The remainder of vineyard N was supplied by a primarily legu-minous cover crop mix consisting of sweet pea, vetch, faba bean,and barley planted in the rows each fall and mowed the subsequentApril. Cover crop residue was not incorporated until the follow-ing fall when tillage occurred in preparation for sowing the nextyear’s cover crop. N supplied by the cover crop was calculated frombiomass and %N content and then adjusted for the amount of vine-yard floor covered by the cover crop. Across treatments cover cropbiomass supplied between 55–86 kg N ha−1and 95–101 kg N ha−1in the first and second year, respectively. Only the row received cover crop inputs. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed Opaque One chamber perfunctional location was installed in each replicate plot. Chamberswere constructed of polyvinylchloride (PVC) with a diameter of20.3 cm and height of 15 cm. Chamber lids were also constructedfrom PVC and fitted with a small manual fan, air vent, rubber septa,aluminum cover to reflect sunlight, and rubber gasket to ensurean airtight seal. Holes were drilled in the side of each chamberto install two thermocouple wires, for air and soil temperature,and an ECH2O 5TE moisture probe (Decagon Devices) and thenfilled back in with glue/resin. Chamber bases and probes weresemi-permanently installed in the field, only being removed asneeded for specific management activities (harvest, mowing, pesti-cide and herbicide application). Chambers were inserted to a depthof approximately 5 cm, temperature probes to 15 cm and moistureprobes to 7.5 cm. Following any installation the exposed cham-ber height was measured and the total chamber volume was thusadjusted, ranging from 3.5 to 5.5 L. Samples were analyzed within two weeks on a Shi-madzu GC-2014 Gas Chromatograph (Palo Alto, CA) equipped withan electron capture detector and thermal conductivity detector tomeasure N2O and CO2, respectively. N2O and CO2 were sampled, but the results focused on N2O emissions AIB 455,5
291 b Verhoeven (2014) Verhoeven E, Six J. Biochar does not mitigate field-scle N2O emissions in a Northern California vineyard: An assessment across two years. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2014: 191; 27-38. Verhoeven E, Six J Biochar does not mitigate field-scle N2O emissions in a Northern California vineyard: An assessment across two years. 2014 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A USA 38.3 -121.48 N 10 632943 4240154 Csa Berm Sandy clay loam NR NR The soil was classified within the USDA soils classifica-tion system (USDA-NRCS, 2010) as Dierssen sandy clay loam (fine,mixed, superactive Haplic Durixeroll) with a particle size distri-bution of 50:27:23 (sand:silt:clay). No NR September 2010 October 2012 26 Multiple-intervention Biochar, Cover crops, Chemical fertiliser, Tillage, irrigation 3 Plots were 500 m2and contained four rows of vines and three cover cropped rows;each plot was then split into two functional locations, berm and row. Each functional location within each plot received one of thefollowing three treatments; WS = walnut shell biochar, PC = pine chip biochar or control = no amendment. Immediately prior to falltillage and cover crop seeding on November 6th, 2010 biochar wasapplied manually at a rate of 10 Mg ha−1or approximately 0.5%,w/w based on 10,000 kg ha−1incorporated to depth of 15 cm witha bulk density of 1.5 for the berm. On the same day of biochar application, a final pass was used to pile tilled soil under vines to create aberm and bury the berm biochar. All synthetic fertilization and irrigation was delivered via hang-ing drip; 1268 L and 2534 L of irrigation were applied per vine inyear one and two, respectively. Only the berm functional loca-tion received irrigation inputs. All irrigation occurred between themonths of April and October; more than double the amount ofirrigation water was applied in year two due to a regional drought. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No NR Closed Opaque One chamber perfunctional location was installed in each replicate plot. Chamberswere constructed of polyvinylchloride (PVC) with a diameter of20.3 cm and height of 15 cm. Chamber lids were also constructedfrom PVC and fitted with a small manual fan, air vent, rubber septa,aluminum cover to reflect sunlight, and rubber gasket to ensurean airtight seal. Holes were drilled in the side of each chamberto install two thermocouple wires, for air and soil temperature,and an ECH2O 5TE moisture probe (Decagon Devices) and thenfilled back in with glue/resin. Chamber bases and probes weresemi-permanently installed in the field, only being removed asneeded for specific management activities (harvest, mowing, pesti-cide and herbicide application). Chambers were inserted to a depthof approximately 5 cm, temperature probes to 15 cm and moistureprobes to 7.5 cm. Following any installation the exposed cham-ber height was measured and the total chamber volume was thusadjusted, ranging from 3.5 to 5.5 L. Samples were analyzed within two weeks on a Shi-madzu GC-2014 Gas Chromatograph (Palo Alto, CA) equipped withan electron capture detector and thermal conductivity detector tomeasure N2O and CO2, respectively. AIB 456,5
292 a Vermeulen (2009) Vermeulen GD, Mosquera J. Soil, crop and emission responses to seasonal-controlled traffic in organic vegetable farming on loam soil. Soil Tillage & Research. 2009: 102; 126-134. Vermeulen GD, Mosquera J Soil, crop and emission responses to seasonal-controlled traffic in organic vegetable farming on loam soil 2009 Soil Tillage & Research Article Vermeulen, G. D., Mosquera, J., Van Der Wel, C., Van Der Klooster, A., & Steenhuizen, J. W. (2007). Potential of controlled traffic farming with automatic guidance on an organic farm in the Netherlands. Precision agriculture, 7, 473-481. Netherlands 51.65 4.66 N 31 614957 5723162 Cfb K1 Loam NR Fluvisols The soil type was a Fluvisol (IUSS Working Group WRB, 2007). The experiment fields were artificially tile-drained to a depth of 0.9–1.1 m. The topsoil (0–20 cm depth) classified as a loam according to particle size distribution (USDA classification). Yes The research was conducted on an organic farm that started organic production in 1998 and adopted seasonal-controlled traffic farming (SCTF) in 1999. The farm produces according to EKO quality symbol, meeting the requirements of EU-regulation no. 2092/91 for organic production. Before 1998 the farm grew arable and vegetable crops in a conventional way. April 2002 October 2005 43 Other Other 2 In the first year of the experiment (2002) only green pea was grown and only on field K1 (Table 2). In each of the successive years (2003, 2004 and 2005), three fields were selected on the farm and these grew onion, carrot and spinach in turn. The onions were direct sown in 2003 and 2004 and planted from onion sets in 2005. On each field, the treatments SCTF and RTF were compared in a randomized block design with four blocks. The plots were 6.30-m wide and 80-m long. In the seasonal-controlle traffic (SCTF) treatment, the machinery was automatically guided over fixed traffic lanes using tractor guidance based on RTK-DGPS with aprecisionofabout2 cm. Thedistance betweenthe traffic lanes was 3.15m. For crops with 50 cm and 75 cm row spacing, the distance between the rows next to the traffic lanes was increased by 15 cm to avoid effects of the compacted lane on crop growth. Crops, which would normally be sown on 25 and 12.5 cm distance, were sown at a closer distance of 24 and 10.8 cm, respectively, to maintainthenumber of croprows inthe field while providing 53and 44 cm wide traffic lanes, respectively. The main tractor was a 140 kW four-wheel drive, fitted with 30-cm wide rubber tracks to increase tractor stabilityand to avoid lateral slippage underwetfield conditions (Fig. 2). The traffic lanes were used for seedbed preparation, sowing/planting, liquid manure application in spring and formechanical weed control. The working width was 6.30m for most operations but the 75-cm wide ridges for carrots were made with 3m wide equipment (Fig. 1). In autumn, after random traffic duringharvest, the fieldswere conventionally ploughedto a depth of about 17 cmto alleviate topsoil compaction. Theworking width per plough bottom was 45 cm. The RTF system treatment was based on the use of standard tractors in spring. Tractors used for seedbed preparation and sowing in green pea, spinach and onionswere selected such that they could operate with 0.5 bar tyre pressure. The random traffic farming (RTF) system was realized on strips, 6.30-m wide, which fitted in the SCTF system applied on the entire field CI Randomized Complete Block NR No Static chamber Closed NR Gas exchange (N2O, CH4) between the soil surface and the atmosphere was measured with closed flux chambers. SinceN2O and CH4 fluxes usually show a large spatial variability, large chambers (3.5 m2 surface area, 1.5 m3 volume) were used. Disturbances by inserting the chamber into the soil may release N2O or CH4 trapped by the soil. To minimize this effect, chambers were either placed on top of the soil (Fig. 4a) or on permanently installed wooden frames inserted 5–10 cm into the soil (Fig. 4b). In the SCTF system, the emissions were measured in the untrafficked beds only. Each chamber was equipped with a battery-driven axial flow fan to ensure proper mixing of gases in the chamber. An estimate of inserted 5–10 cm into the soil (Fig. 4b). leakage over the measurement period was obtained by measuring the rate of decay of a known amount of injected tracer gas (SF6) as described by Mosquera et al. (2002). Gas samples were collected in 30 ml syringes 0, 20 and 40 min after the start of the measurements. The gas samples were analyzed the same day by using a gas chromatograph equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD) for N2O and SF6, and a flame ionization detector (FID) for CH4. AIB 457,5
292 b Vermeulen (2009) Vermeulen GD, Mosquera J. Soil, crop and emission responses to seasonal-controlled traffic in organic vegetable farming on loam soil. Soil Tillage & Research. 2009: 102; 126-134. Vermeulen GD, Mosquera J Soil, crop and emission responses to seasonal-controlled traffic in organic vegetable farming on loam soil 2009 Soil Tillage & Research Article Vermeulen, G. D., Mosquera, J., Van Der Wel, C., Van Der Klooster, A., & Steenhuizen, J. W. (2007). Potential of controlled traffic farming with automatic guidance on an organic farm in the Netherlands. Precision agriculture, 7, 473-481. Netherlands 51.65 4.66 N 31 614957 5723162 Cfb B8 Loam NR Fluvisols The soil type was a Fluvisol (IUSS Working Group WRB, 2007). The experiment fields were artificially tile-drained to a depth of 0.9–1.1 m. The topsoil (0–20 cm depth) classified as a loam according to particle size distribution (USDA classification). Yes The research was conducted on an organic farm that started organic production in 1998 and adopted seasonal-controlled traffic farming (SCTF) in 1999. The farm produces according to EKO quality symbol, meeting the requirements of EU-regulation no. 2092/91 for organic production. Before 1998 the farm grew arable and vegetable crops in a conventional way. Unclear 2003 Unclear 2005 Unclear Other Other 2 In the first year of the experiment (2002) only green pea was grown and only on field K1 (Table 2). In each of the successive years (2003, 2004 and 2005), three fields were selected on the farm and these grew onion, carrot and spinach in turn. The onions were direct sown in 2003 and 2004 and planted from onion sets in 2005. On each field, the treatments SCTF and RTF were compared in a randomized block design with four blocks. The plots were 6.30-m wide and 80-m long. In the seasonal-controlle traffic (SCTF) treatment, the machinery was automatically guided over fixed traffic lanes using tractor guidance based on RTK-DGPS with aprecisionofabout2 cm. Thedistance betweenthe traffic lanes was 3.15m. For crops with 50 cm and 75 cm row spacing, the distance between the rows next to the traffic lanes was increased by 15 cm to avoid effects of the compacted lane on crop growth. Crops, which would normally be sown on 25 and 12.5 cm distance, were sown at a closer distance of 24 and 10.8 cm, respectively, to maintainthenumber of croprows inthe field while providing 53and 44 cm wide traffic lanes, respectively. The main tractor was a 140 kW four-wheel drive, fitted with 30-cm wide rubber tracks to increase tractor stabilityand to avoid lateral slippage underwetfield conditions (Fig. 2). The traffic lanes were used for seedbed preparation, sowing/planting, liquid manure application in spring and formechanical weed control. The working width was 6.30m for most operations but the 75-cm wide ridges for carrots were made with 3m wide equipment (Fig. 1). In autumn, after random traffic duringharvest, the fieldswere conventionally ploughedto a depth of about 17 cmto alleviate topsoil compaction. Theworking width per plough bottom was 45 cm. The RTF system treatment was based on the use of standard tractors in spring. Tractors used for seedbed preparation and sowing in green pea, spinach and onionswere selected such that they could operate with 0.5 bar tyre pressure. The random traffic farming (RTF) system was realized on strips, 6.30-m wide, which fitted in the SCTF system applied on the entire field CI Randomized Complete Block NR No Static chamber Closed NR Gas exchange (N2O, CH4) between the soil surface and the atmosphere was measured with closed flux chambers. SinceN2O and CH4 fluxes usually show a large spatial variability, large chambers (3.5 m2 surface area, 1.5 m3 volume) were used. Disturbances by inserting the chamber into the soil may release N2O or CH4 trapped by the soil. To minimize this effect, chambers were either placed on top of the soil (Fig. 4a) or on permanently installed wooden frames inserted 5–10 cm into the soil (Fig. 4b). In the SCTF system, the emissions were measured in the untrafficked beds only. Each chamber was equipped with a battery-driven axial flow fan to ensure proper mixing of gases in the chamber. An estimate of inserted 5–10 cm into the soil (Fig. 4b). leakage over the measurement period was obtained by measuring the rate of decay of a known amount of injected tracer gas (SF6) as described by Mosquera et al. (2002). Gas samples were collected in 30 ml syringes 0, 20 and 40 min after the start of the measurements. The gas samples were analyzed the same day by using a gas chromatograph equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD) for N2O and SF6, and a flame ionization detector (FID) for CH4. Unclear start/end months because months mentioned were per crop, and not per field (which varied in crop). AIB 458,5
292 c Vermeulen (2009) Vermeulen GD, Mosquera J. Soil, crop and emission responses to seasonal-controlled traffic in organic vegetable farming on loam soil. Soil Tillage & Research. 2009: 102; 126-134. Vermeulen GD, Mosquera J Soil, crop and emission responses to seasonal-controlled traffic in organic vegetable farming on loam soil 2009 Soil Tillage & Research Article Vermeulen, G. D., Mosquera, J., Van Der Wel, C., Van Der Klooster, A., & Steenhuizen, J. W. (2007). Potential of controlled traffic farming with automatic guidance on an organic farm in the Netherlands. Precision agriculture, 7, 473-481. Netherlands 51.65 4.66 N 31 614957 5723162 Cfb B10 Loam NR Fluvisols The soil type was a Fluvisol (IUSS Working Group WRB, 2007). The experiment fields were artificially tile-drained to a depth of 0.9–1.1 m. The topsoil (0–20 cm depth) classified as a loam according to particle size distribution (USDA classification). Yes The research was conducted on an organic farm that started organic production in 1998 and adopted seasonal-controlled traffic farming (SCTF) in 1999. The farm produces according to EKO quality symbol, meeting the requirements of EU-regulation no. 2092/91 for organic production. Before 1998 the farm grew arable and vegetable crops in a conventional way. Unclear 2003 Unclear Unclear Unclear Other Other 2 In the first year of the experiment (2002) only green pea was grown and only on field K1 (Table 2). In each of the successive years (2003, 2004 and 2005), three fields were selected on the farm and these grew onion, carrot and spinach in turn. The onions were direct sown in 2003 and 2004 and planted from onion sets in 2005. On each field, the treatments SCTF and RTF were compared in a randomized block design with four blocks. The plots were 6.30-m wide and 80-m long. In the seasonal-controlle traffic (SCTF) treatment, the machinery was automatically guided over fixed traffic lanes using tractor guidance based on RTK-DGPS with aprecisionofabout2 cm. Thedistance betweenthe traffic lanes was 3.15m. For crops with 50 cm and 75 cm row spacing, the distance between the rows next to the traffic lanes was increased by 15 cm to avoid effects of the compacted lane on crop growth. Crops, which would normally be sown on 25 and 12.5 cm distance, were sown at a closer distance of 24 and 10.8 cm, respectively, to maintainthenumber of croprows inthe field while providing 53and 44 cm wide traffic lanes, respectively. The main tractor was a 140 kW four-wheel drive, fitted with 30-cm wide rubber tracks to increase tractor stabilityand to avoid lateral slippage underwetfield conditions (Fig. 2). The traffic lanes were used for seedbed preparation, sowing/planting, liquid manure application in spring and formechanical weed control. The working width was 6.30m for most operations but the 75-cm wide ridges for carrots were made with 3m wide equipment (Fig. 1). In autumn, after random traffic duringharvest, the fieldswere conventionally ploughedto a depth of about 17 cmto alleviate topsoil compaction. Theworking width per plough bottom was 45 cm. The RTF system treatment was based on the use of standard tractors in spring. Tractors used for seedbed preparation and sowing in green pea, spinach and onionswere selected such that they could operate with 0.5 bar tyre pressure. The random traffic farming (RTF) system was realized on strips, 6.30-m wide, which fitted in the SCTF system applied on the entire field CI Randomized Complete Block NR No Static chamber Closed NR Gas exchange (N2O, CH4) between the soil surface and the atmosphere was measured with closed flux chambers. SinceN2O and CH4 fluxes usually show a large spatial variability, large chambers (3.5 m2 surface area, 1.5 m3 volume) were used. Disturbances by inserting the chamber into the soil may release N2O or CH4 trapped by the soil. To minimize this effect, chambers were either placed on top of the soil (Fig. 4a) or on permanently installed wooden frames inserted 5–10 cm into the soil (Fig. 4b). In the SCTF system, the emissions were measured in the untrafficked beds only. Each chamber was equipped with a battery-driven axial flow fan to ensure proper mixing of gases in the chamber. An estimate of inserted 5–10 cm into the soil (Fig. 4b). leakage over the measurement period was obtained by measuring the rate of decay of a known amount of injected tracer gas (SF6) as described by Mosquera et al. (2002). Gas samples were collected in 30 ml syringes 0, 20 and 40 min after the start of the measurements. The gas samples were analyzed the same day by using a gas chromatograph equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD) for N2O and SF6, and a flame ionization detector (FID) for CH4. Unclear start/end months because months mentioned were per crop, and not per field (which varied in crop). AIB 459,5
292 d Vermeulen (2009) Vermeulen GD, Mosquera J. Soil, crop and emission responses to seasonal-controlled traffic in organic vegetable farming on loam soil. Soil Tillage & Research. 2009: 102; 126-134. Vermeulen GD, Mosquera J Soil, crop and emission responses to seasonal-controlled traffic in organic vegetable farming on loam soil 2009 Soil Tillage & Research Article Vermeulen, G. D., Mosquera, J., Van Der Wel, C., Van Der Klooster, A., & Steenhuizen, J. W. (2007). Potential of controlled traffic farming with automatic guidance on an organic farm in the Netherlands. Precision agriculture, 7, 473-481. Netherlands 51.65 4.66 N 31 614957 5723162 Cfb K2 Loam NR Fluvisols The soil type was a Fluvisol (IUSS Working Group WRB, 2007). The experiment fields were artificially tile-drained to a depth of 0.9–1.1 m. The topsoil (0–20 cm depth) classified as a loam according to particle size distribution (USDA classification). Yes The research was conducted on an organic farm that started organic production in 1998 and adopted seasonal-controlled traffic farming (SCTF) in 1999. The farm produces according to EKO quality symbol, meeting the requirements of EU-regulation no. 2092/91 for organic production. Before 1998 the farm grew arable and vegetable crops in a conventional way. Unclear 2004 Unclear Unclear Unclear Other Other 2 In the first year of the experiment (2002) only green pea was grown and only on field K1 (Table 2). In each of the successive years (2003, 2004 and 2005), three fields were selected on the farm and these grew onion, carrot and spinach in turn. The onions were direct sown in 2003 and 2004 and planted from onion sets in 2005. On each field, the treatments SCTF and RTF were compared in a randomized block design with four blocks. The plots were 6.30-m wide and 80-m long. In the seasonal-controlle traffic (SCTF) treatment, the machinery was automatically guided over fixed traffic lanes using tractor guidance based on RTK-DGPS with aprecisionofabout2 cm. Thedistance betweenthe traffic lanes was 3.15m. For crops with 50 cm and 75 cm row spacing, the distance between the rows next to the traffic lanes was increased by 15 cm to avoid effects of the compacted lane on crop growth. Crops, which would normally be sown on 25 and 12.5 cm distance, were sown at a closer distance of 24 and 10.8 cm, respectively, to maintainthenumber of croprows inthe field while providing 53and 44 cm wide traffic lanes, respectively. The main tractor was a 140 kW four-wheel drive, fitted with 30-cm wide rubber tracks to increase tractor stabilityand to avoid lateral slippage underwetfield conditions (Fig. 2). The traffic lanes were used for seedbed preparation, sowing/planting, liquid manure application in spring and formechanical weed control. The working width was 6.30m for most operations but the 75-cm wide ridges for carrots were made with 3m wide equipment (Fig. 1). In autumn, after random traffic duringharvest, the fieldswere conventionally ploughedto a depth of about 17 cmto alleviate topsoil compaction. Theworking width per plough bottom was 45 cm. The RTF system treatment was based on the use of standard tractors in spring. Tractors used for seedbed preparation and sowing in green pea, spinach and onionswere selected such that they could operate with 0.5 bar tyre pressure. The random traffic farming (RTF) system was realized on strips, 6.30-m wide, which fitted in the SCTF system applied on the entire field CI Randomized Complete Block NR No Static chamber Closed NR Gas exchange (N2O, CH4) between the soil surface and the atmosphere was measured with closed flux chambers. SinceN2O and CH4 fluxes usually show a large spatial variability, large chambers (3.5 m2 surface area, 1.5 m3 volume) were used. Disturbances by inserting the chamber into the soil may release N2O or CH4 trapped by the soil. To minimize this effect, chambers were either placed on top of the soil (Fig. 4a) or on permanently installed wooden frames inserted 5–10 cm into the soil (Fig. 4b). In the SCTF system, the emissions were measured in the untrafficked beds only. Each chamber was equipped with a battery-driven axial flow fan to ensure proper mixing of gases in the chamber. An estimate of inserted 5–10 cm into the soil (Fig. 4b). leakage over the measurement period was obtained by measuring the rate of decay of a known amount of injected tracer gas (SF6) as described by Mosquera et al. (2002). Gas samples were collected in 30 ml syringes 0, 20 and 40 min after the start of the measurements. The gas samples were analyzed the same day by using a gas chromatograph equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD) for N2O and SF6, and a flame ionization detector (FID) for CH4. Unclear start/end months because months mentioned were per crop, and not per field (which varied in crop). AIB 460,5
292 e Vermeulen (2009) Vermeulen GD, Mosquera J. Soil, crop and emission responses to seasonal-controlled traffic in organic vegetable farming on loam soil. Soil Tillage & Research. 2009: 102; 126-134. Vermeulen GD, Mosquera J Soil, crop and emission responses to seasonal-controlled traffic in organic vegetable farming on loam soil 2009 Soil Tillage & Research Article Vermeulen, G. D., Mosquera, J., Van Der Wel, C., Van Der Klooster, A., & Steenhuizen, J. W. (2007). Potential of controlled traffic farming with automatic guidance on an organic farm in the Netherlands. Precision agriculture, 7, 473-481. Netherlands 51.65 4.66 N 31 614957 5723162 Cfb K3 Loam NR Fluvisols The soil type was a Fluvisol (IUSS Working Group WRB, 2007). The experiment fields were artificially tile-drained to a depth of 0.9–1.1 m. The topsoil (0–20 cm depth) classified as a loam according to particle size distribution (USDA classification). Yes The research was conducted on an organic farm that started organic production in 1998 and adopted seasonal-controlled traffic farming (SCTF) in 1999. The farm produces according to EKO quality symbol, meeting the requirements of EU-regulation no. 2092/91 for organic production. Before 1998 the farm grew arable and vegetable crops in a conventional way. Unclear 2004 Unclear 2005 Unclear Other Other 2 In the first year of the experiment (2002) only green pea was grown and only on field K1 (Table 2). In each of the successive years (2003, 2004 and 2005), three fields were selected on the farm and these grew onion, carrot and spinach in turn. The onions were direct sown in 2003 and 2004 and planted from onion sets in 2005. On each field, the treatments SCTF and RTF were compared in a randomized block design with four blocks. The plots were 6.30-m wide and 80-m long. In the seasonal-controlle traffic (SCTF) treatment, the machinery was automatically guided over fixed traffic lanes using tractor guidance based on RTK-DGPS with aprecisionofabout2 cm. Thedistance betweenthe traffic lanes was 3.15m. For crops with 50 cm and 75 cm row spacing, the distance between the rows next to the traffic lanes was increased by 15 cm to avoid effects of the compacted lane on crop growth. Crops, which would normally be sown on 25 and 12.5 cm distance, were sown at a closer distance of 24 and 10.8 cm, respectively, to maintainthenumber of croprows inthe field while providing 53and 44 cm wide traffic lanes, respectively. The main tractor was a 140 kW four-wheel drive, fitted with 30-cm wide rubber tracks to increase tractor stabilityand to avoid lateral slippage underwetfield conditions (Fig. 2). The traffic lanes were used for seedbed preparation, sowing/planting, liquid manure application in spring and formechanical weed control. The working width was 6.30m for most operations but the 75-cm wide ridges for carrots were made with 3m wide equipment (Fig. 1). In autumn, after random traffic duringharvest, the fieldswere conventionally ploughedto a depth of about 17 cmto alleviate topsoil compaction. Theworking width per plough bottom was 45 cm. The RTF system treatment was based on the use of standard tractors in spring. Tractors used for seedbed preparation and sowing in green pea, spinach and onionswere selected such that they could operate with 0.5 bar tyre pressure. The random traffic farming (RTF) system was realized on strips, 6.30-m wide, which fitted in the SCTF system applied on the entire field CI Randomized Complete Block NR No Static chamber Closed NR Gas exchange (N2O, CH4) between the soil surface and the atmosphere was measured with closed flux chambers. SinceN2O and CH4 fluxes usually show a large spatial variability, large chambers (3.5 m2 surface area, 1.5 m3 volume) were used. Disturbances by inserting the chamber into the soil may release N2O or CH4 trapped by the soil. To minimize this effect, chambers were either placed on top of the soil (Fig. 4a) or on permanently installed wooden frames inserted 5–10 cm into the soil (Fig. 4b). In the SCTF system, the emissions were measured in the untrafficked beds only. Each chamber was equipped with a battery-driven axial flow fan to ensure proper mixing of gases in the chamber. An estimate of inserted 5–10 cm into the soil (Fig. 4b). leakage over the measurement period was obtained by measuring the rate of decay of a known amount of injected tracer gas (SF6) as described by Mosquera et al. (2002). Gas samples were collected in 30 ml syringes 0, 20 and 40 min after the start of the measurements. The gas samples were analyzed the same day by using a gas chromatograph equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD) for N2O and SF6, and a flame ionization detector (FID) for CH4. Unclear start/end months because months mentioned were per crop, and not per field (which varied in crop). AIB 461,5
293 Vermue (2016) Vermue A, Nicolardot B, Henault C. High N2O variations induced by agricultural practices in integrated weed management systems. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 2016: 36(45); 1-10. Vermue A, Nicolardot B, Henault C High N2O variations induced by agricultural practices in integrated weed management systems 2016 Agronomy for Sustainable Development Article N/A France 47.33 -0.97 N 30 653619 5244212 Cfb N/A NR NR Cambisols The soil of the experimental site was a Cambisol (Hypereutric) (IUSSWorking Group WRB 2006) with a clayey surface layer developed on alluvial deposits. The main mean (± standard deviation) soil characteristics for the four cropping systems were as follows: clay 411 ± 32 g kg−1, silt 534 ± 32 g kg−1, sand 53 ± 1 g kg−1, pH 6.9 ± 0.1, CaCO3 <1 g kg−1, organic C 19.1 ± 2.4 mg C kg−1, organic N 1.58 ± 0.29 mg N kg−1, cation exchange capacity 21.5 ± 2.3 cmol(+) kg−1, bulk density 1.49 ± 0.02 g cm−3. Yes The experimental site was set up in 2000 to assess the performance of four cropping systems based on integrated weed management compared to a reference standard system (Chikowo et al. 2009). October 2011 April 2013 19 Multiple-intervention Crop rotation, Tillage, Chemical fertiliser, other 4 The surface areas of the four systems investigated were about 1.7 ha each, separated by a grass strip. These systems differed in terms of crop rotations, soil tillage, mechanical and chemical weeding, and crop management. The first cropping system was the standard reference system (S1) designed to maximize financial returns, with emphasis placed on the use of chemical herbicides for weed control. Moldboard plowing was carried out each year during summer, and herbicides were chosen in accordance with the recommendations of extension services and pesticide producers that must conform to the rules of application defined by ANSES (French Agency of Food, Environmental, and Occupational Health and Safety). The second system (S2) was an integrated weed management system with no-tillage and direct seeding, with a herbicide treatment frequency reduced to 25 % in comparison with S1. The third system (S3) was an integrated weed management system that allows for plowing and other soil tillage operations when necessary, according to field observations, for weed seed bank management. Herbicide treatment frequency for system S3 was half that of the reference system S1. The last system studied (S5) was a total integrated weed management system with no herbicide treatment. However, in contrast with organic farming, tillage and other pesticide treatments were possible when required. All the systems were studied for 1 year, between March 2012 and March 2013. CI Purposive NR No Static chamber NR NR Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions were measured continuously using the automated chamber method described in Vermue et al. (2013). A specific set of 24 static chambers (length 70 cm, width 70 cm, height 30 cm) was set up (Fig. 1). The chambers were placed on each plot (six chambers for each system, i.e., S1, S2, S3, and S5) within a 25-m radius around the analyzing device located on the grass strip to take into account the spatial variability inside each plot as soon as possible. The chambers were present during the entire study period and removed for very short periods when tillage operations were performed. In the field, the chambers were pressed 10 cm into the soil, giving a 98-L headspace volume. Nitrous oxide (N2O) concentrations in the headspaces were measured by a Megatec® IR analyzer 46i (Thermo Scientific), connected to each chamber using an automated screening system. AIB 462,5
294 a Vinten (1998) Vinten AJA, Davies R, Castle K, Baggs EM. Control of nitrate leaching from a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone using paper mill waste. Soil Use and Management. 1998: 14; 44-51. Vinten AJA, Davies R, Castle K, Baggs EM Control of nitrate leaching from a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone using paper mill waste 1998 Soil Use and Management Article N/A United Kingdom 56.27 -3.1 N 30 493826 6235585 Cfb Mackies field experiment Sandy clay loam NR NR The soils are of the Hexpath series (sandy loam or loamy sand) developed on fluvioglacial sands and gravels derived mainly from Upper Old Red Sandstone sediments. At the lower end of Mackies field, the soil texture is heavier (sandy clay loam). Yes The site is 40 m above sea level and has a long history of intensive vegetable cropping. Mackies field was double cropped with iceberg lettuce in 1994. Both fields had been cropped with leafy vegetable crops in six of the previous ten seasons. October 1994 December 1994 3 Multiple-intervention Cover crops, other 15 3 waste blocks with 5 waste treatments each, applied on 3 cultivation blocks with 3 cultivation sub treatments each. Paper Waste Treatment: Paper mill waste was applied at three different rates. The waste was acquired from GB Papers Ltd, Guardbridge, St Andrew, Fife in several batches and stockpiled in the field without mixing.At Mackies field, waste treatments were applied to the previous crop residues using a rear delivery manure spreader on 10 October 1994. This paper waste was applied at a 0, 12.7 (S.D. = 8.8) and 44.4 (7.1) t DMiha (WO, W1 and W2 respectively). The distribution of paper waste was uniform up to one metre from the centre line of the spreader. Insufficient waste was available for complete application of both W1 and W2 treatments, so W1 rates were located 2.5 m from the centre line of the W2 treatments. Cultivation treatment We considered that the paper mill waste might adversely affect subsequent crop yields, so we included the effect of cultivation depth in the experimental design. We expected that shallower waste incorporation would lead to the risk of N shortage for the following crop, and that denitrification of excess mineral nitrate might be promoted by incorporation by deep cultivation.Three cultivation subtreatments to incorporate the waste were applied perpendicular to the paper waste treatments. Deep mouldboard ploughing (DP) inverted the plough layer to about 350 mm depth, conventional mouldboard ploughing (CP) inverted the plough layer to about 150 mm depth, and reduced cultivation with a power harrow (R) disturbed the surface soil to a nominal depth of about 50 mm. Crop residue treutment Crop residues, which may constitute 30-40% of the previous crop dry matter, remained on the plots. Residues were removed on small subplots of the WO and W2 treatments. In Mackies field, the measured lettuce crop residue returns were 1.6 t DMiha at 5.3O/0 N. In Dipper field, the measured calabrese residue returns were 5.4 t DMiha at 2.0% N. Mineral N content of the soil was measured on 30 September to 7 October 1994 at Mackies. It was 59 mg Nikg (S.D = 56 mgikg) for the WO treatment and 114 (29) for the (&SO cm) W2 treatment. Initial mineral N contents CI Split/strip plot NR No NR Closed NR Closed chambers of 400 mm diameter by 200 mm height were inserted 50 mm into the soil on WO and W2 treatments. Gas samples were taken after the chambers had been covered with an airtight lid for one hour (Clayton et al., 1994). These samples were analysed for N20 content by gas chromatography using an electron capture detector. AIB 463,5
294 b Vinten (1998) Vinten AJA, Davies R, Castle K, Baggs EM. Control of nitrate leaching from a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone using paper mill waste. Soil Use and Management. 1998: 14; 44-51. Vinten AJA, Davies R, Castle K, Baggs EM Control of nitrate leaching from a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone using paper mill waste 1998 Soil Use and Management Article N/A United Kingdom 56.27 -3.1 N 30 493826 6235585 Cfb Dipper field experiment Unclear NR NR The soils are of the Hexpath series (sandy loam or loamy sand) developed on fluvioglacial sands and gravels derived mainly from Upper Old Red Sandstone sediments. Yes The site is 40 m above sea level and has a long history of intensive vegetable cropping. Dipper field cropped with calabrese in 1994 and double cropped with iceberg lettuce in 1995. Both fields had been cropped with leafy vegetable crops in six of the previous ten seasons. December 1994 January 1995 2 Multiple-intervention Cover crops, other 15 4 waste blocks with 5 waste treatments each, applied on 3 cultivation blocks with 3 cultivation sub treatments each. Paper mill waste was applied at three different rates. The waste was acquired from GB Papers Ltd, Guardbridge, St Andrew, Fife in several batches and stockpiled in the field without mixing.At Dipper field, waste was applied on 6 December 1994 at 0, 24.4 (5.7) and 38.6 (9.3) t DMiha paper mill waste. In this experiment sufficient waste was available to use separate runs of the spreader for the MI1 and W2 treatments. Cultivation treatment We considered that the paper mill waste might adversely affect subsequent crop yields, so we included the effect of cultivation depth in the experimental design. We expected that shallower waste incorporation would lead to the risk of N shortage for the following crop, and that denitrification of excess mineral nitrate might be promoted by incorporation by deep cultivation.Three cultivation subtreatments to incorporate the waste were applied perpendicular to the paper waste treatments. Deep mouldboard ploughing (DP) inverted the plough layer to about 350 mm depth, conventional mouldboard ploughing (CP) inverted the plough layer to about 150 mm depth, and reduced cultivation with a power harrow (R) disturbed the surface soil to a nominal depth of about 50 mm. Crop residue treatment Crop residues, which may constitute 30-40% of the previous crop dry matter, remained on the plots. Residues were removed on small subplots of the WO and W2 treatments. Initial mineral N contents at Dipper field were not measured. The primary effect of the paper waste was expected to be on nitrate leached from the following crop, therefore initial conditions were not relevant. CI Split/strip plot NR No NR Closed NR Closed chambers of 400 mm diameter by 200 mm height were inserted 50 mm into the soil on WO and W2 treatments. Gas samples were taken after the chambers had been covered with an airtight lid for one hour (Clayton et al., 1994). These samples were analysed for N20 content by gas chromatography using an electron capture detector. Site soil is said to be "sandy loam or loamy sand" AIB 464,5
295 Vinten (2002) Vinten AJA, Ball BC, O'Sullivan MF, Henshall JK. The effects of cultivation method, fertilizer input and previous sward type on organic C and N storage and gaseous losses under spring and winter barley following long-term leys. Journal of Agricultural Science. 2002: 139; 231-243. Vinten AJA, Ball BC, O'Sullivan MF, Henshall JK The effects of cultivation method, fertilizer input and previous sward type on organic C and N storage and gaseous losses under spring and winter barley following long-term leys 2002 Journal of Agricultural Science Article N/A United Kingdom 55.86 -3.21 N 30 487106 6190672 Cfb N/A Sandy loam NR NR Mainly Macmerry series, an imperfectly drained brown earth, with a sandy loam topsoil over a partially sorted sandy clay loam to clay loam subsoil Yes A grassland systems trial was established in May 1987 to assess the potential of grass-clover swards for lamb production, compared with fertilized grass swards (Swift et al. 1993; Vipond et al. 1997). Swards were continuously grazed from April to September, using practices which encouraged the spread of clover and enhanced clover contribution towards herbage production (Swift & Vipond 1991). NR 1996 June 1998 Unclear Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Tillage, crop rotation 48 Within eachpaddock there were four main sub-blocks, one foreach of the rotations used. These were each split intothree subplots for three tillage methods and the till-age subplots were further split for nitrogen fertilizerlevels. The tillage methods were: conventional plough-ing to 200 mm depth (P), deep ploughing to 300 mmdepth (DP) and no-tillage (Z). Thus a balanced buthighly stratified design was attained. Spring or winterbarley was planted with four different levels of fer-tilizer under three cultivation methods. Crop rotations were combinations of Grass, Winter Barley, and Spring Barley (GWS, GWW, SSS, SWW) CI Split/strip plot 4 No Both static and dynamic Closed Opaque Gas fluxes were measured using closed chamber systems. Gas sampling involved both manually and automatically closed chambers. The manual chambers (Clayton et al. 1994) were polypropylene cylinders, 0.2 m tall and 0.4 m in diameter, inserted into the soil to a depth of 50 mm giving a head space of 16 dm3 enclosed with an aluminium lid. The automatic chambers were 0.7x0.7 m in 1996 and 1x0.5 m in 1997 and had an actuator-driven, lidclosing system. The actuator was controlled by an external, battery-operated timing and sampling unit, which allowed gas samples to be remotely collected at programmed time intervals. Manual chambers - Gas samples were taken in syringes or, more commonly, in aluminium sampling tubes (CO2 and N2O) and subsequently analysed in the laboratory by chromatography. The N2O was measured with an electron capture detector and the CO2 with a thermal conductivity detector. Automatic chambers - Samples (1 ml) were collected by pumping into one of 24 isolated copper loops attached to two rotary valves. The entire valve/ loop assembly was removed and replaced by another assembly in order to preserve continuity of sampling. The filled loop assembly was taken to the laboratory for gas chromatographic analysis. In 1997 and 1998, the sampling system was improved by storing the gas samples in aluminium tubes (30 ml) instead of copper loops. Spatial replication has different stating positions AIB 465,5
296 a Vitale (2013) Vitale L, Ottaiano L, Polimeno F, Maglione G, Amato U, Arena C, Di Tommasi P, Mori M, Magliulo V. Effects of 3,4-dimethylphyrazole phosphate-added nitrogen fertilizers on crop growth and N2O emissions in Southern Italy. Plant, Soil and Environment. 2013: 59(11); 517-523. Vitale L, Ottaiano L, Polimeno F, Maglione G, Amato U, Arena C, Di Tommasi P, Mori M, Magliulo V Effects of 3,4-dimethylphyrazole phosphate-added nitrogen fertilizers on crop growth and N2O emissions in Southern Italy 2013 Plant, Soil and Environment Article N/A Italy 40.94 14.37 N 33 446998 4532639 Csa Acerra Sandy loam NR NR Texture: Clay = 15.5%, Silt = 26%, Sand = 58.5%. Bulk density = 1.0 g/cm3. pH (H2O) = 7.37. EC = 286 uS/ca. CaCO3 = 2.0%. Organic carbon = 2.54%. N-NO3- = 10.3 mg/kg. N-NH4+ = 17.3 mg/kg. Total N = 1.82 g/kg No NR March 2011 June 2011 4 Multiple-intervention Nitrification inhibitor, Chemical fertiliser 2 Two treatments were applied with three replicates (3 × 4 m plots): NH4NO3, SO3, P2O5 (C, control plots) and NH4NO3 added with nitrification inhibitor (DMPP, Entec®, K + S nitrogen, DMPP plots) plus SO3 and P2O5. Total N supplied to potato was 180 kg/ha N. The fertilizer was provided in two applications, at sown and during the vegetative growth stage (30 and 66 days after sowing, respectively for maize and potato), respectively the 40% and 60% of total N supplied. The potato crop was irrigated by furrow for crop growth. CI Paired design 3 No Static chamber Closed NR Soil N2O emission was measured by static chamber technique. Air samples, collected by means of a Polypropylene syringe, stored in vials. Air samples, collected by means of a Polypropylene syringe, stored in vials and analysed by means of gas chromatography (SRI 8610C, gas chromatograph, Torrance, USA), were collected before closing the lid of the chamber and after closing chamber at three subsequent times. Soil CO2 fluxes were measured by means of a soil chamber (Li-6400-09) connected to Li-6400 Portable Photosynthesis System (LiCor Inc., Lincoln, USA). Both N2O and CO2 fluxes were measured in the morning at weekly intervals. AIB 466,5
296 b Vitale (2013) Vitale L, Ottaiano L, Polimeno F, Maglione G, Amato U, Arena C, Di Tommasi P, Mori M, Magliulo V. Effects of 3,4-dimethylphyrazole phosphate-added nitrogen fertilizers on crop growth and N2O emissions in Southern Italy. Plant, Soil and Environment. 2013: 59(11); 517-523. Vitale L, Ottaiano L, Polimeno F, Maglione G, Amato U, Arena C, Di Tommasi P, Mori M, Magliulo V Effects of 3,4-dimethylphyrazole phosphate-added nitrogen fertilizers on crop growth and N2O emissions in Southern Italy 2013 Plant, Soil and Environment Article N/A Italy 40.86 14.33 N 33 443433 4523039 Csa Ponticelli Loamy sand NR NR Texture: Clay = 8%, Silt = 12%, Sand = 80%. Bulk density = 1.37 g/cm3. pH (H2O) = 7.90. EC = 409 uS/ca. Organic carbon = 1.47%. N-NO3- = 15.2 mg/kg. N-NH4+ = 34.6 mg/kg. Total N = 1.81 g/kg No NR May 2011 July 2011 3 Multiple-intervention Nitrification inhibitor, Chemical fertiliser 2 Two treatments were applied with three replicates (6 × 4 m plots): NH4NO3, SO3, P2O5 (C, control plots) and NH4NO3 added with nitrification inhibitor (DMPP, Entec®, K + S nitrogen, DMPP plots) plus SO3 and P2O5. Total N supplied tomaize crops was 250 kg/ha N. The fertilizer was provided in two applications, at sown and during the vegetative growth stage (30 and 66 days after sowing, respectively for maize and potato), respectively the 40% and 60% of total N supplied. The maize crop was irrigated by sprinklers to provide optimal water regime for crop growth. CI Paired design 4 No Static chamber Closed NR Soil N2O emission was measured by static chamber technique. Air samples, collected by means of a Polypropylene syringe, stored in vials. Air samples, collected by means of a Polypropylene syringe, stored in vials and analysed by means of gas chromatography (SRI 8610C, gas chromatograph, Torrance, USA), were collected before closing the lid of the chamber and after closing chamber at three subsequent times. Soil CO2 fluxes were measured by means of a soil chamber (Li-6400-09) connected to Li-6400 Portable Photosynthesis System (LiCor Inc., Lincoln, USA). Both N2O and CO2 fluxes were measured in the morning at weekly intervals. AIB 467,5
297 Vitale (2017) Vitale L, Polimeno F, Ottainano L, Maglione G, Tedeschi A, Mori M, De Marco A, Di Tommasi P, Magliulo V. Fertilizer type influences tomato yield and soil N2O emissions. Plant, Soil and Environment. 2017: 63(3);105-110. Vitale L, Polimeno F, Ottainano L, Maglione G, Tedeschi A, Mori M, De Marco A, Di Tommasi P, Magliulo V Fertilizer type influences tomato yield and soil N2O emissions. 2017 Plant, Soil and Environment Article N/A Italy 40.86 14.33 N 33 443433 4523039 Csa N/A Loamy sand NR NR Soil texture is coarse due to its volcanic origin. Texture: Clay = 8%, Silt = 12%, Sand = 80%. Bulk density = 1.37 g/cm3. pH (H2O) = 7.08. Electrical conductivity = 14.9 mS/m. Organic matter = 2.54 g/kg. Total N = 1.81 g/kg No NR May 2012 June 2012 2 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor 3 Tomato seedlings (Solanum lycopersicum L.) were transplanted on May 3, 2012 in rows spaced 1 m apart. Before transplanting, phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) fertilizers in the forms of calcium superphosphate and potassium sulfate were applied. The same total amount of 120 kg N/ha was applied twice to all plots along rows, split in two times: 50% at transplanting and 50% 30 days later. A randomized complete block experimental design with three fertilization treatments and three replications in 3 × 4 m plots was set up: ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) (control plots); Entec 26 i.e. ammonium sulfate nitrate (26% N and 32% S) added with nitrification inhibitor (3,4 dimethylpyrazole phosphate, Entec©) (DMPP plots), and organo-mineral fertilization using dried pellets (OM plots). All plots were watered by drip irrigation, by replenishing water lost by evapotranspiration, according to reference evapotranspiration estimated by the Hargreaves equation. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Closed NR Soil N2O emissions were measured between the two fertilization events (0–30 DAT) by using 20 cm diameter and 10 cm height static chambers insert 3 cm into the soil and positioned at two different places: on the ridge and between furrows. Air samples were collected before and three times following chambers closure in a time window of 30 min by means of a polypropylene syringe, and stored in 0.02 L vials. Gas samples were analysed by means of a gas chromatograph (SRI 8610C, Gas Chromatograph, Torrance, USA) using a 63Ni electron-capture detector. AIB 468,5
298 Vitale (2018) Vitale L, Tedeschi A, Polimeno F, Ottaiano L, Magliona G, Arena C, De Marco A, Megliulo V. Water regime affects soil N2O emission and tomato yield grown under different types of fertilisers. Italian Journal of Agronomy. 2018: 13(989); 74-79. Vitale L, Tedeschi A, Polimeno F, Ottaiano L, Magliona G, Arena C, De Marco A, Megliulo V Water regime affects soil N2O emission and tomato yield grown under different types of fertilisers 2018 Italian Journal of Agronomy Article N/A Italy 40.86 14.33 N 33 443433 4523039 Csa N/A Loamy sand NR NR The soil has a sandy-loam texture and relative content for the 0.0-0.9 m soil layer are: sand 80%, silt 12%, clay 8%, bulk density 1.37 g cm–3; Chemical characteristics for the layer 0.0-0.1 m are: 2.54% organic matter content, total carbonate absent, 0.149 dS m–1 electrical conductivity, pH 7.08 and 1.86 g kg–1 nitrogen. No NR May 2012 July 2012 3 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor, Irrigation 6 Tomato seedlings (Solanum lycopersicum L.) were transplanted on May 3rd 2012 in 12 m2 plots at a spacing of 1.0x0.3 m. A total of 18 plots were arranged in a split plot experimental design with two water regimes (factor A) and three fertilisation treatments (factor B). Three different fertilisation treatments were applied as follows: ammonium nitrate (Control, M plots), ammonium sulfate nitrate added with nitrification inhibitor (3,4 dimethylpyrazole phosphate, Entec 26) (DMPP plots), and organo-mineral fertilisation using dried pellets (NPK + animal waste, Olivas) (OM plots). Different fertiliser amounts were supplied, to allow for balancing N amount among treatments. A total 120 Kg N ha–1 was applied to all plots, split in two times: 50% at transplanting and 50% 30 days later. Phosphate and potash supplies were also balanced by supplying supplemental inputs of superphosphate and potassium-sulphate fertilisers to treatments M and OM, one week after the initial N fertilisation event. The experimental area was watered by drip irrigation. One meter spaced 4 L h–1 drip lines were installed, with drippers spaced 0.30 m. All plots were well watered until 13 June (41 Days After Transplanting, DAT) receiving a water volume of 176 m3 ha–1. Thereafter, 9 plots were well watered by replenishing the 100% of ETc (100% ET), with total water supply of 1083 m3 ha–1, whereas the other plots received only the 50% of ETc (50% ET), with a total water supply of 541.5 m3 ha–1. Kc coefficients used to calculate ETc were 0.8, 1.2, and 0.9, respectively for initial, middle and end season (Rinaldi and Rana, 2004). CI Split/strip plot 3 No Static chamber Closed NR N2O emissions were measured by means of the static chamber technique; 20 cm diameter and 10 cm heigh chambers were placed on collars previously inserted 3 cm into the soil the previous day or before, to minimise disturbance. Air samples, collected before and three times following chambers closure in a time window of 30 min, were picked up by means of a polypropylene syringe, and stored in 20 mL vials. Gas samples were then analysed by gas chromatography (SRI 8610C, Gas Chromatograph, Torrance, USA) using a 63Ni electron-capture detector. Study decription described soil as "sandy-loam" but percentages given for sand, clay, and silt result in the soil texture being loamy sand. 3 replications per treatment was ssumed by the following quote: "A total of 18 plots were arranged in a split plot experimental design with two water regimes (factor A) and three fertilisation treatments (factor B)." 2 water treatments X 3 fertilisation treatments = 6 treatments, and 18 total plots/6 treatments = 3 replications per treatment' AIB 469,5
299 a Volpi (2018) Volpi I, Antichi D, Ambus PL, Bonari E, Di Nasso NN, Bosco S. Minimum tillage mitigated soil N2O emissions and maximized crop yield in faba bean in a Mediterranean environment. Soil & Tillage Research. 2018: 178; 11-21. Volpi I, Antichi D, Ambus PL, Bonari E, Di Nasso NN, Bosco S Minimum tillage mitigated soil N2O emissions and maximized crop yield in faba bean in a Mediterranean environment 2018 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A Italy 43.68 10.35 N 33 608541 4837294 Csa Site 1 Silty clay loam NR NR The soil is a silty clay loam derived from alluvial sediments and classified as a Typic Haplustert based on the USDA soil taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff, 2014) (Table 1). The soil water table depth is around 35 cm at the end of winter and 110 cm at the end of the summer. Yes The study was conducted on a faba bean (Vicia faba L. var. minor Beck. cv Vesuvio) crop, included in a six-year crop rotation established in autumn 1992 at the “Enrico Avanzi” research centre with the aim of studying the long-term effects of conventional vs integrated management systems on crop productivity (CIMAS, or Conventional vs Integrated Management Systems comparison) (Lechenet et al., 2017; Nassi o Di Nasso et al., 2011). From 1992 until the start of this field campaign, the conventional system was characterized by conventional tillage practices and high fertilization rates, varying according to the different crops in the rotation, while reduced tillage practices and N fertilizer rates were applied within the integrated management system. November 2013 September 2015 23 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser 2 The factor studied was the intensity of the primary tillage with two levels: minimum tillage (MT), performed via disk harrow at a depth of 10 cm, and; mouldboard ploughing (P), performed at a depth of 30 cm. There were four replicates. The experimental unit consisted of 30m2 (5m×6 m) plot. P was performed in the fields originally assigned to the conventional system in CIMAS, while MT was carried out in the fields assigned to the integrated management system. For both MT and P, the seed bed was prepared via double harrowing and the last of the two harrowing was performed about one week before sowing. On this occasion, phosphate fertilization was carried out by applying 70 kg P2O5 ha−1 as a triple superphosphate. The sowing rate was 30 seeds per m−2. Weeding, irrigation and pest control were not necessary at any point during the study period. N fertilization was not been carried out at any stage of faba bean cultivation. Harvest was performed at grain maturity, and crop residues were shredded and left in the field. CI Paired design 4 No NR NR Opaque A PVC collar (15 cm height, 30 cm ø) was inserted permanently at a soil depth of 5 cm in each plot. The collars were mounted within plant rows, and plants within the collar were left uncut in order to minimize the differences in soil water content, soil temperature and soil nitrogen dynamics between the conditions inside and outside of the collar. To perform the N2O flux measurement, a movable steel chamber (10 cm height, 30 cm ø) was connected to the detector through a tube (20m long, 4mm ø). The chamber was equipped with an internal fan to guarantee the homogeneity of the gas concentration and a rubber seal to avoid air leaks. In order to match crop growth, stackable PVC extensions (15, 30, 45 cm) were installed between the collar and the chamber, just before measurement, in order to adjust the height of the collar to the height of the crop over the crop growing period. N2O emissions from there soil were measured through the throughflow non-steady state chamber technique (Livingston and Hutchinson, 1995) using a mobile instrument developed within the LIFE+ “Improved flux Prototypes for N2O emission reduction from Agriculture” (IPNOA) project ( by West Systems Srl (Florence, Italy). It consists of a light tracked vehicle that can be operated by remote control, equipped with an ultraportable greenhouse gas analyser (UGGA) to measure carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and water vapour, and a N2O, carbon monoxide (CO) and water vapour detector that uses off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy (ICOS), both provided by Los Gatos Research (LGR) Inc. (Mountain View, CA, USA). Output gas concentrations are given with a scan rate of 1 s. Measured data were recorded using a smartphone connected via Bluetooth®. Site 1 and Site 2 were on adjacent fields in the same area (i.e., same location coordinates but extracted as different sites) The crop was a part of a larger crop rotation study, but the focus on this study is not crop rotation. "In February 2014, the crops included in the rotation were: sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), hybrid sorghum (var. Hannibal), faba bean (Vicia faba L. var. minor Beck.), rapeseed (Brassica napus L.), clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) and durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.). The crop rotation was performed over a period of six years, with all crops being present each year, moved on an annual basis sequentially along the six fields dedicated to the rotation. Accordingly, in the second year of this study the faba bean crop was sown in a field next to where it was sown in the first year." AIB 470,5
299 b Volpi (2018) Volpi I, Antichi D, Ambus PL, Bonari E, Di Nasso NN, Bosco S. Minimum tillage mitigated soil N2O emissions and maximized crop yield in faba bean in a Mediterranean environment. Soil & Tillage Research. 2018: 178; 11-21. Volpi I, Antichi D, Ambus PL, Bonari E, Di Nasso NN, Bosco S Minimum tillage mitigated soil N2O emissions and maximized crop yield in faba bean in a Mediterranean environment 2018 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A Italy 43.68 10.35 N 33 608541 4837294 Csa Site 2 Silty clay loam NR NR The soil is a silty clay loam derived from alluvial sediments and classified as a Typic Haplustert based on the USDA soil taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff, 2014) (Table 1). The soil water table depth is around 35 cm at the end of winter and 110 cm at the end of the summer. Yes The study was conducted on a faba bean (Vicia faba L. var. minor Beck. cv Vesuvio) crop, included in a six-year crop rotation established in autumn 1992 at the “Enrico Avanzi” research centre with the aim of studying the long-term effects of conventional vs integrated management systems on crop productivity (CIMAS, or Conventional vs Integrated Management Systems comparison) (Lechenet et al., 2017; Nassi o Di Nasso et al., 2011). From 1992 until the start of this field campaign, the conventional system was characterized by conventional tillage practices and high fertilization rates, varying according to the different crops in the rotation, while reduced tillage practices and N fertilizer rates were applied within the integrated management system. November 2013 September 2015 23 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser 2 The factor studied was the intensity of the primary tillage with two levels: minimum tillage (MT), performed via disk harrow at a depth of 10 cm, and; mouldboard ploughing (P), performed at a depth of 30 cm. There were four replicates. The experimental unit consisted of 30m2 (5m×6 m) plot. P was performed in the fields originally assigned to the conventional system in CIMAS, while MT was carried out in the fields assigned to the integrated management system. For both MT and P, the seed bed was prepared via double harrowing and the last of the two harrowing was performed about one week before sowing. On this occasion, phosphate fertilization was carried out by applying 70 kg P2O5 ha−1 as a triple superphosphate. The sowing rate was 30 seeds per m−2. Weeding, irrigation and pest control were not necessary at any point during the study period. N fertilization was not been carried out at any stage of faba bean cultivation. Harvest was performed at grain maturity, and crop residues were shredded and left in the field. CI Paired design 4 No NR NR Opaque A PVC collar (15 cm height, 30 cm ø) was inserted permanently at a soil depth of 5 cm in each plot. The collars were mounted within plant rows, and plants within the collar were left uncut in order to minimize the differences in soil water content, soil temperature and soil nitrogen dynamics between the conditions inside and outside of the collar. To perform the N2O flux measurement, a movable steel chamber (10 cm height, 30 cm ø) was connected to the detector through a tube (20m long, 4mm ø). The chamber was equipped with an internal fan to guarantee the homogeneity of the gas concentration and a rubber seal to avoid air leaks. In order to match crop growth, stackable PVC extensions (15, 30, 45 cm) were installed between the collar and the chamber, just before measurement, in order to adjust the height of the collar to the height of the crop over the crop growing period. N2O emissions from there soil were measured through the throughflow non-steady state chamber technique (Livingston and Hutchinson, 1995) using a mobile instrument developed within the LIFE+ “Improved flux Prototypes for N2O emission reduction from Agriculture” (IPNOA) project ( by West Systems Srl (Florence, Italy). It consists of a light tracked vehicle that can be operated by remote control, equipped with an ultraportable greenhouse gas analyser (UGGA) to measure carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and water vapour, and a N2O, carbon monoxide (CO) and water vapour detector that uses off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy (ICOS), both provided by Los Gatos Research (LGR) Inc. (Mountain View, CA, USA). Output gas concentrations are given with a scan rate of 1 s. Measured data were recorded using a smartphone connected via Bluetooth®. Site 1 and Site 2 were on adjacent fields in the same area (i.e., same location coordinates but extracted as different sites) The crop was a part of a larger crop rotation study, but the focus on this study is not crop rotation. "In February 2014, the crops included in the rotation were: sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), hybrid sorghum (var. Hannibal), faba bean (Vicia faba L. var. minor Beck.), rapeseed (Brassica napus L.), clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) and durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.). The crop rotation was performed over a period of six years, with all crops being present each year, moved on an annual basis sequentially along the six fields dedicated to the rotation. Accordingly, in the second year of this study the faba bean crop was sown in a field next to where it was sown in the first year." AIB 471,5
300 a Volpi (2018) Volpi I, Laville P, Bonari E, Di Nasso NN, Bosco S. Nitrous oxide mitigation potential of reduced tillage and N input in durum wheat in the Mediterranean. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2018: 111; 189-201. Volpi I, Laville P, Bonari E, Di Nasso NN, Bosco S Nitrous oxide mitigation potential of reduced tillage and N input in durum wheat in the Mediterranean. 2018 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A Italy 43.67 10.32 N 33 606152 4835694 Csa Site 1 Clay loam NR NR The soil is a clay loam derived from alluvial sediments and classified as a Typic Haplustert based on the USDA soil taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff 2014). The soil water table depth is around 35 cm at the end of the winter and 110 cm at the end of the summer (Mazzoncini et al. 2008). Yes Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf., var. Tirex) was part of a 6-year crop rotation, established in autumn 1992 at the ‘‘Enrico Avanzi’’ Centre for Agro-Environmental Research of the University of Pisa (CiRAA), with the aim of studying the long-term effects of conventional versus integrated cropping systems on crop productivity (CIMAS, or Conventional versus Integrated Management Systems comparison) (Nassi o Di Nasso et al. 2011). From 1992 until the beginning of the field campaign being presented here (November 2013), the conventional system was the ‘‘business as usual’’ agricultural practice and the integrated system consisted of reduced tillage practices and reduced N fertilizer application rates, which varied according to the different crops. November 2013 September 2015 23 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser 6 The experimental design chosen for this study was a two-factor split plot with four replicates, with depth of primary tillage and nitrogen fertilization rate as the two factors. The factor assigned to the main plot was the depth of primary tillage, with two levels: tillage by ploughing (P) (at 30 cm deep) and minimum tillage with disk harrow (MT) (at 10 cm deep). Specifically, P was performed in the fields originally assigned to the conventional system in CIMAS, while MT was carried out in the fields assigned to the integrated system. The factor assigned to the sub-plot was the N fertilization rate, with three levels: zero fertilization (N0), 110 kg N ha-1 (N1) and 170 kg N ha-1 (N2). The size of each experimental unit (plot) was 5 m 9 6 m. Primary tillage was performed at the beginning of September in both years for both tillage levels, after the clover harvest. The seed bed was prepared in both years by double harrowing around 1 week before the sowing date. Sowing was performed with a sowing rate of 300 seeds m-2 on 26 Nov 2013 in the first year and on 4 Nov 2014 in the second year. On this occasion, 92 kg P2O5 ha-1 were supplied. Nitrogen fertilizers were applied manually in three split broadcasting applications during each growing season: at sowing as urea on 26 Nov 2013 and 26 Nov 2014 (N1 and N2: 36 kg N ha-1); at tillering as ammonium nitrate on 8 Mar 2014 and 20 Jan 2015 (N1: 37 kg N ha-1, N2: 67 kg N ha-1); and at stem elongation as urea on 9 Apr 2014 and 6 Mar 2015 (N1: 37 kg N ha-1, N2: 67 kg N ha-1). The harvest was performed on 30 Jun 2014 in the first year and on 6 Jul 2015 in the second year. After wheat harvest the straw was removed from the field. CI Split/strip plot 4 No Dynamic chambers Closed Opaque A circular steel chamber, 10 cm in height and 30 cm in diameter, was equipped with an internal fan, directed upwards to mix the air within the headspace. The input and the output of the air were placed on the top of the chamber. A PVC collar, 15 cm in height and 30 cm in diameter, was positioned in each plot and inserted in the soil to a depth of about 5 cm. At the point of measurement, the chamber was placed on top of the collar. To guarantee a tight seal with the collar, the chamber was fitted with a rubber ring that fits into the collar lip. Headspace concentrations of N2O were checked for linearity over a period of 2–3 min. The data were recorded using a palmtop computer connected to the instrument via Bluetooth. The monitoring of N2O emissions from soil was carried out with the closed dynamic chamber (flow-through non-steady state) method, using a portable instrument developed within the LIFE + IPNOA project ( by West Systems Srl (Florence, Italy).The technical characteristics of this instrument were reported by Laville et al. (2015). It consists of a light tracked vehicle that can be operated by remote control and is equipped with an Ultraportable Greenhouse Gas Analyser (UGGA) to measure carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and water vapour, and a N2O, carbon monoxide (CO), and water vapour detector that uses off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy (ICOS), both provided by Los Gatos Research (LGR) Inc. (Mountain View, CA, USA). Site 1 and Site 2 were on adjacent fields in the same area (i.e., same location coordinates but extracted as different sites) The crop was a part of a larger crop rotation study, but the focus on this study is not crop rotation. "In November 2013, the crops included in the rotation were: sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), sorghum (Sorghum vulgare Pers.), faba bean (Vicia faba L. var. minor Beck.), rapeseed (Brassica napus L.), clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.), and durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.). The crop rotation was performed over time, with all crops being present each year, moved on an annual basis sequentially along the fields dedicated to the rotation. The size of each field was about 5000 m2." AIB 472,5
300 b Volpi (2018) Volpi I, Laville P, Bonari E, Di Nasso NN, Bosco S. Nitrous oxide mitigation potential of reduced tillage and N input in durum wheat in the Mediterranean. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2018: 111; 189-201. Volpi I, Laville P, Bonari E, Di Nasso NN, Bosco S Nitrous oxide mitigation potential of reduced tillage and N input in durum wheat in the Mediterranean. 2018 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A Italy 43.67 10.32 N 33 606152 4835694 Csa Site 2 Clay loam NR NR The soil is a clay loam derived from alluvial sediments and classified as a Typic Haplustert based on the USDA soil taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff 2014). The soil water table depth is around 35 cm at the end of the winter and 110 cm at the end of the summer (Mazzoncini et al. 2008). Yes Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf., var. Tirex) was part of a 6-year crop rotation, established in autumn 1992 at the ‘‘Enrico Avanzi’’ Centre for Agro-Environmental Research of the University of Pisa (CiRAA), with the aim of studying the long-term effects of conventional versus integrated cropping systems on crop productivity (CIMAS, or Conventional versus Integrated Management Systems comparison) (Nassi o Di Nasso et al. 2011). From 1992 until the beginning of the field campaign being presented here (November 2013), the conventional system was the ‘‘business as usual’’ agricultural practice and the integrated system consisted of reduced tillage practices and reduced N fertilizer application rates, which varied according to the different crops. November 2013 September 2015 23 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser 6 The experimental design chosen for this study was a two-factor split plot with four replicates, with depth of primary tillage and nitrogen fertilization rate as the two factors. The factor assigned to the main plot was the depth of primary tillage, with two levels: tillage by ploughing (P) (at 30 cm deep) and minimum tillage with disk harrow (MT) (at 10 cm deep). Specifically, P was performed in the fields originally assigned to the conventional system in CIMAS, while MT was carried out in the fields assigned to the integrated system. The factor assigned to the sub-plot was the N fertilization rate, with three levels: zero fertilization (N0), 110 kg N ha-1 (N1) and 170 kg N ha-1 (N2). The size of each experimental unit (plot) was 5 m 9 6 m. Primary tillage was performed at the beginning of September in both years for both tillage levels, after the clover harvest. The seed bed was prepared in both years by double harrowing around 1 week before the sowing date. Sowing was performed with a sowing rate of 300 seeds m-2 on 26 Nov 2013 in the first year and on 4 Nov 2014 in the second year. On this occasion, 92 kg P2O5 ha-1 were supplied. Nitrogen fertilizers were applied manually in three split broadcasting applications during each growing season: at sowing as urea on 26 Nov 2013 and 26 Nov 2014 (N1 and N2: 36 kg N ha-1); at tillering as ammonium nitrate on 8 Mar 2014 and 20 Jan 2015 (N1: 37 kg N ha-1, N2: 67 kg N ha-1); and at stem elongation as urea on 9 Apr 2014 and 6 Mar 2015 (N1: 37 kg N ha-1, N2: 67 kg N ha-1). The harvest was performed on 30 Jun 2014 in the first year and on 6 Jul 2015 in the second year. After wheat harvest the straw was removed from the field. CI Split/strip plot 4 No Dynamic chambers Closed Opaque A circular steel chamber, 10 cm in height and 30 cm in diameter, was equipped with an internal fan, directed upwards to mix the air within the headspace. The input and the output of the air were placed on the top of the chamber. A PVC collar, 15 cm in height and 30 cm in diameter, was positioned in each plot and inserted in the soil to a depth of about 5 cm. At the point of measurement, the chamber was placed on top of the collar. To guarantee a tight seal with the collar, the chamber was fitted with a rubber ring that fits into the collar lip. Headspace concentrations of N2O were checked for linearity over a period of 2–3 min. The data were recorded using a palmtop computer connected to the instrument via Bluetooth. The monitoring of N2O emissions from soil was carried out with the closed dynamic chamber (flow-through non-steady state) method, using a portable instrument developed within the LIFE + IPNOA project ( by West Systems Srl (Florence, Italy).The technical characteristics of this instrument were reported by Laville et al. (2015). It consists of a light tracked vehicle that can be operated by remote control and is equipped with an Ultraportable Greenhouse Gas Analyser (UGGA) to measure carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and water vapour, and a N2O, carbon monoxide (CO), and water vapour detector that uses off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy (ICOS), both provided by Los Gatos Research (LGR) Inc. (Mountain View, CA, USA). Site 1 and Site 2 were on adjacent fields in the same area (i.e., same location coordinates but extracted as different sites) The crop was a part of a larger crop rotation study, but the focus on this study is not crop rotation. "In November 2013, the crops included in the rotation were: sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), sorghum (Sorghum vulgare Pers.), faba bean (Vicia faba L. var. minor Beck.), rapeseed (Brassica napus L.), clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.), and durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.). The crop rotation was performed over time, with all crops being present each year, moved on an annual basis sequentially along the fields dedicated to the rotation. The size of each field was about 5000 m2." AIB 473,5
301 a Wallace (2018) Wallace AJ, Armstrong RD, Harris RH, Belyaeva ON, Grace PR, Partington DL, Scheer C. Fertiliser timing and use of inhibitors to reduce N2O emissions of rainfed wheat in a semi-arid environment. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2018: 112; 231-252. Wallace AJ, Armstrong RD, Harris RH, Belyaeva ON, Grace PR, Partington DL, Scheer C Fertiliser timing and use of inhibitors to reduce N2O emissions of rainfed wheat in a semi-arid environment 2018 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A Australia -36.78 142.11 S 54 599349 5929170 Cfb Taylors Lake Silty clay NR NR Both the 2013 and 2014 sites were located on grey vertosol soils (Isbell 2002). These sites were characterised by a silty-clay topsoil overlying clay, containing low-moderate levels of carbon (total and organic) and nitrogen, with neutral topsoils, increasing in pH down the profile. Electrical conductivity was low throughout most of the upper profile but increased significantly at both sites below 0.4 m as did soil exchangeable sodium Yes Prior to sowing in 2013, crop residues from the previous year were burnt (10 April) and the site received a surface application of 27.6 kg N/ha as urea. May 2013 December 2013 8 Multiple-intervention Nitrification inhibitor, Organic fertiliser 5 Nitrous oxide monitoring was undertaken for five treatments including four N fertiliser management strategies plus a zero N control, replicated five times in a randomised complete block design. Plot size was 12 9 1.6 mand all treatments were applied at a rate of 50 kg N/ha which is representative of rates applied to commercial crops in the region. Treatments included no fertiliser N applied (0 N), N applied as urea granules banded 25 mm below the seed at sowing (50 N), 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) treated urea ‘Entec urea’ banded 25 mm below the seed at sowing (50 N DMPP), urea surface applied at the end of tillering (0:50 N) and n-butyl thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) treated urea ‘Green Urea’ surface applied at the end of tillering (0:50 N NBPT). The rate of N fertiliser was determined based on previous experiments (Wallace et al. 2016) combined with industry practice in the local area. Additional plots were also included with rates of 12.5, 25 and 100 kg N/ha banded below the seed at sowing as urea in order to test the overall N response of each site. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR Opaque Nitrous oxide emissions were measured from treatments receiving 50 kg N/ha using paired static chambers similar to the design of (Manalil et al. 2014) using PVC tubes (250 mm diameter and 270 mm height) containing a removable lid and rubber seal. Chambers included one-way valves to maintain constant pressure during sampling and three-way stopcock valves in the lid coupled to medical syringes for headspace sampling. Computer fans (38 mm diameter), powered by 9 V batteries were installed in each chamber to encourage mixing of air within the chamber during sampling. To enable chambers to be removed between sampling days without disturbing the soil, stainless steel bases featuring a channel 0.02 m deep at the soil surface were inserted into the plot area to a depth of 0.05 m. Chambers were placed into the channel before adding water in order to produce an air tight seal. Samples were analysed by an automated gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Agilent Technologies Inc. Wilmington, USA). AIB 474,5
301 b Wallace (2018) Wallace AJ, Armstrong RD, Harris RH, Belyaeva ON, Grace PR, Partington DL, Scheer C. Fertiliser timing and use of inhibitors to reduce N2O emissions of rainfed wheat in a semi-arid environment. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2018: 112; 231-252. Wallace AJ, Armstrong RD, Harris RH, Belyaeva ON, Grace PR, Partington DL, Scheer C Fertiliser timing and use of inhibitors to reduce N2O emissions of rainfed wheat in a semi-arid environment 2018 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article N/A Australia -36.75 142.11 S 54 599389 5932622 Cfb Horsham Silty clay NR NR Both the 2013 and 2014 sites were located on grey vertosol soils (Isbell 2002). These sites were characterised by a silty-clay topsoil overlying clay, containing low-moderate levels of carbon (total and organic) and nitrogen, with neutral topsoils, increasing in pH down the profile. Electrical conductivity was low throughout most of the upper profile but increased significantly at both sites below 0.4 m as did soil exchangeable sodium Yes NR May 2014 November 2014 7 Multiple-intervention Nitrification inhibitor, Organic fertiliser 5 Nitrous oxide monitoring was undertaken for five treatments including four N fertiliser management strategies plus a zero N control, replicated five times in a randomised complete block design. Plot size was 12 9 1.6 mand all treatments were applied at a rate of 50 kg N/ha which is representative of rates applied to commercial crops in the region. Treatments included no fertiliser N applied (0 N), N applied as urea granules banded 25 mm below the seed at sowing (50 N), 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) treated urea ‘Entec urea’ banded 25 mm below the seed at sowing (50 N DMPP), urea surface applied at the end of tillering (0:50 N) and n-butyl thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) treated urea ‘Green Urea’ surface applied at the end of tillering (0:50 N NBPT). The rate of N fertiliser was determined based on previous experiments (Wallace et al. 2016) combined with industry practice in the local area. Additional plots were also included with rates of 12.5, 25 and 100 kg N/ha banded below the seed at sowing as urea in order to test the overall N response of each site. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Static chamber NR Opaque Nitrous oxide emissions were measured from treatments receiving 50 kg N/ha using paired static chambers similar to the design of (Manalil et al. 2014) using PVC tubes (250 mm diameter and 270 mm height) containing a removable lid and rubber seal. Chambers included one-way valves to maintain constant pressure during sampling and three-way stopcock valves in the lid coupled to medical syringes for headspace sampling. Computer fans (38 mm diameter), powered by 9 V batteries were installed in each chamber to encourage mixing of air within the chamber during sampling. To enable chambers to be removed between sampling days without disturbing the soil, stainless steel bases featuring a channel 0.02 m deep at the soil surface were inserted into the plot area to a depth of 0.05 m. Chambers were placed into the channel before adding water in order to produce an air tight seal. Samples were analysed by an automated gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Agilent Technologies Inc. Wilmington, USA). AIB 475,5
302 Wang (2011) Wang W, Dalal RC, Reeves SH, Butterbach-Bahl K, Kiese R. Greenhouse gas fluxes from an Australian subtropical cropland under long-term contrasting management regimes. Global Change Biology. 2011: 17; 3089-3101. Wang W, Dalal RC, Reeves SH, Butterbach-Bahl K, Kiese R Greenhouse gas fluxes from an Australian subtropical cropland under long-term contrasting management regimes. 2011 Global Change Biology Article N/A Australia -28.2 152.1 S 56 411672 6880314 Cfa N/A Clay Vertisol NR The soil is a black self-mulching cracking clay, Vertosol (Australian soil classification, Isbell, 2002) or Vertisol (US soil classification, Soil Survey Staff, 1999). It contains 65% clay, 24% silt, and 11% sand in the top 20 cm depth, with little variation down to 150cm depth. Yes A long-term field experiment to investigate the effects of different management practices on soil properties and crop yields has been in place since December 1968. July 2006 June 2009 36 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Cover crops, Organic fertiliser 8 Eight treatments were used in the present study, which consisted of a 222 factorial combination of tillage (CT: conventional tillage or NT), crop residue management (SB: stubble and harvest residues burnt or SR: stubble and harvest residues retained), and N fertilization (0N: no N fertilizer application or 90N: urea applied at 90 kgNha1 yr1) as follows: (1) CT-SB-0N, (2) CT-SB-90N, (3) CT-SR-0N, (4) CT-SR-90N, (5) NT-SB-0N, (6) NT-SB-90N, (7) NT-SR-0N, (8) NT-SR-90N. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Both static and dynamic NR NR The N2O andCH4 fluxes were measured using a combination of manual and automatic gas sampling chambers. The manual chamber consisted of a square stainless-steel base (0.5m W0.5m L0.15m H) with a flange (4 cm) around the upper edge and a cover box with aluminium frames and plastic panels covered with a layer of white film (50cm L50cm W55cm H). The chamber cover box was fitted with a sampling outlet in the middle of the top panel, a mini fan inside the top panel for mixing air and a closed-cell foam seal under the bottom frame. Automatic gas sampling chambers which could capture diurnal variation in greenhouse gas fluxes were also deployed from February 2006 to June 2009. Limited by the number of chambers (nine in total as supplied) and the length of sampling lines, the automatic chambers were installed only for the SR treatments in Block III, with two replications per plot for the CT-SR-0N, NT-SR- 0N and NT-SR-90N treatments and three for the CT-SR-90N treatment. The automatic chamber (Papen & Butterbach-Bahl, 1999) consisted of a stainless-steel base that was identical to the manual chamber base, an extension (0.3m deep) and a cover box (0.3m deep) with stainless-steel frames and two lids on the top panel that can be opened and closed automatically at pre-set intervals. Placement and management of the chamber bases were similar to those described above for the manual chambers. The chamber extension was used when the crop height exceeded about 30 cm. The gas samples taken with the manual chambers were brought back to the laboratory on the same day and analysed with a gas chromatograph (Varian CP-3800, Varian Inc., Middelburgh, the Netherlands) that was fitted with ECD, FID and TCD detectors for measurement of N2O, CH4 and CO2 concentrations, respectively. The gas samples passed through a stainless-steel Porapak Q column using N2 as the carrier gas (50mLmin1) to separate N2O, and through Porapak N and molecular sieve columns using He as the carrier gas (36mLmin1) to separate CO2 and CH4. For automatic chambers, air samples were automatically extracted from the head-space of the chamber into a gas chromatograph fitted with ECD and FID detectors (SRI 8610C, SRI Instruments, CA,Torrance, USA) that analysed simultaneously the concentrations ofN2Oand CH4 on-site. AIB 476,5
303 Wang (2015) Wang J, Chen Z, Xiong Z, Chen C, Xu X, Zhou Q, Kuzyakov Y. Effects of biochar amendment on greenhouse gas emissions, net ecosystem carbon budget and properties of an acidic soil under intenxive vegetable production. Soil Use and Management. 2015: 31; 375-383. Wang J, Chen Z, Xiong Z, Chen C, Xu X, Zhou Q, Kuzyakov Y Effects of biochar amendment on greenhouse gas emissions, net ecosystem carbon budget and properties of an acidic soil under intenxive vegetable production 2015 Soil Use and Management Article N/A China 32.02 118.87 N 50 676299 3543806 Cfa N/A Silty clay loam NR NR The soil is classified as Irragric Anthrosols (WRB, 2006) with a silty clay loam texture. Clay = 30.1%, Silt = 64.7 %, Sand = 5.2%, TC =15.9 g C/kg, TN = 2.1 g N/kg, pH(H2O) = 4.2, CEC = 31.2 cmol/kg, bulk density = 1.2 g/cm3 Yes 10 year old intensive vegetable cultivation area July 2012 July 2013 13 Multiple-intervention Biochar, Chemical fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor, Amendments 4 Four vegetables, namely, swamp morning glory (Ipomoea aquatica Forssk.), Shanghai pak choy (Brassica chinensis L.), coriander herb (Coriandrum sativum L.) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) were grown successively over a 1-yr period (11 July 2012 to 10 July 2013). Four treatments were established in triplicate as follows: (i) ammonium-based mineral fertilizer applied as standard farmers’ practice (MF), (ii) MF with wheat straw biochar added at the rate of 30 Mg/ha (MFB), (iii) an enhancedefficiency fertilizer applied in the form of a mixture of urea granulated with a nitrification inhibitor, nitrapyrin [2-chloro- 6-(trichloromethyl) pyridine] (CP), at a ratio of 0.24% of urea-N and (iv) CP with biochar addition at 30 Mg/ha (CPB). The plot size for each treatment was 3 m 9 2 m. All treatments received the same amounts of N (1044 kg N/ha/ yr), calcium superphosphate (2559 kg P2O5/ha/yr) and potassium chloride (1285 kg K2O/ha/yr) based on local practices. Biochar was produced from wheat straw by pyrolysis at 350–550 °C , then manually incorporated into and thoroughly mixed with the soil of the Ap horizon (0–15 cm) at 2% (w/w) on 4 July 2012. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR Opaque The N2O concentration was analysed year-round using the static opaque chamber method previously described by Wang et al. (2012). Briefly, three square PVC base frames were permanently fixed in each planted plot onto which were placed chambers with dimensions of 30 cm 9 30 cm 9 50 cm (length 9 width 9 height). The N2O concentrations were analysed using a gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, USA) that was equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD). AIB 477,5
304 Wang (2015) Wang X, Zhang L, Zou J, Liu S. optimizing net greenhouse gas balance of a bioenergy cropping system in southeast China with urease and nitrification inhibitors. Ecological Engineering. 2015: 83; 191-198. Wang X, Zhang L, Zou J, Liu S optimizing net greenhouse gas balance of a bioenergy cropping system in southeast China with urease and nitrification inhibitors. 2015 Ecological Engineering Article N/A China 33.32 120.75 N 51 290547 3688653 Cfa N/A Sandy clay loam NR NR Soil (0–15 cm) of the experimental site was classified as fluvoaquic, consisting of 67% sand,12% silt and 21% clay. No NR April 2011 October 2011 7 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, nitrification inhibitor 3 A split-plot experiment was established in a bioenergy Jerusalem artichoke cropping system. Three field treatments with four replicates consisting of the plots with urea alone (U), the urea plots combined with HQ and DCD application (U+HQ+DCD), and the control plots with no fertilizer or urease and nitrification inhibitors application were setup over the period of April 20 to October 20, 2011. In agreement with the local fertilizer practice for bioenergy crop production, urea was employed as synthetic N fertilizer source and identically applied for all fertilized treatments. CI Split/strip plot 4 No Static chamber Closed Opaque For each field plot, four aluminum flux collars (0.2 m diameter x 0.15 m height) were permanently installed (0.15 m in soil depth) at inter-cropping rows with no crop growth enclosed to ensure reproducible placement of gas collecting chambers during successive gas flux measurements over the whole annual cycle. The top edge of the collar had a groove (5 cm in depth) for filling with water to seal the rim of the chamber with leveled surface. The chamber was equipped with a circulating fan to ensure complete gas mixing and wrapped with a layer of sponge and aluminum foil to minimize air temperature changes inside the chamber during the period of sampling. The cross-sectional area of the chamber was 0.03 m2 (p x 0.01 m2), with a height of 1.0 m. When gas sampling, the chamber was placed above the collar with the rim of chamber fitting into the groove of the collar. Gas samples were taken within 20 min after chamber closure. Soil CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes were determined using the static chamber-GC method (Wang and Wang, 2003). The mixing ratios of the above three gases were analyzed with a modified gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890) equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID) and an electron capture detector (ECD) (Wang and Wang, 2003). AIB 478,5
305 Wang (2019) Wang C, Min Q, Abid A, Sardans J, Wu H, Lai D, Penuelas J, Wang W. Optimal coupling of straw and synthetic fertilizers incorporation on soil properties, active Fe dynamics, and greenhouse gas emission in Jasminum sambac (L.) field in southeastern China. 2019: 1; 1092. Wang C, Min Q, Abid A, Sardans J, Wu H, Lai D, Penuelas J, Wang W Optimal coupling of straw and synthetic fertilizers incorporation on soil properties, active Fe dynamics, and greenhouse gas emission in Jasminum sambac (L.) field in southeastern China 2019 Science of the Total Environment Article; N/A China 25.99 119.34 N 50 733777 2876234 Cfa N/A Silt loam NR NR The soil in the J. sambac field contained 25, 59 and 16% sand, silt and clay, respectively. The soil at the beginning of the study period had a bulk density of 1.2 g c m pH of 4.4, salinity of 0.15 mS cm and concentrations of total carbon, total N, total P and total potassium of 11.7, 1.1, 0.5 and 13.3 g kg respectively. No NR April 2015 March 2016 12 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Cover crops 8 No fertilizer + no straw (control), half fertilization + no straw, standard fertilization + no straw, double fertilization + no straw, no fertilizer + straw, half fertilization + straw, standard fertilization + straw, double fertilization + straw CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR Opaque The chambers were made of rigid PVC and consisted of two parts, an upper opaque compartment (100 cm height, 30 cm width, 30 cm length) placed on a permanently installed bottom collar (10 cm height, 30 cm width, 30 cm length). Each chamber had two battery-operated fans to mix the air inside the chamber headspace, an internal thermometer to monitor temperature changes during gas sampling and a gas-sampling port with a neoprene rubber septum at the top of the chamber for collecting gas samples from the headspace. Three replicate chambers in each treatment were developed. The chambers had a vent to avoid pressure buildup Gas samples were collected from the chamber headspace using a 100-ml plastic syringe with a three-way stopcock 0, 15, and 30 min after chamber deployment. The samples were immediately transferred to 100-ml air-evacuated aluminum-foil bags (Delin Gas Packaging Co., Ltd., Dalian, China) sealed with butyl rubber septa and transported immediately to the laboratory for the analysis of CO2, CH4, and N2O. JR 479,5
306 a Watanabe (2014) Watanabe A, Ikeya K, Kanazaki N, Makabe S, Sugiura Y, Shibata A. Five crop seasons' records of greenhouse gas fluxes from upland fields with repetitive applications of biochar and cattle manure. Journal of Environmental Management. 2014: 144; 168-175. Watanabe A, Ikeya K, Kanazaki N, Makabe S, Sugiura Y, Shibata A Five crop seasons' records of greenhouse gas fluxes from upland fields with repetitive applications of biochar and cattle manure 2014 Journal of Environmental Management Article N/A Japan 35.02 136.96 N 53 678470 3876686 Cfa Field F NR NR NR Soil type is Dystric Cambisols. The initial total C content in the plow layer soil (0-20 cm) was 6.3 g kg-1 in Field F which is equivalent to 1.1 kg m-2. The total N content was 0.7 g kg-1. No NR January 2010 November 2011 23 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser, Biochar 4 The following three types of treatment plots were prepared in the field: a CF (chemical fertilizer)plot (Control plot); CM (cattle manure) (10 t ha-1 or 2.5 t C ha-1) and CF applied plot (CM plot); and bamboo (Phyllostachys heterocycla f. pubescens) char (20 t ha-1 or 15 t C ha-1), CM (10 t ha-1), and a CF applied plot (Char/CM plot). The field plot size was 2x5m. Each type of treatment plot was prepared in triplicate in each field by a randomized design. In Field F, a 1-m width between the plots was left as a buffering area. Compound fertilizer was applied as the CF to all the plots at the same rate (1.2 t ha-1) irrespective of the kind of crop, which corresponded to the applications of N, P, K, and Mg at 144, 31, 79, and 14 kg ha-1, respectively. Nitrogenwas applied in the form of urea. The CM used was mature, composted cow manure with 358 g C kg-1 and 27.0 g N kg-1 on a dry matter basis (C/N ratio, 13.3). The bamboo char used was prepared by heating at 700-800 C for 25 h in a closed kiln, followed by pulverizing the material to a particle size of <2 mm (total C, 801 g C kg-1; total N, 8.1 g kg-1 on dry matter basis). All of the CF, manure, and char were spread by hand and then incorporated into the plow layer (20-cm depth) soil by a chisel plow one day before transplantation in each crop season. A fourth treatment plot (Char plot) with 20 t ha1 of char being applied without CM was installed in Field F at the beginning of the 2011 summer crop season (triplicate), where the same crops had been cultivated with CF applied at the same rate as the other plots. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR NR Gas samples were collected using the static chamber method. A pedestal with a circular dent on the top was installed at the center of each plot at a soil depth of 3-cm on the day of transplantation at a distance of more than 30 cm from the surrounding crops. The dent was filled with water, and the bottom end of a stainless cylindrical pipe (diameter 20 cm, length 22 cm) with a flat brim (2-cm width) was sunk in it. The pipe was then enclosed by placing a silicone packing and an acrylic plate on the brim and fastening them by six paper clips. A 0.5-L Tedler bag, a thermometer, and a W-shaped butyl rubber cap were installed into the acrylic plate beforehand. CO2 and CH4 concentrations in the gas samples were determined using a gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with a thermal conductivity detector and a flame ionization detector (GC-9A, Shimadzu, Kyoto) under the following conditions: sample volume, 2 mL; carrier, He; filler, Porapak Q (Shimadzu); column temperature, 60 C; and injection and detector temperatures, 80 C. N2O concentration was determined by the pre-cut column method using the GC equipped with an electron capturing detector (GC-8A, Shimadzu) under the following conditions: sample volume, 1 mL; carrier, Ar mixed with CH4 at a ratio of 4.94%; filler, Porapak N for pre- and dummy-columns and Porapak Q for main and chalk columns (Shimadzu); column temperature, 80 C; injection and detector temperatures, 250 C; and make-up gas, purified N2. Gas flux was estimated on the basis of chamber volume and the change in gas concentration with time by using linear regression after the gas concentration was corrected for the temperature inside the chamber at the time of gas sampling. Location Obu City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan was used to find UTM. N2O and CH4 emission measure were negligible in most cases. AIB 480,5
306 b Watanabe (2014) Watanabe A, Ikeya K, Kanazaki N, Makabe S, Sugiura Y, Shibata A. Five crop seasons' records of greenhouse gas fluxes from upland fields with repetitive applications of biochar and cattle manure. Journal of Environmental Management. 2014: 144; 168-175. Watanabe A, Ikeya K, Kanazaki N, Makabe S, Sugiura Y, Shibata A Five crop seasons' records of greenhouse gas fluxes from upland fields with repetitive applications of biochar and cattle manure 2014 Journal of Environmental Management Article N/A Japan 35.02 136.96 N 53 678470 3876686 Cfa Field K NR NR NR Soil type is Dystric Cambisols. The initial total C content in the plow layer soil (0-20 cm) was 14.1 g kg-1 in Field K which is equivalent to 3.1 kg m-2. The total N content was 1.6 g kg-1. No NR January 2010 November 2011 23 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser, Biochar 3 The following three types of treatment plots were prepared in the field: a CF plot (Control plot); CM (10 t ha-1 or 2.5 t C ha-1) and CF applied plot (CM plot); and bamboo (Phyllostachys heterocycla f. pubescens) char (20 t ha-1 or 15 t C ha-1), CM (10 t ha-1), and a CF applied plot (Char/CM plot). The field plot size was 1.3x5m. Each type of treatment plot was prepared in triplicate in each field by a randomized design. In Field K, each plot was surrounded by woody barriers with heights of 12 cm throughout the experimental period. Compound fertilizer was applied as the CF to all the plots at the same rate (1.2 t ha-1) irrespective of the kind of crop, which corresponded to the applications of N, P, K, and Mg at 144, 31, 79, and 14 kg ha-1, respectively. Nitrogenwas applied in the form of urea. The CM used was mature, composted cow manure with 358 g C kg-1 and 27.0 g N kg-1 on a dry matter basis (C/N ratio, 13.3). The bamboo char used was prepared by heating at 700-800 C for 25 h in a closed kiln, followed by pulverizing the material to a particle size of <2 mm (total C, 801 g C kg-1; total N, 8.1 g kg-1 on dry matter basis). All of the CF, manure, and char were spread by hand and then incorporated into the plow layer (20-cm depth) soil by a chisel plow one day before transplantation in each crop season. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR NR Gas samples were collected using the static chamber method. A pedestal with a circular dent on the top was installed at the center of each plot at a soil depth of 3-cm on the day of transplantation at a distance of more than 30 cm from the surrounding crops. The dent was filled with water, and the bottom end of a stainless cylindrical pipe (diameter 20 cm, length 22 cm) with a flat brim (2-cm width) was sunk in it. The pipe was then enclosed by placing a silicone packing and an acrylic plate on the brim and fastening them by six paper clips. A 0.5-L Tedler bag, a thermometer, and a W-shaped butyl rubber cap were installed into the acrylic plate beforehand. CO2 and CH4 concentrations in the gas samples were determined using a gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with a thermal conductivity detector and a flame ionization detector (GC-9A, Shimadzu, Kyoto) under the following conditions: sample volume, 2 mL; carrier, He; filler, Porapak Q (Shimadzu); column temperature, 60 C; and injection and detector temperatures, 80 C. N2O concentration was determined by the pre-cut column method using the GC equipped with an electron capturing detector (GC-8A, Shimadzu) under the following conditions: sample volume, 1 mL; carrier, Ar mixed with CH4 at a ratio of 4.94%; filler, Porapak N for pre- and dummy-columns and Porapak Q for main and chalk columns (Shimadzu); column temperature, 80 C; injection and detector temperatures, 250 C; and make-up gas, purified N2. Gas flux was estimated on the basis of chamber volume and the change in gas concentration with time by using linear regression after the gas concentration was corrected for the temperature inside the chamber at the time of gas sampling. Location Obu City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan was used to find UTM. N2O and CH4 emission measure were negligible in most cases. AIB 481,5
307 Waterhouse (2017) Waterhouse H, Wade J, horwath WR, Burger M. Effects of positively charged dicyandiamide and nitrogen fertilizer sources on nitrous oxide emissions in irrigated corn. Journal of Environmental Quality. 2017: 46; 1123-1130. Waterhouse H, Wade J, horwath WR, Burger M Effects of positively charged dicyandiamide and nitrogen fertilizer sources on nitrous oxide emissions in irrigated corn. 2017 Journal of Environmental Quality Article Waterhouse, H. (2015). Nitrogen and irrigation management to reduce nitrous oxide emissions in corn systems. University of California, Davis. USA 38.53 -121.77 N 10 606975 4265774 Csa N/A Loam NR NR Reiff loam (coarse-loamy, mixed, superactive, nonacid, thermic Mollic Xerofluvents). Sand = 38.95%, Silt = 40.25%, Clay = 21.80%, Bulk density = 1.36 kg m-3, total organic carbon = 7.4 g kg-1, Total nitrogen = 0.6 g kg-1, pH = 6.95 Yes The field had been planted in corn the previous year. May 2012 October 2012 6 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, nitrification inhibitor 7 The field was furrow-irrigated with furrows spaced 152 cm apart and beds 1.05 m wide. Corn was planted with a row spacing of 76 cm (two rows per bed) on 25 May 2012, and 20 kg N ha−1 of starter fertilizer was applied as 8–24–6 (N–P–K) with 0.5% zinc. On 25 June, when the plants were at the V4 plant growth stage (~30 cm tall), sidedress fertilizer was injected at 15-cm depth in two bands 20 cm from either side of the plant line at the rate of 202 kg N ha−1. All fertilizers were applied in liquid form. The following fertilizer and nitrification and urease inhibitor treatments were imposed in a randomized complete block design with three replicates each of three 62-m-long beds: (i) urea ammonium nitrate (UAN); (ii) UAN + AgrotainPlus (Koch Agronomic Services), a combined nitrification and urease inhibitor (DCD and NBPT) applied at a rate of 7.5 kg Mg−1 UAN; (iii) UAN + KAS-771G77 (G77) (Koch Agronomic Services), a positively charged form of DCD with reduced leaching potential applied at the rate of 18.7 L ha−1; (iv) Aq. NH3; (v) Aq. NH3 + G77; (vi) calcium nitrate; and (vii) control (starter fertilizer only). The field was irrigated via furrow irrigation eight times over the course of the season, and irrigation amounts were metered except for the first two irrigations (Table 2). The corn was harvested on 30 Oct. 2012. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR Opaque The static chamber method (Hutchinson and Livingston, 1993) was employed to measure soil to atmosphere gas fluxes from 28 May to 25 Oct. 2012. On May 27, rectangular stainless steel chamber bases covering an area of 30 x 50 cm and 14 x 15 cm were installed covering the area from the edge to the center of the soil beds and in the furrows, respectively (Supplemental Fig. S1). On 6 July, an additional set of chamber bases that covered an area of 14 x 15 cm was installed on the shoulders of the beds (Supplemental Fig. S1). The bases extended 7 cm into to soil and had a horizontal flange at the top that was flush with the soil surface, so surface water flow was unimpeded. During gas sampling, stainless steel chambers of 10-cm height were fitted onto the bases with metal clamps. Chambers were vented and covered with insulating, reflective material to reduce temperature fluctuations. The chambers were equipped with rubber gasket sampling ports. Air samples were collected from the headspace of the chambers using a Monoject syringe at 0, 20, and 40 min, and 20-mL gas samples were placed into evacuated 12-mL glass vials with gray butyl rubber septa (Exetainer, Labco). Chamber air temperature was measured at each time point with thermocouple thermometers in a subset of chambers. Chamber gas concentrations were determined by a Shimadzu gas chromatograph (Model GC-2014, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments) linked to an autosampler (Shimadzu Model AOC-5000). Using analytical-grade N2O standards (Airgas), standard samples were prepared at the same time as the field samples and used to calibrate the gas chromatograph. AIB 482,5
308 a Watts (2000) Watts CW, Eich S, Dexter AR. Effects of mechnical energy inputs on soil respiration at the aggregate and field scales. Soil & Tillage Research. 2000: 53; 231-243. Watts CW, Eich S, Dexter AR Effects of mechnical energy inputs on soil respiration at the aggregate and field scales 2000 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A United Kingdom 52.01 -0.43 N 30 676715 5765267 Cfb Boot Field Clay NR Gleysols The soil is a typical calcarious pelosol (Gleyic and Calcic Cambisols, Calcaric Gleysols in the FAO System; Avery, 1980) of the Evesham Series, i.e., swelling-clayey material passing to clay or soft mudstone (Clayden and Hollis, 1984). The texture is classified as clay. Yes Boot Field, Silsoe (the site of the first field experiment) had previously grown cereals but had been in set-aside for approximately 18 months prior to this experiment. NR NR NR NR NR Tillage Tillage 2 Field experiments were conducted at Boot and Pavilion Fields at Silsoe, using two different implements. A Bomford Dyna Drive was used to provide a low energy input into the soil. This implement was developed in order to achieve shallow cultivation and a greater degree of soil disturbance than direct drilling (or no till) techniques, at the same time providing a high forward speed and the ability to produce a satisfactory seed bed for cereals in one or two passes (Watts and Patterson, 1984). This machine consists of two rotors with parallel axes and overlapping rotor tines. Power, provided by the forward motion of the tractor, is transmitted from the front soil-driven rotor via chain and sprockets to give an increase in speed of 3:1 to the rear rotor. A parallel-barred crumbler roller is fitted to the rear of the machine for soil consolidation, depth control and further fragmentation. This implement is draught powered, i.e., there is no drive to the rotors from the tractor power take-off (p.t.o.). A spiked rotor was used to impose a high energy input to the soil in the field experiments. It is fitted with a horizontal rotor made up of radially-mounted spikes, with the drive taken from the tractor p.t.o. Adjustable trailing boards are hinged behind the main hood of the machine to provide additional soil fragmentation and a packer roll at the rear gives depth control and consolidation. For the experiment on Boot Field, four passes with the rotor spike were used for the plot with high energy input and two passes with the Dyna Drive for the one with low energy input. Thus the ratio high energy: low energy input is approximately 6:1. CI Paired design NR No Static chamber Closed Opaque For measurement of respiration in the ®eld a different approach using respiration chambers (or cover boxes) was used. The design of the respiration chambers was similar to that described by Beyer (1991). Anderson (1982) suggested that this type of cylinder should be at least 300 mm high and 250 mm in diameter. In these experiments, three cylindrical steel chambers with a height of 390 mm and a diameter of 500 mm were used. The end, which was to be driven into the soil, was sharpened for that purpose. The other end was closed except for an opening, which was left unsealed during installation to avoid a pressure increase within the chamber. The chambers were then closed with a self-sealing septum, through which samples of the air inside the chambers was taken The three respiration chambers were placed on each plot and driven into the soil a few centimetres. The height of the inner chamber remaining above the earth was measured each time to determine the volume and adjust the data to it later. Samples of the air inside the cylinders was taken every hour with 25 ml gas-tight syringes during daytime and at the same time every day. The CO2 content of the samples was measured in the laboratory using the infra-red gas analyser (Analytical Development, Type 225). The gas analyser was calibrated with two standard concentrations of CO2 gas Site based on location for Silsoe, UK. No specific location mention for the two different fields. AIB 483,5
308 b Watts (2000) Watts CW, Eich S, Dexter AR. Effects of mechnical energy inputs on soil respiration at the aggregate and field scales. Soil & Tillage Research. 2000: 53; 231-243. Watts CW, Eich S, Dexter AR Effects of mechnical energy inputs on soil respiration at the aggregate and field scales 2000 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A United Kingdom 52.01 -0.43 N 30 676715 5765267 Cfb Pavilion Field Sandy loam NR Cambisols It is a typical brown earth (Dystric and Eutric Cambisols in the FAO System; Avery, 1980) of the Bearsted Series, comprising coarse loamy material passing to sand or soft sandstone (Clayden and Hollis, 1984). The texture is classi®ed as a sandy loam. Yes Pavilion Field, Silsoe (the site of the second field experiment) had also been set-aside for 18 months. NR NR NR NR NR Tillage Tillage 2 Field experiments were conducted at Boot and Pavilion Fields at Silsoe, using two different implements. A Bomford Dyna Drive was used to provide a low energy input into the soil. This implement was developed in order to achieve shallow cultivation and a greater degree of soil disturbance than direct drilling (or no till) techniques, at the same time providing a high forward speed and the ability to produce a satisfactory seed bed for cereals in one or two passes (Watts and Patterson, 1984). This machine consists of two rotors with parallel axes and overlapping rotor tines. Power, provided by the forward motion of the tractor, is transmitted from the front soil-driven rotor via chain and sprockets to give an increase in speed of 3:1 to the rear rotor. A parallel-barred crumbler roller is fitted to the rear of the machine for soil consolidation, depth control and further fragmentation. This implement is draught powered, i.e., there is no drive to the rotors from the tractor power take-off (p.t.o.). A spiked rotor was used to impose a high energy input to the soil in the field experiments. It is fitted with a horizontal rotor made up of radially-mounted spikes, with the drive taken from the tractor p.t.o. Adjustable trailing boards are hinged behind the main hood of the machine to provide additional soil fragmentation and a packer roll at the rear gives depth control and consolidation. On Pavilion Field, however, both the implements conducted two passes on each plot, respectively, which narrowed the ratio high energy: low energy input to 3:1. CI Paired design NR No Static chamber Closed Opaque For measurement of respiration in the ®eld a different approach using respiration chambers (or cover boxes) was used. The design of the respiration chambers was similar to that described by Beyer (1991). Anderson (1982) suggested that this type of cylinder should be at least 300 mm high and 250 mm in diameter. In these experiments, three cylindrical steel chambers with a height of 390 mm and a diameter of 500 mm were used. The end, which was to be driven into the soil, was sharpened for that purpose. The other end was closed except for an opening, which was left unsealed during installation to avoid a pressure increase within the chamber. The chambers were then closed with a self-sealing septum, through which samples of the air inside the chambers was taken The three respiration chambers were placed on each plot and driven into the soil a few centimetres. The height of the inner chamber remaining above the earth was measured each time to determine the volume and adjust the data to it later. Samples of the air inside the cylinders was taken every hour with 25 ml gas-tight syringes during daytime and at the same time every day. The CO2 content of the samples was measured in the laboratory using the infra-red gas analyser (Analytical Development, Type 225). The gas analyser was calibrated with two standard concentrations of CO2 gas Site based on location for Silsoe, UK. No specific location mention for the two different fields. AIB 484,5
309 Watts (2015) Watts DB, Runion GB, Nannenga KWS, Torbert HA. Impacts of enhanced-efficiency nitrogen fertilizers on greenhouse gas emissions in a coastal plain soil under cotton. Journal of Environmental Quality. 2015: 44; 1699-1710. Watts DB, Runion GB, Nannenga KWS, Torbert HA Impacts of enhanced-efficiency nitrogen fertilizers on greenhouse gas emissions in a coastal plain soil under cotton 2015 Journal of Environmental Quality Article N/A USA 32.42 -85.89 N 16 604809 3587753 Cfa N/A Loamy sand NR NR The soil series, representative of the Coastal Plains, was a Marvyn loamy sand (fine-loamy, kaolinitic, themic Typic Kanhapludult). This series consists of deep, well-drained, moderately permeable soils formed from loamy marine sediment on Coastal Plain uplands. This region has humid subtropical climate with mean annual temperature of 18°C and precipitation totaling 1100 mm (Current Results, 2013). The soil textural analysis was approximately 81, 4, and 5%, for sand, silt, and clay, respectively, with a 6.3 g kg−1 soil organic matter (SOM) content and an average pH of 6.4. No NR July 2009 March 2012 33 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 8 The experiment was conducted using a randomized complete block design with four replicate blocks based on slope. Nitrogen fertilizer source treatments evaluated were Urea (46% N), stabilized granular urea (SuperU; 46% N), poultry litter (PL; 4% N), poultry litter +AgrotainPlus (PLA; 4% N), Environmentally Smart Nitrogen (ESN; 44% N), Urea Ammonium Sulfate (UAS; 34% N), and Ammonium Sulfate (AS; 21% N), plus a unfertilized control. All fertilizer sources were surface broadcast applied by hand at a rate of 101 kg total N ha−1 (90 lb N acre−1). Environmental Smart Nitrogen is a controlled-released urea fertilizer containing a water-permeable polymer coating that gradually releases N during the growing season, where N release increases with moisture and temperature (Agrium Advanced Technologies, 2013). SuperU is a stabilized stabilized urea source containing urease [N-(n-butyl)-thiophosphoric triamide] and nitrification (dicyandiamide) inhibitors that are uniformly distributed throughout the granule during manufacturing. AgrotainPlus contains the same urease and nitrification inhibitors as SuperU (Koch, 2013). Poultry litter used in this study was collected from a local broiler production facility and consisted of manure and a bedding material mixture (wood shavings and sawdust). Poultry litter plus AgrotainPlus consisted of surface broadcasting poultry litter followed by applying Agrotain Plus (0.5 g kg−1 poultry litter) on top of the litter using a six-nozzle handheld boom attached to an electric powered sprayer. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber Closed NR Greenhouse gas emissions from soil were measured using in situ custom-made, vented, static gas flux chambers constructed according to GRACEnet protocols (Parkin and Venterea, 2010). Briefly, base rings consisting of a polyvinyl chloride ring (25.4- cm diam. by 11.4 cm tall) were permanently placed in the ground to a 5.1-cm depth. Flux measurements were determined by placing a closed chamber (25.4-cm diam. by 10.2 cm tall) over the base rings. One base ring per plot was placed in the ground immediately after fertilization and remained within respective plots for the entire growing season. On each sampling day, gas samples were taken midday from each chamber at 0, 15, 30, and 45 min intervals following chamber closure. At each time interval, gas samples (10 mL) were collected with polypropylene syringes and injected into evacuated glass vials (6 mL) fitted with butyl rubber stoppers as described by Parkin and Kaspar (2006). Samples were stored at 25°C until analyzed. Gas samples were analyzed by a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC-2014) equipped with two detectors: a methanizer interfaced flame ionization detector for CO2 and CH4 and an electron capture detector for N2O. Concentrations of CO2, CH4, and N2O were determined by comparison to a standard curve using standards obtained from Scott Specialty Gases. AIB 485,5
310 a Webb (2014) Webb J, Thorman RE, Fernanda-Aller M, Jackson DR. Emission factors for ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions following immediate manure incorporation on two contrasting soil types. Atmospheric Environment. 2014: 82; 280-287. Webb J, Thorman RE, Fernanda-Aller M, Jackson DR Emission factors for ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions following immediate manure incorporation on two contrasting soil types 2014 Atmospheric Environment Article N/A United Kingdom 53.22 -1.11 N 30 626033 5898905 Cfb Gleadthorpe (GL) Loamy sand NR NR The soil at GL is a free draining loamy sand of the Cuckney Soil Series, described by Ragg et al. (1984) as slightly stony loamy sand to a depth of c. 70 cm with sand below and pH generally >6.5. These soils are mainly under arable rotations often including crops of potatoes and sugarbeet. The soil at GL comprises 77% sand and 6% clay. No NR February 2003 September 2005 25 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 5 We tested four types of solid manure, cattle farmyard manure (FYM), pig FYM, layer manure and broiler litter. The four application treatments were as follows: 1. Manure left on surface. 2. Immediate incorporation by plough. 3. Immediate incorporation by disc. 4. Immediate incorporation by spring tine. Each incorporation treatment was applied as a single pass, as is the standard practice in the UK to rapidly incorporate manures. When non-inversion tillage is used to incorporate manures it is usual to carry out further cultivation to establish a seedbed. However, this would normally be done some time later, and not have any measurable effect on NH3 emissions. The dimensions of incorporation machinery used are given in Table 1. Manures were applied by hand at rates intended to apply 150 kg ha1 N1 based on standard analysis of livestock manures used in the UK (Webb et al., 2013). Due to the variability in the N content among the manures sourced in the different years of the project the actual amounts of N in the manures applied varied considerably. There was an additional control plot (no manure applied and no incorporation) in each block to provide estimates of background emissions of N2O, giving a total of 17 plots per block. Each of the 17 treatments was replicated four times in a randomised block design with treatments applied to each block in successive weeks in order to allow efficient use of resources, e.g. wind tunnels to measure NH3. ((4 manure types * 4 application treatments) þ control) * 4 replicates ¼ 68 plots. Each plot was 6  10 m2 with a 3mrace and 15mgaps between blocks. Samples of manure were taken from each plot and analysed for % dry matter (DM), total-C, total-N and total ammoniacal-N (TAN). CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR NR Direct measurements of N2O were made from two static flux chambers (40 cm wide  40 cm long  25 cm high), placed in random positions on each plot (covering a total surface area of 0.32 m2) after the treatment had been completed. A water-filled channel running around the upper rim of the chamber allowed an air-tight seal to form following chamber enclosure with a lid (Dobbie et al., 1999) Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and headspace samples taken from inside the chamber were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) by gas chromatography. The N2O flux was calculated based on the increase in N2O concentration inside the chamber over a 40-min enclosure period. The chambers remained in the soil throughout the experiment, except when farm operations (e.g. drilling) necessitated their removal. Indirect emissions of N2O were calculated using IPCC methodology (IPCC, 2006), i.e. 1.0% of NH3 emissions measured from each plot and 0.75% of NO3eN leached. The MANNER-NPK model (Nicholson et al., 2009) was used to calculate NO3eN leaching losses for each treatment from each site where the manures were applied in the autumn (i.e. experiments DT03, GL04 and DT05). Most input data (i.e. manure analysis and information on incorporation, soil, crop and weather) were recorded or measured at each site. The date of the end of field drainage was estimated using IRRIGUIDE (Bailey and Spackman, 1996). For unclear - End dates for both could be 60 day after last treatment AIB 486,5
310 b Webb (2014) Webb J, Thorman RE, Fernanda-Aller M, Jackson DR. Emission factors for ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions following immediate manure incorporation on two contrasting soil types. Atmospheric Environment. 2014: 82; 280-287. Webb J, Thorman RE, Fernanda-Aller M, Jackson DR Emission factors for ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions following immediate manure incorporation on two contrasting soil types 2014 Atmospheric Environment Article N/A United Kingdom 52.19 -1.76 N 30 584684 5783201 Cfb Drayton (DT) Clay NR NR The soil at DT is of the Evesham Soil Series described as stoneless seasonally waterlogged swelling clayey soils calcareous to within 400 mm depth and often to the surface with pH typically c. 7.5. Topsoils have a moderate to strong structure. In summer the soils shrink on drying and cracks develop at the surface, extending deep into the subsoil. Evesham soils are either under grassland or autumn-sown combinable crops. The soils at DT comprised 14% sand and 64% clay. No NR September 2003 September 2005 32 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 5 We tested four types of solid manure, cattle farmyard manure (FYM), pig FYM, layer manure and broiler litter. The four application treatments were as follows: 1. Manure left on surface. 2. Immediate incorporation by plough. 3. Immediate incorporation by disc. 4. Immediate incorporation by spring tine. Each incorporation treatment was applied as a single pass, as is the standard practice in the UK to rapidly incorporate manures. When non-inversion tillage is used to incorporate manures it is usual to carry out further cultivation to establish a seedbed. However, this would normally be done some time later, and not have any measurable effect on NH3 emissions. The dimensions of incorporation machinery used are given in Table 1. Manures were applied by hand at rates intended to apply 150 kg ha1 N1 based on standard analysis of livestock manures used in the UK (Webb et al., 2013). Due to the variability in the N content among the manures sourced in the different years of the project the actual amounts of N in the manures applied varied considerably. There was an additional control plot (no manure applied and no incorporation) in each block to provide estimates of background emissions of N2O, giving a total of 17 plots per block. Each of the 17 treatments was replicated four times in a randomised block design with treatments applied to each block in successive weeks in order to allow efficient use of resources, e.g. wind tunnels to measure NH3. ((4 manure types * 4 application treatments) þ control) * 4 replicates ¼ 68 plots. Each plot was 6  10 m2 with a 3mrace and 15mgaps between blocks. Samples of manure were taken from each plot and analysed for % dry matter (DM), total-C, total-N and total ammoniacal-N (TAN). CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR NR Direct measurements of N2O were made from two static flux chambers (40 cm wide  40 cm long  25 cm high), placed in random positions on each plot (covering a total surface area of 0.32 m2) after the treatment had been completed. A water-filled channel running around the upper rim of the chamber allowed an air-tight seal to form following chamber enclosure with a lid (Dobbie et al., 1999) Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and headspace samples taken from inside the chamber were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) by gas chromatography. The N2O flux was calculated based on the increase in N2O concentration inside the chamber over a 40-min enclosure period. The chambers remained in the soil throughout the experiment, except when farm operations (e.g. drilling) necessitated their removal. Indirect emissions of N2O were calculated using IPCC methodology (IPCC, 2006), i.e. 1.0% of NH3 emissions measured from each plot and 0.75% of NO3eN leached. The MANNER-NPK model (Nicholson et al., 2009) was used to calculate NO3eN leaching losses for each treatment from each site where the manures were applied in the autumn (i.e. experiments DT03, GL04 and DT05). Most input data (i.e. manure analysis and information on incorporation, soil, crop and weather) were recorded or measured at each site. The date of the end of field drainage was estimated using IRRIGUIDE (Bailey and Spackman, 1996). For unclear - End dates for both could be 60 day after last treatment AIB 487,5
311 a Webb (2016) Webb J, Fernanda-Aller M, Jackson DR, Thorman R. Accounting for the nitrogen in solid manures incorporated immediately after application in order to reduce emissions of ammonia. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2016: 106; 131-141. Webb J, Fernanda-Aller M, Jackson DR, Thorman R Accounting for the nitrogen in solid manures incorporated immediately after application in order to reduce emissions of ammonia 2016 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article Webb J, Thorman RE, Fernanda-Aller M, Jackson DR. Emission factors for ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions following immediate manure incorporation on two contrasting soil types. Atmospheric Environment. 2014: 82; 280-287. United Kingdom 53.22 -1.11 N 30 626033 5898905 Cfb Gleadthorpe (GL) Loamy sand NR NR The soil at GL is a free draining loamy sand of the Cuckney Soil Series, described by Ragg et al. (1984) as slightly stony sand to a depth of c. 70 cm with sand below. These soils are mainly under arable rotations often including crops of potatoes and sugarbeet. The soil at GL comprises 77 % sand and 6 % clay. Yes The fields at GL had been in a 6-year all-arable rotation of two cereals, a root crop, two cereals and a break crop, for over 20 years. Organic manures had not been used on these fields, except for experimental plots, for c. 15 years. February 2003 September 2005 25 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 5 Between February 2003 and October 2005, four experiments were carried out at two sites of contrasting soil type to measure the impact of immediate incorporation of solid manures on direct emissions of NH3 and N2O and on subsequent uptake of manure-N by a cereal crop. Immediate incorporation was achieved by having a tractor with incorporation implement on standy so the manure could be incorporated within a few minutes of completing manure application. The experiments tested four types of solid manure, cattle farmyard manure (FYM), pig FYM, layer manure and broiler litter. The four application treatments were as follows: 1. Manure left on surface. 2. Immediate incorporation by plough. 3. Immediate incorporation by disc. 4. Immediate incorporation by spring tine. The dimensions of incorporation machinery used are given in Webb et al. (2014). Manures were applied at rates intended to apply 250 kg/ha N based on standard analysis of livestock manures (Anon 2010). There was an additional control plot (no manure applied and no cultivation) in each block to provide estimates of background direct N2O emissions and crop N uptake without manure application, giving a total of 17 plots per block. Each of the 17 treatments was replicated four times in a randomised block design with treatments applied to each block in successive weeks in order to allow efficient use of resources, e.g. wind tunnels to measure NH3. Each plot was 6 9 10 m with a 3 m race and 15 m gaps between blocks. Samples of each manure were taken from each plot and analysed for % dry matter (DM), total-C, total-N and total ammoniacal-N (TAN). CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR NR Measurements of direct N2O fluxes were made from two static chambers (40 cm wide 9 40 cm long 9 25 cm high), placed in random positions on each plot (covering a total surface area of 0.32 m2) after the treatment had been completed at regular intervals over a c. 60 day period to give a total of 12measurements. Details of the measurement protocols were published in Webb et al. (2014). From Webb et al. (2014): Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and headspace samples taken from inside the chamber were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) by gas chromatography. The N2O flux was calculated based on the increase in N2O concentration inside the chamber over a 40-min enclosure period. The chambers remained in the soil throughout the experiment, except when farm operations (e.g. drilling) necessitated their removal. Indirect emissions of N2O were calculated using IPCC methodology (IPCC, 2006), i.e. 1.0% of NH3 emissions measured from each plot and 0.75% of NO3eN leached. The MANNER-NPK model (Nicholson et al., 2009) was used to calculate NO3eN leaching losses for each treatment from each site where the manures were applied in the autumn (i.e. experiments DT03, GL04 and DT05). Most input data (i.e. manure analysis and information on incorporation, soil, crop and weather) were recorded or measured at each site. The date of the end of field drainage was estimated using IRRIGUIDE (Bailey and Spackman, 1996). For unclear - see also Webb 2014. End dates for both could be 60 day after last treatment AIB 488,5
311 b Webb (2016) Webb J, Fernanda-Aller M, Jackson DR, Thorman R. Accounting for the nitrogen in solid manures incorporated immediately after application in order to reduce emissions of ammonia. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2016: 106; 131-141. Webb J, Fernanda-Aller M, Jackson DR, Thorman R Accounting for the nitrogen in solid manures incorporated immediately after application in order to reduce emissions of ammonia 2016 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Article Webb J, Thorman RE, Fernanda-Aller M, Jackson DR. Emission factors for ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions following immediate manure incorporation on two contrasting soil types. Atmospheric Environment. 2014: 82; 280-287. United Kingdom 52.19 -1.76 N 30 584684 5783201 Cfb Drayton (DT) Clay NR NR The soil at DT is of the Evesham Soil Series described by Clayden and Hollis (1984) as stoneless seasonally waterlogged swelling clayey soils calcareous to within 400 mm depth and often with calcareous material within the surface horizon. Topsoils have a moderate to strong structure. In summer the soils shrink on drying and cracks develop at the surface, extending deep into the subsoil. Evesham soils are either under grassland or autumn-sown combinable crops. The soils at DT comprised 14 % sand and 64 % clay. Yes The fields at Drayton had been in ley arable rotations. September 2003 September 2005 32 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 5 Between February 2003 and October 2005, four experiments were carried out at two sites of contrasting soil type to measure the impact of immediate incorporation of solid manures on direct emissions of NH3 and N2O and on subsequent uptake of manure-N by a cereal crop. Immediate incorporation was achieved by having a tractor with incorporation implement on standy so the manure could be incorporated within a few minutes of completing manure application. The experiments tested four types of solid manure, cattle farmyard manure (FYM), pig FYM, layer manure and broiler litter. The four application treatments were as follows: 1. Manure left on surface. 2. Immediate incorporation by plough. 3. Immediate incorporation by disc. 4. Immediate incorporation by spring tine. The dimensions of incorporation machinery used are given in Webb et al. (2014). Manures were applied at rates intended to apply 250 kg/ha N based on standard analysis of livestock manures (Anon 2010). There was an additional control plot (no manure applied and no cultivation) in each block to provide estimates of background direct N2O emissions and crop N uptake without manure application, giving a total of 17 plots per block. Each of the 17 treatments was replicated four times in a randomised block design with treatments applied to each block in successive weeks in order to allow efficient use of resources, e.g. wind tunnels to measure NH3. Each plot was 6 9 10 m with a 3 m race and 15 m gaps between blocks. Samples of each manure were taken from each plot and analysed for % dry matter (DM), total-C, total-N and total ammoniacal-N (TAN). CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR NR Measurements of direct N2O fluxes were made from two static chambers (40 cm wide 9 40 cm long 9 25 cm high), placed in random positions on each plot (covering a total surface area of 0.32 m2) after the treatment had been completed at regular intervals over a c. 60 day period to give a total of 12measurements. Details of the measurement protocols were published in Webb et al. (2014). From Webb et al. (2014): Chambers were pushed into the soil up to a depth of 5 cm and headspace samples taken from inside the chamber were analysed as soon as possible after collection (to minimise potential leakage) by gas chromatography. The N2O flux was calculated based on the increase in N2O concentration inside the chamber over a 40-min enclosure period. The chambers remained in the soil throughout the experiment, except when farm operations (e.g. drilling) necessitated their removal. Indirect emissions of N2O were calculated using IPCC methodology (IPCC, 2006), i.e. 1.0% of NH3 emissions measured from each plot and 0.75% of NO3eN leached. The MANNER-NPK model (Nicholson et al., 2009) was used to calculate NO3eN leaching losses for each treatment from each site where the manures were applied in the autumn (i.e. experiments DT03, GL04 and DT05). Most input data (i.e. manure analysis and information on incorporation, soil, crop and weather) were recorded or measured at each site. The date of the end of field drainage was estimated using IRRIGUIDE (Bailey and Spackman, 1996). For unclear - see also Webb 2014. End dates for both could be 60 day after last treatment AIB 489,5
312 Weiske (2001) Weiske A, Benckiser G, Herbert T, Ottow JCG. Influence of the nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) in comparison to dicyandiamide (DCD) on nitrous oxide emissions, carbon dioxide fluxes and methane oxidation during 3 years of repeated application in field experiments. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 2001: 34; 109-117. Weiske A, Benckiser G, Herbert T, Ottow JCG Influence of the nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) in comparison to dicyandiamide (DCD) on nitrous oxide emissions, carbon dioxide fluxes and methane oxidation during 3 years of repeated application in field experiments 2019 Biology and Fertility of Soils Article NR N/A Germany 50.58 8.68 N 32 477141 5603223 Cfb N/A Silty clay loam NR Fluvisols The topsoil (0–35 cm) was a clayey loam (clay 31%, silt 60% and sand 5%) with pH (H2O) 6.0–6.8. The soil was classified as an allochtone brown earth (FAO classification: Fluvisol) derived from Lahn river sediments. Yes The experimental design was a Latin square within a running experiment which was established in 1982 to evaluate N2 fixation within a long-term experiment comparing different crop rotation systems (Fig. 3). Both N-fertilized and non-fertilized plots were used on the same experimental site. March 1997 July 1999 29 Multiple-intervention Nitrification inhibitor, Chemical fertiliser 6 Summary: All unfertilized (U1, U2, U3, U4; 80 m2) and fertilized experimental plots (F1, F2, F3, F4; 80 m2) contain three microplots [3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP), dicyandiamide (DCD), Control] with one chamber in the centre of each centre For each experiment three microplots (5×4 m) were established inside larger experimental plots (10×8 m) with four replicates. In one set of experiments, the NIs DMPP and DCD were formulated on fertilizer granules of ammonium sulphate nitrate (ASN; 26% N, 18.5% NH4 +-N and 7.5% NO3 –-N; DMPP ~1.6% relative to NH4 +-N and DCD ~16% relative to NH4 +-N) and manually applied in springtime with summer barley (Hordeum vulgare L.; 12 March 1997) in 1997 (90 kg ASN-N ha–1; 24 March 1997), maize (Zea mays L.; 4 May 1998) in 1998 (160 kg ASN-N ha–1; 5 May 1998) and with winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.; 20 November 1998) in 1999 (180 kg ASN-N ha–1; 18 March 1999) in one dose. ASN without NI was used as a control. The amounts of N applied each year were given by the running experimental design. In the second group of experiments, the NIs were applied in concentrations similar to those of the fertilized plots but without N fertilizers (in 1997 1.0 g DCD m–2, 0.11 g DMPP m–2; in 1998 1.8 g DCD m–2, 0.18 g DMPP m–2; in 1999 1.9 g DCD m–2, 0.2 g DMPP m–2). In 1997 DMPP and DCD dissolved in water were applied during springtime to summer barley during vegetative growth (Hordeum vulgare L.; 12 March 1997) using a knapsack sprayer, whereas in 1998 (25 March 1998) to vetch (Vicia sativa; 18 March 1998) as well as in 1999 to winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.; 20 November 1998); these NIs were applied formulated on fertilizer granules of only triple super phosphate (TSP). The formulated fertilizer granules (ASN, TSP) with DMPP and DCD were obtained from BASF (BASF Agricultural Centre, Limburgerhof, Germany). CI Latin square 4 No Static chamber Closed Opaque Gases (N2O, CO2, CH4) were measured throughout the whole cropping periods (1997–1999) by use of a closed-chamber method (Hutchinson and Mosier 1981). At each experimental site (four replicate plots) self-made steel chambers (40×40 cm) were permanently implanted 10 cm into the soil. The gas flux measurements were performed in such a way that gas emission could only be quantified from soil but not from plants. Results obtained by Chang et al. (1998) provided evidence that N2O can be directly emitted by plants. To avoid this artifact, gas sampling plots were kept fallow. However, the chambers were installed adjacent to the plants in order to account for any rhizosphere effect on soilderived gas emissions. Gas samples were collected twice weekly between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m from the chamber atmosphere using 50-ml disposable syringes (Becton Dickinson, Ireland) at 0, 10 and 20 min after covering. All gas samples were analysed using a gas chromatograph (Perkin Elmer Autosystem XL B5902). The gas chromatography system was designed for the simultaneous analysis of N2O and CO2 with an electron capture detector (ECD), as well as that of CH4 with a flame ionization detector, in the same sample. The fluxes of N2O (g N2O-N ha–1 day–1, n=4), CO2 (g CO2-C ha–1 day–1, n=4) and CH4 (g CH4-C ha–1 day–1, n=4) were calculated from the changes in the closed-chamber gas concentration AIB 490,5
313 Weller (2019) Weller S, Fischer A, Willibald G, Nave B, Kiese R. N2O emissions from maize production in south-west Germany and evaluation of N2O mitigation potential under single and combined inhibitor application. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2019: 269; 215-223. Weller S, Fischer A, Willibald G, Nave B, Kiese R N2O emissions from maize production in south-west Germany and evaluation of N2O mitigation potential under single and combined inhibitor application 2019 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A Germany 48.74 8.92 N 32 494183 5398220 Cfb N/A Silt loam NR NR Soil on site can be classified as Stagnic Luvisol-Anthrosol (WRB), with tillage influenced topsoil (0–22 cm soil depth) and subsoil showing stagnic properties (71–99 cm soil depth). Topsoil is characterized by a silt loam texture (22% clay, 77% silt, 3% sand) and had a bulk density (BD) of 1.15 g/ cm3, pH value (H2O) of 7.7 and total carbon (Ct) and nitrogen (Nt) contents of 1.25% and 0.15%, respectively. No NR April 2012 November 2013 20 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Nitrification inhibitor, Other 5 The investigated N-fertilizer varieties consisted of five treatments, which were as followed: 1.) Zero-N (ZN), receiving no N-fertilizer at any time and acting as negative control for computation of direct N2O emission factors; 2.) Urea (U), positive control treatment receiving only urea fertilizer; 3.) Urea+Pyraclostrobin (U+P), receiving urea fertilizer and one foliar application of pyraclostrobin per cropping season as well as pyraclostrobin seed treatment; 4.) Urea with Urease Inhibitor+Pyraclostrobin (UI+P), receiving urea coated with urease inhibitor (Limus®) and one foliar application of pyraclostrobin per cropping season as well as pyraclostrobin seed treatment; 5.) 70% Urea with Urease Inhibitor+Pyraclostrobin (70% UI+P), receiving only 70% of the amount of urea applied at treatments 2, 3 and 4. Urea was coated with Limus® and treatments received one foliar application of pyraclostrobin per cropping season as well as pyraclostrobin seed treatment. CI Randomized Complete Block 5 No Both static and dynamic Closed Opaque Chambers (50 x 50 cm base area) were either placed covering the seed row (CSR) in center, with three maize plants growing inside the chamber, or placed between the seed rows (BSR), covering only soil without maize plants. As spacing between seeding rows was 50 cm, both chamber types together covered an area representative for an entire maize field, i.e., soil with and without maize plants. All chambers were made of stainless steel, had a basic height of 15 cm, were fixed to stainless steel frames driven 15 cm into the soil and were equipped with fans and inlets for air mixture and pressure equalization during sampling. BSR chambers were opaque. CSR chambers had side and lid insertions of acrylic glass and were equipped with an acrylic glass extension (20 cm) in center, allowing the maize plants inside the chamber to grow. When maize plants were large enough, the extension was replaced by a special chamber centerpiece into which maize stems were clamped airtight by flexible sealing (Weller et al., 2015). Chambers were closed in blocks of three and alternatively sampled four times which resulted in a closing time of 36 min, followed by three injections of a defined standard gas mixture for calibration purposes. The automated N2O measuring system consisted of 24 automated static chambers (one chamber per plot) connected via stainless steel tubing to a valve control system and a gas chromatograph (SRI Instruments, CA, USA), both situated in a shelter in the center of the field site. The gas chromatograph was equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD) and sample air was running through an ascarite column placed in front of the ECD to avoid bias caused by CO2 (Zheng et al., 2008). Pyraclostrobin is a fungicide and was classified as Other *Spatial replication: All four fertilizer treatments were replicated five times. As the maximum chamber capability of the N2O measurement system was 24, the Zero-N treatment was replicated only four times. AIB 491,5
314 a Whalen (2000) Whalen SC. Nitrous Oxide Emission from an Agricultural Soil Fertilized with Liquid Swine Waste or Constituents. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 2000; 64: 781-789 Whalen SC Nitrous Oxide Emission from an Agricultural Soil Fertilized with Liquid Swine Waste or Constituents 2000 Soil Science Society of America Journal Article N/A USA 35.1 -78 N 18 226536 3888252 Cfa N/A Loamy sand NR NR Goldsboro loamy sand (fine-loamy, thermic, aquic Typic Paleudult) Yes The study site was a corporate, 1200 sow farrow-to-finish swine production facility that had been in operation for 6 yrs. The spray field selected for study had been fertilized with swine effluent for 4 yr. It had been conventionally tilled and was planted to a crop rotation of soybeans [Glycine max (L.) April 1998 May 1998 2 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 5 (i) liquid lagoon swine waste that had total N, NH4–N, and dissolved organic C concentrations of 660, 600, and 530 mg L􏰃1, respectively; (ii) NH4Cl (660 mg N L􏰃1); (iii) glucose (530 mg C L􏰃1); (iv) NH4Cl (660 mg N L􏰃1) plus glucose (530 mg C L􏰃1); (v) deionized water; and (vi) no addition (control) CI Split/strip plot 3 No Static chamber NR NR Nitrous oxide flux measurements were made by the static chamber technique (Whalen and Reeburgh, 1988). Briefly, open-bottomed, cylindrical polyvinyl chloride covers (20-cm diam 􏰄 9-cm height) fitted with a butyl O-ring were inserted onto the permanent soil collars to isolate 0.031 m2 of soil surface and 5.3 L of overlying air. Covers were fitted with a capillary bleed to equalize pressure and an O-seal fitting (Swagelok Co., Solon, OH) equipped with a septum for sy- ringe sampling. Chamber headspace gases were syringe-sampled on cover emplacement and at 0.25-h intervals thereafter to 0.75 h. Sam- ples were stored prior to analysis by inserting the hypodermic needles of the syringes into Butyl rubber stoppers. Nitrous oxide was measured with a Shimadzu (Columbia, MD) GC-14A 63Ni electron capture detector gas chromato- graph. 2 experiments JJT 492,5
314 b Whalen (2000) Whalen SC. Nitrous Oxide Emission from an Agricultural Soil Fertilized with Liquid Swine Waste or Constituents. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 2000; 64: 781-790 Whalen SC Nitrous Oxide Emission from an Agricultural Soil Fertilized with Liquid Swine Waste or Constituents 2000 Soil Science Society of America Journal Article N/A USA 35.1 -78 N 18 226536 3888252 Cfa N/A Loamy sand NR NR Goldsboro loamy sand (fine-loamy, thermic, aquic Typic Paleudult) Yes The study site was a corporate, 1200 sow farrow-to-finish swine production facility that had been in operation for 6 yrs. The spray field selected for study had been fertilized with swine effluent for 4 yr. It had been conventionally tilled and was planted to a crop rotation of soybeans [Glycine max (L.) April 1998 May 1998 2 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 4 (i) NH4Cl (600 mg N L􏰃1); (ii) NH4Cl (300 mg N L􏰃1); (iii) KNO3 (600 mg N L􏰃1); (iv) KNO3 (300 mg N L􏰃1) CI Split/strip plot 3 No Static chamber NR NR Nitrous oxide flux measurements were made by the static chamber technique (Whalen and Reeburgh, 1988). Briefly, open-bottomed, cylindrical polyvinyl chloride covers (20-cm diam 􏰄 9-cm height) fitted with a butyl O-ring were inserted onto the permanent soil collars to isolate 0.031 m2 of soil surface and 5.3 L of overlying air. Covers were fitted with a capillary bleed to equalize pressure and an O-seal fitting (Swagelok Co., Solon, OH) equipped with a septum for sy- ringe sampling. Chamber headspace gases were syringe-sampled on cover emplacement and at 0.25-h intervals thereafter to 0.75 h. Sam- ples were stored prior to analysis by inserting the hypodermic needles of the syringes into Butyl rubber stoppers. Nitrous oxide was measured with a Shimadzu (Columbia, MD) GC-14A 63Ni electron capture detector gas chromato- graph. 2 experiments JJT 493,5
315 a Wijesekara (2017) Wijesekara H, Bolan NS, Thangavel R, Seshadri B, Surapaneni A, Saint C, Hetherington C, Matthews P, Vithanage M. The impact of biosolids application on organic carbon and carbon dioxide fluxes in soil. Chemosphere. 2017: 189; 565-573. Wijesekara H, Bolan NS, Thangavel R, Seshadri B, Surapaneni A, Saint C, Hetherington C, Matthews P, Vithanage M The impact of biosolids application on organic carbon and carbon dioxide fluxes in soil 2017 Chemosphere Article N/A Australia -33.16 148.68 S 55 656354 6329469 Cfa Manildra Clay loam NR NR Red Chromosol (i.e., also known as red brown earths or red podzolic soils) with a clay loam texture No NR January 2017 June 2017 6 Amendments Amendments 2 The two experimental sites were limited to two treatments: biosolids amended and unamended (control). At both sites, a single level of 70Mg ha1 biosolidswas applied by the horizontal disc rear discharge spreaders and incorporated into surface soils (i.e., to the 15 cm depth) using chisel ploughs. The biosolids were produced through aerobic and anaerobic digestion processes at two sewage treatment stations in Sydney, Australia. Five plots at the two sites combined were established in January 2017 with four cropping systems. The crops at the Manildra site as follows: Plot 1 - M: canola (Brassica napus), Plot 2 - M: fodder sorghum (Sorghum spp.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Control - M (i.e., Plot 3, M stands for Manildra). CI Unclear NR No Dynamic chambers NR NR An automated soil respirometer (LI-8100A, LI-COR Inc., Lincoln, NE, USA) was used to measure diurnal CO2 fluxes. The areas of biosolids treated and control plots at both the Manildra and Grenfell sites were 100 m  100 m and 25 m  25 m, respectively. Each site had twelve CO2 flux monitoring points (i.e., soil respiration collars) that included eight for the biosolids treated plots and four for the control plots. The SoilFluxPro™ software from LI-COR Inc., Lincoln, NE, USA was used to view and analyse data files for chamber measurements generated by the soil respirometer. The soil CO2 fluxes were calculated on the basis of a linear increase in chamber CO2 concentrations over time. AIB 494,5
315 b Wijesekara (2017) Wijesekara H, Bolan NS, Thangavel R, Seshadri B, Surapaneni A, Saint C, Hetherington C, Matthews P, Vithanage M. The impact of biosolids application on organic carbon and carbon dioxide fluxes in soil. Chemosphere. 2017: 189; 565-573. Wijesekara H, Bolan NS, Thangavel R, Seshadri B, Surapaneni A, Saint C, Hetherington C, Matthews P, Vithanage M The impact of biosolids application on organic carbon and carbon dioxide fluxes in soil 2017 Chemosphere Article N/A Australia -33.94 148.04 S 55 595896 6243778 Cfa Grenfell Sandy loam NR NR Brown Chromosol with a sandy loam texture. No NR January 2017 June 2017 6 Amendments Amendments 2 The two experimental sites were limited to two treatments: biosolids amended and unamended (control). At both sites, a single level of 70Mg ha1 biosolidswas applied by the horizontal disc rear discharge spreaders and incorporated into surface soils (i.e., to the 15 cm depth) using chisel ploughs. The biosolids were produced through aerobic and anaerobic digestion processes at two sewage treatment stations in Sydney, Australia. The Grenfell site had a canola (Brassica napus) paddock with two plots: Plot - G (i.e., Plot 4) and, Control - G (i.e., Plot 5, G stands for Grenfell). CI Paired design NR No Dynamic chambers NR NR An automated soil respirometer (LI-8100A, LI-COR Inc., Lincoln, NE, USA) was used to measure diurnal CO2 fluxes. The areas of biosolids treated and control plots at both the Manildra and Grenfell sites were 100 m  100 m and 25 m  25 m, respectively. Each site had twelve CO2 flux monitoring points (i.e., soil respiration collars) that included eight for the biosolids treated plots and four for the control plots. The SoilFluxPro™ software from LI-COR Inc., Lincoln, NE, USA was used to view and analyse data files for chamber measurements generated by the soil respirometer. The soil CO2 fluxes were calculated on the basis of a linear increase in chamber CO2 concentrations over time. AIB 495,5
316 Wilson (2015) Wilson TM, McGowen B, Mullock J, Arnall DB, Warren JG. Nitrous oxide emissions from continuous winter wheat in the southern great plains. Agronomy Journal. 2015: 107; 1878-1884. Wilson TM, McGowen B, Mullock J, Arnall DB, Warren JG Nitrous oxide emissions from continuous winter wheat in the southern great plains 2015 Agronomy Journal Article N/A USA 36.13 -97.07 N 14 673278 3999735 Cfa N/A Silt loam NR NR Kirkland silt loam (fine, mixed, superactive, thermic Udertic Paleustoll). Yes This long-term trial was established in 1968 to evaluate the impact of long-term application of N, P, and K on grain yield in continuous winter wheat. This location was previously managed with conventional tillage; in 2011 the location was converted to no-till. September 2011 September 2014 37 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 4 The long-term trial is designed as a randomized complete block with four replications; four treatments from three replications were selected to be sampled. The treatments selected were the N rate treatments with 30.8 kg ha–1 P applied as triple superphosphate (0–46–0) and 26.9 kg ha–1 K applied as potassium chloride (0–0–60) applied annually before planting. Nitrogen was broadcast applied as urea (46–0–0) at rates of 0, 45, 90, and 134 kg N ha–1; the 134 kg ha–1 N rate was split applied so that half of the N was applied before planting and the remaining half was applied in the spring at GS 30 (Zadoks et al., 1974)(Table 1). The remaining treatments were applied before planting. Wheat was harvested using a Massey Ferguson combine with a 2 m wide cutting table. Wheat grain yields were adjusted to 12.5% moisture. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR Opaque Nitrous oxide emissions were measured using the vented chamber method as described by Mosier et al. (1991) with base anchors measuring 38.1 by 12.7 cm (inner dimensions). Chamber lids were constructed of steel and painted silver to reflect solar radiation and minimize temperature fluxes within the chamber. Base anchors were forced into the soil so as to minimize soil disturbance within and around the anchor. Base anchors were installed within wheat rows after planting and remained in place until the planting of the following year’s crop. Wheat plants were kept clipped to the soil surface within the chambers and the clipped material removed from the plot area for the duration of the growing season. On each sample date a vented chamber lid (7 cm by 39.4 cm by 15.2 cm) was placed into a water-filled trough on the base anchor to form a gas tight seal with air exchange allowed through the vent tube on the lid to maintain ambient air pressure within the chamber. Gas samples of 20 mL were collected from a rubber septum in the chamber lid at 0, 20, 40, and 60 min following the lid being placed over the base anchor, beginning at 1000 h. Gas samples were stored in 20-mL evacuated glass vials with gray rubber butyl septa until being analyzed by a gas chromatograph (Varian 450-GC) with an electron capture detector (ECD)(standard deviation of ECD = 0.009 mg L–1), thermoconductivity detector (TCD) and a flame ionization detector (FID) to quantify N2O-N, CO2, and CH4, respectively. AIB 496,5
317 Wolff (2018) Wolff MW, Alsina MM, Stockert CM, Khalsa SDS, Smart DR. Minimum tillage of a cover crop lowers net GWP and sequesters soil carbon in a California vineyard. Soil & Tillage Research. 2018: 175; 244-254. Wolff MW, Alsina MM, Stockert CM, Khalsa SDS, Smart DR Minimum tillage of a cover crop lowers net GWP and sequesters soil carbon in a California vineyard. 2018 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A USA 38.43 -122.41 N 10 551204 4253905 Csb N/A Loam NR NR The soil is a Bale loam, classified as a fine-loamy, mixed, thermic Cumulic Ultic Haploxeroll (Lambert and Kashiwagi, 1978), with an averaged texture of 33% sand, 42% silt, and 25% clay, a pH of 5.6. The Ap horizon extends to about 20 cm, with greater clay content below. Yes The test site consisted of a V. vinifera cv Cabernet Sauvignon vineyard in its 17th and 18th years of growth at the UC Davis Oakville Research Station. In 1991 the site was planted to three rootstocks in a randomized complete blocks design (RCBD). The driveways (alleys) were 180 cm (6 feet) wide, in addition to a 60 cm (2-foot) wide designated drip zone below the vine rows, which was kept clear of vegetation using glyphosate herbicide. October 2003 October 2010 85 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Cover crops 3 In October 2003 three alley tillage/cover crop treatments were established, using three blocks in an RCBD. As a result of superimposition on the rootstock experiment, within each alley treatment-block combination there were 6 subplots divided among the 3 rootstocks, with 2 replications per rootstock. The subplots had 2 measured vines, so that a total of 108 data vines were monitored for pruning weights and harvest weights starting in Oct. 2003. Further biomass measurements and all gas emissions during the 6th to 8th years of the alley treatment experiment (all of 2009 and 2010) were carried out on a single rootstock (V. riparia x V. rupestris cv 101-14 Mgt), which represented intermediate vigor. The alley treatments consisted of 1) a minimum-tilled dwarf barley (Hordeum depressum cv UC603) cover crop treatment disked to a depth of 2–3 cm every second fall to aid planting and establishment of the cover crop, and mowed but not tilled in spring, where the chopped residues of grapevine prunings and cover crops were left on the surface; 2) a barley cover crop under conventional tillage for which soil was disked to a depth of approximately 10 cm in the fall prior to planting the cover crop, and mowed and disked twice in the spring to incorporate residues; and 3) a conventional tillage treatment where resident annual weeds were mowed and disked twice to approximately 10 cm depth in the spring, which continued the soiĺs previous use. Investigation with a metal rod after disking showed no difference in Ap horizon depth between once-annual and twice-annual tillage. Directly below the Ap horizon repeated disking created a thin, high-density, corrugated soil layer. Cover crop roots rarely penetrated past 25 cm of depth. Floor management implements were those commonly used in regional winegrape vineyards, consisting of a tandem disk, a seed drill and a flail mower. Tillage dates were 4/1/09, 5/8/09, 10/26/09, 3/22/ 10, 5/11/10, and 10/21/10. CI Randomized Complete Block 2 No Static chamber NR Opaque CO2: Emissions of CO2 through soil respiration (Rs) were measured approximately once every 2 weeks in the alleys, and at least 3 times in a week for tillage events. 8-cm high PVC collars were inserted to 6 cm in the centers of alleys at maximum distance from vine trunks on 101-14 rootstock. N2O and CH4 emissions were measured using static chambers positioned in the alley centers and drip zone centers at maximum distance from vine trunks. The chambers were generally in conformity with recommendations by Parkin et al. (2003) and consisted of 20.3 cm diameter PVC rings 11 cm high placed over 8 cm PVC collars with one beveled outer edge, inserted 5 cm into the soil. Chambers had manual mixing fans and a stretchable rubber sleeve that closed over the collars. They were covered with aluminum insulation to reflect radiation and to moderate temperature change inside the chamber. CO2: Effluxes were measured between 14:30 and 16:00 using an infrared gas analyzer (LI-6400/09, LiCor Inc., Lincoln, NE). To describe emissions from the drip zone, monthly measurements were made during 2010. After each gas flux measurement, samples for gravimetric soil moisture were taken approximately 60 cm from the collar at 0–20 cm using a soil auger. N2O, CH4: Samples of gas taken from the chamber using a 20-mL syringe were injected and stored in 12-mL tubes (Exetainer®, Labco Limited, Buckinghamshire UK) with silicone sealant placed over the septum before evacuation down to 50 mTorr. Extensive testing revealed that positively pressurized Exetainers gave consistent GC readings in second-round testing, while limiting sample contamination after collection. The gas was analyzed for N2O using a 63Ni electron capture detector (ECD) and for CH4 using a flame ionizing detector (FID), both on the same gas chromatograph (GC-2014, Shimadzu Inc., Kyoto, Japan). AIB 497,5
318 Wu (2015) Wu D, Liu M, Song X, Jiao J, Li H, Hu F. Earthworm ecosystem service and dis-service in an N-enriched agroecosystem: Incraese of plant production leads to no effects on yield-scaled N2O emissions. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2015: 82; 1-8. Wu D, Liu M, Song X, Jiao J, Li H, Hu F Earthworm ecosystem service and dis-service in an N-enriched agroecosystem: Incraese of plant production leads to no effects on yield-scaled N2O emissions 2015 Soil Biology & Biochemistry Article N/A China 31.45 120.49 N 51 261788 3481821 Cfa N/A Silt loam NR NR A preliminary survey did not find any native earthworms in this field, most likely due to the intense chemical fertilization. The main soil characteristics were pH 5.96, 6.7% sand, 68.8% silt, 24.5% clay, 21.9 g of organic C kg-1, 2.65 g of total N kg-1 and 168.17 mg kg-1 of available N (NH4+ -N and NO3- -N). No NR April 2010 December 2010 9 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Other, Organic fertiliser 6 The experimentwas organized as a full factorial design, in which manure compost application methods (two levels: applied to soil surface after tillage or incorporated into soil plowing layer during tillage) and the presence of earthworms (three levels: control without earthworms and the introduction of E. foetida (Savigny, 1826) or M. guillemi (Michaelsen, 1895)) were factors. This set-up consisted of six treatments: S (manure compost at the soil surface without earthworms); SE (manure compost at the soil surface with E. foetida); SM (manure compost at the soil surface with M. guillemi); I (manure compost incorporated into the soil without earthworms); IE (manure compost incorporated into the soil with E. foetida); and IM (manure compost incorporated into the soil with M. guillemi). Each treatment was replicated three times and randomly arranged in the field. The replicated plots (2.41.2m)were located 0.5mfrom each other and separated bya 3-cm-wide concrete frame(60cmdeep belowground and 20 cm aboveground) to prevent the exchange of earthworms, water or nutrients among the plots CI Split/strip plot 3 No Static chamber Closed Opaque The N2O samples were collected using a closed chamber of 0.3 x 0.3 x 0.5 m or 0.3 x 0.3 x 1.3 m depending on vegetable height. Briefly, the chambers were placed on a fixed polyvinyl chloride frame in each plot The gas samples were analyzed within 48 h of sampling using a gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, USA) equipped with a 63Ni electron capture detector. AIB 498,5
319 Wu (2017) Wu H, Chen S, Li J, Liu D, Zhou J, Xu Y, Shang X, Wei D, Yu L, Fang X, Li S, Wang K. An approach to mitigating soil CO2 emission by biochemically inhibiting cellulolytic microbial populations through mediation via medicinal herb Isatis indigotica. Atmospheric Environment. 2017: 158; 259-269. Wu H, Chen S, Li J, Liu D, Zhou J, Xu Y, Shang X, Wei D, Yu L, Fang X, Li S, Wang K An approach to mitigating soil CO2 emission by biochemically inhibiting cellulolytic microbial populations through mediation via medicinal herb Isatis indigotica 2017 Atmospheric Environment Article N/A China 32.21 118.71 N 50 661096 3564444 Cfa N/A NR NR NR The soil type at the experimental site is a northern subtropical yellowish brown loam; it is a clay-like soil with 26.1% clay particles Yes Prior to our trial, the sitewas planted with a maize crop. April 2014 April 2015 13 Multiple-intervention Other, Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 2 Two treatments were established as follows: (1) NPKW: 900 kg hm-2 of 45% compound fertilizer þ winter wheat and (2) NPKWR: 900 kg hm2 of 45% compound fertilizer þ winter wheat þ I. indigotica, a herbaceous plant that is used in traditional Chinese medicine. The plot area was 16 m2 (4 m x 4 m), with a width of 50 cm and a height of 20 cm for the footpath (ridge) surrounding each independent plot and three replicates for each treatment. All the plots were distributed randomly. The selected compound fertilizer was obtained from the Zhongdong Chemical Fertilizer Company, and it had a total nutrient content of 45% (15% N, 15% P2O5 and 15% K2O). This material was applied as a basal fertilizer to the soil before plant growth occurred, while an additional 75 kg hm-2 urea was applied on 26 April 2014. CI Paired design 3 No Static chamber Closed NR A static closed chamber and gas chromatography were used to collect the greenhouse gases and analyse the CO2 concentration and flux. After the wheat and I. indigotica germinated and grew 5 cmhigh, the static closed chamberwas installed in the field soil in the plots at a steady pace. The greenhouse chamber was prepared with plastic where the chamber sizewas 50 cmof the length, 50 cm of the width and 110 cm of the height. A hole was opened in the lateralwall of chamber and a rubberwas placed through the hole so that the airproof was kept when an injector was stung into this rubber mat to obtain gases. Each greenhouse chamber (50 cm  50 cm) covered 30 wheat seedlings in the field, while the same column of wheat and I. indigotica seedlingswas covered in the chamber used to treat the co-cropped I. indigotica in each plot. Water was added to the basal basin of the chamber linkage to seal the chamber body before collecting the greenhouse gases each time. Gas sampling was performed in five chambers simultaneously for the sake of sampling repetition and precision. After the chamber body was sealed, it was allowed to stand for 10 min without being touched to mix the gases inside the chamber, and then the gases were collected with a 50 mL plastic syringe equipped with a three-passage valve at 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 min. The greenhouse gas samples were analysed in Jiangsu Provincial Key Lab for Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Mitigation. An Agilent 7890A gas chromatography (Agilent Technologies, Delaware, USA) was used to determine the CO2 concentration. The standard CO2 concentration was 343 mg.L-1, and it was obtained from Nanjing Shangyuan Industrial Gas Company. The chromatography working parameters are listed below. The following conditions were used for the CO2 detector: FID detection temperature, 300 C; chromatography column, SS-2 m x 2 mm x Porapak Q (60/80); column temperature, 50C; converter, nickel catalyst, 375 C; carrier gas, pure dinitrogen (flow rate 25 cm3 min-1); inflammable gas, hydrogen (flow rate 45 cm3 min-1); and air (flow rate 400 cm3 min-1) retention time, 1.40 min. AIB 499,5
320 Wu (2018) Wu Y, Li Y, Fu X, Shen J, Chen D, Wang Y, Liu X, Xiao R, Wei W, Wu J. Effect of controlled-release fertilizer on N2O emissions and tea yield from a tea field in subtropical central China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2018: 25; 25580-25590. Wu Y, Li Y, Fu X, Shen J, Chen D, Wang Y, Liu X, Xiao R, Wei W, Wu J Effect of controlled-release fertilizer on N2O emissions and tea yield from a tea field in subtropical central China 2018 Environmental Science and Pollution Research Article N/A China 28.58 113.33 N 49 728206 3164048 Cfa N/A NR NR Acrisols The soil in the tea field is an Orthic Acrisol (FAO/UNESCO soil classification) that is developed from a highly weathered granite parent material. No NR January 2014 December 2016 36 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 3 The fertilizer treatments included the following three management practices: conventional fertilization (CON, fertilizer applied at a rate of 450 kg N ha−1 year−1 in two splits: one as 345 kg N ha−1 year−1 of urea in spring and one as 105 kg N ha−1 year−1 of oilcake in winter); a full amount of N fertilization (CRF100%, fertilizer applied at a rate of 450 kg N ha−1 year−1 in two splits: one as 345 kg N ha−1 year−1 of CRF in spring and one of 105 kg N ha−1 year−1 of oilcake in winter); and a half amount of N fertilization (CRF50%, fertilizer applied at a rate of 225 kg N ha−1 year−1 in two splits: one as 120 kg N ha−1 year−1 of CRF in spring and one as 105 kg N ha−1 year−1 of oilcake in winter). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Closed NR The N2O emissions measurements were carried out using a static closed-chamber gas chromatography (GC) method. Each tea row had four specific positions, including one inter-row position, one fertilization point, two under-tree positions, and one in-tree row position (Fig. 1). In each plot, one chamber (dimensioned 0.8 m long × 0.8 m wide × 1.2 m high) was placed on the soil to cover half of the inter-row position, the whole fertilization point and under-tree position, half of the in-tree row position; and the other chamber covered the remaining space of the tea row transect to obtain the whole tea field measurements Five gas samples for measuring the N2O flux were withdrawn using 60-ml gas-tight plastic syringes at an interval of 8 min after the chamber enclosure. The samples were then injected into preevacuated 12 ml vacuum bottles for laboratory analysis. The gas samples were analyzed on a GC fitted with a 63 Ni-electron capture detector (Agilent 7890A, Agilent, CA, USA). For the N2O analysis, N2was used as a carrier; a mixture of CO2 and N2 (10% CO2 in N2) was used as a make-up gas; and the column temperature was set at 350 °C. AIB 500,5
321 Wu (2018) Wu XH, Wang W, Xie XL, Yin CM, Hou HJ. Effects of rice straw mulching on N2O emissions and maize productivity in a rain-fed upland. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2018: 25; 6407-6413. Wu XH, Wang W, Xie XL, Yin CM, Hou HJ Effects of rice straw mulching on N2O emissions and maize productivity in a rain-fed upland 2018 Environmental Science and Pollution Research Article N/A China 28.92 111.45 N 49 543865 3198836 Cfa N/A Silty clay loam NR NR The soil was developed on quaternary red clay earth. The soil texture is classified as silt clay loam with 34% of clay, 55% of silt, and 11% of sand. Yes The present study was based on a long-term field experiment that has been established since 2006 at the Taoyuan Agro- Ecological Experimental Station. May 2015 October 2015 6 Multiple-intervention Cover crops, Chemical fertiliser 3 Each field plot was 5.1 m× 9.1 m in size. The treatments included (i) no straw mulching with a full dose of chemical fertilizer (CK), (ii) 5000 kg ha−1 of straw mulching combined with partial chemical fertilizer (SM5), and (iii) 10,000 kg ha−1 of straw mulching combined with partial chemical fertilizer (SM10). The mulching straw was incorporated into soil by tillage for the next crop. All the treatments received equivalent amounts of nitrogen (N, 240 kg ha−1), phosphorus (P, 52.4 kg ha−1), and potassium (K, 286.4 kg ha−1) from chemical fertilizers plus rice straw. The applied chemical fertilizers were in the form of urea, superphosphate, and potassium chloride, which contained 46.0% of N, 5.24% of P, and 49.8% of K, respectively. The rice straw contained 38.8% of C, 0.86% of N, 0.06% of P, and 1.91% of K. C:N ratio of the rice straw was approximately 45:1. The SM5 treatment received 196.8 kg ha−1 of N, 49.6 kg ha−1 of P, and 191.0 kg ha−1 of K from chemical fertilizers. The SM10 treatment received 153.5 kg ha−1 of N, 46.7 kg ha−1 of P, and 95.5 kg ha−1 of K from chemical fertilizers. Urea was applied in three splits, 30% as a basal fertilizer when sowing, 20% as a sixth-leaf stage fertilizer, and 50% as a tenth-leaf stage fertilizer. The superphosphate and potassium chloride were applied as basal fertilizers. The sixth-leaf and tenth-leaf stage fertilizers were top-dressed. The basal fertilizer was drill-fertilized to 8–10 cm in depth during seeding, and the topdressing was surface-fertilized. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber Closed Opaque The sampling chamber (60 cm wide × 60 cm long × 100 cm high) was made of sandwich foam plates that could minimize changes in air temperature inside the chamber during sampling. The air temperature inside the chamber was monitored during gas collection. A 12-V fan was installed inside the chamber for mixing the gas. In each plot, a chamber-base collar (60 cm wide × 60 cm long) made of a polyvinyl chloride plate was fixed in the soil at a depth of 15 cm and kept there throughout the experiment. Gas samples of approximately 30 mL were transferred from the chambers to pre-evacuated vials using a syringe at 0, 15, 30, 45, and 60 min for calculating the N2O change rate. The concentrations of N2O were analyzed using a gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Agilent Technologies, USA). AIB 501,5
322 Wulf (2002) Wulf S, Maeting M, Clemens J. Application technique and slurry co-fermenting effects on ammonia, nitrous oxide, and methane emissions after spreading: II. Greenhouse gas emissions. Journal of Environmental Quality. 2002: 31; 1795-1801. Wulf S, Maeting M, Clemens J Application technique and slurry co-fermenting effects on ammonia, nitrous oxide, and methane emissions after spreading: II. Greenhouse gas emissions 2002 Journal of Environmental Quality Article Wulf, S., Maeting, M., Bergmann, S., & Clemens, J. (2001). Simultaneous Measurement of NH~ 3, N~ 2O and CH~ 4 to Assess Efficiency of Trace Gas Emission Abatement After Slurry Application. PHYTON-HORN-, 41(3), 131-142. Germany 50.61 6.99 N 32 358047 5608603 Cfb Klein-Altendorf Loam NR Luvisols The trial on arable land (Klein-Altendorf) was started three weeks later on a well drained Luvisol when the rather warm and dry weather prevailed. Soil type of this experiment was a Luvisol with loamy texture in the city of Bonn. No NR April 1999 June 1999 3 Organic fertiliser Organic fertiliser 4 Slurry treatments: no treatment, anaerobic digestion, fermentative acidification, co-fermentation. Co-fermented and unfermented slurry were applied to plots of 9 m2 with an application rate of 114 kg N ha1, corresponding to 30 m3 and 67 kg NH4+ –N ha-1 for co-ferment and 27 m3 and 43 kg NH 4 –N ha1 for slurry. The co-fermentation product was spread with four different application techniques on each site. For injection a tractordrawn device was used, which applied the substrate into 10-cm-deep V-shaped slots with injection tines being 30 cm apart. Due to the small plots (9 m2), the other application techniques where simulated by hand.Defined amounts of substrate corresponding to 30 m3 ha1 were added to the plots with watering cans modified to simulate splash plates, trail hoses, and trail shoes, with slurry bands being 30 cm apart. On arable land one of the trail hose treatments was immediately followed by simulated shallow incorporation with a garden harrow. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber Closed NR Nitrous oxide emissions were determined using closed chambers (HUTCHINSON & MosiER 1981) covering a surface area of 0.25 m2 with a volume of 96 dm3 in the application experiment and 0.14 m2 with 85 dm3 in the slurry treatment experiment. Gas samples were taken from the chambers with evacuated headspace vials (0,02 dm3) through a butyl septum. Samples were taken 0, 0.5, 1, and 1.5 hours after placing the chambers air-tight onto installation rings that were permanently inserted into the soil surface. Gas analysis was performed using a gas Chromatograph (SRI 86IOC) with electron capture detector (ECD) for nitrous oxide and flame ionization detector (FID) for methane. AIB 502,5
323 Xiao (2019) Xiao D, Ye Y, Xiao S, Zhang S, He X, Wang K. Effects of tillage on CO2 fluxes in a typical karst calcareous soil. Geoderma. 2019: 337; 191-201. Xiao D, Ye Y, Xiao S, Zhang S, He X, Wang K Effects of tillage on CO2 fluxes in a typical karst calcareous soil 2019 Geoderma Article N/A China 24.73 107.85 N 48 788288 2738422 Cfa N/A Clay loam NR NR The soil in this region was calcareous, developed from a dolostone base, and was characterized by high clay and Ca2+. Soil texture was clay-loam Yes Shrubs were the primary vegetation before the tillage experiment. This area experienced severe deforestation from 1958 to the mid-1980s and has been under natural restoration for almost 30 years June 2014 July 2015 14 Tillage Tillage 4 following treatments: (1) conservation tillage (T0); (2) semiannual tillage (T1); (3) tillage every four months (T2); (4) bimonthly tillage (T3); or monthly tillage (T4) CI Split/strip plot 4 No Static chamber NR NR A static chamber was installed on each plot at the start of the experiment (June 2014) and consisted of aring 25cm indiameter permanently embedded inthe soil at a depth of 5cm gas chromatography (GC) (Agilent 7890A; Agilent Co., Santa Clara, CA, USA) CRA 503,5
324 Xiao (2019) Xiao D, Xiao S, Ye Y, Zhang W, He X, Wang K. Microbial biomass, metabolic functional diversity, and activity are affected differently by tillage distrubance and maize planting in a typical karst calcareous soil. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2019: 19; 809-821 Xiao D, Xiao S, Ye Y, Zhang W, He X, Wang K Microbial biomass, metabolic functional diversity, and activity are affected differently by tillage distrubance and maize planting in a typical karst calcareous soil 2019 Journal of Soils and Sediments Article N/A China 24.73 107.85 N 48 788288 2738422 Cfa N/A NR NR NR The calcareous soil developed from a dolostone base No NR September 2014 July 2015 11 Tillage Tillage 4 four treatments: no tillage without maize (NT), no tillage with maize (NTM), conventional tillage without maize (CT), and conventional tillage with maize (CTM) CI Split/strip plot 4 No Static chamber NR NR Each chamber was a ring of 25 cm diameter anchored 5 cm into the soil gas chromatography (Agilent 7890A, Agilent Co., Santa Clara, CA, USA). CRA 504,5
325 Xie (2019) Xie Y, Tang L, Han Y, Yang L, Xie G, Peng J, Tian C, Zhou X, Liu Q, Rong X, Zhang Y. Reduction in nitrogen fertilizer applications by the use of polymer-coated urea: effect on maize yields and environmental impacts of nitrogen losses. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2019: 99; 2259-2266. Xie Y, Tang L, Han Y, Yang L, Xie G, Peng J, Tian C, Zhou X, Liu Q, Rong X, Zhang Y Reduction in nitrogen fertilizer applications by the use of polymer-coated urea: effect on maize yields and environmental impacts of nitrogen losses 2019 Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture Article N/A China 28.18 113.08 N 49 704649 3119096 Cfa N/A NR NR NR The soil at the site was fluvo-aquic soil formed by river alluvium, with a pH of 5.8 No NR March 2017 July 2017 4 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 6 6 treatments; 1) Zero N added 2) Common urea application with local conventional N level (240 kgN/ha) 3) polymer-coated urea(PCU) PCU-Nc application with local conventional N level (240 kgN/ha) 4) PCU-N application with a 10% reduction in conventional N level (216 kgN/ha) 5) PCU-N application with a 20% reduction in conventional N level (192 kgN/ha) 6) PCU-N application with a 30% reduction in conventional N level (168 kgN/ha) CI Split/strip plot 3 No Static chamber NR Opaque Each chamber system consisted of a stainless steel bottom frame (50×50cm) and a top frame chamber (50×50×60cm). The bottom frame was placed in the soil at a depth of 10 cm gas chromatograph (PerkinElmer, Waltham, MA, USA) CRA 505,5
326 Yagioka (2015) Yagioka A, Komatsuzaki M, Kaneko N, Ueno H. Effect of no-tillage with weed cover mulching versus conventional tillage on global warming potential and nitrate leaching. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2015: 200; 42-53. Yagioka A, Komatsuzaki M, Kaneko N, Ueno H Effect of no-tillage with weed cover mulching versus conventional tillage on global warming potential and nitrate leaching 2015 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article; N/A Japan 36 140 N 54 409871 3984411 Cfa N/A Sandy loam NR Andosols The soil was a typical Andosol (World Reference Base for Soil Resources) with a sandy loam texture in the upper surface and a gradual increase in clay with depth Yes The field had been left fallow since 2005 before this experimental trial, and native weeds, mostly Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.), were allowed to grow. October 2009 December 2012 39 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Organic fertiliser 4 4 treatments; two tillage systems as main factors and two fertilizer applications as split factors with four replications. The tillage systems used were notillage with weed cover mulching (NTW) and conventional tillage (rotary tiller) with weed removal (CT). The two organic fertilizer application modes were N - (no fertilizer) and N+ [rice bran with 50kgN/ha (C/N ratio: 18.9), 60kgP2O5/ha, and 15kgK2O/ha iN2O10and2011andpoultrymanurewith80kgN/ha (C/Nratio: 4.1), 112kgP2O5/ha,and80kgK2O/ha in 2012] CI Split/strip plot 4 No NR Closed NR closed chamber method (Smith et al.,1995) at monthly intervals from April to December 2010–2012. One chamber (370m x 305m x 135mm height) was placed in the center of each plot,and aboveground weedsinside the chamber were cut and removed prior to setting the chamber CH4, CO2, and N2O concentrations were measured using a gas chromatograph (GC-2014 Shimadzu for CH4, GC-8A Shimadzu for CO2, and GC-ECD Shimadzu for N2O; Tokyo, Japan) CRA 506,5
327 Yamamoto (2012) Yamamoto A, Akiyama H, Naokawa T, Yagi K. Effect of lime-nitrogen application on N2O emission from an Andosol vegetable field. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2012: 58(2); 245-254. Yamamoto A, Akiyama H, Naokawa T, Yagi K Effect of lime-nitrogen application on N2O emission from an Andosol vegetable field 2012 Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Article N/A Japan 36.02 140.12 N 54 420403 3986158 Cfa N/A NR NR Andosols The soil type was an Andosol. The pH (H2O) of the topsoil (0 to 10 cm) was 6.31. No NR October 2010 December 2010 3 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 4 four nitrogen fertilizer treatments: (1) CF plot: All fertilizer was applied as chemical compound fertilizer, which contained 8% nitrogen (N, as ammonium nitrogen), 8% phosphorus (P2O5), and 8% potassium (K2O), by weight. (2) LN100 plot: All N fertilizer was applied as limenitrogen (containing 20% N by weight). P2O5 and K2O were applied as calcium superphosphate and chloride of potash, respectively. (3) LN50 plot: Fifty percent of the N fertilizer was applied as lime-nitrogen and the rest was applied as chemical compound fertilizer (8% N, as ammonium nitrogen, plus 8% P2O5 and 8% K2O). The remaining P2O5 and K2O were applied as calcium superphosphate and chloride of potash, respectively. (4) CFD plot: All fertilizer was applied as chemical compound fertilizer containing DCD. The fertilizer contained 15% N (as ammonium nitrogen), 15% P2O5, 15% K2O, and 2.4% DCD, by weight. CI Split/strip plot 3 No Static chamber Closed NR measured N2O, CO2, and CH4 fluxes using the closed static-chamber technique. We inserted a collar (25cm diameter, 10cm height) 5cm into the soil automated gas analysis system (Sudo 2006), which consisted of two gas chromatographs (GC-14B, Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) equipped with a thermal conductivity detector, a flame ionization detector, and an electron capture detector. CRA 507,5
328 Yamamoto (2013) Yamamoto A, Akiyama H, Naokawa T, Yagi K. Lime-nitrogen application reduces N2O emission from a vegetable field with imperfectly-drained sandy clay-loam soil. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2013: 59(3); 442-449. Yamamoto A, Akiyama H, Naokawa T, Yagi K Lime-nitrogen application reduces N2O emission from a vegetable field with imperfectly-drained sandy clay-loam soil 2013 Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Article N/A Japan 36.02 140.12 N 54 420403 3986158 Cfa N/A Sandy clay loam NR Fluvisols Gray Lowland soil (Fluvisol in FAO/UNESCO soil classification system) No NR May 2011 July 2011 3 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 3 3 treatment; 1) CF plots All fertilizer was applied as chemical compound fertilizer, which contained 8% nitrogen (as ammoniumnitrogen, NH4-N), 8% phosphorus (as phosphorus pentoxide, P2O5), and 8% potassium (as potassium oxide, K2O) by weight. 2) LN plots All nitrogen fertilizer was applied as lime-nitrogen (containing 20% N by weight), and P2O5 and K2O were applied as calcium superphosphate and chloride of potash, respectively. 3) CFD plots All fertilizer was applied as chemical compound fertilizer containing DCD; the fertilizer contained 15% N (as NH4-N), 15% P2O5, 15% K2O, and 2.4% DCD by weight, and the nitrogen content of DCD was 10% of total nitrogen. CI Split/strip plot 4 No Static chamber Closed NR N2O emission using a closed static-chamber technique; We inserted a collar (25 cm in diameter, 10 cm in height) 5 cm into the soil at the center of each plot on the day before the first gas sampling to reduce the influence of soil disturbance gas chromatograph (GC14B; Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) equipped with an electron capture detector CRA 508,5
329 Yamamoto (2014) Yamamoto A, Akiyama H, Naokawa T, Miyazaki Y, Honda Y, Sano Y, Nakajima Y, Yagi K. Lime-nitrogen application affects nitrification, denitrification, and N2O emission in an acidic tea soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 2014: 50; 53-62. Yamamoto A, Akiyama H, Naokawa T, Miyazaki Y, Honda Y, Sano Y, Nakajima Y, Yagi K Lime-nitrogen application affects nitrification, denitrification, and N2O emission in an acidic tea soil 2014 Biology and Fertility of Soils Article N/A Japan 35.82 139.37 N 54 352589 3965077 Cfa N/A NR NR Andosols The soil was an Andosol (FAO/UNESCOsoilclassificationsystem) Yes Tea plants (C.sinensis(L.)O. Kuntze var. sinensis cultivar Yabukita) have been continuously cultivated in the field since 1971 August 2011 August 2012 13 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 2 The treatments consisted of two N fertilizer treatments with four replicates each. The conventional fertilizer (CF) treatment involved the application of an organo-chemical fertilizer containing organic fertilizer such as oil cake and fish meal. This fertilizer contained 12 % N, 6 % phosphorus (P2O5), and 6 % potassium (K2O) by weight and hadaC/N ratio of 1.73.The lime-N (LN) treatment consisted in applying about 53 % (240 kg N ha−1) of the N as lime-N (containing 20 % N by weight), and the remaining 47 % as the conventional organo-chemical fertilizer CI Split/strip plot 4 No Static chamber Closed NR closed static-chamber technique; a collar (25 cm in diameter, 10 cm in height) placed 5 cm into the soil between plant canopies and the soil under plant canopies of each plot gas chromatograph (GC-14B; Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) equipped with an electron capture detecto CRA 509,5
330 Yamamoto (2017) Yamamoto A, Akiyama H, Nakajima Y, Hoshino YT. Estimate of bacterial and fungal N2O production processes after crop residue input and fertiliser application to an agricultural field by 15N isotopomer analysis. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2017: 108; 9-16. Yamamoto A, Akiyama H, Nakajima Y, Hoshino YT Estimate of bacterial and fungal N2O production processes after crop residue input and fertiliser application to an agricultural field by 15N isotopomer analysis 2017 Soil Biology & Biochemistry Article N/A Japan 36.02 140.12 N 54 420403 3986158 Cfa N/A NR NR Andosols The soil was an Andosol (FAO/UNESCO soil classification system) No NR March 2013 July 2013 5 Other Other 2 2 treatments; with residue and without residue. With residue treatments wherein all leaves and steam were left after harvesting, and no residue treatment wherein all stem and leaves were removed. CI Split/strip plot 3 No NR Closed NR automated chamber system to measure N2O flux. A chamber for N2O flux measurements was placed of 5 cm into soil at the centre of each lysimeter. The chamber was 0.81 m^2 (0.9 m x 0.9 m) and the height was 0.65 m. gas chromatography; GC-14B gas chromatograph (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) CRA 510,5
331 Yan (2001) Yan X, Hosen Y, Yagi K. Nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions from maize field plots as affected by N fertilizer type and application method. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 2001: 34; 297-303. Yan X, Hosen Y, Yagi K Nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions from maize field plots as affected by N fertilizer type and application method 2001 Biology and Fertility of Soils Article N/A Japan 36.02 140.12 N 54 420403 3986158 Cfa N/A NR Andisol NR The soil was classified as an Andisol (Hydric Hapludand) with a texture of CL-LiC and an average pH of 6.1 Yes The field used for this experiment had been planted with mulberry trees that were removed 6 years before setting up the experiment. After that, the field was left fallow for 5 years. For the year prior to the experiment, maize (27 May–28 August 1998, with 200 kg N /ha, 350 kg P2O5/ha and 200 kg K2O/ha) and barley (5 November 1998–8 June 1999, without fertilizer) were successively planted to increase the homogeneity of the field. June 1999 October 1999 5 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 3 3 treatments and a control; 1) band application of polyolefin coated urea (POCU) at a depth of 5 cm at 150 kg N/ha (CB150), 2) band application of urea at a depth of 8 cm at 75 kg N/ha plus incorporation of urea into the plough layer at 75 kg N/ha (UB150) 3) incorporation of urea into the plough layer at 250 kg N/ha by two applications (UI250) 4) control with no fertilizer. For treatment CB150, Meister urea 10, a POCU (Chisso, Japan), was used as N fertilizer. This POCU fertilizer releases urea linearly for about 100 days at 20°C. Properties of the POCU are detailed in Fujita and Shoji (1999). The POCU was applied at 150 kg N/ha as basal fertilizer and was banded to 5 cm depth under the maize row prior to maize transplanting. For treatment UB150, conventional urea at 75 kg N/ha was banded at 8 cm depth beside the maize row prior to maize transplanting, and 24 days later, another 75 kg N/ha was applied to the soil surface between rows and then incorporated into the plough layer soil by a cultivator. This treatment is the one most widely adopted by farmers in this region. For treatment UI250, conventional urea at 125 kgN/ha was broadcast onto the soil surface and then incorporated into the plough layer before transplanting. Twenty-four days later, supplementary urea at 125 kg N/ha was applied to the soil surface between rows and then incorporated into the plough layer soil by a cultivator. No N fertilizer was applied to the control treatment, but all treatments received 200 kg K2O /ha and 300 kg P2O5 /ha as basal fertilizer in the forms of K2SO4 and magnesium multiphosphate, respectively. CI Split/strip plot 4 No NR Closed NR A closed-chamber method was used to determine fluxes of N2O and NO. Immediately after transplanting, a chamber base (0.20.75 m internal dimensions) was inserted into the soil between two maize plants in the row at the centre of each plot. The chamber was made of PVC with a reflecting surface covering each side. The inner dimensions of the chamber were 0.750.2 m by 0.1 m high. gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC-14B) equipped with an electron capture detector and a stainless-steel column packed with 80- to 100-mesh Porapak-Q. CRA 511,5
332 Yi (2017) Yi Q, Tang S, Fan X, Zhang M, Pang Y, Huang X, & Huang Q. Effects of nitrogen application rate, nitrogen synergist and biochar on nitrous oxide emissions from vegetable field in south China. PloS ONE. 2017: 12; 4. Yi Q, Tang S, Fan X, Zhang M, Pang Y, Huang X, Huang Q Effects of nitrogen application rate, nitrogen synergist and biochar on nitrous oxide emissions from vegetable field in south China. 2017 PLoS ONE Article N/A China 23.15 113.34 N 49 739933 2561808 Cfa N/A NR NR NR The soil properties in the top 20 cm of the latosolic red soil at the site were as follows: pH 4.88, bulk density 1.36 g cm -3, organic carbon 20.5 g kg−1, and total N 1.29 g kg−1. No NR April 2015 June 2016 15 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, nitrification inhibitor, biochar 6 The experiment consisted of six treatments: (1) no fertilizer N treatment (N0), (2) low N application rate treatment with 435 kg N ha -1 (N1), (3) conventional N application rate treatment with 870 kg N ha-1 (N2), (4) high N application rate treatment with 1305 kg N ha -1 (N3), (5) N2 plus 5% of N fertilizer synergist (N2_DCD), (6) N2 incorporated with10 Mg ha-1of biochar (N2_BC). CI Randomized 3 No NR Closed NR The gas collection device consisted of a chamber (0.4 m width × 0.4 m length × 0.4 m height) made of organic glass material with a stainless-steel base that was inserted into the ground. The closed-chamber method was used to determine the fluxes of N2O in each plot, and the concentrations of N2O were measured using an automated gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890B, USA) equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD). JR 512,5
333 Yi (2018) Yi Y, Li F, Zhang M, Yuan Y, Zhu M, Guo W, Zhu X, Li C. Is there a nitrogen fertilizer threshold emitting less N2O with the prerequisite of high wheat production? PLoS ONE. 2018: 13; 8. Yi Y, Li F, Zhang M, Yuan Y, Zhu M, Guo W, Zhu X, Li C Is there a nitrogen fertilizer threshold emitting less N2O with the prerequisite of high wheat production? 2018 PLoS ONE Article; N/A China 32.39 119.42 N 50 727638 3586242 Cfa N/A Sandy loam NR NR The soil was a sandy-loam, and the soil properties (0±20 cm soil layer) were characterized using the methods previously described by Lu [29].The soil contained 1.7% organic matter, 0.7 g kg-1 total N, 75.2 mg kg-1 available N, 54.8 mg kg-1 available P, and 181.2 mg kg-1 available K in the 2013/2014 growing season; additionally, the soil contained 1.3% organic matter, 0.6 g kg-1 total N, 67.2 mg kg-1 available N, 45.5 mg kg-1 available P, and 99.3 mg kg-1 available K in the 2014/ 2015 growing season No NR October 2013 May 2015 20 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 4 The four nitrogen levels were 0 (0N), 189 (LN), 229.5 (MN), and 270 (HN) kg N ha-1; moreover, the 30% and 15% reductions in the NAR (relative to the conventional NAR used by local farmers of 270 kg N ha-1) corresponded to 189 and 229.5 kg N ha-1, respectively. Fertilizers were applied as urea (nitrogen content of 46.3%). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR NR The chamber covered a field area of 0.25 m2 and was placed on a fixed PVC frame located on each plot. The chamber was wrapped with a layer of sponge and aluminum foil to minimize the air temperature changes inside the chamber during the sampling period. The chamber was 0.5 or 1.1 m high and was adapted based on crop growth and plant height. Each sampling was subdivided five times in 10-min intervals. A fan was used to mix the gases in the chamber, which were then drawn off using a 20-ml gas-sampling syringe The concentrations of CO2, CH4, and N2O were simultaneously detected using a gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Shanghai, China) in the laboratory. JR 513,5
334 Yonemura (2014) Yonemura S, Nouchi I, Nishimura S, Sakurai G, Togami K, Yagi K. Soil respiration, N2O, and CH4 emissions from an Andisol under conventional-tillage and no-tillage cultivation for 4 years. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 2014: 50; 63-74. Yonemura S, Nouchi I, Nishimura S, Sakurai G, Togami K, Yagi K Soil respiration, N2O, and CH4 emissions from an Andisol under conventional-tillage and no-tillage cultivation for 4 years 2014 Biology and Fertility of Soils Article N/A Japan 36.01 140.07 N 54 416191 3985458 Cfa N/A Clay Andisol NR Experiment was in a field with Andisol soil at the National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences (NIAES; 36°01′N, 140°07′E) whose texture was light clay and pH (H2O) was 6.7; plot details are provided by Nouchi and Yonemura (2005). No NR November 2001 December 2005 53 Tillage Tillage 2 The soil was plowed twice to a depth of approximately 20 cm in the CT plot between the two yearly crops: immediately after harvest and about a week before sowing. In the NT plot, the aboveground parts of the crop residues were cut after harvest and left on the soil surface. The soil in the CT plot was compacted with a roller after the sowing of soybeans but not after the sowing of barley. CI Paired design 2 No NR Open/Closed NR We used the open-flow chamber method (Nakadai et al. 2002; Yonemura et al. 1999) to measure soil CO2 respiration. The cylindrical chambers each consisted of two parts: a bottom section (21 cm in diameter and 7 cm high) made of stainless steel inserted 3 cm into the ground and a top section (21 cm in diameter and 9.5 cm high) made of grey polyvinyl chloride attached to the bottom section during the measurements. Each chamber had inlet and outlet tubes for air flow and a small hole to prevent a pressure imbalance from developing. During the measurements, each top section was loosely attached to the bottom of the chamber and covered with a sun shade consisting of a white conical funnel to avoid an excessive temperature increase. We used a closed-chamber method (Nishimura et al. 2005a) with rectangular chambers (40×40 cm and 10 cm high) to measure the soil N2O and CH4 emissions. Three chambers were established in each plot. The CO2 concentration was measured by an infrared CO2 analyzer (Model ZRC, Fuji Electric Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan), which was calibrated every 3 h using a CO2 standard (approximately 600 ppmv, Takachiho Kagaku Kogyo, Tokyo, Japan) provided from cylinders. CH4 was measured by a flame ionization detector mounted on a GC-9A gas chromatograph (Shimadzu Co., Kyoto, Japan). N2O was measured by an electron capture detector mounted on a GC-8A gas chromatograph (Shimadzu). JR 514,5
335 Yuzhou (2018) Yuzhou J, Qingli L, Yungui Z, Zhihong L, Yan Z, Jingwei Z, Junxiong S, Peng W. Effect of organic fertilizer on N2O emission in yellow cornfield. International Journal of Agricultre & Biology. 2018: 20; 215-220. Yuzhou J, Qingli L, Yungui Z, Zhihong L, Yan Z, Jingwei Z, Junxiong S, Peng W Effect of organic fertilizer on N2O emission in yellow cornfield 2018 International Journal of Agriculture & Biology Article N/A China 26.87 107.11 N 48 709738 2974178 Cfa N/A NR NR NR NR Yes The experimental area was established at the corn and flue-cured tobacco wheel as locating points for experiment since 2008. May 2016 August 2016 4 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 4 The experiment was designed with four treatments, viz., no fertilizer (CK); common fertilizer (CF); chemical fertilizer + organic fertilizer (OF); chemical fertilizer + bio-organic fertilizer (BF) with specific fertilizer rate (Table 1). The basic fertilizers used during experiment was compound fertilizer 75 kg hm-2 (N: 32%, P2O5 4%), calcium superphosphate 407 kg hm-2 (P2O5 14%) and potassium sulfate 118 kg hm-2 (K2O 51%). However, organic fertilizer was decomposed cow dung 7500 kg hm-2 (N 1.4%; P2O5 0.4%; K2O 2.1%) and bio-organic fertilizer 750 kg hm-2 (N 2.6%; P2O5 2.2%; K2O 2.8%). CI Unclear Unclear No Static chamber NR NR Each community was equipped with three fixed gas collection points to store the static chamber (60×50×30 cm=0.9 m3) for artificial collection of greenhouse gases under the same conditions. The inner top of the chamber was installed with micro-electric fans, temperature probes and gas collection pipes. Among them, the terminals of collection pipes exposed outside the static chamber were connected with three-way valves, which were connected to the gas collection bag and injector (50 mL), respectively. In addition, each community was provided with three fixed foundations, which were inserted into soil at 20 cm depth The static chamber meteorological chromatography was used to measure N20 and gas chromatography (HP 7890A) was used to measure gas content with the chromatographic column filled by Porpak Q. The content of NH4+-N and NO3--N were measured by a continuous flow analyzer (Flastar 5000 Analyzer) (Bao, 2000). Unclear experimental design JR 515,5
336 Zanatta (2010) Zanatta JA, Bayer C, Vieira FCB, Gomes J, Tomazi M. Nitrous oxide and methane fluxes in south brazilian gleysol as affected by nitrogen fertilisers. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo. 2010: 34; 1653-1665. Zanatta JA, Bayer C, Vieira FCB, Gomes J, Tomazi M Nitrous oxide and methane fluxes in south brazilian gleysol as affected by nitrogen fertilisers 2010 Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo Article N/A Brazil -30.07 -51.13 S 22 487149 6673820 Cfa N/A Loam NR Gleysols The soil is classified as Gleysol (FAO) and has 260 g/kg clay and 310 g/kg sand (0 to 0.20 m). Yes The experiment was carried out on an area in which, for about ten years, it has been previously cultivated with corn (Zea mays L.) under no tillage system in the summer and ryegrass in the winter (Lolium multiflorum L.), propagated by natural re-seeding. October 2007 October 2007 1 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 8 8 treatments; The mineral N sources [1) ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3); 2) calcium nitrate (Ca(NO3)2); 3) ammonium sulphate [(NH4)2SO4); 4) urea (CO(NH2)2); 5) urea with urease inhibitor; 6) controlled release N; 7) and Uran, a liquid formula of N, obtained from a physical mix of urea and ammonium nitrate], in addition to the 8) control (without sidedress N fertilization), were applied according to a randomized block design, with three replicates. CI Split/strip plot 3 No Static chamber NR NR The PVC chambers (20 cm height and 25 cm diameter) were allocated on a canal, in the top of each base, which was filled with water to hermetically close the chamber volume during the air sampling events & were inserted into the soil at a depth of 5 cm. gas chromatograph; Shimadzu GC 2014 model “Greenhouse”, equipped with three packed columns working at 70 °C, N2 as a carrier gas at a flow of 26 mL min-1, injector with loop for direct sampling of 1 mL and temperature set at 250 °C, electron capture detector (ECD) at 325 °C for N2O detection and flame ionization detector (FID) at 250 ºC for CH4. CRA 516,5
337 a Zeist (2018) Zeist AR, Zanin DS, Camargo CK, de Resende JTV, Ono EO, Rodrigues JD. Fruit yield and gas exchange in bell peppers after foliar application of boron, calcium, and Stimulate. Horticultura Brasileira. 2018: 36; 498-503. Zeist AR, Zanin DS, Camargo CK, de Resende JTV, Ono EO, Rodrigues JD Fruit yield and gas exchange in bell peppers after foliar application of boron, calcium, and Stimulate 2018 Horticultura Brasileira Article N/A Brazil -25.38 -51.48 S 22 451379 7192517 Cfa N/A Clay NR NR The local soil is classified as typical Dystroferric Bruno Latosol, clayey texture. No NR December 2013 February 2014 3 Other Other 8 8 treatments; 1) Boron, 2) Calcium, 3) Stimulate, 4) Boron + calcium, 5) Boron + Stimulate, 6) Calcio + Stimulate, 7) Boron + calcium + Stimulate, 8) Control. to evaluate the effect of the isolated and combined foliar application of boron, calcium, and the plant growth regulator Stimulate on fruit yield and gas exchange in bell peppers. The treatments involved the isolated or combined foliar application of fertilizers Boron Super at a concentration of 0.01% boron by spray volume (H2O), calcium chloride (CaCl2) at a concentration of 0.04% calcium by spray volume (H2O), and plant regulator Stimulate [a mixture of kinetin (90 mg /L), 4-(indol-3-yl)butyric acid (50 mg /L), and gibberellic acid (as GA3, 50 mg /L)] at a concentration of 150 mL p.c. 100 L of spray volume (H2O). CI Split/strip plot 3 No NR NR NR NR portable photosynthesis system (IRGA, Infrared Gas Analyzer, Li- Cor, LI6400XT) with 1000 μmol photons m-2 s-1, 400 Measured; measuring the photosynthetic yield or net assimilation (A, μmol CO2/m/s), internal CO2 concentration (Ci, μmol/mol), and transpiration rate (E, mmol H2O/m/s). CRA 517,5
337 b Zeist (2018) Zeist AR, Zanin DS, Camargo CK, de Resende JTV, Ono EO, Rodrigues JD. Fruit yield and gas exchange in bell peppers after foliar application of boron, calcium, and Stimulate. Horticultura Brasileira. 2018: 36; 498-503. Zeist AR, Zanin DS, Camargo CK, de Resende JTV, Ono EO, Rodrigues JD Fruit yield and gas exchange in bell peppers after foliar application of boron, calcium, and Stimulate 2018 Horticultura Brasileira Article N/A Brazil -25.38 -51.48 S 22 451379 7192517 Cfa N/A Clay NR NR The local soil is classified as typical Dystroferric Bruno Latosol, clayey texture. No NR December 2013 February 2014 3 Other Other 8 8 treatments; 1) Boron, 2) Calcium, 3) Stimulate, 4) Boron + calcium, 5) Boron + Stimulate, 6) Calcio + Stimulate, 7) Boron + calcium + Stimulate, 8) Control. to evaluate the effect of the isolated and combined foliar application of boron, calcium, and the plant growth regulator Stimulate on fruit yield and gas exchange in bell peppers. The treatments involved the isolated or combined foliar application of fertilizers Boron Super at a concentration of 0.01% boron by spray volume (H2O), calcium chloride (CaCl2) at a concentration of 0.04% calcium by spray volume (H2O), and plant regulator Stimulate [a mixture of kinetin (90 mg /L), 4-(indol-3-yl)butyric acid (50 mg /L), and gibberellic acid (as GA3, 50 mg /L)] at a concentration of 150 mL p.c. 100 L of spray volume (H2O). CI Split/strip plot 3 No NR NR NR NR portable photosynthesis system (IRGA, Infrared Gas Analyzer, Li- Cor, LI6400XT) with 1000 μmol photons m-2 s-1, 400 Measured; measuring the photosynthetic yield or net assimilation (A, μmol CO2/m/s), internal CO2 concentration (Ci, μmol/mol), and transpiration rate (E, mmol H2O/m/s). CRA 518,5
338 a Zhai (2011) Zhai L, Liu H, Zhang J, Huang J, Wang B. Long-term application of organic manure and mineral fertilizer on N2O and CO2 emissions in a red soil from cultivated maize-wheat rotation in China. Agricultural Science in China. 2011: 10(11); 1748-1757. Zhai L, Liu H, Zhang J, Huang J, Wang B Long-term application of organic manure and mineral fertilizer on N2O and CO2 emissions in a red soil from cultivated maize-wheat rotation in China 2011 Agricultural Science in China Article N/A China 26.76 111.87 N 49 586502 2960149 Cfa N/A NR NR Cambisols A tract of red soil (Ferralic Cambisol) in Qiyang Red Soil Experimental Station; The soil is derived from Quaternary red clay and classified as Ferralic Cambisol (FAO 2006). No NR NR 1990 NR 2008 228 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 6 organic manure (NPKM), fertilizer NPK (NPK), fertilizer NP (NP), fertilizer NK (NK), fertilizer PK (PK), and control (CK). CI Split/strip plot 2 No NR Closed NR A closed-chamber method was used to determine N2O and CO2 fluxes. After sowing, a PVC chamber base (30 cm×40 cm×15 cm) was inserted into the soil about 5 cm deep between crop rows at the center of each plot in 2007-2008. The PVC chambers (30 cm×40 cm×20 cm) were tightly fitted atop the base by inserting the flange of the chamber into the water trough at the upper end of the chamber base. gas chromatography; N2O concentrations were determined using a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu, GC14-B, Japan) equipped with a 63Ni electron capture detector (ECD) operated at 300°C. CO2 determinations were performed using a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC-14B, Japan) equipped with a thermal conductivity detector (TCD) operated at 60°C. CRA 519,5
338 b Zhai (2011) Zhai L, Liu H, Zhang J, Huang J, Wang B. Long-term application of organic manure and mineral fertilizer on N2O and CO2 emissions in a red soil from cultivated maize-wheat rotation in China. Agricultural Science in China. 2011: 10(11); 1748-1757. Zhai L, Liu H, Zhang J, Huang J, Wang B Long-term application of organic manure and mineral fertilizer on N2O and CO2 emissions in a red soil from cultivated maize-wheat rotation in China 2011 Agricultural Science in China Article N/A China 26.75 111.87 N 49 586178 2959039 Cfa N/A NR NR Cambisols A tract of red soil (Ferralic Cambisol) in Qiyang Red Soil Experimental Station; The soil is derived from Quaternary red clay and classified as Ferralic Cambisol (FAO 2006). No NR NR 1990 NR 2008 228 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 6 organic manure (NPKM), fertilizer NPK (NPK), fertilizer NP (NP), fertilizer NK (NK), fertilizer PK (PK), and control (CK). CI Split/strip plot 2 No NR Closed NR A closed-chamber method was used to determine N2O and CO2 fluxes. After sowing, a PVC chamber base (30 cm×40 cm×15 cm) was inserted into the soil about 5 cm deep between crop rows at the center of each plot in 2007-2008. The PVC chambers (30 cm×40 cm×20 cm) were tightly fitted atop the base by inserting the flange of the chamber into the water trough at the upper end of the chamber base. gas chromatography; N2O concentrations were determined using a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu, GC14-B, Japan) equipped with a 63Ni electron capture detector (ECD) operated at 300°C. CO2 determinations were performed using a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC-14B, Japan) equipped with a thermal conductivity detector (TCD) operated at 60°C. CRA 520,5
339 Zhang (2013) Zhang XB, Xu MG, Sun N, Wang XJ, Wu L, Wang BR, Li DC. How do environmental factors and different fertilizer strategies affect soil CO2 emission and carbon sequestration in the upland soils of southern China. Applied Soil Ecology. 2013: 73; 109-118. Zhang XB, Xu MG, Sun N, Wang XJ, Wu L, Wang BR, Li DC How do environmental factors and different fertilizer strategies affect soil CO2 emission and carbon sequestration in the upland soils of southern China 2013 Apllied Soil Ecology Article N/A China 26.76 111.87 N 49 586502 2960149 Cfa N/A NR NR NR red soil is a dominant soil type. The soil in this region is quite acidic, having a pH of 5.7 (1:1, w/v, water) and low organic matter content due to intense weathering of soil minerals, rapid decomposition of soil organic matter under the warm and moist climate and less input of organic matter into the soil when the long-term experiment started. No NR September 1990 December 2010 244 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 4 Four fertilization treatments from the experiment were used in this study: 1) non-fertilizer application, 2) inorganic nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) combination , 3) inorganic NPK fertilizers and pig manure combination and 4) pig manure alone (M thereafter). CI Split/strip plot 2 No Static chamber NR NR Automatic CO2 Exchange System (ADC BioScientific Limited, UK). The system is equipped with a static soil chamber (23 cm in diameter and 10 cm height), an infra-red gas analyzer, a sensor for detecting photosynthetic active radiation, a moisture sensor (SM200, Delta-T Devices Ltd., UK) infra-red gas analyzer, a sensor for detecting photosynthetic active radiation, a moisture sensor (SM200, Delta-T Devices Ltd., UK) CRA 521,5
340 Zhang (2014) Zhang X, Wu L, Sun N, Ding X, Li J, Wang B, Li D. Soil CO2 and N2O emissions in maize growing season under different fertilizer regimes in an upland red soil region of south China. Journal of Intensive Agriculture. 2014: 13(3); 604-614. Zhang X, Wu L, Sun N, Ding X, Li J, Wang B, Li D Soil CO2 and N2O emissions in maize growing season under different fertilizer regimes in an upland red soil region of south China 2014 Journal of Intensive Agriculture Article N/A China 26.76 111.87 N 49 586502 2960149 Cfa N/A NR NR NR Red soil is the dominant soil type. No NR November 1990 July 2009 237 Multiple-intervention Organic fertiliser, Chemical fertiliser 5 five fertilization treatments in the longterm experiment: 1) zero-fertilizer application control (CK), 2) inorganic nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) combination (NPK), 3) inorganic NPK fertilizer and pig manure combined (NPKM), 4) pig manure alone (M) and 5) inorganic NPK fertilizer with straw return (NPKS). CI Split/strip plot 2 No NR Closed Opaque closed-opaque-chamber method was used to simultaneously measure CO2 and N2O fluxes from the soil surface in three replicate plots of each treatment. The 40 cm length, 30 cm width and 15 cm height PVC chamber (A) was inserted into the soil to a depth of 5 cm within the maize rows (with root) and the 30 cm length, 30 cm width and 40 cm height PVC chamber (B) was inserted into the soil to a depth of 30 cm between the maize rows (without root) at the center of each experimental plot after sowing. CO2 and N2O samples were analyzed by gas chromatography (Agilent 6890 equipped with a flame ionization detector) for CO2 and an electron capture detector for N2O. states there were 2 replicates per treatment and then later that gas flux was measured in 3 replicates per treatment. CRA 522,5
341 Zhang (2014) Zhang J, Li Y, Chang SX, Jiang P, Zhou G, Liu J, Wu J, Shen Z. Understory vegetation management affected greenhouse gas emissions and labile organic carbon pools in an intensively managed Chinese chestnut plantation. Plant and Soil. 2014: 376; 363-375. Zhang J, Li Y, Chang SX, Jiang P, Zhou G, Liu J, Wu J, Shen Z Understory vegetation management affected greenhouse gas emissions and labile organic carbon pools in an intensively managed Chinese chestnut plantation 2014 Plant and Soil Article N/A China 30.26 119.85 N 50 773871 3351139 Cfa N/A NR NR Ferralsols soils in the experimental site were classified as Ferralsols in the FAO soil classification system Yes The Chinese chestnut plantations in this study were converted from native evergreen broad-leaved forests and the age of the selected stands was 18 years. May 2011 July 2012 15 Other Other 4 The four treatments were the control (Control, without removing understory vegetation), understory removal (UR), seeding with Medicago sativa L. after understory removal (MS), and seeding with Lolium perenne L. after understory removal (LP). CI Split/strip plot 4 No Static chamber NR Opaque Each static chamber is composed of a base box (0.3 m×0.3 m×0.1 m) and the chamber box (0.3 m×0.3 m×0.3 m). A U-shaped groove (50 mm wide and 50 mm deep) on the base box functions to hold the removable chamber. Both the base and chamber boxes were made of dark polyvinyl chloride (PVC) boards as thick as 5 mm. The base box was inserted 0.1 m into the soil. The concentrations of CO2, CH4, andN2O in the samples were analyzed in the laboratory using gas chromatography (Shimadzu, GC-2014, Japan) CRA 523,5
342 Zhang (2015) Zhang M, Fan CH, Li QL, Li B, Zhu YY, Xiong ZQ. A 2-yr field assessment of the effects of chemical and biological nitrification inhibitors on nitrous oxide emissions and nitrogen use efficiency in an intensively managed vegetable cropping system. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2015: 201; 43-50. Zhang M, Fan CH, Li QL, Li B, Zhu YY, Xiong ZQ A 2-yr field assessment of the effects of chemical and biological nitrification inhibitors on nitrous oxide emissions and nitrogen use efficiency in an intensively managed vegetable cropping system 2015 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article N/A China 31.98 118.85 N 50 674787 3540083 Cfa N/A Silty clay loam NR NR The studied soil consisted of 5.2% sand, 64.7% silt and 30.1% clay, and the initial soil pH was 5.52. Yes Vegetables have been cultivated intensively at this site for more than 10-yr, studied soil consisted of 5.2% sand, 64.7% silt and 30.1% clay, and the initial soil pH was 5.52. April 2012 April 2014 25 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 4 four treatments: 1) regular urea (Urea), 2) urea + dicyandiamide (DCD), 3) urea + nitrapyrin (CP) and 4) urea + biological nitrification inhibitor (BNI) CI Split/strip plot 3 No NR Closed NR closed chamber method. Each chamber was 0.5m high, covered a field area of 0.25m2 (i.e., 0.50.5m), andwas placed on a fixed PVC frame in each plot. gas chromatograph; (Agilent 7890 A, Agilent Ltd., Shanghai, China) equipped with two detectors. The concentrations of N2O and CH4 were quantified by comparing their peak areas with those of reference gases(NanjingSpecialGasFactory,Nanjing, China). Thefluxes ofN2O and CH4 were determined using a linear function based on the change in the slope of themixing ratios of the four collected samples after chamber closure CRA 524,5
343 Zhang (2016) Zhang M, Chen Z, Li Q, Fan C, Xiong Z. Quantitative relationship between nitrous oxide emissions and nitrogen application rate for a typical insensitive vegetable cropping system in southereastern China. Clean - Soil Air Water. 2016: 44; 1725-1732. Zhang M, Chen Z, Li Q, Fan C, Xiong Z Quantitative relationship between nitrous oxide emissions and nitrogen application rate for a typical insensitive vegetable cropping system in southereastern China 2016 Clean - Soil, Air, Water Article N/A China 31.98 118.85 N 50 674787 3540083 Cfa N/A Silty clay loam NR NR The studied soil was classified as a Fimi-Orthic Anthrosols (RGCST, 2001) with a bulk density of 1.2 g cm3, a total porosity of 51%, a clay (<0.002mmdiameter) fraction of 30.1%, a silt (0.002–0.02mm diameter) fraction of 64.7%, and a sand (0.02–2mm diameter) fraction of 5.2%. The main properties of this soil are as follows: pH, 5.52; total N, 1.9 g kg1; organic carbon, 15.6 g C kg1; and cation exchange capacity, 31.2 cmol kg1. Yes The selected site in this study had been conventionally cultivated with vegetables continuously for 10 years and is a typical vegetable field May 2011 May 2013 26 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 The experiment consisted of five N fertilization treatments (Table 2) as follows: no fertilizer (N0), 1/3 of the conventional amount of N fertilizer (N1), 2/3 of the conventional amount of N fertilizer (N2), the conventional amount of N fertilizer (N3), and 4/3 of the conventional amount of N fertilizer (N4) CI Randomized 3 No Static chamber NR Opaque A static opaque chamber method was used to determine N2O emissions from each of the three replicate plots per treatment. Each chamber was 0.5m high, covered a field area of 0.25m2 (i.e., 0.50.5m2), and was placed on a square PVC base frame permanently fixed in each treatment plot. The outside of the chamber was coated with sponge and aluminum foil to prevent effects of high temperatures in the chamber. A chamber was installed on a channel, which was inserted 0.1mdeep into the soil in each plot during the whole observation period. The channel was filled with water to make the chamber gas-tight. The samples in 20-mL syringes were returned to the laboratory, and N2O was determined on the same day with a gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Agilent, Shanghai, P. R. China) equipped with an electron capture detector (ECD). JR 525,5
344 Zhang (2016) Zhang M, Li B, Xiong ZQ. Effects of organic fertilizer on net global warming potential under an intensively managed vegetable field in southeastern China: A three-year field study. Atmospheric Environment. 2016: 145; 92-103. Zhang M, Li B, Xiong ZQ Effects of organic fertilizer on net global warming potential under an intensively managed vegetable field in southeastern China: A three-year field study 2016 Atmospheric Environment Article N/A China 31.02 118.87 N 50 678187 3432945 Cfa N/A Silty clay loam NR NR The primary properties of the studied topsoil consisted of 5.2% sand, 64.7% silt and 30.1% clay, with a bulk density of 1.2 g c^-3. The SOC content and total N content were 15.6 g/kg and 1.9 g/kg, respectively, and the initial soil pH was 5.52. Yes The conventional vegetable field had an approximately 10-yr history of continuous vegetable cultivation following a regime of local field management. May 2011 May 2014 37 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 3 Three treatments were implemented with different types and amounts of N fertilizers: control treatment (CONT), CHEM treatment, and ORGA treatment. No N fertilizer was applied to the CONT treatment. The treatments for CHEM and ORGA involved the same amount of N, which was based on local practices during the experimental period. Compound fertilizer with an m(N): m (P2O5): m (K2O) ratio of 15: 15: 15 was used for the CHEM treatment, and the N form of the compound fertilizer is ammonium fertilizer, while the corresponding P and K fertilizers for the CONT and ORGA treatments were distributed in the form of calcium phosphate and potassium chloride, respectively. The organic fertilizer applied in the ORGA treatment was made from vegetable fiber (manufactured by the SW company in Nanjing, China), and the nutritional components were as follows: organic matter 58.7%, amino acids 9.1%, total N 10.9%, and C:N ratio of 3.1. CI Split/strip plot 3 Yes Static chamber NR Opaque a square PVC frame with a field area of 0.25 m^2 was permanently driven into the soil to a depth of 15 cm over the entire annual vegetable cultivation. Square chambers with a bottom area of 0.25 m^2 and a height of 50 cm were temporarily mounted on the frames for gas flux measurements. The chamber was coated with sponge and aluminum foil outside to prevent solar radiation heating the chamber gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Agilent Ltd., Shanghai, China) equipped with two detectors, an electron capture detector (ECD) and a hydrogen flame ionization detector (FID). CRA 526,5
345 Zhang (2016) Zhang Y, Lin F, Wang X, Zou J, Liu S. Annual accounting of net greenhouse gas balance response to biochar addition in a coastal saline bioenergy cropping system in China. Soil & Tillage Research. 2016: 158; 39-48. Zhang Y, Lin F, Wang X, Zou J, Liu S Annual accounting of net greenhouse gas balance response to biochar addition in a coastal saline bioenergy cropping system in China 2016 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A China 33.32 120.75 N 51 290547 3688653 Cfa N/A Sandy clay loam NR NR soil (0–15 cm) of the experimental site was classified as fluvoaquic, and had 65% sand, 14% silt and 21% clay. No NR May 2010 April 2011 12 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Biochar 4 The treatment plots were: without N fertilizer or biochar amendment used as the control, plots with urea alone (U), plots with biochar alone (B), and plots treated with urea and biochar mixture (U + B) CI Split/strip plot 4 No Static chamber NR Opaque four aluminum flux collars (0.2 m diameter x 0.15 m height) within each parallel plot were permanently installed (0.15 m in soil depth) gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890) equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID) and an electron capture detector (ECD) CRA 527,5
346 Zhang (2018) Zhang Y, Hu X, Zou J, Zhang D, Chen W, Liu Y, Chen Y, Wang X. Response of surface albedo and soil carbon dioxide fluxes to biochar amendment in farmland. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2018: 18; 1590-1601. Zhang Y, Hu X, Zou J, Zhang D, Chen W, Liu Y, Chen Y, Wang X Response of surface albedo and soil carbon dioxide fluxes to biochar amendment in farmland 2018 Journal of Soils and Sediments Article N/A China 30.53 114.4 N 50 250782 3380564 Cfa N/A Sandy loam NR NR The soil was a sandy loam (USDA, soil classification), and the percentages of sand, silt, and clay in the top 20 cm of soil were 69.7, 28.4, and 1.9%, respectively (determined using a Bouyoucos hydrometer). The soil organic carbon content was approximately 12.5 g kg−1 of soil (tested by the potassium dichromate oxidation method), and the soil pH was 4.6 (analyzed with a pH meter using a 1:2.5 soil-to-water ratio). The total nitrogen content was 1.6 g kg−1 (tested by the micro-Kjeldahl method), and the cation exchange capacity of the soil was 9.1 cmol kg−1 (determined by NH4OAc/HOAc at pH 7.0). No NR July 2014 October 2015 16 Biochar Biochar 6 Six treatments (CK+, CK−, BC5+, BC5−, BC45+, and BC45−) were used in this study, and the three biochar application rates employed are as follows: CK (control, biochar at a rate of 0 t ha−1 year−1),BC5 (biochar at a rate of 5 t ha−1 year−1), and BC45 (biochar at a rate of 45 t ha−1 year−1). Each application rates was applied to two crop coverage conditions, which were a wheat-maize crop rotation (+) and bare soil (−). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR NR The soil CO2 fluxes measurement was taken with static chambers. The size of the chambers and the sampling method are similar to the previously published methods (Zhang et al. 2013a; Yang et al. 2017). The chambers (30 × 30 × 40 cm) and collars (30 × 30 × 10 cm) were made of polypropylene. The collars were installed in each plot without covering the plants and were buried to a depth of 5–10 cm of soil. The top edge of each collar had a groove (5 cm in depth) for filling with water to seal the rim of the chamber. Each chamber was equipped with a circulating fan to assure complete mixing of the gas. The concentration of CO2 was analyzed using a gas chromatograph system (Agilent 6820, Agilent Technologies Inc., USA) equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID). JR 528,5
347 Zhang (2018) Zhang M, Xiong ZQ. Organic fertilizer effects on greenhouse gas emissions and greenhouse gas intensity in a vegetable field in southeastern China. Acta Horticulturae. 2018: 1192; 113-120. Zhang M, Xiong ZQ Organic fertilizer effects on greenhouse gas emissions and greenhouse gas intensity in a vegetable field in southeastern China 2018 Acta Horticulturae Article N/A China 32.02 118.87 N 50 676299 3543806 Cfa N/A Silty clay loam NR NR The studied soil consisted of 5.2% sand, 64.7% silt and 30.1% clay, and the initial soil pH was 5.52. No NR May 2011 May 2014 37 Multiple-intervention Chemical fertiliser, Organic fertiliser 3 Three treatments were implemented with different types and amounts of N fertilizers: control (CONT), conventional chemical fertilizer (CHEM), organic fertilizer (ORGA). No fertilizer was applied to the CONT treatment. The treatments of CHEM and ORGA received the same amount of N fertilizer based on local practice during the experimental period. CI Split/strip plot 3 Yes Static chamber NR Opaque closed‐chamber method. The chamber was installed on a frame. The frames were inserted 0.1 m deep into the soil in each plot and filled with water to make the chamber gas‐tight. Each chamber was 0.5 m high, covered a field area of 0.25 m2 (i.e., 0.5×0.5 m). gas chromatograph (Agilent 7890A, Agilent Ltd., Shanghai, China) CRA 529,5
348 a Zhu-Barker (2015) Zhu-Barker X, Horwath WR, Burger M. Knife-injected anhydrous ammonia increases yield-scaled N2O emissions compared to broadcast or band-applied ammonium sulfate in wheat. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2015: 212; 148-157. Zhu-Barker X, Horwath WR, Burger M Knife-injected anhydrous ammonia increases yield-scaled N2O emissions compared to broadcast or band-applied ammonium sulfate in wheat 2015 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article; N/A USA 38.43 -121.87 N 10 598917 4254504 Csa Site 1 Silty clay loam NR NR The soil on the site monitored in the first year (2009–10) was a Capay silty clay loam, characterized as a fine, montmorillonitic, thermic Typic Chromoxerert, and also containing Yolo silty clay loam, character- ized as fine-silty, mixed, superactive, nonacid, thermic Mollic Xerofluvents. Sand = 31 %, silt = 44%, clay = 25%, pH = 7.2, bulk density bed = 1.27, total C = 12.8, total N = 1.1 No NR November 2009 June 2010 8 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 5 A total of 0, 91, 151, 203, and 254 kg N ha1 were applied as split applications before planting and as a topdress during the stem elongation period (Feb. 12, 2010) (Table 2). The fertilizer source at planting was either band-applied ammonium sulfate (AS; 60 and 163 kg N ha1) or knife-injected anhydrous ammonium (AA; 112 kg N ha1). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR NR Insulated, vented round PVC chambers (25.4 cm diameter) were used. The PVC rings serving as chamber bases were inserted 8 cm deep into the soil and, according to periodic measurements of the protruding sections, extended 4–5 cm above the soil surface. The effective chamber height ranged from 11 to 13 cm, with a mean chamber height of 12 cm. During the 2009–10 growing season, one chamber base was placed at the center of each plot; during the 2010–11 growing season, two chamber bases were placed separately in a bed and furrow at the center of each plot. The gas samples were analyzed within two weeks on a Shimadzu gas chromatograph (GC) (Model 2014) linked to a Shimadzu auto sampler (Model AOC-5000). The GC was equipped with a 63Ni electron capture detector (ECD) for N2O and a thermal conductivity detector (TCD) for CO2. JR 530,5
348 b Zhu-Barker (2015) Zhu-Barker X, Horwath WR, Burger M. Knife-injected anhydrous ammonia increases yield-scaled N2O emissions compared to broadcast or band-applied ammonium sulfate in wheat. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2015: 212; 148-157. Zhu-Barker X, Horwath WR, Burger M Knife-injected anhydrous ammonia increases yield-scaled N2O emissions compared to broadcast or band-applied ammonium sulfate in wheat 2015 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Article; N/A USA 38.5 -121.83 N 10 601732 4261938 Csa Site 2 Silty clay loam NR NR The site used in the second year (2010–11) in addition to the Capay soil also contained a Yolo silty clay loam, which had previously been planted in alfalfa for 4 years. Sand = 21%, silt = 44%, clay = 35%, pH = 7.4, bulk density bed = 1.29, bulk density furrow = 1.42, total C = 14.9, total N = 1.3 Yes Had previously been planted in alfalfa for 4 years. November 2010 July 2011 9 Chemical fertiliser Chemical fertiliser 6 The experimen- tal plots received a total of 0, 154, 210, 210 or 266 kg N ha1 fertilizer as split applications as either broadcast and disked AS (56, 112 and 168 kg N ha1) or knife-injected AA (112 kg N ha1) before planting, and as U at the rate of 98 kg N ha1 for the aerial application in all the fertilized treatments on February 22, 2011 (Table 2). Additionally, three 9-m2 microplots within the AAfertilized area received calcium nitrate (Nt, Ca(NO3)2) instead of U as a topdress. CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR NR Insulated, vented round PVC chambers (25.4 cm diameter) were used. The PVC rings serving as chamber bases were inserted 8 cm deep into the soil and, according to periodic measurements of the protruding sections, extended 4–5 cm above the soil surface. The effective chamber height ranged from 11 to 13 cm, with a mean chamber height of 12 cm. During the 2009–10 growing season, one chamber base was placed at the center of each plot; during the 2010–11 growing season, two chamber bases were placed separately in a bed and furrow at the center of each plot. The gas samples were analyzed within two weeks on a Shimadzu gas chromatograph (GC) (Model 2014) linked to a Shimadzu auto sampler (Model AOC-5000). The GC was equipped with a 63Ni electron capture detector (ECD) for N2O and a thermal conductivity detector (TCD) for CO2. JR 531,5
349 Zhu-Barker (2016) Zhu-Barker X, Burger M, Horwath WR, Green PG. Direct green waste land application: How to reduce its impacts on greenhouse gas and voltaile organic compound emissions? Waste Management. 2016: 52; 318-325. Zhu-Barker X, Burger M, Horwath WR, Green PG Direct green waste land application: How to reduce its impacts on greenhouse gas and voltaile organic compound emissions? 2016 Waste Management Article; N/A USA 38.54 -121.78 N 10 606646 4265887 Csa N/A Silt loam NR NR The soil is classified as Yolo silt loam, a fine-silty, mixed, non-acid, thermic Typic Xerorthent (USDA-National Cooperative Soil Survey, available at http://casoilresource.lawr.ucdavis. edu/gmap/). The soil characteristics are shown in Table 1. Yes After harvesting processing tomatoes in the preceding year (2012), the field had been fallow until the start of the experiment in 2013 fall. October 2013 October 2014 13 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Cover crops 5 The following treatments were established in 3 m  3 m plots in a randomized complete block design with three replications per treatment: (1) 30 cm GW (applied on the soil surface to an initial height of 30 cm, equivalent to 1000 Mg dry weight GW ha1); (2) 15 cm GW (applied on the soil surface to an initial height of 15 cm, equivalent to 500 Mg dry weight GW ha1); (3) 15 cm + till (applied 15 cm high, followed by incorporation with 3 passes of a disk to a depth of 15–20 cm); (4) control + till (tilled control); (5) control (untilled control). CI Randomized Complete Block 3 No Static chamber NR NR Gas fluxes were measured using a static chamber technique (Hutchinson and Livingston, 1993). In the center of each replicate plot, 25.4 cm diameter round PVC chamber bases were inserted 8 cm deep into the soil, i.e. the bases extended through the GW of the surface applications. The bases were left in place for the entire duration of the field experiment. During gas sampling, insulated vented PVC chambers were fit onto the bases and sealed with a rubber gasket overlapping base and chamber. The gas samples were analyzed within two weeks on a Shimadzu gas chromatograph (GC) (Model 2014) linked to a Shimadzu auto sampler (Model AOC-5000). The GC was equipped with a 63Ni electron capture detector for N2O, a flame ionization detector for CH4, and a thermal conductivity detector for CO2. JR 532,5
350 Hunt (2016) Hunt DE, Bittman S, Zhang H, Bhandral R, Grant CA, Lemke R. Effect of polymer-coated urea on nitrous oxide emission in zero-till and conventionally tilled silage corn. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 2016: 96; 12-22. Hunt DE, Bittman S, Zhang H, Bhandral R, Grant CA, Lemke R Effect of polymer-coated urea on nitrous oxide emission in zero-till and conventionally tilled silage corn 2016 Canadian Journal of Soil Science Article N/A Canada 49.25 -121.76 N 10 590362 5455755 Cfb N/A Silt loam NR NR The silty loam soil (27% sand, 59% silt, 14% clay) at the experimental site belongs to the Monroe series, which are moderately well to well-drained, medium-textured, stone-free soils, classified as Eutric Eluviated Brunisols (Luttmerding 1981). Yes The study was conducted on plots that had been growing continuous silage corn for 9 years under either CT or ZT since 1997 with a pH of 6.1 over the study years April 2005 May 2007 27 Multiple-intervention Tillage, Chemical fertiliser 6 The main plot treatments were the CT (conventional) and ZT (Zero till) treatments. The subplot treatments (plot size 3 m × 6.5 m) included two types of urea fertilizer, conventional and a polymer-coated “control release” urea CI Split/strip plot 4 Yes NR NR NR Fluxes of N2O from the soil were measured using vented square (60 cm × 60 cm) aluminum chambers (one per plot). The chamber collars (12 cm high) were installed in the soil (5–6 cm depth) occupying most of the area between corn rows. Collars were removed only for field operations such as harvesting and tillage and were reinstalled in the same location. Measurements were made by gently placing the vented lid (5 cm high) on the collar (water channel seal), and drawing 20 mL gas samples from inside the chamber with 30 mL syringes, then transferring the gas sample to 12 mL evacuated vials (Soda glass flat-bottomed vials; 101 mm × 15.5 mm in size) The gas samples were analyzed using a Varian CP-3800 gas chromatograph (Varian Inc., Palo Alto, California) equipped with a 63Ni-electron capture detector. JR 533,5
351 Chatskikh (2007) Chatskikh D, Olesen JE. Soil tillage enhanced CO2 and N2O emissions from loamy sand soil under spring barley. Soil & Tillage Research. 2007: 97; 5-18. Chatskikh D, Olesen JE. Soil tillage enhanced CO2 and N2O emissions from loamy sand soil under spring barley 2007 Soil & Tillage Research Article N/A Denmark 56.49 9.58 N 32 535988 6260574 Cfb N/A Loamy sand NR NR On a loamy sand soil (8.1% clay, 3.5% organic matter, pH 6.1 (1:2.5 suspension of soil: 0.01 MCaCl2)), classified as a Typic Hapludult (USDA, 1998) or Anthric Umbrisol (FAO, 1998). No NR NR 2002 August 2004 NR Tillage Tillage 3 1. CT(conventional tillage): rotary harrowing to 8–10 cm depth on 17 April 2004 followed by mouldboard ploughing on 19 April 2004 to 20 cmdepth and rolling on 28 April 2004 before sowing spring barley on 29 April 2004; 2. RT (reduced tillage): rotary harrowing to 8–10 cm depth on 17 April 2004 and sowing with disk coulters on 29 April 2004; 3. DD (direct drilling): sowing with disk coulters to 5 cm depth on 29 April 2004. CI Randomized Complete Block 4 No Static chamber NR NR For soil surface N2O flux measurements, 0.75 m  0.75 m frames (galvanized iron) were installed in each studied plot. The N2O flux was measured using 20 cm high closed boxes (PVC) installed on top of the frame and fixed with lockers as a static chamber (described in Petersen, 1999); in the summer, when the plants were higher than 20 cm, intersections (PVC) were used between the frame and the box. The N2O concentrations were analysed the same or the next days on a gas chromatograph (Varian 3300 GC equipped with ECD detector) as described by Maag and Vinther (1996). CO2 measurements made but on bare soil instead of crop JR 534,5